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Safety and Operations Analyses at Selected Boston Region MPO Intersections, FFY 2013: Lexington Street at Beaver Street in Waltham PDF

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Preview Safety and Operations Analyses at Selected Boston Region MPO Intersections, FFY 2013: Lexington Street at Beaver Street in Waltham

O S T ON REGI B ON BOSTON REGION METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION MPO Richard A. Davey, MassDOT Secretary and CEO and MPO Chairman M N E O Karl H. Quackenbush, Executive Director, MPO Staff TRO ZATI POLITAN PLANNING OR G ANI MEMORANDUM DATE: June 5, 2014 TO: Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) FROM: Chen-Yuan Wang, MPO Staff RE: Safety and Operations Analyses at Selected Boston Region MPO Intersections, FFY 2013: Lexington Street at Beaver Street in Waltham 1 INTRODUCTION This memorandum summarizes safety and operations analyses and proposes improvement strategies for the intersection of Lexington Street at Beaver Street in Waltham. The location was approved for study by the Boston Region MPO following a selection process1 for four locations from a short list of 21 intersections based on a series of criteria including 1) high equivalent property damage only (EDPO) crash ratings, 2) the number of pedestrian and bicycle crashes, 3) transit significance, 4) regional significance, and 5) implementation potential. The four locations approved for study are: • North/South Franklin Street (Route 37) at Union Street/Plymouth Street (Route 139) in Holbrook • Western Avenue (Route 107) at Washington Street (Route 129) in Lynn • Lexington Street at Beaver Street in Waltham • Franklin Street (Route 37) at West Street in Braintree The Waltham intersection is ranked 107 in MassDOT’s 2008–10 statewide top- 200 intersection crash list. The city of Waltham expressed a strong interest in studying the location for safety and operational improvements. This memorandum contains the following sections: • Existing conditions • Issues and concerns for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, trucks, buses, and automobiles • Crash data analysis • Intersection capacity analysis • Traffic signal improvement alternatives 1 Memorandum to Boston Region MPO, Safety and Operations Analyses at Selected Intersections—FFY 2013, Task 1: Intersection Selection Procedure, Mark Abbot and Chen- Yuan Wang, November 1, 2012. State Transportation Building • Ten Park Plaza, Suite 2150 • Boston, MA 02116-3968 Tel. (617) 973-7100 • Fax (617) 973-8855 • TTY (617) 973-7089 • www.bostonmpo.org Boston Region MPO 2 June 5, 2014 • Modern roundabout alternative • Improvement recommendations This memorandum also includes technical appendices that contain methods and data applied in the study and detailed reports of the intersection capacity analyses. 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS This “T” intersection is at the geographic center of the city of Waltham, about one-half mile north of the city hall and Main Street (Route 20) and about one mile west of Interstate 95 (I-95)/Route 128. This location carries a large amount of commuting traffic and is congested in both the AM and PM peak periods, especially in the PM peak period. Lexington Street, running north-south, is the major street of the intersection. It is a principal arterial that stretches from Main Street north to the City’s border with the Town of Lexington. It then continues as Waltham Street in Lexington, connects Route 2 in both directions, and terminates at Lexington Center. About 1,000 feet north of this intersection, Lexington Street intersects with Totten Pond Road and Bacon Street. Totten Pond Road is a major roadway that connects I-95/Route 128 at Exit 27 and reaches to the office parks and commercial developments in the Route 128 vicinity. Beaver Street is the minor street of the intersection. It is classified as an urban minor arterial that stretches from this intersection eastward, intersecting Forest Street and Waverley Oak Road (Route 60), to Warren Street near the City’s border with Watertown and Belmont. Figure 1 shows the existing intersection layout and adjacent developments. The adjacent areas are mainly residential, along with a private school, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School, which occupies the area northeast of the intersection. South of the intersection, commercial developments exist on both sides of Lexington Street. Lexington Street in the study area primarily contains three lanes, with a center lane for two-way left turns to adjacent commercial developments. North of the intersection, Lexington Street widens to four lanes until Totten Pond Road. All of the lanes on Lexington Street appear to be narrow.2 Beaver Street is primarily a two-lane roadway (one lane in each direction) with sufficient width in the intersection vicinity. 