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RWDSU Defender 2019 PDF

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THE DEFENDER NEWSLETTER In this issue 2 RWDSU CONVENTION 6 ARBTRATIONS 9 DECISIONS nding Asbitrations cluded arbiteatio 3. SASKATCHEWAN JOINT BOARD ISSUES 8 NEWS ROUNDUP WELCOME BACK TO THE SJB-RWDSU DEFENDER TUNE Bae Ss es Bg? HU MUGUDT SASK ATCHEW AS The 2019 Saskatchewan Joint Board ~ Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (SJB-RWDSU) Convention was a great success, Held in Humbott, on Treaty 6 territory, atthe Bella Vista Inn, convention delegates from around ‘the province came together, along with invited guests from as far as Vancou- ver. Several resolutions were passed, and a number of speeches were given UNION DUES INCREASE he SIB-RWDSI. has ong hadsomeof the lowest Union Dues in the province, Fu of User gross monty salsxy, and part-time members pay 2.00%, But the cust efpeating the union keep going up, and with Sobeys potentiallybreaking up Safeway locations so employees at each location have to bogein a separate collective bargaining agreement (CIA), the anion’ costs may continue to increase. So dw Execative Board of the anon brought forwsud & resolution to inereas ‘heough a Constiutionsl Amendmentto Atti znd (b} 8) Revenue. The resolution read ‘Therefore, be it wsolved that effect the 2019 convention approve a union du o.559sfor ll full1ime ane part-timeemployees fll Union Dues oral fall sh the Joint Beard shall be 2,096 ofa full-sime employed imemiber's gross morshlyeacnings {ii} Eifective Jenvary a 2049, Union Duesforell pat late ith 1 employed Lime exxployees pid, increase of 1) Effective Jamuary 1,202 tine employed members of Local Unions affliated w tim employed mesizers of Local Unions the Joint Boaed shall be 2.959 ofa part-t The dues increase will be phased in starting January 1, 2020, as the individual collective agreements mandated that wage increases take effect throughout the 2020 calendar year. member’ gross monthly earnings up tea sasimum Dues payable by a full-time employee atthe lop rate of pay in the fob classification used by shops uf the Local Union to establish Uno "base rate” uaclr the Dues forrmala of the Local Union priate Jnusey, 200, The ealealation see toccevermine the ‘employed member shal 9e based on che reguler hours of ‘axinusn Dues payable by a part-time kal full-time employee passed slmast unanimously bythe convention delegates. The dues inerese will be phased in starting Igauazy 1, 2020, asthe indicidual collective agreements mandated that wage increases take effect 'roughaut the 4020 oa Your SJB-RWDSU President, Secretary Treasurer, and Vice-Presidents alot Wanda Bartlett. Gary Burkart Graig Horbay Bonnie Lewis Blair Estey President Secretary- Vice-President Vice-President Vice President Treasurer General Divison Co-op Divison Food Division A resolution eas passed lo inevase Ute intiati fe for new members from $4 ty §av. The rate had not been changed sinee 930. Theunioalssa Legaland Org cam ke to defend members rights, The Fund vas capped ct $1.5 million del- jon vas brought forward by dhe Executive Board lo remove the cap, as costs om ing Fund, wien se for coust bat Tats, but a resol ‘A nusnber of people spoke at te convention. As usual, ? “Teeasurce Garry Burkart presented Une repo convention and Suestspeat NDP fiysn Meili; Deanna Ogle with we Canedian [abour Congtess (CLC? spesking 2bcut uke campaign for a national phsemacare plan which would see the gover nett cover the ents of al prescription medications: Big Dacey Tarr spesking about mental ness inafunzy and heartfelt wey talking about the Winnipeg 1925 General Strike: and ‘Mark Crawoed from the Unersployed Workers Centre There were also Fraternal gueclinge fiom ¢ number ident Wands Bactlet and Secretary questions ss included leader of the Saskatchewan pelitial science professer Charles Stith President Wanda Bacllet has d to anolhs letm as she ¥ 1 caucus within the our oldest after 5 da few which pany it en the clasure of une tions, Signal Industries closed ‘mpacting Jue ast 1 ne compan te based read Basket Stor atooni pact eed in Sas lasingits last rela nar employe will the Cones nt in Regina ena caster of abi vloere sey wil ake over the Legislativ OTHER RESOLUTIONS ‘one ormozelegal batles ca pileup fst. Delegate ‘ted in favour ofthe resolution, and theespon the Fund hss been remavee, {A $600 annua scholarship wes exeated i Eubich’s neme. Subich was Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) years, ane