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October 10, 2014 - KD Smith Auction Gallery, Allentown, PA PDF

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Preview October 10, 2014 - KD Smith Auction Gallery, Allentown, PA

Michael Ivankovich Auction #85 - October 10, 2014 - KD Smith Auction Gallery, Allentown, PA Lot Item Description Start Low High 1 Wallace Nutting - The Capn's Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with girl on house porch. Salem MA. Unusual title variation. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Daughter 9"w x 14"h" original mahogany frame with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly cropped mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 2 Wallace Nutting - Hollyhock Cottage - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign thatch-roofed cottage scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original mahogany $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 England frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 3 Maxfield Parrish - Daybreak Circa 1923 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 10"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 unblemished condition. 4 Wallace Nutting - A Stitch in Time Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Nuttingholme Colonial Interior scene. Framingham MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 20"w x 16"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 5 Wallace Nutting - A Village Mansion - Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare house scene. Northampton, Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Rare mahogany frame with older backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and and overmat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 6 Wallace Nutting - Pine Landing Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined lake and small boat scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 7 R. Atkinson Fox - Nature's Sublime Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. River and Falls scene. Signed "R Atkinson Fox" beneath printed title l/l. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 16"h original frame with no backing $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Grandeur paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 8 Wallace Nutting - The Corner Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Norton MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 19"h" original frame with original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Cupboard backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 9 Wallace Nutting - An Overflowing Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior pond scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 13"h" original mahogany frame with no $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Cup backing paper..4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 10 Wallace Nutting - 30x20" Close- Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Large-format Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Vermont. Close-framed in est. 30"w x 20"h" original frame with original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Framed "The Swimming Pool" backing paper and copyright label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 11 Wallace Nutting - Winding an Old Tall Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Nuttingholme Colonial Interior scene. Framingham MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 13"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Clock frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 12 Wallace Nutting - Maine & Two Wallace Nutting Books including Maine Beautiful (1924) and Connecticut Beautiful (1923). Both 1st Editions. In undamaged condition and showing normal wear. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Connecticut Beautiful 13 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Chums Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #665. Circa 1918. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 condition. 14 R. Atkinson Fox - King of the Silvery Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Animal scene. Partial signature l/r. Close-framed in est. 8"w x 10"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Domain - Animal in clean & unblemished condition. 1155 MMaaxxffiieelldd PPaarrrriisshh -- DDaayybbrreeaakk -- LLaarrggee CCiirrccaa 11992233 MMaaxxffiieelldd PPaarrrriisshh llaarrggee ffoorrmmaatt oorriiggiinnaall aarrtt pprriinntt.. EEnncchhaanntteedd sscceennee.. CClloossee--ffrraammeedd iinn eesstt.. 3300""ww xx 1188""hh oorriiggiinnaall ffrraammee wwiitthh oollddeerr bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr.. 44..00 GGrraaddiinngg wwiitthh ggoooodd ccoolloorr aanndd $$5500..0000 $$110000..0000 $$225500..0000 Format in clean & unblemished condition. 16 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl in lace shawl by Spanish-footed chair. 2) Girl sniffs flower by urn. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping Ernest John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean, unblemished condition. 17 Pedro Cacciola - Hand-Colored Grouping of assorted circa 1940-45 Pedro Cacciola original hand-colored photo. Various outdoor scenes. New England. Various sizes all un-mounted, and most having Studio #'s $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Photography Grouping and/or titles on the back. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. Note that Pedro Cacciola formerly worked for Wallace Nutting and started his own studio after Wallace Nutting died. 18 David Davidson - Close-Framed Circa 1930-35 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. New England. Close-framed in est. 16”w x 12"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Interior Scene with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 19 David Davidson - Close-Framed Circa 1930-40 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Small flower-covered bridge. New England. Close-framed in est. 16x12" original frame with gold Davidson paper label. 4.0 $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 Exterior Scene Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 20 Maxfield Parrish - Sugar Plum Tree Circa 1905 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene with Children. Close-framed in est. 10"w x 15.5"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 in clean & unblemished condition. 21 Wallace Nutting - Honeymoon Drive - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and country road scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature and in our opinion this $70.00 $140.00 $35.00 Signed by Wallace Nutting picture was personally signed by Wallace Nutting himself. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 22 David Davidson - A Real DAR Circa 1910-20 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. New England. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 14"w x 17"h" original mahogany frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 23 Eda S. Doench - Somebody's Eda Soest Doench original art print. G&G #691. Circa 1920. Est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with newer backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and some minor mat discoloration $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Sweetheart but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 24 R. Atkinson Fox - Inspiration Inlet Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountains and Lake scene. Printed title l/r. Close-framed in est. 24"w x 14"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 25 Wallace Nutting - Over the Hedge - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign country road and thatch-roofed cottages scene. Wiltshire, England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 England x 12"h" original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 26 Wallace Nutting - In Upland New Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and country road scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 England frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 27 Wallace Nutting - Morning Duties - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Nantucket MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original frame with newer $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Nantucket backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 28 Wallace Nutting - Two Miniature Two circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Both Miniature Exterior scenes. New England. Original mats and pen signatures. Est. 4"w x 5"h. original frames. 4.0 $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Exteriors Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 29 R. Atkinson Fox - Clipper Ship Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Ship scene. Close-framed in est. 16"w x 12"h original octagonal frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 30 Wallace Nutting - Primrose Cottage - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign thatch-roofed cottage and flower garden scene. Ireland. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Ireland original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 31 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Mighty Like Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #642. Circa 1915. Est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and some minor mat $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 A Rose damage l/l corner but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 32 Wallace Nutting Book - Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Beautiful, by Wallace Nutting. 1st Edition, 1924. Original Dust Jacket. In very good condition and showing normal wear. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Beautiful 33 Wallace Nutting - From Berkshire Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined rushing stream scene. Berkshires region of Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Crests 12"w x 10"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 34 R. Atkinson Fox - Nature's Beauty Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 35 Wallace Nutting - Red Eagle Lake Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined lake scene. New Hampshire. Close-framed in est. 30”w x 20"h original frame with newer backing paper. $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 36 R. Atkinson Fox - Autumn Gold Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Road and Pathway scene. Unsigned with printed title l/r. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 10"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 37 Wallace Nutting - A Fine Effect Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Quincy MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original mahogany frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 38 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Television Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #621. Circa 1949. Est. 14"w x 18"h period frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 condition. 39 R. Atkinson Fox - Moonlight and Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Partial signature l/l. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Roses and in clean & unblemished condition. 40 Fred Thompson - Est. 20+ Grouping of 20+ hand-colored and unmounted Fred Thompson Photos. Various scenes. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Unmounted Hand-Colored Photos 41 Maxfield Parrish - "Poems of 1904 "Poems of Childhood" book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish and containing 9 Parrish bookplate prints. Book shows normal wear and all prints remain. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Childhood" Book 42 Wallace Nutting - A Touching Tale Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Quincy MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original mahogany frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly cropped mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 43 Maxfield Parrish - Circe's Palace Circa 1908 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 44 Wallace Nutting - A Little River with Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 16”w x 12"h original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Mt. Washington mahogany frame and partial original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 45 Maxfield Parrish - Three "Sheltering Three circa 1940's Maxfield Parrish Greeting Cards. "Sheltering Oaks" Landscape scenes. Est. 6"w x 8"h cards, never used, and each with their original white envelope. 4.0 Gradings $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Oaks" Greeting Cards with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 4466 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg SSiillhhoouueettttee -- AAbbee && PPaaiirr ooff AAbbee aanndd MMaarryy TToodddd LLiinnccoollnn FFaammoouuss PPeerrssoonn SSiillhhoouueetttteess.. EEsstt.. 22""ww xx 33""hh oorriiggiinnaall mmaattcchhiinngg ffrraammeess,, wwiitthh nneewweerr bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr aanndd pprreesseerrvveedd SSiillhhoouueettttee ppaappeerr llaabbeellss.. BBootthh 44..00 $$1155..0000 $$3300..0000 $$6600..0000 Mary Todd Lincoln Gradings in clean and unblemished condition. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were original drawn by Ernest John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. 47 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Rarer Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #700. Circa 1921. Est. 13"w x 18"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Winged Aureole unblemished condition. 48 Wallace Nutting - The Original Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual village houses scene. Brunswick, Maine. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Dennison House frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 49 David Davidson - Two Picture Two circa 1915-25 David Davidson original hand-colored photos. 1) "Mountain Brook". 2) "Pres. Coolidge's Church and Home". Both 5"x7". All original mats, titles, and signatures. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Grouping Both 4.0 Gradings with lighter but good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 50 Wallace Nutting - Untitled "Blowing Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare Misc. Unusual scene with little boy in straw hat blowing bubbles. Massachusetts. Original mat and pen signature. Est $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Bubbles" - Little boy in Straw Hat 7" x 9" original mahogany frame with original backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and a light bottom-edge mat stain and some very light mat foxing but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 51 Charles Sawyer - Wayside Birches, Two circa 1900-10 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photos. 1) Wayside Birches, Dundee Road. 2) Goodrich Falls, Jackson. Various smaller sizes. All original mats, titles, and $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Dundee Road and Goodrich Falls, pencil signatures. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 52 BJaecskssieo nPease Gutmann - Little Bo Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #200. Circa 1933. Est. 11"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and an attractive overmat but $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Peep otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 53 Wallace Nutting - Honeymoon Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms, stone wall, and country road scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Blossoms 11"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 54 Maxfield Parrish - Solitude Circa 1932 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 7"w x 9.5"h period frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 unblemished condition. 55 Wallace Nutting - A Bit of Sewing Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Nuttinghame Colonial Interior scene. Southbury CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 56 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #641. Circa 1915. Est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Message of the Roses condition. 57 Maxfield Parrish - The Search for the Circa 1906 Maxfield Parrish original magazine print. Enchanted scene. Est. 10"w x 14"h original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Singing Tree & unblemished condition. 58 Wallace Nutting - Elm Drapery Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined country road scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 17"h" original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 mahogany frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 59 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Two Bessie Pease Gutmann original Child art prints. "The Reward" (1936) and "In Disgrace" (1935). Both est. 14"w x 18"h non-matching original frames with no backing paper. 4.0 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Reward and In Disgrace Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 60 Wallace Nutting - Saturday Baking Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Wentworth-Gardiner House Colonial Interior scene. Portsmouth NH. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 11"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 61 Wallace Nutting - Lingering Water Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 16"h" original frame with $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 nnoo bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr.. 44..00 GGrraaddiinngg wwiitthh ggoooodd ccoolloorr aanndd iinn cclleeaann && uunnbblleemmiisshheedd ccoonnddiittiioonn.. 62 Wallace Nutting - A Chair for John Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original mahogany frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 63 Wallace Nutting - Between Cloud Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior stream and mountains scene. New England. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 17”w x 11"h original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Crested Hills mahogany frame and no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 64 Wallace Nutting - A Garden of Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign thatch-roofed cottage and flower garden scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 20"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Larkspur original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 65 Charles Sawyer - Lord Farm, Circa 1930-35 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Rare Misc. Unusual close-up view of farm house and red barn. Dunbarton NH. Close-framed in est. 16"w x 12"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Dunbarton NH - Rare frame with no backing paper, preserved lacquer paper label, and "Lord Farm, Dunbarton NH" in magic marker. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 66 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Tommy Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #788. Circa 1931. Est. 16"w x 24"h period frame with original 14"w x 21"h print mounted on a larger mat board and having a newer $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and some very minor mat damage l/l but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 67 Bessie Pease Gutmann - A Double Rarer Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #643. Circa 1915. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Blessing unblemished condition. 68 Maxfield Parrish - Errant Pan Circa 1910 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 9"w x 11"h original blue & gold frame with original backing paper and partial paper label. 4.0 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 69 Wallace Nutting Book - Virginia and Virginia Beautiful (1930) and Maine Beautiful, (1924) by Wallace Nutting. Both 1st Editions. Both in very good condition and showing less-than-normal wear. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 70 Wallace Nutting - Close-Framed Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual Garden scene. Close-framed in est. 13"w x 10"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Garden Scene Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 71 Wallace Nutting - A Little River with Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 11"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Mt. Washington with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 72 Wallace Nutting - An Old Colony Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Concord MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 13"h" original mahogany frame with $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Parlor newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 73 Wallace Nutting - An Old Colony Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original mahogany frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Home Room with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 74 Chas. Higgins - Larger Untitled Misc. Circa 1910-20 Charles Higgins original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with two girls approaching large house. Maine. Original mat and pencil signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Unusual Scene original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 75 Maxfield Parrish - Banner from Original Banner that flew outside of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts during its 1999 retrospective exhibition on Maxfield Parrish (June 19th-September 25th). The banners $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 Museum Exhibition measures 94" x 46" and is in very good condition. 76 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Two Bessie Pease Gutmann original art prints. G&G #792 and 794. Circa 1934 and 1936. Both in est. 15"w x 20"h matching period frames with newer backing paper. 3.0 Gradings $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Reward and In disgrace with good color and both having attractive overmats but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 77 Wallace Nutting - Tea Time Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Webb House Colonial Interior scene. Wethersfield CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 7788 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg -- BBoossssiinnggttoonn SSttrreeeett CCiirrccaa 11991155--2255 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg oorriiggiinnaall hhaanndd--ccoolloorreedd pphhoottoo.. FFoorreeiiggnn vviillllaaggee sscceennee.. EEnnggllaanndd.. OOrriiggiinnaall mmaatt,, ttiittllee aanndd ppeenn ssiiggnnaattuurree.. EEsstt.. 1166""ww xx 1122""hh"" oorriiggiinnaall ffrraammee wwiitthh nneewweerr bbaacckkiinngg $$4400..0000 $$8800..0000 $$115500..0000 paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 79 Wallace Nutting - Locust Cottage Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-bordered country cottage. Mystic CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" original frame $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 with no backing paper..3.75 Grading with good color and some light and minor bottom mat lines but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 80 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Introducing Rarer Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #646. Circa 1916. Est. 17"w x 14"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 Baby unblemished condition. 