February1,2013 2:30 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 1 REPORT ON SESSION QG4 OF THE 13TH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING JORGEPULLIN Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University,Baton Rouge, LA 70803 [email protected] 3 1 0 PARAMPREETSINGH 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University,Baton Rouge, LA 70803 [email protected] n a J WesummarizethetalkspresentedattheQG4session(loopquantumgravity:cosmology 0 andblackholes)ofthe13thMarcelGrossmannMeetingheldinStockholm, Sweden. 3 Keywords: Loopquantum gravity;cosmology;blackholes ] c q The session was devoted to results on black holes and cosmologyin the context - r of loop quantum gravity. It was a vibrant session where severalnew advances were g highlighted.Amongthem,amuchclearerpictureemergesofthecomputationofthe [ entropyinloopquantumgravityandseveralnewinsightsintosingularityresolution 1 and how to treat time dependent quantizations arise in the context of cosmologies. v 6 Here is a summary of the talks presented: 6 CarloRovellireviewedandprovidedcontextforcertainimportantdevelopments 4 in the calculation of the entropy of horizons in loop quantum gravity. He started 7 with the Unruh temperature (Ref. 1), the results of Kubo, Martin and Schwinger . 1 (Ref. 2) , discussed results of Tolman concerning gravitational thermodynamics 0 and then proceeded to discuss the connection with the talks by Pranzetti, Perez 3 1 and Bianchi in this session. v: Alejandro Perez presented results obtained recently with Amit Ghosh and i Ernesto Frodden and discussed in Ref. 3. Essentially they show that stationary X black holes satisfy a very simple local form of the first law using a preferred family r a oflocalobserversnearthe horizonandasuitabledefinitionofenergyforthem.The sameconstructioncanbe appliedinthe contextofisolatedhorizons.When applied inthe frameworkofloopquantumgravity,andtreatingthe numberofpunctures in the horizon as a non-trivial observable, this leads to a grand canonical calculation that agrees with Hawking’s semiclassical analysis for all values of the Immirzi pa- rameter.It appearsthat matter inclusion is inevitable in the localcalculation.And this could explain the flux of the entropy from its ultraviolet value (different from Hawking’s calculation) to its infrared one (which coincides with Hawking’s). Eugenio Bianchidiscussedseveralconsiderationsconcerningblack hole entropy. Among them the use of the spin foam action to provide a classical theory with boundaries and the states that appear in the horizon dynamics in terms of spin foams (discussed in Ref. 4) and the quantum Rindler horizon, how to assign an energy to the quantum horizon that reproduces the Frodden–Ghosh–Perez result, February1,2013 2:30 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 2 how to assign a temperature to the quantum horizon that leads to the usual result and how to use the Clausius relation to obtain the entropy, again leading to the usual result without fixing the Immirzi parameter. FernandoBarberodiscussedworkincollaborationwithEduardoVillasen˜or,pre- sentedinRef.5,concentratingonthesubdominantcorrectionstoblackholeentropy. In particular it is observed that the corrections predicted by different models are different,theirsign(whichisrelevantforblackholestability)isensemble-dependent. Jacobo D´ıaz-Polo summarized work with Aurelien Barrau, Thomas Cailleteau, XiangyuCaoandJulienGrainpresentedinRef.6concerningtheimprintthatisleft intheHawkingradiationbythestructureoftheblackholeareaspectrumemerging in loop quantum gravity and how this could be used to differentiate it from other theories through the observation of black hole radiation. RodolfoGambinidiscussedworkwithN´estorA´lvarez,SaeedRastgooandJorge Pullin concerningthe quantizationofspherically symmetric space-times coupledto a scalar field in loop quantum gravity. This requires a strategy to deal with the non-trivialalgebraofconstraintsthatemergesinthisexample.Strategiesdiscussed included the use of uniform discretizations, discussed in Ref. 7 and a recently in- troduced family of gauge fixings that lead to a local true Hamiltonian presented in Ref. 8. DanielePranzettianalyzedwhathappenswhenonematchesthedynamicalhori- zons framework with the local thermodynamical approach of Frodden, Ghosh and Perez. It allows to study the radiation process generated by the loop quantum gravity dynamics near the horizon, providing a quantum gravity description of the black hole evaporation. For large black holes it leads to a spectrum with a discrete structure that could be potentially observable. The results are discussed in Ref. 9 Ernesto Frodden discussed work with Alejandro Perez, Daniele Pranzetti and Christian Ro¨ken concerning the quantum origin of the entropy of rotating black holes. The approach is to consider a classical theory with an isolated horizon and identifythesymplecticstructureandinthequantizationuseaChern–Simonstopo- logical theory with defects at the boundary. Ivan Agullo´ presented a quantum gravity extension of the inflationary scenario obtained in collaboration with Abhay Ashtekar and William Nelson and discussed inRef.10.Thekeyideaistoanalyzequantumfluctuationsoverquantumspacetime whosehomogeneouspartisquantizedusingloopquantumcosmology.Thisapproach overcomestwo major difficulties of the conventionalinflationaryparadigm:the sin- gularityandthetrans-Planckianproblems.Itisfoundthatforalargeclassofinitial conditionscosmologicalperturbationsyieldresultsconsistentwiththeWMAPdata. Interestingly,thereexistsanarrowrangeofparametersforwhichdistinctsignatures fromstandardinflationarealsopossible.Theseresults,thusprovideanopportunity to test predictions of loop quantum gravity in future astronomical observations. Edward Wilson-Ewing discussed about lattice loop quantum cosmology – an approach to go beyond the homogeneity assumption in loop quantum cosmology, presented in Ref. 11. In this approach, spacetime is divided in to homogeneous February1,2013 2:30 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 3 and isotropic cells which are coupled with each other. The scalar constraint in this approach is composed of an ultralocal homogeneous term and