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Few-Body Systems manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Francesco Ancilotto1,2 · Maurizio Rossi1 · Luca Salasnich1,3 · Flavio Toigo1,2 Quenched dynamics of the momentum distribution 5 1 of the unitary Bose gas 0 2 n a J 7 Received:date / Accepted:date 2 ] s Abstract We study the quenched dynamics of the momentum distribution of a unitary Bose gas a under isotropic harmonic confinement within a time-dependent density functional approach based on g our recently calculated Monte Carlo (MC) bulk equation of state. In our calculations the inter-atomic - t s-wave scattering length of the trapped bosons is suddenly increased to a very large value and the n real-time evolution of the system is studied. Prompted by the very recent experimental data of 85Rb a atomsatunitarity[NaturePhys. 10,116(2014)]wefocusonthemomentumdistributionasafunction u q oftime.Ourresultssuggestthatatlowmomenta,aquasi-stationarymomentumdistributionisreached . after a long transient, contrary to what found experimentally for large momenta which equilibrate on t a a time scale shorter than the one for three body losses. m Keywords Unitary Bose Gas · Time Dependent Density Functional · Local Density approximation · - d Momentum Distribution n o c [ 1 Introduction 2 v Recentexperimentsclaimtohaveachievedametastabledegenerategasofultracoldanddilutebosonic 1 atomswithinfinite s-wavescatteringlength[1;2;3;4].This is the so-calledunitaryBosegas,whichis 9 characterizedby remarkably simple universal laws arising from scale invariance [5]. While the unitary 4 Fermi gas has been largely investigated both experimentally and theoretically [6], its bosonic coun- 5 terpart has been only marginally theoretically addressed [7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13] because generally 0 considered as experimentally inaccessible [14] due to the dominant three-body losses at very large . 1 values of the scattering length. 0 By using a Monte Carlo (MC) approach [13] we have recently investigated the zero-temperature 5 propertiesofadilutehomogeneousBosegasbytuningtheinteractionstrengthofthetwo-bodypoten- 1 tialtoachievearbitrarypositivevaluesofthes-wavescatteringlengtha ,whileavoidingtheformation : s v oftheself-boundclusterspresentinthe ground-state[13].Morerecently,theMC equationofstatehas i X been the key ingredient of a local density approximation (LDA) [15] to the energy density functional to be used in density functional theory (DFT). Remarkably, the density profiles of a unitary Bose r a gas in a harmonic trap calculated with DFT using such functional compare very well with the MC ones. In addition, by using a time-dependent formulation, we have also investigated the excitation frequencies asa function ofthe scatteringlength.Interestingly,the calculatedvalues forthe monopole breathingmode,whichreproducetheexpectedlimitingvaluesoftheidealandunitaryregimes,exhibit a non-monotonous behavior as a varies [15]. s 1 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia ”Galileo Galilei” and CNISM, Universit`a di Padova, via Marzolo 8, 35122Padova,Italy·2 CNR-IOMDemocritos,viaBonomea,265-34136Trieste,Italy·3 CNR-INO,viaNello Carrara, 1 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy 2 Unfortunately, the experimental data on the unitary Bose gas [1; 2; 3; 4] to compare with are quite scarce, and they do not provide an easy tool for validating theoretical approaches. The most suitable data in this sense are the time-resolved measurements of the momentum distribution n(k,t) of a Bose-condensed gas quenched at unitarity (sudden increase of a to a very large value) provided s by the very recent experiment of Makotyn et al. [4]. The main result coming from Ref. [4] is that, for k ≥ k = (6π2n)1/3 where n is the atom number density, n(k,t) evolves to a quasi-steady-state B distribution on a time scale shorter than the one characterizing three-body losses. We thus try to reproduce the observed phenomenon by solving a nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) obtained from time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) with our LDA functional, based on