81 Maxfield Parrish - Twilight Circa 1937 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Landscape scene. Est. 14"w x 17"h original frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a few minor mat age $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 (Tranquility) spots but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 82 Wallace Nutting Book - Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Beautiful (1935) and Maine Beautiful, (1935) by Wallace Nutting. Both 2nd Editions. Both in good condition and showing normal wear. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 and Massachusetts Beautiful 83 Wallace Nutting - A Corner in China - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Nantucket MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original mahogany frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Nantucket with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 84 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl with fan by armless statue. 2) Girl arranges flower in spiral urn. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping Ernest John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean and unblemished condition. 85 Wallace Nutting - Large Format Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Large-format Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Vermont. Close-framed in est. 30”w x 20"h original frame with pen-signed $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Swimming Pool title and original copyright label on original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 86 Maxfield Parrish - Framed Djer-Kiss Circa 1940's Maxfield Parrish framed original advertising print. Print is mounted on the front, and the advertising text has been preserved on the back. Est. 9"w x 12"h period frame $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Advertisement with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 87 Wallace Nutting - His Rose Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 17"h" original mahogany frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 88 R. Atkinson Fox - Over the Top - Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Animal scene. Signed l/r. Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Animal & unblemished condition. 89 Maxfield Parrish - Morning Circa 1922 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 15"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 90 Wallace Nutting - Mirror with Uncle Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo is framed in a mahogany mirror. Colonial Interior scene with Uncle Sam & Granny stringing apples. Vermont. Est. 9"x7" $80.00 $150.00 $250.00 Sam & Granny image is framed in an est. 32"w x 11"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading - good color and in clean, unblemished condition. 91 Wallace Nutting - Untitled "The Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Untitled Exterior with the Natural Bridge rock formation scene. Virginia. Original mat and pen signature. Est. 8"w x 10"h" $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Natural Bridge" original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 92 Wallace Nutting - A Garden of Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign flower garden and thatch-roofed cottage scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Larkspur original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 93 Wallace Nutting - Blossom Gables - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign roses and thatch-roofed cottage scene. Wiltshire, England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 15"w x 13"h" $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 EEnnggllaanndd oorriiggiinnaall ffrraammee wwiitthh nneewweerr bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr.. 44..00 GGrraaddiinngg wwiitthh ggoooodd ccoolloorr aanndd iinn cclleeaann && uunnbblleemmiisshheedd ccoonnddiittiioonn.. 94 Pedro Cacciola - Hand-Colored Grouping of assorted circa 1940-45 Pedro Cacciola original hand-colored photo. Various outdoor scenes. New England. Various sizes all un-mounted, and most having Studio #'s $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Photography Grouping and/or titles on the back. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. Note that Pedro Cacciola formerly worked for Wallace Nutting and started his own studio after Wallace Nutting died. 95 Lamson Studios - 10+ Unframed Grouping of 10+ Lamson Studios Sepia Exterior Photos. Various scenes. All are matted, unframed, and having a Lamson Paper Label. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Sepia Photos 96 Wallace Nutting - Two Untitled Two circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Both Untitled Nuttinghame Colonial Interior scenes. Various smaller sizes. All original mats and signatures. Both 4.0 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Interior Scenes Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 97 Bessie Pease Gutmann - C.D.Q. Rare Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #149. Circa 1912. Est. 9"w x 12"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 unblemished condition. 98 Wallace Nutting - Birch Strand Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior birches and lake scene. Berkshires Region of Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 16"h" original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 99 Wallace Nutting - Summer Wind Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior pond and trees scene. Nuttinghame, Southbury CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 14"h" $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 original frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 100 Wallace Nutting - Extremely Rare Circa 1900-1905 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Extremely rare Colonial Interior scene with girl at table. Unusual red coloring for Nutting. Original mat and early pencil $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 Interior Scene with "W" over "N" "W" over "N" signature. We believe this was Nutting's earliest signature, but was quickly replaced with the more distinct cursive "Wallace Nutting" signature. Est. 10"w x 12"h" original Signature mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 101 Maxfield Parrish - Two Pastry Cooks - Circa 1925 Maxfield Parrish original Knave of Hearts bookplate print. "Two Pastry Chefs" (also "Yellow Hose and Blue Hose"). Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h period mahogany $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Knave of Hearts frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 102 Wallace Nutting - A Vermont Road Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined country road scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 16"h" original frame with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 103 Maxfield Parrish - Solitude Circa 1932 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 8"w x 10"h original frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 104 Pedro Cacciola - Close-Framed Circa 1940 Pedro Cacciola original hand-colored photo. Fall Exterior birches and country road scene. New England. Close-framed in Est 10" x 13" newer frame with newer backing $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Exterior Scene paper. On backing paper is a "Pedro Cacciola" Paper Label and signatures of "Irene Colonna" and "Frances Donovan", two of Pedro Cacciola's family members who originally consigned this picture to us many years ago. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 105 Wallace Nutting - Parting at the Gate - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with Colonial Man & Woman beside large house. California. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 California 10"w x 14"h" original frame with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly cropped mat but in clean, unblemished condition. 106 Wallace Nutting Book - Maine Maine Beautiful, by Wallace Nutting. 2nd Edition, 1936. Original Dust Jacket. In very good condition and showing normal wear. $10.00 $20.00 $40.00 107 Wallace Nutting - Uncle Sam Taking Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with Uncle Sam and Granny on porch. St. Johnsbury VT. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Leave - Man 11"w x 15"h" period frame with no backing paper. Hand-written story about this picture is written on the back cardboard..3.0 Grading with good color and a darker mat having small edge tear and light stain, otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 108 Wallace Nutting - Blossom Cottage Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with blossoms and country house. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 1122""hh"" oorriiggiinnaall mmaahhooggaannyy ffrraammee wwiitthh nneewweerr bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr.. 44..00 GGrraaddiinngg wwiitthh ggoooodd ccoolloorr aanndd iinn cclleeaann && uunnbblleemmiisshheedd ccoonnddiittiioonn.. 109 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Thank You Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #822. Circa 1951. Est. 14"w x 18"h newer frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 God condition. 110 Wallace Nutting - Close-Framed Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign Exterior scene with stone bridge and stream. England. Close-framed in est. 14"w x 11"h" original frame with older $80.00 $150.00 $250.00 Foreign Exterior Scene backing paper and preserved paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 111 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl at slant-front desk. 2) Girl sews in rocker. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by Ernest John Donnelly, a $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean and unblemished condition. 112 Wallace Nutting - Hollyhock Cottage Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign flowers and thatch-roofed cottage scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 13"h" original $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 113 Wallace Nutting - Good Night Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Wentworth-Gardner House Colonial Interior scene. Portsmouth NH. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 114 Wallace Nutting - Affectionately Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Broadhearth Colonial Interior scene. Saugus MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Yours with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 115 Wallace Nutting - Process Print Circa 1938 Wallace Nutting original advertising sign for Process Prints. "Authentic Wallace Nutting Process Prints, See Label on Back of Each Picture, All Others Process Prints are $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Advertising Sign Unauthorized, Wallace Nutting". Est. 11"w x 17"h" original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 116 Wallace Nutting - A Comforting Cup - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Scotia NY. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original mahogany frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 New York older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 117 Maxfield Parrish - Framed Jell-O Circa 1930's Maxfield Parrish framed original advertising print. Close-framed in est. 11"w x 9"h period frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Advertisement unblemished condition. 