HB'RARY JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSri'Y PSYCHOLOGY BOOKS BY HUGO MUNSTERBERG PIT a hn logy and Life Gtundziige der P.ycholotle J.;. «6'J, L.:ipi-a. lUOO A me ri can Trniti Ule Ameriknner pp. mS UIKI J',S, li'.rUa. 1004 1.II01 lOlS) Prinoiplos of Art Educatian The Elcraul Life pp 7S, Uiisiim. 1005 Soicnoe and Idealism Philaiaphie der Werte On Ihe Witness' Smnd vp -w. A"t.i io>;.. iflos Am Dcutucb-Amerika The Elernul Values Psyohorhcrapy P»yoholo,[y and tho Teaoher Amerioan Problems Jijl ^JO. N>:w York. t'JlO PiyohoIoAic und WirtschofKlebca pp i!l^, Leipai,. 1012 Veoatioa sad Lcarnina PsyobDlopdpy aaanad, sIt ndLuOsVcUr.i al isaE fficiency American Patriotism Grundiugc der Psychnlecbnik VP 707. Letpiiff. iai4 Piyoholony and Social Snnlly Payoholofly,, General and Applied .Vta' iork.im^ PSYCHOLOGY GENERAL AND APPLIED HUGO MUNSTEBBEEG D. APPLETON AND COMPANY •NE"W YORK AND LONDON CopyaiGHT, 1914, BT D. APPLETON AND COMPANY '1? HEEEERT SiDNEy LAJTGEELD.