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"tElnoufrardf' SantaC ruzC ounty:LocaAl genda2 I A SustainableC ommunityA ction Plan Our Agenda the 2I st CenturY fo, FINAL DRAFT for consideration by SantaC ruz CountyM unicipalitiesa ndt he boardo f Supervisors Dedication ThisL ocalA genda2 1 documenifs dedicatedto the memoryo f Stephen8 . Ross,e ducator,a rtistp, eaceb uilder,a nd foundero f the SantaC ruzC haptero f the UnitedN ationsA ssociation... for hisu nwaverings upporta nd dedicationt o preparinga map for a sustainablfeu ture. Publishebdy ACTIONS antaC ruzC ounty& TheU nitedN ationAs ssociatioonf SantaC ruz September,1997 Coordinateadn dE ditedb y JeanneN ordland For informatiorne gardingo rderingp, leasec ontact: ACTIONS antaC ruzC ounty 325C rowsN estD rive BouldeCr reekC, A 95006 (408)3 38-6013 Thisd ocumenwt asp rintedb y TheY outhO pportunitieJso bT rainingP rograml,o cateda t the DoubleR ainbowC afe. lt wasp rintedw itha n environmentally-frienRdislyo grapmh achine, whichu sesn on-loxiicn ka nd9 8%l esse nergyth anp hotoc opiers. Pinted on recycledp apar provideda t cost by GordonP usser. This documentt ext recreatedf rom oiginal pinted release SAM trA8F . -:_ ttsi:rcT :,rL F:t\rr _:,\c*cF-q Bu,!91\c irAS-,\c-.N DC :05 I 5!15 I CCMMITTEOEN AGFICUrL'- lF€ 20212 25_2851 SUECOMM'ftEES €ongre9lio f tbeM niteb5 t ates 0lsrRrc'r'oFFtCES L,IESTOC<O etFv rro Plur'qv R€souncE CcNs€Rvanoil. AEsErncx rro 380A rvanrs6 51pgE1 Eoa€stav l$ousoef ReprrEentedstib MONTEAEYC,A 93940 ra08)E r$-3555 COMMITTEOEN R ESOURCES @agflngronB, € 205t5-0517 100W €sr ALrsaL SugccMMrrE Es : SALTNASC,A 9390I F sHEFtEs.W rLouFE,A to OcEANs '|/aIEF A\O POWEF \4081 424-2229 O€vocar rrc FE6toNALW H't June3 , 1997 70l OCE^NS rB€Er RooM3 19 Serre Cauz.C A 95060 JeanneN ordland,D irector r4(j8)4 29_1978 ACTION-SantaC ruz County 335C rowsN estD rive BoulderC reek,C A 95006 DearM s Nordland. I am '"vritingto congratulatey ou, the AdvisoryB oard andt heA CTION SantaC ruz Ct'trtt| coalitionf ,orc ompletingth e "Local Agenda2 I " ActionP lan. Your effortsa ret o be commendeda ndw ill makea n importantc ontnbutionto the futureq ualityo f life in SantaC ruz County I supportt he pnncipleo f sustainabldee velopmentot balanceth e needso f economic growth,e nl'ironmentaslt ewardshiapn ds ociale quity The "Local Agenda2 1" Action Plann ot on.lyh asl ocal significancei,t alsow ill have regionaal ndn ationailm pacts As you know, the President'Cs ouncilo n SustainablDee velopment is beginningP haseII I of its work with an emphasios n sustainablceo mmunitiesI.n addition,I haveb eens pearheadinag similare ffort, known asl v[ontereyB ay 2l st Century,t o developa processf or sustainabldee velopmenpt lanningf or the entireM ontereyB ay region( SantaC ruz, Montereya nd SanB enito Counties). I look forward to working wrth you on opportunitiesfo r collaboratioanm ongt heseg roups. In the lv{ontereyB ay Region,w e are blessedw ith a uniquea ndb eaut.ifupl lacei n which to live and work. We havea strongc ommitmentt o environmentapl rotectiona nd qualitye ducation and a stronge conomyb asedo n agriculture,t ourisma nd mariner esearcha ndt echnology. As we move toward the 2l st Century,I beiievei t is an appropriateti me to pausea nd asko urselvesh