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Prison Service Journal 2004: Index PDF

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Preview Prison Service Journal 2004: Index

PRISON SERVICE OURNAL INDEX 2004 Alphabetical by Title Title Author Issue/page A Touch of Civilisation: a tribute to Sir Stephen Tumim 1930-2003 Jonathan Burnside and David Faulkner 156/27 Abused Women Carol-Ann Hooper 152/31 Accrediting Programmes Sue Rex and Anthony Bottoms 152/36 Book Review: Crime, by T. J. Gorringe Alan Duce 156/57 Book Review: Crime, Truth and Justice: Official Inquiry, Discourse and Knowledge, edited by George Filligan and John Pratt Jamie Bennett 155/45 Book Review: Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice, edited by Paul Mason Jamie Bennett 151/61 Book Review: Daddy's Working Away: a Guide to being a Dad in Prison, by Inmates and families at HMP Wolds with Sandy Watson and Sheron Rice Matt Garlick 153/50 Book Review: Delivering Rights: How the Human Rights Act is working, edited by Jeffrey Jowell and Jonathan Cooper William Payne 152/56 Book Review: Dignity At Work, by Pauline Rennie Peyton Jamie Bennett 153/46 Book Review: Doing Prison Work: The Public and Private Lives of Prison Officers, by Elaine Crawley Jamie Bennett 156/56 Book Review: Images of Incarceration: Representations of Prison in Film and Television Drama, by David Wilson and Sean O'Sullivan ‘ Jamie Bennett 154/54 Book Review: Justice Gained? Crime and Crime Control in South Africa's Transition, edited by Bill Dixon and Elrena Van Der Spuy, Jamie Bennett 156/57 Book Review: Making Positive Connections: A Foundation for Working with People Who Have a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder, by Annette Duff, Barbara Meredith and Kim Woodbridge Prof. Don Grubin 155/43 Book Review: New Visions of Crime Victims, edited by Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young Judy Shaen-Carter 153/47 Book Review: Rethinking Sentencing, edited by Peter Sedgwick Canon Alan R. Duce 154/57 Book Review: Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims studying the Bible and the Qur'an together, edited by Michael |pgrave Revd. Wendy Carey 155/44 Book Review: Sex Offenders in the Community, edited by Amanda Matravers William Payne 153/46 Book Review: The Future of Criminal Justice. Resettlement, Chaplaincy and Community, edited by Christopher Jones and Peter Sedgwick John Race 151/62 Book Review: The Use of Punishment, edited by Sean McConville Jamie Bennett 153/49 Book Review: Treating Substance Abuse: Theory and Technique, edited by Frederick Rotgers, Jon Morgenstern, Scott T. Walthers Neil Piggin 154/53 Book Review: What Matters in Probation, edited by George Maire William Payne 155/44 Book Review: When Prisoners come home: parole and prisoner re-entry, by John Petersilla Steve Hall 154/51 Butler Trust: HMP Stafford’s Greening Award Mark Taylor 153/38 Butler Trust: HMP Woodhill’s Close Supervision Centre (CSC) Margaret Adams 153/10 CARATS and leaving Prison Karen Harman and lan Paylor 152/2 Comparing Prison Costs: Minnesota v. UK Steve Hall 153/25 Exercise and Drug Detoxification Simon Oddie 156/21 Family Learning Programmes in Prison Karen Halsey and Annie Johnson 154/8 Female Prisoners’ Domestic Abuse Experiences Marcia Mackey 155/32 Film Review: Aileen: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer, directed by Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill Jamie Bennett 152/55 Film Review: Carandiru, directed by Hector Babenco Jamie Bennett 154/55 Film Review: Days and Nights in an Indian Jail, directed by Sundan Walia and Yugesh Walia Gina Pearce 151/64 Film Review: Dogville, written and directed by Lars Von Trier Steve Hall 152/57 Film Review: Elephant, directed