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PHYSICA |: Physica C 200 (1992) 443—446 North-Holland Author Index to Volume 200 Abrashev, M.V., M.N. Iliev and L.N. Bozukov, Raman Phase separation in YBa,Cu,O,_, single crystals near spectroscopy of ( Pb.) 4.) /2Cuy;—x)/2) 6=0 200,271 Sr,(Y,_,Ca,)Cu,07,5 (x=0,0.35) 200, 189 Cucolo, A., see A. Balzarotti 200, 251 Aiyer, H.N., see H. Srikanth 200, 372 Alff, L., G.M. Fischer, R. Gross, F. Kober, A. Beck, Dai, D., see Y. Xu 200, 242 K.D. Husemann, T. Nissel, F. Schmid] and C. Burckhardt, De Crescenzi, M., see A. Balzarotti 200, 251 Dry-etching processes for high-temperature Di Leo, R., see A. Balzarotti 200, 251 Dolan Jr., P.J., see R.C. Reinertson 200, 377 superconductors 200,277 Allenspach, P., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Dou, S.X., see Y.C. Guo 200, 147 Alouani, M., see J. Kircher 200, 413 Dravid, V.P. and Z. Hong, Hole formation and charge transfer Altshuler, E. and J.L. Gonzalez, Transport relaxation and in Y,_,Ca,Sr,Cu,GaO,, a new oxide superconductor 200, 349 intragranular flux creep in polycrystalline Drews, A.R., M.S. Osofsky, H.A. Hoff, J.L. Peng, Z.Y. Li, YBa,Cu;0,_, 200, 195 R.L. Greene and T.A. Vanderah, Phase segregation of Andersen, O.K., see J. Kircher 200, 413 cerium in Nd,_ ,Ce,CuOQ,_, 200, 122 Ashworth, S.P., see B.A. Glowacki 200, 140 Duan, H.M., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 Balzarotti, A., F. Patella, N. Motta, A. Cucolo, R. Di Leo and Eckstein, Y., see D. Goldschmidt 200, 99 M. De Crescenzi, Etch pits and tunnel barrier in chemically Erb, A., see H. Claus 200, 271 etched YBa,Cu,O,_, crystals by scanning tunneling Etourneau, J., see M.H. Tuilier 200, 113 microscopy 200, 251 Barabanov, A.F., see A.N. Kozlov 200, 183 Fischer, G.M., see L. Alff 200,277 Bauerle, D., see X.Z. Wang 200, 12 Fischer, K.H., Thermopower of high-7, superconductors in a Beck, A., see L. Alff 200, 277 magnetic field 200, 23 Ben-Dor, L., M.Y. Szerer, G. Blumberg, A. Givan, L. Borjesson Fischer, P., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 and L.V. Hong, Physical characterization and vibrational Fisk, Z., see Y.H. Kim 200, 201 spectroscopy of Bi( Pb) cuprate 2212 ceramics prepared by Franz, J.,.seeH. Claus 200, 271 sol-gel 200, 418 Fu, C.M., W. Boon, Y.S. Wang, V.V. Moshchalkov and Bhattacharya, R., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 Y. Bruynseraede, Magnetoresistance and conductivity Blaugher, R., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 fluctuations in single crystalline Blumberg, G., see L. Ben-Dor 200, 418 Bi, 7P bp 3Sr; pCaCuoO,g, , 200, 17 Boehme, D.R., see K.F. McCarty 200, 315 Furrer, A., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Boon, W., seeC.M. Fu 200, 17 Boérjesson, L., see L. Ben-Dor 200, 418 Gebhard, U.,see H. Claus 200, 271 Bozukov, L.N., see M.V. Abrashev 200, 189 Genoud, J.