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2 E Y E D E R l 011 2 6, 2 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W MAKE THIS NEW YEARʼS Up to RESOLUTION % *Introducing HCG 60 NEW Revolutionary COME TRUE! OFF Weightloss Treatment SmartLipo LOSE up to 3 lbs a DAY! ((RReecceeiivvee aann HHCCGG ttrreeaattmmeenntt ppaacckkaaggee wwiitthh With a complimentary aa ppuurrcchhaassee ooff 22 oorr mmoorree aarreeaass ooff SSmmaarrttLLiippoo)) consultation with our B e f o r e After Naturopathic Doctor Lincoln Park • Warrenville • Schaumburg • Wilmette Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 888888..881155..66114488 Interest FREE Financing *Restrictions May Apply a e s t h e t i c s www.nuumedspa.com | www.nuuunlimited.com w w w . a x i o l o g y a e s t h e t i c s . c o m 3 R E D E Y E l W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 6 , 2 0 11 4 E Y E D E R l 011 2 6, 2 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W 50 BEST CAREERS OF 2011* Train at Cortiva for a Career in Massage Therapy! 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OPENAMACY’SACCOUNTFOREXTRA15%SAVINGSTHEFIRST2DAYSWITHMOREREWARDSTOCOME.Macy’screditcardisavailablesubjecttocreditapproval;newaccountsavingsvalidthedayyouraccountis openedandthenextday;excludesservices,selectlicenseddepartments,giftcards,restaurants,gourmetfoodandwine.Onfurniture,mattressesandrugs/floorcoverings,thenewaccountsavingsislimitedto$100;application mustqualifyforimmediateapprovaltoreceiveextrasavings;employeesnoteligible. 6 news E Y E A CALL TO D E R l 2011 ACTION 6, 2 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W Obama asks for cooperation in Washington if America is going to ‘win the future’ CNN WASHINGTON America is heading in the right direction and now needs to reshape some priorities to ensure future strength and stability, President Obama told the nation Tuesday in his second State of the Union address. “The future is ours to win,” he said. Sounding themes of optimism and pragmatism in his 61-minute speech, Obama called for increasing investments in key areas such as education and clean energy while freezing some government spending for five years in an at- tempt to address simultaneous needs for economic growth and fiscal balance. “We know what it takes to compete for the that emphasized progress with brief men- jobs and industries of our time,” Obama said tions of the stickiest issues of long-term to applause. “We need to out-innovate, out- fiscal stability, such as possible reforms of educate and out-build the rest of the world. Social Security and other costly entitlement We have to make America the best place on programs. Earth to do business. We need to take respon- Aides said further details would come in sibility for our deficit and reform our govern- the administration’s budget proposal in mid- ment. That’s how our people will prosper. February and described Obama’s approach That’s how we’ll win the future.” as a realistic program that bolsters existing The annual speech to both chambers of progress instead of what one official called Congress and all three branches of govern- the “meat-ax” Republican approach to “evis- ment, a night of political pageantry and sym- cerate” government. bolism, presented a new political reality. In the speech, Obama cited continuing Republicans now control the House and recovery from the economic recession and hold a stronger Senate minority after the No- progress on other fronts, renewing his pledge vember elections. Obama acknowledged the to have all fighting forces out of Iraq by the new order by calling for both parties to work end of 2011 and some coming home from Af- together in the national interest instead of ad- ghanistan starting in July. President Obama delivers his hering to purely partisan ideology. “We are poised for progress,” Obama said. State of the Union address. “New laws will only pass with support from “Two years after the worst recession most of GETTY IMAGES Democrats and Republicans,” Obama said. us have ever known, the stock market has “We will move forward together or not at come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. all—for the challenges we face are bigger than The economy is growing again. But we have party and bigger than politics.” never measured progress by these yardsticks century ago brought the first lunar landing af- of the decade; extending wireless Internet At the same time, the speech opened the alone.” ter the Soviet satellite Sputnik had beaten the coverage to 98 percent of the population; great Washington spending debate of 2011. More needs to be done to set up the U.S. U.S. into