ANNALES ZOOLOGICI (Warszawa), 1997, 47(1/2): 157-174 PROGLYPHOLOMA AENIGMA GEN. ET SP. NOV., GLYPHOLOMA SPP. NOV. AND NEW RECORDS, AND A PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF GLYPHOLOMATINAE (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE) Margaret K. Thayer Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60605-2496, USA E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. — The subfamily Glypholomatinae Jeannel, 1962 has contained only the genus Glypholoma Jeannel, 1962, first described from Chile; four species have been described from there and adjacent Argentina and one from southeastern Australia. A new genus and three new species from Chile are described here: Proglypholoma aenigma gen. et sp. nov., apparently the most basal member of Glypholomatinae; Glypholoma germaini sp. nov.; and G. chepuense sp. nov. New records are presented for all previously known species, and known distributions of all species are mapped. .Analysis of relationships among the species is presented and the biogeogra phy of the subfamily is discussed. Key words. —Proglypholoma aenigma, Glypholoma, Glypholomatinae, Staphylinidae, Chile, Australia, southern temperate biogeography. Introduction newly available material of adult Glypholoma spp. suita ble for DNA sequencing may help to resolve them. Jeannel (1962) erected the southern temperate genus Since 1979, extensive collecting of Staphylinoidea in Glypholoma for a new species from Chile, G. pustulifer- Chile and Australia and examination of additional existing uni, placing it in the new tribe Glypholomini of a very collections have turned up numerous additional specimens broadly circumscribed family Silphidae (including the cur of Glypholoma, extending or filling in all known species rently recognized family Leiodidae). Scheerpeltz (1972) de ranges and increasing available microhabitat information scribed a new genus and species from Andean Argentina, for all species. Description by Thayer and Newton (1979) of Lathrimaeodes pustulipenne, that he placed in Staphyli- the three new Chilean species from one, two, and six speci nidae: Omaliinae. Newton (1975) synonymized this with mens each suggested that knowledge of the fauna was still Glypholoma pustuliferum Jeannel, while agreeing with fragmentary, so the discovery of three additional new spe Scheerpeltz’s placement of the genus in Omaliinae, possi cies from Chile reported here is not particularly surprising. bly near the Holarctic genus Anthobium Leach, 1819, and These new species are also scarce, known from three, one, its relatives. Thayer and Newton (1979) expanded Glypho- and one specimens. The first of these requires some modi loma, adding three species from temperate South America fication of the subfamily diagnosis of Glypholomatinae and one from southeastern Australia. They suggested that (Thayer and Newton 1979; Newton and Thayer 1995) and, although it more or less fit in the ill-defined omaliine tribe partly on the basis of the phylogenetic analysis presented Anthophagini, it probably was not particularly close to An below, seems most reasonably placed in its own new genus. thobium. Newton and Thayer (1992) recognized a sepa The “Silphidae” in which Jeannel originally placed rate tribe of Omaliinae for Glypholoma, using Jean- Glypholoma was considerably broader and more heteroge nel’s (1962) tribal name, corrected to Glypholomatini. In neous than the more recently traditional concept of the fa a subsequent more detailed study, the same authors ele mily within which M. Mroczkowski worked for many years vated this tribe to a separate subfamily because of lack of (now split into the families Silphidae and Agyrtidae). Altho support for its belonging in Omaliinae proper, and sug ugh this is a tenuous connection to one of his many rese gested that it is probably relatively basal within the Omali arch interests, it is a pleasure for me to contribute to this ine Group of staphvlinid subfamilies (Newton and Thayer volume honoring his extensive and varied taxonomic and 1995: 290). Basal relationships in the Omaliine Group re faunistic coleopterological contributions as well as his long main somewhat unclear, but recently discovered larvae ap sendee to the systematics community as a member of the parently belonging to Glypholoma pustuliferum and International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 158 M. K. Thayer 8 Figure 1. Figures 1-8. Glypholomatinae spp. 1. Glypholoma germaini, holotype; 2. G. chepuense, holotype; 3. G. pmtuliferum; 4. G. temporale; 5. G. pecki; 6. G. tenuicome; 7. G. rotundulum; 8. Proglypholomci aenigma, paratype (Chiloe). Scale lines = 1 mm. ce contrast compound microscope, with the exception of Materials and methods the antennal and protibial drawings of Proglypholoma This study is based on material from several collec aenigma, which were done on a dissecting microscope tions: American Museum of Natural History, New York with camera lucida. Scale lines were made using a stage [AMNH], Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra micrometer. Measurements were made with a calibrated [ANIC], Canadian National Collection, Ottawa [CNC], Field ocular micrometer in a Leitz dissecting microscope. All da Museum of Natural History, Chicago [FMNH], Museo Na tes in the records given were converted to a standard for tional de Historia Natural, Santiago [MNNC], Museum mat of day.MONTH.year, with the month given in Roman d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva [MHNG], New Zealand Ar numerals. Latitudes and longitudes for most records were thropod Collection, Auckland [NZAC], Snow Entomological estimated from topographic maps or atlases; an