ow we will sustaint heseq ualitiesa nd build upon them for our descendantsI. appreciatey our dedicationto rheg oalso f sustainabldee velopment. Sincer SAM FARR Membero f Conqress SFd b MIKTEDO N RECYCLEPOA P€R - ACTION SantaC ruzC ounty ...a Model SustainableC ommunity Campaign ADVISORY BOARD Septenber 1997 Lynne Cooper Duecto&r Co-Foundoefr Dear Friends, TheH omelesCsa rdenP ropct Diane Bridgeman, Ph.D. The SantaC mz County "Local Agrnda 21" process started soon after the Earth LrcssedP sychologut; Suqrmit tn 1992,w ith steering commrttee and coition meetings. ln October of 1993a nd BoardC tuu, PeacCe h.ild-SanCtar uz also 1994,o n UN Day, ACTION-Santa Cruz County and the Sl.ot" C*, Chapter of the United Nations Associationc ollaborated on two local S.E.E.D.'Su:nmitsa t ilylonnek Tony Hill RetreatC enter rn Soquel,e ach drawing about 125p eople. Partigrpantss elf-seiectedt o Drector.A lliancef or Inprovrng fwelve SpecialF ocusA rea Round Tablesa nd beganto envision a 'sustainable,,f uture. Rlcef uiauoru;A ccessU nlimried RoundT able meetings followed, and our Action Plan began to take shape. During the Scott Kennedy entire processa consensusm odel was used, along with the Guiding Prirrciplesp rin"tedo n SantaC ruz Citv Counol; the back of this letter. To date, more than 150t loups, organizatioirs,b ..rir"rres, agencies, FormeMr avor and hundreds of individuals have coilaboratedon *ris document. Paul Lee This June in New York Ciry, Ear*r Summit II took place and there was a renewed Co-FounderH, omelessC arden ProlecuP res..E cotopral,n c- rnterestt o see this Processc ompleted. As editoc I took on the challengeo f updating and :":li"q the report. This meant passing the chaptersb y tJres crurin/of experts in each Pattie Mills field and then, of cours€, another round of agreementsf rom key Round Thble particlpants Edrtora nd Publuhero f ... no small feat. Tfu ConnzcfioMn agazrnc What we have at last are the cumrrlative hopes, ideas, and expertise of the people Ann-Marie Mitroff Coopera[veT echnologesa nd whose n;rmesa PPeara t the bottom of eachc hapter-- plus many otheis who contrrbuted Services[n ternahonal bits and pieces. Yet this is only a bepnntngl This is very much a work in progress -- an organic Processt hat wrll be adjusted and refined as our understanding )lga de Santa Anna-O'Brien "1rol'r"i. Educator,B itrngualS peoalist, Where do we go from here? That will depend on all of you who read this blueprint St'renceM entor for a sustainable 21st cenhrry in our county. ln March of 1993,t he Board of supervisors endorsedt he Agenda 21 proposal and in January,1 994,o fficially approved the process Nick Papadakis ExecufrveD rector, Assocnbono f and agreed to seriousiy consider the document as a poticy gurde. *i wrll no* rrrb*it tt it \{onterevB ayA reaC ovemments " Local Agenda 27" to the SantaC ruz Counfy Board of Supervisorsa nd to municipalities for approval to be a guide for poliry recommendations. Perhaps a Local Commission for Daniel Robin S.ustainability wrll be formed to overse€ and aid administration of this plan, addressing D:ector.S ustainabQieu altry the neecisc outmon to all. The next steps are dependent on each organization, business, Awards Progra-rr agency, institution, and-person