foughtall the was tothe Supreme Court forworkers constitu ional sight strike, and won, SPEAKERS of representatives of unions that ate affiliated with or Itiendly with the SIB-RWDSU, These included Janice Bernier with the Saskatchewan Federation of Unien. Retirees (SFUR}; Darls Deguire, region! dinvetot of the CLC: Hugh Wagner 6 crecary ofthe Grain Rab Ashton, President of the International Longshore and Warehouse Unian (IL Loci Joba, President ofthe Saskatchewan Federation of [abou (SEL): Gerry Gault of IAWU Lecalyy4 and IMolag President of Local 81 fom the Retail Wik Union of B.C fo 16 Servises Union (65 ‘The Jack Semple Band got the convention daneingene hight, anes gem of Holey Board had just sbvul everyone inoue the night before nd sun that cafeter e CDA, SIB-RWDSU prevent these emplayees. Jations Department sass and employee Sobeysy Safeway has fled a Labour Boasd (1 RB) applica ‘Managers excluded under te CBA under the Saskatchewa be SIB-RWDSU has action to challenge the corstitusonalityo asdefined under ifically ss, 6 Employment commenced ition of “supervis SEAs. 6-2) This and sion ofthe Ei sentially exclude n being in the same uncer eos thal they are supery rap the empl ing and in some cases bars spersisor sham NEGUTIATIONS & GENERAL DIVISION \Wete excited to welcome the executives voted in at the 2019 convention! ng é : CAvet } Katey McGovern LeeRacelte Kyle Hymne Melissa Patterson Dean Welcher General Division General Division General Division Young Worker ‘Ist Alternate 2nd alternate General Division General Division General Division ‘We are in noyetiations in several of our General Division units ‘The Conesus Arts Cente, the Casino Regina, and the Casine Moase Jaw, beeaise of Uae public sector status under the Sask, Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLC), have Seen caught uncer the provincial government’ 3,59 wage rollback ‘mandate, They are in a holding paterson the'r negotiations, pending the outcome ofthe negotiations of the big public At the event Sash, Federation of Labour rollbacks officially of he table. This mer ns we get those bwe CBAs concluded Atte Temple Gardens Hovel 8 Spa in Mocse Ja, athice- yar oneal elletive agreement wns ratified on Mare 7.2009. + AtCanadian Linen’ Tncssions im both Saskatoon are Regina, negotiations have come tom impasse, with an application pursuantto te SEA tothe Miniserof Labour ecuesting that he appoint a mediscor Following that proces, ifasetement has not been reached, then the mem At Alsco Linen a four-yeer renewal CBA has been ratified, wih wage increases of 8 ofthe term. sched jour Minister convention, the Sask. L announced’ that the 3.5% wage Ie able to get baek to some meinghal negotiations and hopefully rs wil discuss taking a strike vote At the Conexus Arts Centre, a tenlalive slllement has been uta Place s currently ip negoia jons for «renewal CBA CO-OP DIVISION Congratulations tothe executives vated inal the 2019 convention! ‘Wearein negotiations with Kindersley Co-op, Discomery Co-op {North Pater), ane Saskatoon Co-op {RWDSU ication ony). The biggest issue in chis round of negations with Federated Co-op's Retail Co-op Stores may be their proposal for 2 second ter of lower wages for new hises. I's clear they ae serious about this issue - Uherewere two strikrsoverthisissue with Moose ave Co-op and Saskataon Co-op. which sre represenced by UFCW Local 1400, Darten Deck Cop Division NEVV EACUUTLIVES FOOD DIVISION ‘Avaim welcome to the executives voted in at the 2019 corwention! ey ‘Susan Butson Elaine Davies Jeremy Jian——Shayna Kavanagh Ken Mayes, Sheri Kavanagh FoodDivision Food Division Food Division Young Worker ‘Ist Alternate 2nd ltemate Food Division Foad DWision gad Division We are in negotis:ions in several of ous Faod Division units + Sobejs Safeway Division CBA re opener must be served in May aong, Ifa renewal CBA kes not heen reached by Sepersber 1, 2019, the CBA will be setlee through binding-itevest arbitration, he corporate Sobeyssioresin Regina aren discussions to review the company benefit plans and consider possible alten lives. Honever, there willbe no change toa afferent pla: unless the benefits are equal to beer than the enrrent ple. ‘The Sask Labour Relations Bos has allowed Sobeys te third-pary franchise heir tures. That wil eantinue to cause issues for _RWDSU because where RWDSU used to haw asingle provincial CBA wilh Canada Safevny.we ace nownugoliatingthree separate greens. Asie go forwau ther could be as many a5 