asterisk Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence [KSEM], and Zo- marks coordinates taken from the specimen labels ologisk Museum, Copenhagen [ZMUC]; some material has (sources unknown). Coordinates for Newton & Thayer also been deposited in Western Australian Museum, Perth 1993 and 1996-7 collections were derived from autonomo [WAM] and Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, us GPS (Global Positioning System) fixes except for sites Japan [Chiba], Specimens were studied dry and/or in alco 987, 996, 998, and 1009 (which were calculated from topo hol, and genitalia or whole specimens cleared in KOH we graphic maps). Coordinates for the holotype and topotypi- re examined in glycerin in well slides or (a few disarticu cal paratype of Proglypholoma aenigma were provided lated whole specimens) on permanent slides. Drawings we by M. Elgueta (in litteris, 11 April 1996). Descriptive termi re made using a camera lucida on a differential interferen nology for fungal spores follows Hawksworth et al. (1983). REVIEW OF GLYPHOLOMATINAE 159 Taxonomy base, evenly convex, uniformly dark (occasionally a sli ghtly paler narrow band at base); southeastern Austra lia Glypholoma rotundulum Thayer et Newton Glypkolomatinae Jeannel, 1962 4’ Elytra without yellow spots, disk usually darker than Glypholomini Jeannel, 1962: 482 (as tribe of Silphidae; incorrect origi margins (Fig. 5); antennomere 11 ca. 4 x as long as an nal spelling); Thayer and Newton (1979). Type genus: Glypholo- tennomere 10; body oblong in dorsal view, neither ma Jeannel, 1962. strongly nor evenly convex in cross-section; pronotum Glypholomatini; Newton and Thayer (1992), as tribe of Staphylinidae: widest at middle, pale with dark longitudinal median Omaliinae, spelling corrected. streak, irregularly convex, with explanate margins; sou Glypholomatinae; Newton and Thayer (1995), elevated to subfamily. thern Chile and Argentina.............................................. Diagnosis. (Hypothesized apomorphies boldfaced.) ...............................Glypholoma pecki Thayer et Newton Epistomal suture present and complete, stem present or 5 Elytra with apical area abruptly paler than disk .... 6 absent; gular sutures widely separated (separation 5’ Elytra with disk and apex concolorous.........................7 0.11-0.18 x head width); prothorax with visible dorsal 6 Elytral pustules pale; head without temporal bulge be pleural-coxal articulation (Thayer and Newton 1979, Fig. hind eye; basal 6 antennomeres with a few macrosetae, 20) and with pleural-sternal articulation (Thayer and New antennomeres 7-11 with those and denser pubescence ton 1979, Fig. 20); hind coxa at least slightly excavate ba- ...............................Glypholoma pustuliferum Jeannel sally (Thayer and Newton 1979, Fig. 38); elytron with 11 6’ Elytral pustules concolorous with surrounding surface; more or less distinct striae (Figs 1-8; Thayer and Newton head with distinct temples behind eyes (Fig. 4); basal 4 1979, Figs 26, 29; clearest in middle, more confused ante antennomeres with a few macrosetae, antennomeres riorly and posteriorly); humeral margin of elytron serru 5-11 with those and denser pubescence........................ late; aedeagus with apex of median lobe digitiform (Figs ......................Glypholoma temporale Thayer et Newton 9, 18; lost in G. pustuliferum and G. rotundulum, Thayer 7 Antennomeres 5 and 6 spherical to slightly elongate; ely and Newton 1979, Figs 78, 84). Some features previously tral pustules very faint (visible only in view tangential to used to characterize both Glypholoma and Glypholomati surface); prosternal surface punctate but not rugose nae (Thayer and Newton 1979, Newton and Thayer 1995) Glypholoma chepuense sp. nov. are not found in Proglypkoloma and therefore are listed T Antennomeres 5 and 6 more compressed, slightly trans below as diagnostic for Glypkoloma only. Although Thayer verse; elytral pustules readily visible (Fig. 6); prosternal and Newton (1979) listed “prothorax with visible dorsal surface rugose Glypholoma germaini sp. nov. pleural-coxal articulation” as uniquely characteristic of Glypholoma (and Glypholomatinae), it appears to occur in some Omaliinae also and needs further examination. Glypholoma Jeannel, 1962 Glypholoma Jeannel, 1962: 482. Type species: Glypholoma pustuli Key to species of Glypholomatinae ferum Jeannel, 1962: 483, by original designation and monotypy; Thayer and Newton, 1979: 29. 1 Body elongate in dorsal view (Figs. 6, 8); antennae lack Lathrimaeodes Scheerpeltz, 1972: 58; synonymized by Newton, 1975: ing distinct club .............................................................2 54. Type species: Lathrimaeodes pustulipenne Scheerpeltz, 1972: 59, by original designation and monotypy. 1’ Body oblong or oval in dorsal view (Figs. 1-5, 7); anten nae with loose but distinct club....................................3 Diagnosis. (Hypothesized apomorphies boldfaced.) 