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Practical Guide to Home Reading: Whirligig by M. McIntyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие PDF

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Preview Practical Guide to Home Reading: Whirligig by M. McIntyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие

Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ВОЛОГОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ PPRRAACCTTIICCAALL GGUUIIDDEE TTOO HHOOMMEE RREEAADDIINNGG Whirligig by M. McIntyre / Atonement by I. McEwan Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом ВоГУ в качестве учебного пособия ВОЛОГДА 2015 1 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 Ц27 Рецензенты: канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры международных экономических отношений экономического факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета аэрокосмического приборостроения Е. А. Рудая, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры русского и иностранных языков ВИПЭ ФСИН России О. М. Чернышёва Цветкова, А. Н. Ц27 Practical Guide to Home Reading: Whirligig by M. McIntyre / Ato- nement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова ; М-во образ. и науки РФ, Вологод. гос. ун-т. – Вологда : ВоГУ, 2015. – 88 с. Цель пособия – развитие навыков чтения неадаптированной художественной литературы на английском языке, навыков критического анализа текста в рамках стилистического подхода к изучению его содержания, а также пополнение активного и пассивного вокабуляра студентов-бакалавров, развитие навыков устной речи, уме- ния свободно излагать свои мысли на английском языке. Пособие по домашнему чтению предназначено для студентов 2–3 курса, обу- чающихся по направлению подготовки 44.03.01 «Педагогическое образование», про- филь – «Образование в области иностранного языка», 44.03.05 «Педагогическое об- разование» (с двумя профилями). УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 © ФГБОУ ВПО «Вологодский государственный университет», 2015 © Цветкова А. Н., 2015 2 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова Оглавление ВВВВЕЕДДЕЕННИИЕЕ.. ...................................................................................................................................... 4 PPAARRTT 11.. PPRRAACCTTIICCAALL GGUUIIDDEE TTOO TTHHEE NNOOVVEELL WWHHIIRRLLIIGGIIGG BBYY MM.. MMCCIINNTTYYRREE ................................. 5 Task 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Task 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Task 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Task 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Task 5 ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Task 6 ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Task 7 ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Task 8 ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Task 9 ............................................................................................................................................. 31 Task 10 ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Final task ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Review 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Review 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 37 PPAARRTT 22.. PPRRAACCTTIICCAALL GGUUIIDDEE TTOO TTHHEE NNOOVVEELL AATTOONNEEMMEENNTT BBYY II.. MMCCEEWWAANN .................................. 39 Task 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 39 Task 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Task 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 48 Task 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 50 Task 5 ............................................................................................................................................. 53 Task 6 ............................................................................................................................................. 56 Task 7 ............................................................................................................................................. 59 Task 8 ............................................................................................................................................. 63 Task 9 ............................................................................................................................................. 66 Task 10 ........................................................................................................................................... 69 Task 11 ........................................................................................................................................... 72 Task 12 ........................................................................................................................................... 75 Task 13 ........................................................................................................................................... 79 Final task ........................................................................................................................................ 82 Review 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 82 Review 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 84 Literature: ..................................................................................................................................... 