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Volume 2, Number 3 Summer 2009 Serving the New York Army and Air National Guard, Naval Militia, New York Guard and Families www.dmna.state.ny.us Dirty Bomb Disaster Preparedness PG 8 > Task Force Jester-No Joke PG 12> From MP’s to Leathernecks, to Iraq PG 16 > Air Guard and NASA Solid Team Work PG 31> New Guard Commander Pinned PG 38 > Naval Militia Plying the Waters of NY PG 42> FROM THE LEADERSHIP Our Guardsmen Serving Community and Nation Responding to emergencies in our own around the world and speeds up our response backyard has been a hallmark of New York time. National Guard service since the state’s first We are continually training to improve Citizen Soldier force, the Burgher Watch, our skills and identify our weaknesses. We was formed back in the days of Dutch New participated in the state’s Empire 09 emergency Netherlands. response exercise this spring by building our Under the Dutch, Citizen Soldiers marched own National Guard follow-on exercise, Empire against a native attack against a settlement in 09 Plus by exercising the ability of our CERFP modern-day Kingston; New York Provincial (CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package) Soldiers fought against the French and their to deploy, conduct a mission, and return home. Indian allies along Lake George; and in the The New York National Guard has now Revolution, militia Soldiers turned back a Brit- validated two CERFP teams since 2007, which ish invasion force at the Battle of Oriskany. is a noteworthy accomplishment. This team of Today, I’m proud to say that our modern about 300 Army and Air National Guardsmen Citizen Soldiers and Airmen are well trained and women and New York Guard members and prepared to defend our homeland against is specially trained to extract, decontaminate, the current threats of pandemic disease, terror- and stabilize victims of a chemical, biological ist attack, and natural disasters. We’ve come a or radiological attack as a follow-on to civilian long way in a relatively short time. first responders. Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Taluto We’ve created a modern Joint Operations We’ve exercised with the state Department of Center in our Latham headquarters, and staffed Health to be prepared to receive and stockpile it 24/7 with well-qualified non-commissioned drug supplies in the event of a pandemic, pre- “Responding to emergencies in our officers which gives the command group the paring for an outbreak of flu or another disease. own backyard has been a hallmark ability to monitor events around the state and Our force of full-time Guard Soldiers and Airmen will soon of New York National Guard service include two fully equipped Civil Sup- since the state’s first Citizen Soldier port Teams, trained force.” to help detect radio- logical, biological and chemical weap- -- Major General Joseph Taluto, ons, allowing us to The Adjutant General fully cover threats in the New York City Guard fully prepared to assist in homeland area and upstate. security and defense. We’re also revis- We members of the National Guard bring ing our hurricane our chain of command and our combat-tested response plan to decision making skills with us when we go into ensure that we’re a situation. We can use these assets to help our prepared to respond civilian bosses and counterparts do their jobs should a storm hit better when an emergency arises. Long Island or New Most of you have served your country with York City. distinction and honor in Iraq, Afghanistan, Most importantly, Kuwait or another overseas location. I’m very the skills our mem- proud to say that you’re just as well prepared bers have learned and trained to serve in overseas federal your community and deployments, the state here at home. ability to plan and execute missions rapidly in an ever- changing environ- ment, make the New York National Summer 2009 | Volume 2, Number 3 Governor David A. Paterson, Commander in Chief This Issue’s Highlights: Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Taluto, The Adjutant General Eric Durr, Director of Public Affairs The Joint Force Lt. Col. Paul Fanning, Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. Richard Goldenberg, Command Information 8 CERFP Mobilizes for Training Sgt. 1st Class Steven Petibone, NYARNG, Editor 10 National Guard Marathoners 11 CIP-MAA an Industry Standard About Guard Times Army National Guard The Guard Times is published quarterly using federal 12 Attack Helicopter Battalion Back Home funds authorized under provisions of AR 360-1 and AFI 35-101 by the New York State Division of Mili- 14 Artillerymen at Southern State Training tary and Naval Affairs and the New York Army and 16 206th MP’s Call in the Big Dogs Air National Guard Public Affairs Office. 