an interaction term,whichalongwiththediffeomorphismconstraint,turnsouttobepreservedby the dynamics for small perturbations. Using the effective dynamics resulting from quantum constraints, loop quantum effects on linear perturbations can be studied. TomaszPawlowskidiscussedawaythegeometricdegreesoffreedomcanbeused fordeparameterizationinloopquantumcosmology.Pawlowskianalyzedthe caseof a massive scalar field using volume and its momentum deparameterization, and reported the properties of quantum evolution operator and its eigenfunctions. The approach aims to overcome some difficulties which may arise in treating matter degrees of freedom as internal time. Preliminary results seem to suggest a non- trivial contribution to the energy density of the matter which may pose difficulties for renormalizationfor infinite modes. ThomasCailleteaudiscussedresultsonsomeobservationalconsequencesofloop quantum cosmology obtained in collaboration with Aurelien Barrau, A. Demion, Julien Grain, Jakub Mielczarek and Francesca Vidotto, and presented in Ref. 12. These results are based on the approach of considering an effective Hamiltonian whichcapturesinhomogeneousdegreesoffreedominloopquantumcosmology.The effective Hamiltonian incorporates the key effects which are expected to originate from the underlying quantum geometry. Effective constraints in this approachlead to anomalies, which require introduction of counter terms for their cancellation. With the inclusion of these counter terms, it is possible to obtain more consistent constraints on phenomenological parameters and a better understanding of some conceptual issues using the analysis of cosmological perturbations. The results are consistent with those of Edwin Wilson-Ewing. Mikel Ferna´ndez-M´endez presented a hybrid quantization of an inhomogeneous inflationarymodelinloopquantumcosmologydoneincollaborationwithGuillermo Mena-Marug´anand Javier Olmedo and presented in Ref. 13. In the hybrid quanti- zation approach,the key idea is to quantize homogeneous degrees of freedom using loopquantumgravitytechniques,andtreatinhomogeneitiesasFockquantizedper- turbations overthe homogeneousbackground.By fixing the gaugeforlocaldegrees of freedom at the classical level, properties of the quantum Hamiltonian constraint for the scalar perturbations were reported. Daniel Martin de Blas discussed an approximation scheme developed in col- laboration with Mercedes Mart´ın-Benito and Guillermo Mena-Marug´an to study inhomogeneities in loop quantum cosmology for the hybrid quantization of Gowdy T3 modelandBianchi-Imodelwhicharelocallyrotationallysymmetric.The quan- tization of both systems is performed including a massless scalar field. For the Gowdy model, the quantum Hamiltonian constraint can be written as a sum of the constraint for the homogeneous and isotropic spacetime and anisotropic and interaction terms arising due to inhomogeneity. The involved approximation, that concerns with considering eigenstates of the FRW operator, allows one to obtain approximated solutions. For the Bianchi I model, a solvable quantum Hamiltonian February1,2013 2:30 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 4 constraintisobtained,beingpossibletoconstructsemi-classicalsolutionsandstudy their evolution. FrancescaVidottoreviewedbasicsofspinfoamsforcosmologists,andsomeofthe key results which have been obtained so far in spinfoam cosmology and discussed in Ref. 14. The idea is to choosea suitable graphcapturing inhomogeneousdegrees of freedom and use coherent state techniques to compute transition amplitudes betweentwostatesofauniverse.Undercertainapproximations,usingthistransition amplitude, aneffective Hamiltoniancapturingthe quantumgravitycorrectionscan be obtained. AndreaDaporgavetwotalks.FirstofthesetalkswasonajointworkwithMichal ArtymowskiandTomaszPawlowskionanon-minimallycoupledinflationarymodel inloopquantumcosmologyandpresentedinRef.15.Theauthorsanalyzeddynam- ics in the Planck regime and the effects of non-minimal coupling using an effective Hamiltonian. In the second talk, Andrea Dapor presented results on quantum field theory on Bianchi-I spacetime in loop quantum cosmology obtained in collabora- tion with Jerzy Lewandowski and Yaser Tavakoli and presented in Ref. 16. These results extendthe previousworkinloopquantumcosmologyonquantum fieldthe- ory in quantum Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime to an anisotropic setting. Byobtaininganeffectivespacetimegeometry,DaporandcolleaguesstudiedLorentz invariance violation. They found that it may be possible for Lorentz violation to occur when the backreactionof quantum fields on quantum spacetime is included. Jos´eVelhinhodiscusseduniquenessofFockquantizationofscalarfieldswithtime dependent mass presented in Ref. 17. These results obtained in collaboration with Jer´onimoCortez,Daniel Mart´ın-deBlas,LauraGomar,Guillermo Mena Marug´an, MikelFerna´ndez-M´endezandJavierOlmedoaimtoshedinsightsontheambiguities in the choice of Fock representation for the canonical commutation relations in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Velhinho discussed that using unitary dynamics criteria and exploiting underlying spatial symmetries, a unique unitary equivalence class of Fock quantizations can be chosen. FrancescoCianfranidiscussedanapproachtoconsiderinhomogeneouscosmolog- ical spacetimes in loop quantum gravity developed in collaboration with Emanuele Alesci and presented in Ref. 18. In this approach the goal is to obtain a quantum cosmologicalmodelwhichcanbeobtainedfromloopquantumgravitywithaproper reduction.Toachievethis,aninhomogeneousBianchilineelementisconsideredand itsquantizationisproposedbyaprojectionofthekinematicalHilbertspaceofloop quantum gravity to an appropriate subspace. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by grantNSF-PHY-0968871,NSF-PHY-1068743, funds of the Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics and CCT-LSU. This publica- tion was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) February1,2013 2:30 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 5 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation. References 1. W. 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