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Peace and Relief from Crohn's Disease for Patsy Anthony PDF

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IMPORTANT NOTE: For your convenience, I suggest you save this e-book to your computer or other device. That way it will always be available, whether or not you are connected to the internet. Gary WRITE GARY NEWSLETTER MORE INFO 2 Table of Contents Legal Notes ...................................................................................... 3 Opening Thoughts ............................................................................ 5 Meet The Unseen Therapist ............................................................... 6 NewThink – Intro ........................................................................... 12 NewThink #1: We Don’t Know the True Cause of Our Ailments ............................ 13 NewThink #2: True Cause = Negative Emotions .................................................... 17 NewThink #3: There is One Natural Remedy For Everything .................................. 23 A Peek at Your Possibilities .............................................................. 25 NewThink #4: We Must Finally Listen to What Science Has Been Telling us For Decades .................................................................... 49 NewThink #5: We Must Also Listen to the Volumes of Spiritual Evidence .............. 57 NewThink #6: The Unseen Therapist is Ultimately the Only True Healer ............... 64 Message From The Unseen Therapist to You .................................... 66 NewThink #7: We have Only One Challenge ........................................................ 70 Step by Step Through the Personal Peace Procedure ....................... 73 The Personal Peace Procedure on a List of Specific Events .............. 80 Closing Thoughts ............................................................................ 83 Where to From Here? The Optimal EFT Course ................................................................ 85 Summary of The Optimal EFT Course ............................................ 87 Summary of the Companion Library ............................................... 90 2 Legal Notes Your freedom and responsibility: This book contains life changing ideas that bring with them important rights and responsibilities. You are free, of course, to use them for your own education and personal im- provement. You are also free (and encouraged) to practice what you learn and to join with others, professionally or otherwise, for personal development. It is hoped that you will freely “spread the word” with the enthusiasm that these ideas merit. With these freedoms, of course, comes your 100% responsibility for your use of this material. As conditions to its use, you agree that there are no guarantees of any kind and everything in this book should be consid- ered experimental and thus to be used at your own risk. You further agree to hold harmless Gary Craig, emofree.com, unseentherapist.com and any contributor or related person/entity regarding this book from any liability or legal claims. Help us maintain integrity. You may freely use this material, but please don’t teach it: To protect the integrity of this material from dilution, it needs to be taught from one consistent source. Otherwise, it becomes distorted through multiple belief systems. Thus, no one is authorized to teach it, or use it in any commercial manner, via books, DVDs, train- ings, certifications, websites or other means without the written consent of Gary Craig or his heirs or assigns. Accordingly, the terms, The Unseen Therapist™, Optimal EFT™, Official EFT™, EFT Symphony™ and oth- ers are legally trademarked so that no one may teach it under these, or confusingly similar, names. Again, you may freely use it, share it and practice it...but please leave the teaching to us. WRITE GARY NEWSLETTER MORE INFO 3 Copyright © 2017 by Gary Craig All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any elec- tronic or mechanical means, including information storage and re- trieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. 4 Opening Thoughts Major advancement: If you are a student of my original healing method, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), please know that The Unseen Therapist represents a major advancement to that process. It is deeper, broader and more efficient than EFT (or Gary Craig, Author “Tapping,” as it is sometimes called). You may have great affection for EFT Tapping because it has brought you many rewards. In time, however, you will likely replace it with this more advanced process. For those interested, our Gold Standard EFT Tapping process is still taught on our website at www.emofree.com Join our free newsletter: Get news, tips, how-to’s and updates with our free newsletter. This is the heartbeat of our process and you can join it at www.emofree.com/newsletter.html. The power of repetition: I am a great believer in repetition. It is the most time-honored teaching tool on the planet and I use it frequently. The more you are exposed to an idea, particularly the power of The Un- seen Therapist, the better you learn it. So, if you read an idea herein repeatedly, be thankful if it bores you a bit. That is far better than being exposed to an idea once and not have it take root in your memory. Because of the major importance of The Unseen Therapist in your life, I do you a shameful disservice if I don’t drum these crucial ideas home. So…I repeat. Expect repetition in this book. Notes and Feedback: Throughout the book you’ll find a link to send me feedback regarding your experiences with The Unseen Therapist. This set of links appears immediately below. Love to all, Gary 5 Meet The Unseen Therapist (In whom the impossible becomes routine) The Unseen Therapist is your “spiritual healer within.” She is ever-present and, when you learn to use Her skills prop- erly, you will find She is vastly more powerful than drugs, surgeries and other man-made attempts at healing. She represents a healing revolution that leaves your current beliefs be- hind and whisks you off on a magic carpet ride into your personal healing cosmos. This is where the im- possible becomes rou- tine. It is where your ultimate remedy resides and, once mastered, it is also where your view of the entire healing field will shift. Your need for drugs and surgeries will be minimized or erased. Side effects will fade into near nothingness and heavy expenses will be dramatically curtailed. In their place will emerge creative possibilities that will bring new levels of healing into your hands. If you are a patient, you can draw on The Unseen Therapist for self- help. If you are a doctor, nurse, therapist or other practitioner, you