by Gus Van Sant Jamie Bennett 153/48 Film Review: Lifer: Living with Murder (2003), directed by Rex Bloomstein Jamie Bennett 151/62 Film Review: S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, directed by Rithy Panh Jamie Bennett 152/57 Gartree Therapeutic Community Andy Withers 153/19 Governing the Local Prison: Shrewsbury 1823-1877 Helen Johnston 156/30 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL Hold the Key to your Cell: the Use of Incentives in Prisons Prof Hans Toch 151/11 Improving Performance through Appreciative Inquiry Clare Greany and Charles Elliott 156/35 Interview: Paul Goggins, Prisons and Probation Minister Nigel Hancock 154/58 Interview: Phil Wheatley, Director General HM Prison Service Nigel Hancock 152/63 Interview: Professor Philip Zimbardo, Psychologist Leonidas K. Cheliotis 155/47 Interview: Roger Graef, Film Director Jamie Bennett 153/52 Jurassic Park Revisited: The Changing Nature of Prison Industrial Relations Jamie Bennett 156/40 Keeping the Peace Kimmett Edgar 151/48 Lecture: Are Prison Reformers Winning the Arguments? The 2004 Prisoners’ Education Trust Lecture Rt. Hon. Lord Hurd of Westwell 154/3 Lecture: Eve Saville Memorial Lecture 2003 Victoria Climbié Does the deliberate harm of children matter? Lord Laming of Tewin 151/65 Meeting Mental Health Needs Revolving Doors Agency 155/19 Mental Health In-Reach Services in HMP Us« and Prescoed Tracey Salathial 154/27 Minnesota Prisons Steve Hall 151/19 Not long enough to do anything (Short term prisoner programme) Helen Rinaldi 152/10 Obituary: John McCarthy as published in The Times 153/43 Obituary: Joy Kinsley Michael Selby 154/50 Obituary: Trevor Gadd as published in The Times 153/44 Observations of a Stranger Lenny Baer 151/52 PE in Prison Marc Clément, Raphaél Massareili and Charlotte Verdot 151/55 Performance Testing at Dartmoor: two perspectives Robin Eldridge & Sally Wood 153/15 Perrie Lecture: Is Imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? Ruth Wyner 156/15 Perrie Lecture: Is Imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? The Prison Service Perspective Michael Spurr 156/5 Perrie Lecture: The Drugs Economy and the Prisoner Society Dr Ben Crewe 156/9 Prison Dialogue Sarah Hill, Ursula Hare and Jane Ball 151/30 Prison Health Care in America Laura Hollis-Ryan 154/23 Prison Privatisation and Neo-Liberalism Curtis R. Blakely 151/23 Prisoner Councils Enver Solomon 155/29 Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 1 Leslie Fairweather 154/39 Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 2 Leslie Fairweather 155/24 Promoting Prisoner Self-care Rod Tucker 152/19 Pro-social Modelling in Prisons Sally Cherry 156/46 Public Opinion and Mandatory Sentencing Julian V. Roberts 152/42 Real Work in Prison Stephen Timms MP, Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry 155/3 Reducing Crime through Drug Treatment Peter Wheelhouse 153/34 Reflections on ‘Carter’ and the Government's Response David Faulkner 153/2 Reflections on Restorative Justice in Canada Pippa Crisp 154/47 Restorative Justice in a Dutch Prison Elly van Laarhoven 153/22 Restorative Justice in South Carolina Diana Medilicott 151/26 Restorative Justice Training in Serbia Marian Liebmann 155/21 Restorative Justice Workshops: The Inside Out Trust Chris Thomas 151/57 Self Harm in Prison: an Appraisa! of a User-Led Support Group in HMP Manchester Paula Morton 151/7 Sir Lionel Fox Charles Fox 152/24 Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship — the Longer Term David Faulkner 154/20 Speech: The National Probation Service perspective Eithne Wallis 152/59 Staff Peer Support Gregory Bayne 155/13 STOP? We Have Just Started: the Inside Story on the Accreditation of a Substance Misuse Programme Mick