space. having 80 percent of the nation’s electricity Obama and Democrats seek to build on the as a leading competitor in the global market- “After investing in better research and coming from clean energy sources by 2035 government-bolstering agenda launched with place this century, Obama said. education, we didn’t just surpass the Soviets; and 1 million electric vehicles on the road by the president’s election in 2008, while Repub- He called for more spending to bring the we unleashed a wave of innovation that cre- 2015. licans call for deep spending cuts to reduce nation’s research and development to its high- ated new industries and millions of new jobs,” “Some folks want wind and solar,” Obama the size and scope of government. est level as a share of the economy since the Obama said. “This is our generation’s Sputnik said of the clean energy goal. “Others want Facing a divided Congress, a still-recover- Kennedy administration 50 years ago. moment.” nuclear, clean coal and natural gas. To meet ing economy and critics who say he has failed By investing in better research and educa- Obama also called for bolstering educa- this goal, we will need them all—and I urge to adequately stress job creation in the past, tion, Obama noted, America can lead the tion with 100,000 more math, science, tech- Democrats and Republicans to work together Obama presented a framework of proposals world in the same way its investments half a nology and engineering teachers by the end to make it happen.” 7 R E D SSAAVVEE MMOONNEEYY E GOP response: YE l W cut spending, AAUUTTOOMMAATTIICCAALLLLYY ED N E reduce debt SD A Y , It’soneof5HelpfulStepsfromHarris.We’llhelpyouopen JA CNN N anyHarrisinterestcheckingaccountwithAutomaticSavings. UA NEW YORK U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan slammed the R Then,we’llautomaticallytransferanyamountyouchoose Y economic policies of the Obama administration 2 6 Tuesday night, and made the case that Republi- intoyourHarrisSavingsAccounteachmonth.You’llbe ,2 0 cans can do better. savingwithouteventhinkingaboutit.Comeintoanybranch 11 Ryan, a 40-year-old Wisconsin native, de- livered the Republican response to President orcall1-800-546-6101tolearnmore. Obama’s State of the Union address, painting a stark picture of the challenges facing the nation. harrisbank.com/savemoney “Our nation is approaching a tipping point,” Ryan warned. “We are at a moment where if gov- ernment’s growth is left unchecked and unchal- lenged, America’s best century will be considered our past century.” And the reasons for that, Ryan said, are the policies pursued by the Obama administration. “[Obama] engaged in a stimulus spend- helping make money make sense.SM ing spree that not only failed to deliver on its promise to create jobs, but also plunged us even deeper into debt,” Ryan said before adding, “the unemployment rate remains above 9 percent and government has added over $3 trillion to our debt.” Accountopeningsubjecttoapproval.Personalaccountsonly,certaintermsandconditionsapply.Harris®isatradenameusedbyHarrisN.A.anditsaffiliates. MemberFDIC He also made a distinction between Obama’s economic policies and those favored by Repub- licans. “Our forthcoming budget is our obligation to you—to show you how we intend to do things differently, how we will cut spending to get the debt down, help create jobs and prosperity, and reform government programs,” Ryan said. SUPPORT FOR GIFFORDS This year’s speech—less than three weeks after a gunman in Tucson, Ariz., killed six people and critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Ordinary Shoes, Extraordinary People. Giffords (D-Ariz.)—reflected the effects of the Your Hero? tragedy. Who is In a symbol of desired political civility, many legislators broke traditional segregat- Visit chicagoredcross.org/heroes or ed party seating and joined members of the other party across the political aisle. call 312.729.6138 to nominate. The aisle-crossers included Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), who in 2009 shouted “you Nominations Due 01.28.11. lie” at President Obama during a speech to Congress on health care reform. Wilson later apologized for his outburst and was formally rebuked by the House. Arizona’s congressional delegation sat to- gether, leaving an empty seat for Gabrielle Giffords, and many House members wore black and white lapel ribbons in honor of the Arizona victims. Mark Kelly watches the State of the “We ... are mindful of the empty chair in this MEDIA SPONSORS BREAKFAST SPONSOR AWARD SPONSORS LEGACY PLUS SPONSORS chamber, and we pray for the health of our Union address with his wife, Gabrielle