the MC equation of state and where we have introduced a dissipative term to take into account three-body losses, whose role is relevantduringthequencheddynamics[16].Wemustnoticehowever,thatweexpectoursingleorbital TDDFT to be fully reliable only at low momenta, where the collective long-wavelength dynamics dominates.Thereforeouranalysiswillbeconfinedtolowmomenta,inarangenotdirectlycomparable with the one studied experimentally. The results we find, are therefore complementary to those of Makotyn et al. [4] and suggest that, as expected, while the system equilibrates locally in a short time as found by experiments, it takes a very long time to reach quasi equilibrium all over the trap. 2 Method Onthe basis ofthe density functionaltheory[17], areliableenergyfunctional ofthe localdensity n(r) for an inhomogeneous system of interacting bosons at T =0 is given by ¯h2 2 E[n(r)]= ∇ n(r) +n(r) ε(n(r))+n(r) U(r) d3r, (1) Z (cid:26)2m(cid:16) p (cid:17) (cid:27) where the quantum-pressure gradient term takes into account effects due to density variations [18], ε(n(r)) is the energy per atom of the homogeneous system with density equal to the local density and U(r) describes the external confinement, which we assume to be an isotropic harmonic potential U(r)= 1mω2 r2 .Thevaluesofε(n)havebeenrecentlyfittedtotheresultsofaMCcalculation[13]for 2 H awiderangeof(positive)valuesofthescatteringlengtha characterizingtheinterparticleinteraction. s In the weakly interacting regime (x ≡ a /r ≪ 1, where r = (3/(4πn))1/3 is the average distance s 0 0 betweenbosons)theMCresultsforε(n)areveryclosetoε (n),theuniversalBogoliubovprediction LHY [19] ε (n) = h¯2(6π2n)2/3 as corrected by Lee, Huang and Yang (LHY) [20]. In the strong-coupling B 2m regime (x ≫ 1), instead, MC data reach a plateau and, in the unitarity limit (a → ∞), a finite and s positive energy per particle is found, E/N = 0.70 ε (n). The equation of state of the homogeneous B system[13] from such MC calculation can be well interpolated as: f (x)+a x3 for x<0.3 ε(n) LHY 3 =c7x7+c6x6+c5x5+c4x4+c3x3+c2x2+c1x+c0 for 0.3<x<0.5 (2) εB(n) b +b tanh(b /x−1) for x>0.5 0 1 2  with a = 0.21, b = 0.45, b = −0.33, b = 0.54, c = 4.75 , c = −99.72, c = 890.68, c = 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 −4309.56, c = 12268.41,c = −20488.00, c = 18568.27 and c = −7052.20 [21]. In (2), f (x) = 4 5 6 7 LHY 4 1/3x[1+ 128 3 x3/2] is the LHY correction to the Bogoliubov prediction. Notice that in the 3π2 15√π 4π q (cid:0)deep(cid:1)weak-coupling regime Eq. (1) reduces to the familiar Gross-Pitaevskiidensity functional [22; 23] since ε(n)=E (n,a )≡2π¯h2a n2/m. GPE s s In Ref. [15] we have shown that the energy functional (1) is very accurate in reproducing the MC static density profiles of the inhomogeneous unitary Bose gas under harmonic confinement. The dynamics ofthe systemcanbe obtainedby generalizingthe energyfunctional (1) into a density-phase action functional A[n(r,t),θ(r,t)], where θ(r,t) is the phase of a single-valued quantum-mechanical wave function representing the macroscopic wave function of the Bose-Einstein condensate of the superfluid [24], which is related to the superfluid velocity v by the relation v=(h¯/m)∇θ [25]. Such a density-phase action functional is written as A[n(r,t),θ(r,t)]= T[n(r,t),θ(r,t)]−E[n(r,t)] dt, (3) Z n o 3 Fig. 1 Time evolution of the total number N of trapped 85Rb atoms in the unitary Bose gas. Solid line: numerical integration of the dissipative nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (7). Filled squares: experimental data from Ref. [4]. where ∂θ(r,t) ¯h2 T[n(r,t),θ(r,t)]= −n(r,t) ¯h + (∇θ(r,t))2 d3r (4) Z (cid:26) (cid:18) ∂t 2m (cid:19)(cid:27) is the kinetic Lagrangian of Popov [26], and E[n(r,t)] is given by Eq. (1) under the assumption of a time-dependentlocaldensity.Itisstraightforwardtoderivetheequationsofsuperfluidhydrodynamics with a quantum-pressure term (directly related to the von Weizsacker gradient term of Eq. (1)) by extremizing the action functional (3) [27]. Moreover,introducing the wave function Ψ(r,t)= n(r,t) eiθ(r,t) (5) p the equations of superfluid hydrodynamics can be re-written in terms of a nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation ∂Ψ(r,t) ¯h2∇2 ∂(nε) i¯h = − +U(r)+ Ψ(r,t), (6) ∂t (cid:20) 2m ∂n (cid:21) which is the Euler-Lagrangeequation obtained from the action functional (3) taking into account Eq. (5). WestressthatEq.