Obituaries & Death of TheOwosso Argus-Press 1986 Owosso,Michigan Shiawassee Co Compiled byMrs Franc~s ~azelton(Herber) Vernon,Mlchlgan 1987 Jan. 1 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 Megan Lynette Ackerman Marie Ackerman Eugene G. Akins Of 2015 B. Bataan Lane, Anderson Age 74, of 2150 S. Chipman St. died Age 41, of Mt. Clemens an( Air Force Base Guam was born Saturday afternoon at her home. formerly o~ OWj)sso died Aug. 15, April 9, 1986, at the Nav~l Regional Mrs. Ackerman was a 1986 at his residence. Hospit~l, Guam. She died April 10,. homeII?aker. . Mr. ,Akins was an electronic 1986. Little Megan will be flown to Services wIll be held at the St. technician. . the U.S. hopefully with botll parents Joseph Catholic Church on Tuesqay Private services WIll beheld. If where funeral' services will. be held. at 10 a.m. Rev. Fr. Donald P. Rusch any questions pleas~ call Jennings Further notice of time and date will. will officiate. with burial in St. Paul Lyons Chapel, 7~5-7171. There will be be announced. 'Cemetery. The body rests at the no visitation. Burial will be in Oak Surviving' baby Megan are her Jennings-Lyons Ch~pel. :rhere ~iI1. Hill Cemetery. parents, stationed in Guam, Sgt. be a scripture serVICe thIS evemng, Mr. Akins was born in Escanaba, Dana Brett Ackerman and .Grace 7:30atthechapel. Mich. on Nov. 19, 1944, the son of Lynette Ackerman of Flint and Ban- Mrs. Ackerman was born May 21, PaJlIE. and'Rose (Sladek) Akins. He croft; grandparents, Richard P.' 1911, the daughter of George and attended Owosso Schools, graduated Ackerman and Madeline M. Acker~i Bertha (King) Frazier. She came to from Owosso High School and at man, Vera M. PouIlion of Flint and Owosso in the early 1970's from tended Michigan Technological Bancroft, William H. PouUionof Detroit. Mrs. Ackerman attended St. University. Mr. A~ins lived in Owosso'; great-grandparents,., Jim Joseph Catholic Church and was a Owosso. from 1948 to 1968 and had and Lillian Housey of Arkansas;: member of S.C.O.A. resided in the Detroit area' since uncles, Bryan C. Ackerman,David Sqrvivors. include three sons, 1974. He was an Army veteran serv of Crain and Thomas L. Thompson Charles Prout of Battle .. Creek, ing from 1968 to 1970. Mr. Akinswas Flin~; aunts~ Cindy I:0u Carver,Ann Eugene Prout of Corunna and associated with the First {Jnited Mane Poulhon, Aprd Rose Poullion' Donald Prout of OwensborQ, Ky.; Methodist Church. of Bancroft; several gre~t-aunts and. five. daughters: Mrs. Madonna Survivors. include on~. brother, gre~t~unclesand COUSInS. Megan,! Kreger of Cary, Ill., Mrs. Yvonne ~ennethAkIns Of. ~aIamazoo; two y~q. re nO,t forgotten, loved one, nor! Crim of Hopkinsville, ~y" Mrs., SIsters, Mrs. WIlham (Rosalyn) wlll you ever be. Theresa Miron of Qwosso, Mrs.' Meyers of Kalamazoo and Mrs. Ver- Beatrice Russell of Flint, Deanna non (Paula) Thompson of Grand Prout of Owosso; 41 grandchildren; Ledge. ary Aim Isabel Mae Alhaugh several great-gran~children; two i M. brothers, Fred FraZIer of St. Ignace, Age 80, of 2230 S. Chipman St., ' Mich. and Charles Frazier. of Age 63, of 10887 Godfrey Rd., Ban Owosso and formerly of. Bannister' Epoufette, Mich. Mrs. Ackerman croft passed away Wednesday, April died Monday, March 3,1986 at her was predeceased by two sons 9, 1986 at The Memorial Hospital, home. . George and James, a daughter Owosso . .S ervices will be held at the Carter Melva Miron, one brother and one Mrs. AIm was a cook for the Funeral Home, Elsie on Thursday,; sister. Durand Lanes for approximately 20 1:30 p.m. The Rev. ArthUr Turner years. She enjoyed bowling, fishing James R. Aldrich will officiate with burial in Riverside' and cooking. Cemetery,Elsie. Age 73, of Zephyrhills, Fla., Services will be held at the Mrs. Albaugh was born in Saginaw formerly of Perry, died Wednesday, Bellows-Rinker Funeral Home, County on Aug. 15, 1905, the . Aug. 20, 1986, in Zephyrhills. Durand on Saturday at 11 a.m. with daughter of William and Lillie Services will be held at Nelson the Rev. Edward McCracken of the i (Frost) ~olt. She attended County IHouse Funeral Homes, LaRowe 1;"irst United Methodist Church of Normal College and taught school . eh I ficiating. Burial will be in Green for one year. Mrs. Albaugh resided,: ape, Perry, Saturday at 2 p.m. wood Cemetery, Vernon. The family IInterment will take place in Oak in Bannister most of her life moving Plains Cemetery, Shaftsburg. will receive friends at the funeral to Owosso in August of 1985. On April home on Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. 4, 1926, she and Harold Albaugh Ovid A. Alderman and Fri,dayfrom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. were married in Elsie. He died Dec. Mrs. Aim was born in Durand on 11, 1978. Mrs. Albaugh was; a Age 89, of Wooster, Ohio, formerly ~f July 22, 1922, the daughter of Pete member of the United Methodist Shepardsville, .. passed away Satur- and Anna (Taceff) Tony. She attend Church, Bannister and a member of day, Oct,H, 1986. ' ed school in Durand and graduated the Crescent Club in Bannister. Services will be held today in with the class of 1940. She resided SUfvivorsinclude two sons, , Wooster, Ohio, at the Presbyterian most of her life in the Durand and William Albaugh of Daytona Beach, , Church. Bancroft areas. On April 7, 1946, she Fla., Eugene Albaugh of Owosso; 17 and Edward Aim were married in grandcijil9ren and 20 great- Koates, Ind. , grandchildren. She was predeceased Survivors include her husband, by two. daughters, two grand- Edward; one sister, Katherine daughtersand her parents. Johnson of Durand; ,one brother, Carl Tony and his wife Marguerite of Durand; 25 nieces and nephews. Mrs., AIm was predeceased by her father, mother, one brother and one sister. 