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P rei ek ared dnote aks rcdp gute : cog, 205 zap mages AO8sD sHlema etme oR oda Ford 2 chucle, emend, Oeer, deer ae, oae, Sorkiens - 560002 Zace%: Oar-22113147 remo vil + 54 ent am 18 rier 11) sevony aney angio dato 60/- : Beene 7 ie mem, ody shore — 3 SANTHAKAVI KANAKADASA Written by: Dr Ganesh Chikkamagalumt ‘Traslated by: Dr Geeta Shengy, Bangalura Published by: National Saint Poet Kanakadaca and Research Centre, Bengaluru And Karmataka Konkani Sahitya Academy. + July 2015 Copy Right Nacional Saini Poct Kanadase Sludy and Research Centre 20 Fave, Chalukya division, Kannada Bhavan, JC Road, Bengalun-02 First Impressin Pages vill +54 ‘Shee + U8 Demi Paper tlsed = 70 gem NS, enaplichs Price 2 Rs. 60% Printed by + Pavan Graphics Indastry, Mangalaru - 3 ena ewago pylon xeseo execon Saad eRe sovetrien teogae seisoomod ite spond madi, sctrmode woes. riodeegis. Geum eh smd mone meet eee. tk ts moines Geaaseeries geri Ache wake edd, equates from Bao asfo Hgsioemod eeieesBco amyOT. 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