2 The lanes probably were divided from an original two-lane roadway in order to accommodate increasing traffic over the years. Because of the adjacent residential and commercial developments, there is limited room for expansion to multiple standard 12-foot lanes. Boston Region MPO 3 June 5, 2014 Boston Region MPO 4 June 5, 2014 Approaching the intersection, Lexington Street northbound runs slightly uphill and has two through lanes with a channelized turnoff to Beaver Street. Lexington Street southbound, slightly downhill, contains one through lane and one left-turn-only lane. Beaver Street widens from one lane to two lanes at the intersection: one for left turns only and one for right turns only. The two lanes are separated by a triangular traffic island. The intersection is signalized. Its traffic signal operates in three phases: 1) a concurrent phase for Lexington Street, both approaches with left turns permitted, 2) an exclusive phase for the Lexington Street southbound approach, with left turns protected (a lagging left-turn protected phase), and 3) an exclusive phase for the Beaver Street approach. All of the approaches are indicated by three signal faces. All signal faces have the regular three-section red/yellow/green circular indication, except the one above the southbound left-turn lane, which is a four-section signal face with the bottom section indicating a green or yellow arrow. It would indicate a circular green in the concurrent northbound/southbound phase and a circular green and a green arrow simultaneously in the lagging protected left-turn phase. A “left turn yield on circular green” sign is installed next to the four-section signal head on the mast arm (Figure 2). Right turns on red are allowed at the intersection. Right turns on the westbound approach (Beaver Street) are actually controlled by a pair of yield signs, not by the intersection’s traffic signal (Figure 3). Sidewalks, which are about five feet wide in most sections, exist on both sides of Lexington Street and Beaver Street. Crosswalks are installed across Beaver Street and the southbound approach of Lexington Street. Push buttons and pedestrian signal heads are installed on the posts at the two traffic islands on Beaver Street and on the west side of Lexington Street. Pedestrian signals operate concurrently with traffic signal phases that have no, or minimal, conflict with the crossings. The crossing of Beaver Street is concurrent with the northbound/southbound traffic signal and the crossing of the Lexington Street southbound approach is concurrent with the Beaver Street traffic signal. The crossing of Lexington Street has no conflicts with prevailing traffic. However, the crossing of Beaver Street conflicts with the left turns from Lexington Street. In order to alert the left-turning drivers to yield to pedestrians, a “yield to pedestrians in crosswalk“ sign is facing Lexington Street southbound at the corner of the traffic island on Beaver Street. Viewed from the southbound stop line, the sign appeared to be small.3 3 During a return site visit in August 2013, staff did not observe the sign. The pedestrian signal for crossing Beaver Street was operational. Boston Region MPO 5 June 5, 2014 Boston Region MPO 6 June 5, 2014 Currently, the pavement markings for the crosswalk across the Lexington Street southbound approach are completely faded (or covered by new pavement). There are no curb cuts at either end of the crosswalk (Figure 4). The pedestrian signals and push buttons for crossing the approach are operational. Staff observed that a utility pole is located very close to Lexington Street and could be hazardous to northbound drivers, especially for right-turning vehicles. Also, a fence of the adjacent house extends to the right-turn corner, obstructing drivers’ view of the pedestrian crossings (Figure 5). A utility pole, located on the traffic island just south of the westbound right-turn lane, also is potentially obstructive. It could hinder drivers’ view of northbound traffic when they are at the yield location. This intersection carries a number of bicyclists during the day. In the recent traffic count on November 15, 2012, staff observed about ten bicycles in each of the two-hour peak traffic periods; most of them traveling on Lexington Street. Cyclists need to use the traffic lanes, as there are essentially no shoulders on either side of Lexington Street. Based on the counts, heavy vehicles (trucks and buses) comprised about 3% and 2%, respectively, of the intersection’s total entry traffic in both the AM and PM peak hours, which is considered normal. The movement from Beaver Street to Lexington Street southbound had the highest share—nearly 6% in the AM and 5% in the PM peak hours. The approach lane is relatively wide, and large trucks usually have no problem turning left unless one of the northbound vehicles stops beyond the stop line. MBTA Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Bus Route 554 goes through the intersection about four times during each of the AM and PM peak hours; but there are no bus stops in the immediate vicinity of the intersection. 