can use Her abundant support before resorting to invasive procedures and their side-effects. To do Her work She needs only your readiness and proper invitation. Within these pages, you will learn how to develop that readiness and provide that invitation. Doing so involves a very doable process that can generate impressive benefits even while you are learning. You may 6 go as far as you wish and are limited only by your motivation. Once mastered to the ultimate degree, you will hold the equivalent of a magic wand that delivers benefits for every ailment imaginable. This includes everything from a common headache — to every conceivable emotional issue — to the apparently hopeless diseases for which con- ventional methods often fail. And, yes, that includes your ailment, even if it is considered exotic, rare or impossible. Here are a few examples from my students. Many more to follow later. Kim Fairrell Gets Relief from Heavy Depression “The Unseen Therapist allowed me to wake up this morn- ing, for the first time in decades, with a positive outlook in life. Medications did very little for my depression. My sui- cide thoughts have disappeared and I’ve all but forgotten what heavy depression is like.” Camille Vache-Guyet’s Severe Cervical Spine Pain is Gone — as is Her Addiction to Cigarettes “After a few sessions with The Unseen Therapist regard- ing my severely degenerated cervical spine, the pains and discomforts have vanished. I haven’t seen them for a year. Also, my 20+ year addiction to cigarettes seems to be gone after 3 Unseen Therapist sessions 3 months ago. I haven’t wanted one since.” Jagjeet’s Client has “Strange Tingling” Related to Internal Happiness Jagjeet Singh Ahluwalia works with The Unseen Therapist on a client’s emotional issue and, during the process, he reports… “So with a little bit of pre-talk I just asked her to close her eyes and requested The Unseen Therapist to take over. After a cou- ple of minutes (actually less than 2) she opened her eyes and she was all smiles and said I feel this strange tingling all over my body and her legs were kind of shaky because of whatever she was feel- ing. She could not believe what she was experiencing internally, the happiness that had suddenly come over her.” 7 Carol Smith no Longer Considers Herself a Victim “After one session with Gary and The Unseen Therapist, I am no longer burdened by the childhood thought that I am a victim.” Peace and Relief from Crohn’s Disease for Patsy Anthony “The Unseen Therapist not only gave me relief for Crohn’s Disease, She also installed within me an incredible sense of peace. I feel like my true self again.” Dominique Monette, MD Gets Relief for Leaky Gut Syn- drome “Unless there is an immediate medical emergency, I rec- ommend The Unseen Therapist for my clients before resort- ing to drugs, surgery or other invasive medical methods. She is efficient, gentle, highly effective and was a central player in my recovery from leaky gut syndrome.” The Unseen Therapist lives within each of us — no exceptions — and thus is readily available to you. A child can call on Her and get im- pressive results. So can a prisoner, housewife, war veteran or doctor. It doesn’t matter about your educational level either. You only need to be able to read this book. Nor does it matter whether you are rich or poor, young or old, male or female, athletic or crippled. She is waiting — and eager — to bring healing well beyond your expectations. She is the loving essence of all spiritual practices and thus does not conflict with anyone’s Divine preferences. She is known by many names, including: Love, God, Source, Peace, Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh, Muham- mad, Allah, Higher Intelligence, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, Guidance, Inner Wisdom, Ruach Hakodesh and more. I’ve had clients who prefer to call Her Nature or the Ocean Waves. Others equate Her with the lov- ing memory of a grandmother, a pet or a coach. It doesn’t matter which name you give Her as She has no ego. Further, She is not actually a “she” because She has no body and thus no gender. I refer to Her as a She because females are generally consid- ered to be softer and more compassionate than males. But, if you prefer, you can call Her a He — or an It — or even a Cloud or a Breeze. Your choice. What you call Her doesn’t change who She is. I am bringing you this advancement as an outsider to the healing pro- fession. I am a Stanford trained engineer with no formal education in medicine, therapy or the like. As a result, I am free to innovate because 8 I am not burdened by the hand-me-down beliefs that permeate the healing professions. While medicine has certainly provided some im- pressive innovations, those advances are small when compared to your possibilities that come from within. Engineers prefer to simplify. We look at a complex process, break it down into essential pieces, throw out the unnecessary parts and then rebuild it into a streamlined procedure. The result, in this case, is The Unseen Therapist and Her one natural remedy for everything. “But Gary,” you might ask, “haven’t people been using similar meth- ods — like prayer and distance healing — for many years?” Yes, of course, and it was those stunning re- sults that helped point me in this direction. What I have added, however, is a companion healing process (The Personal Peace Procedure) that brings unique focus to your issue(s). This focus adds more power to your healing prayers and allows them to be answered with greater reli- ability, depth and efficiency. That’s why The Unseen Therapist, together with our companion pro- cess, is already reshaping our healing landscape. This is easily verified in “A Peek at Your Possibilities” (later in this book) which includes dra- matic examples of this combo at work. These samples range from a stroke recovery, to the fear of dogs, to disappearing blood clots, to hos- pital miracles and beyond. This is a practical book that displays how to gain these benefits with- out the debatable theologies as to why. Thus, you will be connecting with the vast healing power of your spiritual essence while avoiding theological speculation. This allows you to see beyond conventional methods so that the true cause of your ailments is revealed. And that cause is of the mind. It is emotional, not physical. This simplifies the entire health field and allows you to step onto a bridge that leads to an ultimate remedy with healing benefits unimag- ined by man-made therapies. New doors, new vistas and impressive benefits await you. 9

We Don't Know the True Cause of Our Ailments . er tools to truly neutralize the damaging effects of negative emotions. Their medical
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