heeding the call to work collaboratively toward the goal Celia Scott of creating a "susLainabiec ommumty" -- making our individual and co-llectivev oices an4 SantaC ruz Cirv Counol; actions felt from one end of this county to the other and beyond. Now is the time, and.w e Attomey are the generation that must heed this calling. Our future really is "in our hands.,, BarbaraV ogl, M.Ed. Sustainably, ChangeM anagementS ystems (in memoriam) Steve Ross PresidentU, rutedN anoru Assoc.. SantaC nrz Chapter;E ducator Coordinator & Editor DIRECTOR feanneN ordlandM, .Ed. Drector of ACTION-SCC (' 5.E.E .D. = Social,E nuironmenta&l, EconomicD eoelopmentt 325C rows Nest Drive Boulder Creek,C A, 95006 Tel: ,108-338-6013 Email: [email protected] * PRINCIPLESO F AGREEMENT COMMUNITY FOR DEVELOPINGA SUSTAINABLE we go forward' with our "Local Agenda 21"' we will seek to: 11D and interests with fuu participation of ali ethnic groirps' the 1. rynocultuhd,e e aldile crso,m um.,JulJnti"ty,Z Fr,o, upfistt y honor both our unity & diversify; and treat all with respect' 2. pmreoevitdineg o. p(Tpohfetu vniaitbieilsir yfo or ft hi^ep ct"ormr.,mlru,tn"1itiy6 na ot fla "rigoe.u tlo ceogn"ttr idbuu t2e1 w ditehpoeunt dhsao vni ntog tatol iantctelunsdiv aity') Establisha n Information sharing Network focusedo n our "sustainability'" J. /l Lookforcreativewaystocollaborate,avoidingduplicationofefforts. t. 5. Establish positive working rerationships with business,t he education systems' government' social institutions , orgarizations, media, and all segments of society' provideavalues-basededucation,withrespectfo.rallpeople?:.t"tu*andalloflife' 6. Ed.ucatet he communiry at large uuo,r, individuar r"rt'o"Jibiliry encouraging a positively- focused communifY emPowerment' 7. Mwea xriimveiz oef fc othnes einrtvearteiosnt o aunrd ednevvieroronpm reoncta pl rreonveidlveasb wreitr heosuotu rdceesst,rs ooy tinhga ti,t sa sc mapuictahl absa speo'ssible' 8. cfaornerd aw tteoh raakt vtthhitiaasti caeorcleioe bncaotsimveeyd w w oenita h,l, *riai-g "vhriit a lbi'r,err" "aGpnopdo" rast "u saatnandidn sa;kub"sl etae icno wnaeoslm lw ibecel sli ynasgst epfomrro ,da culrlec' tast itnhga ot pspuostrafuinru litfiee;s and socialw ell-being are mutually 9. Recognizet hat environmentalq ualiry:.9.:.T:lealth, A healthv interdependent- """i'o*--t''i'^t,*"^q3*:".3:f;t:ff:n:il1#:['fi"#tJ" l:Tiiffi r:'J:'i,,?;;;;'";il;tahearthye"nvironmel::f:^'ffH'^::11,iffiH' "g;g'*iii ore conomsiecc toorr t hep opuration' ;X::jff:Hlll'ot"J; ili".. and restore the natural environment' 10. Protect,P reserye, ,,development,i,n ways that bring about improvementi n the qualiry of li'e for all' 11. Define and strategiesa, nd be willing to 12. Look beyonds anta Cr.vzfora dditionars uccessful.program: shareo ur model with other communitiesa round the world' .This tistr epresmtas c onsolidatioonf pnncipleas greeudp onb y allp articipanttso date' TnnrEO r CoNTTNTS INTRODUCTION (Historical Perspective,D efinitions, Goals & purpose of "Local Agenda 21,,) 12 SPECIAL FOCUS AREA REPORTS: Agriculture (Sustainablef arm.ing,u rban agriculture, edible landscaping) Biodiversity & EcosystemM anagement 6 (organic preservation and restoration, forestry, waterways, ocean) Education 18 ("whoie svstems"f