GUYANA ACTN o1.1 o f1 999 ELECTRICSIETCYT ORRE FORAMC T1 999 Ia ssent, BHARRATJ AGDEO, President. 13Stehp temI9b 9e9r., ARRANGEMENTSE CTOIFO NS SECTION PART I PRELIMINARY I.Shotritat nlcdeo mmceenment. 2.Interpretation. PRIC$E5:, 46-0T.bo0ep 0 u rchfarsoPemad r liOaffmiecGneet,o rgetown, Guyana. PRINTBEYDG UYANNAA TIONPARLI NTELRTSD . · 2 No1.l_2 _j_l_] _ __ __ �!:..:.;_:_.:._;_;_:A_.:c:.W::..:.:.S:.:..:.:.O;__F GL'_)_AS_A_ _ _....,�[-A-.JDl).9 'l PARlTl ELECTRICITY SUPPLY 3.Requirfeoamrl e inctae nnedcx ee mptthieorne from. 4.Authtogorr iatlnyit c efomrs: uepsop fel lye ctricity. 5.Tenannscd o ndiotfli iocnetsnso cu epsep lleyc tricity. 6.Procefodrlu irceaespn pclei cations. 7.Notoifgc rea notfli incge nce. 8.Dispoosfcih tairfoogrnle isc ences. 9.Powtegorr alnitc etnoLc occGsao lv ernment Authorities. 10.Effectoiflv iecneenscse s. Il .P rohiboinct eisosnoa flt iicoenon pseerda tions. 12.Actirveiqtuipierrsici oonrng s oefthn eMt i nister. 13.Modifiocfla itcieonncse s. 14.Extenosfli iocnesn ces. 15.Secucroimnpgl wiiactnohcn ed iotfiloincse nces. 16.Suspeannsrdie ovno coaftliiocne nces. 17.Consideforrga itviaino nongts oi fcc oem plisaunscpeeo,nr sion revocation. 18. Appeparlo cedures. 19. Purcohfua nsdee rtaking. 20. Geneproawlea rndsdu toifle isc ensees. 21. Suppolfey l ectbrypi ucbisltuiypc p liers. 22. Notoifcr ee quiroefam esnuotpfe p lleyc tricity 23. Contforras cutp opfel lye ctricity 24.E xcepttori eoqnusi rteosm uepenpltle yc tricity 25.P owteorr e quaicrcee potfra enscter uipcostnui poopnfels ly e ctricity. 26. Ratfeotsrh s eu popfel lye ctgreincepirrtaoylv: i sions. 27. Ratfoerts h seu popfel lye ctGruiycaEinltaey c tCroircpiotrayan udon GuyaPnoaw &e Lri gIhntc,. 28. Power tos ecrueforqrtui hitperya e y moefsn utm sfo rdt uhee soufpply electricity. 29. Specaigarle efmoetrnhs teus p opfel lye ctricity. 30. Regulfoartt ihsoeun psop fel lye cttroti hpceui btlyi c. 31.T echnsitcaanlda anprdod wsea rpsp litcopa ubbsllueip cp liers. 32. Acquiosfli atnidosn. 33. Condiutnidowenhrsi a cp hu bsluipcp mlaibyer reu apk stert.ece ts, 34. ConsoefnltoG coavle rnamuetnhto rity. 35. Condiutnidowenhrsi a cp hu bsluipcp mlaiayel rtp eors iotfpi iopanen sd wires. 36 . Modoefe ffecatlitnegor afpt oisoint ion of "obstruction" 37.Cutttirnebgeo su,ga hnosdt hveerg etation. 38.Sustaipnraobgirlaimtmye s. 39.Keepainnrdge ndebroioankcgsc ,o upnatpasen,rod st hreerc ords 40.Accouanntidin nfgo rrmeaptoirroetnqi unigr ements. 4l . Inforamnardte ipootnrob t es prboyvp irdievda te suppliers. 3 ELE( 'TSRE/CCTIROTERYF ORM [N1o1. A 1D9 99] PARITl l REFOROMF TEHEL ECTRICITY SECTOR 42.CreaotfGi uoyna Pnoaw &e Lri gIhntac,n. rd e lpartoevdi sions. 