Greenslade 156/3 Talking Shop Samantha Sherratt 155/7 Teaching Students with Psychopathic Personality Disorder Samantha Broadhead 151/41 The Adjudication Crisis in the Shadow of the Human Rights Act Gerard Nye 156/48 The Birth of Post-Cynical Criminology Hugh Marriage OBE 156/60 The Central Detention Facility: Washington DC Mark Spicer 153/40 The Excellence Model for Voluntary Organisations Working in Prisons Jackie King 151/36 The Future of Offender Learning and Skills Chris Barnham 154/6 The Girls Advice Project Lorraine Atkinson 154/12 The Impact on Staff of a Self-inflicted Death in Custody Jo Borrill, Rebecca Teers, Jo Paton, Liz Regan and Tony Cassidy 151/2 The Myth of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Charles Hanson 152/21 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL The Special Needs of Substance Misusing Women Andrew Ainsworth 156/25 The Victims’ Perspective Jayne Zito 152/12 Tolerance in the Criminal Justice System John Croft 155/17 Votes for Prisoners Is ‘Civic Death’ Reatly the Way to Go? Nick O’Shea 156/52 What Works Dr Carol Hedderman 154/36 What Works in Prison Industries? Ursula Smartt and Jon Vagg 154/31 What Works in Prison Industries? Ursula Smartt 155/9 Why Should We Barter for Results? (The use of incentives) Adam Beaton 151/18 Alphabetical by Author Author Title Issue/page Adam Beaton Why Should We Barter for Results? (The use of incentives) 151/18 Alan Duce Book Review: Crime, by T. J. Gorringe 156/57 Andrew Ainsworth The Special Needs of Substance Misusing Women 156/25 Andy Withers Gartree Therapeutic Community 153/19 as published in The Times Obituary: John McCarthy 153/43 as published in The Times Obituary: Trevor Gadd 153/44 Canon Alan R. Duce Book Review: Rethinking Sentencing, edited by Peter Sedgwick 154/57 Carol-Ann Hooper Abused Women 152/31 Charles Fox Sir Lionel Fox 152/24 Charles Hanson The Myth of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 152/21 Chris Barnham The Future of Offender Learning and Skills 154/6 Chris Thomas Restorative Justice Workshops: The Inside Out Trust 151/57 Clare Greany and Charles Elliott Improving Performance through Appreciative Inquiry 156/35 Curtis R. Blakely Prison Privatisation and Neo-Liberalism 151/23 David Faulkner Reflections on ‘Carter’ and the Government's Response 153/2 David Faulkner Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship — the Longer Term 154/20 Diana Medlicott Restorative Justice in South Carolina 151/26 Dr Ben Crewe Perrie Lecture: The Drugs Economy and the Prisoner Society 156/9 Dr Carol Hedderman What Works 154/36 Eithne Wallis Speech 152/59 Elly van Laarhoven Restorative Justice in a Dutch Prison 153/22 Enver Solomon Prisoner Councils 155/29 Gerard Nye The Adjudication Crisis in the Shadow of the Human Rights Act 156/48 Gina Pearce Film Review: Days and Nights in an Indian Jail, directed by Sundan Walia and Yugesh Walia 151/64 Gregory Bayne Staff Peer Support 155/13 Helen Johnston Governing the Local Prison: Shrewsbury 1823-1877 156/30 Helen Rinaldi Not long enough to do anything (Short term prisoner programme) 152/10 Hugh Marriage OBE The Birth of Post-Cynical Criminology 156/60 Jackie King The Excellence Model for Voluntary Organisations Working in Prisons 151/36 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Crime, Truth and Justice: Official Inquiry, Discourse and Knowledge, edited by George Filligan and John Pratt 155/45 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice, edited by Paul Mason 151/61 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Dignity At Work, by Pauline Rennie Peyton 153/46 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Doing Prison Work: The Public and Private Lives of Prison Officers, by Elaine Crawley. 