118 Bessie Pease Gutmann - "Sunbeam" Two Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #730 and #729. Circa 1924. Both est. 12"d original frames with original/no backing paper. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 and "Mischief" clean & unblemished condition. 119 David Davidson - Her House in Order Two circa 1915-25 David Davidson original hand-colored photos. 1) Her House in Order. 2) Stone Arch. Various smaller sizes. All original mats and signatures. 4.0 Gradings with $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 and Stone Arch good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 120 Wallace Nutting - A Little River Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. New Hampshire. Close-framed in est. 20”w x 16"h original frame with newer backing $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 121 R. Atkinson Fox - Heart's Desire Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Cottage scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 122 Wallace Nutting - Spring at the Lake Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior roadside birches and lake scene. Vermont. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 16”w x 13"h original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 mahogany frame and older backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 123 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Harmony Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #802. Circa 1940. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame no original backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and minor u/l mat stain but $70.00 $140.00 otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 124 Wallace Nutting - A Golden Day Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior fall tree-lined stream scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 11"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 125 Wallace Nutting - Full Summer - Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare Floral Still Life scene. Close-framed in est. 10"w x 8"h" original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 Rare Floral good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 126 R. Atkinson Fox - Mountain and Lake Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountain and Lake scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 10"w x 14"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Scene color and in clean & unblemished condition. 127 Wallace Nutting Book - Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Beautiful (1935) and Connecticut Beautiful, (1935) by Wallace Nutting. Both 2nd Editions. Both in good condition and showing normal wear. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 and Connecticut Beautiful 128 Wallace Nutting - Lingering Water Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Large-format Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 18”w x 22"h original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 129 R. Atkinson Fox - Garden of Hope Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Signed l/r. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 10"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 clean & unblemished condition. 130 Wallace Nutting - A Flowery Path Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign cottage and flower garden scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 20"h" original frame $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 with original backing paper and Copyright Label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 131 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Bessie Pease Gutmann original Child art print. 1921. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Winged Aureole 132 Lamson Studios - 25+ Hand-Colored Grouping of 25+ Lamson Studios Hand-Colored Photos. Various scenes. All are matted, unframed, and unsigned. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 133 Wallace Nutting - The Vale of the Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign stream and stone bridge scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original frame $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 Derwent - England with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 134 R. Atkinson Fox - Land of Dreams Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 135 Eda S. Doench - Love's Young Eda Soest Doench original art print. G&G #403. Circa 1920. Est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Dream condition. 136 Wallace Nutting - A Canopied Road Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and country road scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 137 Charles Sawyer - Close-Framed Circa 1930-35 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Exterior birch-lined country road scene. New Hampshire. Close-framed in est. 13"w x 10"h" original frame with original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 "Thru the Birchwoods" backing paper and having original Sawyer triangular backstamp and title-specific paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 138 Maxfield Parrish - Air Castles Circa 1904 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 139 Pedro Cacciola - Hand-Colored Grouping of assorted circa 1940-45 Pedro Cacciola original hand-colored photo. Various outdoor scenes. New England. Various sizes all un-mounted, and most having Studio #'s $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Photography Grouping and/or titles on the back. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. Note that Pedro Cacciola formerly worked for Wallace Nutting and started his own studio aafftteerr WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg ddiieedd.. 140 Wallace Nutting - A Diving Cup Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Concord MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original mahogany frame with $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 141 Fred Thompson - Pin Tray and Two circa 1910-20 Fred Thompson original hand-colored photos. 1) 2"x3" Miniature Pin Tray with Interior scene. 2) 10"x12" "Stony Brook". All original. 4.0 Gradings with good color $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Exterior Scene and in clean & unblemished condition. 142 Wallace Nutting - An Oregon Stream - Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare Oregon Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 16"w x 12"h" original mahogany $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Rare Oregon frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 143 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Love Is Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #109. Circa 1907. Est. 9"w x 11"h original metal oval frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 Blind unblemished condition. 144 Maxfield Parrish - Peaceful Valley Circa 1936 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Landscape scene. Est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 condition. 145 Wallace Nutting - Flume Falls Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rarer Exterior waterfalls scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 146 R. Atkinson Fox - Indian Summer Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Animal scene with Man and Sheep. Unsigned with printed title l/c. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 147 David Davidson - A Comfy Corner Circa 1930-35 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. New England. Close-framed in est. 20”w x 16"h original frame with original backing paper and gold $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Davidson Paper Label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 148 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The New Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #107. Circa 1907. Est. 18"w x 14"h newer frame with newer backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and an attractive newer $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Love overmat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 149 Charles Sawyer - Three Lacquer Three circa 1950-60 Charles Sawyer original lacquered hand-colored photos. Various Exterior scenes and sizes. 3.5 - 4.0 Gradings. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 150 Wallace Nutting Furniture - #432 Wallace Nutting #432 Writing Arm Windsor Chair, having New England turnings, one drawer under the seat, and one drawer and one candle-slide under the writing arm. Dark $500.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 Writing Arm Windsor Chair mahogany finish. Est. 42"h. Early Paper Label under one of the drawers. Normal wear, partially re-finished long ago, and in solid and undamaged condition. See the "Wallace Nutting Windsors: Correct Windsor Furniture" Catalog, page 27. 151 Maxfield Parrish - "The Arabian 1937 "The Arabian Nights" book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish and containing 9 Parrish bookplate prints. Book shows normal wear, spine is a little loose, and all prints remain. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Nights" Book 152 Wallace Nutting - A Birch Grove Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior birches and lake scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 153 Wallace Nutting - Honeymoon Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms, stone wall and country road scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est 18" x 12" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Blossoms - Framed in Serving Tray original serving tray frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 154 R. Atkinson Fox - An Inviting Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountain and Lake scene. Unsigned with printed title l/r. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 10"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Pathway Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 155 Wallace Nutting - Neighborhood Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Broadhearth Colonial Interior scene. Saugus MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 News mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 156 Maxfield Parrish - Daybreak - Small Circa 1923 Maxfield Parrish small format original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 10"w x 6"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Format clean & unblemished condition. 157 Charles Sawyer - To Join the Circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Exterior rocky rushing stream scene. New England. Est. 20”w x 16"h original frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Brimming River with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 158 Wallace Nutting - A Daughter of Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Webb House Colonial Interior scene. Wethersfield CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Wethersfield mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 159 Wallace Nutting - Jersey Blossoms Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and stream scene. New Jersey. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 12"h" original frame $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 160 Wallace Nutting Furniture - #615 Wallace Nutting #615 Maple Trestle Table. Block Branded Signature. Est 30"w x 60"l. Very good condition and showing normal wear. See page 99 in the Wallace Nutting General $200.00 $400.00 $750.00 Maple Trestle Table Catalog, Supreme Edition. 