43.Transiotridoennroras el;q uirfeoamrl e inctef noGcru ey aEnlae ctricity CorporIantci.on, 44.Applicoaftb hAiecl atin tcdyo mmerciatlo o ppreirnaoctfiipolness GuyaPnoaw &e rL iIgnhct., 45.Employees. 46.Projfoertc htgese neroafet lieocnt ricity. 47.Savionfeg ffseo cfst e ct4i7(o 2on)ft hEel ectSreiccRtieotfryo A rcmt 1997. 48.Constrourec xtpiaononsfi i nosnt aolrlc aatpiafoocrnei slt eyc tricity generation. 49.Rurealle ctrpirfoigcraatmimoens . 50.Requirfoermc eonrtpsofo rramat neld o caotfhi eoand quaanrbdto eorkss anrde coirnGdu sy ana. PARITV MISCELLANAENODUS SUP PLEMENATL PROVI.S IONS 51.L iabialniimdtm iuensiot fsi uepsp alniodet rhse rs. 52. Immunoifpt eyr soopnesr awtaitwneogrr aknssd e wesryasgtee ms. 53.P enafolrtt hyue n authsourpiopsfele lyde ctricity. 54. Penafloutrny a utheolreiclstiernodiero cs t haeprp aroarit nusst allations. 55.P enafolrt yo bstorfpu ucbstliuiopcnp laicetrisv'i ties. 56. Penafolrut nya uthcoersissoaeftod ip oenr ations. 57. Penafolrut nya uthtorrainsseadc tions. 58. Penafolrft ayi tlomi anign stuasnitanab iiplriotgyr aamntmdoem sa intain ansdu bdmeivte loapnmedex npta npsrioognr ammes. 59.P enafolrft ayi tlomu arien otrpa rionv diodceu mreenptoasrn,otd ts h er information. 60. Penafolrct oyn tionffueinncge s. 61. Powteori nstpirtoucteee dings. 62. Paymoefpn etn alties. 63. Recovoefpr eyn anlotstip eesc ified. 64. Arbitrgaetniedorinas:lp c;uo tnecse prniunrgc ohfua nsdee rtaking. 65. Dutoifte hsMe i nister. 66. Mainteonfra engcies try. 67. Notices. 68. Savings. 69.A uthotromi atkryee gulations. 70. AmendmoefSn cth edules. 71. Repeal. 4 No1,1 ] LAWSO FG UYANA [A.O. 1999 SCHEDULES FirSscth e-dPualrAeta snB d SecoSncdh edule Third Schedule ANA CTt op rovfoirtd here e guelffaircc,io eonrtd,ai nnedac toendo smuipcopafell ly e ctricity anfodr m attienrcsi dtehnetroaerclt o on netchteerde with. AD.1 999 Enacbtyte hdPe a rlioafGm ueynatn a PARTI PRELIMINARY Shotrti atnlde I. ThAiscm ta bye c itaestd hE el ectSreiccRtieotfryo A rcmlt9 99 (!) commencement. (2) ThAicsst h aclolm e inotnso u cfhoa rstdc hae:\ey l inmiasyt ebry ordaeprp oainnddti ,ff edraeymnsat y abpep oifonrdt ieffde rent proviosfti hoAincsst . 2. Interpretation.I nt hAics-t (a)·A'g enmceya"tn hsGe u yaEnnae rAggye necsyt abblysi eschteido n No3.1o f 1997 3o ft hGeu yaEnnae rAggye nAccy1t 9 97; (b) "appodianymt"ee adtn hsde a oynw hitchhAi csot r,a npyr ov1s1on therceoomf,ie nsfot roc iean ccorwdiatsnehcc et1 i o(n2 ). (c) "authaorreimaes"ae tndhs ge e ograarpehwaii ctwahhlii nac h publsiucp pilasiu etrh otors iuspeepdll eyc tarssi efoctrti hit nay licgernacneut nedsdee rc t4oi rao nne xempgtriaonuntn edde r sect3ti oto hnpa utb sluipcp lier; • "Commisassti hoen "s ahm ea sm eianni nsgehcet iPounb l3i cof t (d) Utilimtmiiesss iCo9o99n; Act 1 NoI.O o f1 999 (e) "compeotr"i