2 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 Arthur Albert IBetty A. Alderman Ross O. Alliton 1\ge 13 of Maple Grove TownshiP,! ,Age ~4, of 7,002 East M-2l, Ovid, . R6ss0.AIliton,74,4600W;Britton diellSuntd ay, Dec. 21, 1986, in St. dIe~ thIS mormng, Sept. 2, 1986 at thel;td., Perry, died Dec~~ The Petersburg, Fla., following a heart OVId Convalescent Manor where she~emorial Hospitl;ll, Owosso,; attack. had been a patientfor the last few Services are to be held Dec. 15 at 2 Mr. Albert was employed for morey~al's suffering from Alzheimers p.m. from Kribs Colonial Chapel, ;t han 30 years at Baker Perkins Co., ,DIsease. . Corunna, with the Rev. Bert Forrest iSaginaw, retiring' in 1972. . Mrs. Alderman and her husband, officiating. Burial is to fOlloW in ! ServicesWiIlbeheldatst.Michaell~lare, operat.ed Alderman Grocery Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Catholic Church, Maple Grove,lm She~ardsv~lle,. Owosso. Saturday at 11 a.m. Burial will be in, ServIces wIll be held Thursday at 1 The body rests at the funeral home St. . Mic:hael Cemetery. Rev. FatherIP.m: at T~e Houg~ton Chapel, Ovid. and the family will be present at the RobetfNavarre will officiate. The Bunal WIll be m Maple. Grove chapel between 2 and 4 p.m .and 7 body-will rest at Whelpley Funeral Cemetery. R?v., Rob~r~ S~lth and and 9 p.m. today and Sunday, The Home, New Lothrop where visitaJ Rev, Bruce KmtIgh wIll offICIate., family suggests memorial contribu Jion will begin Thursday after 4 p.m. M~s, Alderman was born m Hons may be given to the charity of A scripture service will be held Fri- BelgIUm ?n Nov: 26, ,1921. She ca~e one's own choice. day at 7:30 p.m. ' . ~o the Umted States,m 1~29, settlmg Mr. Alliton was born Aug, 23, 1912 .. Mr. Albert was born in Maple m ~ack~on.She has lIved m Shepard- in New Haven Township and was the l(j.!.()Ve Township' Jan 8 1913 the svllle smce 1941. She was mamed to son of Robert and Jessie (Frantz) i~(:mof Frank add M;ry' (Am~an) Clare Alderman in Shepardsville on Almon. He was a lifetime resident of Albert,. He graduated from St. June 9, 1941. Mrs. Aldern;tan w~s a S~iawassee County. ~i~haeL High School in 1929. He membe~ of the ShepardsvIlle Umted He married Jennie. J, Currier in ;re~~Uedmos~ of his life in Maple Metho~Ist Ch~rch. Kent on Oct. 24, 1944. :Gr!>ve.He and Kathryn Indlekofer Survivors mclude her. ~usband, Mr. Almon attended the New ;were married in Saginaw in 1934. Clare; one son, Tom of OVid; ,three Haven United Methodist Church and . She preceded him in death in 1974. dau?hters: Mrs .. Pat Rankm of was a member of Owosso Eagles Then he married Mary Helpa in Sl;Igmaw, :tyIs. Karen Alderman of. Aerie #851. He was a carpenter, Map Grove in 1975. He was a:Gran~RapldS,lV!rs.Sus~nStrubelof Survivors include: His wife; a .... t of St. Michael Catholic Lansmg; four grandchildren; two stepson, Levi Barnhart of Chesan- Cburch,MapleGrove. brothers,Hom~randHectorMaesof jug; a sister, Mrs. Harold (Jean) Survivors include his wife, Mary; Jackson;two SIsters, ~rs.Spranglei\dams of Owosso; 12 grand two daughters and their husbands: of Jerome and Mrs. Martha Flack of ph U d r en; and, 23 g rea t- Janet and Arthur Ruddy of N:ew AnnArbo~. '. grandchildren. i. Lothrop, Eileen and Patrick Devota ' M.emonals may be given to the He was predeceased by two of "Chesaning; five sons and their OVid Are~ Amb~lance or t~e. paughters and his wives: LaVern and MaryLou Shepardsvdle Umted MethodIst fAlbert, Edward and Ann Albert, Church. Anderson V 'k James and Janet Albert, Leo and 'Chris Albert all of chesaning, ernon 'Bue 1/ Anderson ,the:, formerly of Chesaning Robert and Rose Albert of Oakley; a Age 83, of Canal St., Chesaning' ,asmg'\rsday, Feb, 27, 1986 in stepdaughter, Helen and husband died Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1986 at Tl1e D BY\e,Fla. st. Thomas Nicholl of Petersburg, Memorial Hospital, Owosso. ed ad.! will be held at. Our Lady Fla.; a stepson, Michael and wife Services will be held Saturday;-1: ;npany xal Help Cathohc Church, Lucille Hl'llpa of New Jersey; two, p.m. at the Trinity United Methodtat:, riceas on Saturday at 11 a.m. foster children; 20 grandchildren' Church. The Rev. Dr. Brent Mc~i mtract ill be in· Mt. Calvary five stepgrandchildreni three great:, Cumons will officiate with riuthn nthae, 'i There WI'1 1· .b e a SCl''l Pt ure grandchildren; a brother, Frank W~ldwood Cemetery, Friends ndard lis evening at 8 at the MAlrbse. rFtl oorf eCnchee Ssaunminnge;r oafn Fdl oar isdias.t er·'- Hcaolml ea t tothneig h.Mt isaifutke-rM 7or soe' clIoi"c"i,rn. "".\, :a:,r rye 1d.7~, b)rFysreI, e ndFsu nmearya lc a 1·H1 to 0m da ey, Funeral arrangements by: Masonic Service will be held at . and Whelpley Funeral Home, New. Friday evening at the te such imderson moved to Lothrop. 'ily. Fla. in 1976. She was Anna E. Anderson D BY \liel Anderson; he died in feneral . . Age 90, of 202 Russell St., l>urand 'aos ma\l~t hinecilu.d e her ChI'1 dren, died Monday, Sept. 8, 1986 .. . i& \Wheel~r of Illinois, Mrs. Mrs. Anderson had worked at the .:o,Jot " of F~orida, Mike. An old Durand Hospital until she retired .i~'s"?~ \esaning, ·Richard An- in 1965. ~o\\on y.Jersey, Mrs. Diane Services will be held at the ') 1>'l~~'arles,Niel Anderson Bellows-Rinker Funeral Home, \\)etes ~·d 14 grandchildren. Durand on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1986 at2p.m. 3 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 DoloresC. Ammon Wilbur R. Andrews . Florence (McAllister) Andrews A~e 76, of Chesaning died Monday " 84, of 8262 Lempn Rd., Ban- . Age 93, of 8750 E. Monroe Rd., evening, June 16, 1986 at The w;~ft died Friday, July 25, 1986 at Durand passed away Saturday, Memorial Hospital, Owosso. . The Memorial Hospital. March 22, 1986, at The Memorial , Services will be held at Our Lady ':Mr. Andrews was a retired farmer Hospital, Owosso. of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, [aM school teacher and had taught Services will be helel at the Durand Chesaning on Thursday, 11 a.m. The '. .sunday school and Bible classes at 'Free