oundation, values,r esponsibirifye, mpowernent, arts,m edia) Energy 30 (Altemative energ.ye, fficiencv retrofittrng) Housing 31 (Affordable homes,f amily and commuruty concems,l and use) Population 39 (Rate of growth, family pianning, reproducti.ven ghts) Public Health 42 (Quality of li-fe, biological integrity, promotion of wellness,p lant-basedd iet) Resources& Recycling 48 (Material resources,c onservation,3 R,s: reduce,r eus€,r ecycle) SocialJ ustice Poverfy & Women'sI ssues 54 Homelessness 58 Ethnic Dversity & Discrimination 6T Violence & TeerrI ssues 63 Toxic Technology & Waste Management 67 (Manufacttrre and use of toxrns, hazardous waste, clean up) Transportation 74 (Altemative transportatron modes, lrip reductron, ail qua.llfy) Viable Economy 80 (" Sust arnable " b usrnessp ractices,f inance,j obs) IrirnoDUCTroN Global andH istoricalP erspective goveNlTalmhieonntsso m f etht ein w sotorlcdk hfiorslmt b, eswgaend teon r feocro i gcruonzeJte hree nnecee- do fuotr Jgri o*ib ai.l te',n wvairso bnomren nthtaei p ulnaintendin Ng ant ioLngsz Eznwvhueonr7u 0rtent Programme( LlvEP)' soon UNEP and the United Natrons Educational,S cientific,a nd Cultural orgaruzation aC(udoNdnrTseSesrCsveoad)t i'so bones tghhaaent Ut eogn myit e-o dua n Nftoa arhenom ennnsnv aierpro ponofr niAnegienedtna dale a wd 2uo1cr.la dHt ioCownoc emavmmei:p,s atstrirog! nnqi n.u I enEs 1ntl9vo8inr4o o,Lnf NmdeEevPnet ahl onepdlpm Deeednv tteo wl poaupsbm sLteiilsnl htnw t ohhte ica whdo eprqrldoudautecleyd a rePort called our commonF uture. Then for the first hime," swtainable developmenf, was defined as,,meetingt he needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to rreet their own lneedsl..r as etI-nr"e JE uanreth,i s9u9m2,m thiet, u" ntoitoe-dkp Nlaacteio tnns R cioon dJee.rJeannceeoir nob ,E rlnnvgirinogn mtoegnett ahnedrw Doervlde lolepamdeenrstt( otr tf{occEuDs o),n p eonpvuirloan;lmy eknnot awn-dn cevelopments sues The most substanhald ccurnent to Jcm! cui of the Earth summit is calledA genda 21, a guide 'ud rvorkplan'a greedu pon b1'1 79n ahonso f the world inclucirngo ur own, for what must be done ro live sustarnabiv as we nove rrrtot he 21stc enfunt. t"lA''egc ehnadiale2 n1g aedsod :r e'.shscne esi$ xer .perneisusiyin. gpI tr roebfileemcr.ssoa f g tiooiblaayic aonnds aelnsosau isam nsa a [tp p'oretiptiacrauci .orgmth me wirmoreldn tfa otr the hrghestl evelj on deveiopmenta nd envuo.r*"nf .ooperation. Its .successfur.lm plementationL sf irst and forerrostt he responsrbilitvo f Governments.N itional strategresp,l ans,p oliciesa nd processes ate crucral.rna chievrngt iris' interrrationacl ooperations hould t..,ipori and supplem"r,tr ,l.n nahonal efforts' In this ccnte.rt,t he United Nations system rtas i iey role to piay. other inter- nationai, regronaialC sub-regronalo rganizations. re ilso called upon to conlnbute to this effort. The broadestp ublic participation and the active involvement of the non-governmental organizationsa nd other Sroupss hould also be encouraged."2 [Emphasisa dded.] Chapter 28 of ''rgenda2 1 specificalv ca.Lifso r eachc ommunitv to formulate iLso wn LocalA geado 2L. The prccesss uggestedis that representafiveslr om all strategic io*" togethert o give definition to ,,sustainabi_litv,, on