ctoomirpt"ei tiornne ,l"a ttoai nolyni cemnesaenes, respeacntpyie vreosltoyhnt e hrta hnle i ceonrts heaeec ,t iovfities any pseurcsahou nt,h obryail siecdeg nrcaenu tnedsdee rc t4oi ron ane xempgtriaonuntn edsdee rc t3ti oso unp eplleyc tricity; (f) "consmumeeaarnn"soy w noeror c cuopfpi reerm tiows heisac h pubsluipcp sluipeprol rhi aebsse ,er ne quetsost uepdp ly, electrwihcoipstreyei s,me asorc reo nnedcitreeodcri,t n ldyi rectly, witanhey l ecltiornroie tc h eelre catprpiacroaarlit n usst aolflation ap ubsluipcp tlhireowruh gihec lhe ctirsoi,ric csia tpyao bfle beisnugp,p lied; 5 A.O1.9 99] ELECTRSIECCITTROYER F ORM [No. 11 (g) "indepepnodweepnrrt o dumceearna"ns py e rswohnog enerates electforrit chpieut ryp oofss eel lititona gn otphuebrsl uipcp floirer transmdiissstiroinob,rsu attlioeco onn sumers; (h) "goverbnoidnmyge" a ntshb eo aorfdd irecitnto hcreas s oefa corpobroadttyeh,r e e sponMsiinbilisentt ehcrea soefa M inistry ora G overndmeepnatrt moertn htpe,e rsoorpn e rshoanvsi ng the ultiamuattheoi rnti hcteay s oefa noyt heenrt ity; (i)" Governmmeeannatss"a, p propirnti hcaeot net ext, the Governomrte hnSett aotreb ,o teha,ca hsd efdii nnse ectSio ofn Cap. 2:01 thIen terpraentGdae tnieCorlnaa lu Ascets; G) "licemnesaeanens"py e rsaount horilsiecde gnbrcyae nu atn edde r sect4io oran ne xempgtriaonnut neddse erc t3it oosn u pply electricity; (k)"loGcoavle rnmeanutt hohraitsth yse"� em eanaisni gns ectSion Cap2.: 01 oft hIen terpraentGdae tnieCorlnaa lu Ascets; (1)"Minimsetaentrsh"M e i nitsotw ehro tm haed minisotftr haitsion Achta bse en assigned; (m) "remismeesa"an nsly a nodra nbyu ilodrio ntghe erre ction ;:i wheresvietru ated; (n) "pripvuartpeo mseeasnt"sh s eu pployfei lnegc tbryai ncpyie trys on toh imsoeral nfoy t hpeerr soortn o, preomtihsteehrsafo ,nrp ublic purposes,i nasl piecceginrfcaieneu tdne ddse erc t4io oran n exempgtriaonnut neddse erc t3i;on to) "prisvuaptpel mieearna"sn p ye rswohnos uppellieecst forricity privpautrep oses; (p) "pubsluipcp lmieearan"ns p ye rswohnos uppellieecst forricity pubpluircp owsheisic,nh c laundi ensd epepnodweepnrrt o ducer; (q) "pubpluircp omseeasns"su ppleyliencgtt roci ocnistuywm ietrhsi n ana uthoarriesae;ci (r) "rurealle ctripfircoagtriaommnem aean"p s r ogmreaf mor extenedliencgt sreirvciticotae yna relao caotuetdst ihdaeer e tah at cabne econosmeirvcebadytl hlteyh eenx istingo ftfa hceilities pubsluipcp lier; (s) "sharmeesa"tn hsoe r disnhaaryar nepdsr eference shares rperesetnhteeiq nugi ty ocfaa p puibstluaiplcp lier; No1.1 ] LIIJS((i).iJf. \/ T. !AD..l l/<lll t) "StaTnedmrsaa rndCdo dntioisnm"e anssu tcmehsr a n d cnoidtnisog ovetrhnreliae ntngihs oi beptewnaep ubslupiplci er an dconsuas mmaeybr eisnc luidanel dic