2 Elytra with raised pustules, unicolorous; pronotum Procoxa with mesal articulating groove; mesosternal im widest before middle; metafemur ca. 1.2 x as long as pressions for procoxae long (0.40-0.75 x mesosternal metacoxa .. Proglypholoma aenigma gen. et sp. nov. length; Thayer and Newton 1979: Figs 34-35); metafemur 2’ Elytra without raised pustules, apical area abruptly pa relatively short (0.92-1.05 x metacoxal length); epipleural ler than disk; pronotum widest near base; metafemur keel of elytron short (0.60-0.67 x elytral length in lateral shorter than metacoxa.................................................... view); male stemite 9 with anterior “button“ at base (Fig. 12; Thayer and Newton 1979: Fig. 67, “b”); aedeagus ................. Glypholoma tenuicorne Thayer et Newton with membranous part of basal bulb allowing dorsal-ventral 3 Elytra without raised pustules; basal 7 antennomeres instead of lateral-lateral contraction (polarity uncertain). with a few scattered macrosetae, antennomeres 8-11 Description. A detailed illustrated description was pro with those and denser pubescence..............................4 vided by Thayer and Newton (1979) and will not be repea 3’ Elytra with raised pustules (faint in G. chepuense)', ted here. Addition of G. chepuense and G. germaini and basal 4 to 6 antennomeres with a few scattered macro examination of additional material of the described species setae, antennomeres 5, 6, or 7-11 with those and denser necessitates only a few minor changes, as follows (changed pubescence.....................................................................5 portions underlined): prosternal intercoxal process 0.5-0.8 4 Elytra with scattered yellow spots on dark disk (Fig. 7, ri x length of procoxae; mesosternal-pleural (i.e., mesoster- ght elytron); antennomere 11 no more than 2.5 x as long nal-mesepisternal) suture absent or disappearing anterior as antennomere 10; body oval in dorsal view, strongly ly; elytral intervals finely punctate between macrosetae and evenly convex in cross-section; pronotum widest at (except G. tenuicorne confirmed): widely spaced short ma- 160 M. K. Thayer 12 Figures 9-16. Glypholoma spp. 9-13. G. germaini; 14-16; G. chepuense. 9-11. Aedeagus: (9) dorsal; (10) ventral; (11) lateral. 12-13. Male genital seg ment, some setae partly or completely broken: (12) dorsal; (13) ventral. 14. Abdominal sternite 8 of female. 15-16. Female genitalia: (15) dorsal; (16) ven tral. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. crosetae on alternate intervals of elytron; elytral epipleu- Glypkoloma germaini sp. nov. ron short, 0.60-0.67 x total elytral length; abdominal tergi- (Figs 1, 9-13, 26) tes 4, 5, or 6 through 8 well sclerotized; abdominal sternite 2 extending dorsad slightly around lateral margin of seg Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholoma species ment (including G. tenuicorne)\ female genitalia; stylus by the uniformly dark color and well-developed elytral pus with 1 or 2 long or short apical setae. tules, as well as the structure of the aedeagus (Figs 9-11). Some characters could not be assessed in the two new Description. With the characters of the genus as modi species, including all female characters for G. germaini, fied above. Moderately convex dorsally, oblong in shape all male characters for G. chepuense, and most mouthpart (Fig. 1), entirely piceous to black in color, except antennae characters for both. very slightly lighter. Glabrous except for short macrosetae Distribution. Southern Chile and Argentina, as far south on elytra and very small setae on metasternum; lacking mi as Tierra del Fuego; southeastern Australia (parts of Victo crosculpture dorsally, very shiny. Head length -I- pronotal ria, New South Wales, and Australian Capital Territory). length + elytral length = 2.75 mm, maximum width REVIEW OF GLYPHOLOMATINAE 161 (across elytra) 1.4 mm. Epistomal suture present, without contained a large quantity of ornamented hyaline fungal stem; diameter of each ocellus 0.1 x head width, anteocel- amerospores or possibly pollen grains ca. 5/im in diameter. lar area with elongate impression lateral to raised area of vertex; labrum similar in shape to G. pustuliferum Glypholoma chepuense sp. nov. (Thayer and Newton 1979: Figs 6,8). Antennal length 1.1 x (Figs 2, 14-16, 26) maximum head width; antenna with loose 5-segmented club, all antennomeres with scattered macrosetae, anten- Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholoma species nomeres 7-11 also densely setose. Maxillary palp with ar by its uniformly pale coloration (only head slightly darker), ticle 4 ca. 2.7 x as long as 3 and slightly wider. and very faint elytral pustules. The holotype’s pallor may Pronotum as in Fig. 1, unevenly convex and with lateral indicate that it was teneral, but it bears no trace of varie margins explanate; prosternum without median carina, gation in color on the pronotum or elytra, which separates with surface rugose; intercoxal process 0.64 x as long as it from all but G. germaini\ the faint elytral pustules and procoxae. Mesosternum without median carina, form simi spherical to elongate antennomeres 5-6 distinguish it from lar to G. pustuliferum (Thayer and Newton 1979: Fig. 34), that species. slightly punctate immediately anterior to mesocoxae, with Description. With the characters of the genus as modi impressions for reception of procoxae 0.43 x as long as fied above. Moderately convex dorsally, oblong in shape mesosternum; mesosternal process narrow and triangular (Fig. 2), entirely light brownish-yellow in color, except head with blunt tip, extending between mesocoxae for 0.55 x slightly darker. Glabrous except for short macrosetae on coxal length. Metasternum slightly convex, except slightly elytra; lacking microsculpture dorsally, very shiny. Head flattened posteromedially, with coarse punctures sepa length + pronotal length + elytral length = 2.74 mm, ma rated by ca. 1 diameter; antecoxal sutures not observable. ximum width (across elytra) 1.2 mm. Epistomal suture pre Tibiae of all legs with scattered spines and setae on exter sent, with stem; diameter of each ocellus 0.1 x head width, nal face, not forming distinct rows. Metatarsal length 0.71 anteocellar area not impressed; labrum similar in shape to x metatibial length, metatarsomere 5 ca. 0.86 x length of G. pustuliferum (Thayer and Newton 1979: Figs 6, 