161 Charles Sawyer - The Country Circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Exterior lake and country road scene. New England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 20"w x 13"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Highway with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 162 Wallace Nutting - A Path of Roses Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign roses and thatch-roofed cottage scene. Ireland. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 20"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 163 Lamson Studios - Est. 100+ Grouping of 100+ hand-colored and unmounted Lamson Studios Photos. Various scenes. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Unmounted Hand-Colored Photos 164 R. Atkinson Fox - An Inviting Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Road and Pathway scene. Signed l/r. Close-framed in est. 14"w x 22"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Pathway and in clean & unblemished condition. 165 Meta M. Grimball - More To Be Rare Meta Morris Grimball original art print. G&G #151. Circa 1912. Est. 9"w x 11"h original mahogany frame with partial original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 Desired Thank Gold clean & unblemished condition. 166 Wallace Nutting - A Patriarch in 1) Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior Massachusetts 11"w x 9"h blossom scene with original mat, title and pen signature. 2) 4" x 4" Silhouette with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Bloom and Two WN Silhouettes girl on bench. 3) 4" x 4" Silhouette with girl at piano. All 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 167 Wallace Nutting - Purity - New York Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined lake scene. Lake Mohonk NY. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 10"w x 20"h" original frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 168 Wallace Nutting - In Tenderleaf Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 14"h" original frame with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 169 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Happy Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #800. Circa 1939. Est. 17"w x 13"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Dreams condition. 170 Meta M. Grimball - A Call to Arms Rarer Meta Morris Grimball original art print. G&G #160. Circa 1911. Est. 14"w x 17"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and a darker mat having $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 some minor staining but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 171 R. Atkinson Fox - English Garden Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 117722 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg BBooookk -- EEnnggllaanndd aanndd EEnnggllaanndd BBeeaauuttiiffuull ((11993366)) aanndd MMaassssaacchhuusseettttss BBeeaauuttiiffuull,, ((11993355)) bbyy WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg.. BBootthh 22nndd EEddiittiioonnss.. BBootthh iinn ggoooodd ccoonnddiittiioonn aanndd sshhoowwiinngg nnoorrmmaall wweeaarr.. $$2200..0000 $$4400..0000 $$8800..0000 Massachusetts Beautiful 173 Wallace Nutting - A Rangeley Shore Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior lake, birches and boat scene. Rangeley Lake, ME. Est. 16”w x 13"h original frame with original backing paper and $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Copyright Label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 174 Wallace Nutting - Two Untitled Two circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Both untitled Exterior scenes in matching 6.5x8" frames. All original mats and pen signatures. 4.0 Gradings with $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Exterior Scenes good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 175 Wallace Nutting - The Quiet Life - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare Foreign thatch-roofed cottages scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 11"h" original $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 Rare England mahogany frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 176 Wallace Nutting - The Swimming Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 13"h" original mahogany $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Pool frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 177 Maxfield Parrish - Spirit of the Night Circa 1919 Maxfield Parrish framed print. Nicely overmatted and framed in in est. 14"w x 18"h newer frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 unblemished condition. 178 Wallace Nutting - A Fair Orchard Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and farm path scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est 21" x 12" original frame with no $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Way backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 179 Wallace Nutting - Two Exterior Two circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. 1) 12" x 10" "The Swimming Pool". 2) Untitled tree-lined stream. All original mats, title, and signatures. Both 4.0 $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Scenes Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 180 Wallace Nutting Book - Wallace Wallace Nutting's Biography, by Wallace Nutting. 1st Edition, 1936. Original Dust Jacket. Dust Jacket has a little damage but otherwise in very good condition and showing normal $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Nutting's Biography wear. 181 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Home Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #655. Circa 1917. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a minor right edge mat $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Builders stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 182 Wallace Nutting - Woodland Barway Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Unusual Exterior tree-lined lane and fence scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 14"h" original $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 183 Wallace Nutting - The Season of Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms and country road scene. Massachusetts. Est. 16”w x 13"h original frame with original backing paper. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Rejoicing 3.75 Grading with good color and a light mat stain l/l but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 184 Charles Sawyer - Three Close- Three circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photos. All various New England Exterior scenes. All close-framed and various smaller sizes. 4.0 Gradings with good color $20.00 $40.00 $40.00 Framed Exterior Scenes and in clean & unblemished condition. 185 Wallace Nutting - Original Floral Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original un-colored 9-picture Proof Sheet. WN #8991 "Laurel and Hemlock". Framed in est. 11"w x 14"h" period frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Proof Sheet Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 186 Charles Sawyer - Ammanoosuc Falls Circa 1930-35 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree lined stream scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title and pen signature. Miniature est. 5"w x 4"h" original $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 - Miniature frame with original backing paper and triangular back-stamp. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 187 Wallace Nutting - Good Night Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Wentworth-Gardiner House Colonial Interior scene. Portsmouth NH. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 10"h" original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 188 Wallace Nutting - Embroidering Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Hazen-Garrison House Colonial Interior scene. Haverhill MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 189 R. Atkinson Fox - Land of Dreams Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountains and Lakes scene. Signed l/r. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 190 Wallace Nutting - The Swimming Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Vermont. Close-framed in est. 20”w x 16"h original frame with original backing paper with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Pool a pen-signed title and original copyright label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 191 Wallace Nutting - Honeymoon Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior blossoms, country road, and stone wall scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Blossoms 14"h" original mahogany frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 192 Wallace Nutting - A Book and a Cup Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" original mahogany frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 193 Meta M. Grimball - Hush-a-Bye Meta Morris Grimball original Colonial art print. G&G #103. Circa 1916. Est. 14"w x 11"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 condition. 194 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Girl by Original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouette. Girl by spider under trellace. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by Ernest John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Est. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Spider 4"x4" older frame, 4.0 Grading in clean and unblemished condition. 195 William Henry Chandler - Landscape Circa 1900 William Henry Chandler original pastel (chalk) artwork. Landscape scene with tree-lined lake and sail boat. Unsigned, but in our opinion this is a Chandler pastel. Est. 28"w $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Pastel x 18" older frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 196 Maxfield Parrish - Morning Circa 1922 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 11"w x 15"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 197 David Davidson - A Comfy Corner Circa 1930-40 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. New England. Close-framed in est. 16"w x 12"h" original frame with original backing paper and $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 gold Davidson paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 198 Wallace Nutting - In Tenderleaf Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" original frame with $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 199 Fred Thompson - Winter Majesty - Circa 1910-20 Fred Thompson original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual Snow scene. New England. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 7.5"w x 15"h" original frame with $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Snow Scene original backing paper and partial Thompson backstamp. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 200 Wallace Nutting Ironwork - Two # I- Two Extremely Rare Wallace Nutting # I-60 Wrought Iron Table Scones. Both with partial Impressed "Wallace Nutting" brands. "A" is branded on the upper side of the candle arm, $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 60 Wrought Iron Table Sconces while "B" is branded on the lower side. Both signatures are partial, as is normal with Nutting's ironwork, but clearly "Wallace Nutting". Est 20"h. Very good condition and showing normal wear. See page 150 in the Wallace Nutting General Catalog, Supreme Edition. We are selling these "Buy the piece" where the first top bidder has the option of taking one or both sconces. Estimates are per sconce. 201 Charles Sawyer - Old Covered Two circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photos. 1) The Old Covered Bridge. 2) Old Man of the Mountains. Various smaller sizes. All original mats and signatures. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Bridge and Old Man of the Mountains 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 202 Pedro Cacciola - Hand-Colored Grouping of assorted circa 1940-45 Pedro Cacciola original hand-colored photo. Various outdoor scenes. New England. Various sizes all un-mounted, and most having Studio #'s $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Photography Grouping and/or titles on the back. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. Note that Pedro Cacciola formerly worked for Wallace Nutting and started his own studio aafftteerr WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg ddiieedd.. 203 Wallace Nutting - A Friend's Fairwell Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with two girls on porch. New York State. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 14"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 204 Maxfield Parrish - Knave of Hearts Circa 1925 Maxfield Parrish original Knave of Hearts bookplate print. Two men by door. Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h period frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Print color and in clean & unblemished condition. 205 Bessie Pease Gutmann - In Arcady Rarer Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #701. Circa 1921. Est. 13"w x 18"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 condition. 206 R. Atkinson Fox - Morning Mists Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountains and Lakes scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 10"w x 16"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 207 Wallace Nutting Book - New York New York Beautiful, by Wallace Nutting. 2nd Edition, 1936. Original Dust Jacket. In very good condition and showing normal wear. $10.00 $20.00 $40.00 208 Wallace Nutting??? - Original Glass Original Glass Negative. Est. 11"x14". Exterior scene with forking country road. Unsigned. Is it Wallace Nutting? You decide. In undamaged condition. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 209 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl arranges flowers at 3-leg table. 2) Girl sniffs flower by garden urn. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping Ernest John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean, unblemished condition. 210 Eda Soest Doench - Dr. Victor J. The family of the late Dr. Victor J. Christie asked us to make his extensive Eda Doench research collection available to other collectors back in Auction #83. The purchaser has re- $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Christie's Research Collection. consigned it to this Auction.. This lot features one very thick binder of Dr. Christie's research into Eda Doench. Some of the research is original material; most of it is photocopies of research material. This lot represents the largest research collection into Eda Soest Doench that we have ever seen. 211 Maxfield Parrish - Century Magazine 1) Circa 1910 Maxfield Parrish framed Century Magazine 6"w x 9"h Enchanted print in unblemished condition. 2) "Poems of Childhood" book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish and $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Print and Poems of Childhood Book containing 9 Parrish bookplate prints. Cover is damaged but all prints remain. 212 Wallace Nutting - Returning from a Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 12"h" original mahogany frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Walk newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 213 Wallace Nutting - A Stately Tea Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Webb House Colonial Interior scene. Wethersfield CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Pouring mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 214 Lamson Studios - Est. 75+ Grouping of 75+ hand-colored and unmounted Lamson Studios Photos. Various scenes. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Unmounted Hand-Colored Photos 215 Maxfield Parrish - Waterfall Circa 1931 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 14.5"w x 20"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.5 Grading with absolutely great Parrish $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 216 Wallace Nutting - The Fateful Hour Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Unusual Wentworth-Gardner House Colonial Interior scene. Portsmouth NH. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 17”w x 14"h original mahogany frame and no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 217 Maxfield Parrish - The Garden of Circa 1918 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 16"w x 9"h period frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 Allah unblemished condition. 218 Meta M. Grimball - Profit and Loss Rare Meta Morris Grimball original art print. G&G #27. Circa 1912. Est. 10"w x 13"h original mahogany frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 unblemished condition. 219 R. Atkinson Fox - Promenade Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Signed l/r. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 220 Wallace Nutting - Nuttinghame Pool Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with view of Nuttinghame over a tranquil pond. Southbury CT. Original mat, title and pencil signature. $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Est. 14"w x 11"h" original frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 221 Wallace Nutting - Two Silhouette Two circa 1930 Wallace Nutting Silhouette Cards. 1) Folding tent-style card. Unframed. 2) Children singing Christmas Carols in Snow. Framed in est. 5"x6" frame. Both in $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Cards unblemished and undamaged condition. 222 Wallace Nutting - La Jolla - California Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual Seascape scene. San Juan, Capistrano CA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 14"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Seascape frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 223 Wallace Nutting - Two Untitled Two circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Both Untitled birch scenes in matching frames. New Hampshire. Original mats and pen signatures. Est. 8"w x 10"h" $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Exterior Scenes original frames with older backing paper. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 224 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Mischief Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #729. Circa 1924. Est. 14"d original round frame with older backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and a slightly darker mat with $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 minor mat stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 225 Charles Sawyer - Lord Farm, Circa 1930-35 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Rare Misc. Unusual Snow-covered country road and distant farm. Dunbarton NH. Close-framed in est. 14"w x 8"h" original $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Dunbarton NH - Rare Snow frame with original backing paper having "The Sawyer Pictures, Concord NH" stamp and pencil "Lord Farm, Dunbarton NH". 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 226 R. Atkinson Fox - Nature's Treasures Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Signed l/l. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 227 Wallace Nutting - Returning from a Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 11”w x 14"h original mahogany frame and $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Walk older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 228 Wallace Nutting - A Touching Tale Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. Quincy MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 13"h" original frame with newer $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 229 R. Atkinson Fox - Blossom Time Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Cottage scene. Unsigned and titled l/r. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 10"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 230 Wallace Nutting - Seeking the Shade - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rarer Foreign Sheep scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 17"w x 14"h" original frame with original $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 English Sheep backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 231 Wallace Nutting - Larkspur Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign flower garden and thatch-roofed cottage. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 13"w x 16"h" original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 232 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Smelling Bessie Pease Gutmann original "Senses" art print. G&G #120. Circa 1909. Est. 11"w x 14"h original mahogany frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 clean & unblemished condition. 233 R. Atkinson Fox - Nature's Grandeur Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Signed l/l. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 #1 clean & unblemished condition. 223344 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg -- AA NNoovvaa SSccoottiiaa IIddyyll -- CCiirrccaa 11993300--3355 WWaallllaaccee NNuuttttiinngg oorriiggiinnaall hhaanndd--ccoolloorreedd pphhoottoo.. FFoorreeiiggnn aappppllee bblloossssoomm sscceennee.. NNoovvaa SSccoottiiaa,, CCaannaaddaa.. OOrriiggiinnaall mmaatt,, ttiittllee aanndd ppeenn ssiiggnnaattuurree.. EEsstt.. 1111""ww xx 99""hh"" oorriiggiinnaall ffrraammee $$3300..0000 $$6600..0000 $$112200..0000 Canada with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 235 Wallace Nutting - Snow at the Bend - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Rare Misc. Unusual Snow scene. Massachusetts. Original mat and pen signature. Est 14" x 17" period mahogany frame $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 Snow Scene with no backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and an attractive overmat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 236 Wallace Nutting - Three Picture Two circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos and one original Wallace Nutting Silhouette. Various subject matter and sizes. All original mats and signatures. All 4.0 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Grouping Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 237 Wallace Nutting - Hollyhock Cottage Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign thatch-roofed cottage and roses scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 22"w x 18"h" original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 mahogany frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 238 Wallace Nutting - The Maple Sugar Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Unusually large Nuttinghame Colonial Interior scene. Southbury CT. Original mat, title, and pen signature. Est. 24”w x 20"h $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Cupboard original mahogany frame and older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 239 Maxfield Parrish - Two Framed Two circa 1930's Maxfield Parrish framed original advertising prints. Both are nicely overmatted and framed in est. 10"w x 13"h newer and matching frames with newer backing paper. $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Colgate Advertisements 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 240 William Henry Chandler - Fruit Still Circa 1900 William Henry Chandler original pastel (chalk) artwork. Fruit Still Life scene with peaches and grapes. Est. 28"w x 8" original mahogany frame with no backing paper. 