ceaend nm oidefidf rm o titmtoe i imanec corwdiaptnahcagr er a3p3oh ft he Third ThiSrcdh edule Schedule; "tSrategic Inovmepsatnoyro "rio turmm e catonhnsas ta icnvests in (u) GuyaPnoaw eri g&h tpL,u te tSou bas cSription Agreemetna nadS harehAogrledeembreesnt'twt eheen Goveranndms euncctmohp na yo rcosnortium; (v) "supmpelaianneysrp "e rssuolypnnip gel ectricity; (w) "supwphleytu,seh"dea s ran o uonrav eribnl,cu des the gnereaitno, stortaanrgsem,i dssitsbriuoiotn,n fui,r nios rshai olfne g electricity; (x)" sustya pirnoagbrimalemniamsbtet o"ah n an nu aanldar lloing five-ypelawahrnci hse tostui,tn h deei trlae quuidnreseretd ci on 38,t hmeann eirnw hcihap ubsluilipc epis rtoa chiesuvset aainnd thceu setsroe mrviecniegn,e earntiden cgh sntiacnadla rds neceyfos rsan ae frficcioe-notr,ad niedncn aootcmeaisdlu popfl y elcieticrytu ndrae l icgernactneost u epcduh lib scu lpipuednre r sceti4oo ranne xemtpigorna tnost uepcduh b sulppilc ui dneerr setcoin3, an"dde velaonpexdmp enainsotprn o gramemamnes" thpaotr otfais osutna inpaorbgirlaiwmthcmyihes e tosu t teh mannret rhoguhwh cihte hp ubslupiplcwi ie dlrele vlaodnpe xanpd itfacsi lanidtse irevsti boc e persio edvdt oco nmseus arndw hich, sbujteotc htpe r ovoifst iih Asoctna dsnt eht eromafls i coe rnce eexmipnot s,hlal b edeemteboed ad evelaonp edmxepnatn sion No. of11 9O9 9 progruanmdtmeehePr u bUltiiclC iotmimeiAssc s 1ti9o;9n 9 (y)··undemretatanhkaseis nsagen"ltd is a briellitattotihi eensg busionafpe usbssl uipcp lier, "wormkesal"na sbn udi,l mdaicnhgisen,qe uryi,pi mnevnetn,t ory, (z) elelcitnpreoislca,e p sp,a rfiatttuaispn,pg lsi,aa nandnc oyet sh,e r matttheirrn,ig gi,hn tt,oe rpr reosptie nrctlymu,od vianbgl e, tangainibdnl tea pnrgoipbelirent tye laplnredoc prteiurgathlyt s, ownoerld e absyaep de rasnoudns beydh idmi,r oerc tilnyd irectly, tos upply electricity PARIT I ELECTRICSIUTPYP LY Requiforrea m e3n.t (I)S ubtjsoeu cbts e(2c)at ni(4do) anp, se rsshonanols tlu pply licaennedcx ee mption electtaor nioyct ihpteeyrr osrto aonn ,py r emises or geographical therefrom. areeax,cu enpdaten irdan c corwdiattnhhtce ee ro mfals i cence graunntdeseder c 4t.i on 7 A.O1.9 99] ELECTRISCEICTTYOR ERF ORM (No. 11 (2)Subse(cIst)hi aonlnoal tp ptloty h ues eo rso ufp opfel lye ctricity froamne yl ectgreinceirctaaytp iaoacnnied tq yu ipwmhei-nc-th (a ) waisn stparlitlooter hda e p poidnaatyne wddh iicushs ed byap erfosrot nhp eu rpoofss uep pleyliencgtt roicity himsaenaldnf oy t hpeerr son; Cap5.6 :02 (b)isn,o twithtshtreae npodeftia hnlEeg l ecLtirgihActc itn,g authobryail siecdeg nrcaenp treitdoot r ha ep poidnatyed undtehrse a Aicdt ; (c)iasu thobryail siecdge rnacnept reitdoot r ha ep poidnatyed undaenrly a rwe maiinfonir ncogent hdaatoy r; (d ) iesl ectgreinceirctaaytp iaoocnfaic tlyao srds e scraisption mabye p rescbryti hbMeei dn ibsyt eorfor rdt ehpreu rposes ofex empitfrtio nmsg u bse(cIt)i:on Providneood r dtmeharadu ten dtehrsi usb seschtailoln controarnv uelntlehi pefyr oviosfail oincseg nrcaenu tnerdd e sect4i:o n Provfuirdtethdhe arats t, oe lectgreinceirctaaytp iaocni ty anedq uipamcetnuitan lsltayan lidlon ep de raptriitoootnr h e appointtehedex edmapyct,oi notnaisint nh seiudsb seschtailoln apptloay n rye placeeqmueinpotmft e hnseta meel ectricity genenrc aatpiasocoiuttgyobh eti nstoarpl llaeicdne otdpo e ration aftetrha ep poidnatsyeo,ld o nasgs ucehq uipamneidnt ts instaclolmapwtliiytao lhanl p plilcaawabsnlr dee gulaantdi ons conttiobn euu seef dot rhs ea mpeu rposes. (3) (a)Witrhe gtaoar ndey l ectgreinceirctaaytp iaocni ty which waisn stparlitlooter hda e p poidnatayen,pdy e rson clai.maeinxn egm putnidtoehnrsi esc tsihoawnli lt,h in nindeatyoysft haep poidnaotyrew dit shuiclnho nger peraisto hdMe i nimsatbyey or r dperre scgriiwvbreie t,t en notifitcota htMeii onnio sfst ueccrhl aainmtd h bea sis thereafcocro riwdnia stnuhcb es e(c2t)i.on (b ) Witrhe gtaoar ndey l ectgreinceirctaaytp iaowcnhi itcyh ap erisdsoe ns iorfio nusst altlhiaenp gp oaidfnattyee.rd anpye rcsloani amnei xnegm ptisounb suen(cd2te)iro n shanloll a,tt henarin n deatypysr itoosr u cihns tallation, giwvrei tntoetni ftiotc haMeti inoiansn ttdeot r h e Agenocfsy u ch tchlbeaa istmih,se rieanfoc rc ordance witshu bse(c2ta)in,tod hn te e chsnpieccailf oifcations theel ectgreinceiretaqytu iiopnwm heinsctuh cp her son idse siorfio nusst alling. 8 No1.1 ] LAWOSF GUYANA [A.1D9.9 9 (c ) Thfaei loufrp eea r tsoog nin voet ifitcotah tMeii onni ster undpearr ag(raoa)r(p bho) rt, ot hAeg enucnyd er parag(r)bsa, hp ashlu lbj seuccpthe rtsoot hnpe e nalties provfoirdi ensde ct5i3o.n (d ) Witthwienn tdya-yaosftn erere ceniovtiinfigfrc oamtion any puenrdspeoarnr ag(ar )oa r(p bha) n adft ecro nsulting witthhA eg enicntyh c ea osfen oat ifiucnadteiron parag(r)bta, hp Mehi nisshtanelortl si ufycp he rson whetihnteh rMe,i nisters'uscp heo rpqsiuonanil ofinofi,re s theex empctliaoianmn eiddsf,,o g ,r atnhetex emption claiumpeotdne ramnscd o ndistpieocniistnfi h eed exemption: Provtihdnaeoted x empgtriaonuntn edtdeh ri s paragsrhaacplohln troarnv uelntlehi pefyr oviosfi oan s licgenrcaenu tnedsdee rc tion 4. (4) Ap ersshoannlo blter equtioor betda in uan dsleeircc t4einocne ora ne xemputnidtoehnrsi esc tihifeos nu ppellieecsts roilceiltyy to hiamnsndeo tltoaf n,oy t hpeerr son: Provtihdsaeutdcp he rhsaofisnl aer de pwoirttthh e Miniasnttdeh preu bsluipcp ilni ewrah uotsheo arriesae d sucphe risssou np pleyliencgtt roi chiiotmnaysf eolrtfmo, bep rescbryti hbMeei