87 3 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова ВВВВЕЕДДЕЕННИИЕЕ Пособие состоит из двух частей, каждая из которых посвящена отдель- ному произведению современной английской литературы. Каждая часть представлена отдельными модулями заданий, 14 для романа «Искупление» И. Макъюэна, 10 для романа «Круговерть» М. МакИнтайра соответственно. Выбор произведений обусловлен спецификой программы обучения студен- тов, нуждающихся в аутентичном языковом материале для пополнения сло- варного запаса, современном литературном материале для формирования на- выков интерпретации художественного языка. Целью пособия является не только ознакомление студентов с рядом со- временных произведений англоязычных авторов, являющихся образцами по- стмодернистской литературной традиции, но и развитие навыков устной речи через обсуждение на свободные темы, обучение вдумчивому чтению и осно- вам анализа стиля авторов, стимулирование самостоятельной критической мысли. Предлагаемая система упражнений включает: Pre-text work – упражнения, которые готовят к восприятию текста, сни- мают трудности в произношении определенных слов, знакомят с культуроло- гическими реалиями текста, от понимания которых зависит правильное вос- приятие описываемых событий и персонажей. General Comprehension – задания, направленные на проверку общего по- нимания событий текста, которые студент выполняет самостоятельно. В ау- дитории предусмотрена лишь частичная проверка этого блока заданий, хотя от их выполнения зависит полное понимание прочитанного. Detailed Comprehension – включают в себя два раздела – Language work и Discussion, где первый блок упражнений позволит пополнить активный и пас- сивный словарный запас студента, углубить понимание языковых явлений, удостовериться в правильной интерпретации контекстных значений. Второй блок – Discussion – задания на анализ и проработку ключевых вопросов, под- нимаемых текстом, речевые задания творческого характера, предполагающие высокий уровень понимания глубинной структуры текста и используемых ав- тором приемов и средств, позволяющие понять подтекст и идею автора. 4 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова PPAARRTT 11.. PPRRAACCTTIICCAALL GGUUIIDDEE TTOO TTHHEE NNOOVVEELL WWHHIIRRLLIIGGIIGG BBYY MM.. MMCCIINNTTYYRREE TTaasskk 11 1. Read the biography of Magnus McIntyre. Be ready to translate it and answer questions on it. Magnus McIntyre Biography Growing up in Oxford and on the west coast of Scotland, and educated at Je- sus College, Cambridge, Magnus was first an actor-producer and then an arts jour- nalist on the Independent on Sunday before starting up a technology magazine from his bedroom and selling the company four years later. In the year leading up to the General Election of 1997 he was Managing Director of the New Statesman, and then went into show business, founding Watermark Films and Outline Productions. Watermark Films made three movies, and Outline Productions is one the fastest- growing independents in TV production. In 2002, his attention was taken by wind farming. He founded and ran Wind Energy Ltd, developing onshore wind farms in Scotland. The company was sold in 2006, and he retains a non-executive directorship. Having always turned to fiction when not being commercial, he properly came home to writing having got married and moved to Somerset from London. He and his wife have two young children. WHIRLIGIG is his first novel, and is being published by Short Books in the Spring of 2013. He is also the village cricket correspondent of The Times. 2. Read pages 5-8, 11-22 of "Whirligig by Magnus McIntyre. A commen- tary with annotations. " Be ready to explain - why the novel is comic - why Whirligig is a Scottish novel, what the typical features of a Scottish novel are - what peculiarities of religion there are in Scotland - why hunting is special in Scotland - how Scots arrange their parties - why the theme of ecology appears in the novel - how great the difference between the City and the Village in the novel is - how the Private Members' clubs are organized - what peculiarities there are in name culture in Britain 3. Read pages 9-19 of Whirligig by M. McIntyre Pre-text work 1. Make sure you know how to pronounce the words cagoule, corduroy, miff, chaotic, Glaswegian, chirrupy, symposium 5 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова 2. What do these words/word combinations denote? Princess of Land-under-Waves, Big School, a reel, the Nimble Man, SPECTRE, Lotus Esprit, 7-UP, Jock, outhouse, semi, school with blazers General Comprehension 1. Answer the questions. 1. What does the novel start with? 2. Did the kids get along all right? 3. Was Gordon driven away or did he leave the game himself? 4. Where did Gordon go? 5. Who did Gordon find in the barn? 6. How did his mother meet him? 7. What did Grandmother ask Gordon about? 8. What kind of lecture did Gordon receive from his father? 9. How did Gordon change the topic of the talk in the car? 2. Make a brief summary of the story. 3. Prepare any passage for artistic reading. Make a literary translation. Detailed Comprehension Language work 1. Find the words in the text. Be ready to explain their contextual meaning. 1. to consort 2. imputation 3. to grate 4. to slink 5. discernible 6. to admonish 7. to steel oneself 8. to squirm 9. to be quizzed about 10. breezily 11. demise 12. to contemplate 13. to beckon somebody 14. to stick up for oneself 15. nonplussed 16. to embellish 6 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова 17. hiatus 18. to niggle at 19. to gauge the mood 2. Find the synonyms used in the text. Give your own example. 1. incompetent, stupid 2. to imagine 3. to begin to work hard 4. thick hair 5. done with no confidence, not certain 6. to tell lies 7. basic, intrinsic 8. to understand something right 9. to look at each other angrily 10. deadlock 3. Reproduce the episodes with the words and word combinations. (pages 9- 19). Make every situation a complete one. - blinking at, tubby, to take charge, proprietress, in confusion, to reel - devil, a Scot, heritage, a stutter in the air, stop dead - accent, subtle, intricate, jig, to slink, to stomp, axe-murderer, to tame - grown-up, softly, soupier, twenty rungs, wobbly, to ward off, reminiscent, to peer. - engaged in conversation, nap, gaze, numberplate, distress, seaweed, fizzy drink - to calculate, give lecture, to absorb, appalled, ably, acting feat, tensely - to smuggle, misdemeanor, viciousness, off the hook, to do the trick Discussion 1. Answer the questions 1. How does the author open up the story? Does the reader get much of the intro- ductory information? 