-Y.,see D. Sanchez 200, | Brisson, C., see M.H. Tuilier 200, 113 Ginley, D.S., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 Bruynseraede, Y.,seeC.M. Fu 200, 17 Givan, A., see L. Ben-Dor 200, 418 Brynestad, J.,see T.L. Ward 200, 31 Glowacki, B.A. and §.P. Ashworth, Optimisation oft hallium Budai, J.D.,see R.T. Young 200, 437 **1223” high-temperature superconducting wire by a single- Burckhardt, C., see L. Alff 200,277 stage cold deformation process 200, 140 Goldschmidt, D. and Y. Eckstein, Nonlinear resistivity in fully Caignaert, V.,see E. Suard 200, 43 oxygenated YBa,Cu,;O,_,. Frenkel disorder of chain Cardona, M., see J. Kircher 200, 413 oxygens 200, 99 Catlow, C.R.A., see X. Zhang 200, 323 Gonzalez, J.L., see E. Altshuler 200, 195 Cheong, S.-W., see Y.H. Kim 200, 201 Gopala Krishna, B., R. Gundakaram, S.V. Suryanarayana and Chern, M.Y., see A. Gupta 200, 263 R.D.K. Misra, Effect of sodium substitution on Chevalier, B., see M.H. Tuilier 200, 113 superconductivity in Bi-based (2212) system 200, 425 Chu, W.K., see Y.J. Zhao 200, 257 Gopalan, S.,see J. Kircher 200, 413 Claus, H., U. Gebhard, G. Linker, K. Réhberg, S. Riedling, Goshchitskii, B., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 J. Franz, T. Ishida, A. Erb, G. Miiller-Vogt and H. Wiihl, Graf, T.,see D. Sanchez 200, | 444 Index of authors and papers Greene, R.L., see A.R. Drews 200, 122 Koura, N. and H. Shoji, BSCCO superconductor coating by the Gross, R., see L. Alff 200, 277 electrophoretic deposition method 200, 50 Guillaume, M., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Kozlov, A.N., L.A. Maksimov and A.F. Barabanov, On the Gundakaram, R., see B. Gopala Krishna 200, 425 superconductivity in 2+D systems with nesting 200, 183 Guo, Y.C., H.K. Liu and §.X. Dou, Stability of high-7, phase in Kremer, R.K., see R.K. Li 200, 344 Ag-clad Bi-based superconducting wires 200, 147 Kroeger, D.M., see T.L. Ward 200, 31 Gupta, A., B.W. Hussey and M.Y. Chern, Effect of different Kulakov, M.P., see O.M. Vyaselev 200, 434 oxidizing gases on the in-situ growth of YBa,Cu;O,__; films Kvam, E.P., Pinning potential of stacking fault-related by pulsed laser deposition 200, 263 dislocations in YBa,Cu;0, 200, 409 Hartmann, M., see T. Rentschler 200, 287 Lanchester, P.C., see D.M. Ogborne 200, 167, 207 Hayakawa, H.,see M. Inoue 200, 403 Lebedev, S., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Hellebrand, B., see X.Z. Wang 200, 12 Lee, J., E. Narumi, C. Li, S. Patel and D.T. Shaw, Effect of Hermann, A.M., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 oxygen pressure on properties of Bi-Sr-Ca—Cu-O thin films Hoff, H.A., see A.R. Drews 200, 122 grown by laser deposition 200, 235 Hong, L.V.,see L. Ben-Dor 200,418 Li, C., see J. Lee 200, 235 Hong, Z., see V.P. Dravid 200, 349 Li, R.K., R.K. Kremer and J. Maier, A new layered cuprate Hsu, H., see T.L. Ward 200, 31 superconductor: GaSr,(Y, Ce),Cu,O0,_5; 200, 344 Hu, D., W. Paul and J. Rhyner, Critical current density, Li, Z.Y., see A.R. Drews 200, 122 magnetic relaxation and pinning distribution in Lichte, H., see T. Rentschler 200, 287 Bi,Sr,CaCu,O, superconductors 200, 359 Linker, G., see H. Claus 200, 271 Hiibener, R.P., see T. Rentschler 200, 287 Liu, H.K., see Y.C. Guo 200, 147 Husemann, K.D., see L. Alff 200,277 Liu, J.Z., see K.F. McCarty 200, 315 Hussey, B.W., see A. Gupta 200, 263 Lyons, S.W., see T.L. Ward 200, 31 Iliev, M.N., see M.V. Abrashev 200, 189 Mai, Z.,see Y. Xu 200, 242 Inoue, M., K. Yoshida, K. Ohbayashi, Y. Takai and Maier, J.,.see R.K. Li 200, 344 H. Hayakawa, Structure and properties of Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,/ Maignan, A., see E. Suard 200, 43 Bi,Sr,CuO, superlattices prepared by RF magnetron Maksimov, L.A., see A.N. Kozlov 200, 183 sputtering 200, 403 Mamsurova, L.G., K.S. Pigalskiy, V.P. Sakun and Ishida, T.,seeH. Claus 200, 271 L.G. Scherbakova, Hysteresis of the dynamical magnetic Itoh, Y.,see T. Oka 200,55 permeability of aY Ba,Cu,0;_; single crystal 200, 175 Marchetti, M.C., Modification of the magnetic flux-line Jepsen, O., see J. Kircher 200, 413 interaction at a superconductor’s surface 200, 155 Jin, C.,see Y. Xu 200, 242 Markiewicz, R.S., Van Hove excitons and high-7, Junod, A., see D. Sanchez 200, | superconductivity. VIIIB. vHs—Jahn-Teller effect 200, 65 Martens, J.S.,see R.T. Young 200, 437 Kaldis, E.,see J. Kircher 200, 413 Martinez, S., A. Zwick, M.A. Renucci, H. Noel and M. Potel, Karpinski, J.,see J. Kircher 200, 413 The a—b anisotropy in Bi,Sr,CaCu,Ox, superconductor. An Kasiviswanathan, S. and G. Rangarajan, Tunneling studies on investigation by Raman spectroscopy 200, 307 NdBa,Cu,;0,_, 200, 301 Massidda, V., On the possible existence of a phase with Kemmler-Sack, S., see T. Rentschler 200, 287 alternately ordered and disordered spin layers in Kessler, P., see T. Rentschler 200, 287 ErBa,Cu;,0,_; 200,92 Kim, Y.H., S.-W. Cheong and Z. Fisk, Phase separation of McCarty, K.F., J.E. Schirber, D.R. Boehme, H.B. Radousky, charge carriers in La,CuO, 200, 201 J.Z. Liu and R.N. Shelton, Dependence oft he excitation Kircher, J., M. Cardona, M. Alouani, S. Gopalan, O. Jepsen, wavelength on the Raman-active phonons of YBa;Cu,QO,. O.K. Andersen, E. Kaldis, J. Karpinski and S. Rusieki, Search for Landau damping in single-domain crystals 200, Theoretical and experimental investigation of the linear 315 optical response of YBa;Cu,Ox. The relevance of LDA Mesot, J., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 calculations 200, 413 Mirmelstein, A., A. Podlesnyak, V. Voronin, S. Lebedev, Kober, F., see L. Alff 200,277 B. Goshchitskfi, P. Allenspach, J. Mesot, U. Staub, Kocharovsky, V.V. and V1.V. Kocharovsky, Origin of Bragg- M. Guillaume, P. Fischer and A. Furrer, Neutron scattering Coulomb high-7, superconductivity. Green’s function and studies of crystal structure and crystalline electric field in diagram method for umklapp e~-e~ scattering 200, 385 high-7.. ErBa»Cu;O, disordered by fast neutron Kocharovsky, V1.V., see V.V. Kocharovsky 200, 385 irradiation 200, 337 Kodas, T.T., see T.L. Ward 200, 31 Misra, R.D.K., see B. Gopala Krishna 200, 425 Kolesnikov, N.N., seeO.M. Vyaselev 200, 434 Index of authors and papers Mizutani, U., see T. Oka 200,55 Renucci, M.A., see S. Martinez 200, 307 Moshchalkov, V.V., see C.M. Fu 200, 17 Rhyner, J.,.seeD. Hu 200, 359 Motta, N., see A. Balzarotti 200,251 Riedling, S.,seeH. Claus 200, 271 Muller, J.,see D. Sanchez 200, | Rohberg, K.,see H. Claus 200, 271 Muller, M.D., see R.T. Young 200, 437 Riischer, C.H., The structural effect on the electrical properties Miiller-Vogt, G., see H. Claus 200, 271 of NbO, ;_, block-type compounds 200, 129 Rusieki, S., see J. Kircher 200, 413 Narumi, E.,see J. Lee 200, 235 Naziripour, A., H.M. Duan, R. Tello, C.P. Tigges, D.S. Ginley, Sakun, V.P., see L.G. Mamsurova 200, 175 R. Bhattacharya, R. Blaugher and A.M. Hermann, Synthesis Sanchez, D., A. Junod, J.