Methodist Church, Tuesday at R?v. JalIJ~s F~lsey will officiate: ,th~ Morrice'Seventh Day Adventist 1 p.m. Burial will be in Lovejoy with bunal In Resurrection ,Cnurch. Cemetery. Reverends Delbert Cemetery. Friends may call at the Services will be held Tuesday, 1 Covington arid Robert Daughen "j .lP· Walker-Martin Funeral Home, at the Morrice Seventh Day baugh will officiate. The famiJy will Chesaning after 7 this evening.' :Adventist Church. Pastor Ken receive friends at Bellows-Rinker There will be a wake service Seymour will officiate with burial in Funeral Home today 2 to.4 and 7 to 9 Wednesday 7:30 and Knights of Col- ,Oak Grove Cemetery, Owosso. The p.m. , umbus rosary at.8:30 p.m. . ;body rests at Love Funeral Home, Mrs. Andrews was born 4 miles Mrs. Amman was born in Chesan- ;Bancroft.Friends may call until 11 southeast of Durand, March 25,1892, ing Township on July 9, 190,9. She and a .. m. Tuesday. Memorials may be the daughter of Clarence and Evva August J. Amman were married ;made to the Seventh Day Adventist Powlison. She attended the old White June 9, 1931. Mrs. Amman was a ;Churchin which he was a member. country school and resided most of I member of Our Lady of Perpetual Mr. Andrews was born in Vernon. her life in the Durand and Fenton j Ifelp Catholic Church and its Altar ;on July 21, 1902, the son of George areas. She and Claud McAllister Society. and, Lizie (Monroe) Andrews. He were married July 1, 1919, in Fenton; Survivors include her husband; ;had resided in the Bancroft area for . He passed away June 22, 1960. She four sons, three daughters and their ;over 43 years. On Sept. 3, .1930, he' and Leslie V. Andrews were married spouses, Joseph and Elaine Amman, ;and lola Olmstead were married in Aug, 8, 1963, in Durand. He passed James and Doris Amman both of Bancroft, she died Oct. 16, 1977. away A1lg. 17. 1983. Chesaning, Kenneth and Kay Am-;T~en, ~e married Alta Hanson in In~ ! Mrs. Andrews was a member of man of Lennon, Frede~ick and Cor-:diana ~ 1978.. '.. the Durand Free Methodist Church. ale Amm~n of ,chesanmg, Dorothy: SurvIvors mclude hIS wife; two She enjoyed sewing and at one time Tkaczyk of Sagmaw, Jean and Ray,daughters, Mary Lower of BattIe designed and made hats as a hobby Schnell of Chesaning, Margaret and.~Creek,· Catherine Stringhum of . Fred Dery of Owosso; 30 grand-pVid; .two ~rothets, Earl Andrews of Survivors include a son, Harold children; 16 great~grandchi1dren;Owosso, Cecil Sherman of Loma Lin- McAllister and his wife Lois of N. one brother and two sisters, Walt :da, CaiIf.;and five grillldchildren. Muskegon;' three stepchildren, Tithof and Irene Nietling both of Robert Andrews and his wife Elaine Floren',. ... Anfh""'s Chesaning, Sister Mary Bertille of M'. ...... of Lansing,. Shirley Eavy and her Grand Rapids; many nieces and "'10"''10 husband Kenneth of Linden, Joyce Ii#' nephews. Mrs. Amman was Age 77, of 115 S, Mullett Mixer and her husband Dl'!rwin of predeceased by five brothers a'nd Williamston formerly of Perry; died Bay City; 12 grandchildren; 21 VAriur. .g "ii"nt.i .a" R. . Adams . Sunday, Nov. 2, 1986 at. Whitehills great-grandchildren; a brother, and Health Care Center, East Lansing. many nieces and nephews. She was Age 72, of 645 Woodlawn, died Sun'" Services wiIlbe held at the. Perry predeceased by. her husbands, two Free Methodist Church on Wednes- brothers, and a SIster, day afternoon, Dec. 7, 1986 at he!o d t 2' ' . daughter's residence" ay a. :30 p.m. with burial· taking The family suggests memorials to Services will be h~ldat Jennings;! pl~ce In Roselawn Ce~etery: ~ev; the Durand Free Methodist Church. f Lyons Chapel on Wednesday at R~c~ar? Wa,dsworth wIll offICIate. PIll 'th' b '1' P' T;' VISItatIOn wIll be today at Nelson- • '. WI . urla In Ine. ree House Funeral Homes, LaRowe C?mete~y: R,ev, James E, BolIn ~l:'~ Cpapel, Perry from 9,9 p.rn; with the~ wIll ?fflclate. The body rests ~t family receiving friendS f' 2-4 JennIngs-Lyons Chapel wher.:e m and 79 . rom visitation will be Tuesday from 2'4 p., • p.m. and 7-9 ,p.m. Memo,rials are" sug~:: gested to the American Canel!p 'Society or Friends o( Hospice. " Mrs. Adams was 'born in Ionia on Sept. 12, 1914, the daughter of Alei~ artder and Lilly (Anderson) Hodgson .. She wafs married to Ahijall L; Adams III who predeceased her in 1985. A member of the First Bap':: tist Church in Owosso, Mrs. Adams was also a m~mber of the V.F.W. Auxiliary and the Girl Scouts.' ' Survivors inclUde her son, Ahijill) of Belleview, Neb:; four daughters; Mrs,. . Beverly Tanner .Of Corunn.~!. i Mrs; James Warol) .Cushman of Trava~es, Fla.;'Mrs~ James (Judy! Schultz. of Owosso and Mrs.. Roger (Cindy) Phelps of Owosso; 12 grand" children and several great~' grandchildren. ' 4 The owosso Argus Prees 1986 ~;o~ise E. "Dolly"Angell Petty Officer Kevin A. Angell ':Age 55, of· 828 Nafus St" Owosso Age 21, of 700 W. Front St., OvId died Thursday, Sept. 18, 1986 at and was serving in the U. S. Navy in 'ipllrrow Hospital, Lansing. Alameda, Calif. aboard the .Carl Mrs. Angell was a hom!;}maker Vinson died Sunday, Feb. 9, 1986 in ,I lind had worked at Redmonds for i the Alameda Hospital. ;wer~lyears. , i Mr. Angell was a nuclear power ·;Y'Services will be held .at the i electrician. ' IJlflfg~ton ChaI>el,' Ovid on Saturday, Services will beheld at the Holy ft~I1~· 20, 1986 a~ 1 p.m. Rev ~ . D~n Family Catholic Church 'on Sunday, liowditch will offIciate with burial In Feb. 16 at 1 p.m. Rev. Fr. Terry 'ltaple Grove Cemetery, Ovid. Healy will officiate With burial in to lit!(tloril:tls are suggested the cor-I Maple Grove Cemetery., Memorials '!Jnna V.F.W. .. I may be given to. the Ovid-Elsie ': Mrs. Angell was born In OVId on· Sports Boosters. FrIends may call at ::Ian. 21, 1931, the' daughter of Lou. the Houghton Chapel, Friday after 9 ~ndMable (Speigel) McCarrick. She a.m. , '''ad resided in the Corunna and Mr. Angell was born Dec. 27; 1964 6wosso areas most of her lite. She in Owosso the son of Douglas and married Armond "Red" Moore in Charlena (Carroll) Angell. He was a 1949, he predeceased her in 1972. 