the locaLl evel and support plans and projects that rvlll le"ra"d" ,t he .o*rr.riu,ity in that d-irection. "Local authorilies construct, operatea nd mamtain economic,s oqal and environmentaj infra- structure,o verseep lanning Processese, stablishl ocal environmental policies and regulations, and assistr n r-mplementrngn ahonai and subnahonal envi-ronmentapl olicies. As the level of governancec losestt o the people, they play a vital role in educating,m obilizing and responding to the public tc promote sustainabled eielopment.,, "Each iocai authoriry should enter into a dialogue rt'ith its citizens, local orgamzations and private enterprisesa nd adopt "a local Agenda zi." tluoug}r consultationa nJconsensus-bulding, local authonties would leam from crtizeru and from local, civic, communify, busyressa nd Lndustrialo rgaruzationsa nd acqurret he inJormabon needed for formulaturg the best slrategies.,,3 Following the Earth Stun-mit,t he tJnited Nations set up the u.N. Comm:ssiono n SustainableD evelopment to monitor Progresss pawned by that momentous gathering. V*y conmr-udhesa roqnd the world have imtiated local Aqenda 21 plans for sustainabled evelopment. The tnte-mationa.Cl ouncil for Loca.lE nvkonmental lnitiatrves (ICLEI), basedi n Toronto, Canada,i s tracking thesei nitiatives and offering support. Under the Clinton admrnis- tration, the United Statesf orrred a Presidents Cotrncil on SustarnableD ev"elopmentw, hich developed recommend- afions for a nafional sustainabled evelopment action strategy plan. Their ,.ptrt, published rn rebruary, 1996i,s enhtled, "SustarnableA merica - A new Consensusf or the Fiture." w'rth the i"pp-oCrot uonfc tilh e president,sC ouncil and federal financial assistancet,h e National Association of Counties and the U.S. of Mayors have established a /ornt Center for SustahableC ommunihes to facilitatec ollaborativep lanning. I "our Common Future,"w orld Commrssiono n Environment & Development,O xford Uruversily press,1 9g2. : "Agenda 21,"( Ch. 1 3), i,I N. Conferenceo n Environment& DeveiopmentJ, une3 - 14,1992U, nited Nahons,N .y. r "Agenda 21."C hapter2 8,s ections1 and 3. what hasb eent he global resPonseto the concepto f "sustainabilit/'? .|neglobalmovementfor,,sustarnabrliry,,issfrong.somel50countrieshaveestabiishedNationa.lCotrncrls orthhnao stuu igashvtam ei aocbsrtleelya ditnee dlvua es rsto iu1ps mctaoei.nnrnato tbr i '"si,tr ym* caia iamrp upro*a.arifg'"inJXs,yh .; o;;*";e, furE"*, ; "Pm,a"1in ,yg1 @o,1tch "o emrU cmnoiumtemmdt uiSentsaih [teaesvsw e ae cr erae iranetv oeondllev o eocdfa j ulw Asigtth e1 n9scd uoasm t2a1min puaiambnitesie,s J"u"lopm"t t Proiectsa nd activitses' ,,Sustainabilif'? what constitutesa "sustainablec ommuniv'? what is cataonkndef Trononh fnr etot rutmreser a ntmhsae swti "ooesfn pufaircsarit,an asl tfi oIanJrtaN eob, rc diril.etiovtf*yi,onc".io"t nimodnm",su szumtuastrtutyear,*d" 'J.r o n*Tnaah iPbveial ddegeldlerfei i n'v ipteiaolorntaspug muurs.aete ptndhlit f" 1"ora'pr r tFehrieon" rphc u rtptefh,oaransstet i d.naseg U9flifoyn tubrhttieitt o hi"nneL gw omuecasa cjelo iAedr gcbciehvunatchdleltaemh U2ag1tre:"us at terJedraNtations A ,,sustainabreco mmunit/, is one in which the inh*"a b'i?ta9ni1tsir p"nrattc3t ice ag l"ilte'"s'utyhloet