18 “Huey” Aircraft is History 20 369th Hears from Subject Matter Expert Views which appear in this publication are not neces- 21 42nd ID Change of Command sarily those of the Department of Defense, the Army, 26 Top Three Soldiers Chosen the Air Force or the National Guard Bureau. 28 World War II Veterans Recall Memories The Guard Times has a circulation of 20,000 and is distributed free to members of the New York State Air National Guard Military Forces and employees of the Division of Military and Naval Affairs. 31 L.I. Rescue Wing and NASA-Time After Time 32 106th Fireman Respond to All Calls Submissions 34 Day of the Reaper Articles, photos and letters are welcome. Please 35 105th Keep Abreast of UXO’s provide article submissions via email saved in Micro- 36 174th Medical Provide Service in Puerto Rico soft Word or rich text (rtf) format along with high 37 Season Opener Break-In resolution digital (jpg) photos. Submission deadlines are February 15 (winter issue), April 15 (spring issue), New York Guard July 15 (summer issue), and November 15 (fall issue). Send your submissions to: 38 NY Guard Commander Times Two 40 Guard and Air Get with Program Guard Times DMNA-MNPA 330 Old Niskayuna Road New York Naval Militia Latham, New York 12110-3514 42 Naval Militia Makes Summer Waves OFFICE (518) 786-4581 FAX (518) 786-4649 or [email protected] Guard News Briefs and Photos Complimentary or Back Issues of the Guard Times are 44 Family Fund Raising Afoot available. Contact us at the address above or visit us on the web for current news, photos or to download 45 Patriot Flight Veterans prior issues at www.dmna.state.ny.us. 46 National Guard Born in 1640 3 New York Army National Guard Spc. Peter D. Haas and Soldiers from the 56th Personnel Services Battalion learned how to rappel off the 60-foot tower at Camp Smith, N.Y. on June 8. The group continued on with a land navigation course during the 56th Personnel Services Battalion training weekend. Haas transferred to the 42nd Infantry Division when the 56th Personnel Services Battalion deactivated this summer on August 1. Photo by Staff Sgt. Dennis Gravelle, 369th Sustainment Brigade ON THE COVER: Members of the New York Air National Guard’s 105th Air Wing Fire Department, Stewart Air National Guard Base, douse flames during a multi-organization training exercise here May 16. The training is coordinated by the Port Authority of N.Y. and N.J. and takes place every three years and involves www.dmna.state.ny.us the department along with several civilian emergency service agencies. Senior Airman Jonathan D. Young, 105th Airlift Wing. BACK COVER: Sergeant Chris Warr, Detachment 1, Company B, 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation takes in the view of Range 48 at Fort Drum. The 126th conducted door gunnery qualifications as well as water bucket training and a sling-load operation to assist Fort Drum in clearing the runway at Range 48 of large conexes. Photo by 2nd Lt. Benjamin Postle, 126th Aviation. GUARD NOTES Central NY College Expands New GI Bill for Veterans New Post 9-11 GI Bill Gives Added Education Benefits for Troops SYRACUSE (Syracuse University News) -- Building on its historic role of educat- ing post-World War II veterans under the Montgomery GI Bill, Syracuse University will offer higher education benefits to post- 9/11 servicemen and women and their depen- dents beginning in the 2009-10 academic year through the Yellow Ribbon Education Enhancement Program. The new program is a provision of the Post- 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, also known as the New GI Bill. The Post- 9/11 GI Bill is a new benefit providing educational assistance to individuals who served on active duty on or after Septem- ber 11, 2001. Generally, servicemembers may President Nancy Cantor. “In accordance with receive up to 36 months of entitlement under our vision of Scholarship in Action, which de- the Post-9/11 GI Bill. fines the University as public good and models Syracuse University, in partnership with the ways to address pressing national problems U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), will on a local scale, we will do it again. Through expand that support to Servicemembers and programs like Yellow Ribbon, we will support cover tuition costs that exceed those paid by the 21st century GIs by providing the educational VA for post-9/11 vets eligible for the program. benefits, access and assistance needed to repay “Syracuse University is committed In order to participate in this program, vet- the debt of gratitude that our community and