1983 graduate of Ovid-Elsie ijigh Then she married Arlow "Hank" School where he had served as class Angell Aug. 30, 1975 in OVid., He ,died"president for four years, member of in 1985. Mrs. Angell was a member the . National Honor Society, a of the V.F. W. Auxiliary in Corunna. member of the Marauder Bailket~al~ I Survivors include her mother,: Team was Student of the Week In a Mrs. Mable McCarrick of Ovid; two! Ilis se~ior year an!i member-of the sons, Gary and Robert B. Moore of: Holy Family Catholic Church. . Owosso; two daughters, ,Mrs.! Survivors include his parents; one L(m~nn Jacobs and Mrs. ,Cheryl brother, Travis Angell; grand~ Swifley both of Corunna; 11 grand- mother, Mrs. RoszellAngelI of OV1Q; childre~; th~ee brothe~s,. Donald gran(iparents, Mr. Imd\,Mrs. JQe M~carrlCk of Warren, WlllIs of Cor- Homola of Owosso; great: u~na; Edward of Harrison} three grandmother, Mrs. Daisy Louth ~f. Sisters, Mrs. Ruth Cummmgs of Harrison; several aunts and uncles. Florida, Mrs. Lieda Laberty of 'White Cloud and Mrs. Judy Passmore of Ferndale, Mich. 5 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 David Edward Anderson Kath~yn lucille And~rson Anna E. Anderson Age 73, ofA10 N. Ball St., OwossG Age 75, of Durand passed away Age 90, of 202 Russell St., Durand passed away today, Jap. 8, 1986 at Saturday, July 12, 1986, at Flint died today, Sept. 8, 1986 at McLaren The Memorial Hospital, Owosso, .. ' Osteopathic Hospital, following a Hospital, Flint after a short illness. Mr. Anderson was a conductor on short illness. Mrs. Anderson had worked at the the Ann Arbor Railroad for 40 years, Services will Qe held at Bellows- old Durand Hospi~al until she retired retiring in 1975. Rinker Funeral Home, Durand, in 1965. Services will be held at St. Jolm's, Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Services will be held at the United Church of Christ on· Greenwood Cemetery, Vernon. Rev. Bellows-Rinker Funeral' Home, 2 p.m. with the Rev. R'Dean SmIth Fred Knecht will officiate. The fami- Durand on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1986 officiating: Burial will be in Hillcrest. ly will receive friends at the funeral at 2 p.m. Burial will be Thursday in Memorial Gardens. The body will home today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Boyne City: The family will receive rest at the Nelson-House Funeral Mrs. Anderson was born in Vernon friends at the funeral home Tuesday Homes, Knapp & Smith Chapel Township, Aug. 15, 1911, the 2 to 4 and 7to 9 p.m. . tonight after 7:00. daughter of Darwin C. and Pearl Mrs. Anderson was born in i Mr. Anderson was born in Elberta, (Shaw) Moore. She graduated from Morley, Mich. on Dec. 11, 1895, the Mich. on Feb. 29, 1912, the son of Durand High School in 1928 and daughter of George and Rose (Reid), Edward and Venetta (Cornell), resided all her life in the Durand Reed. She had resided in Boyne City Anderson. He resided in Owosso for area. She and John C. Anderson and the past 30 years in Durand. On the past 60 years. On March 29, 1941, were marded in St. Johns in 1928. July 15, 1911, she and Harrison R. he and Phyllis Sanftleben were Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Anderson were married in Boyne Ci married in Napolean, Ohio. Mr. Eastern Stars, the Railroad ty. Mrs. Anderspn attended the Oak Anderson was a member of St., Locomotive Engineers Ladies Aux- Street Baptist Church, was a John's United Church Qf Christ, a iliary. . member of the Ladies Auxiliary of veteran of the U.S. Air Force ser- A housewife and mother, she also Reed-Raymond V.F.W. Post, 2272. I ving during World War II and .a worked for Jobs Daughters and did She enjoyed crocheting "'ld knitting. ,member of the Brotherhood of various volunteer work in the Sur" i VOl' sin c Iud e t h l' e e Railroad Trainmen. He was. an avid, Durand area. daughters, Rose Taylor of Algenac, tennis player, winning several city Survivors include: two sons, Wanda Dougherty of Durand, Lu championships. Donald of Traverse City.and Terry Koryciak of Flint; 22 grandchildren; Survivors include his, .wife, of. Durand; two daughters, Patsy 39 great-grandchildren; three great Phyllis; a. brother, Kenneth (Bye)i Robinson and Lila Anderson, both of great-grandchildren and niany other Anderson of' Owosso; a sister, Mrs. Durand; her mother,Pearl Moore of relatives. Mrs. Anderson was James (Ella) Basso of Lansing; and Durand; 20 graMchildren; 20 great- predeceased by her husband and sElVeral nieces and nephews. , grandchildren; three nieces. She four sons. Memorials are suggested to the st. was predeceased by her. husband Elmo D. Augustine John's United Church of Christ. . aIJdason,~ohn. . Age 82, of 5067 N. Ridge Rd., The family suggest memorIals to, Chesaning died Saturday May 3 the American Lung Association of 1986 " Mi.;higan. M~. Augustine was a farmer apd G.M. factory worker. He ,was one of the few remaining participants of ,; the G. M. Sit Down Strike of 1935. Services will be held at the Kribs Colonial Chapel, Corunna on Tues day, May 6,1986 at 1 p.m. The Rev. Earl E. Skinner will officiate with burial in Easton Cemetery. The family will-be present at the funeral home today 2 t04 and 6 to 9 p.m. Those planning an expression of sympathy may wish to consider the Pleasant View Hospital. ~r. Augustine was born in New Haven Township. on March 6, 1904,: the sori of Melvin and Alice (Jacobs) Augustine. He was a Ilfetime resi~ dent of the New Haven Township. On April 9, 1924, he and Maudie I. Mallery were married in New Haven Township; they had been married for 62 y.ears. Mr. Augustine was a member of the Easton Church of Christ . . Survivors . include his ;wife, Maudie; a sister, Mrs. Harold (Mildred) Conklin of Owosso; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Iral (Helen) Wallace of Ypsilanti; several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his parents;. a sister and a brother. 