(6)canbealternativelyobtainedfromtimedependentdensityfunctionaltheory (TDDFT)[17;28;29]intheLocalDensityApproximationusingasingleKohn-Shamorbitaltodescribe thedegeneratebosonsystem[27;15].ThecomputationalapproachbasedonEq.(6)hasbeenadopted, forinstance,todescribesuperfluidhelium[30;31],ultracoldbosonicatoms[27;15],andalsosuperfluid fermions in the BCS-BEC crossover [32; 33]. InthedynamicsoftheunitaryBosegasthree-bodylossesplayarelevantdissipativerole,especially closeoratunitarity.AsdoneinpreviousapplicationsofEq.(6)[16],wemodeltheeffectofthree-body losses by adding a phenomenological dissipative term −ih¯L3n2Ψ (with L = 9·10 23 cm6/sec [4]) in 2 3 − 4 Fig.2 Scaledaverageradiushr2i1/2/a ofthe85Rbatomiccloudasafunctionoftimet.Solidline:numerical H integration of the dissipative NLSE, Eq. (7). Dotted line: numerical integration of the dissipative GPE, i.e. Eq. (7) with ε(n) = EGPE(n). In both cases the scattering length as is very large but finite: as = 5·105a0, with a0 =0.53·10−10 m the Bohr radius. The two horizontal dashed lines give the experimentally-estimated average radius of the cloud up to the time t=500 µs [4]. aH =p¯h/(mωH) is the characteristic length of the harmonic confinement. equation (6). Thus, the dissipative NLSE we use for our numerical simulations is given by ∂Ψ(r,t) ¯h2∇2 ∂(nε) i¯hL i¯h = − +U(r)+ − 3|Ψ(r,t)|4 Ψ(r,t). (7) ∂t (cid:20) 2m ∂n 2 (cid:21) We have numerically solved Eq.(7) to obtain the real-time evolution closely simulating the ex- perimental conditions of Makotyn et al. [4]. Therefore we consider as initial configuration a cloud of N = 70000 85Rb atoms, confined in a spherical harmonic trap with frequency ω = 10 Hz and H scattering length a = 150a (where a is the Bohr radius) prepared in its ground state by evolving s 0 0 in imaginary time Eq. (6) without the dissipative term (i.e. with L = 0). Then we switch on the 3 dissipative term (with L = 9 ·10 23 cm6/sec), increase the scattering length to a very high, but 3 − otherwise arbitrary,value a =5×105a , and let the system evolve in real time for a time t. At such s 0 time weanalyzethe momentumdistributionofthe particles,asdescribedinthe following.Notice that according to our calculated MC equation of state (2), the chosen value for a is practically equivalent s to a =+∞, i.e. it gives the same energy per atom as in the truly unitary limit[13]. s 3 Numerical results Duetothepresenceofthethree-bodyrecombination,whoserateincreasesasa4,atomsarecontinuously s disappearing from the trap. At early times, t ≤ 350 µs, experimental data are compatible with an exponentialdecaywith a time constantofabout 630µs [4]. Inour simulationsthe number ofparticles N inthetrapsuffersasimilardepletion,drivenbythephenomenologicaldissipativetermproportional 5 Fig. 3 Momentumdistributionsn(k˜)ofthebosoniccloudof85Rbatomsobtainedatincreasingtimestepsby solving Eq. (7). Thenarrowest distribution corresponds to t=0 while thebroadest one tot=1000 µs. There are 37 distributions obtained at increasing time steps ∆t=27.02 µs. The data are shown as a function of the reduced wave-vectork˜≡k/k , where k =(6π2n)1/3 and n is thedensity at thecenter of the trap. B B toL .Thetime-dependentbehaviorofthetotalnumberoftrappedatomscanbemonitoredbysolving 3 Eq.(7) and by computing N(t)= |Ψ(r,t)|2 d3r. (8) Z TheobtainedN(t)isshownasasolidlineinFig.1andiscomparedtotheexperimentaldataofRef.