to doing whatever it takes to swing erans must be in the 100 percent eligibility tier nation owes them.” as defined by the legislation (i.e., having served Passed by Congress last year, the New GI Bill open the doors of opportunity for an aggregate period of active duty after Sept. 10, provides significant expansion of the education- 2001, of at least 36 months). al aid available to post-9/11 vets. It is consid- our veterans.” Beginning this fall, those who qualify for Yel- ered the most extensive educational assistance low Ribbon benefits may choose from graduate program authorized since the original GI Bill in -- Syracuse University Chancellor and and full and part-time undergraduate programs 1944. The new bill provides tuition assistance, a President Nancy Canto in any of SU’s schools and colleges. During the housing allowance, a stipend for books, and the initial year of the program, the University is option to transfer benefits to family members “Taking a leadership role in serving the edu- prepared to assist as many as 132 qualifying under certain circumstances. cational needs of our servicemen and women is veterans or their dependents. “Syracuse University’s participation in the not new to Syracuse University,” says Bethaida Applications for full-time undergraduate and Yellow Ribbon Program demonstrates our (Bea) González, dean of University College and graduate study for fall 2009 will be accepted on longstanding commitment to supporting our institutional lead for the Yellow Ribbon Pro- a space-available basis. Applications for part- nation’s veterans,” says Vice Chancellor and gram. “While we may be uniquely qualified to time undergraduate study are being accepted Provost Eric F. Spina. “The entire institution educate returning veterans based on our track now. Awards can be renewed annually. is embracing the program in order to provide record, we understand that meeting the needs University College (UC) is the point of entry contemporary veterans with an undergraduate of 21st century GIs requires services beyond for veterans applying for the Yellow Ribbon or graduate education that might otherwise what institutions typically provide.” Program. For more information, contact UC at have been cost prohibitive.” For information on the New GI Bill and Yel- (315) 443-3261 or [email protected]. In order to better assist student-veterans, SU low Ribbon Program, visit the U.S. Department “Syracuse University is committed to doing established a new veterans’ services resource of Veterans Affairs website at www.gibill.va.gov. whatever it takes to swing open the doors of center. Housed within UC’s Student Adminis- For more information about education opportunity for our veterans. We’ve done it trative Services Office, the office will provide a benefits and services with the National Guard, before, as a leader in implementing the first personalized, student-centered set of services contact the New York National Guard educa- G.I. Bill following WW II,” says Chancellor and from recruitment to degree completion. tion office at [email protected]. 4 GUARD TIMES Guard Joins Reserve For Helmets to Hard Hats Program WASHINGTON -- The Army National Guard joined the U.S. Army Reserve’s part- nership with a nonprofit program that pairs service members with construction careers. 2009 Safe Summer Campaign in Full Swing Maj. Gen. Raymond Carpenter, acting director of the Army National Guard, signed A Message From the State Safety Office an employer partnership initiative agree- ment with Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz, the chief of LATHAM - With Summer in full swing, diers in off-duty pedestrian in the last ten years. the U.S. Army Reserve, and Darrell Roberts, Soldiers, Airman and families members are These statistics mirror accidents of the civilian executive director of Helmets to Hardhats, at seeking ways to have fun. The time for out- sector, with 49 percent of Soldier pedestrian a July 2 ceremony at the Pentagon. door activities, vacations and weekend road fatalities involving probable use of alcohol. “The men and women of the Army trips will be the norm for many. National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve On May 4, the U.S. Army Combat Readi- Education Benefits are highly motivated, seasoned profession- ness/Safety Center, in conjunction with the Now Transferable als and some of the highest caliber potential Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard employees for private industry,” Carpenter launched the 2009 Safe Summer Campaign. said. “This program is good for our Soldiers, Some of the topics from this campaign are LATHAM - According to DA Policy, the local communities and the