6 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 Rose C.Baleja Marguerite Elizabeth Bacen Age 86, of Corunna, died this mor Age 88, of Owosso, formerly of ning, Nov. 8, 1986, at. The Memorial Clearwater, Fla., passed away Hospital, Owosso. SaturQay, Nov. 8, 1986, at the Arrangements ate being made by Durand Convalescent Center. Scarlett's Funeral Home. Services will be held in Clear water, Fla. on Thursday, November Harry John Baleja 13, 1986. The family will receive Age 66, of 521 Randolph, Owosso, friends at Nelson-House Funenll passed away Monday, July 21,1986, Homes, Knapp & Smith Chapel this , evening from 7 to 9. at The MemorialHospital, Owosso. Memorial are suggested to the Mr. Baleja worked for A & P in church of the donor's choice. Owosso and Flint for 32 .years in management. Services will he held at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Friday at 11 a.m. Age 92, of Kiwanis Village, passe.d Burial will he in St. Paul Catholic away Wednesday, July 2, 1986, in Cemetery. Fr. Duaine Pamment Lansing. She was formerly of South will officiate. Visitation will he at Ruess Road. " Nelson-House Funeral Homes, Services will he held at 11 a.m., Knapp & Smith Chapel today and Saturday at the Nelson-House Thursday, 9 to 9. There will he a Funeral Home, Knapp and Smith rosary Thursday at 8 p.m. .C hapel. Burial will take place in Oak Mr. Baleja was born in Corunna, Hill Cemetery. Mr. Bert Forrest will Feb. 14, 1920, the son of John and officiat~. Visitation will begin Rose (Kwart) Baleja. He attended tonight after 7:00 and Friday from 2 schools and resided most of his life " Age 10, of 2400 N; M-52, Owosso to 4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in the Owosso area. He and Dorothy Id ied Tuesday afternoon at Ingham Mrs. Badgero was born in Owosso Brant were married in Owosso, July Medical, Lansing. . on September 26, 1893, the daughter 1, 1950. He was a mem,her of St. Jason was a 5th grader at Central! of Warren and Florence Britten. She Joseph Catholic Church and past SchooL . . resided all of her life in Owosso. She member of Knights of Columbus. Services will be held at the St. was married to Bruce E. Badgero in Survivors include: his wife . Paul Catholic CJ1Urch on Saturday at Ovid on Nov. 29, 1915. Mrs. Badgero Dorothy; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph 10 a.m. The Rev. Fr. Robert D. was a homemaker. She was a (Mary) Bloomfield of Owosso; a son Kolenski will officiate with burial in member at Bennington United and daughter-in-law, Gregory and St. Paul Cemetery. Friends may call Methodist Church. Jane Baleja of Hazel Green, Wis.; at the Jennings-Lyons Chapel Survivors include one son and two grandchildren, Katherine and i. Thursday after 2 p.m. and fill day I daughter in law, Warren and Irma Matthew; his mother, Mrs. Rose Friqay. A Scripture Service' will be Badgero of Bennington Township; Baleja of Corunna; many nieces and held at the chapel Friday evening at nine grandchildren and six great- nephews. He was predeceased by his 8. The family suggests memorials in grandchildren. father.John in 1953, a brother Frank Jason's name to Central School. Memorials are suggested to in 1961, and a sister Mrs. Clara . I Jason was born in Owo~so on June Kiwanis Village or to the Bennington Bryant in 1973. . 10, 1975, the son of Rober~ and Arlene United Methodist Church. Memorials are suggested to: St. (VogI) Ardelean. He had resided all Joseph Catholic Church, Michigan his life in this comml,lnity. Jason was Geraldine Bailor Heart Association or American Caneer Association. a member of the St., Paul Catholic Age 60, of Crystal, Mich., died Church, former Cub Scout. and Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1986, at The played Little League Soccer and Memorial Hospital, Owosso. . R. G. Bane·reft Baseball. Services will be held at Estes- Age' 72, of 6327 Faragher Rd::, Survivors include his parents;five Leadley Funeral Home, Lansing Ovid, passed away Sunday, August brothers, Kenneth, at home, Jeffrey, . Chapel, Monday at 1 p.m. Burial will 24, 1986, at the' Ovid Convalescent at home, Daniel and Wendy of be in Greenwood Cemetery, Marion. Manor. . . :, Owosso, Nathan, at home, Robert, at Pastor Lewis Wo\>d will officiate. tne Services will be held at home; grandmothers, Mrs. Visitation will be today thru SUllday. Duplain Church of Christ, Tuesday Catherine Ardelean of Owosso; Mrs. Don (R«;lberta) Bisel of Ft. Worth, at 1 p.m. Burial will be in DuplaiO Cemetery. Rev. Phil Bea,vers will of. Texas; aunts and Uncles. ficiate. Contributions may be made to th~ Duplain Church of Christ. Arrangements by Osgood Funeral Home, St. Johns. 7 1986 The Owosso Argus Prees Thadeus E. Baldwin 'George F.Banker Jr. Grace M. Bankts~m Age 72, of Chesaning died Tuesday Age 64,0£369 ~amb, Perry passed Age 87; passed' away Thursday, i morning, June 3, 1986. ", . ,.,' away Sunday, ¥arch 9, 1986 at The July 10, 1986, at St. Marys Hospital, Mr. Baldwin was retired from MemorialHospltal, Owosso. Grand Rapids. RoycraftContempriHomes. Mr. Banker was a superintend~nt Services will be held at Bennett Services will be held at the St. with Hanel-Vance ConstructIOn ,Funeral Home, Beulalf;:Saturday at Michael's Catholic Church, Mapl~Company. 2 p.~m~ ".