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1 Subject: True confessions from a Veteran insider while undergoing VA hell–care. 50th US Dept of Veterans Affairs is giving the whole US mental healthcare industry a very bad reputation and black eye. Ditto for US healthcare as well! It is well overdue for these industries to police your kind before VA sinks the whole US healthcare SS Titanic. 2 There is no greater disgrace than when a man or woman is so distraught that s/he dies by suicide as protest, sending THE message that screams “FAILURE” to his or her country written in veteran blood. Over seven times the 69,000 US troops that were killed in Vietnam War have since died by suicide from not getting needed care from America. Currently, more Veterans die by suicide every year than the total number of combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Where is their remembrance? We do not need more token emotional moments or memorials; US Veterans and active Military people, we walk among the living you know – and need true HELP! America, land of broken promises and fallen heroes, reserve, your cold, non–living headstones for the Dead. After discharge, VA and transition benefits were a complete fraud. I was salvageable then. When applying for C&P and service related help, VA betrayed me, lied and denied them in toto, and then sinking to a new low even for VA blamed my mother for service related problems! Moreover, the misogynist adjudication officer was arrogant enough to put that in writing, and I still have the rejection letter proving it. I never forgave the company for either sin especially about blaming my mother and now for murdering my Korean War Vet dad in 2008. VA payments in FREE party slogans such as ‘thanks for your service’ discount that we served with a gun barrel in our backs held by violence of US conscription law. Our choices of serve, exile, or imprisonment were the evils presented from ‘we the American people and its government’ when drafting us into the Vietnam conflict and war. Then they officially betrayed all of us – in toto – January 21, 1977 the day America died and Amerika was born. Stigma of the Vietnam War still curses Veterans of that era, and will do so until we all die. Then it befalls to the rightful owners – The American nation and its government that waged it. 3 The most damning indictment against VA is that 100 Vets trapped in that hell–care benefit system, with no place else to go, protest their grievances daily by committing suicide to escape the insanity. Only a deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid Amerika refuses to see their pain in that at least vaguely. Suicide is not cowardly; COWARDLY is a disgraceful, Socialist, American nation, its people and Nazi institutions like VA that abuse, mistreat, and betray veterans so badly that s/he chooses to escape the pain by ending their life. 100 US veterans successfully suicide every day protesting their maltreatment by VA and USA Socialist society written in veteran blood. Only America and VA can sink so low in sewer filth profiteering from veteran suffering and suicide. INTRODUCTION & CHAPTER 1 Brave Coward Amerikans Love their Magic King & Queen Dom Fantasies. To Whom It May Concern: Of all aspects in the VA kangaroo judicial system, self-serving VSO’s fail US Veterans most of all. The ongoing Veteran suicide epidemic screams that betrayal, and Vet bloodstains their hands most of all. Whether successful or not, each of the millions in toto veteran suicide attempts and successful tragic deaths from self–destruction state emphatically VSO criminal impotence to help us. Vietnam Vets still lead those suicide numbers but we are nearly extinct leaving the obligation to generations that follow us. Vietnam revisited: over seven times the 69,000 US troops that were killed in Vietnam War have since suicided from not getting needed care from America. Moreover, only America and Dept of Veteran Affairs can sink so low in sewer filth profiteering off veteran suffering and ongoing suicide epidemic. 