156/56 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Images of Incarceration: Representations of Prison in Film and Television Drama, by David Wilson and Sean O'Sullivan 154/54 Jamie Bennett Book Review: Justice Gained? Crime and Crime Control in South Africa's Transition, edited by Bill Dixon and Elrena Van Der Spuy, 156/57 Jamie Bennett Book Review: The Use of Punishment, edited by Sean McConville 153/49 Jamie Bennett Film Review: Aileen: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer, directed by Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill 152/55 Jamie Bennett Film Review: Carandiru, directed by Hector Babenco 154/55 Jamie Bennett Film Review: Elephant, directed by Gus Van Sant 153/48 Jamie Bennett Film Review: Lifer: Living with Murder (2003), directed by Rex Bloomstein 151/62 Jamie Bennett Film Review: S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, directed by Rithy Panh 152/57 Jamie Bennett Interview: Roger Graef, Film Director 153/52 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL Jamie Bennett Jurassic Park Revisited: The Changing Nature of Prison Industrial Relations 156/40 Jayne Zito The Victims’ Perspective 152/12 Jo Borrill, Rebecca Teers, Jo Paton, Liz Regan and Tony Cassidy The Impact on Staff of a Self-inflicted Death in Custody 151/2 John Croft Tolerance in the Criminal Justice System 155/17 John Race Book Review: The Future of Criminal Justice. Resettlement, Chaplaincy and Community, edited by Christopher Jones and Peter Sedgwick 151/62 Jonathan Burnside and David Faulkner A Touch of Civilisation: a tribute to Sir Stephen Tumim 1930-2003 156/27 Judy Shaen-Carter Book Review: New Visions of Crime Victims, edited by Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young 153/47 Julian V. Roberts Public Opinion and Mandatory Sentencing 152/42 Karen Halsey and Annie Johnson Family Learning Programmes in Prison 154/8 Karen Harman and lan Paylor CARATS and leaving Prison 152/2 Kimmett Edgar Keeping the Peace 151/48 Laura Hollis-Ryan Prison Health Care in America 154/23 Lenny Baer Observations of a Stranger 151/52 Leonidas K. Cheliotis Interview: Professor Philip Zimbardo, Psychologist 155/47 Leslie Fairweather Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 1 154/39 Leslie Fairweather Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 2 155/24 Lord Laming of Tewin Lecture: Eve Saville Memorial Lecture 2003 Victoria Climbié Does the deliberate harm of children matter? 151/65 Lorraine Atkinson The Girls Advice Project 154/12 Marc Clément, Raphaé! Massarelli and Charlotte Verdot PE in Prison 151/55 Marcia Mackey Female Prisoners’ Domestic Abuse Experiences 155/32 Margaret Adams HMP Woodhill’s Close Supervision Centre (CSC) 153/10 Marian Liebmann Restorative Justice Training in Serbia 155/21 Mark Spicer The Central Detention Facility: Washington DC 153/40 Mark Taylor Butler Trust: HMP Stafford’s Greening Award 153/38 Matt Garlick Book Review: Daddy’s Working Away: a Guide to being a Dad in Prison, by Inmates and families at HMP Wolds with Sandy Watson and Sheron Rice 153/50 Michael Seiby Obituary: Joy Kinsley 154/50 Michael Spurr Perrie Lecture: Is Imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? The Prison Service Perspective 156/5 Mick Greenslade STOP? We Have Just Started: the Inside Story on the Accreditation of a Substance Misuse Programme 156/3 Neil Piggin Book Review: Treating Substance Abuse: Theory and Technique, edited by Frederick Rotgers, Jon Morgenstern, Scatt T. Walthers 154/53 Nick O’Shea Votes for Prisoners Is ‘Civic Death’ Really the Way to Go? 156/52 Nigel Hancock Interview: Paul Goggins, Prisons and Probation Minister 154/58 Nigel Hancock Interview: Phil Wheatley, Director General HM Prison Service 152/63 Paula Morton