nation.” Chapter 33 Post 9-11 GI Bill that goes into ef- discussed below: fect August 1, 2009 is transferable to a spouse Helmets to Hardhats is a free, nonprofit Click It or Ticket or dependent. The following information is program that connects National Guard, According to the National Highway Traffic based on DA policy. It could change slightly Reserve, retired and transitional active-duty Safety Administration, a recent national study once NGB policy is released. Please read service members with construction training shows that one in five Americans still fail to carefully before proceeding to the link. and careers. It brings trade associations, wear their seat belts. During 2008, the Army To be eligible, the Soldier must: employers, labor unions and the armed lost 74 Soldiers to privately owned vehicle 1) Be eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill (90 forces together to support Soldiers and their accidents. Fifteen percent of the drivers and days or more on title 10 following 9-11-01) families. passengers were reported as not wearing their *Soldiers that elect Chapter 33 are making an Partnering with employers only makes seat belts. The most effective way to reduce irrevocable election to give up their Chapter sense, because “we need plumbers. We need fatalities and protect people in motor vehicle 1606, 1607 and 30 benefits. electricians. We need brick masons. We need 2) Have at least 6 years of military service crashes is to wear seat belts. In an effort to carpenters. We need truck drivers. We need when the request is submitted; all military change this attitude, the U.S. Army is joining all those kind of skills in our civilian sector, service counts towards the six year requirement with state and local law enforcement agencies but we also need them in the military,” Stultz except time in the Individual Ready Reserves. and highway safety officials to enforce more said. 3) Not have an adverse action flag. traffic check points as part of the Click It Or Soldiers who transfer benefits incur an ad- “Eighty percent of our Soldiers in the Ticket campaign. ditional service obligation of 4 years or up to Army National Guard are what we call Alcohol Effects More Than Driving Retention Control Point/Mandatory Retire- ‘traditional’ [Guardmembers who] either are The widely known campaign slogan “Don’t ment. going to school or they have a job or they Drink and Drive” has been drilled into the Soldiers can transfer to a spouse or child are looking for a job,” Carpenter said. “It is minds of every Soldier at every level. Everyone once they have served 6 years and agree to absolutely critical to our organization to be is aware of the risks and dangers while driving serve 4 more. A spouse is eligible as soon as the able to sustain our responsibility in partner under the influence of alcohol. What most transfer is approved. However, a dependent can with the Army to have employers out there don’t understand is that almost any activity not start using it until the Soldier has served who absolutely support our organization.” the 10 years. while impaired can be dangerous and result in Through the partnership, Guardsmen and The Soldier can elect to transfer the benefits injury or death. Reservists will gain opportunities for con- by signing on to the DOD Transferability Web- According to the National Highway Safety struction industry employment or federally- site at https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/TEB/. Follow Administration, in both 1993 and 2003, about the instructions in the attached document. approved apprenticeship training programs. half of all pedestrians aged 24 to 44 killed in a Visit the Chapter 33 corner on the Educa- Stultz said the program is one of the first such partnership opportunities with the traffic accident had a blood-alcohol content of tion website at https://www.us.army.mil/suite/ Guard. 0.08 or higher. The U.S. Army has lost 56 Sol- page/535774. Summer 2009 5 Military Personnel News: The MILPO CORNER Military Personnel Directorate Promotion List and how many points they cur- MNP Continues Development of AKO Web rently have. Portal. MNP continues to develop their web Also on the Enlisted Personnel Webpage you portal within AKO for convenience in accessing will find other pertinent Enlisted information many tools, web sites and information relating such as Draft Lists, Briefs, Forms, Letters of to all personnel actions. Each branch of MNP Instruction and Policy Memos. In the future, has a subpage within the web portal for issues, MNP-PAR looks forward to bringing more actions, information and more. Please visit programs for Soldiers to utilize. this web portal on a regular basis: https://www. Education Office us.army.mil/suite/page/553732 and see how GI Bill Calculator. The New York National MNP is leading the way in getting information Guard developed a Chapter 33 Post 9-11 GI Bill to all commands and each Soldier. Recom- calculator. To view the calculator, please visit mend that you save this page as a favorite by our Education website at https://www.us.army. selecting Options and selecting “Add to Favs.” mil/suite/page/535774. The calculator is posted Military Personnel Guides. In an effort to in our News section. provide easy to read and understand infor- The calculator will give Soldiers the percent- mational resources for use by Soldiers to help age of eligibility, monthly BAH rate, tuition and POC for Official Government Passports is understand important areas of military person- fee limits by state and the yearly stipend for Sgt. Art VanNess, (518) 272-6436 or Arthur. nel management, we are preparing a series of books. [email protected] and Sgt. 1st Class John NYARNG Military Personnel Guides. The Chapter 33 Post 9-11 GI Bill is a new Devaul, (518) 272-6434 or John.Devaul@ These guides are tri-fold and duo-fold pam- benefit that starts Aug. 1. To be eligible for the ng.army.mil phlets which include important information benefit, the Soldier must have served at least 90 Health Services concerning the particular subject areas, with days or more on title 10 following September Soldier Medical Treatment. Soldiers utiliz- references and web sites included for detailed 11, 2001. For more information on Chpt 33, ing drill as a form of health care has sky-rock- information. please visit the Education website at https:// eted. Unless you have a medical section, sick All can be accessed on the main page of the www.us.army.mil/suite/page/535774. call is not available during an IDT weekend. MNP AKO Portal and used as handouts, when Mobilization Readiness Civilian emergency rooms, including VA facili- printed back to back, for Soldier instruc- Official Government Passports. Soldiers do ties, should not be utilized for anything other tion. Go to https://www.us.army.mil/suite/ not require an Official Government Passport if than emergencies. page/553732 they are deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan. The If a Soldier has a cold, headache, another Enlisted Promotions. The Personnel only documents required are Military Identifi- common malady or pre-existing injury, the Sol- Automated Branch is pleased to announce the cation/Common Access Card and Travel orders dier should be released from drill, not ordered creation of an Enlisted Personnel webpage that (NATO orders). to seek healthcare. LODs and medical treat- is available for all Soldiers to view on AKO. Soldiers scheduled to perform duty in a ment at government cost is for injuries and ill- To view the website visit the MNP web portal foreign country (other than Kuwait, Afghani- ness caused by military service, not diagnosed (from above), the NYARNG Military Personnel stan or Iraq) may require an official govern- while on military duty. LODs are required to Directorate home page on AKO. ment passport and must contact their First Line cover costs of any civilian treatment rendered Go to MNP Sections and click Enlisted Full Time Unit Representative for assistance. while on military duty. Without an in-line of Personnel. This brings you to the Enlisted Per- The First Line Full Time Unit Representative duty determination, bill payment is question- sonnel Webpage. Here you will find all sorts of must then go to www.fcg.pentagon.mil to find able and may become the sole responsibility of information to include Promotion Lists, POCs out passport requirements for the country or a Soldier. for Advancements, Promotions, along with a countries travel and duty are to be performed Commanders and senior leadership should brief slide show on the basics about Advance- in. This website can only be accessed from a use their best judgment in evaluating the need ment (PV2 to SPC) and Promotions (SGT to military computer and travel requirements for emergency care and the responsibility of CSM). change daily. If duty requires a passport the the government to cover the care. Units must Of particular note is the Promotion Lists. First Line Full Time Unit Representative must provide Notification of Emergency Treatment This list is updated on a daily basis to reflect the contact MNP-MR for further assistance. It to the JOC and MNP-LOD as soon as treatment most current Enlisted Promotion Lists based takes approximately six months to process and is rendered and all bills should be forwarded on Grade, Career Promotion MOS (CPMOS), receive a No Fee official Passport. It is impor- directly to MNP-LOD for review and payment. Points, and Unit Processing Code (UPC). This tant to note that MNP does not handle Civilian Medical bills will not be paid until the LOD is program allows every enlisted Soldier in the Passports. For more information on Civilian completed and approved. For questions please NYARNG visibility of where they stand on the Passports contact your local post office. see the MNP-LOD AKO Webportal. 