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Reading and Writing Mundari PDF

29 Pages·2013·0.146 MB·English
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Reading and Writing Mundari Book 2 Authors: Allen Pitya Lutwori Enike Amina Wani Lodu Philip Jembeke Robert Gajuk Paul Wani Martin Lomu Goke Augustino Laku Buli Trial Edition SIL-Sudan - 1 - This book is used to teach how how to better read and write Mundari. Contact Address: Mundari Translation and Literacy Project c/o SIL-Sudan P.O. Box 64 Juba Sudan © 2013, Mundari Translation and Literacy Project Trial Edition July 2013 Publisher: SIL-Sudan Place of Publication: Juba - 2 - IIIInnnnttttrrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn This book shows how to write words so that readers can more easily know the correct meaning. We will learn four spelling rules that help reading and writing, as well as all the sounds that join together to make words. This book is for all Mundari readers. It is especially important for those writing books and translating Scripture to understand the lessons of this book. Each of the Mundari words in this book are listed in the Alphabet Word List at the end of the book. If you need to check the correct spelling of a word, you can look for the word at the end of this book. The words are taken from Mundari stories. These stories are at the end of the Mundari Grammar Book. There are English words in this book that may be new to you. Each new word is underlined and explained when it is first used. If you later see the word and forget what it means, you can also find it explained in the glossary at the back of the book. This book can be taught to participants in a workshop. A person can also use this book to teach himself/herself without a workshop or instructor. You should read each lesson and then immediately do the exercise following the lesson. The exercise will help you test your understanding of the lesson. The answers to the exercises are in the back of the book. After completing an exercise, immediately check your answers to see how well you have understood. For each of your incorrect answers, try to understand the correct answer. Ask other Mundari if you need help. CCCCoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss IIIInnnnttttrrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn....................................................................................................................................................3 CCCCoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss..........................................................................................................................................................3 MMMMuuuunnnnddddaaaarrrriiii AAAAllllpppphhhhaaaabbbbeeeetttt...........................................................................................................................................4 SSSSyyyyllllllllaaaabbbblllleeeessss..........................................................................................................................................................5 CCCCoooonnnnssssoooonnnnaaaannnnttttssss aaaannnndddd VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss..................................................................................................................................7 HHHHeeeeaaaavvvvyyyy aaaannnndddd LLLLiiiigggghhhhtttt VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss................................................................................................................................9 MMMMiiiixxxxeeeedddd VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss...............................................................................................................................................12 VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss uuuu,,,, üüüü aaaannnndddd iiii,,,, ïïïï nnnneeeexxxxtttt ttttoooo ccccoooonnnnssssoooonnnnaaaannnnttttssss........................................................................................................14 TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnnssssoooonnnnaaaannnntttt ꞌꞌꞌꞌ.............................................................................................................................................16 CCCCoooonnnnssssoooonnnnaaaannnnttttssss pppp,,,, tttt,,,, ssss,,,, kkkk aaaatttt tttthhhheeee EEEEnnnnddddssss ooooffff WWWWoooorrrrddddssss...................................................................................................17 SSSSppppeeeelllllllliiiinnnngggg RRRRuuuulllleeeessss RRRReeeevvvviiiieeeewwwweeeedddd..............................................................................................................................19 