ACRDAWMARK CKIoRmKELdAND & ELLIS LLP HARRIS BANK colleague—and our friend—Gabby Giffords,” Giffords, in her hospital room. PHOTO BY U.S. MNEOST ORREONTLAAL SSO, ILNUCT.IONS FOUNDATION NORTHERN TRUST Obama said at the start of his speech. REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS’ OFFICE VIA GETTY IMAGES PUwSCG CORPORATION W.W. GRAINGER, INC. 8 E Y E D E R l 011 2 6, 2 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W chicago 9 R E D Official: E Y E l Consider W E D N E waiting SD A Y , J to vote AN U A R Y 2 6 Chicago Tribune , 2 0 If you’re thinking about casting an early 11 ballot next week, you might want to hold off, Chicago’s top election official said Tuesday. There’s still uncertainty surrounding Rahm Emanuel, whose name temporar- ily is back on the mayoral ballot, as well as pending court cases involving 15 alder- manic races. The 18-day early voting period starts Monday and runs through Feb. 17. “If the voters have any questions, any doubt, any uncertainty, I would encourage them to wait until the end of the 18 days,” said Langdon Neal, chairman of the Chi- cago Board of Election Commissioners. “It’s up to the voters.” If Emanuel’s name winds up off the bal- lot, early voting would be halted at the 51 Rahm Emanuel waves to supporters Tuesday as he accepts the Teamsters’ endorsement during a news conference. MICHAEL TERCHA/TRIBUNE locations throughout the city so touch- screen voting machines could be swapped ‘Stop the presses’ out, most likely overnight, Neal said. Neal also noted voters have the option of waiting until Feb. 22 and going to their precinct polling places. “Some voters vote early in the process because they have to—their personal State Supreme Court puts Emanuel back on mayoral ballot—for now schedules, their travel, whatever it may be —or they feel they want to take the risk,” Chicago Tribune ballots printed for the Feb. 22 election and that option to vote.” Neal said. “It’s an individual choice. And The Illinois Supreme Court granted a agreeing to take up the case challenging Legal experts said the state Supreme that’s the beauty of early voting.” reprieve to Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday, Emanuel’s residency. Court seems to be signaling it will come keeping his name on the Chicago mayoral Now Emanuel’s mayoral bid rests to a conclusion fairly quickly. The justices ballot temporarily as justices hurry to de- squarely in the hands of seven justices who don’t want to hear arguments or receive cide whether it should remain there per- will deliver what is widely expected to be new legal briefings from the attorneys on manently. the final word on whether Emanuel meets either side of the ballot dispute. Instead, About 300,000 ballots without Eman- the statutory requirement that candidates they’ll use the material the attorneys al- uel’s name already had been printed when for office in a municipality live in Chicago ready filed at the appellate level. word came that the justices were stepping for one year prior to an election. Experienced appellate lawyers said the in, forcing city election officials to call The battle over whether Emanuel dis- court appears to be sending a message that their printer with the message: “Stop the qualified himself by going to Washington it’s not confused by the residency issue, presses.” to serve as President Obama’s chief of staff can deal with the appellate court’s ruling The developments capped a whirl- has traveled from a chaotic election hear- itself and may even have an ultimate direc- wind 24 hours in the mayor’s race that ing in the basement of a downtown build- tion in mind. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/TRIBUNE FIREFIGHTERS ENDORSE CHICO started when an appellate court issued ing to the highest court in the state in a As for city election officials, they re- Mayoral candidate Gery Chico (above) the stunning decision Monday booting little more than a month. started the printing of ballots by Tuesday picked up the firefighters union’s endorse- Emanuel from the ballot. The ruling sent At a news conference before the state afternoon, this time with Emanuel’s name ment Tuesday and opened the door to Emanuel’s legal team scrambling to save Supreme Court action, Emanuel said he is included, said Langdon Neal, elections dropping the long-reviled requirement that his candidacy for Chicago’s top office as “confident in the argument we are making” board chairman. city workers live in Chicago. Meanwhile, opponents rushed to pick off potential in the appeal. The ballots without Emanuel’s name had Rahm Emanuel was endorsed by Teamster supporters. “I believe [voters] deserve the right to yet to be dried, cut, separated and shrink- Joint Council 25, which represents more Team Emanuel won a round Tuesday as make that choice, to say yes or no, and no- wrapped, and they will now be locked away. than 30,000 members who live in the city, the state’s highest court chose to intervene body else,” Emanuel said. “In the end, we And there they’ll stay, Neal said, unless of including people who drive city snowplows by ordering that his name must appear on will be on the ballot and people will have course they’re needed after all. and collect garbage. 