6 GUARD TIMES TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) Soldier age would begin the first day of the next month. portion of the Post Deployment Health Reas- Medical Insurance. TRICARE Reserve Select To check qualification and purchase insur- sessment, DD Form 2900 on AKO.  Each Sol- (TRS) is a premium-based TRICARE health ance visit https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/trs/. dier’s responses are voluntary and confidential.  plan which is available for purchase by qualified Post Deployment Health Reassessment Only the completion of Section One on the DD members of the Selected Reserve (SelRes). (PDHRA). The PDHRA identifies Soldier Form 2900 is mandatory.  All answers given are Effective January 1, 2009 TRICARE Reserve physical and behavioral health concerns and privileged information.  Release of this infor- Select reduced the rates for TRS. Monthly provides Soldiers with education on issues such mation to parties who do not have a medical premiums for TRS individual coverage dropped as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  need to know may constitute a violation of the 44%, from $81 to $47.51, and TRS family cover- All Soldiers who deployed, are eligible for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability age dropped 29%, from $253 to $180.17. PDHRA 90 days post-deployment; most Sol- Act (HIPAA) of 1996. TRS is a premium-based health plan avail- diers complete the PDHRA 90-180 days after Finally, each Soldier engages in a one-on-one able for purchase by qualified members of the return from combat.  It is the most important interview with a health care provider to com- National Guard and Reserve. Soldiers inter- requirement for each returning Soldier. plete the DD Form 2900. PDHRA Conducted ested must be drilling members of the Reserve The first method is the On-Site PDHRA On-Site, is the preferred method. Teams of Component and not be eligible for enrollment process which involves: Physician Assistants provide a one on one in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Soldiers view the Battlemind II Training interview. These events are normally scheduled (FEHB) Plan. TRS is available to all Selected video on AKO, preferably in small groups, to during the 90-day reintegration event. Reserve members that meet the above criteria encourage interaction and discussion.  The A less effective method is the on-line or tele- regardless of any active duty served. video focuses on transitioning from combat to phone method, if Soldiers are unable to attend There is continuous open enrollment. The home.  The training is best given by behavioral their 90-day on-site event. Instructions for the date coverage begins is determined by the date health personnel, chaplains, or other person- online PDHRA are at https://apps.mods.army. on which Health Net Federal Services receives nel (e.g. senior NCOs), who are familiar with mil/mwde/secure/defaultin.asp; If this link the enrollment form and the first month’s behavioral health issues, the referral process, doesn’t work, complete the process via phone premium. If a completed form and payment is and deployment experience. 1-888-734-7299. You MUST talk to a health received prior to the 20th of the month, cover- Next, each Soldier completes the Soldier’s care professional to complete the process. Inspector General Corner Lt. Col. Theresa VanCort, Deputy Command Inspector General JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS, The Inspector General office supports Latham – The Inspector General everyone: commanders, Soldiers, civil- (IG) functions as an extension of The ians and family members. Adjutant General’s eyes, ears, voice and The military always recommends conscience for the force. that problems and concerns be ad- IGs are neutral, unbiased fact finders dressed at the lowest level possible, to who execute their duties based on four give the command the opportunity to functions: teaching and training; Soldier resolve conflicts first. If your issue goes and unit assistance; inspections and unresolved contact an IG, as appropriate. investigations. IG’s provide advice on Remember, the IG works to assist units matters concerning the well-being and and leaders with systemic or