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Ottoman Puritanism and Its Discontents: Ahmad al-Aqhisari and the Qadizadelis PDF

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OXFORD THEOLOGY AND RELIGION MONOGRAPHS EditorialCommittee J. BARTON M. N. A. BOCKMUEHL M. J. EDWARDS P. S. FIDDES G. D. FLOOD S. R. I. FOOT D. N. J. MACCULLOCH G. WARD OXFORD THEOLOGY AND RELIGION MONOGRAPHS PatmosintheReceptionHistoryoftheApocalypse IanBoxall(2013) TheTheologicalVisionofReinholdNiebuhr’sTheIronyofAmericanHistory “IntheBattleandAboveIt” ScottR.Erwin(2013) Heidegger’sEschatology TheologicalHorizonsinMartinHeidegger’sEarlyWork JudithWolfe(2013) EthicsandBiblicalNarrative ALiteraryandDiscourse-AnalyticalApproachtotheStoryofJosiah S.MinChun(2014) HinduTheologyinEarlyModernSouthAsia TheRiseofDevotionalismandthePoliticsofGenealogy KiyokazuOkita(2014) RicoeuronMoralReligion AHermeneuticsofEthicalLife JamesCarter(2014) CanonLawandEpiscopalAuthority TheCanonsofAntiochandSerdica ChristopherW.B.Stephens(2015) TimeintheBookofEcclesiastes MetteBundvad(2015) Bede’sTemple AnImageanditsInterpretation ConorO’Brien(2015) DefendingtheTrinityintheReformedPalatinate TheElohistae BenjaminR.Merkle(2015) TheVisionofDidymustheBlind AFourthCenturyVirtue-Origenism GrantD.Bayliss(2015) Ottoman Puritanism and its Discontents ̣ ū ī Ā ̣ ā ī Ahmad al-R m al- qhis r . ā ̣ī ā and the Q d z delis MUSTAPHA SHEIKH 1 3 GreatClarendonStreet,Oxford,OX26DP, UnitedKingdom OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwide.Oxfordisaregisteredtrademarkof OxfordUniversityPressintheUKandincertainothercountries ©MustaphaSheikh2016 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted FirstEditionpublishedin2016 Impression:1 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin aretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withoutthe priorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress,orasexpresslypermitted bylaw,bylicenceorundertermsagreedwiththeappropriatereprographics rightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethescopeofthe aboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment,OxfordUniversityPress,atthe addressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisworkinanyotherform andyoumustimposethissameconditiononanyacquirer PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyOxfordUniversityPress 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY10016,UnitedStatesofAmerica BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016939536 ISBN 978–0–19–879076–1 PrintedinGreatBritainby ClaysLtd,StIvesplc LinkstothirdpartywebsitesareprovidedbyOxfordingoodfaithand forinformationonly.Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibilityforthematerials containedinanythirdpartywebsitereferencedinthiswork. Acknowledgements Itisapleasuretothankthemanypeoplethatmadethismonograph possible. I begin by mentioning Professor Yahya Michot, who con- tinuestobethesinglemostimportantinfluenceonmyworkonpre- modernIslamicintellectualhistory.Itwashewhofirstsuggestedthat Iinvestigateal-Āqḥis.