8). An tarsomeres 1-4 together, empodial setae subequal in tennal length 1.35 x maximum head width; antenna with length to tarsal claws. loose 6-segmented club (antennomere 6 only slightly wider Elytral striae impressed between punctures, intervals than 5), all antennomeres with scattered macrosetae, an finely punctate between short macrosetae; elytra with tennomeres 6-11 also densely setose. Maxillary palp with raised rounded pustules (concolorous with surrounding article 4 ca. 2.5 x as long as 3, and slightly wider. area), apical angle between elytra slightly concave, nearly Pronotum as in Fig. 2, unevenly convex and with lateral 180°. Wings fully developed, with small anal flap. margins explanate; prosternum without median carina, Abdomen with tergites 4 or 5 to 8 well sclerotized, 4 and densely coarsely punctate, punctures barely separated; in 5 with wing-folding patches, spiracles located in tergite of tercoxal process 0.79 x as long as procoxae. Mesosternum at least segment 8 (more basal segments uncertain), para- tergites possibly fused to sternites 3-7. (Sternite 3 trans generally similar to G. pustuliferum (Thayer and Newton 1979: Fig. 34), slightly punctate immediately anterior to verse fold and sternite 8 anterior projection could not be observed.) mesocoxae, elsewhere with only microsculpture, impres sions for reception of procoxae 0.52 x as long as mesoster Male. Tenent (spatulate) setae (Thayer and Newton 1979: Figs 22, #25) possibly present on protarsi, absent from me- num; mesosternal intercoxal process narrow and triangu sotarsi; genital segment and aedeagus as in Figs 9-13, me lar, with slight median carina and blunt tip, extending be dian lobe of aedeagus with dorsal-ventral bellows action. tween mesocoxae for 0.55 x coxal length. Metasternum Female. Unknown. slightly convex, slightly flattened posteromedially, lacking Types. Holotype cf: CHILE: [Nuble Pr.?] Cord.[illera] microsculpture, with coarse punctures separated by 1-4 Chilian, 1899, Germain [MNNC]. diameters; antecoxal sutures short, 0.28 x maximum me- Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym hon tasternal width. Tibiae of all legs with spines and setae on oring the collector of the holotype, Philibert Germain external face scattered, not forming distinct rows. Meta (1827-1913), an important early contributor to knowledge tarsal length 0.6 x metatibial length, metatarsomere 5 ca. of Chilean Coleoptera. He had evidently recognized this 0.64 x length of tarsomeres 1-4 together, empodial setae specimen as something new, as it bears a label (added ca. 0.8 x length of tarsal claws. later, presumably copied from his original collection label) Elytral striae impressed between punctures, intervals “Chiliotis striatipennis Ph. Germain (inedita).” Reitter impunctate between short macrosetae; elytra with very (1875) had described a genus Ch iliotis in Cryptophagidae, faint raised pustules concolorous with surrounding cuticle, but it is not clear if Germain was referring to this or in elytral apices very slightly dehiscent at suture. Wings fully tended to use the name independently. developed, with small anal flap. Distribution. Known only from the rather inexact type Abdomen with tergites 6 to 8 well sclerotized, 4 and 5 locality in the Andean cordillera, probably in the vicinity of with wing-folding patches, spiracles in tergites of segments Termas de Chilian in southeastern Nuble Province (see 5-8, paratergites fused to sternites 3-6 (presence on 7 map, Fig. 26). uncertain). Sternite 3 transverse fold 0.23 x sternite 3 Biology. No label or other information is available, but width, sternite 8 anterior projection as in Fig. 14, its width a portion of the gut dissected out with the genital segment 0.31 x sternal width. Figures 17-25. Proglypholonia aenigma. 17. Right antenna, dorsal, setae not shown. 18-20. Aedeagus: (18) dorsal; (19) ventral; (20) lateral. 21-22. Male genital segment: (21) dorsal, only dorsal setae shown; (22) ventral, only ventral setae shown. 23-24. Male tibiae, setae not shown: (23) right protibia, anterior; (24) right mesotibia, anterior. 25. Abdominal sternite 8 of male. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. REVIEW OF GLYPHOLOMATINAE 163 sented in collections. I did not attempt to examine gut contents of the unique holotype. ♦ G. germaini * G. chepuense A G. temporale Glypholoma pustuliferum Jeannel, 1962 ■ G. tenuicome • P. aenigma (Figs 3, 27, 30-31) Glypholoma pustuliferum Jeannel, 1962: 483; Newton, 1975: 54; Thayer and Newton, 1979: 46. Lathrimaeodes pustulipenne Scheerpeltz, 1972: 59; synonymized by Newton, 1975: 54. Diagnosis. Readily separable from other Glypholoma species by the presence of pale yel low elytral pustules on dark disk (Fig. 3). See Tha yer and Newton (1979) for description. Material examined (new records). ARGENTINA: Neuquen Pr.: Cerro Malo, 6 km N Pucara, 40°6’S, 71°38’W, 22.1.1972, L. Herman 874 (2) [AMNH]; San Martin de los An des, 640m, 40°10’S, 71°21’W, 17-31.X.1981, Nielsen & 70° 60° Karsholt (2) [ZMUC]; Rio Negro Pr.: Cerro Otto, 11km W San Carlos de Bariloche, 41°9’S, 71°23’W, 14.1.1972, L. Herman 845 Figure 26. Known distribution of Proglypholoma and rarely collected (2) [AMNH]; CHILE: [no locality], Riehl [?] (1) [FMNH]; Cautin Pr.: Glypkoloma species in Chile and Argentina (previously published and P.N. Conguillio, 1.5km E Laguna Captren guard sta., 1365m, 38°38.67’S, new records). 71°41.37’W, Nothofagus dombeyi & deciduous spp., Araucaria, wIChusquea, 5.II.