ttht atot r mviene mt etheet icr roew nne needesi osf' the pArvr ei"ssseuee snnttaoh rufeng aihnbn itoelsnt o atoct.r roe..rt.Ynr-d"l. se^ irormyn e:n teehw iattthth t.uoe'urti t tsp." up;;"h;t;vl;'sto i'c'"a' lo rglt"s- 'stuo'cuitaiols 'tvss"toenm" tsho af ts iusplaprc-srte'eing enough' flerrble enough' and cs,u)snttai,n,isunuiansbgtai jrjiifnteya o,b mnil oitthyse"t " puiirt.aerynraoel.tl".y . mw. eoaanun,idis n - "o gptrh""er". ,ra-uib'y,ili,i1 nry"o tot orn. eimyr eaviinynb.tral*ei"r tttt oe'-nggea, scef,bl uj uoutvt -eharoc fwtimu daeon' ywIr tJe rs ariimcvhipnrlgeyi v nhetiaot ?s t htoe d2o1 swt citehnruryl equiTtvo. ac,h,sieuvsetaa r snuasbtlaedj neavbelleof^ upt|mrur"rs,^e, -,Lt w,o,, e"cr amal1u -sl.tr b*"arlya ncoenc orhnecseemt rs,f ro r uep,c, t'ourl.io "ygi pcEe41 rhte:ad iw{n,t i on sebaceno antadoCd mrmeicszv s citeoadluii nrny dr yae'nt Iadi i lis swo tichtihaeiln tcshooencrsr a2eln) Sa snpudeso ctfh iea.rF irs royscn ce,orrasAgl ii'ts"iomuns t h otaoft neontseu tehse r rior.*i,;-ieftfrli,e'""l a';ct-ioio'lFnla-:sb;lho-iip}a-.tu ]io*"w,n "b"re, fwtehe"n* lll ttos"t.r apiei-glliacr asr (eeansvw i.ritnhmine nthtaisl' deoccounmoemnitc'' and Does, ,sustainabled eveloPrstent,, rneang rowth? ft: dictionery d"9:.' qtowth aso ar nb einttcerre satsaeter n"' pShiymspiclay .pIs uizte' , wgqog;,rrfJh, oohroihwwliweleett. hh Tp,,iJ uh[sm,ee tttume isnneaoaiegtlnpm sr tstm loheet o e emsG ngrsua rl teoos-"t*traw" "Jubd*tJlhi, togf i "mng a eatnhr"tn,dete"oorB-.ry nw er phuehy,oia.iorl stolen iszn.,ddi reob get .,lh "oe*rferIe. ,"- ;f gl *iopm"*p.i;rir im *"tosr*et*J,",ni*-,f""T yt. T'o r"rrreT^oA p*pivoo la,ri faon'r *,i etUf.go .ti,ie i"iEiJ"'t,pt"""'olbjt^ii tnen* ttt 't bd eeera "v:s" e'uplTAulsroltcto-op^"cvaps^oii,dt nrtd :ihdLenivJi:dgno.ew" ngmrtoes taoroirfdn r iDeesd os sbt,enoya re nvttlardliarci ikee sM vsapteo oblaal ohvndueueotsmtw i'' t as'Is tn'uu c dnbsoodet-aaeeiniunsrgs atnhstboaoltnerd rt, act on it, *a bring it into being'"{ ,,inJonnabonal, social, and institutional mechanisms to keep in check the pstshuooascstiti etAatiht'i yenes, aus mfbm seltaeeaattd trehenbneraaia acbclolr k rem*I .so Jivob'o*icin.pnrigesgas t,ttyyhtioa manntu odcsfataht pr urmdoos opau€ i.genr"hxtat"app"uiuqonol"n n"ei,"w n* ptoitaqu'"llq dpr!, o* h*p .au"valle ti otto.n.r tm.oo *roe.Jute'or"tp gte*iycye or.- n.r o mtt.i slntt ooHcrcaedlpr.entiyrtta a lwtn go oDr bouaewldl vpt h'hh,s ay tsvrriecrIe tanoe' l o clbyores dn ucecosrlr tnttaorfoii ngbnauesbr :seleodt c hsieoally . its rates of use of renewable resourcesd o not exceedt heir rates of regeneration' . ILsr ates of use of nonrenewable resourcesd o not exceed the rate at which sustainable renewable substrtutesa re develoPed' . lts rate of pollution emission does not exceed the assinilative capacity of the environment'"S Donelra H. Meadows, syndicatedc orumnist and for:nder of the Global citizen, Box 58' Plainjield' NH' 0378'L' ;;;;"d ii.e Limits,DonellaM eadows' et al' pgs' 209'210

the Santa Cruz Chapter of the United Nations Association Email: actionsc@ cruzio.com (Affordable homes, family and commuruty concems, land use) .. CSA West produced a CaliJomia Regional CSA Directory and cedeveloped a 50
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