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2013  to  2016  Cases   Reviewer  on     Local  Government  Law   Alberto  C.  Agra                                                 Ateneo  Law  School   March  15,  2017 Flow   (1)  Nature  of   (6)  Public   (7)  Liability   LGUs   Accountability   (2)  Local   (5)  Local   (8)  People’s   Autonomy   LegislaBon   ParBcipaBon   (3)  Powers  of   (4)  Fiscal   LGUs   Autonomy   Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   2 1.  Nature  of  LGUs   •  LGUs  are  Territorial  and  Poli?cal  Subdivisions  (of  1   unit),  Public  Corpora?ons,  Municipal  Corpora?on   Proper,  Administra?ve  Agencies  and  Public  Offices   •  “Ours  is  sBll  a  unitary  form  of  government,  not  a   ” federal  state. LGUs  no  claim  against  the  State   •  Not  “Imperium  in  Imperio,” not  Independent  Sub-­‐ NaBonal  Units   •  “Not  impenetrable  states”;  under  supervision  of   President  and  may  be  held  accountable   •  5  Levels/  Kinds  (Autonomous  Regions  [only  ARMM   incorporated],  Provinces,  CiBes  [HUCs  not  under   provincial  oversight],  MunicipaliBes  and  Barangays)   Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   3 1.  Nature  of  LGUs   •  LGU  Dual  Capaci?es:  Governmental/  Public  and   Proprietary/  Private     •  Dual  Agency:  LGUs  as  Agents  of  the  State  (in   exercise  of  government  powers)  and  People  (in   exercise  of  proprietary  powers)   •  Sources  of  Powers:  ConsBtuBon,  Law  and  Charter   (No  inherent,  but  have  broad,  powers,  not  self-­‐ government)   •  LegislaBve  (not  consBtuBonal)  Separa?on  of  Powers   •  Corporate  Succession  (Contractual  ObligaBons);   cannot  be  rescinded  unilaterally  by  next   AdministraBon   Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   4 1.  Nature  of  LGUs   Crea4on   •  Legisla?ve  Act:  Charter  (Not  by  ExecuBve  Branch  unless   State  RecogniBon  and  No  Judicial  DissoluBon;  President  can   merge  administraBve  regions);  congressional,  not  execuBve,   authority  to  set  requirements  for  certain  local  governments   other  than  what  is  stated  in  1991  LGC   •  Criteria:  PopulaBon,  Land  Area  (includes  DENR-­‐managed   forestlands)  and  (or)  Income  (internal  or  external);  liberal   construcBon   •  Dis?nct  Personality:  Municipality  to  a  City   •  Failure  to  idenBfy  Seat  of  Government  not  fatal   •  Plebiscite  (electorate  -­‐  plurality  and  economic  dislocaBon;   directly  affected;  upgrade  and  downgrade;  boundary   disputes  prejudicial  quesBon;  plebiscite  protest  cases  –   Comelec;  conversion  to  HUC  is  substanBal  alteraBon  of   boundaries)   •  Assail  Existence:  Quo  Warranto  (5  years)   Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   5 1. Nature of LGUs P/C/M/B ARMM CAR MMDA AA; LGU AA; LGU AA AA Admin Political Not Enjoy Not Enjoy Autonomy Autonomy Autonomy Autonomy Police & Police & No Police No Police Legislative Legislative Power; No Power; No Power Power Legislative Legislative Presidential Presidential Presidential Presidential Supervision Supervision Control Control Amend by Law Amend by Law Amend by Amend by Law + Plebiscite Pres./ Law Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   6 2.  Local  Autonomy   •  “means  a  more  responsive  and  accountable  local   government  structure  insBtuted  through  a  system  of   ” decentraliza?on   •  “does  not  contemplate  making  mini-­‐states  out  of  LGUs”   •  “LGUs  xxx  form  part  of  the  whole”  (unitary)     •  “Regional  autonomy  is  the  degree  of  self-­‐determinaBon   ” exercised  by  the  LGU  vis-­‐à-­‐vis  the  central  government.     •  “Autonomy  is  either  decentralizaBon  of  administraBon  or   ” decentralizaBon  of  power.     •  “DecentralizaBon  comes  in  two  forms:  deconcentra?on   ” and  devolu?on.   •  “DecentralizaBon  simply  means  the  devolu?on  of  na?onal   ” administra?on,  not  power,  to  LGUs.   Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   7 2. Local Autonomy Decentralization of Decentralization of Power Administration Delegation of Administrative Abdication of Political Power Powers – Regulatory Powers and Basic Services Relieves State from Burden of Free to Chart own Destiny Managing Local Affairs Executive Supervision Executive Supervision Minimal State Intervention Accountability to Accountability to the Central Government Constituency; Self-Immolation Provinces, Cities, Autonomous Regions Municipalities and Barangays Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   8 2. Local Autonomy Administrative Political Decentralization Decentralization Deconcentration Devolution Transfer of Functions: Transfer of Powers: National to Regional Central to LGUs Administrative Powers, Responsibilities and Resources LGC: Section 528 LGC: Section 17 Local  Government  Law  Reviewer,  Agra   9 2.  Devolu?on   1.  Delivery  of  Basic  Services   2.  Exercise  of  Regulatory  Powers   3.  Personnel   4.  Assets,  Equipment  and  Property   o  AdministraBve  autonomy  involves  devoluBon  subject  to   limitaBons  –  naBonal  policies,  standards  and  laws   o  Exempted  from  devoluBon  are  naBonally-­‐funded  projects,   faciliBes  and  programs.     Devolu3on  is  power-­‐specific.  Only  those  powers  enumerated  by     law  are  transferred  to  LGUs.  Those  not  expressly  transferred  are   retained  by  the  NGAs.

ParFcipaFon. Local Government Law Reviewer, Agra. 2 .. Mayor ordering demoliFon of structures violaFng NaFonal Building. Code (Building Official
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