10 chicago E Celebrate Our Y E D E Man sentenced R for robbery l 19th Anniversary 011 Plahsitl loipf fAolulisr odne,f 3e2n,d tahnet s 2 6, charged with robbing Y2 With Us!! former NBA star Antoine R A Walker of cash and jew- U N elry at gunpoint in his JA River North home, plead- Y, ed guilty Tuesday to A D home invasion and was S E sentenced to six years in N D prison. Walker, a Chicago E W native and graduate of Mount Carmel High School, played 14 sea- sons in the NBA. More teens without jobs INSPIRING FITNESS More than a quarter of SINCE 1976! Illinois teenagers looking for jobs last year could not find one, according to preliminary data by the Employment Policies Institute, a think-tank John Stone wears the Packers tie that got him fired and holds a 19 that focuses on entry- $ photo of his late grandmother. ALEX GARCIA/TRIBUNE level employment issues. Illinois’ rate climbed Packers tie gets to a record high of 27.6 percent, up from Get 25.8 percent in 2009 and salesman fired started well above the national for average of 25.9 percent. Chicago Tribune Museum visits down 3 percent The center of the rivalry between the Bears and Green Bay Packers, at least for now, is Webb Chevrolet in Oak Lawn. Attendance at Chicago area museums and cul- The dealership was flooded with calls Tuesday from fans of tural institutions was both teams, one day after a salesman was fired for wearing a down 3 percent in 2010, Packers necktie to work. 7 Chicago Locations! even though free visits Jerry Roberts, the dealership’s general manager, said he has by students and youth received “tons” of calls from Bears fans supporting his deci- groups increased by MONTROSE DOWNTOWN sion to fire John C. Stone. However, Roberts said he also has 5 percent. A total of received calls from Packers fans demanding he re-hire Stone 14.4 million people visited 773.348.1212 312.357.9753 so they can buy a car from him. 14 museums and zoos In fact, Roberts said he’s willing to give Stone his job back if tracked by an umbrella 909WestMontroseAve. 100SouthWackerDrive he returns to work. Stone, 34, said that’s not going to happen. agency called Museums (3BlocksWestofLakeShoreDrive–NexttoJewel) (EnteronWacker&MonroeorWacker&Adams In the Park in 2010. Chicago,IL60613 LowerLevelConcourse) “I’m not going,” said Stone, whose fateful fashion choice The Shedd Aquarium Chicago,IL60613 was covered by media outlets across the country Tuesday. PILSEN reported the highest Stone, who worked at Webb for roughly a month, has oth- attendance. 312.491.8700 er options to consider. Guy Cesario, the general manager of Chevrolet of Homewood, offered Stone a job Tuesday while Proposal takes on 1822S.Bishop Stone was being interviewed on WGN-Ch. 9. vacant buildings (2BlocksEastofAshlandAve.locatedbetween18th&19th) “Good salesmen are so hard to find,” Cesario said. “To put In response to the Chicago,IL60608 somebody’s livelihood in jeopardy because of a tie is just idi- recent deaths of two otic.” Chicago firefighters in HIGHLAND RACINE Roberts said his dealership and the Bears’ radio network a roof collapse, the City 219.838.3481 262.598.9319 have been promotional partners for years, and he thought Council will consider a 8313IndianapolisBlvd. 3701DurrandAve. Stone was trying to antagonize his co-workers and customers proposal to allow own- (Plaza,acrossfromWickerGolfCourse) (ElmwoodPlaza) by wearing a Packers tie the day after they beat the Bears in ers of vacant buildings Highland,IN46321 Racine,WI53405 the NFC championship game. to be jailed for up to six PALATINE months if building viola- 847.991.9300 AURORA Roberts said he told Stone five times over at least 30 min- tions cause someone to 1546E.DundeeRd. 630.801.7733 utes to remove the tie before firing him. Stone, a Roseland get hurt or killed. TRIBUNE resident and father of two, said he wore the tie because he (DundeeatRoute53,nexttoHolidayInn) 300N.HighlandAve. and his late grandmother shared a love for the Packers. Palatine,IL60074 Aurora,IL60506

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