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Patrick Mikula - Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled Volume 1 PDF

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Preview Patrick Mikula - Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled Volume 1

Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled Volume 1: How ramets Potts Tading in Gommosties By Patrick Mikula This book is the original sauren for the astrological secrets which are hidden in Wiliam Gann's 1941 book, How To Ataka Prolite Trading in Commodities. Preface “The uok you are reating = one of avd iis he urly book thal wees Willan Gann's crigival wring ta expsin how he used acintiieastrologiol methods. This buod is deve to explaining ant proving tne vated serological mathads.n Wiliam Gann's DODk, saw at igke txoficg_zundiza, £r_cenmetision” The bak you are “ending marks tha beginning of new ars for Gan varors because H opens Ua a whole new weild of daa ini ts original writings of Wiliam cane, “Ta nol ne baw eve lal aryuna wl a base knowlecee a ring commodities can road and understand Wiha Sane’: advanced aatolagial methods. | lave ried vary hard Io achieve :he sbjecive withou! talking down to tacore wha have a feackyrourd i astralogioal acing Hf you find pans o this buak wien 1m very simplistic language pleane try tr enpamize wih the ether maders. The Wy of is kook says wotauca 1, vacause iS Ue fst lo a gece whi ol prove new Gann waded and fernasted ts Financial arkals. (have rouor attended any [advanced Gann eerinare and arly recently have | endeayotad la “ead anyono alse wrtirgs about liam Gann. Ihave stucied Waliam Gann's wetings alone and in sseret and nave rade fremerdous digeaveris which + havo keBt to myseP until nos, TLE EDITING OF THIS BOOK: Curny bw final eu Buy ol Dis oak, ey mary ear es iagiowued will serious ness ard coud nol cortiue Une with, | unmet il eaii-g by working with several paapio who knew line about the cammedity markels Ct etrlony.. In this bank there aro @ age numer of correlations aetween con nadhy prices planeta'y longitdes, serological eves. and dates which ¥ rave core my tevel Best ty chuck fad recheck, € am absolutly covidan! Ua # you Kad soma covreaan I T¥9 back tat does. ho were ul Lisa iy aed nt Laure af the aslolugial muta, yo appl 10 find such a type | would sporeciate having it brought te ry aenion 2 he address o ubister on the opposing ccoyrght pane WACINIRKS: Its back has Baon wetlon yf the steno” rat ot shouts ne ced not ust read. Ths i tha single larges! volume of W tain Gansi's sciatic gstta apical methods fever pubisned. Gann’ tue askoogieal methods contzinad inthis book are alwancre and abel: you can not expect ro master Genes ie asitologicalriaheds overnight. fe ah some henef from Gannis astological methods you must have w cormmi:ment 3 lea. slily and practice ime maton presented 11 the Dock, * ug te take Hee ti te_roding am comadatiax is pubbhed by Lamnben-Cam Publishing Go, whizn also owns ia coryiigh. This book wae erginally writen by Wilam . Gann in 16dt a: the age of siy-tree, at whion time Gann had abaun iiy-tivs years ot experience with asvategy, Gann auilishad the socond @eiio7 In 1957 Copyriatt G 18Ss ba Patria w. reals AT raphy ecerved —" T Table of Contents Preface-- care Table of Contents- AL Introduction-- 1 Chapter-t:Litcrary Analysis of William Gann's Original Writings Ghapter-2:The Basic Astrological Foundation. Chapter-3:The Great Discovery of the Literary Key: Chapter-4:The Lambert-Gann Symbol & The Longitude Relationship Table: Chapter-S:Retrograde Motion- Chapter-6:Declination- Chapter-7:Planetary Ingress Punulary trgross upped 0 the Live Calle matket———- 37 Panetary ‘nares appled Zo tne Whost markst————- 40 Chapter-8:Price & Longitude Conversion: 43 Prive & Longiude Canvertion appied 1 the Soyosan maiket—- 56 Prive & Langlade Conversion applied to the Comm marke Price & Longitude Conversion Tables: Chapter-9:Specific Planetary Gombinations- Specitic Planetary Cor Uialions aoied to th Cone market 77 Speali¢ Plarstary Co-shinations applied in te Soybenn “maker 83 Chapter-10:The Hexagon Chart and Square of Nine~ Pythagorsar — Mothyde----------— Integrates Cycle Malhod 118 Pythagorean Method applied to the Corn market eylnaderoan Method applied to the Wheat manet 99 eRUrTaRE SOS ty Patriok F Mieata Al ants reser wea [Ghapter-11:William Gann's TRUE Eclipse Method 183 Chapter-12:Total Solar Eclipses- 164 Chapter-13:Annular Solar Eclipses: Chapter-14:Penumbral Lunar Eclipses: 228 Chapter-15:Partial Solar Eclipses- 242 Chapter-16:Partial Lunar Eclipses- 255 Chapter-17:William Gann's TRUE Eclipse Method Applied to The Modern Markets~ 260 Chapter-18:The Complete Astrological Frame Work For Lard-~ 278 Chapter-19:William Gann's Six Actual Trades: 281 Chapter-20:Scientific Balancing of Time: Solving Sevon Gann Forecasts---- 292 JAppendix-1; A Complete List of "Natural" Dates and Index- - 312 Appendix-2: A Listing of Planetary Relationships For 1994, 1995 & 1996. - 316 Resources- - 320 Conclusion-- + 321 [ Coparight GT T99S by Pater 8. Nikulé Bit rights Feserved “1 Introduction AS a commodity tures Lrador | hrow thal when Vadors purchase a new tding ays:am or moe they #2 nt abarvon evervting they Fave sed up W fat tire. Comioaly Fragers usualy inlagrale the neve information ‘nth heir ether bling material. Tris mers every waders background and iluoncas ars 2 Ife sires, ave soit is fect that oto rane Weds exaelly lke, The vat majority ul sraders who roar tis book will save togomer tet currant trading ideas wih the methods in rie book, which ig naval. AS you stato practice the methods ir this book and tha itagraton of 31d and now lear orcurs, WM sraula constdor adopting the charing format and style = fehich willare Ganr used. 1am rstion'ng sis nthe Figure 1-1 ncducton because Ganr style chars are not recessary| Ebghtecuares othe ine vith lo apply the astoiocica methods in ths Book, putin my | every fourth Hine highignted opinion are ne Bast onan for ieornial anaes. Y Tat les took at the shart paper Peal. Wi'lam Gara used evar paper wih eight squares fo re inch tt (2x8) with every fguth Ino hghlghied, This can be peenin=ous0 T 4, Ht vl Figure 1-2 he nex portant pein! + Ine j seal which Gann used on hie chal, ‘ne centor point cn the price seals | iitiam Gann always keat the arise and ‘equets one day, week or monthon Htime seals I praparon to each other the time soale Far example n= cirea 1 2-Ae price to 216 ime regtanshin is 1 to 1. Ths means H [nat one souate or the chan nner repravsats th pion Mave One CE OF a omtsor” Point onthe wetial seals and one day, one eomtsor week or one mon sn tha Woiznls sale i “ris creates @ sole of one pine uno m8 {an te unt (nk), When acsng tis eeu you must Keep # prportn 204 telafonship betwen price’ and lim svch 85 9 pree tts Io.one time uri (2X1) scent or or four Feo nts © one fme ums zoo ttt F 4 point” 200 LL {eto eight fo are COXA and s9 en 1 Sok Sees renh mantis T Tapir'aht © 1955 by PALIT A Mitt AT TaWareRroed ‘Wiliam Gans silo of charing connaais he aierantcaverscly forthe Game moth For example you would chart and comrect the July 81 contac: tothe suiy 92 0 ts July 3 Jane s0 ar. dealy you would make ils ype ef char for the contrasts in whien yaa actully Trade. You should consider aktays koa tn anmly and weetty charts ct the ype, ANd & ily chart wie you are actualy Lady ‘Wen you ela to mats this ype of chal thera one. mportant question to address. ‘hal should be ene wih the orton ol the sistant