A.-A.Weller 140 Bull. B.O.C. 2005 125(2) References: Angehr,G.R.,Christian,D.G.&Aparicio,K.M. 2004.AsurveyoftheSerraniadeJungurudo,aniso- latedmountainrangeineasternPanama.Bull. Brit. Orn. CI. 124: 51-62. Fitzpatrick,J. W.,Terborgh,J.W. &Willard,D. E. 1977.Anewspeciesofwood-wrenfromPeru.Auk 94: 195-201. Fitzpatrick, J. W., Willard, D. E. & Terborgh, J. W. 1979. Anew species ofhummingbird from Peru. WilsonBull. 91: 177-186. Fitzpatrick,J.W. &O'Neill,J.P. 1979.Anewtody-tyrantfromnorthernPeru.Auk96: 443-447. Fjeldsa, J. & Krabbe, N. 1990. Birds ofthe highAndes. Zool. Mus., Univ. ofCopenhagen &Apollo Books, Svendborg. Heindl, M. & Schuchmann, K.-L. 1998. Biogeography, geographic variation and taxonomy of the AndeanhummingbirdgenusMetalluraGOULD, 1847.J. Orn. 139: 425-473. O'Neill, J. P. &Graves,G. R. 1977.Anewgenusandspeciesofowl(Aves: Strigidae) fromPeru.Auk 94:409^16. Paynter,R.A. 1993. OrnithologicalgazetteerofEcuador. Secondedn. Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, MA. Paynter,R.A. 1997. OrnithologicalgazetteerofColombia. Secondedn.Mus.Comp.Zool.,Cambridge, MA. Peters,J.L. 1945. Check-listofbirdsoftheworld,vol. 5. HarvardUniv. Press, Cambridge,MA. Schuchmann,K.-L. 1999. FamilyTrochilidae(hummingbirds). Pp.468-680 in delHoyo,J.,Elliott,A. & Sargatal,J. (eds.)Handbookofthebirdsoftheworld,vol. 5. LynxEdicions,Barcelona. Schuchmann,K.-L.,Weller,A.-A.&Heynen,I.2000.BiogeographyandtaxonomyoftheAndeanhum- mingbirdgenusHaplophaediaSimon(Aves:Trochilidae),withthedescriptionofanewsubspecies fromEcuador. Orn.Anz. 39: 17^42. Simon,E. 1921.Histoirenaturelledes Trochilidae.Bertrand,Paris. Stephens, L. &Traylor, M.A. 1983. OrnithologicalgazetteerofPeru. Mus. Comp. Zool, Cambridge, MA. Wetmore, A. 1968. The birds ofthe Republic ofPanama. Part 2. Columbidae (Pigeons) to Picidae (Woodpeckers). SmithsonianInstitutionPress,WashingtonDC. Address: A. Koenig Research Institute and Museum of Zoology-Leibniz Institute for Terrestrial Biodiversity, Section of Ornithology, Research Group: Biology and Phylogeny ofTropical Birds,Adenauerallee 160,53113Bonn,Germany,e-mail: [email protected] ©BritishOrnithologists'Club2005 Notes on some seabirds ofPernambuco state, north-east Brazil & by Caio Jose Carlos, Carmem Elisa Fedrizzi Severino Mendes deAzevedo-Junior Received30June 2004 Located in north-east Brazil, the state of Pernambuco (PE) has a coastline of 187 km(roughlybetween07°and09°S) dominatedbysandybeachesfringedbythe introducedcoconutpalm Cocos nucifera, withextensive mangroves ofRhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia spp. only at river estuaries CaioJose Carlos e1 al. I4I Bull HOC. 2005 125(2) (CONDEPE 1982, FIDEN 1987). The coastal climate is hot with a mean annual temperature of25.5°C, and mean annual rainfall of 152.3 mm (INMET 2003). The coast is important for various birds, mainly migrant shorebirds and terns & that use the region as wintering and stopover areas (Azevedo-Junior Larrazabal 2002. Fedrizzi 2003). However, except for a few studies in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago (currently part ofPE) (e.g. Nacinovic & Teixeira 1987) and in the north ofthe state (Azevedo-Junior 1998), very little research has focused on the seabirds that occur in PE. Here we review the distribution and present new data for some seabirds ofPE, based on the literature, specimens in the ornithological collection