problematic readiness of units, service members, issues, so the fix to your issue may be civilian employees and family members. something that impacts the entire force. The goal of the Inspector General is to Take the time to review the IG keep The Adjutant General, commanders websites. There is valuable information and staff appraised of significant issues and concerns affecting the New on our sites regarding appropriate IG actions, how to request assis- York National Guard, especially those pertaining to unit readiness and tance, contact information and much more. A “best practices” file was care of Soldiers, civilians and family members. recently added to the IG AKO Knowledge Center which captures some The IG always looks to “make the command the hero,” to help resolve good unit practices that others may benefit from. concerns brought to the IG’s attention through the receipt of IG Action On AKO, https://www.us.army.mil/suite/page/534621 or on the New Requests. York National Guard web site at http://dmna.state.ny.us/ig/ig.php. Summer 2009 7 THE JOINT FORCE Members of the New York National Guard's CERFP scale the “rubble-pile” searching for victims from the site of a "dirty bomb" attack during a Defense Support to Civil Authorities exercise held Saturday, June 6, at the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control Training Site. More than 400 members of the New York Army and Air National Guard, and the volunteer New York Guard, participated in the three-day training exercise which tested the ability of the National Guard to supply follow-on forces in the event of an attack. Photo by Staff Sgt. Kevin Abbott, Joint Forces Headquarters. Training For Dirty Bomb Disaster New York CERFP Mobilizes for Albany Area Training Exercise Story by Eric Durr, Director of Public Affairs COLONIE - Four hundred New York Na- Albany with radioactive contamination and thing together and see how the whole thing fits tional Guard Soldiers, Airmen and New York forcing thousands of residents to shelter in- together as a team,” Kieliszek said. “Every time Guard volunteers converged on Albany June doors for two days. we do this we get a little better.” 5-7 to hone their skills in responding to a The New York National Guard exercise, The scenario called for the New York CERFP, dirty bomb attack on an American city. conducted as a weekend drill for Army and Air one of 17 in the country, to be mobilized to The three-day exercise brought members Guardsmen, tested the National Guard’s ability assist Albany authorities in dealing with an of the New York National Guard’s CERFP— to respond as a follow up force and assist first apartment building explosion. Police suspected an element trained to rescue survivors from responders, said Brig. Gen. Patrick Murphy, that a premature detonation in a bomb-makers contaminated attack sites-- from Buffalo, the director of joint staff for the New York National hidden laboratory was responsible for the Finger Lakes and New York City, to the state Guard. incident. capitol to exercise with civilian urban search The joint exercise provides all elements of the The New York CERFP is composed of ele- and rescue experts in finding victims buried in CERFP, which stands for CBRNE (Chemical, ments from different units. building rubble. Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high- The 102nd Military Police Battalion provides Dubbed “Empire 09 Plus” the National yield Explosive) Enhanced Response Force command and control, while Company A of the Guard training piggybacked onto a New York Package, an opportunity to see each other in 27th Brigade Special Troops Battalion provides State and federal emergency response exercise, action and work together, said Air National the “extraction team,” which enters a damaged involving 600 participants, called Empire 09. In Guard Lt. Col. Ken Kieliszek, a health services building to remove survivors. The 105th Mili- that scenario a high explosive device covered administrator from the 107th Airlift Wing, tary Police Company and 104th MP Battalion with radioactive material went off outside the based in Niagara Falls. provide manpower for the decontamination New York State Capital, covering downtown “Very rarely do we get to see the whole line, along with 50 members of the New York Guard’s 88th Brigade. The medical element of the team is supplied by medical personnel from all Air National Guard wings. For this exercise the security element, responsible for working with civilian police to secure the area was handled by a mix of Air National Guard security force personnel. The CERFP, which had been on standby to deal with the “Empire 09” incident was mobi- lized and members traveled