'Currently, more Veterans die by suicide every year than the total number of combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined,’ said The Rand Review. Will this country never Learn?! VSO’s stand out front and center of the responsible ranks for that disgraceful failure. American have never cared about how their actions negatively affect other people until it affects them personally! Additionally, this country is a messy nation that notoriously leaves its dirty work for someone else to clean. Vietnam for instance still suffers its fifth generation of dioxin birth defects passed onto future generations from exposure to dioxin Bioweapon, which US still denies compensation to them as it does to sick and dying US veterans. The ongoing vet suicide issue epitomizes that fact. For many of us, without the help and support that we need – real help not placebo effect, phony lip service of delay, deny until we all die , which especially includes from Congress, Veterans Affairs and this country, suicide to end our pain is not a matter of if but when one is finally successful . Real help is not minimizing a complex problem into 'all you must do is pontificate about it and take these pills.' Worse yet, help is not passing sick and dying veterans off as 4 ‘hot liability potatoes’ somewhere else as US government bureaucracy is wont to do! Even a village idiot can see these are pure folly and cobble, aka stupidity instead of solutions! Yet that is US government's, VA's, VSO’s, AFGE unions, medical industry, and Lawmaker solutions . Neither legislation nor a politician’s signature on it has yet to save a single active duty Military person or Veteran from suicide . Many camps exist in USA concerning Vet suicide; one tries to minimize and censor it to save face; another profits from the tragedy and a third does all of the above. One instance is from well-known and lesser hard copy and Internet publication sites shilling the same click bait virtual or hard print copy article, often verbatim, about another ex–military or military suicide tragedy. Site visitors or publication readers then watch the Spam counters clicking off or page through hundreds of ads profiting shill site owners, publishers and sponsors. America loves her Vets? Only America could sink so low in cesspool filth profiting from War and Military member suffering and suicide. Profiteering is why we undergo the following and much worse struggles - dying needlessly every day by suicide protesting lack of care from the pimp-bastard-prostitute, motherland we served. I honorably served and fought for this country in good faith but never imagined I would die fighting with it for seeking help in meeting my needs as a result of what happened to me during that service. War and suicide are good business when investing someone else’s resources, families, sons, and daughters. War is a disease; it’s a national disease! Soldiers and Veterans are only symptoms of it! Stop scapegoating us for this nation’s illness!! CHAPTER 2 Amerikans are mindless, media driven, blood spooked, cattle herds. 13th As introduction, an open letter to all government, VA employees, and American people. Enjoy the unseen Covid19 bio-terror virus; you have entered a War theater of Mind and Microbe. US Military have been fighting it for decades while America sleeps under shelter of their bread, wine, and circus tents denying its existence. This War will affect you and yours for the rest of your natural lives; same as these menaces have and still do cripple active Military personnel and Veterans who suffer diseases from toxic exposures to similar chemical, viral, bio-weapons, mental Shell Shock aka PTSD and much worse mostly invisible from outside injuries incurred during their Armed Forces service, which you deny as employed by the sources that create and release them. American Special Buttercups do not get ‘up’ about it; you are not missing out!! You ingest these and worse through the daily items consumed each day including bottled water! Military is exposed to deadly combinations while you get just a little bit every day. These poisons build up in the body over decades making you sick gradually. Like boiling a frog by increasing the boiling pot temperature gradually. Many of you are noticing strange symptoms that medical ignorance cannot diagnose a cause so mistreat only a symptom...BTW they are getting sick too. Out of frustration many providers send patients to mental health when not finding concrete causes of the 5 symptoms. As these toxins build up in the body they destroy the filtering organs first just a little each day over time. In late life for most of you the serious sicknesses show up as thyroid, kidney, liver, urology damage, cancers, ad infinitum. For those more sensitive and susceptible persons sickness arrives in mid life. Diseases that were unheard of 50 years ago arrive now so fast the medical scientists cannot name them fast enough!!! Needless to say treatments and cures do not exist. Chemical and bio weapons are engineered to sicken and kill populations!!!! They do not have cures or treatments!! I will repeat that: CHEMICAL AND BIOWEAPPONS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO MEDICALLY TREAT OR CURE. THEY ARE DESIGNED ONLY TO KILL IMMEDIATELY AND VIA SLOW SUFFERING, DYING AND DEATH!!! COVID IS A HOAX THAT FORESHADOWS WHAT IS COMING!!! MASSES ARE BEING STUDIED TO UNDERSTAND HOW THEY WILL REACT IN A REAL ATTACK. YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THE