Self Harm in Prison: an Appraisal of a User-Led Support Group in HMP Manchester 151/7 Peter Wheelhouse Reducing Crime through Drug Treatment 153/34 Pippa Crisp Reflections on Restorative Justice in Canada 154/47 Prof Hans Toch Hold the Key to your Cell: the Use of Incentives in Prisons 151/11 Prof.Don Grubin Book Review: Making Positive Connections: A Foundation for Working with People Who Have a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder, by Annette Duff, Barbara Meredith and Kim Woodbridge 155/43 Revd. Wendy Carey Book Review: Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims studying the Bible and the Qur'an together, edited by Michael Ipgrave 155/44 Revolving Doors Agency Meeting Mental Health Needs 155/19 Robin Eldridge & Sally Wood Performance Testing at Dartmoor: two perspectives 153/15 Rod Tucker Promoting Prisoner Self-care 152/19 Rt. Hon. Lord Hurd of Westwell Lecture: Are Prison Reformers Winning the Arguments? The 2004 Prisoners’ Education Trust Lecture 154/3 Ruth Wyner Perrie Lecture: Is Imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? 156/15 Sally Cherry Pro-social Modelling in Prisons 156/46 Samantha Broadhead Teaching Students with Psychopathic Personality Disorder 151/41 Samantha Sherratt Talking Shop 155/7 Sarah Hill, Ursula Hare and Jane Ball Prison Dialogue 151/30 Simon Oddie Exercise and Drug Detoxification 156/21 Stephen Timms MP, Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry Real Work in Prison 155/3 Steve Hall Book Review: When Prisoners come home: parole and prisoner re-entry, by John Petersilla 154/51 Steve Hall : Comparing Prison Costs: Minnesota v. UK 153/25 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL Steve Hall Film Review: Dogville, written and directed by Lars Von Trier 152/57 Steve Hall Minnesota Prisons 151/19 Sue Rex and Anthony Bottoms Accrediting Programmes 152/36 Tracey Salathial Mental Health In-Reach Services in HMP Usk and Prescoed 154/27 Ursula Smartt What Works in Prison Industries? 155/9 Ursula Smartt and Jon Vagg What Works in Prison Industries? 154/31 William Payne Book Review: Delivering Rights: How the Human Rights Act is working, edited by Jeffrey Jowell and Jonathan Cooper 152/56 William Payne Book Review: Sex Offenders in the Community, edited by Amanda Matravers 153/46 William Payne Book Review: What Matters in Probation, edited by George Maire 155/44 Alphabetical by Subject Area Title Author Issue/page Programmes/Activities in Prison Abused Women Carol-Ann Hooper 152/31 Accrediting Programmes Sue Rex and Anthony Bottoms 152/36 Family Learning Programmes in Prison Karen Halsey and Annie Johnson 154/8 Female Prisoners’ Domestic Abuse Experiences Marcia Mackey 155/32 Gartree Therapeutic Community Andy Withers 153/19 Not long enough to do anything (Short term prisoner programme) Helen Rinaldi 152/10 PE in Prison Marc Clément, Raphaél Massarelli and Charlotte Verdot 151/55 Prison Dialogue Sarah Hill, Ursula Hare and Jane Ball 151/30 Pro-social Modelling in Prisons Sally Cherry 156/46 Reflections on Restorative Justice in Canada Pippa Crisp 154/47 Restorative Justice in a Dutch Prison Elly van Laarhoven 153/22 Restorative Justice in South Carolina Diana Medlicott 151/26 Restorative Justice Training in Serbia Marian Liebmann 155/21 Restorative Justice Workshops: The Inside Out Trust Chris Thomas 151/57 Self Harm in Prison: an Appraisal of a User-Led Support Group in HMP Manchester Paula Morton 151/7 Teaching Students with Psychopathic Personality Disorder Samantha Broadhead 151/41 The Future of Offender Learning and Skills Chris Barnham 154/6 The Girls Advice Project Lorraine Atkinson 154/12 What Works Dr Carol Hedderman 154/36 What Works in Prison Industries? Ursula Smartt and Jon Vagg 154/31 What Works in