2. What do the names of the characters of the game suggest? 3. How do we see the place of the events? Who do we get the picture through? Why? 4. How is the main character introduced? Do words or actions prevail in the de- scription? Why? How is Gordon characterized through his understanding of the word "racialist"? What does his passion for Agent 007 speak of him? What do accents mean to him? Why does Gordon go away? Is it characteristic of him? 5. How is Gordon's family introduced? Whose picture prevails? Do we see their de- scriptions rather than hear their words? Can you name a characteristic feature for every member of the family? 6. Are Gordon's family members close to each other? Does the episode with the boy's lie show their unity? 7 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова 7. Define the characters (Coky, Grandma, Father, Mother) - their appearance – is it given directly? - their words and actions – do we observe any peculiarity? - their background – does it play an important role in the story? - their importance and function in the story 8. What is the major character like? 9. How does the author treat his characters? Is the author's tone ironic? sad? com- passionate? Prove with the text. 10. How many parts are there in the story? What helps to differentiate them? 11. What is the climax of the story? Prove with the text. 2. Role-play the story - the game of the kids - the talk at the table - the talk in the car 3. Writing. Write a summary of the story that is going to develop. What will happen with the characters? Discuss your summaries within the group. What is the most credible scenario? TTaasskk 22 1. Read chapters 1-2 of “Whirligig” by M. McIntyre Pre-text work 1. Make sure you know how to pronounce the words avant-garde, biz, thorax, echo, ego, mustachioed, claret, homme d'effaires, isth- muth, Bono, Plato, Liberace, Aeolectricity, Prado, Viet Cong, Judas 2. What do these words and word combinations denote? RA, GC, octane -fuelled, lesser-league, Russian Caravan, cushiony wheezer, non sequitur, Luddite, Arab stallion, Cheshire Cat, Loch Garvach, End of Time, Tou- rette's syndrome, Midas's touch General Comprehension 1. Answer the questions. 1. How is the Pink's described in the novel? Is it compared to other clubs? What impression does it produce on an occasional visitor? on the reader? 2. Who is Peregrine MacGilp? 3. What do Peregrine and Claypole discuss? 4. What does Claypole think of the idea? What does he answer to the offer? 8 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова 5. What does Claypole’s; flat look like? 6. Why was Claypole surprised to find Coky in his bed in the morning? 7. What do they discuss at breakfast? 2. Make a brief summary of the story. 3. Prepare artistic reading and a literary translation of the passage on page 35 starting from “The light-blue blazer…” up to “…their hamster has died in the night” Detailed Comprehension Language work 1. Find the words in the text. Be ready to explain their contextual meaning. 1. the public domain 2. to plough the windfall 3. requisite garb 4. fringe comedian 5. crease 6. to lord it over somebody 7. unfettered 8. to have a pew 9. midget 10. aspic 11. laird 12. bog 13. to eye somebody 14. to gamble 15. to go bust 16. hotshot 17. razzle dazzle 18. straight hand – out 19. inscrutability 20. whinger 21. to schmoose with somebody 22. to get sanctified 23. scam 9 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека Practical guide to home reading : Whirligig by M. Mcintyre / Atonement by I. McEwan: учебное пособие / А. Н. Цветкова 2. Find the synonyms used in the text. Give your own example. 1. to continuously follow somebody very closely 2. contempt 3. extremely tide and clean 4. prudish 5. lacking in ideas or intelligence 6. supporter 7. lying 8. to make sense, be reasonable 9. badly behaving 10. unnecessary excitement or activities 3. Reproduce the episodes with the words and word combinations. p. 36- 53. Make every situation sound reasonable - trendy , junk mail, ubiquitous, brothel, freebie, tumbler, four scrolls, caffeinated drinks - draught of Scotch, high-pitched whine, buzz, undextrous, grimness, sobbing, headlong - on the ruse, sloppy tide, turncoat, to prick, angst, tang, flammability, birds of prey - to splutter, woodlouse, to be marooned, asymmetrical, unconventionally, ex- traordinary, fizz of panic - enquiring, amusement, to blow a chance, to smirk, a pile - to poke around, nausea, rigorous, lobotomised, equilibrium - a mental groove, affliction, eco-accountant, wind farm, blank, to time out, re- newable, beholder - arch, guileless, inept, gaudy, to scrutinise, incredulous, the big picture - to grasp the nettle, in panic, repulsive, to double, wealthy, naive - to change the subject, to rehearse, the synapses, to conspire, to emit, a grunt, un- detectable, to splay Discussion 1. Answer the questions 1. What kind of dialogue appears there in the very beginning of Chapter 1? How does it characterize its participants? What factual information does the reader obtain from it? 2. How does the place change through this part of the story? Does it influence the characters? 3. How does the author describe his main character? Analyze the stylistic de- vices used by the author in the description on page 22-23. Whose eyes do we see Claypole through? 10 Вологодский государственный университет. Научная библиотека

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