AAAAllllpppphhhhaaaabbbbeeeettttiiiiccccaaaallll WWWWoooorrrrdddd LLLLiiiisssstttt.................................................................................................................................20 GGGGlllloooossssssssaaaarrrryyyy........................................................................................................................................................26 AAAAnnnnsssswwwweeeerrrrssss ttttoooo EEEExxxxeeeerrrrcccciiiisssseeeessss....................................................................................................................................27 - 3 - MMMMuuuunnnnddddaaaarrrriiii AAAAllllpppphhhhaaaabbbbeeeetttt The first step in learning to read and write Mundari is learning the alphabet. The Mundari language has 27 letters, as shown in the following list of words. Mundari Alphabet AAAA aaaa ama sandals ÄÄÄÄ ääää äpü crime, guilt BBBB bbbb banduk sword DDDD dddd düät bull ꞌꞌꞌꞌDDDD ꞌꞌꞌꞌdddd ꞌdioŋ dog EEEE eeee Eke! Drive in! GGGG gggg gü granary IIII iiii kidi waterwell ÏÏÏÏ ïïïï kïdï arm JJJJ jjjj jurak bag KKKK kkkk kïbär anthill LLLL llll likiro hare MMMM mmmm manta field, garden NNNN nnnn nukuanit rope NNNNyyyy nnnnyyyy nyajua gazelle type ŊŊŊŊ ŋŋŋŋ ŋobora horns OOOO oooo olot flour PPPP pppp parat ax RRRR rrrr rima blood SSSS ssss suri chicken TTTT tttt tolokso egg UUUU uuuu kuŋu knee ÜÜÜÜ üüüü üsür tax WWWW wwww würï warthog YYYY yyyy yaru hippo ꞌꞌꞌꞌYYYY ꞌꞌꞌꞌyyyy ꞌyuddu planting ꞌꞌꞌꞌ laꞌat clothes There are only a few words with the letter ꞌꞌꞌꞌyyyy as in ꞌꞌꞌꞌyyyyuuuudddddddduuuu ꞌplantingꞌ. In some words borrowed from Bari, there is the letter ꞌꞌꞌꞌbbbb as in ꞌꞌꞌꞌbbbboooollllooootttt ꞌflowerꞌ. ꞌꞌꞌꞌBBBB ꞌꞌꞌꞌbbbb ꞌbolot flower The Mundari word list at the end of this book has the same order as the list above. Exercise 1 Write each of the words in the list above next to the letters below. Say each word as you write them. Listen to the sound each letter makes. - 4 - a ____________________ j ____________________ r ____________________ ä ____________________ k ____________________ s ____________________ b ____________________ l ____________________ t ____________________ d ____________________ m ____________________ u ____________________ ꞌd ____________________ n ____________________ ü ____________________ e ____________________ ny ____________________ w ____________________ g ____________________ ŋ ____________________ y ____________________ i ____________________ o ____________________ ꞌy ____________________ ï ____________________ p ____________________ ꞌ ____________________ SSSSyyyyllllllllaaaabbbblllleeeessss Now we learn how Mundari letters are joined together in words. Words can be divided into syllables, or beats. Each of the words below have three syllables. They can be divided into three separate beats as shown. Three-syllable words sokare so ka re hare koropo ko ro po leaves kärüꞌe kä rü ꞌe widow titiꞌit ti ti ꞌit sparrow (bird type) loꞌduluk lo ꞌdu luk animal like badger Each of the words below have two syllables. They can be divided into two separate beats as shown. Two-syllable words jaku ja ku animal kälï ka li whip jaꞌe ja ꞌe rainy season gümät gü mät wind lütek lü tek roof - 5 - banduk ban duk sword liŋgo liŋ go fox rüäkä rüä kä darkness nyajua nya jua gazelle type alaŋ a laŋ salt olot o lot flour atiaŋ a tiaŋ night Each of the words below have one syllable. They cannot be divided into more than one beat. One-syllable words gü granary kï sky, heaven jet belly, womb mäk waist küe head ŋäüŋ hyena diaŋ famine süät ear Exercise 2 Say each word below and listen to the number of beats in each word. Write the number of syllables (1, 2, or 3) in the blank ___ to the left of each word. Then divide the word into syllables in the blanks to the right of each word. Write one syllable on each blank. Do not fill more blanks than the number of syllables. The first one has been done as an example. number of syllables divided into syllables _2_ güreny gü reny _____ cat _____ mony _____ _____ _____ mother-in-law _____ düät _____ _____ _____ bull _____ jame _____ _____ _____ word _____ mürüt _____ _____ _____ neck _____ ŋobora _____ _____ _____ horns _____ guek _____ _____ _____ raven _____ peya _____ _____ _____ gun _____ marate _____ _____ _____ somebody - 6 - _____ waria _____ _____ _____ wives _____ boroŋ _____ _____ _____ harmful animal _____ lokore _____ _____ _____ meat _____ manta _____ _____ _____ field, garden CCCCoooonnnnssssoooonnnnaaaannnnttttssss aaaannnndddd VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss Some letters are consonants and some letters are vowels. In the word kkkkïïïïbbbbäääärrrr 'anthill', the letters kkkk, bbbb and rrrr are consonants and ïïïï and ääää are