spate CBAs. + Fumther, bey is introducing die low-cost FreshCo slotes into Saskatehewa, They are demanding a separate CBA be negotiated wilh lower wages and benefits than they have in the Sobuysaneé Safeway stores, Weave been told that ty will ores ~ Saskatonn's Market Mall, Cor federation, and 33ed Sieve Safeway locations, ~to the FreshCo brand stores, All allected employees wll be issued layetT notices xs under the Collective Agreemea. However, be corverting some existing Safe aswell as Regina's Regea Park Safe ‘cusingthe transition period, a seniority wil playa olen tke bumping RW/DSU hus not been giver any details yt as to which stores will bee Tected At Mekesson Phissmaceutical CRA Warehouse in Regina, a tentative sut:lement has been reached and ratified Ab Sysco Warehouse. a 4-year renews CBA was ached and ratified ay hi ii Anna Pierna Kevin Stark Alisha Friesen Shayne Modien Brenda Krasiun Andrew VanNoren Co-op Division Co-Op Division Young Worker _Tstlternate 2nd Alternate Young Worker At. Co-op Division Co-op Division Co-op Division Co-op Division ro) When disputes between workers (with help from their union) and employers can't be worked out between them, arbitrators will hear the case and make a binding decision. We have a number of arbitrations on the go within all our i visions, and we are winning more than we are lasing, which isa positive thing. OUTSTANDING GRIEVANCE ARBITRATIONS EVRAZ PLACE SYSCO WAREHOUSE CConteactingontgrievince seheduled forheasing + Termination abiteetion ~ Scheduled for arbitration in November hearingon May 31,2019 Attendance management policy 2¢b ‘Schediled for heating on June 10,2019 Promotion griewnce~ Scheduled fer hearingon June 1019 TEMPLE GARDENS HOTEL 8 SPA: Promotion grievance - Arbitration was eompleted Janueny7, Band 5, 019, A decision is pending SIGNAL INDUSTRIES: policy grievance ~ Scheduled for PEPSICO: Poly grievance Arbitration pending, nascheduled hearing dates SHERWOOD CO-OP: - ‘Two dismise grievances ~ Scheduled for hearing “Toeant ars: Ea lene June 19,2019 CONCLUDED ARBITRATIONS A ea ee eter ia mannan ening OREO fore of the Employerto callthe bul was not made awate of i.” The employer argued that this had happened"because the cireusstance wes ‘was about iriver n te work an oversime shift on Septemib considered an emergency, which allowed a member of ‘eanagement lo perform bazgainirg-unil work” The arbisratorruled Unt tesituation wnsnotan emergency and that the employer was offside. The enuployee was ‘warded full pay forthe lost ours af work, A grievance was fough: for by RWDSU Local 544 against Discovery Co-op. The Grievorelaimed “he has been shert-charged nine weets of pid woeation over the course of hisemploymes tingbacktn Novernber 1 1977 while ce attended nigh school, tothe current date A grievance must be presented to the Eoieye within ter days of the event causing such grievance, secordingto labour laws. But there was adeleyof years befove this specific grivwance was filed, though gee had been filed in 2986 snd 2000. Beemase ofthe sbitraor dismissed the grievance _Anemployee witha dscbilty wha had beer dismissed from his jah by Une Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL} was reinstated alter the RWDSU brought ther grievance wo arbitration, The employee bhas ADHD (attention deficit hypevsctivily disorder) snd presented the employer witha med) psychologist. Thececisior sated "thatthe Fmployer had no jus: cause to terminate the Griewors employ ‘ment based on conduct linked te bis ADIID dlsabil~ 1)! The employee was reinstated wth the bemits and seniority he would have earned had he not bees ‘nusly Cred slefroim Back-pay ws awarded to a Sabeys Safewey Division} employee after RWDSL Local as4 brought tw aubitration, The eolective agrecincal clearly called for back pay “a be paid, but tis employee had been suspended and fied, then reisnted with a setlement ‘greement. The employer tried to argue dat the ste ‘reat agreement settled 2 nates, nd disqualified ‘the employee fram receiving beek pay The arbitrator decided that denying "the Grievor back pay for the ever three ana a half yeas, he worked hefo his removal the absence ofa lear intent and agreement ted so slskes me as unfair and unreasonsdl," sind so endered te back pay be pa. A Temple Gardens Hotel & Spa employee wes rein Stated in 2018 after itwas found they were fed with ‘ut just cause Beeland Co-op argued that the job descriptions have supervisor duties in them, so the lack of manager doesn’t change the