of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) and our own field work. For simplicity, we list geographical coordinates, some ofthem taken from Paynter & Traylor(1991), foreach locality only on its firstmention inthe text. English names and taxonomic sequence follow del Hoyo et al. (1992, 1996), except for Atlantic Yellow-nosedAlbatross Thalassarche chlororhynchos, where we follow Robertson & Nunn (1998). Biometrics (mm) of specimens are: exposed culmen (ec), total culmen (tc), wing length (wl), tarsus (tr), tail (ta) and total length (tl). Species accounts MAGELLANIC PENGUIN Spheniscns magellanicus Acommonvisitorto southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) duringthe austral winter, which occasionallyreachesnorthtoRio deJaneiro,withvagrantsrecordednorthto Bahia (Sick 1997) andAlagoas (F. J. M. Pinto in Teixeira et al. 1988). TheJornal do Comercio, a local newspaper, notedan immature foundalive atItamaraca Island (c.07°45'S, 34°51'W) on 13 August 1999, which appears to be the northernmost record for this species in theAtlantic. ATLANTIC YELLOW-NOSED ALBATROSS Thalassarche chlororhynchos T. chlororhynchos is a globally threatened species (Endangered) which breeds on Gough and Tristan da Cunha (BirdLife International 2000), and is one of the commonest albatrosses off the Brazilian coast (Grantsau 1995). Coelho (1978) mentioned a record for PE, but did not provide the source, date or locality. It was based on a specimen (UFPE 799; juvenile; ec 117.75, tc 132.46, wl 495, tr 79.31, ta 170, tl 800) found alive at Maria Farinha beach (c.07°40'S, 34°50'W), municipality ofPaulista, on 19 May 1978. Additionally, anotherjuvenile found in PE (locality and date unknown) was sent to Recife Zoo, and is currently on display at the Natural History Museum ofthe Environmental Education Centre there. ANTARCTIC PRION Pachyptila desolata Although treated as a subspecies of Broad-billed Prion Pachyptila vittata (e.g. Harrison 1985), many recent authors (e.g. del Hoyo et al. 1992) consider it a species. Coelho (1978) reported its presence in PE, but did not mention a source, locality or date. The record was based on a specimen (UFPE 358; male; ec 26.92, CaioJose Carlosetal. 142 Bull. B.O.C. 2005 125(2) tc 34.50, wl 195, tr 30.94, ta 95, tl 285; collected byA. Cruz) found at Tamandare beach(c.8°36'S, 35°07'W), municipalityofRio Formoso, on25 July 1978. Further records from Guadalupe Environmental Protection Area (c.08°48'S, 35°07'W), in the municipalities ofTamandare and Barreiros (Neves et al. 2000) were, in fact, based on the same UFPE specimen. CORY'S SHEARWATER Calonectris (diomedea) borealis This Palearctic migrant occurs offBrazil en route to and from wintering areas off southern South America (Vooren & Fernandes 1989, Sick 1997). Azevedo-Junior (1991)reportedtwo deadbirds atBoaViagembeach(c.08°07'S, 34°53'W), Recife, one ofwhich (UFPE 3406; female; ec 45.35, tc 60.07, wl 370, tr 48.65, ta 141, tl 498; collected by S. M. deAzevedo-Junior, 2 September 1990) is currently held in UFPE. In addition, UFPE obtained one (3404; female; ec 56.40, tc 68.33, wl 350, tr 54.10, tl 140; collected by S. M. deAzevedo-Junior) from Tamandare beach on 21 January 1991, and another (3405; male; ec 46.63, tc 61.85, wl 360, tr 54.29, ta 131, tl 470; collectedby S. M. deAzevedo-Junior) from Coroa doAviao (07°40'S, 34°50'W), municipality ofIgarassu in July 1991. MANX SHEARWATER