vowels. Consonants usually begin syllables and sometimes end syllables. Vowels are in the middle of syllables and sometimes end syllables. In the syllable kkkkïïïï, the consonant kkkk begins the syllable, and the vowel ïïïï ends the syllable. In the syllable bbbbäääärrrr, the consonant bbbb begins the syllable, the consonant rrrr ends the syllable, and the vowel ääää is in the middle of the syllable. In a few words such as aaaallllaaaaŋŋŋŋ ꞌsaltꞌ, the first vowel aaaa is a syllable by itself. A vowel can be a syllable by itself, but a consonant cannot be a syllable by itself. In a few words such as ꞌꞌꞌꞌddddiiiiooooŋŋŋŋ ꞌdogꞌ, there are two vowels iiii, oooo in the middle of the syllable. Even though the word has 4 letters, the entire word is only one syllable. The following 18 letters are Mundari consonantsː Mundari consonants B b K k Ŋ ŋ W w D d L l P p Y y ꞌD ꞌd M m R r ꞌ G g N n S s J j Ny ny T t The following 8 letters are Mundari vowelsː Mundari vowels a e i o u ä ï ü In this lesson, we learn about Mundari consonants. In the next lessons, we learn about Mundari vowels. The list below has Mundari words with each of the consonants. Most consonants can be at the beginning or middle of words. But, the consonant ꞌꞌꞌꞌ cannot be at the beginning. - 7 - Some consonants can be at the ends of words. But, the consonants bbbb, dddd, ꞌꞌꞌꞌdddd, gggg, jjjj, llll, wwww, yyyy, and ꞌꞌꞌꞌ cannot. Word beginning Word middle Word end BBBB bbbb bbbboyi net rubbbbe sorcerer bbbbüt bush kabbbbelo sheep (pl) DDDD dddd ddddïlï hole küddddü rain ddddüꞌde cloud medddde household ꞌꞌꞌꞌDDDD ꞌꞌꞌꞌdddd ꞌꞌꞌꞌddddïrï virgins düꞌꞌꞌꞌdddde cloud ꞌꞌꞌꞌddddüŋït herd kuꞌꞌꞌꞌddddat bread GGGG gggg ggggele shoulder moggggor hunger ggggüre dove loggggelie bird type JJJJ jjjj jjjjaku animal mïjjjjï mouse jjjjet belly nyajjjjua gazelle KKKK kkkk kkkkadi house tokkkkot field bandukkkk sword kkkkälï whip sokkkkare otter guekkkk raven LLLL llll lllliŋgo fox bulllluk crowd lllloli basket allllaŋ salt MMMM mmmm mmmmere mountain gümmmmät wind kammmm fishes mmmmariŋ fence kimmmmaŋ fire a remmmm speared NNNN nnnn nnnnukuanit rope kïnnnne goat käyïnnnn hand nnnnügäŋ another yini co-wife ŋünnnn god NNNNyyyy nnnnyyyy nnnnyyyyajua gazelle type merennnnyyyye grandfather gürennnnyyyy cat nnnnyyyyürüt food monnnnyyyya mothers-in-law munnnnyyyy body ŊŊŊŊ ŋŋŋŋ ŋŋŋŋäüŋ hyena buŋŋŋŋo flock alaŋŋŋŋ salt ŋŋŋŋuri person diŋŋŋŋit time ꞌdioŋŋŋŋ dog PPPP pppp ppppärï bed koppppo cup ŋeꞌdepppp tongue pppperek fish spear yappppa moon a ropppp paid RRRR rrrr rrrrïŋït power gürrrreny cat jürrrr village rrrrube sorcerer kirrrreŋ cow tärrrr island SSSS ssss ssssokare otter üssssür tax a tossss picked ssssoŋ water amasssso sandal a kuassss begged - 8 - TTTT tttt ttttokot field lüttttek roof düätttt bull tttture stick patttta ropes kakatttt door WWWW wwww wwwwale knife kawwwwokonit beater (person) wwwwelet oil kawwwwasanit replier YYYY yyyy yyyyapa moon koyyyyi road yyyyümü heart käyyyyïn hand ꞌꞌꞌꞌYYYY yyyy ꞌyuddu planting loŋuꞌꞌꞌꞌyyyyum heel ꞌyalet credit, loan kokoꞌꞌꞌꞌyyyyogga swarm ꞌꞌꞌꞌ küꞌꞌꞌꞌü shield jaꞌꞌꞌꞌe rainy season Exercise 3 In each word below, circle each consonant. The first one has been done as an example. g ü l ä m grave k ä y ï n hand m a r i ŋ fence ŋ e ꞌd e p tongue t o l o k eggs w ü r ï warthog s e r a n stars d ü ꞌd e cloud, sky j a ꞌ e rainy season a t i a ŋ night HHHHeeeeaaaavvvvyyyy aaaannnndddd LLLLiiiigggghhhhtttt VVVVoooowwwweeeellllssss The words ddddaaaaŋŋŋŋ 'time' and jjjjäääännnnyyyy 'dangerous person' have different vowel sounds. In ddddaaaaŋŋŋŋ, the vowel aaaa is light. In jjjjäääännnnyyyy, the vowel ääää is heavy. There are 8 vowels in Mundari, as shown in the list below. Heavy vowels are marked with dots above the vowel. Vowels Light Heavy A a Ä ä - 9 - E e I i Ï ï O o U u Ü ü The following words have the vowel /aaaa/ or /ääää/. Say each of these words. Listen to the difference in sound between the vowels /aaaa/ and /ääää/. AAAA aaaa ÄÄÄÄ ääää daŋ time jäny dangerous person kak earth mäk waist mar chief, king tär island taba tobacco pädä gold pata ropes manta field, garden parat ax kakat door alaŋ salt ama sandals bar flood The following words have the vowel /iiii/ or /ïïïï/. IIII iiii ÏÏÏÏ ïïïï mi custom kï sky, heaven kidi waterwell kïdï arm miri scholar mïrï government kili battle line dïlï hole diŋit time rïŋït power titiꞌit sparrow (bird type) kïnyjïrï bird mïk grain, sorghum kïn dung, feces pïrït place dïnï tree type mïjï mouse ꞌdïrï virgins The following words have the vowel /uuuu/ or /üüüü/. UUUU uuuu ÜÜÜÜ üüüü ju friend gü granary muny body ŋün god kuruk mouth mürüt neck wuyut buttock nyürüt food, produce buluk crowd tülü ax kuŋu knee münü snake - 10 -

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