by convoy, bus, and aircraft to Stratton Air National Guard Base in Scotia for a “bed down’ with the 109th Airlift Wing. Finding the space for 350 extra people during a drill weekend in which 1,000 109th members were already on the base was challenging, said Air Guard Major Ty Randall, the 109th’s Civil Engineering officer. The wing accommodated almost 300 people in one of its hangers, and put other exercise players in other available spaces. “It was a good opportunity to exercise the Members of the extraction team assess the situation during the events of Empire '09 Plus in Albany, 109th’s role in receiving emergency responders a National Guard Support to Civil Authorities exercise on June 6 at the Office of Fire Prevention and and supplies into the Capitol Region.” Randall Control's Urban Search and Rescue Center. Photo by Staff Sgt. David J. Murphy, 106th Rescue Wing. said. On Saturday, the CERFP teams moved to video from the site back to the New York State Office of Fire Prevention the state Joint Operations and Control Training Center in Colonie. They Center, and high-tech teamed up with members of New York Task satellite command and Force-2, the state’s urban search and rescue control equipment were team, to explore a rubble pile on the site which also integrated into the simulated an apartment building. exercise. Training with the National Guard gives the New York Guard Sgt. civilian responders a sense of how the military First Class Emil Mejia, operates and a chance to share their skills, said said the New York CERFP Chief Bryant Stevens, head of the Office of has come a long way since Fire Prevention and Control’s Special Services 2003. There is more and division. more training, and more “It puts faces with names and starts to build manpower dedicated to relationships with some of the different compo- the mission now, Mejia nents and different people,” he said. said. After arriving on scene the CERFP began “I’ve seen it come from erecting decontamination and treatment tents the crawl stage to the run and the extraction team began donning hazmat stage,” he added. suits. Lt. Col. Martin Dinan, “The hot weather made the day less than the commander of the ideal to wear a suit that is essentially a plastic 102nd Military Police Bat- tarp.” Spc. Arom Schultz, a member of the talion and the CERFP, said 105th Military Police Company said. he was especially pleased The CERFP hazmat suit is lighter than with the June exercise. the MOPP suit (Mission Oriented Protec- “This is really coming tive Posture) most Soldiers and Airmen are out great. It’s good to work familiar with, but it doesn’t breathe and is not with the state fire and as comfortable, Schultz explained. “It’s just a lot some of the other capabili- hotter,” he said. ties,” Dinan said. “ It seems About 30 members of Joint Forces Head- like we are really starting quarters acting as victims (I was “volun-told,” to hit the run mode and, joked Staff Sgt. Brian Manny) were pulled as a matter of fact, we are Sergeant First Class Dave Byron, Joint Force Headquarters, acts as a from the rubble with various kinds of injuries, starting to talk about some victim during the Empire '09 exercise on June 6, at the Office of Fire decontaminated and treated. new capabilities to bring Prevention and Control's Urban Search and Rescue Center in Albany. An OH-58 helicopter equipped to beam live to the table.” Photo by Staff Sgt. David J. Murphy, 106th Rescue Wing. Summer 2009 9 NY Runners Make Guard Marathon Team LINCOLN, Neb. - Chief Warrant Officer Barry Brill, a member of the New York National Guard Marathon Team is the first of four New York runners to make it across the finish line with a time of 2 hours, 50 minutes and 26 seconds. His achievement on May 3 placed him 7th overall out of 148 Army and Air National Guard runners. Additional members of the team included, Chief Warrant Officer Russel Hoyer, Master Sgt. Walter Bird and Staff Sgt. Tommy Perry. The annual marathon is held in Lincoln, Neb. Brill, Bird and Hoyer all qualified for the 2009-2010 All- Guard Marathon Team. The All Guard Marathon Team is expected to compete in five to eight marathons across the United States during the upcoming running season. The selectees will alternate events that they attend. Photo courtesy of the Nebraska National Guard. 10 GUARD TIMES 10 GUARD TIMES

Serving the New York Army and Air National Guard, Naval Militia, New York Guard Indian allies along Lake George; and in the . Senior Airman Jonathan D. Young, 105th Airlift Wing from recruitment to degree completion. Administration, in both 1993 and 2003, about . provide Notification of Emerge
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