Puffinuspuffinus Manx Shearwater occurs offthe Brazilian coast enroute to and fromthe wintering grounds off southern South America (Sick 1997). There is only one published record from PE, ofone flying over the Coroa doAviao on 3 May 1992 (Azevedo- Junior 1998).Atthe same locality, one (UFPE 3985; male; ec 34.2, wl260, tr42.2, ta 81; collectedby S. M. Azevedo-Junior) was mist-netted on 16 November 2003. GREATER SHEARWATER Puffinusgravis Coelho (1978) mentioned this shearwater for PE, without source, locality or date. The recordwas based on a specimen (UFPE 841; male; ec 44.19, tc 56.19, wl 312, M tr 56.11, ta 110, tl 505; collected by A. G. Coelho) found at Ponta de Pedras beach (c.07°41'S, 34°53'W), municipality of Goiana on 20 July 1978. Azevedo- Junior (1991) reported 12 specimens found dead at Boa Viagem beach, ofwhich two (3400; male; ec 45.94, tc 53.29, wl 315, tr 59.21, ta 120; and 3402; unsexed; ec43.63,tc 50.16,wl 320,tr54.24,ta 105;bothcollectedby S. M.Azevedo-Junior, in May 1990) are inUFPE. In addition, UFPE has one (949; unsexed; ec 49.11, tc M 57.67, wl 350, tr 57.58, ta 100; collected by A. G. Coelho) from Olinda (c.08°0rS, 34°51'W) in June 1980. MASKED BOOBY Sula dactylatra In Brazil, this boobybreeds on offshore islands such as theAbrolhos, Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas (Sick 1997). Azevedo-Junior (1994) reported a specimen, originally banded (V-18954) on 17 December 1992 in the Biological ReserveofAtoldasRocas (c.03o45-03o56'S, 33°37'W), foundaliveatGaibubeach (c.08°05'S, 34°51'W), municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, on 12 August 1993. UFPE also obtained one (3684;juvenile; tc 96.43, wl 440, tr44.14, ta 150, tl . CaioJose Carloset al. 143 Bull. B.O.C. 2005 125(2) 750; collected by S. M.Azevedo-Junior) from BoaViagem beach on 16April 2001 According to del Hoyo et al. (1992), young disperse extensively, but most adults are present year-round in the vicinity of colonies, presumably explaining the apparently accidental occurrence ofjuveniles in PE. BROWN BOOBY Sula leucogaster Previous PE records involved two observed off a reef at Recife in March 1943 (Lamm 1948). and a record reported by Coelho (1978) without precise locality or date. According to Coelho (in lift. 2003), this was based on some individuals he observed at Olinda, but he could not recall the date. Adults tend to stay around colonies, whileyoungandnon-breedersdispersewidely(delHoyo etal. 1992). The age of those individuals recorded in PE could not be determined, but they were probablyjuveniles on dispersal. MAGNIFICENT FRIGATEBIRD Fregata magnificens Lamm (1948) and Coelho (1978) mentionedthe species' occurrence in PE, but did not provide localities or dates. According to Coelho (in litt. 2003) his record was based on some individuals he observed at Olinda on 7 July 1977. Azevedo-Junior (1998) reported ajuvenile flying over Coroa doAviao on 20 December 1988. Two juveniles were seen at the same locality on 27 February and 22 September 2003 (CJC & CEF). In addition, three were seen over Itamaraca Island on 23 August 2003 (CJC & CEF). SOUTH POLAR SKUA Catharacta maccormicki This transequatorial migrant breeds on the Antarctic continent and peninsula, and moves north in the non-breeding period as far as Alaska and Greenland (del Hoyo et al. 1996). Coelho (1977) reported one, originally banded (567.61211) at Ross Island (Antarctica) that escaped from Baltimore Zoo (USA) on 3 December 1969, and was caught by fishermen on 4 December 1970, 15 miles off Recife. Lara- Resende & Leal (1982) noted one, probablyrecovered in PE, but did notprovide a precise locality, date orbandnumber. UFPE obtained a darkmorph (3137; male; ec 44.81, tc 53.40, wl 400, tr 59.84, ta 155, tl 600) caught by fishermen at Porto de Galinhas beach (c.08°24'S, 35°04'W), municipality ofIpojuca on 14April 2000. POMARINE SKUA Stercorariuspomarinus A Holarctic migrant that winters at sea, mainly between the Tropic ofCancer and the equator, and offAustralia (del Hoyo etal. 1996, Wiley & Lee 2000). In Brazil, it isknownfrom SaoPaulo, RioGrandedo Sul, andfromonerecordnearthemouth of the rio Tapajos, Para (Olmos 2000). On 22 May 2003, a dark morph was observed pursuing Common Sterna hirundo and Cayenne Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis eurygnathus near Coroa do Aviao (CJC & CEF), the first record in north-east Brazil. According to Wiley & Lee (2000), return migration commences in midApril and extends to early June. CaioJoseCarlosetal. 144 Bull. B.O.C. 2005 125(2) SANDWICH TERN Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus The first record from PE was reported by Lamm (1948), and consisted of a few individuals in a mixed flock with Common Terns Sterna hirundo near Recife on 8 October 1944 for several days. Thereafter there were no state records until up to four were seen at Coroa do Aviao on 22-24 May, 19 July, 24 August and 22 September 2003, in mixed flocks with Cayenne T. s. eurygnathus and Common Terns (CJC & CEF). According to Voous (1977), misidentification involving the similar Cayenne Tern is common, as the two may flock together, at least in north- east Brazil (Teixeira et al. 1988, Sick 1997). However, Sandwich Tern is smaller and has an obvious black bill (from the base) with a small yellow tip, whilst Cayenne Ternmayhave ablackbillbut always has some yellow atthebase and/or & along the gonys (e.g. Junge Voous 1955). ROSEATE TERN Sterna dougallii This tern breeds in North America, the Azores and north-west Europe. Wintering Roseate Terns in SouthAmerica are primarily ofNorthAmerican origin (del Hoyo etal. 1996),butbirds fromtheAzoreshavebeencaughtinBahia(Hays etal. 1997, & 1999). Lara-Resende Leal (1982) reported a specimenbanded inNorthAmerica that was recovered in PE, but did not provide a precise locality, date or band number. A juvenile was mist-netted at Coroa do Aviao on 24 October 2003 (SMAZ). Measurements were: ec 28.9, wl 246, tr 12.5 andta 110. Itwas moulting the fourth primary. LEAST TERN Sterna antillarum Breeds in easternNorthAmerica, Honduras and the Caribbean to northVenezuela, and winters in north Brazil (del Hoyo et al. 1996), but has been recorded south to Rio de Janeiro (Sick 1997).Ajuvenile (UFPE 3986; ec 25, wl 158, tr 16 andta 64; weight40g; collectedbyS. M.Azevedo-Junior)wasmist-nettedatCoroadoAviao on 26 October2003. YELLOW-BILLED TERN Sterna superciliaris Restrictedto SouthAmerica, where it inhabits rivers, lakes and estuaries (Harrison 1985, del Hoyo et al. 1996). One was mist-netted at Coroa do Aviao in October 1992 (Azevedo-Junior 1998). Atthe same locality, an adultwas observed foraging with a flock ofCommon Terns S. hirundo, and roosting on a sandbarwith various shorebirds, on 21 June 2003 (CEF). Concluding remarks Besides suchresidents as boobies, frigatebirds andterns, the seabird community in PE(includingtheFernando deNoronhaarchipelago), aswellas elsewhere innorth- east Brazil, includes (1) boreal migrants (e.g. Cory's Sheawater), en route to and fromtheirwinteringareas insouthern SouthAmerica; and(2) SouthernOceanbirds (e.g. Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross), undertaking northward movements along (\iioJose t'arlos el al. 145 Bull. B.O.C'. 2005 125(2) the Brazilian coast in the austral winter. Pelagic taxa are more common in April-May, when some may be found dead on beaches (Lamm 1948, Azevedo- Junior 1991, this work). According to Olmos etal. (1995), strong winds associated with cold fronts originating in Antarctica may be important in explaining this phenomenon ofseasonal mass mortality on the north-east Brazilian coast. Another point to stress is that there are few studies ofseabird distribution off north-east Brazil. Antas (1991) noted that ornithologists interested in seabirds are mainly resident in southern Brazil, and the lack of seabird studies in PE may explain the relative lack ofrecords ofcommon taxa such as Manx Shearwater and Sandwich Tern. Continuous surveys will probably reveal that both Northern Hemisphere and Southern Ocean breeders are more common in the region than previously supposed. The occurrence ofseabirds in a region dominatedby sandybeaches andwhere the sea is oligotrophic is apparently linked to the high supply of nutrients from mainlandecosystems such as estuaries andassociatedmangroves, e.g. themouth of the rio Sao Francisco, inAlagoas (Sousa 1993), and Mangue Seco, in Bahia (Hays et al. 1999). Furthermore, some near-shore shelf breaks are also important in recycling nutrients (Olmos 2001). The Canal de Santa Cruz estuarine complex (including Itamaraca Island and Coroa do Aviao islet), with its five river estuaries and c.32 km2 of mangrove swamps (Barros et al. 2000) may be another relatively productive area, and it is unsurprising that most seabird records from PE are from this region, although it shouldbenotedthe areaisnearalargeurbancentre (Recife) andfieldsurveyshave been concentrated there. Thus far, 47 waterbird taxa have been recorded in this complex (Azevedo-Junior 1998, Fedrizzi 2003, this work), and it was recently (MMA listed as important for Brazilian seabird conservation 2002). Despite its biological importance, the region suffers fromuncontrolledtourism, andurban and industrial pollution. Urgent efforts must be made to ensure effective conservation for the Canal de Santa Cruz environment and its birds. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Jeremiah Trimble and Drs Yoshika Oniki and Edwin Willis for reviewing the manuscript. Branyl Com. & Ind. Textil Ltd. partially supportedstudiesbyCJC in2003. CEF andCJC respectively received a doctoral and master's scholarship from the Fundacao de Aperfeicoamento de PessoaldeNivel Superior(CAPES). References: Antas,P.deT.Z. 1991. StatusandconservationofseabirdsinBrazilianwaters. Pp. 140-158inCroxall, J. P. (ed.) Seabird status and conservation: a supplement. International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, UK. — Azevedo-Junior, S. M. 1991. Mortandadesde aves oceanicas noNordeste brasileiro maio ejunho de 1990. In I Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia. Resumos. MCT-CNPq/Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belem. Azevedo-Junior, S. M. 1994. Primeiro registro das aves oceanicas Sula dactylatra, Sterna fuscata e Anous stolidus na costa de Pernambuco, Brasil. In IV Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia. Resumos. Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife. CaioJoseCarlosetal. 146 Bull. B.O.C. 2005125(2) Azevedo-Junior, S. M. 1998.As aves do Canal de Santa Cruz, Peraambuco, Brasil. Cad. Omega Univ. Fed.RuraldePernambuco, Sir.Biol. 5: 35-50. Azevedo-Junior, S. M. & Larrazabal, M. E. 2002. Migracao de aves em Pernambuco. Pp. 623-630 in Silva, J. M. C. & Tabarelli, M. (eds.) Diagnostico da biodiversidade de Pernambuco, vol. 2. Ed. Massangana,Recife. Barros, H. M., Eskinazi-Leea, E., Macedo, S. J. & Lima, T. 2000. Gerenciamento participativo de estudriosemanguezais. Ed.Universitaria,Recife. BirdLife International. 2000. Threatenedbirds ofthe world. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK& LynxEdicions,Barcelona. Coelho, A. G. M. 1977. On the South Polar Skua Catharacta skua maccormicki recaptured in Pernambuco, Brazil.Not. Biol. 2: 1. Coelho,A. G. M. 1978. ListadealgumasespeciesdeavesdonordestedoBrasil.Not. Biol,n.s. 1: 1-7. CONDEPE(ConselhodeDesenvolvimentodePernambuco). 1982.Estudoparacontroleambientalnas areasestuarinasdePernambuco, CanaldeSanta Cruz. CONDEPE,Recife. Fedrizzi, C. E. 2003Abundancia sazonal ebiologiade aves costeirasnaCoroadoAviao, Pernambuco, Brasil.M.Sc. dissertation.UniversidadeFederaldePernambuco,Recife. FIDEN(Fundacao deDesenvolvimento daRegiao Metropolitanado Recife). 1987.Protecaodasareas estuarinas. FIDEN,Recife. Grantsau, R. 1995. Os albatrozes (Diomedeidae, Procellariiformes) doAtlantico e suas ocorrencias na costabrasileiraeumachavedeidentificacao.Bol. CEO 12: 20-31. Harrison, P. 1985. Seabirds: an identificationguide. CroomHelm,Beckenham. Hays, H., DiCostanzo, J., Cormons, G.,Antas, P. deT .Z.,Nascimento, J. L. X.,NascimentoI. L. S. & Bremer,R.E. 1997. RecoveriesofRoseateandCommonTernsinSouthAmerica./.FieldOrn. 68: 79-90. Hays, H., Lima, P. C, Monteiro, L., DiCostanzo, J., Cormons, G., Nisbet, I. C. T., Saliva, J. E., Spendelow, J. A., Burger, J., Pierce, J. & Gochfeld, M. 1999. A nonbreeding concentration of RoseateandCommonTernsinBahia,Brazil.J.FieldOrn. 70:455-464. del Hoyo, L, Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (eds.) 1992. Handbookofthe birds ofthe world, vol. 1. Lynx Edicions,Barcelona, del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (eds.) 1996. Handbookofthe birds ofthe world, vol. 3. Lynx Edicions,Barcelona. INMET(Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia). 2003. Normalclimatologica da regiao metropolitana do Recife (1962-1990). INMET,Brasilia. Junge, G. C. A. & Voous, K. H. 1955. The distribution and the relationship of Sterna eurygnatha Saunders.Ardea43: 226-247. Lamm,D.W. 1948.NotesonthebirdsofPernambucoandParaiba,Brazil.Auk65: 261-283. Lara-Resende, S.M.&Leal,R.P. 1982.RecuperacaodeanilhasestrangeirasnoBrasil.BrasilFlorestal 52: 27-53. MMA (Ministerio do MeioAmbiente). 2002. Avaliacao e identificacao de areas e agoesprioritdrias paraaconservacdo, utilizagaosustentdvelereparticdodosbeneficiosdabiodiversidadenosbiomas MMA, brasileiros. Brasilia. Nacinovic,J. B. &Teixeira,D.M. 1987.AsavesdeFernandodeNoronha: umalistasistematicaanota- da.Rev.Brasil.Biol. 49: 709-729. Neves,R.M.L.,Telino-Junior,W.R.,Rodrigues,R.C.