~ Grove on Fridayat 11 a.m. The Rev.: Services will be held at the Nelson- Mrs. Banktson was born June 8, Robert Navarre will officiate with jHouse Funeral Homes, LaRowe 1899, in Benzie County where she bUrial in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Chapel, Perry on Wednesday at. 2 spent most of her life ,lOd was mar Chesaning. Friends may call at the,j p.m. with the Rev. Geor~e V. Harr!s ded to Arthur Banktson. He Walker-Martin Funeral Home, officiating. Burial wIll be m predeceased her in 1964. Most olthe Chesaning after 7 this evening. Roselawn Cemetery. Visitation will past 7 years she liv:ed with her Thursday there will be a wake s,er: be this evening from 6 to 9 a!ld daughter in Perry and the firstoUhe vice at 7:30 p.m: and a Knights of Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. wIth year was' placed in the Benzie Columbus rosary at 8:30 p.m; the family receiving friends between MedicaiFacility, Frankfort. Mr. BaldWin was born in Saginaw 1 and 3 and 6and 9 p.m. Survivors include, two sons;. For- on Dec. 24, 1913. He married Edna Mr. Banker was born on Aug. 30, rester Banktson of Grand Rapids Splegle in 1934, she died in 1966, .. 1921, the son of George H. and E~la and Jim and wife Betty Banktsbn of Then, he married Irene Yaklin in (Cole) Banker. He attended Hm- Frllnkfort;three daughters: Jtihe 1967, she died July 21, 1984. Mr.ckley Grade S~hool and Per~y ~i~hBllj;terjIlore, of Grand' RapidS, Baldwin was a member of th~ School. He reSIded most of hIS hfe In B~fltrice and husband Paul Hopkins Knights of Columbus Council 112943" the Perry area. On Sept. 11,1943, he of (jrand Rapids, and Peggy Zilch of and was a veteran of World War II. '. and Graee D. Close were married in Perry; 23' grandchildren; "33 great- Survivors include one stepson and Abilene, Texas. He attended Perry grandchildren; one great-great five stepdaughters, George .Yaklin Church of the Nazarene a¢ was a grandchild; four sisters; Bessie of Chesaning, Mrs, Harold (Pat) mem.ber of the V.F.W. and the Telfer of Owosso, Bernice Marten Kulhanek of New Lothrop, Mrs. Dale Carpenters Local 1/1449, Lansing. son, Rena Rodal, and Tessie (Margaret) Gerding of Chesaning; Survivors include his wife, Grace; , Banktson, ~ll of Frankfort; a sister Mrs. Larry (Joyce) Gross of Mon" two sons and wives: George F. in-law, Mrs. Otis (N,eva) Forrester t r 0 s e , Mrs. M ike {J a n eland Jill Banker III, Mark L. and of Owosso. She was predeceased by Hemgesberg and Mrs .. Andy Elizabeth Banker; one daught~r, I an infant daughter, Ervillaand a (Paulette> Knieper both of Chesan- Mrs. Dennis (Cheryl) Rosen; fIve son, Robert. b ing; 11 stepgra~dchildren; four, granddaughters; one grandson; one I ' stepgreat-grandchtldren and one brother, Robert Banker; one Sls~r, IJean E. Bar er brother,J.C.BaldwinofMidland. Mildred Hill. '.., Age 74., of312 N. Oak St., Durand CI"fAK . BAntle Bruce T Ball ' died Monday, Oct.. 27, 1986 due t~ a .. v .. ' . heart attack at The MemOrial Age 76, of New Haven, passed Age 32, of Lennon died Tuesday, Hospital. , . away Wednesday, July 2,1986. Sept. 23; 1986 in El Reno, Okla. Mrs. Barber was a homemaker. Services will be held on Saturday Services will be' held at theSharfJ Services will be held at the Kribs at 1: 30 p~m,' at Houghton Chapel, Funeral, Home, Swart~ Cr,eek ~n Colonial Chapel, Corunna on Thurs Ovid with hurial taking place in Saturday at 1 p.m. BurIal wIll be lnday oct, 30 at 10:30 a.m. The Rev; Maple Grove Cemetery. Rev. Ward Sunset Hills Cemetery. Friends may Leoriard W. Gamber will officiate Miller will officiate. Visitation will ,_call at the funeral home 2 to 9 today. with burial in Greenwood Cemetery, :Gertrude Cecelia Bates' w:il1 begin after 2 p.m. Friday. venion. The family be ~resent Mrs. Bantle was born in Elwell on' Age 71, of Laingsburg and residing at the funeral home thIS evemng 7 to April 3, 1909, the' daughter of I ' 9 p.m. and Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to Christopher and Sarah (Sanderson) it; Florida during the winter months 9 p.m. Louth. She resided most of her life in SInce 1960, pa.ssed aw~y TUe~day,; Mrs. Barber was born in Moose the Detroit area. She was married to Feb .. 11, 1986 m Sun CItr RegIOnal jaw, Saskatchewan on June 15, 1912, Francis Hendershot. After his death, ~edleal Center, Sun CIty Center, the daug,hter of Alamando M. and she was married to Lyle Varnor. Fla. , Minnie Brown. She came to .Durand, After his death, she was married to Mrs. Bates w~s a homem~ker and in 1940 from Flint. 'Warren Bantle. Mrs. Bantle was had been a reSIdent of Lamgsburg Suryivor~ include two. sons, retired in 1980 from the Bank of for 26;v:ears; Lawrence A. Barber of Umsmg and I Commonwealth, Detroit. SerVICes were to be held Saturday, Jack L. Barber of Owosso; also two . . Feb. 15, at Lewers Funeral I!0~e grandchildren. SurVIvors Include her husband" Chapel, Ruskig; Fla. with bunal In Memorials are suggested to the Warren; fo~r brothers: Lawrenc~ East Lawi1N'lemory Gardens in h it of our choice. ' Louth of Lamgsburg, Robert Louth Okemos, Mieh: c ar y y of Owosso, Cristy Louth of St. Johns ' Glady'" Ann Bartell and Walter Louth of Ovid; three ., sisters: Mary Lorenz of Evert, Funeral services were held Satur Helena Goodrich of Ovid anji Marion day, Aug. 23, 1986 in Fort Myers, Green of Henderson. She WaS Fla. Mrs. Bartell died in Fort Myers . preceded in death by one son, Jack Hospital, ThurMay,.:Aug. 21, 1986. Hendershot. 8 The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 Claude Barrett Ruth B. Barnum Phyllis Mary Barnes i Age 54, of7815 E. M-21, Ovid died Age 72 of 9324 Michelle Dr., Age 57, of 400 Second North st ' Saturday, Feb. 22, 1986 at the Flint D ddT d Laingsburg passed away Jan. 1~,' l\;Iel1lorialHospital. . uran, passe away ues ay, 1986 tS " He had worked at GM Truck and F,ebruary 18, 1986, at Durand Con- a parrow Hospital, Lansing. valescent Center. Mrs. Barnes was employed by i Coach in Pontiac, Midland-Ross for Services will be held at Kribs Toledo Commutator Co. as a mold 26 years until it closed and most. . i t f recently aU.T.T. Hancock Elsie. . Colomal Ch~pel, .Coru~na, FrIday at opera or or 20 years and Pooles '. 