-Y. Genoud, T. Graf and J. Muller, of Tl-Ba—Ca—Cu-O superconducting thin films by Low-temperature specific heat of the 123, 124 and 247 sequential evaporation and annealing in the absence of an phases of Y-Ba—Cu-O in magnetic fields up to 14 additional thallium source 200, 334 Tesla 200, 1 Nissel, T., see L. Alff 200,277 Schegolev, I.F., seeO.M. Vyaselev 200, 434 Noel, H., see S. Martinez 200, 307 Scherbakova, L.G., see L.G. Mamsurova 200, 175 Schirber, J.E.,see K.F. McCarty 200, 315 Ogborne, D.M., M.T. Weller and P.C. Lanchester, Oxygen Schmid, F., see L. Alff 200,277 stoichiometry and the structure of T1,Ba,Ca,Cu;Oj9_,. A Shaw, D.T., see J. Lee 200, 235 high-resolution powder neutron diffraction study 200, 167 Shelton, R.N., see K.F. McCarty 200, 315 Ogborne, D.M., M.T. Weller and P.C. Lanchester, A high- Shoji, H., see N. Koura 200, 50 resolution neutron diffraction study on T1,Ba,CaCu,QO,_,: Smith, C.W., see R.C. Reinertson 200, 377 y=0,0.05,0.06 200, 207 Soubeyroux, J.L., see M.H. Tuilier 200, 113 Ohbayashi, K., see M. Inoue 200, 403 Srikanth, H., A.K. Raychaudhuri, C.R. Venkateswara Rao, Oka, T., Y. Itoh, Y. Yanagi, H. Tanaka, S$. Takashima, P. Ramasamy, H.N. Aiyer and C.N.R. Rao, Tunneling Y. Yamada and U. Mizutani, Critical current density and studies on single crystals of superconducting mechanical strength of YBa,Cu,0,_, superconducting Bi,Ca,_,Y,Sr2Cu,0g,5 200, 372 composites containing Zr, Ag and Y,BaCuO, dispersions by Staub, U., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 melt-processing 200, 55 Struk, A. and K. Westerholt, Pressure dependence of the Ono, A., Superconductivity in Ba,_ ,Sr,YCu,O., prepared at 2 superconducting transition temperature of compounds GPa _ 200, 296 Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Ca,_,¥,Cu,Og45 200,215 Osofsky, M.S., see A.R. Drews 200, 122 Suard, E., A. Maignan, V. Caignaert and B. Raveau, Effect of Ovshinsky, S.R., see R.T. Young 200, 437 Y-Ca substitution upon superconductivity in the oxide YBa,Cu;_,.Co,O,_5 200, 43 Pan,G., see Y. Xu 200, 242 Suryanarayana, S.V., see B. Gopala Krishna 200, 425 Patel, S.,see J. Lee 200, 235 Szerer, M.Y.,see L. Ben-Dor 200, 418 Patella, F., see A. Balzarotti 200, 251 Paul, W.,seeD. Hu 200, 359 Takai, Y.,see M. Inoue 200, 403 Peng, J.L.,see A.R. Drews 200, 122 Takashima, S., see T. Oka 200,55 Phillips, D.S., see H.R. Wenk 200, 105 Tanaka, H., see T. Oka 200, 55 Pigalskiy, K.S., see L.G. Mamsurova 200, 175 Tello, R., see A. Naziripour 200, 334 Podlesnyak, A., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Tigges, C.P.,see A. Naziripour 200, 334 Potel, M., see S. Martinez 200, 307 Tressaud, A., see M.H. Tuilier 200, 113 Tuilier, M.H., B. Chevalier, A. Tressaud, C. Brisson, Radousky, H.B., see K.F. McCarty 200, 315 J.L. Soubeyroux and J. Etourneau, EXAFS study at the La Ramasamy, P., see H. Srikanth 200, 372 Li, X-ray absorption edge of superconducting materials Rangarajan, G., see S. Kasiviswanathan 200, 301 obtained by fluorination of La,_ ,Sr,CuO, oxides Rao, C.N.R., see H. Srikanth 200, 372 (O<x<0.15) 200,113 Raveau, B., see E. Suard 200, 43 Raychaudhuri, A.K., see H. Srikanth 200, 372 Vanderah, T.A.,see A.R. Drews 200, 122 Reinertson, R.C., C.W. Smith and P.J. Dolan Jr., A comparison Venkateswara Rao, C.R., see H. Srikanth 200, 372 of the zero bias differential resistance of Ag: Nb and Voronin, V., see A. Mirmelstein 200, 337 Ag: Nd, gsCep ;;CuO,4_5 point contacts as a function of Vyaselev, O.M., N.N. Kolesnikov, M.P. Kulakov and temperature below 7. 