RODRIGO RISI PEREIRA BARRETO HISTORIA DE VIDA E VULNERABILIDADE DE TUBARÕES OCEÂNICOS (ELASMOBRANCHII) DO ATLANTICO SUL. ‘ RECIFE, AGOSTO 2015 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL RURAL DE PERNAMBUCO PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM RECURSOS PESQUEIROS E AQÜICULTURA HISTORIA DE VIDA E VULNERABILIDADE DE TUBARÕES OCEÂNICOS (ELASMOBRANCHII) DO ATLANTICO SUL. Rodrigo Risi Pereira Barreto Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Pesqueiros e Aquicultura da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco como exigência para obtenção do título Doutor. Dra. Rosangela Lessa Orientadora Dr. Humber Andrade Co-orientador Dr. Boris Worm Co-orientador RECIFE, AGOSTO 2015 Ficha catalográfica B273h Barreto, Rodrigo Risi Pereira História de vida e vulnerabilidade dos tubarões oceânicos (elasmobranchii) do Atlântico Sul / Rodrigo Risi Pereira Barreto. – Recife, 2015. 165 f. : il. Orientador(a): Rosangela Lessa. Tese (Programa de Pós Graduação em Recursos Pesqueiros e Aquicultura) – Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Recife, 2015. Referências. 1. Tubarão (Peixe) 2. Atlântico Sul, Oceano 3. CPUE I. Lessa, Rosangela, orientadora II. Título CDD 639 Epigrafe A força não provém da capacidade física. Provém de uma vontade indomável.” Mahatma Gandhi. Dedicatória A Fatima Motta Risi, Priscila Risi Pereira Barreto e Marilia Ferreira Lancellotti pelo amor incondicional. A Professora Rosangela Lessa pela paciência, exemplos e ensinamentos. Aos Professores Francisco Marcante, Humber Andrade, Boris Worm, Francesco Ferretti, Joanna Mills Flemming, Maria Lucia Araújo, Ricardo Rosa, Sigrid Neumann e Alberto Amorim. Aos meus tios (Edison, Silvana, Eliana, Waldemar e Luiz Gonzaga). Aos tantos amigos que me acompanham ou acompanharam pelo caminho da vida (felizmente nao cabem todos aqui). Especialmente aos tubarões que estão no mar e meu pai (Élcio da Silva Pereira Barreto) que esta no céu. Com amor. Lista de figuras Artigo I Figure 1. Spatial distribution of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 2. Range of lenghts of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 3.Empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF, FL cm) of shortfin mako sharks. Figure 4. Range of lengths (vertebrae sample) of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 5. Fork length vs. vertebra radius of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 6.Age bias plot of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 7. Median vertebral marginal increment ratio (MIR) by month for shortfin mako sharks. Figure 8. Length versus age with superimposed best fit von Bertalanffy growth model. Figure 9. Length versus age with superimposed best fit von Bertalanffy growth model. Figure 10. Kimura`s likelihood ratio test for growth parameters estimated for males and females shortfin mako sharks. Figure 11. Age length key for female shortfin mako sharks.caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 12. Age length key for male shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure 13. Age composition of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Figure14.Spatial distribution of shortfin mako sharks caught by Brazilian chartered longline fleet. Artigo II Figure 1. Spatial distribution of reported longline fishing effort in the three identified phases; A - 1979–1998; B - 1998–2007; C - 2008–2011. Only fleets that reported more than 2 years of fishing were included. Figure 2.Total number of sharks (n), fishing effort (number of hooks), and nominal catch rates (total number of sharks divided by total number of hooks multiplied by 1000, by month) reported by the multiple fleets for Brazilian institutions between 1979 and 1997 (phase A - light grey), 1998–2007 (phase B - medium grey), 2008–2012 (phase C - dark grey). Positive observations are denoted by black dots, zero observations (months without reported shark catches) by grey dots. Figure 3. Mosaic plot of fishing effort (number of sets) by year from fleets that reported shark catches for Brazilian institutions between 1979 and 2011. Figure 4. Trends in standardized catch rates (shark catches per 1000 hooks, estimated from generalized linear mixed models using a zero truncated negative binomial distribution) in the three identified fishing phases, plotted for each species. Solid lines show the overall trends (using year as continuous variable) and dots indicate the individual year estimates (using year as factor, ±95 CI). Shaded zones indicate the different phases; 1979–1997 (A - light grey), 1998–2007 (B - medium grey), 2008–2011 (C - dark grey). Artigo III Figure 1.Spatial distribution of longline sets in which sharks were reported by onboard observers from the Brazilian chartered longline fleet from 2005 to 2011.. Figure 2. Age distribution (converted to total sample from ALKs) from South Atlantic large pelagic sharks caught by longliners. Unaged individuals smaller or bigger than aged individuals were excluded (ALKs). Figure 3. Total mortality (Z) estimated for large pelagic sharks caught by longliners in the South Atlantic Ocean using the Chapman and Robson method (Chapman and Robson, 1960; Robson and Chapman, 1961). Figure 4. Brander’s equilibrium mortality (Zm); Fishery mortality necessary to drive species to extinction using Zm as natural mortality (Fexzm); Mean natural mortality estimated from methods that uses tmax (M); Fishery mortality necessary to drive species to extinction using M as natural mortality (Fexm) and total mortality estimated using Chapman and Robson method (Z). Fisheries mortalities (Fzm and FM) were estimated by simply subtracting M from Z = FM and Zm from Z = Fzm. Dashed red line means the mortality level beyond populations will collapse. Figure 5. Proportional changes (elasticity) in vital rates on shark populations growth rates (E1 = YOY, E2 = young’s and E3 = adults) using demographic scenarios 1 and 2 (M and Zm respectively). Figure 6. Rebound potential (rzmsy) estimated for large pelagic sharks caught by longliners in the South Atlantic Ocean following Smith et al. (1998). Black dots means that natural mortality estimated by empirical methods was used in the Smith’s formulation (M) and red dots means (Zm). Lista de tabelas Artigo I Table1. Growth parameters estimated for shortfin mako sharks. Table 2. Kimura`s likelihood ratio test for growth parameters estimated for males and females shortfin mako sharks. Table 3. Information about growth studies realized by several authors with the shortfin mako sharks. Artigo II Table 1. Description of the data set, including family, species, common names, and total number of sharks reported by multiple fleets in the western and central SAO between 1979 and 2011; IUCN Red List categories (global and for Brazil). IUCN Red List categories: EX - Extinct, RE - Regionally Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, CR - Critically Endangered, EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, NT - Near Threatened, LC - Least Concern, DD - Data Deficient. Table 2. Catch rates, zero observations, and missing values in the data set. Mean annual catch rate is calculated for each species or species group in each phase (A - 1978–1997; B - 1998–2007; C - 2008–2011). The proportion of zeros for each species in each phase, and the proportion of missing values (NA) are calculated for each species and phase. Table 3. Generalized linear model results. Models assumed a zero truncated negative binomial distribution in the three different phases of exploitation (A - 1979–1997; B - 1998–2007; C - 2008–2011). Model coefficients for each species and covariate are shown, as included in the final model. Values highlighted in bold indicate significant covariates (p<0.05); (-) indicates covariates that were dropped from the final model.