111 a.m. BUrIal wIll be m Greenwood Supermarket in Laingsburg for 13 Services will be held ~t the First Cemetery; Vernon. Pastor Harry years. Assembly of God Church m St. J~hns : ~eeks will officiate. The family will Services will be held at the Nelson 'o~ Tuesday at 1 :30 p:m. Servl<:es be present at the funeral home from House Fu~eral Homes, McDougall Will be conducted by hIS brother-m- 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and Chapel,. Lamgsburg on Saturday at 1 law, ~he Rev. Joseph F. Eger Jr.; T~ursday. ~'Il!' ~lth the R~v. Brian Byrn of and. hIS ~eph*:w, R;v. Joseph W. Those planning an expression of flclatmg. BUrIal will be in Eger. BUrIal Will ~e m Maple G~ove sympathy may wish to consider the. Laingsburg Cemetery. Visitation Cemetery. MemorIals may be given Alzheimer'S Disease Association or' today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to .the First Assembly of God the Durand-Vernon Ambulance. Mrs. Barnes was born in Clinton Church. Mrs. Barnum was born in County on Sept. 1, 1928, the daughter Mr. Barrett W;lS born Aug. 25, 1931 Morrice, Nov. 4, 1913, the daughter of Vern Price and Edna Phinney. in Georgia, the son of Robert and of Frank and Frances (Hankinson) She attended Laingsburg schools, Carrie (Bryson) Barrett., He Mortimore. She spent her lifetime in g~adu;lted from the Laingsburg graduated from Sexton High School, the Durand area. She and Guy H. High School and resided most of her Lansing. He had resided in Ovid Barnum were married at Lobdell life in the Laingsburg area. She and since 1955. On Jan. 22, 1955, he and Lake, July 4, 1937. He died Jan. 8, Charles Barnes were married in Mary Anne Eger were married in 1984. . Owosso on Nov. 29, 1970. She was a Owosso. Mr. Barrett was a veteran Mrs. Barnum was a homemaker member of the First Congregational of the U. S. Army during the Korean and former member of the Rebekah Church, Laingsburg and the . War. Lodge.' ; American Legion Auxiliary Post 248.: He was a member of the First Survivors include four daughters 1 Survivors include her husband; l Assembly of God Church, St. Johns, and their husbands: Darlene and Charles; a daughter, Carol Weller; a was the G,ospel Sing Coordinator for . Raymond Cole of Gaines, Tamara son, Gary Hart; four grandchildren, 20 years, Sunday School Superin- and Karl Robins of Durand, Gaylene Ron .and Kathy Weller, Kim and tendent, Bpard Member and Elder. Barnum of N. Charleston, S.C, Kame Hart} four stepchildren; 17 Mr. Barrett sold jelly beans at his Edwina and Charles Johnson of stepgra~dchIldren; five stepgreat home for several years to finance Gaines; three sons and wives: Larry gra~dchIldren; a sister,' Allene I. gospel singing concerts at his. and Sue Barnum of Bancroft, Edwin Phelfer of Drayton Plains;. and a church. .' . H. and Ruth Barnum of Mt. Morris, brother, Robert Price of DeWitt. . Survivors include his wife; son-in-I Terry Barnum of Durand; 12! .Memorials are suggested to the law and daughter, Mark and Claudie' grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. FI~St . Congregational Church, Pluger of Ovid; his mother, Mrs. Doris Barnum of Corunna and Mrs.! Lamgsburg. . I Carrie Barrett of Hiawassee, Ga.; Shirley Remington of Largo, Fla.! Gerald E. Bauer four brothers, Carl and Cecil of She was preceded in death QY her' Clarksvm~, Ga., Cline of H.ia:vassee,.1 h,usband, parents, a brothel,;, and ..8.•. A 75 f 547·4 B II 0 k Rd Ga., LucUls of Young Harns, Ga.; sister. .J1'' . ge! o. 1.'7L2 ea. ., two sisters, 'I\1rs. Pauline England of': . ,- ., '. .". -- Web~ervIIle. dIed Tuesday, Apnll, Blairsville, Ga. and Mrs. Florence m November 1945. . 1986 m Lansmg. BentleyofFloweryBranch,Ga. Mr. Bush attended George .M!'.Bauer was a farmer most of . .. Washington College, Va., during the hishfe. Arrangements are bemg handled winter of 1946 but returned to Services will be held at the Gor- by the Houghton Chapel of Ovid. Michigan in the spring to help take sline-Runciman, Williamston Wilbert G. (Harold) Bush Icare of his mother. Then he enrolled Chapel on Thursday at 1 p.m. Rev. at Michigan State College in the fall Wayne Babco~k will officiate with Age 71, of 1608 Young St., Owosso of 1946 graduated in June 1950 with a burial in Bell Oak Cemetery. The died Sunday, July 6, 1986 at his B.S. in Engineering. family will receive friends at the residence. In May 1947, he married, a widOW, funeral home today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Mr. Bush was born in Perry A. Elaine (Ceasar) Mulholland. p.m. Township on Feb. 6, 1915, the second During his life he wQrked a v,ariety Mr. Bauer was born in Brighton on child of Burney and Audrey (Cilley); of jobs, including farming, painting, July 1, 1910 .. Bush. Later that year his father truck driving and factory work. Survivors include a daughter, Lois died. . . After graduation from college, he Lad~ of New. Hudson; two sons, In July 10,1923, his mother, moved worked for John Bean Engineering LoUls of Webberville, Edward of to their'small fa~ily Ithaca,IMich.lfor a short time, then went to work Perry; eight grandchildren: Mark where she worked as a live-in I for the State Highway Department Lada, Kim, Jim, Chris, Pat, Julie, housekeeper. i from which he retir.ed in 1980. Norm and Jeannie Bauer and one Harold, as his mother called him,1 Survivors inciude his wife, Elaine; sister, Evange Salisbury of attended the rural schools in the a stepdaughter; Carol Morecroft of Brooklyn, Mich. area and graduated from Ithaca Owosso; two daughters, Ann Stolz of High School in 1933. Davison and Kathy Kolmodin (If Mr. Bush was drafted July 1942 Dowagiac; a son, Wesley Bush of and trained in radio communica-, Owosso; four grandchildren; and a tions. He served in the Air Corps inl sister, Esther Van Wey of Lansing. Europe being honorably discharged: A memorial service was held at 9 ~ The Owosso Argus Prees 1986 Titus Bauhammer ,D.b...•.• rwin A. '."DU.h. " B,a, r.cus ..; Caroline Mary (Roll) . Age 74, of 515 E. Mam St., Vernon.; Bauhammer Age 83, of 1333 W. Grand River, dlEl~ Saturday' ev~ning.. Oct; 4, 1986,' Howell and formerly of Perry died at'l'heMemorialHospital. '; Age77,ofHoweUdiedSundaY,Ju- Saturday, Oct.'4, 1986, 7:18p.m. at 1!tta:n,y years ago, Mr. Barcus own~ :ly .. 