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 977 (1) [FMNH]; Volcan Villarrica N.P., 10km S Pu- cón, 900m, 39°21’S, 71°58’W, Nothofagus grove on ash, 15.XII.1984-10.II.1985, FMHD #85-916, FIT, S. & J. Peck (1) [FMNH]; Coihaique Pr.: Cerro Castillo Res. Nac., 40km SW Balmaceda, 1100m, 46°8’S, 72°7"W, dry open Nothofagus fo rest, 2-27.1.1985, FMHD #85-962, carrion trap, S. & J. Peck (31) [FMNH]; Cerro Castillo, 40km SW Balmaceda, 46°8’S, 72°7’W, dry open Nothofagus forest, 2-27.1.1985, FMHD #85-961, FIT, S. & J. Peck (6) [FMNH]; Dos Lagunas Nat.Mon., 20km ENE Coihaique, 600m, 45°32’S, 71°50’W, No thofagus groves in steppe, 23-27.1.1985, FMHD #85-983, carrion trap, S. & J. Peck (8) [FMNH]; Reserva Nac., 10km NW Coihaique, 45°30’S, 72°10’W, Nothofagus forest, 22-27.1.1985, FMHD #85-981, carrion trap, S. & J. Peck (14) [FMNH]; Concepcion Pr.: Periquillo, 36°57’S, 72°57’W, 6.X1.1994, TC-410, T. Cekalovic (1) [FMHD]; same, except 8.XII.1994, (1) [FMHD]; Puente Pelun, 1.1.1993, TC-342, T. Cekalovic (1) [FMHD]; Magallanes Pr.: Lago Parrillar Res. Nac., 51km SW Punta Arenas, 100m, 53°24’S, 71°14’W, No thofagus antarc. forest, 7-19.1.1985, FMHD #85-965, carrion trap, S. Figure 27. Known distribution of G. pustuliferum (dots) in Chile and Ar gentina (previously published and new records). & J. Peck (3) [FMNH]; Res. For. Magallanes, 53°15’S, 71°14’W, 24.1-24.II.1978, D. Lanfranco (2) [MNNC]; same, except Male. Unknown. 24.11-23.III.1978, D. Lanfranco (1) [MNNC]; Rio Bueno, 53°45’S, Female. Genitalia generally similar to G. pustuliferum, 69°57’W*, Nothofagus pumilio-betuloides forest, 22.1.1995, Barber but tergite 9 and first gonocoxites extending further ven- trap, M. Elgueta & A. Alvina (4) [MNNC]; same, except 24.1.1995, (3) trally (Figs 15-16). [MNNC]; same, except 28.1.1995, (4) [MNNC]; Rio Condor, 53°58’S, Types. Holotype 9: CHILE: Chiloe Pr.: Chepu [as 70°l’W*, Nothofagus pumilio forest, 16.1.1995, Barber trap, D. Lan Cheup], 42°3’S, 74°2’W, 8.X.1958, G. Kuschel [NZAC]. franco & E. Rojas (1) [MNNC]; Malleco Pr.: Curacautin, 40km E, Etymology. The specific epithet is an adjective, formed 1500m, 38°26’S, 71°29’W, Nothofagus-Araucaria forest, from the name of the type locality. 12.X1I.1984-16.II.1985, FMHD #85-905, Malaise, S. Peck (124) Distribution. Known only from the type locality on the [FMNH]; Malalcahuello, 12km E, 1350m, 38°26’S, 71°30’W, Noth. northern west coast of Isla Chiloe (see map, Fig. 26). dombeyi-Araucaria for., 31.XII.1982, berl., forest leaf & log litter, A. Biology. The holotype was collected in early October Newton & M. Thayer 650 (1) [MHNG]; same, except 13-31.XII.1982, (early spring); if this represents its typical activity period, carrion trap (squid), (11) [FMNH]; same, except human dung trap, (6) its phenology may be the reason it is otherwise unrepre [FMNH]; Malalcahuello, 13.7km E of on road to Lonquimay, 1565m, 164 M. K. Thayer 38°26.15’S, 71°29.26’W,Nothofagus pumilio-Araucaria araucana fo 69°39’W, 14-16.XI.1960, L. Pena (1) [FMNH]; Valdivia Pr.: La Union, rest w/Chmquea, 1997, FMHD #96-234, carrion trap 34km WNW, 700m, 40°11’S, 73°31’W, mixed evergreen forest, (squid), A. Newton & M. Thayer 978 (23) [FMNH]; same, except FMHD 17.XII.1984-7.II.1985, FMHD #85-922, FIT, S. & J. Peck (4) [FMNH], #96-233, flight intercept trap, (6) [FMNH]; Malalcahuello, 14km E, Distribution. Known from coastal ranges and the An 1570m, 38°26’S, 71°29’W, Noth. pumilio-Araucaria for., des in Chile, from 35°-54°S, and Andean Argentina, from 13-31.XII.1982, window trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer 649 (2) [FMNH]; 40°-42° S (see map, Fig. 27). The following are new provin same, except human dung trap, (1) [FMNH]; same, except carrion trap cial records: ARGENTINA: Neuquen; CHILE: Coihaique, (squid), (15) [FMNH]; Malalcahuello, 6.5km E, 1080m, 38°27’S, Concepcion, Osorno, Tierra del Fuego, and Valdivia. 71°31’W, Noth. dombeyi w/Chnsquea, 31.XII.1982, berl., forest leaf & Biology. Glypholoma pustuliferum is the most wide log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 651 (2) [FMNH]; same, except spread and abundantly collected species in the subfamily, 13-31.XII. 1982, human dung trap, (1) [FMNH]; same, except carrion represented by 843 (64.8%) of the 1301 known specimens trap (squid), (54) [FMNH, WAM, Chiba]; same, except window trap, (3) and 103 of the 192 known records of Glypholomatinae. It [FMNH]; Manzanar, 11.4 km E, 1425m, 38°28’S, 71°30’W\ Nothofagus- occurs in a variety of microhabitats, as suggested by Fig. Araucaria for., 9.XI.1994, Coll. 82, leaf litter, R. Leschen & C. Carlton 30; numbers of specimens mostly parallel the numbers of (12; also 4 pupae, 38 larvae) [KSEM, FMNH]; same, except collections for each microhabitat category except that the 9-20.XI.1994, Coll. 117, flight intercept trap, R. Leschen & C. Carlton litter collections are skewed by the numerous mostly small (3) [KSEM]; same, except 18.XI-2.XII. 1994, Coll. 190, flight intercept collections of G. Topal published by Scheerpeltz (1972, as trap, R. Leschen & C. Carlton (53) [KSEM]; Manzanar, 13.1 km E, Lathrimaeodes pustulipenne Scheerpeltz; not all exam 1000m, 38°28’S, 71°32’W [distance, elevation, and coordinates not con ined). Although sampling effort has undoubtedly been une cordant], 2.XII.1994, Coll. 199, Panaeolus/Nothofagus, R. Leschen & ven, the species seems to show a distinct preference for C. Carlton (2) [KSEM]; Manzanar, 9.2 km E, 1250m, 38°28’S, 71°32’W, carrion over dung and both over fungi or old logs, and has 9.XI.1994, Coll. 078, Araucaria leaf litter, R. Leschen & C. Carlton (1) been collected in every month of the year, though more [KSEM]; Nahuelbuta Nat.Pk., 45km W Angol, 1500m, 37°49’S, 73°0’W, commonly (Fig. 31) and abundantly in summer. Nothing Araucaria-Nothofagus forest, 9.XII.1984, FMHD #85-898, litter, berl., definite is known of their feeding