cukract which overleps he current Jecrract ol he same month? ‘Ta answer this auestion, we must examine hos Gann dealt with this problem, Fact umber are = "Milam Gann actually graphed the vver app ig parte) of ha distant contract, an some af is chars. Engh nue two we Gann usd yop Ie risane contac he sil kept wack of govt righ and (ow prices wrich uccurred i the oistant conmact. or example, the canteae! high or kw occtimed while it was the stant bewrac, Gann would wite dow the date ard peoe ol hel igh or It fo ue in ealeuations. Given these twa farts, tis my opinion thal the domoel way fo “eke a Gann sve chat ist graah the entire ie ol 6 contact aeceuse tris is tha easiesl ay to Koco tack of rmpartan: highs and laws which 9ccur Io the diant contact. This wil ereate alte of ontac. single-contsctsmann, centages chat. Tris ear. he seen below in Chast 1-3. ‘Youmay have notxed on cnaez 1-1 talthe prion and tine soale isnot a newest Gann style sca. The reason Ie Ra | do nol Knew clay sofware which can graph two sets of nice data with a Gann sty scale. Itisimponant to say aqam that the astrological rods in Uh book can be sop © any svlo cl ba chat. You do nel none Gann style chan 0 use the astrelngical metvods r this Book 3207 continuous weekly chart jo] wrbreree chart =e tT 200 te Corn gentract TP Fen Cont at soho Sa 38 xo rl losing rat pat bbe, i wee ZornGutrat baal ty we TopUTIGiL BY 19S Sy PHUTTCKB. Fike All right roserved HEADS “Through aut this book, wxowpl for Chapter 2, have alaced the chap tile aed eiscussion heading ata beginning of Pach naw discussion. In same placed such a8 Chaper 5, you wll sae the chopier ita and the discussion heacing al the top nf each page This fe Because 2 new discussion slats on each pag]. In other chapter you wi! ano Fe elnptar ile and siscussion heading only ones every sere! pages Resaurve he derasans. ate log Figures, tables and char are al numbered in sequence For example Figu:e =f. indalos that it ig a “igurst in Chapter & and is the Bf exit Aor Pigere & § comes hare 2=7, whlch rvsstes itis ‘chant in Chapter & ard isha 7% exhbM. A igures, tabfes, ond chats are numbered this way in each chapter. ASIC INFOROYALION NOT PROVIDED: In the book you ate reaing, | da nol cover the non-asis!agial alhods WN are prosented by Wile Gann How Ta Mase orofits. Trading in. Commlitiex. Garm does 5 good enough jb ofthis. in Gans WOOK ha fates the lpodant prion paterns. haw to vide tne yrica range, how to dea! wilh inns puroes, volume analysis, manoy management aod mora. Ih adltion, Gann alsn gives achive on now to ade succossiuly Do No! skip Gano’s a6rico, uct of whichis on pages t to 17 of Gann’s back, it can provide you wih valuable esi in eating preftsby.. Also, OBEY GANN'S "TWENTY-EIGHT VALUABLE RULES." [These 28 rules can mean the digtence belwoen sucess and fai. Make sure you stuly all the ron-astroiglcal lefermation prasantod by Gann in his Beok as | do not repent i here oomstae “The soybooan owing chad on the cover ol ths book is an arte reproduction ofthe swing charton ine vover ef the 1951 second eution ef oy "to take Profits Izatsna_in JcommsaisLiex. | have added a circle arava the date "FEB, 1951" because tis one ol Fe dates used by Wiliam Gann te corceal his asiaogical methoas, Watch Tor this date in he ook you ere reading. You wil {nai discussee several times, z Teagreht © THSS DETatrick a, ane AT Han Peer ‘Chapter 1: Literary Analysis of William Gann's Original Writings | was inttodyoed to Wiliam Gann’s work thraugh assortud magazine arises and fadvortisoments tor educational mater. My mereste are in agreu lueat markers go when | rea ar aticle deecribing Willer: Garris syceaos m these ‘markets I waited ta eam his raving nnshods. 