ārī’sMajālisforpotentialTaymiyyaninfluences, and generously provided a complete version of his personal copy. I am also indebted to him for the advice, instruction and wisdom I gained from him throughout my time as a postgraduate at Oxford. IalsowishtothankDrTajulIslamandDrErinDailey,bothofwhom offeredanumberofsuggestionsfortheimprovementoftheoriginal thesis,andDrChristineWoodheadforverykindlyassistingmewith thetranslationofQāḍīzāde’sRisāleh.Icouldnothavecompletedthis thesiswithoutthegenerosityofvariousfamilymembers,friendsand institutions.Inparticular,Iamgratefultomygrandparents,SirMota Singh and Swaran Kaur, whose interventions during my time as a postgraduate made the difference between my having to abandon studiesandcontinuing.IamgratefultotheOxfordCentreofIslamic Studies for providing financial assistance in the second year of my DPhil programme. My year in Istanbul would not have been as productiveasitturnedouttobehadInotbenefittedfromthesupport andgenerosityofDrRecepŞentürk,ProfessorMehmetIpşirli,DrSait Özervali and the Turkish Religious Foundation’s Centre for Islamic Studies. The conversion of the original thesis into the monograph that it hasbecomeinvolvedanumberofpeopleatdifferentstages.Ithankmy doctoral examiners, Professor Ian Netton and Professor Francis Robinson, for recognizing the value of my work and suggesting it be considered for publication in the Monographs series; Professor DiarmaidMacCullochforguidingmethroughtheearlystagesofthe process,andkeepingmyspiritsupwhentimeswerehard;mymentor, ProfessorJustinJones,forhisjudiciouscommentsthathelpedimprove the work; and all at Oxford University Press—Tom Perridge, Karen Raith,HowardEmmens,andFranziskaBröckl. I am eternally grateful to my mother and father for their endless love, support, and wisdom; my dearest mamu, Jaswinder Singh, for vi Acknowledgements being my anchor; my uncle, Dr Satinder Matharu; and my younger brothers,BilalandMuhammed,whosebanteralwaysensuresmyfeet remain firmly on the ground. I thank my parents-in-law, Sajida and Mahmood Rehman, who have always treated me as a son, and my third brother, Omar Rehman, whose company is always a delight to be in. The love, company, and playfulness of my children, Yusuf, Ayesha,Khadija,andSuleyman,havebeenmyfuelthroughlongdays andnightsofresearchandwriting;IprayGodkeepsthemhappyand safe always. And finally the love of my life, Sofia Rehman—words cannotdescribehowimportantsheistome.Itistoherthatthisbook isdedicated. Contents TransliterationGuide viii Abbreviations ix Introduction 1 1. OttomanPuritanism 10 IntroducingtheQāḍīzādelis 10 TheLiterature 22 AnOttomanCrisis? 35 Conclusion 39 2. TheThirdMan 41 FromCyprustoĀqḥisār 42 Majālisal-abrār:AManifestoforReform 50 Al-Āqḥis.ārī’sSources 53 Conclusion 55 3. TheMuhammadanPath 56 TheNaqshbandīParadigm 56 GoodSufi,BadSufi 67 Saints:DeadandAlive 91 Conclusion 97 4. Innovation(Bidʿa) 99 AComplexDiscussion 99 TaymiyyanInfluencesintheMajālis 116 PerniciousInnovations 130 Conclusion 139 5. ForbiddingEvil 142 AHard-lineAgenda 142 Neo-SufismAgain 154 Conclusion 164 Conclusion 166 Bibliography 177 Index 189 Transliteration Guide Arabic Symbol Arabic Symbol ﺍ A ﻁ Ṭ ﺏ B ﻅ Ẓ ﺕ T ﻉ c ﺙ Th ﻍ Gh ﺝ J ﻑ F ﺡ Ḥ ﻕ Q ﺥ Kh ﻙ K ﺩ D ﻝ L ﺫ Dh ﻡ M ﺭ R ﻥ N ﺯ Z ﻫ H ﺱ S ﻭ W ﺵ Sh ﻱ Y ﺹ Ṣ ﺀ ’ ﺽ Ḍ ﺓ A/T ShortVowels: u a i LongVowels: ﻭ ū ﺍ ā ﻱ ī Dipthongs: ﻭﺍ aw ﻱﺍ ay Abbreviations EI2 EncyclopaediaofIslam,12vols(2ndedn, Leiden:Brill,1960–2005) İA TürkiyeDiyanetVakfıİslamAnsiklopedisi TheBalanceofTruth Mīzānal-ḥaqqfīikhtiyāral-aḥaqq—The BalanceofTruth Majālis Majālisal-abrār Q Qur’an

This book is about the emergence of a new activist Sufism in the Muslim world from the sixteenth century onwards, which emphasized personal responsibility for putting God's guidance into practice. It focuses specifically on developments at the centre of the Ottoman Empire, but also considers both ho
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