habits. Ten of 11 KOH- 5. & J. Peck (3) [FMNH]; Nahuelbuta Nat.Pk., 45km W Angol, cleared specimens I examined (from four localities) had at 1200-1500 m, 1350m, 37°49’S, 73°0’W, Nothofagus-Araucaria forest, least some solid gut contents, several of them abundantly 9.XII. 1984-17.11.1985, FMHD #85-900, FIT, S. & J. Peck (1) [FMNH]; so. Five had various quantities of unidentified particulate P.N. Conguillio, 4.9km S of N entrance (road from Curacautfn), 1210m, detritus, and several had small numbers of what appear to 38°37.84’S, 71°43.31’W, Araucaria-Nothofagus forest on ash/lava, be fungal spores (amerospores, didymospores, and phrag- 5.II.1997, FMHD #97-46, berl., litter under Araucaria araucana, A. mospores) and two included possible fungal hyphae. In th Newton & M. Thayer 1009 (2) [FMNH]; P.N. Nahuelbuta, Coi- ree specimens, I found roughly spherical, or perhaps lenti mallm area, 8.2km NW Los Portones entrance, 1260m, 37°48.21’S, cular, items (seemingly slightly collapsed) that might be ei 73°.89’W, Nothofagus spp .-Araucaria araucana forest, ther thin-walled fungal spores or possibly pollen grains. 21.XII.1996-7.II.1997, FMHD #96-220, carrion trap (squid), A. Newton Two specimens from one sample (Newton & Thayer site & M. Thayer 974 (1) [FMNH]; Parque Nac. Tolhuaca, 2km E Lago 651 carrion trap) had these abundantly (one with the gut Malleco, 925m, 38°12’S, 71°50’W, Nothofagus forest, 1.1.1983, berl., fo full of them), and the third (from Newton & Thayer site 647 rest leaf & log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 651.4 (1) [FMNH]; Parque litter sample) had a single one. These objects were larger Nac. Tolhuaca, Lago Malleco, 890m, 38°12’S, 71°52’W, disturbed Notho (ca. 0.030-0.035 mm in diameter) than the other spores fagus forest, 1.1.1983, wet leaves and flood debris, forest stream, A. mentioned, and had no surface ornamentation visible at Newton & M. Thayer 651.3 (1) [FMNH]; Princesa, 20km E Curacautin, 625 x with differential interference contrast optics. It is 1000m, 38°28’S, 71°40’W, Nothofagus forest, 12.XII. 1984-16.11.1985, not clear what the food of G. pustuliferum is, but fungi FMHD #85-906, FIT, S. Peck (1) [FMNH]; Nuble Pr.: Chilian, 72 km SE, may form part of the diet. Trancas nr Termas, 1700m, 36°54’S, 71°25’W, Nothofagus forest, 6.XII.1984, FMHD #85-894, litter, berl., S. & J. Peck (32) [FMNH]; Glypholoma temporale Thayer et Newton, 1979 same, except 6.XII. 1984—19.11.1985, FMHD #85-895, carrion trap, S. (Figs 4, 26, 30-31) Peck (5) [FMNH]; same, except FMHD #85-893, FIT, S. Peck (3) [FMNH]; Chilian, 77 km SE, Termas road, 1260m, 36°55’S, 71°27’W*, Glypholoma temporale Thayer et Newton, 1979: 49. 16-25.XI.1993, pitfalls, Allen, Platnick, Cately, Ramirez (6) [AMNH]; Recinto, 19.5km ESE, 1250m, 36°54’S, 71°28’W, Nothofagus forest, Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholoma species 3.1.1983, berl., forest leaf & log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 647 (38) by the distinct temples behind the eyes and long metaster- [FMNH]; same, except 10.XII. 1982-3.1.1983, window trap, (2) [FMNH]; nal antecoxal sutures (ca. 0.75 x the width of the metaster same, except human dung trap, (7) [FMNH]; same, except carrion trap num; Thayer and Newton 1979: Fig. 59). See Thayer and (squid), (1) [FMNH]; Recinto, 22.7km ESE, 1330m, 36°55’S, 71°27’W, Newton (1979) for description. Nothofagus forest, 10.XII.1982, berl., forest leaf and log litter, A. New Material examined (new records). CHILE: Cauti'n Pr.: Flor del ton & M. Thayer 646 (15) [FMNH]; Osomo Pr.: Parque Nac. Puyehue, Lago, 15km NE Villarrica, 300m, 39°8’S, 72°16’W, Nothofagus forest, Antillanca Road, 965m, 40°47’S, 72°13’W, Noth. pumilio forest, 14.XII. 1984-10.11.1985, FMHD #85-913, carrion trap, S. & J. Peck (1) 18-25.XII.1982, window trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer 658 (1) [FMNH]; [FMNH]; P.N. Conguillio, 11.1km SE Laguna Captren guard sta., Talca Pr.: Alto de Vilches, 70km E Talca, 35°36’S, 71°5’W, Nothofagus 1080m, 38°40.05’S, 71°37.21’W, Nothofagm obliqua & alpina, dense forest, 5.XII.1984, FMHD #85-892, litter, streamside, berl., S. & J. Peck Chusquea understory, 23.XII.1996-5.II.1997, FMHD #96-227, carrion (1) [FMNH]; Tierra del Fuego Pr.: Cameron, Bahia Inutil, 53°38’S, trap (squid), A. Newton & M. Thayer 976 (2) [FMNH]; Volcan Villarri- REVIEW OF GLYPKOLOMATINAE 165 ca, 1120m, 39°21’S, 71°57’W, Noth. dombeyi-Saxegothaea w/Drimys, Glypholoma pecki Thayer et Newton, 1979 15-29.XII.1982, human dung trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer 654 (1) (Figs 5, 28, 30, 31) [FMNH]; Chiloe Pr.: Ahoni Alto, 42°46’S, 73°34’W, V1988, MT [=mala- ise trap?], L. E. Pe_a (1) [CNC]; same, except XI.1988, (1) [CNC]; Con Glypholonm pecki Thayer and Newton, 1979: 50. cepcion Pr.: Mitrihue, 19.XII.1993, T. Cekalovic (1) [FMHD]; Puente Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholoma species Pelun, 1.1.1993, TC-342, T. Cekalovic (2) [FMHD]; same, except by the elongate antennomere 11, and by the distinct me 21.11.1993, TC-358, (1) [FMHD]; San Pedro, ca. 6km S, 360m, 36°55’S, dian dark streak on the pronotum (somewhat obscure in 73°4’W, Pinus sp. forest, 12.XII.1982-2.1.1983, human dung trap, A. Fig. 5). See Thayer and Newton (1979) for description. Newton & M. Thayer 648 (2) [FMNH]; Llanquihue Pr.: Lago Chapo, Material examined (new records). ARGENTINA: Tierra del 1.2km N of NW end, 265m, 41°25’S, 72°35’W, small secondaryNothofa- Fuego Pr.: Ushuaia, Lapataia, 20m, 54°50’S, 68°34W, 29-31.1.1979, Mi- gus dombeyi w/Valdiv. rainforest understory, 19.1.1997, pyr.