1 yau are a naw stunt el Yulam Garis week you slioull Krow that Ganr's susceas goes heyond the fly milan dolla which ha ig toni 19 Rave made. Gann bart long nring records and manual percentage wining radss of 83% f0 Rte wan are documented. [Gann broke records for making money tal and most inporlanty, ils Gann sold an annual Feracas: for the stock and cortrodty markets to the goneral publ¢ for over twenty yBars Tho most readily avalabiaocurnertatnn cl eso tosis can he Found in Wiliam Gans own oriing, which is well supporto by otter pebhshed mataral trom Gams Hfeime. ke sos overy olter commoiy Laer. | veyan rassarchlng Gann's work by reading Yea: Ca Wake vou"1~% tradina in CommadiLies. All fe | had been nllcanced by ab the nype auraunding Gana’s work vrich sad that Gann was a puar wiler and that he wrote in vsiled language making his work dificult to understand. Theretore | Lock 2 ctterent approsch 1 stuaying Ne work; rather than read hie books ta learn hase Gann trade Jcommesities, | decided to sludy Gans Morary sie and try to gue oUt how Gann wrote, | educed that It knew how Gann wrote I would be able lo igure out what Gana vcia, and that is wxaclly eal happened Of the hype | mentioned atow, any hal i bur, Willarn ann ce in fet sete I vetled language. Tha Idoe Wat Gann was a poor wer isnot tue. Ganr's wiry style has several 'poranttnceta thet anyone resin his orginel materi. should recognize. Fret, Gann repeated himsck. He would olor use tue, yeanode rames tore same wing ana he would ciecuss the same subject in diferanl yestins of a book usiny dferont Jexaroles and terninology. These are prohahy ie largest stimbing blocks to undarsland ng tis ideas Gann is openly communicating i Ris Books, ‘A second facet of Gian’s wring syle was Ihe sulin sf cea seas iswonart aids which watld have tipped nf the reaner te Toei the trae mean ng. Tris sucord rary technique ie whe: mean ky “veiled language.” Gann sed a common word ga & ail for a more revealing wort ho did not wart fo Use. The 6 the lierary Yecknique with feb | am eras: concerned in my ascussion at Gare waled acislogial methods {highty recommond reading Gunn's orginal witieys. & Hapful tactic is to dar oF rapar the price muverien thet Gann described 39 yo. BCR See wht he wes dseussing. Than, make list ofthe varcus neinos Gann used fo wp the se voneept These tas rechriques wil mare 1 much was a te onderstand Gar ns material. | studied Gurn’s use of repetition, changes in tetmmnotogy and word substiution to siscavar tha inerary Key to unceasing the fden aslrvlgioal lOdS In Kane To. Make srofie reading 2m Checatanie. Thi torary hey allowed 1a" maka {v9 Most Imponart alseovery ever made abuur Wiliam Gann orginal writings apyrTONE CY TSS Dy PaRTTER A Hiketa AN Tights reairvid z Let me give an exarapie ol Garn's usa of veiled words by Wanstating one ol tho moat meant words nodded to reveal the Fue message in Gans erfigs, Loak a Ihe to slatemeonts below. ‘Sway the chants and then you Wl know how fo read the tape In a raamatial sciemifie way and you il make profits irsoad of lasses" ime to Hoke _trosiee Trad Renreition 1044 8 1091 p.S This frst quotal on was include in bath: tho 1847 ane 1961 eoltons of tax ts Nicks Joeatins adic <. cummeditaes Thais the last soutence Unter the heading "Facls YOU Sroule Know About Trac In Commocties "1 strongly uige my readers te keep up charis and study make! movements and ply mathamtieal ecieniia rues and gain knowledge of the markot before Mey ral their money, Rex Tu ase Paitin teadicn au GousuiLies - 198" ef. p. 827-308 his sooo yuolation is the very last thing Gann woe i Une 1981 oritlon of owt foske Wrorses “ending ig coamacizies, These 100 quotations were writ lan yeers can. The fist quolation was erin ithe form) of a1 insiueton. The second quelation was