&Botelho,M.N.2000. Caracterizacdoeavali- acdo da populacao avifaunistica da Area de Protecao Ambiental de Guadalupe. Prodetur/PE & CPRH,Recife. Olmos, F, Martuscelli, P., Silvae Silva, R. &Neves, T. 1995. The seabirds ofSao Paulo, southeastern Brazil.Bull.Brit. Orn. CI. 115: 117-128. Olmos,F.2000.RevisaodosregistrosdeStercorariuspomarinusnoBrasil,comnotassobreregistrosde S. longicauduseS.parasiticus(Charadriiformes: Stercorariidae).Nattereria 1: 29-33. Olmos,F. 2002.Non-breedingseabirdsinBrazil: areviewofbandrecoveries.Ararajuba 10: 31-42. Paynter,R.A.&Traylor,M.A. 1991. OrnithologicalgazetteerofBrazil.Mus.Comp.Zool.,Cambridge, MA. CaiodoseCarlos et al. 147 Mull. B.O.C 2005 125(2) Robertson, C. J. R. & Nunn, G. B. 1998. Towards a new taxonomy for albatrosses. Pp. 13 19 in Robertson.C.J. R.&Gales. R. (eds.)Albatrossbiologyandconservation. ChippingNorton, Beatty Press. Siek. H. IW1. Ornitologia brasileira. Ed. Nova Fronteira, RiodeJaneiro. Sousa, M. C. 1993. Sobre aves marinhas no litoral do estado de Sergipe e Alagoas. //; /// Congresso Brasilclro de Ornitologia. Resumos. Universidade Catolica de Pelotas/Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia. Pelotas. Teixeira, D. M., Nacinovic. J. B. & Luigi, G. 1988. Notes on some birds ofnortheastern Brazil. Bull. Brit. Orn. CI. 108:75-79. Wiley.R.H.&Lee.D.S.2000. PomarineJaeger(Stercorariuspoinarinus).InPoole,A.&Gill,F.(eds.) ThebirdsofNorthAmerica, no. 483. TheBirdsofNorthAmerica, Philadelphia, PA. Vooren,C. M.& Femandes,A. C. 1989. GuiadealbatrozesepetrelsdosuldoBrasil. Ed. Sagra, Porto Alegre. Voous, K. H. 1977.Natterer'sspecimensofSternacantiaca fromBrazil.Bull.Brit. Orn. CI. 97: 42-44. Addresses: Caio Jose Carlos (corresponding author) & Carmem Elisa Fedrizzi, Laboratorio de ElasmobranquioseAvesMarinhas, DepartamentodeOceanografia. Fundacao Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande, CP 474, Rio Grande, RS, CEP 96201-900, Brazil, e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected]. Severino Mendes de Azevedo-Junior. Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Avenida Professor Moraes Rego 1235, Cidade Universitaria. Recife, PE. CEP50670-420, Brazil, e-mail: [email protected] £ BritishOrnitholosists*Club2005 On the type locality ofthe Cordilleran Buzzard Buteo poecilochrous by Cabot &T. de Vries J. Received21July 2004 In describing the type locality ofButeopoecilochrous, Gurney (1870) mentioned that the bird came from Yauayacu in Ecuador and that the specimen was sent, in 1877, from Ecuador to Messrs. Salvin & Godman in London by a certain Mr Buckley. Hellmayr & Conover (1949) claimed that Yauayacu is in fact a transcription error, and the real name of the site in Ecuador is Yanayacu. Vaurie (1962) questioned this conclusion and stated that the type locality of B. poecilochrous corresponds to a place named Sarayacu. Vaurie (1962) based this on the fact that Buckley's collectors established camp in this place (also currently known as Pacayacu on some maps), on the eastern slope oftheAndes (01°34'S, 77°30'W) at 1,500 m, south of Canelos on the rio Bobonaza. Vaurie (1962) also claimed that Yanayacu is in truth on the rio Corrientes in Peru (03°02'S, 75°15'W). Nevertheless, the same author also believed that Sarayacu is too low for the Puna Buzzardto be found, since this species is typical ofthe highAndes, and itwas possibly captured at higher altitude. Chapman (1926) also suggested this and stated