4.0 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 Life Pastel Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 241 R. Atkinson Fox - Garden, Mountains Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Unusual scene with flower garden, lake, mountains, and two people under flowered-pergola. Signed "R Atkinson Fox" l/l. Close-framed in $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 & Lake Scene with People est. 20"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 242 Charles Sawyer - Lake Sunapee Circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Exterior scene with birches, winding road, and distant Lake Sunapee NH. Est.8”w x 10"h original frame with original $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Road backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 243 Wallace Nutting - The Patchwork Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Cutler-Bartlett House Colonial Interior scene. Newburyport MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Quilting original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 244 R. Atkinson Fox - Heart's Desire Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Cottage and Garden scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 245 Wallace Nutting - Proposing an Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Nuttinghame Colonial Interior scene. Southbury CT. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 22"w x 18"h" original $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Amendment to the Linen frame with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a tiny bottom edge mat stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 246 Wallace Nutting - A Roadside Brook Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior country road and stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 11"w x 17"h" original $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 247 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Mischief Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #729. Circa 1924. Est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat and minor $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 bottom-edge mat stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 248 Wallace Nutting - Tea for Two Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Wentworth-Gardner House Colonial Interior scene. Portsmouth NH. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 original frame with original backing paper and Copyright Label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 249 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The Bessie Pease Gutmann original Child art print. 1912. Est. 14"w x 17"h older frame with newer backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and a cropped mat having a small bottom- $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Butterfly edge stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 250 Wallace Nutting - Large-Format Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. "On the Quinnebaug". Connecticut. Original pen-signed title l/l and signature l/r. Est. 40"w $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 Close-Framed "On the Quinnebaug" x 20"h" original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 251 Wallace Nutting - Three Exterior Three circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Two Miniature and one Untitled Exterior scenes. Various sizes. All original mats and pen signatures. 4.0 Gradings $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Scenes with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 252 R. Atkinson Fox - Glorious Vista Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Cottage scene. Unsigned and titled l/r. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 10"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 color and in clean & unblemished condition. 253 Bessie Pease Gutmann - "The New Two Bessie Pease Gutmann original art prints. Both circa 1910-15. Both est. 8"w x 4"h original metal oval frames with no backing paper. Both 4.0 Gradings with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Love" and "Contentment" clean & unblemished condition. 254 Charles Sawyer - Two Exterior Two circa 1915-25 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photos. 1) 5"x7" "The Mohawk Trail". 2) 14"x12" "Echo Lake", Franconia Notch". All original mats, titles, and signatures. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Scenes Both 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 255 Wallace Nutting Furniture - #476 Wallace Nutting #476 Flemish Highly-Carved Arm Chair, having cane back, cushion seat and highly carved upper and lower designs. Block Branded Signature. Est 57"h. We sold this $200.00 $400.00 $800.00 Flemish Highly Carved Arm Chair chair many years ago. It originally came out of Washington & Jefferson University. Wallace Nutting was a Trustee at the College circa 1935 and occasionally donated furniture to the school. We always felt that this was perhaps one of the set of 12 chairs originally rejected by Colonial Williamsburg but we have not firm evidence of this. The original cane seat was damaged many years ago and covered with a fitted cushioned seat at that time. Otherwise the chair is in very good condition showing normal wear. See page 82 in the "Wallace Nutting General Catalog, Supreme Edition. 256 Wallace Nutting Book - New New Hampshire Beautiful (1937) and Massachusetts Beautiful, (1935) by Wallace Nutting. Both 2nd Editions. Both in good condition and showing normal wear. $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Hampshire and Maine Beautiful 257 Maxfield Parrish - Wild Geese Circa 1924 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 15"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 unblemished condition. 258 Wallace Nutting - Furniture Purchase Original circa 1930 Wallace Nutting Furniture Inc. Purchase Order. Never used and framed in period 7"x5" frame with newer backing paper. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 259 R. Atkinson Fox - Moonlight and Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Partial signature l/l. Close-framed in est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Roses and in clean & unblemished condition. 260 H Marshall Gardiner - Where the Sea Circa 1920-30 H. Marshall Gardiner original hand-colored photo. Nantucket Seascape scene. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 15"w x 13"h" original frame $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Makes In, Nantucket with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 261 R. Atkinson Fox - Nature's Beauty Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Garden scene. Unsigned. Close-framed in est. 22"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 clean & unblemished condition. 262 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Love is Two Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. Circa 1937-38. Est. 12"w x 15"h original oval frames with original backing paper. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Blind and On the Up and Up unblemished condition. 263 Wallace Nutting - The Swimming Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Vermont. Original mat, title and pen-signature. Est. 20”w x 16"h original frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Pool original backing paper and original copyright label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 264 Fred Thompson - Three Picture Three circa 1910-20 Fred Thompson original hand-colored photos. 1) Fishing Fleet. 2) Glorious Autumn. 3) Untitled Exterior. Various smaller sizes. All original mats and signatures. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Grouping 4.0 Gradings with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 226655 BBeessssiiee PPeeaassee GGuuttmmaannnn -- OOnnccee UUppoonn RRaarree BBeessssiiee PPeeaassee GGuuttmmaannnn oorriiggiinnaall aarrtt pprriinntt.. GG&&GG ##665588.. CCiirrccaa 11991188.. EEsstt.. 1144""ww xx 1188""hh oorriiggiinnaall ffrraammee wwiitthh nnoo bbaacckkiinngg ppaappeerr.. 33..7755 GGrraaddiinngg wwiitthh ggoooodd ccoolloorr aanndd ssoommee mmiinnoorr eeddggee $$8800..0000 $$115500..0000 $$330000..0000 a Time staining but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 266 Charles Sawyer - 23x19" Close- Circa 1930-35 Charles Sawyer original hand-colored photo. Large-format Exterior rushing, tree-lined stream scene. New England. Close-framed in est. 23"w x 19"h" original frame $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Framed Exterior Scene with original backing paper and "To Join the Brimming River" paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 267 Wallace Nutting - Fair Woodstock Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior birches scene. Woodstock VT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 12"h" original frame with original $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 268 Wallace Nutting - Memorabilia Rarity This is an interesting piece of WN Memorabilia in that it shows how Nutting sometimes turned a single photo into two separate pictures. One side is titled "Sky Brook" and the other $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 side is titled "In Deep Forest", and both titles are listed in the WN Alpha-Numeric Index. 269 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl reads by bonsai tree. 2) Girl holds necklace by vanity mirror. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by Ernest $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean and unblemished condition. 270 Maxfield Parrish - Centaur Circa 1910 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 9.5"w x 11.5"h original frame with original backing paper and original "Centaur, Maxfield Parrish" $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 271 Maxfield Parrish - "The Prince - Circa 1925 Maxfield Parrish original Knave of Hearts bookplate print. "The Prince". Close-framed with decorative overmat in est. 11"w x 14"h period frame with no backing paper. 4.0 $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 Knave of Hearts Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 272 Wallace Nutting - The Book Settle Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Nuttinghame Colonial Interior scene. Southbury CT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 10"w x 16"h" original $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 273 R. Atkinson Fox - The Good Luck Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Road and Pathways scene. Signed l/l. Close-framed in est. 15"w x 10"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Line color and in clean & unblemished condition. 274 Wallace Nutting - Flush Banks Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior tree-lined stream scene. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 12"w x 10"h" original frame with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 275 Wallace Nutting Furniture - #303 Wallace Nutting Early #303 Windsor Side Chair with Braced-Back and Rhode Island Turnings. Paper Label and Punched #303. Est 45"h. In very good condition and showing normal $200.00 $250.00 $500.00 Rhode Island Braced-Back Windsor wear. See "Wallace Nutting Windsors: Correct Windsor Furniture" Catalog. 276 WSidaella Cchea Nirutting - Larkspur Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Foreign thatch-roofed cottage and girl in flower garden scene. England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 17"h" original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 277 Wallace Nutting - In Grandpa's Days Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with Man in blue jacket with top hat. Connecticut. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 11"w x $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 14"h" period frame with newer backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and an overmat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 278 Wallace Nutting - A Waterford Curve Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior birch-lined country road scene. Waterford VT. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 9"w x 15"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 279 Wallace Nutting - Pine Cove and The Two circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Both Exterior scenes. Various smaller sizes. Original mats, titles and signatures. Original frame with original backing $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Highlands paper. 3.75 Gradings with good color and slightly cropped mats but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 280 Wallace Nutting - At Broadhearth - Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Broadhearth Colonial Interior scene with Uncle Sam. Saugus MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 12"h" $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 Man original mahogany frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly cropped mat but in clean & unblemished condition. 281 R. Atkinson Fox - Mountains & Lake Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountains and lake scene. Partial "R.A" signature l/r. Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 Landscape Scene with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 282 Maxfield Parrish - Daybreak - Large Circa 1923 Maxfield Parrish large format original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 30"w x 18"h original frame with newer backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Format and in clean & unblemished condition. 283 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Poverty Rare Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #640. Circa 1915. Est. 20"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and an u/r mat stain but $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 and Riches otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 284 R. Atkinson Fox - Clipper Ship Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Ship scene. Close-framed in est. 20"w x 12"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 unblemished condition. 285 Wallace Nutting - A Lough Gill Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Unusual Foreign thatch-roofed cottage and flower garden scene. Ireland. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 Cottage - Signed by WN 13"h" original mahogany frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 286 Bessie Pease Gutmann - Delighted Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #201. Circa 1907. Est. 10"w x 13"h newer frame with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a minor blemish u/l mat $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 corner but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 287 Wallace Nutting - A Present of Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Cutler-Bartlett House Colonial Interior scene. Newburyport MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 14"w x 11"h" $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Jewels older frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly cropped mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 288 OPEN LOT 289 Wallace Nutting - Three Untitled Three circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. Untitled Exterior scenes. Various sizes. All original mats and pen signatures. 4.0 Gradings with good color and in $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Exterior Scenes clean & unblemished condition. 290 Eda Soest Doench - My Darling Rarer Eda Soest Doench original art print. G&G #746. Circa 1925. Est. 18"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and some minor mat dirt under $80.00 $150.00 $300.00 glass but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 291 Maxfield Parrish - Hilltop Circa 1927 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 20"h original frame with no backing paper and preserved "Hilltop" paper label. 3.5 Grading $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 with good color and a barely visible left-side 5" crease but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 292 Charles Sawyer - Colonial Interior Charles Sawyer B&W photo. Colonial Interior scene. Overmatted in est. 11"w x 14"h" newer frame with newer backing paper. In our opinion this is probably a newer photo that has $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Scene been re-signed, but it is still a copy of the only Colonial Interior picture that Sawyer was known to have released. 3.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 293 Maxfield Parrish - Cadmus Circa 1909 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Enchanted scene. Close-framed in est. 9.5"w x 11.5"h original frame with original backing paper and original "Cadmus, Maxfield Parrish" $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 paper label. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 294 R. Atkinson Fox - The Port of Heart's Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Ship scene. Close-framed in est. 14"w x 18"h original frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Desire unblemished condition. 295 Meta M. Grimball - And They Say Rare Meta Morris Grimball original art print. G&G #211. Circa 1908. Est. 11"w x 14"h original frame with no backing paper. 3.5 Grading with good color and mat is showing some age $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 School Days Are The Happiest Days but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 296 Maxfield Parrish - Greeting Card Grouping of three circa 1940's Maxfield Parrish original greeting card prints. All landscape scenes. Est. 20"w x 8"h older frame with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Triptych in clean & unblemished condition, although one card is loose and un-hinged.. 229977 CChhaarrlleess SSaawwyyeerr -- TThhee CCoouunnttrryy CCiirrccaa 11991155--2255 CChhaarrlleess SSaawwyyeerr oorriiggiinnaall hhaanndd--ccoolloorreedd pphhoottoo.. EExxtteerriioorr ccoouunnttrryy rrooaadd aanndd ddiissttaanntt llaakkee aanndd mmoouunnttaaiinnss sscceennee.. NNeeww EEnnggllaanndd.. OOrriiggiinnaall mmaatt,, ttiittllee aanndd ppeenn ssiiggnnaattuurree.. EEsstt.. 1155""ww $$2200..0000 $$4400..0000 $$8800..0000 Highway x 9"h" original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 298 Lamson Studios - Est. 100+ Grouping of 100+ hand-colored and unmounted Lamson Studios Photos. Various scenes. Some duplicates. In undamaged condition. $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 Unmounted Hand-Colored Photos 299 Wallace Nutting - Three Untitled Three circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. All Untitled Colonial Interior scenes. Various smaller sizes. All original mats and pen signatures. 4.0 Gradings with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Interior Scenes good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 300 Wallace Nutting - The Sunrise Call - Extremely rare circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with two Indian Maidens on lakeside rocks.. Note that this title variation is quite rare $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Rare Indian Maidens as it is usually titled "Indian Maidens" or "The Sunrise Call of the Indian Maidens" The two Indian Maidens are the Hoyt Sisters. Vermont. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 14"w x 17"h" original frame with older backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a minor bottom-edge mat stain but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 301 Wallace Nutting - Three Untitled Three circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photos. 1) Untitled House. 2) Untitled Blossoms. 3) Untitled Italian village. Various sizes. All original mats and pen $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Scenes signatures. 4.0 Gradings on #1-#2, 3.75 Grading on #3 (small mat stain), and all with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 302 Wallace Nutting - Water Borders - Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual Garden scene. Stockbridge MA. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 11"w x 9"h" original frame with $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Stockbridge MA original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 303 Wallace Nutting - Birch Brook Circa 1930-35 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Exterior birch-lined pond scene. New Hampshire. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 16"w x 13"h" original frame $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 with no backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 304 David Davidson - Birch Mirror Circa 1910-20 David Davidson original hand-colored photo. Exterior birches and lake scene. New England. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 8"w x 15"h" original frame with $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 305 Wallace Nutting - At Grandmother's Circa 1915-25 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Colonial Interior scene. New England. Original mat, title and pen signature. Est. 15"w x 13"h" older frame with newer $40.00 $80.00 $150.00 Highboy backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 306 Wallace Nutting Silhouette - Two Two original circa 1927 Wallace Nutting Silhouettes. 1) Girl leans on wrought iron fence. 2) Girl stands by cheval mirror. Wallace Nutting's Silhouettes were originally drawn by Ernest $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 Silhouette Grouping John Donnelly, a key Nutting employee. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean and unblemished condition. 307 Bessie Pease Gutmann - The New Rare Bessie Pease Gutmann original art print. G&G #709. Circa 1922. Est. 12"w x 15"h period frame with no backing paper. 3.0 Grading with good color and a cropped mat having $35.00 $70.00 $140.00 Pet some edge staining, but no image damage, and otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 308 Wallace Nutting - The Olden Time Circa 1905-10 Wallace Nutting original hand-colored photo. Misc. Unusual scene with girl on house porch. Massachusetts. Original mat, title and pencil signature. Est. 10"w x 16"h" $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 original frame with newer backing paper. 3.75 Grading with good color and a slightly dark mat but otherwise in clean & unblemished condition. 309 R. Atkinson Fox - Sentinel of the Circa 1925 R. Atkinson Fox original art print. Mountains and Lake scene. Printed title l/r. Close-framed in est. 12"w x 16"h original frame with original backing paper. 4.0 Grading with $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Ages good color and in clean & unblemished condition. 310 Maxfield Parrish - Peaceful Valley Circa 1955 Maxfield Parrish original art print. Landscape scene. Est. 16"w x 20"h original frame with older backing paper. 4.0 Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 (Homestead) condition. 311 Maxfield Parrish - Lady Violetta - Circa 1925 Maxfield Parrish original Knave of Hearts bookplate print. "Lady Violetta About to Make Tarts". Close-framed in est. 9"w x 12"h period frame with no backing paper. 4.0 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Knave of Hearts Grading with good color and in clean & unblemished condition.

Circa 1923 Maxfield Parrish large format original art print. Both framed in matching older 4"x4" frames, and both 4.0 Gradings in clean, unblemished
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