dn ister 4. Subjteotc hpter oviosfti hoAincsstt h,Me i nimsatgyer raa n t Authotrogi rtayn t (I ) licewnhcimeca,hby e a ne xclluiscievaneuc teh,oa rnipyse irnsgo n licefnoscrue psop fl y tos upeplleyc tfropiruc bioltrpiy rc,i vpautrepao nsfdeo asrp eriod electricity. nottoe xcetweedn tyye-afuripsvo,en tseuracmnhscd o ndiatsi ons mabye s peciitnfih eledi ceannscdue b,jt eotc hfteo llowing pripnic-eis (a) al icmeaniycn ec leuxdcel uassai gvaiittnhyse t Government; (b) subjteotc hpter oviosfai nolyni sc gernacnett oape udb lic supptlhiAiecsrt , t ahGneud y aEnnae rAggye nAccyIt9 97, No. of31 19 97 thMei nisshtagelrrlaa nl ti cetnoac nae p plfioctrah net supopfel lye ctwriitachniai tunyt hoarriwesiaet dwh hiinc h ap ubsluipcp lainee rx chlalusis cietvnoe c seu pply electitrfhi Meci intiyas ftteceror n,s ulwtiatthpi uotbnhl ei c suppalnitdeh arep pliificsar snsattt, i tshfitaehtrde e gular, saafneed ff icsiuepnoptfel lye ctbryti hpceui btslyui pcp lier tot haep plainctdaoa n ntoy t hpeerr tshotanht ae p plicant proptooss uepswp ilteyhl e ctirnsio nctoi owt riy nt, h e foresfueteuarrbeela ead vialiyol nra ebalseo tnearbmlse, 9 A.O1.9 99] ELECTRSIECCITTROYER F ORM [No1.1 whiictnhh c,ea osafep risvuaptpwelh uioers e elsec tricity focro mmeorric nidaulps utorrspiesashli,a n lcll ude considbeytr hMaeit niioosfwnt h eertt hhpeeur bs luipcp lier casnu peplleyc atntr omi ocritetht yah nce o stw otuhladt be incubrytr haeepd p liihfce a nwttego re en etrhaet e elechtirmisaceniildtgff,yr ; a nbtyte hMdei nissutcehr , licsehnbacele l vf aolri dto htfe hn eto errmmao ltf hlei fe equiptmobee un tti blyti hsaeep dp lfoirtc hagene tn eration ofe lecturpti aomc aixtiyom,tfu w me ntyye-aafirnvsde, shraelsltt hraeip cptlt isoc ealngltii vnigdn,ig s torri buting electthori imcshieitrlsyef, l ahtieismv pelso,y ees and officisaclhsoa,ot lhscl,le utcbiascn, ta ennedon ns- profit organiitsnah itemi moendvsii acotitfenh iseto yuo rhfci es genercaatpiaocni ty; (c)pritoogr r analt iicntegao nn ic ned eppeonwdeernt prodfuotcrheg ere neroaeftl rieioccfntio strayt la oep ublic supptlhMieie nri,ss htbaeelsr al t i-sfied (i)t htahtge o vebrondioinbfego s tt hhie n dependent powperro daunctdehp reu blict ows huitpchphel ier independpernotdp urpcooepwrtoe osr e sse ll elecftortrir caintsaymn iddsi ssitortnio b ution consumearpsp rthohavtevee edra mncsdo nditions upon swuhecilhce hc wtirblieplc u irtcybh yat shee d pubslupiplcia ensrdu, tc ehr amncsdo nditions insaostfa hrre eyl tarota eth eafusvrt eh beere n apprboytv heCedo mmiistnsh ieeox ne rocfii tsse authuonrdsieetrcy 3t i15oo) ntf ( hP eu bUltiicl ities No1.0 o f1 999 CommiAscsti o1n9 99; and (iit)h tahtte e ramncsdo ndistoai popnrasor vee d commerpcriuadalenvlndiyt a, wb