Prison Industries? Ursula Smartt 155/9 Prisoner heath care and drug treament CARATS and leaving Prison Karen Harman and lan Paylor 152/2 Exercise and Drug Detoxification Simon Oddie 156/21 Meeting Mental Health Needs Revolving Doors Agency 155/19 Mental Health In-Reach Services in HMP Usk and Prescoed Tracey Salathial 154/27 Prison Health Care in America Laura Hollis-Ryan 154/23 Promoting Prisoner Self-care Rod Tucker 152/19 Reducing Crime through Drug Treatment Peter Wheelhouse 153/34 STOP? We Have Just Started: the Inside Story on the Accreditation of a Substance Misuse Programme Mick Greenslade - 156/3 The Special Needs of Substance Misusing Women Andrew Ainsworth 156/25 Prison administration and procedures Hold the Key to your Cell: the Use of Incentives in Prisons Prof Hans Toch 151/11 Keeping the Peace Kimmett Edgar 151/48 Prisoner Councils Enver Solomon 155/29 The Adjudication Crisis in the Shadow of the Human Rights Act Gerard Nye 156/48 Votes for Prisoners Is ‘Civic Death’ Really the Way to Go? Nick O’Shea 156/52 Why Should We Barter for Results? (The use of incentives) Adam Beaton 151/18 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL Historical pieces Governing the Local Prison: Shrewsbury 1823-1877 Helen Johnston 156/30 Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 1 Leslie Fairweather 154/39 Prisons in Europe 50 Years Ago — Part 2 Leslie Fairweather 155/24 Sir Lionel Fox Charles Fox 152/24 The Organisation and Management of Prisons Comparing Prison Costs: Minnesota v. UK Steve Hall 153/25 Improving Performance through Appreciative Inquiry Clare Greany and Charles Elliott 156/35 Jurassic Park Revisited: The Changing Nature of Prison Industrial Relations Jamie Bennett 156/40 Minnesota Prisons Steve Hall 151/19 Performance Testing at Dartmoor: two perspectives Robin Eldridge & Sally Wood 153/15 Prison Privatisation and Neo-Liberalism Curtis R. Blakely 151/23 Staff Peer Support Gregory Bayne 155/13 Reflections and Considerations Reflections on ‘Carter’ and the Government's Response David Faulkner 153/2 The Central Detention Facility: Washington DC ' Mark Spicer 153/40 The Excellence Model for Voluntary Organisations Working in Prisons Jackie King 151/36 Observations of a Stranger Lenny Baer 151/52 Public Opinion and Mandatory Sentencing Julian V. Roberts 152/42 Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship — the Longer Term David Faulkner 154/20 Talking Shop Samantha Sherratt 155/7 The Impact on Staff of a Self-inflicted Death in Custody Jo Borrill, Rebecca Teers, Jo Paton, Liz Regan and Tony Cassidy 151/2 The Myth of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Charles Hanson 152/21 Tolerance in the Criminal Justice System John Croft 155/17 Butler Trust Butler Trust: HMP Stafford’s Greening Award Mark Taylor 153/38 Butler Trust: HMP Woodhill’s Close Supervision Centre (CSC) Margaret Adams 153/10 Book and Film Reviews Book Review: Crime, by T. J. Gorringe Alan Duce 156/57 Book Review: Crime, Truth and Justice: Official Inquiry, Discourse and Knowledge, edited by George Filligan and John Pratt Jamie Bennett 155/45 Book Review: Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice, edited by Paul Mason Jamie Bennett 151/61 Book Review: Daddy's Working Away: a Guide to being a Dad in Prison, by Inmates and families at HMP Wolds with Sandy Watson and Sheron Rice Matt Garlick 153/50 Book Review: Delivering Rights: How the Human Rights Act is working, edited by Jeffrey Jowell and Jonathan Cooper William Payne 152/56 Book Review: Dignity At Work, by Pauline Rennie Peyton Jamie Bennett 153/46 Book Review: Doing Prison Work: The Public and Private Lives of Prison Officers, by Elaine Crawley. Jamie Bennett 156/56 Book Review: Images of Incarceration: Representations