[4], reportedas filled squares.Our DFT results are fairly comparable with the experimental points, where theseareavailable,butwenotethatforlatertimesourdecayisfarfrombeingexponential.Itseemsto be characterizedby two different time scales: one, fast, driving the first depletion of the atoms within the trap, that covers the experimental data range; and a second one, which is much slower, dictating the emptying of the trap at very large times. We find that, in this second regime, a relevant number of atoms still populate the trap, and the depletion is much slower, leading to an apparent stationary condition, as discussed in the following, and allowing for measurements of properties that give the impression of being equilibrated. The size of trapped cloud predicted on the basis of our DFT calculation is also in reasonable agreementwiththeexperimentaldata,giventheiruncertainty.InFig.2wereporttheaverageradiusof thebosoniccloudasafunctionoftimet.Thesolidlinereferstotheresultsobtainedusingthedissipative NLSE (7) with the MC equation of state (2) and a =5×105a . They are fully compatible with the S 0 experimental findings [4] reported as horizontal dashed lines in Fig. 2. For the sake of comparison, in Fig. 2 we also plot with a dotted line the results for the same average radius, computed using the dissipative NLSE Eq. 6 with the same finite scattering length a and the same three-body loss s coefficient L as above, but with the energy density ǫ(n) from the Gross-Pitaevskii equation of state 3 instead than from MC. The figure clearly shows that the radius obtained within the GPE theory (dotted line) rapidly exits the experimentalrange as measuredin the first 500µs [4] and displays local oscillations due to interference effects in the outer part of the atomic cloud interacting with the trap walls. 6 Fig.4 TimeevolutionofthenumberofatomsN(k )withmomentumk (expressedinunitsofk =(6π2n)1/3). i i B The 5 curves correspond to 5 values of k : 0.08 (solid line), 0.12 (dotted line), 0.16 (dashed line), 0.20 (long i dashed line), 0.24 (dot-dashed line). The curves have been arbitrarily normalized to the maximum of N(k = i 0.08) (solid line). Giventhe solutionΨ(r,t) ofthe dissipativeNLSE (7), the time dependent momentumdistribution is easily calculated as: 2 n(k,t)= Ψ(r,t) exp(ik·r) d3r , (9) (cid:12)Z (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) InFig.3weplotn(k˜,t)obtainedatdiff(cid:12)erenttimes,uptoamaxi(cid:12)mumvalueof1ms,withk˜ ≡k/k , B wherek =(6π2n)1/3 andnisthedensityatthecenterofthetrap.Noticethatinthefigurewereport B n(k˜,t) at low momenta (0 ≤ k˜ ≤ 0.3), because our single-orbital TDDFT is supposed to be fully reliableonlyatlongwavelengths.Duringthe first300µsweobserveanexpansionofthe cloudbothin real and in momentum spaces, and then a quasi-stationary momentum distribution seems to develop for larger times. However,we must point out that at longer times (not shown in the figure) n(k˜,t) is still changing. This could be ascribed to the fact that, due to the sudden quench of a to so high values, the bosonic s cloud expands until the wave-front interacts with the steeper part of the trap walls and is reflected back, letting the cloud to shrink again at much larger times. Thus the momentum distribution first decreases(closetotheturningpoint)andthenitincreasesagainasthecontractionofthecloudoccurs. To better clarify the time scales involved in the momentum changes, we plot in Fig. 4 the time evolution of the number of atoms N(k ) with a given momentum k for different values of k during i i i thefirst∼1msafterthesuddenquench.Wenotethattheevolutionofthedistributionforthesesmall momentaisnotuniform,beingoscillatoryfirst,withthe amplitudeoftheoscillationsextinguishingon a time scale of 700−800µs. ThisistocontrastedwithwhatfoundintheexperimentsofRef.[4]forhigher(k >k )components B inthe momentumdistribution.There,ashortertime scale governsthe saturationofthe k-component, increasingfromabout100µstoabout300−400µsaskdecreasesfromk/k ∼1.2−1.3tok/k ∼0.8. B B Our results complement these observations, in finding a still larger time-scale when k/k ∼0.1−0.3. B Ourresultscanbe comparedalsowithrecentstudies onthe dynamicsofn(k˜,t)afterasuddenquench 7 to very large value of a [34]. In particular, calculations based on a bath approach [34] lead to a s multistep equilibration process, where larger k modes equilibrate faster (having a shorter relaxation time), the oscillations in n(k) are damped on intermediate times, leading to an apparent equilibrated state, and the full equilibration is reachedonly on a much largertime scale, when also the condensate attains its final time-independent state. 