-fogging sion Cientifica Danesa (1) [ZMUC]; CHILE: .Cautin Pr.: Bellavista, old logs & stump, A. Newton & M. Thayer 996 (1) [FMNH]; Malleco N shore Lago Villarrica, 310m, 39°12’S, 72°9’W, Valdivian rainforest, Pr.: Malalcahuello, 12km E, 1350m, 38°26’S, 71°30’W, Noth. dombeyi- 15-30.XII.1982, pyr.-fogging Noth. logs & trunks, A. Newton & M. Araucaria f., 13-31.XII. 1982, window trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer Thayer 655 (5) [FMNH]; Termas de Palguin, Salto Puma, 725m, 650 (1) [FMNH]; Malalcahuello, 6.5km E, 1080m, 38°27’S, 71°31’W, 39°22’S, 7T50W, 24.XI.1994, Coll. 156, fogging logs, R. Leschen & C. Noth. dombeyi w/Chusquea, 13-31.XII. 1982, human dung trap, A. Carlton (1) [KSEM]; Volcan Villarrica, 1120m, 39°21’S, 71°57W, Noth. Newton & M. Thayer 651 (2) [FMNH]; same, except carrion trap dombeyi-Saxegothaea w/Drimys, 15-29.XII.1982, window trap, A. (squid), (6) [FMNH]; same, except window trap, (2) [FMNH]; Nahuel- Newton & M. Thayer 654 (1) [FMNH]; Volcan Villarrica, 1250m, buta Nat.Pk., 45km W Angol, 1500m, 37°49’S, 73°0’W, Araucaria-No- 39°21’S, 71°56’W, Noth. dornb.-pumilio forest w/Chusquea, thofagus forest, 9.XII.1984, FMHD #85-898, litter, beri., S. & J. Peck 15-29.XII.1982, window trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer 653 (4) [FMNH]; (1) [FMNH]; Nahuelbuta Nat.Pk., 45km W Angol, 1200-1500 m, 1350m, Volcan Villarrica N.P., 10km S Pucón, 900m, 39°21’S, 71°58’W, Notho 37°49’S, 73°0’W, Nothofagus-Araucaria forest, 9.XII. 1984-17.11.1985, fagus grove on ash, 15.XII.1984-10.II.1985, FMHD #85-916, FIT, S. & FMHD #85-900, FIT, S. & J. Peck (5) [FMNH]; P.N. Nahuelbuta, Coi- J. Peck (4) [FMNH]; Chiloe Pr.: Quemchi, 11km W of (11km E Hwy 5), mallin area, 8.2km NW Los Portones entrance, 1260m, 37°48.21’S, 170m, 42°10.42’S, 73°35.81’W, secondary Valdivian rainforest, 73°.89’W, Nothofagus spp.- Araucaria araucana forest, 16.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 993 (1) 21.XII. 1996-7.11.1997, FMHD #96-220, carrion trap (squid), A. Newton [FMNH]; Llanquihue Pr.: Lago Chapo, near SE end, km 9.9 on road & M. Thayer 974 (1) [FMNH]; Osorno Pr.: Aguas Calientes, 550m, from Rollizo, 385m, 41°30.63’S, 72°23.98’W, Valdivian rainforest on ste 40°44’S, 72°18’W, 29.XI.1994, Coll. 177, fogging logs, R. Leschen & C. ep slope, 26.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 989 Carlton (1) [KSEM]; P.N. Puyehue, 4.0km E Anticura, 460m, (1) [FMNH]; P.N. Alerce Andino, nr. Sargazo entrance, 11.4km from 40°39.73’S, 72°8.FW, Valdivian rainforest w/large Saxegothaea, Correntoso, 350m, 41°30’S, 72°37’W, Valdivian rainforest, much Saxe 30.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2 (2) gothaea, 19.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 998 [FMNH]; P.N. Puyehue, 4.0km E Anticura, 460m, 40°39.73’S, 72°8.FW, (1) [FMNH]; P.N. Vicente Perez R„ 41°8’S, 72°25’W, 1972, C. Vivar T. (1) Valdivian rainforest w/large Saxegothaea, 31.XII.1996, pyr.-fogging [MNNC]; P.N. Vicente Perez Rosales, 9.2km NE Ensenada on road to old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1 (2) [FMNH]; Parque Nac. Puye Petrohue, 125m, 41T0.2’S, 72°27.1’W, Valdivian rainforest w/Nothofa gus spp., 28.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 987 hue, Antillanca Road, 845m, 40°47’S, 72°15’W, Nothofagus-Saxego- (32) [FMNH]; same except 2.1.1997, (1) [FMNH], Magallanes Pr.: thaea forest, 18-24.XII. 1982, carrion trap (squid), A. Newton & M. Rio Chabunco, 53°1’S, 70°50’W, Nothofagus antarctica, 11.11.1990, Thayer 660 (1) [FMNH], TC-265, T. Cekalovic (1) [FMNH]; Malleco Pr.: Curacautin, 40km E, Distribution. Known from coastal and Andean Chile, 1500m, 38°26’S, 71°29’W, Nothofagus-Araucaria forest, approximately 37°-43°S (see map, Fig. 26). The following 12.XII. 1984-16.11.1985, FMHD #85-905, Malaise, S. Peck (4) [FMNH]; are new provincial records: CHILE: Cautin, Concepcion, Malalcahuello, 6.5km E, 1080m, 38°27’S, 71°31’W, Noth. dombeyi Llanquihue, Osorno. w/Chusquea, 13-31.XII. 1982, window trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer Biology. Glypholoma temporale is still poorly col 651 (4) [FMNH]; Manzanar, 11.4 km E, 1425m, 38°28’S, 71°30’W, No lected; only 44 specimens from 23 collections are known thofagus-Araucaria for., 18.XI-2.XII. 1994, Coll. 190, flight intercept (39 from 20 lots having ecological data), though this is trap, R. Leschen & C. Carlton (2) [KSEM]; Parque Nac. Tolhuaca, 2km a considerable increase over the type series of six from one E Lago Malleco, 925m, 38°12’S, 7T50’W, Nothofagus forest, 1.1.1983, locality in Malleco Province. This species seems to show berl., forest leaf & log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 651.4 (1) [FMNH]; nearly equal preferences for carrion and old logs, slightly Princesa, 20km E Curacautin, 1000m, 38°28’S, 71°40’W, Nothofagus less for dung, and a much lower incidence in litter (Fig. 30). forest, 12.XII. 1984-16.11.1985, FMHD #85-906, FIT, S. Peck (6) Like G. pustuliferum, it is apparently an actively flying [FMNH]; Osorno Pr.: P.N. Puyehue, 4.0km E Anticura, 460m, species. With one exception, G. temporale has been collec 40°39.73’S, 72°8.1’W, Valdivian rainforest w/large Saxegothaea, ted only in summer (Fig. 31), when most sampling is done. 30.1.1997, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3 (1) Although it is both broadly and microsympatric with G. pu [FMNH]; P.N. Puyehue, 4.0km E Anticura, 460m, 40°39.73’S, 72°8.1’W, stuliferum in Chile, it has not yet been collected in Argen Valdivian rainforest w/large Saxegothaea, 31.XII.1996, pyr.-fogging tina, including at the localities where Topal collected G. old logs, A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1 (2) [FMNH]; P.N. Puyehue, An pustuliferum throughout the year (Scheerpeltz 1972). tillanca road, 4.8km above Aguas Calientes, 600m, 40°45.06’S, I examined one cleared specimen for gut contents, and 72T9.03’W, Valdivian rainforest, 29.XII.1996, pyr.