job. But the labour board arbitrator ruled in January that the collective agreement supersedes job descriptions. A ptiewance fought for by RWDSU Lacal 4g6 was Upheld against Beeland Co-op (C-store, The issue us aboul whether certain clerks should yetas1/hour age increase when no matager is present and clerks take on supervisor duties, Beeland Co-op argued ‘that the job descriptions have supervisor duties in them so the lack of manager éoesst change the job, ‘The Arbitration Board sbitrator mile ‘het the jah descrip‘ions were restee withoul union involvement: the collective agreement superseces job desriptions and hecause the §1/ou increase i clealyslaced in Use collective agreernent, t must be pai Also at Beeland Co-op, RWIDSU Local en argue that an unvair labour practice had heen committed ’by hiring La, pharmacy manager prict to obtain- ing either agreement withthe Union ar Bore Onder detecmining whether te pestion would be in-seope orout-of scope” The Lebeur Board agreed Another interesting case was the Catadian Union of Pole Employees CLIPE) Local 2a68 winning itscase is 2009 against the Boaudl of Educstion of Si. Pauls Roman Catholic Separate Setoal [> employer hed denied urion lea ven though the cll tion with the Union shal be granted Leave of Absence for period nf upto ones} calendar yeat” The ata ‘or found that “As long asthe estria for the ‘slsblished thers 30 discretion on the Employer to rant Ue leave within Une steer conditions” NEVVO RVUINUUT “The leer Liberal governrsentischanging Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) regulations se that contributors 70 will be automatically enrolled to receive berets, Until now, seniors had to apply receive their pensions, which meant seme people ‘missed ont because they applied lete or not at al (Moneysense.ca, March 19,2039) Calls for anational pharmacare planhave been inereasing, The federal NDP promises it will bring n universal pharmacare to coverthe cost of prescription drugs if they win the election ‘this fall, An analysis from the parliamentary budget officer says the total cost of anational pharmacare program vould be $23.7 billion in 2020, representing $4.2 billion in savings each year over the current amount being spent on ‘drugs in Canada. The cost would shift from individuals to the government, paid for by tax dollars, The Liberals are proposing a more limited form of a pharmacare plan, covering a portion but not all of the cost of prescription ‘drugs. Leaders of labour federations across the country, including the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), are calling for a ‘comprehensive, universal pharmacare plan ‘Werers over the ageal sg coulé make up morethan a quarter of Canada's labour force by 2036, accord- ing to new labour force predictions [rem Statistics (Canada, The country’s workforce participation sate ‘illeontinue to decrease irom ts per of G5 pet cent in 2008 tog per cent in 2036, the agency predicts. “Thereportalliburedthe decline to pnpultion aging, 2s baby boomers move toward retirement, The last ofthe boomer coharewil each age 650 2041 {ben ‘eftscanade.com, April ¢, 1019) ‘he Banko America has announced tis ralsing the ‘minimum wage tpaysilsemplayees io $20 perhour by av, It temains to be seen what tbe minimum vege s for workit sub-contracs, ike custodial ser vies. (CNBC.com, April9, 20:9) Volou Cats launched nevigender-neuttal paid pasen- {al leave poliy or al sales company employees inthe EMEA region (Europe, Middle Eas, and Africa, Tas givesparents,eqgardlessof gender atoalofsicmonths ofieave with 8o per cent ay. (Valvo, May, 2019) 4 © iF | til Hostn, the Chath a 207 Coun ene nperaicton of Non aero Canada’s parliamentary budget office predicts that ‘most peypie in Canada wil get more bak from the tarkon rebate than “hey will payin carboa tax, The verage household n Saslachewan is expected "pay ‘4o5incarbor tx thispast year anil get $598 back {rom the rebate, The rebate only s paid out to people ‘whofe texes. (Canadian Press, April 35,2019) In the Netheslands, an employes must submit two separate applications t get approve! before firing an employee. The employer nee to legally justify the dismissal with evidence, and the employee gets to snake their case, [here are some exceptions for dismissal with urgent cause, (Mondaq Business Priefing, March: 2019) ‘The Defender Newsletter is publisnedl by the Trade Union Educatlon House, 1233 Winnipeg Street Regina, Saskatchewan

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