REAL THING! ONCE EXPOSED, VICITMS ARE DEAD NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE DOES!!! PTB WISH TO KNOW IN WHAT DIRECTION THEY WILL MOVE DURING THE MASS DYING PHASE! These weapons are designed to sicken and kill civilian masses, their militaries and leaders so they cannot wage war or self-defend!! It is a chemical occupation of a country before the Nazis march in. Nations lose the war when government and military lose support of their people!! That is how to defeat a people from within BTW!! Through slow, systemic poisoning of the populace through the daily items they consume!!! The last figures are over 80% of US youth cannot pass physical, basic health or mental requirements for military service!! Forget brave coward fat, numb, US civilians so overweight, out of shape and thick as two planks fighting a war. Our all-volunteer Armed Forces must now fill the ranks with mercenaries from other countries because of the poor condition of USA youth. Our active troops are so demoralized that AWOL and desertions are a very big issue. Moreover, because our military is spread so thinly around the world cannot it defend US homeland on a bet. Forget about raising a militia for same reasons.... pitting ‘Elmer Fudds with a gun’ against battled hardened, trained foreign troops is certain suicide. Finally, coward US citizens without other people fighting for them would rather roll over like Moby Dick whales than defend their countries!!! Simply look at the ongoing 2021 riots in America!!! ‘We the Sheeple’ hid out like brave cowards are wont...America when you cowards put up with shit you eat shit. 2021 proved that totally! Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 stated [“...America will not accept communism outright...we will feed it to them and their children gradually then one day they will awaken as communists without a shot fired.] Just as you are getting sicker gradually ingesting poisons a little each day in the daily items you consume. Doubt that?! Read what is in the soda pop that out of laziness and stupidity you drink & pour down your children.... poisons, all poisons, and the toxin list goes on!!! VA C&P benefits refute Vets compensation and benefits from these same unseen, invisible, deadly influences that now terrify sicken and kill you. This US government agency has historically as now renounced that we suffer from them almost in toto. Do you special buttercup Americans think your fearless looters will do differently when 6 you get sick? Very easy to be heartless when, political & bureaucratic, inquisitors cannot feel another person's suffering, especially when your agony cannot personally affect them. Nobody cares when such tragedy affects someone else. However, those days are past; these are not normal times. Covid19 and much more is the future now in an ongoing Bio-terror Cold War between US, China, and lesser powers now impacting you and yours, and is one of life's sweet justices of checks and balances that no one can stop or change. What goes out always returns with savage vengeance? The US vs. Soviet Cold War revisited except this time you cannot escape direct consequences of it. America is the battlefield; American’s are the collateral damage. You earned this largess so enjoy! America, is an ignorant population that does not know the differences between a virus and bacteria, moves as a blood-spooked herd – divided, conquered and controlled; she stampedes in abject terror wearing antibacterial masks, bactericide sanitizers as useless defenses against a virus, gloves, social distancing, anxiety of another human's touch, breath, closeness, of what s/he might have handled, self-isolation – ad infinitum. The same fools that bought a global warming hoax are fearful of an invisible 'boogey' monster one cannot see, taste, hear, touch, or smell except as fear in the air. Only when sick does one know it exists. Fear hiding all over the place waiting to infect another victim: Covid19 – hiding everywhere, under a finger nail or in a person’s hair that kills one in their sleep and s/he never knew it was there – America meet the terror of Bio–Warfare. Here is more spare change to count; our useless elected lootership has known of Bio–Weapon threats for decades while America’s dormant sheeple population remains clueless. The last snail mail to my district’s US senator was returned to sender with the envelope bottom slit open. All letters sent to her were processed like that. Investigation revealed, that upon receipt a machine opened mail article, electronically scanned, and sent it to recipient then returned all originals to sender. Only sender and USPS human hands touched the letter. The senator replied to my concern in kind: USPS snail mail. I do not contact the congresswoman. She does not answer her mail at all. I wonder why? Could it be she and her ilk work for owners not constituency, and are only interested in their worthless hides not ‘we the people’s?’ COULD IT BE THAT OUR LOOTERSHIP KNOWS ONCE INFECTED WITH THE REAL McCoy THERE IS NOTHING AFTER THAT BUT SUFFERING AND DEATH? In addition, more folks are injured by fear of Covid19 than from the virus itself. The former is War of the Mind. The latter viral object of that fear is War of the Microbe, and now America and all front-line and back office, rear echelon, government and VA bureaucracies are directly affected by that Warfare like it or not; same as we active Military soldiers and Vets serving as the US's medical coalmine canaries have been undergoing long before you got involved. We soldiers underwent aforewritten exposures in service and the physical & mental duress never leaves one, not even after discharge. It is like Poe’s Pit and the Pendulum where one helplessly waits for the blade’s first bite slicing through the victim's gut slice by slice. Often one seeks to end it all to stop that kind of impending physical pain and mental terror. That reality is known as Shell Shock or the PC soft language, denial–fantasy version - PTSD. 100 veterans take their lives daily to stop the suffering. 7 Americans living in a Santa Clause reality cannot stomach hard truths as harsh language, you know. We Vets have stopped singing out warnings to the deaf, dumb, and blind that do not heed our songs of suffering and death. Now, you are forced into reality enduring at present an unseen terror directly and alone; how does it feel mentally, emotionally, and physically when tables turn on you. PTSD fantasies perhaps? Hardly! Shell Shock brings one into hard reality and fits so much better. Have some – it builds strength & character. Americans claim to love equality. Bio- weapons & chemical poisons discriminate against no person, place, or being. The pathogens treat everyone as equally as it gets. Nobody is left out or treated differently! Once again you ingest all this stuff daily in the items consumed - even bottled water. One has it or does not; gets sick or does not; dies or does not. In such an attack, the lethal dose comes through one’s skin; however, breathing deeply helps to end it sooner. A little more mutual understanding from inside the other person's skin would suit everyone better; try empathy on for size then extend it to the Veterans you have condemned and deprived of it in toto – especially those back-office brave cowards in VA C&P benefits, VSO's, judicial and political policy decision makers ad nauseam. Have some and then some more to experience how it feels, as we do, to suffer unseen betrayal and denial for service surrendering our lives, limbs, bodies, and minds to ingrates. No pain, no gain as they say. A little old saying, sow and reap or what goes around comes back or cause and effect: America you must barehandedly harvest the thorns that you as a nation planted. Covid19 is only the faux beginning and, no matter what, you and yours are involved. Hiding in shells of denial will not help you anymore than it would Military personnel and Veterans sick and dying from toxic exposures much worse than what you currently undergo, which by–the–way is the shape of things to come – for you. You earned this – enjoy your reward. Nazi VA-C&P interviewers, VSO’s, and judicial adjutants especially, experience what it is to suffer what US Vets undergo then deny thyself! As you forsake we Vets; so, you shall be forsaken. Socialist America expects its Military to fight and sacrifice free and for nothing so it can safely enjoy a peaceful nights sleep, free ride and lunch. Few do so any longer; we refuse to wage your battles; I refuse martyrdom hanging on a ‘patriot’s’ cross for America anymore – not in flesh or spirit. For me, the US died January 21, 1977. The following precept is well worn and time tested since before and after Nazi occupation of Europe in WW2. Modern [Amerikan] society is hypnotized by Socialism. It is prevented by Socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it's coming from as it moves swiftly towards you. Dwell on the past and you will lose an eye; forget the past and you lose both eyes. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago. First They Came First they came for Native Americans- 8 Next they came for the Jews- Then they came for Soldiers and Veterans- Then they came for out police When they came for you and me- No one remained to stand and fight for you or me- If you will not join with us now- When your time comes who will stand with you- Always remember that they dispose of useful idiots with no place left to run dead-last. CHAPTER 3 Life is complicated and there is no why. Then came US Socialists to fix it. To begin, why did I try to use the VA at all; the answer is very complicated. Firstly, I earned, paid and still pay dearly for those benefits and will do so until the day I die. The only freedom here for a slave is death. They did not come free and for nothing as many believe. My meager VA remuneration is anything but free. I pay and have paid US Federal taxes that fund the tax-supported, parasitic institution for over 55 years and will do so until death. It cost me over six of the best years of my life, a lost family, friends, even the will to live anymore undergoing Military service earning my card to that member’s only club and the chronic diseases that I suffer. I will pay for life with my life. VA says a veteran’s burial is free...not so each of us who use that service paid for it with our lives. Nothing is free from this country; someone pays the price, always. When using VA services I must pay for appointments with costly private health insurance to ice the ‘piece of cake’ I get ‘free and for nothing!' Some free. I will trade any civilian what I reaped as ‘free’ for what s/he bitches about in playing poor little, self–entitled me – anytime. After discharge almost half a century ago, I tried to use VA. Upon doing so I found it a total sham, I fired the whole lot as AWOL/DOA. However, destiny forced my return to that agency after Obamacare destroyed affordable private healthcare markets. After an almost 50-year sabbatical I returned so that it could clean up the mess denied after discharge - reaping what the agency sowed. For decades, I stuck to my original vow to die before going back into that shit hole and house of horrors. Then during Obama’s period in office, age discrimination, off shoring, and technology dropped tens of millions of American workers like me out of the US labor force into a ‘black hole’ without health insurance or job or prospects of landing another one. US corporations are watching employee healthcare costs very closely. They pay for it and have a right to examine those costs. When an employee or covered family member gets seriously sick s/he goes out the door; especially older employees. Before age 50 I could do no wrong 9 as a corporate star; after 50 I could do nothing right. All that changed was my age. I was not and do not remain alone. Tens of millions of older employees across America fell into that black hole! Not old enough for Medicare, not rich enough to afford anything else, too rich for government assistance but must still pay taxes for those who do. Two classes of rich exist in America: the privileged rich that pay nothing and the paying rich that pay the bills. I fell into the latter: pay for everyone else and go without for my needs. Only in Amerika. Corporations employ large armies of lawyers to create strategies to do that without triggering EEOC discrimination lawsuits.... with much help from our lawmaker-lootership in Washington DC and statehouses across USA, of course. Obamacare successfully accomplished one thing: it destroyed the affordable health insurance markets and access to healthcare for people like me. Dept of Veterans Affairs finally publicly owned up to murdering over 300,000 US veterans during Mr. Obama’s last term, who were placed on secret waiting lists pending medical care. In other words, they all suffered and died while confined on VA death row . That is rationed, socialized medical care from a purely US socialist government organization. The reason? Per aforewritten and to soften up Amerika for NHS or Government run Socialist healthcare systems like other socialist countries use. US dept of Veterans Affairs is the worst healthcare and benefits system in America. All, insurance is Socialism; medical care paid for by insurance is rationed, Socialized medicine. The US healthcare system is a dysfunctional Capitalist – mostly Socialist crossbreed and that is only one aspect of the disease. Obamacare destroyed affordable private healthcare and insurance markets. That law made purchasing medical insurance impossibly expensive, if one could get it at all, especially at my income level, age and pre-existing health conditions. I qualified to opt out of the Obamacare penalty tax because the lowest, sorriest plan was well over 20% of my gross annual income; I had to spend almost twenty thousand dollars in premiums and deductibles to get one penny’s worth of actual, insurance covered healthcare using Obamacare Marketplace insurance. Forget the private markets!! Coverage outside of there was simply neither available nor affordable to individuals my age and health condition. That White Elephant, Dark Horse program is by design. It destroyed private health insurance