4 Conclusions We have numerically investigatedthe quenched dynamics of a Bose gas of 85Rb atoms under isotropic harmonic confinement after the sudden increase of the s-wave scattering length from a = 150 a to s 0 5·105 a . To take into account three body losses we have introduced a dissipative term into the time 0 dependent nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (TDNLSE) obtained from a local approximation of a TD energy functional. We have shown that, while the equation obtained by using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation of state in the TD energy functional is unable to fully capture the experimental quenched dynamics of the atomic cloud, the corresponding equation derived from a functional containing the energy density fitted to our recently calculatedMonte Carlobulk equationof state [13] gives values of the average radius of the cloud in fairly good agreement with very recent experimental data [4]. We take this result as supporting the use of our MC equation of state in the energy density functional. The solution of our dissipative TDNLSE shows a fast depletion of the condensate at short times, t ≤ 300 µs due to three-body losses, accompanied by the relative increase in the population of large momenta. Also this feature is in agreement with the experimental findings [4]. As shown in Fig. 4 though, the momentum densities at various momenta reacha ’quasi equilibrium’ distribution, at very large times of about 1000 µs. One must notice however that even the larger momenta reported in our figures are much smaller than those studied experimentally, correspondingto values for which our TDDFT is questionable. We reconcile our results with those reported in Ref. [4] by observing that they refer to different length scales: while from the experiment a fast equilibration on a short length scale has been found, reminiscent of local equilibrium, our calculation shows that a much longer time isneededtogetquasi-equilibriumonalargelengthscale.TheauthorsofRef.[4]interprettheirresults (see their fig. 4) as a saturation of the value of n(k) at times of the order of 200 µs, shorter than the time scale for three body losses (300 µs), thus indicating a different mechanism as responsible for the equilibration of the momentum distribution. Such a mechanism could be the interaction between the condensedand noncondensedfractions ofbosonatoms which is not presentinour equation,since the dissipative term in our equation lets the total number of atoms to decrease while leaving the system in a degenerate state. The effect of the interaction between the condensate and excited atoms on the dynamics of mo- mentum distribution of a Bose gas after a rapid quench to a very large value of a has been explicitly s addressedatinsomerecentpapers[34;35;36;37;38;39]andsupportsthe existence ofdifferenttimes domains in the dynamics of momentum distribution. In Ref.[34], in particular, they correspond to a fast depletion of the condensate followed or accompanied by a slow re-adjustment of the momentum distribution and, only at very large times, the reaching of a metastable state. We will explore the possibility of coupling the wave function obeying our TDNLSE to a bath [34] describing the small noncondensed fraction with the goal of better reproducing the experimental data at large momenta and short times. TheauthorsaregratefultoJ.P.Corsonforacriticalreadingofapreviousversionofthisreportand for useful remarks. The authors acknowledge for partial support the Ministero Istruzione Universit`a Ricerca (PRIN project 2010LLKJBX). References 1. Li w. and Ho T.-L. (2012) Bose Gases near Unitarity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 195301. 2. Rem B.S., Grier A.T., Ferrier-Barbut I., Eismann U., Langen T., Navon N., Khaykovich L., Werner F., PetrovD.S.,ChevyF.andSalomonC.(2013) Lifetimeof the Bose Gas with Resonant Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 163202. 3. Fletcher R.J., Gaunt A.L., Navon N., Smith R.P. and Hadzibabic Z. (2013) Stability of a Unitary Bose Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 125303. 8 4. Makotyn P., Klauss C.E., Goldberger D.L., Cornell E.A. and Jin D.S. 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