3 ISSUES AND CONCERNS Staff met with Waltham city engineers on January 16, 2013, to discuss the study area’s issues and concerns. A field reconnaissance to survey the existing facilities and observe the PM peak-period traffic conditions was performed after the meeting. The primary concern is the high number of crashes, and their severity, at the intersection. This intersection has a higher-than-average crash rate compared with other locations in MassDOT Highway District 4. Crash data analysis identified a high proportion (nearly 30%) of left-turn crashes; and police crash reports indicate that some of these accidents have to do with drivers Boston Region MPO 7 June 5, 2014 Boston Region MPO 8 June 5, 2014 misinterpreting the signal indication for southbound left turns on Lexington Street. Currently, the southbound left turns are operated in a permissive/protected mode. It is a lagging left-turn protected mode, but some drivers can mistake it as being protected at the beginning of the circular green indication. It is well known that drivers turning left on a permissive circular green indication may inadvertently mistake that indication as implying the left turn has the right of way over opposing traffic. Another major concern is the traffic congestion in the evening peak period. During the period, traffic frequently backs up on the southbound and the westbound approaches. Field observations indicate that the southbound queues sometimes extend almost to Totten Pond Road but seldom spill through it.4 The westbound queue is not as extensive but usually extends pass the driveway of Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School. The queue is usually caused by the high volume of right turns from Beaver Street under a limited storage length of about 200 feet. The right turns are currently under yield control. Intersection collision analysis (see next section) indicates that some rear-end collisions at the yield location likely are a result of traffic congestion. Based on discussions with City engineers, staff field observations, and the available crash and traffic data, the issues and concerns for the study intersection can be summarized as: • High number of crashes, crash rate, and severity of crashes • High proportion of left-turn crashes • Southbound left-turn operation and signal indication potentially confusing to drivers • Traffic congestion in the PM peak period • Faded crosswalk across Lexington Street, with no accessible ramps (curb cuts) at both ends • Pedestrians crossing on Beaver Street conflicting with left-turn traffic from Lexington Street • Pedestrian signals not accessible to blind or low-vision individuals • Improper locations of utility poles at the intersection • No bicycle travel accommodation on either street 4 Lexington Street is an alternative route to Route 128. According to the City engineers, from time to time the intersection congestion is exacerbated by additional traffic, when an incident occurs on Route 128 in the vicinity. Boston Region MPO 9 June 5, 2014 4 CRASH DATA ANALYSIS MPO staff collected two sets of the most recent available crash data: 1) MassDOT’s Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) 2006–2010 crash data, and 2) crash reports for the latest four years, 2009–2012, provided by the Waltham Police Department. Table 1 summarizes the crash statistics at the intersection based on the MassDOT RMV 2006–2010 crash data. On average, approximately 18 crashes occurred at the intersection each year. About 27% of the total crashes resulted in personal injuries. Crash types consist of 42% rear- end collisions, 26% angle collisions, 11% single-vehicle collisions, 8% head-on collisions, 8% sideswipe collisions, and 5% unknown. No crashes involved pedestrians. Three crashes involved a bicycle within in the five-year period. About 46% of the total crashes occurred during peak periods, which indicates that many of the crashes are potentially related to stop-and-go traffic conditions at the intersection. Crash rate5 is effective tool for examining the relative safety of a location. Based on the crash data and the turning movement counts collected recently by staff, the crash rate for this intersection was calculated as 1.34 (see Appendix A). This is much higher than the average crash rate for signalized locations in MassDOT’s Highway Division District 4, which is estimated at 0.77.6 Based on the Waltham Police Department crash reports, MPO staff constructed a collision diagram for the intersection (see Figure 6). The diagram shows that the majority of crashes occurred on Lexington Street, with a noticeably high number of crashes involving a southbound left-turn vehicle and a northbound through vehicle. There were 11 such crashes in the past four years, with six of them causing personal injuries. 5 Crash rates are estimated based on crash frequency (crashes per year) and vehicle exposure (traffic volumes or miles traveled). Per MassDOT guidance, crash rates are expressed as “crashes per million entering vehicles” for intersection locations and as “crashes per million miles traveled” for roadway segments. 6 The average crash rates estimated by the MassDOT Highway Division (as of January 23, 2013) are based on a database that contains intersection crash rates submitted to MassDOT as part of the review process for an Environmental Impact Report or Functional Design Report. Boston Region MPO 10 June 5, 2014 TABLE 1 Intersection Crash Statistics MassDOT Crash Data 2006–10

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