of Prison in Film and Television Drama, by David Wilson and Sean O'Sullivan Jamie Bennett 154/54 Book Review: Justice Gained? Crime and Crime Control in South Africa’s Transition, edited by Bill Dixon and Elrena Van Der Spuy, Jamie Bennett 156/57 Book Review: Making Positive Connections: A Foundation for Working with People Who Have a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder, by Annette Duff, Barbara Meredith and Kim Woodbridge Prof. Don Grubin 155/43 Book Review: New Visions of Crime Victims, edited by Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young Judy Shaen-Carter 153/47 Book Review: Rethinking Sentencing, edited by Peter Sedgwick Canon Alan R. Duce 154/57 Book Review: Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims studying the Bible and the Qur’an together, edited by Michael Ipgrave Revd. Wendy Carey 155/44 Book Review: Sex Offenders in the Community, edited by Amanda Matravers William Payne 153/46 Book Review: The Future of Criminal Justice. Resettlement, Chaplaincy and Community, edited by Christopher Jones and Peter Sedgwick John Race 151/62 Book Review: The Use of Punishment, edited by Sean McConville Jamie Bennett 153/49 PRISON SERVICE JOURNAL Book Review: Treating Substance Abuse: Theory and Technique, edited by Frederick Rotgers, Jon Morgenstern, Scott T. Walthers Neil Piggin 154/53 Book Review: What Matters in Probation, edited by George Maire William Payne 155/44 Book Review: When Prisoners come home: parole and prisoner re-entry, by John Petersilla Steve Hall 154/51 Film Review: Aileen: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer, directed by Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill Jamie Bennett 152/55 Film Review: Carandiru, directed by Hector Babenco Jamie Bennett 154/55 Film Review: Days and Nights in an Indian Jail, directed by Sundan Walia and Yugesh Walia Gina Pearce 151/64 Film Review: Dogville, written and directed by Lars Von Trier Steve Hall 152/57 Film Review: Elephant, directed by Gus Van Sant Jamie Bennett 153/48 Film Review: Lifer: Living with Murder (2003), directed by Rex Bloomstein Jamie Bennett 151/62 Film Review: S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, directed by Rithy Panh Jamie Bennett 152/57 Interviews Interview: Paul Goggins, Prisons and Probation Minister Nigel Hancock 154/58 Interview: Phil Wheatley, Director General HM Prison Service Nigel Hancock 152/63 Interview: Professor Philip Zimbardo, Psychologist Leonidas K. Cheliotis 155/47 Interview: Roger Graef, Film Director Jamie Bennett 153/52 Obituaries/Tributes A Touch of Civilisation: a tribute to Sir Stephen Tumim 1930-2003 Jonathan Burnside and David Faulkner 156/27 Obituary: John McCarthy as published in The Times 153/43 Obituary: Joy Kinsley Michael Selby 154/50 Obituary: Trevor Gadd as published in The Times 153/44 Speeches/Lectures Lecture: The 2004 Prisoners’ Education Trust Lecture Are Prison Reformers Winning the Arguments? Rt. Hon. Lord Hurd of Westwell 154/3 Lecture: Eve Saville Memorial Lecture 2003 Victoria Climbié Does the deliberate harm of children matter? Lord Laming of Tewin 151/65 Speech: Real Work in Prison Stephen Timms MP, Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry 155/3 Speech: The Birth of Post-Cynical Criminology Hugh Marriage OBE 156/60 Speech: The National Probation Service perspective Eithne Wallis 152/59 Speech: The Victims’ Perspective Jayne Zito 152/12 Perrie Lecture: Is imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? Ruth Wyner 156/15 Perrie Lecture: Is Imprisonment Dealing with Addiction? The Prison Service Perspective Michael Spurr 156/5 Perrie Lecture: The Drugs Economy and the Prisoner Society Dr Ben Crewe 156/9

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