-fogging old logs, A. found a lump of unidentifiable particulate material and one Newton & M. Thayer (1) [FMNH]; Parque Nac. Puyehue, Antillanca possible fungal amerospore. Road, 655m, 40°45’S, 72°18’W, Valdivian rainforest, 22-24.XII.1982, 166 M. K. Thayer Proglypholoma aenigma by the unicolorous ely tra and lack of elytral pustules. See Thayer and Newton (1979) for description. Material examined (new record). CHILE: Llanquihue Pr.: Rio Negro, 35 km NW; 240m, 41°55’S, 72°36T\^ 24.1.1986, berl. wet leaf litter from edge of di sturbed forest, N. I. Platnick, R. T. Schuh (lcf) [AMNH]. (Because of changes in Chilean provincial boundaries, this locality is now in Palena Province.) Distribution. Known only from two widely se parated localities in coastal and Andean Chile (40°-42°S) (see map, Fig. 26). Llanquihue is a new provincial record. Biology. This second specimen of G. tenuicor ne provides the first ecological data for the species, though several litter samples taken in the same area in January of 1997 failed to find additional specimens. The only two records (December and January) suggest summer activity, but in view of the species’ not having turned up in numerous lit Figure 28. Known distribution of G. pecki (dots) in Chile and Argentina ter samples near and between its two known localities, per (previously published and new records). haps litter is not really the primary microhabitat or the spe cies is not primarily summer-active. Because of the scarcity pyr.-fogging mossy log, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1) [FMNH]; same, of specimens I did not attempt to examine gut contents. except under bark mossy log (1) [FMNH]; Puyehue Nat. Pk., Antillan- ca Road, 500-1000 m, 750m, 40°46’S, 72°16’W, 18-20.XII.1984, FMHD Glypholoma rotundulum Thayer et Newton, 1979 #85-923, carnetting, S. & J. Peck (1) [FMNH]. (Figs 7, 29-31) Distribution. Known from Chile, 38°-42°S in the Andes and Isla Chiloe and also far southern Chile and Argentina, Glypholoma rotundulum Thayer et Newton, 1979: 54. 53°-55°S (see map, Fig. 28). This is the first record from ARGENTINA (Tierra del Fuego Pr.) and the following are Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholorna species new provincial records; CHILE: Cautin, Chiloe, Llanqui- by the extremely convex body form, presence of pale ely hue, Magallanes, Osorno. tral spots not on pustules (Fig. 7), and elevated pentagonal Biology. Glypholoma pecki, now known from 80 speci mesosternal process (Thayer and Newton 1979: Fig. 37). mens (25 collections, 77 from 22 collections with ecological See Thayer and Newton (1979) for description. data), shows a very different profile from G. pustuliferum Material examined (new records). AUSTRALIA: A.C.T.: Blun and G. temporale, with a preponderance of flight and old log dells Ck., 3km e Piccadilly Circus, 850m, 35°22’S, 148°50’E*, open forest, collections, one litter, one under bark, and no carrion or VI. 1984, AN1C 1000, litter, Berl., Weir, Lawrence, Johnson (1, macropte- dung records (Fig. 30). The two original types were collected rous) [ANIC]; Blundells Creek, 35°22’S, 148°50’E, V1987, D. H. Colless at the same locality in Malleco Province, Chile, as those of G. (6, including 1 $ macropterous, others at least brachypterous) [ANIC, temporale, and G. pecki is also broadly (and sometimes mi KSEM]; New South Wales: Kosciusko N.P., 4.1km N Dead Horse Gap, cro-) sympatric with G. pustuliferum in Chile. Collections 1500m, 36°32’S, 148°13’E, Euc. pauciflora woodland, of this species are restricted to summer even more than tho 19.XII. 1986—14.11.1987, FMHD# 86-645, window trap, A. Newton & M. se of G. temporale (Fig. 31), and it is similarly unknown Thayer 766 (2, brachypterous) [FMNH]; Kosciusko N.P, Wilsons Valley, from Topal’s year-round Argentine localities. I examined the Maintenance Depot area, 1490m, 36°21’S, 148°32’E, open Euc. pauci guts of two KOH-cleared specimens; one contained nothing. flora forest, 7.II.1993, FMHD #93-67, berl., leaf & log litter, A. Newton The other (Antillanca Road, 655m, under bark) had many & M. Thayer 919 (1, brachypterous) [FMNH]; Victoria: Acheron Gap, amerospores, a few didymospores and phragmospores, and 16km N Warburton, 750m, 37°41’S, 145°44’E, Nothofagus, abundant spiculate structures that could be either plant ha 28.IV-7.V1978, carrion, S. & J. Peck (3, micropterous) [CNC]; Acheron irs (some are branched) or possibly insect setae. It also con Gap, ne Warburton, 750m, 37°41’S, 145°44’E, Noth. cunn.-Euc. reg- tained a few of the large spores or pollen grains described nans, 27.1.1987, litter, forest, Berl. (N of gap), A. Newton & M. Thayer above from some G. pustuliferum. 813 (1, micropterous) [FMNH]; Baw Baw Alpine Res., Neulvnes Mill (1.2km NE), 1145m, 37°51’S, 146°15’E, wet scleroph.-AofA cunn., 10.11.1987, fungusy logs, pyr.-fog., A. Newton & M. Thayer 816 (1, mi Glypholoma tenuicome Thayer et Newton, 1979 cropterous) [FMNH]; Baw Baw Alpine Res., Neulynes Mill (0.7km NE), (Figs 6, 26) 1035m, 37°51’S, 146T5’E, Euc. delegatensis forest w/Noth. cunn., Glypholoma tenuicorne Thayer et Newton, 1979: 53. Blechnum ground ferns, 26.11.1993, FMHD #93-124, berl., leaf & log Ut ter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 930 (1, micropterous) [FMNH]; Bogong N.P, Diagnosis. Separable from other Glypholoma species 5.5km e Strawberry Saddle, 1450m, 36°57’S, 147°21’E, wet sclerophyU by the elongate body form and filiform antennae and from forest, 22.1.1987, Utter, forest, berl., A. Newton & M. Thayer 803 (8, bra-