200, 377 I.F. Schegolev, Inhomogeneous 7°°T1 NMR line broadening Rentschler, T., S. Kemmler-Sack, M. Hartmann, R.P. Hiibener, in T1,Ba,CuO, single crystals 200, 434 P. Kessler and H. Lichte, Influence of Nd substitution on the superconducting properties of ceramics in the 2212 Wang, W.,see Y. Xu 200, 242 system Bi,_,,Pb,,Sr,_,Ca,;_,Nd,4,Cu,0g,,- 200, 287 Wang, X.Z., B. Hellebrand and D. Bauerle, Crystal structure 446 Index of authors and papers and superconductivity in REBaSrCu,0, 200, 12 Wang, Y.S., seeC.M. Fu 200, 17 Yamada, Y., see T. Oka 200, 55 Ward, T.L., S.W. Lyons, T.T. Kodas, J. Brynestad, Yanagi, Y.,see T. Oka 200, 55 D.M. Kroeger and H. Hsu, Characteristics of Bi-Pb-Sr—Ca- Yoshida, K.,see M. Inoue 200, 403 Cu-O powders produced by aerosol decomposition and Young, K.H., see R.T. Young 200, 437 their rapid conversion to the high-7, phase 200, 31 Young, R.T., K.H. Young, M.D. Muller, S.R. Ovshinsky, Weller, M.T., see D.M. Ogborne 200, 167, 207 J.D. Budai, C.W. White and J.S. Martens, High quality Wenk, H.R. and D.S. Phillips, Highly textured Bi-2223 epitaxial YBCO(F) films directly deposited on aggregates produced by cold pressing of powders 200, 105 sapphire 200, 437 Westerholt, K., see A. Struk 200, 215 White, C.W., see R.T. Young 200, 437 Zhang, X. and C.R.A. Catlow, Anomalous changes in CuO, Wihl, H., see H. Claus 200, 271 plane in YBa,Cu,O, under pressure 200, 323 Zhao, Y.J. and W.K. Chu, The weak center nature and their Xu, Y., G. Pan, Z. Mai, C. Jin, D. Dai and W. Wang, pinning anisotropy of radiation damage defects in Microstructural analysis of Nd, gsCeo,;;CuO4_, Y,Ba,Cu,;0,_;single crystals 200,257 superconductor sintered under high pressure and ambient Zwick, A., see S. Martinez 200, 307 pressure 200, 242 PHYSICA | Physica C 200 (1992) 447 North-Holland Analytic Subject Index to Volume 200 AC susceptibility 175 Flux pinning = 155, 175, 257, 287, 359, Scanning electron microscopy 122, 277 Aerosol powder synthesis 31 409 Scanning tunneling microscopy 251 Anisotropic superconductor 17, 155, Specific heat Grain alignment 105 307, 385 -of Y-Ba-—Cu-O | Antiferromagnetic order 1, 92, 344 Structural phase transition 65 Halleffect 23 Applications of high-7, Structure High pressure effect 323 superconductors 50, 105, 140, 147, -of Bi,Sr,Ca, - <Na Cu,0,, 425 -on Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Ca,_,Y,Cu,Og,5 215 277 -of Bi,Sr,CaCu,Og 307 High-pressure synthesis 296 -of HREM 242 Band structure Biz_ ~Pb,Sr2_ <Ca,_,Nd,4,Cu,0g,- 287 413 -of Bi(Pb)-—Sr—Ca-Cu-O 147 -of YBa,Cu,Og Infrared spectroscopy 129, 201,418 BCS model 301 Interlayer pairing 385 -of ErBa,Cu,0, 337 -of GaSr,(Y,Ce ),Cu,O04_ 5 344 Irradiation effects 337 Carrier concentration 43,215,372 -of La,_,Sr,CuO, 113 Isotope effect 257 Charge-density waves 65 -of NbO,;_, 129 Charge transfer 349 -of REBaSrCu,0, 12 Kosterlitz—Thouless model 23 Coulomb interaction 385 -of Tl-1223 140 Critical current density 55, 140, 