markets to prepare for US Socialized National Healthcare System. When misled by beliefs, masses create those beliefs and unintended consequences into reality - aka what they do not want. That is how social engineering works. We the sheeple think the creation is our idea and have only selves to blame for unintended consequences. I.e. the voters elected Mr. or Ms. Villain is a classic scapegoating ruse used by political circles for millennia. Same for jury duty; a judge tells jury how to decide a verdict, it does so, when an innocent person is executed or incarcerated for decades because of an injustice and then found innocent, the jury is scapegoated and blamed for ruining an innocent person’s life. Not the political-legal oligarchy!! The jury falls back on we were doing our jobs, following bench orders. The same argument that did not hold water that Nazis used to justify murdering millions of innocent Jewish men, women and babies during Germany’s WW2 Jewish genocide & Holocaust. Same thing for voting; most Americans eventually learn that the whole voter election system conditioned into them from diapers on is a fraud that changes nothing so fewer participate in it. This is freaking out the elected looters because now they are front 10 row & center under a spotlight of blame for their actions. Many writers for centuries warn of this big lie such as Mark Twain, “If voting changed anything it would be illegal.” This whole sham is a lie. It is not between the left or right wing that connect to the same bird, but what is truth or lies.... Insurance controls the medical industry. Without that protection against corporate greed and lootership in an out-of-control Capitalistic medical industry, in America a hospital visit is a one-way trip into impoverished sickness, and the poor house. Lacking price transparency, one has no control over prices or what is done during hospitalization or most doctor visits, which amounts to wholesale robbery by unrestrained medical, legal and political oligarchy supporting it. Only in America will the medical monster in cahoots with a corrupt political–legal system hook up a brain dead body to a life support machine for 10–15 thousand dollars a day until insurance runs out then bankrupt the surviving family before ‘pulling the plug’ using a hospital obtained court order from a crooked judge to stay the family from pulling the plug first! Boast about that Barack and Hillary. The US Socialist's Dark Horse boondoggle, Obamacare, simply softened up the US for implementing NHS-Socialize healthcare instituted by 1935 Social Security and 1965 Medicare Acts while further destroying tax paying middle class America in the process. Then everyone will pay ‘national healthcare’ taxes at higher rates instead...socialism or communism is all the same beast. At age 63-64, the toxic exposures and other diseases I inherited during Military service, which had been incubating for decades, were literally killing me: kidney, liver, thyroid, urinary, bladder, prostate, neurological, emotional, mental and autoimmune – failures, plus related hypertension, skin diseases and worse. Rotting flesh was literally dropping off me in sheets and I smelled of death and carrion. Typical symptoms of Agent Orange aka dioxin and similar Military chemical and Bio-weapon exposures. I was a walking dead man literally decomposing alive. Signs and symptoms of these oncoming problems, also listed in my military medical records, had been surfacing for decades. Civilian medical ignorance was not keen at diagnosing or effectively treating these unfamiliar diseases when I had active insurance coverage. It profited well 'treating at' the symptoms, however. For example, in 1992 a dermatologist treated at the skin condition that developed while in service from handing toxic chemicals and other dangerous exposures in the line of duty. After a year of treatments, he threw up his hands to say, “I have never before seen anything like this; you are not responding to treatments known to work. Something inside you is causing this; I am returning you to PCP to find the causes.” Every skin doctor I visited ended our relationship with the same frustration! I camped out in the PCP’s office as he tested and tested again, using current medical ignorance, never finding any specific causes of the symptoms from the diseases incubating in me. I have never been exposed before or after military service to the elements I was required to handle during active duty. To VA for treatment dollars benefiting that agency only, I have problems; for C&P it knows and sees nothing in willful stupidity & blindness to diseases it has denied in tens of millions of veterans and recorded in my service

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