27, 1986, at the Livingston Care McPherson Hospital, Howell. ;tld"o!.'thside Texaco and fQr.many ;Center, Howell. Mrs. Bauhammer Mr. Bauhammer worked for , yea~$was the manager of the sports~ad been ill for the past month. She I Gener~l Motors Corporation in tool Montgomery .ward. ,was formerly of Perry. and dIe and also was partner of orial service will be held at: Services will be held at St. Mary's Perry Oil & Gas for 21 years .. '. . ings-Lyons Chapel on Tues-,Catholic Church, Morrice on Services will be held at the St. d~·~t.3 p.m. The Rev., Ray D. Field,:Wednesday at 11 a.m. Burial will be Mary's Catholic Church, Morrice on wil,1officiate. There will be novisita-::in BethanY Cemetery, Morrice. Tuesday at 11 a.m. Father James ti91l~ ,', ,'Father James Schmitt will officiate. Schmitt will officiate with burial in Mr. Barcus was born in Elberta/The body; rests at Nelson-House Bethany Cemetery. The body rests Mich. on April 2, 1912, the son of Ira Wuneral Homes, LaRowe Chapel. at the Nelson-House Funeral Homes,.' M, and Marie (Adams) Barcus. He ;The family will receive friends to- LaRowe Chapel; Perry today until 9.\ attended Owosso Schools and resid-(day from 2-9 p.m. and Tuesday from i p.m. ' ed alibis life in this area. He mar-1,9-9 p.m. !t. rosary will be held Tues-' Mr. Bauhammer was born in I ried Odessa Wiser, she died in 1954.:day evening at 7:30 at the funeral· HuetWng, Germany on Jan. 25, 1903, ( Then, he married Betty M. Staines ;,hOme. , the son of Michael al;ld Mary l in 1957. Mr. Barcus was a veteran of' Mrs. Balihammer was born in Los (Schafner) Bauhammer. He had Worid War II serving in the U.S.iAngeles, Calif. on Oct. 23, 1908, the residled in Perry since 1948. On July Nav:y. including duty in the South daughter. of Camill .and Celine 8, 1933, he married Caroline Mary Pacific. He was a member of the' (Farin) Roll. Sbe resided in the Roll in St. Mary's Church, Morrice. DurandV.F.W. Post #2272. Perry area since 1948 and attended She died JUly 27, 1986.Mr. Hauham- Survivors include his wife; two Brown School. She was married to ,mer' was a member of the St. Mary's sons, James Barcus of Owosso, Gary Titus Bauhammer on July 8, 1933 at !Cat~lolic Church. . Bur c ham 0 f. 0 w 0 s so; f 0 u r St. Mary's Catholic Church, Mor- SUr.vivors include two sisters, daugbters, Terry Lange of Walled rice. . MrS.. Bauhammer w,as a :Mrs,. Pauline Haller of Manchester,. Lake, Linda Letts of Linden, Susan member of. St. Mary's Catholic ~l1icjn., Mrs. Hilda Eble of Detroit; Tarrant of Durand,. Christine Ellis of CllUrch and ~lso a past member of seVElral nieces. and nephews; one Vernon; nine granddaughters andl,the Altar Society. She was a brother, Genros Bauhammer of one grandson; three Sisters, Maxineh~memaker. ~,rg!entina. Mr, Bauhammer was Swan of Mt. Clemens, Arlene Bir-I' :Survivors include her husband, predeceased by his wife, five ichmeier of Swartz Creek and Mary Titus; one sister, Mrs; Mary Har-bll'o1:hersandfoursisters. Hoehn of ~ew Lothrop. Mr. Barcus djng of Stanton; two brothers: i Madeline Baxter was predeceased by his parents and E.;rnest Roll of Detroit and Modest' Age 62 . f 1118 S C' a sister; 'Rollo f Holt She Was predeceased by 0 .. ' ~ 0 .' hlpman, . three brothers and one sister. wosso, dIed ~unday, Oct. 19, 1986 at Alva C. Bemiss Sparrow HospItal, Lansing. Age, 88, of S. wartz Cree.k, Hazel E. B.t>rry S~rvices will beheld at Trinity d ~ Umted .Methodist Church on longtime reSl?ent of Byron" dIe ! Age 88, of 909 N. Saginaw St., Wednesday, 2 p.m. with burial in Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1986, at DurandDurand died Wednesday,March 5, Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Rev. Conval~cent ~enter. . . 1986 at the Durand ConvalesceI:lt Gordon Boyd will officiate. The body ServIces WIll be held at Sharp, Center. ;. rests at Jennings-Lyons Chapel . Funeral ,Home, 8138 Miller Rd., Mrs. Berry was a homemaker.' where the family will receive friends Swa.rtz c.r11eebk, :rhursday ~t 1 p.m. Services will be held at the Kribs today, 7-9 p.m. and Tuesday 2-4 BUrIal "':1 e 10 Byro~ eID:e~ery. Colonial Chapel on Saturday March p.m. and 7-9 p.m. ' Dr: Regmald ~attell WIll offlCIate,'8, at 1 p.m. The Rev. Ed McCracken Mrs. Baxter was born in FrIendfS may call at the fUtn~a; will officiate with burial in Hillcrest Louisville, Ala. on July 11 1924 the home rom 9 a.m. to 9 p:m .. 0 as;Memorial Gardens, Owosso. The daughter of Albert a~d Alma and .Thursday 9 a.m. unbl time 0 body rests at the chapel where the (McLendon) Horne. She resided in servIce. family will receive friends Friday 2 Owosso since 1963. She anq JUlian A. to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Baxter were married in 1946. Mrs. Mrs. Berry was born in Cohoctah, Baxtel' was a member of the Trinity . Mich. on April 2, 1897, the daughter United Methodist Church and also of John and May Belle (Gleason) The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Shrepfer. She and Frank S.Berry Survivors include her husband were married in Dur~nd on Feb. 28, Julian A.; her children: Thorn D. of 1917. He died Jan. 20, 1965. Charlotte, N.C., Mrs. Scott (Sandra) Survivors include one daughter" Su~ton of Biloxi, Miss., Mrs. Gary Wanetta and husband Ricnard· (RIta) Gregoricka of Alta Lorna Jeffery of Omaha, Neb.; three sons, Calif., Dan A. of Coral Springs, Fla.: Frank W. Berry and wife, Hellen of and Mrs. Jamie (Rhonda) Hayes of Durand, L.f)ster Berry of Durand, Owosso; seven grandchildren; one . Melvin Berry and wife Elaine of brother, Clyde Horne of Livermore Marion, Ohio; 16 grandchildren and Calif., two sisters, Mrs. Loui~ 26 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Berry (Margaret) Missaggia of. Clifton, was predeceased by two sons and N.J. and Mrs. Donald (Georgia) three daughters, Hinkley, Binghamton, N.Y.