147, Laser deposition 235, 263 -of T1,Ba,Ca,Cu,0j9_, 167 359 Lattice parameters 43, 296 -of T1,Ba,CuO, 435 Crystal field 337 Layered superconductor 92 -of YBa,Cu,0,_; 271 Cu-O planes 323, 349, 409 Localization 1 -of YBa,Cu,0, 323,413 Substitution effects Cu-valence 207 Magnetic relaxation 195, 359 -in Bi,Sr,Ca,_,Na,Cu,0, 425 Magnetic susceptibility 31, 122, 129 -in Defect structures 55, 189, 242,257, 409 Magnetization 287, 296 Biy_ ~Pb,Sr2_ <Ca,_,Nd,4,Cu,0g,- 287 Dislocations 409 Magnetoresistance 17 -in Bi,_,Pb,Sr,CaCu,Og,,5 418 D-wave superconductor 183, 385 Mechanical strength 55 -in YBa,Cu,_ ,Co,0O,_; 43 Melt-processing 55 Superlattices 403 EELS 349 Multilayers 403 Surface impedance 438 Electrical resistivity 23, 99, 113, 129, Synthesis 195, 242, 334, 344 Neutron diffraction 167, 207, 337 -of Ba,_ ,Sr,YCu,0, 296 Electron-doped superconductor 122 Neutron scattering (inelastic) 337 -of Bi-2223 105 Electron—electron umklapp NMR _ 435 -of Bi,Sr,Ca,_,.Na,Cu,O, 425 scattering 385 Normal-state properties 99, 307 -ofB i,Sr,CaCu,O,/Bi,Sr,CuO, 403 Electronic structure -of Bi-Pb-Sr-—Ca-—Cu-O 31 -of Y,;_,.Ca,Sr,Cu,GaO, 349 Optical spectroscopy 122,413 -of Bi-Sr-Ca—Cu-O 235 Electron—phonon coupling 65 Order-disorder transitions 92 -of BSCCO 50 Electrophoretic deposition 50 Oxygen ordering 99 -of GaSr,(Y,Ce),Cu,O¥4_; 344 Emery Hamiltonian 183 Oxygen stoichiometry 167, 189, 207, -of La,_,Sr.CuO, 113 Energy gap 301,372 235, 263, 271, 287 -of Nd; gsCeo ;sCuO,4_, 242 Etching process 277 -of REBaSrCu,0, 12 EXAFS 113 Phase diagram 12 -of Tl-1223 140 Excitonic mechanism 65 Phase separation 201, 271 -of Tl-Ba—Ca-Cu-O 334 Phonon spectrum 189, 315 -of YBCO(F) 438 Fermisurface 413 Photoconductivity 201 Thermoelectric effects 23 Fluctuation effects 17, 65 Pinning force 409 Thin films 235, 263, 277, 334, 403, 438 Flux creep 359 Point contact spectroscopy 377 Tunneling 251, 301, 372, 377 Flux dynamics 195 Polaronic superconductor 183 Flux lattice 155 Raman scattering 189, 307, 315,418 X-ray diffraction 271, 418 Physica C 200 (1992) 448 North-Holland Materials Index to Volume 200 Ba,_ Sr, ¥Cu,0, -synthesis 235 -synthesis 140 -synthesis 296 T1,Ba,Ca,Cu;0j9_, Bi-2223 ErBa,Cu,0O, -—structure 167 -synthesis 105 —-structure 337 T1,Ba,CuO, Bi,Sr,Ca,_ ,Na,Cu,O, -structure 435 -structure 425 GaSr,(Y,Ce)2Cu,O09_ 5 Tl-Ba—Ca-—Cu-O -substitution effects 425 -structure 344 -synthesis 334 -synthesis 425 -synthesis 344 Bi,Sr,CaCu,Og Y,_,Ca,Sr,Cu,GaO, -structure 307 La,_ ,Sr,CuO, -electronic structure 349 Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,/Bi,Sr,CuO, -structure 113 YBa,Cu,0;_; -synthesis 403 -synthesis 113 -structure 271 Biy_ wPb,Sr2_.Ca,_,Nd,4Cu208 4, YBa,Cu;_ .Co,O7_5 -structure 287 NbO,j 5_ . —substitution effects 43 -substitution effects 287 -structure 129 YBa,Cu,O, Bi,_ .Pb,Sr,CaCu,O¢, 5 Nd, ssCeo, ;sCuO,4_, -band structure 413 —substitution effects 418 -synthesis 242 -structure 323,413 Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr.Ca,_,Y,Cu20g45 Y-Ba-Cu-O —high pressure effect 215 REBaSrCu,0, -specific heat 1 Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O -structure 12 -structure 147 -synthesis 12 -synthesis 31 Bi-Sr-Ca—Cu-O TI-1223 -structure 140

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