ilnleolatd versely affeocrwt ie lnlh atnhsceye s tecma-pwaicdiet y, reliaanbediffi lciioteftyn h cpeyu bsluipcpa lnide r, arceo mpawtiintbahlt eie onneparolgl yi cy; (d)ap ubsluipcp lliicemeran'aycsu e t htohpreui bssleui pcp lier top urcehltaersciefc riaotnmiy n deppeonwdpeerrno td ucer forre statol hpeeu blic. (2) Al icgernacnuetn edtdehs rie sc sthibaoedln el e mtebodea statiuntsotrruaymst e htnaettir dsme fiinsnee dct 5io otfn h e Ca2p:.0 1 InterparnGedet naeCtrliaaolunA s cets. I 0 No1.1 ] LAWS COUFA X.·1 [A.1D9.9 9 Teramnscd o ndiotfi ons 5. Al icgernacnebt yte hMdei niusntdeserer c t4i ominan yc lude- licetnosc uepsp ly electricity. (a) thaec tiivnwi htiitcehhlse i ceinpsse erem ittoet negdat gheia,st , thgee nersattoirotanrg,ae n,s mdiissstiroifunbr,un tiisoohrni,n g saolfee l ectricity; (b) suclhi mwiittswh hiinac nhcd,o ndiutnidwoehnris ec lhe,c tirsicity tob es uppilniceldSu,td ainnTdgea rramdns Cd o ndiftoiromnisn g angdo vertnhcieon ngt rraecltautabileo tnvsc,hoeinepsn u amnedrs thpeu bsluipcp lier; (c) itnh cea osfeal icfoernt chseeu popfel lye ctfropiruc biltiyc purp,to hsees auatrhweoiart iwhshieindtc hhpe u bsluipcp mlai\er supeplleyc tricity; (d) itnh cea osfeal icfeontrchs eeu popfel lye ctfropirrc iivtayt e purpotshpeee sr,os rop ne rsoortn hspe,r emtiosw ehsit,ch he licemnassyeu ep eplleyc tricity; (e) provifosrei nofnostr hcpeie nrgf orbmval niacc eeo nris tdesue t ies irne lattoti hsoeun p opfel lye ctbryti hicemi ptovs oiftion penaalntfodir et shr,ee vocoaftt hileoi nc ence: (f) thlei mitoanot,rai m oenc haonfti hscema lcuolfta htpeir oinc .:s tob ec harbgyte hdle i cefnotsrhes eeu popfel lye ctfrriotcmii mtey tot ime; (g) proviasuitohnosir nisspieancgnit dni ryoq nuf irotmi tmoet ibmve thl've1 inainstdth reeer l elvoacGnaotlv ernamuetnhto rities. (h) condirteiqountishrl eii ncget nors eenepd aeyrm oentn htge r anting oft hlei ceonrpc aey,md eunrtti hnvega liodfti hlteiy c eonrce. botihns,u cahm ouansmt asy sbpee ciitnfih eledi cence: (i) wheiranen ,ay r oerpa a orfat n a rienwa h iacnhpy e risson authotrosi uspeepdll eyc turnidacenirlyt i yc etnhpceee r,is nsoo nt himstehlleof cG aolv ernamuetnhtoa rnpiyort vyi,s ainodns restrdiecetmeiexodpn esd biyte hMneit n ifosret nearb tlhieng locGaolv ernamuetnhtwo irtiwhthiyon js uer istdhiaacrttoe irao n paorfat n a riesat, oe xeracnioysft e hp eo wreos ft hpee rson licensseedc t4uwi niodrtneeh r s pteotc hbter eaukpoi fna gn y strreeepta ibryta hlbeol cGeao lv ernamuetnhwtoi rtihtiyn the area orp aorfat n a raenatd h e alotfte hrpeao tsiiootfani n opyni poers wiruensdt ehrse t raenendto b,te itnhpgei poerws i roefts h e licepnesresadon ondfl, i mitthpieon wgea rnlsdi aboiflhtie ties licepnesreisdrno enl atthieorne to;