fwrtten inthe fon of advice ar 2 recmmendatan but the two quetars cor vey tha Same message. The ward we want 16 focus an ik "cienti hich is a weet Bann used as a 7 forthe word ‘astrologes” Tye correct lansation of those Iwo elato~ents ean be seen below, ‘Study tha charts ard then you wil row how to read The Lapa r&b EmaLeR astrological way ard you wil make pratt instend of losnes" Tranelatednew ‘io née Tyotite coadine iz Carmadis‘o~ 1911 & 1954 p. 6 " sirongly urge my readors to Keop ua charts and study market mnvervents and apply mathemetical astrological 1u as and gain knowledge of the rnackot bulee trey 13k their marcy Vanstlethuau yo ree Peotite Thacling on conmndécies - 198E ed. p. BHTARE ‘The message m not ol less quatatons is that yuu shauid Wars how Dre pens fost the financial markets befoue you risk your money if you warl la “Eks pruls. Cap TATE GI TaSE ha POTS, FITS AT gh TOS ‘Why dd Willams Gann choose tha word, cance, ao a val for the ward, aatolegy? ThE Jancwer somes trom a quotation inca 1¢ ake Senbile cating in_vmadisses whith Joan be Seen belew. This athe frat pazagieph undr the heading "Fesatance Levels’ TF wo mis Yo aver ‘allure in speculation, we must deal with causes. Everything existence 6 based on exact proparian and parfact “yalion. Tha is no chance n nate because mathematical prinipios of tho highest o'dlar are atthe foundation of all ings, Faraday sald) “There Ie acting i tbe Unwa-se but mathamatecal 2olnts of force.” sons ake HeatiLe Leadin Le casuals ine Pe {Gctore | elaborate on this quota | ar going Yo WCUSS the ongins of Ganm's sucness. Jone ot the most Imocrtant ports lo yecogn'ze in urderlanding how Gann actually man “Is, sucow in the rks, i thet Garin achieved hia suoceus 2s & trader ar forever str hiy Fame 1909 imerviow with Bichard Wycaat forthe Tackex ana Tuveczeeq bigest In foc. hs intariiew stats out "Sometime ago tha attenion ofthis magazine was alractod by eartan long pul stock market riedictons which wate being mad by Willam 0, [Gann I Wiliam Gann had became koow as a suoresstl forecpste Yo the establishrnen, Sometime aga," in 1308, hen ne most caralnly had dlssavored ana developed his torecasting meth at last lw yaar pro Ibis ry opinion that # you want te know ew Wiliors Gann realy forecast and Wada tna markets, yeu must focus or ine erileat years of Gone Wo baleen 1900 10 1908. , The est quotation fom Wi kam Gann in the Fihard WMycKal inlerview fe “For the 24st Yon years [have davoted my enti me and attontor tothe speculative markets.” I the feurt Paragraph Gann says “thon decked Is oavote an yoaes ot ny Ma Yo the stay of nti aw as applicable tv tho sucou ave murkels. | bulievy ‘hi “en years” of is He, wnt ne vice mantions, is roughyy the ten yeas leading un fo this imerview with Fichard Wyekoll In the interview, Witam Gann manos a man whose ware | am conwncod hp stdled darmg 11s tom yoar peviod. | fuller Believe this mai" work was a very kreoriant Intuonce on Gann and is equally impnsr! for those wha want Yo understand Willan! Gar. Belay is the paragraph tim Gann's 1809 interv ew in which he mentions dhs ivi * Wve wish to aver fale in speciation. we must coal with eauses. Everything in ax'stenar is based on oxact propor and werfect relation. There fe ho chance Wh nalure because matnernaical principles of the highest order are atthe Fouration of al things ‘araday sal: "There i nothing inthe Universe but mathematical points of force. faker ond coueeluen| aavers, December 1998 interview by Richard Wyck ‘You may have notend that tis quvation fare Garn's 1909 inleview is he same as the qaration given fm pgs 34 ef daw 29 Kako MraZice "reding ta Commas CapUTIGRT GTIG9S by PAIR Peale AI nghta reverved a

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