Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee Air Carrier Operations Issue Area Noise Abatement Takeoff Profiles Working Group Task 1 – Close In and Distant Standard Takeoff Profiles Task Assignment FILE COPY 38478 Federal The Noise Abatement Takeoff Profiles CAvoimatmiointt eReu; lAemll aeladrnnge Ar dov.l,a.o.uryo · n. eWxoprekritns gf rGomro uthpO wRi lol rbpen ciozmatpiorinsesd h oavf ing SubcommlttH; Nolw Abatement an interest in the task assigned to it. A Takeoff Profiles Working Group working group member need not AQENCV: Federal Aviation necessarily be a representative of one of Administration (FAA), DOT. the organizations of the parent Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee or of ACnON: Notice of establishment of the full Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Noise Abatement Takeoff Profiles Wo;-king Group. Committee. An individual who has expertise in the subject matter and SUMMARY: Notice is gi\·en of the \\-;shes to become a member of the e<>tablishment of a Noise Abatement working group should write the person T;>kecffProfiles Working Group by the listed under the caption "FOR FURTHER t :r Carr:e::-Oper~tion3 Subcommittee of INFORMAnON CONTACT'' expressing that Le Aviation Rulemakbg Advisory desire and describing his or her interest C:-mr.1it:ee. This notice informs the in the task and the expertise or she p~blic of the activities of the Air Carrier would being to the working group. The Operations Subcommittee of the request will be reviewed with the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory subcommittee chair and working group Com:nittee. leader, and the i."'ldividual advised FOR FURTH£R INFORMAnON CONTACT: whether or not the request can be Mr. DavidS. Potter, Executive Director, accommodated. Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee, The Secretary of Transportation has Flight Standards Service (AFS-201), 800 determined that the fonnation and use • Independence Avenue, SW., of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Washington, DC 20591, telephone: (202) Conur.ittee and its subcommittee are 267-8166; FAX: (202) 267-5230. necessary in the public interest in SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The connection with the perfonnance of Federal Aviation Administration (FA.'\.) duties imposed on the FAA by law. Me:etir..gs of the full committee and any established an Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (56 FR 2190, subcommittees will be open to the public except as authorized by section January 22, 1991) which held its first meeting on May 23, 1991 (56 FR 20492, 10(d} of the Federal Advisory Committee May 3, 1991). The Air Carrier Operations Act. Meetings cf the Noise Abatement Takeoff Profiles Working Group will not Subcommittee was established at the rr.eeting to provide advice and be open to the public, except to Li-)~ extent that individuals with an interest recommendations to the Director, FAA Flight Standards Service, on air carrier and expertise are selected to participate. operations,pertinentregulations,and No public announcement of working associated advisory material. At its first group meetings will be made. meeting en May 24, 1991 (56 FR 20492, Issued in Washington, DC, on August 7, May 3, 1991), the subcommittee 1991. established the Noise Abatement David S. Potter, Takeoff Profiles Working Group. Executive Director, Air Carrier Operations Specifically, the working group's task Subcommittee, Aviation Rulemaking is the following: Advisory Committee. Determine close in (flaps down} and [FR Doc. 91-19175 Filed 8-12-91; 8:45am} distant (flaps up) standard takeoff profiles BIU.ING CODE 41111-13-11 and prepare the material for incorporation into Advisory Circular 91-53. Recommendation Letter AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION 535 HERNDON PARKWAY 0 P.O. BOX 1169 [J HERNDON, VIRGINIA 22D7D 0 [7D3) 689-2270 August 12, 1991 The Honorable James B. Busey Administrator Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20591-0001 Subject: Recommendation of the Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee Dear Admiral Busey: The Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee met on July 31, 1991, to discuss activities of the subcommittee's three established working • groups. After several meetings, the Noise Abatement Working Group had completed their assigned task to develop minimum performance criteria for noise abatement departure procedures and presented their report to the subcommittee for approval. Working group participants, representing a broad spectrum of industry interests, did an excellent and timely job of developing their report with its five recommendations. The subcommittee discussed the Noise Abatement Working Group report and, with one objection, voted to forward them to you for immediate action. There are two minority reports attached which deal primarily with the timing of the implementation of recommendations 1 and 4. Recommendation 1 asks that minimum performance criteria contained in the working group's report should be incorporated into an advisory circular (AC) . Recommendation 4 asks that a working group be established to assess a number of factors relating to noise abatement departure profiles. In anticipation of approval of this recommendation, the subcommittee established this new industry working group and their activity will be vital to develop a method and database for assessing community noise impacts. Their first meeting is scheduled for August 22, 1991, in Washington, D.C. SCHEDULE WITH SAFETY ~ 21 AFFILIATED WITH AFL·CIO The Honorable James B. Busey August 12, 1991 Page Two Two members of the working group felt that database information which is to be developed by the recommended working group would be an essential prerequisite for the evaluation of any potential AC containing minimum aircraft performance criteria. They felt that the publication of the AC for comments should be delayed pending the completion of the recommended working group's activities. These opinions are stated in the two minority reports of the working group report. After discussion of the working group report, with the minority reports, the subcommittee voted to forward the recommendations as proposed with the further recommendation to the FAA that Recommendation 4 be implemented and a working group be established as soon as possible. Initial information generated by this new working group will be given to the FAA as soon as possible to be published with the AC in the Federal Register to assist in the evaluation of the proposed AC. It was the opinion , of the subcommittee that the publication of the AC should not be delayed while waiting for information from the new working group. In addition to publishing the draft AC for comments and approving the establishment of the additional working group, we ask you to implement the remaining three recommendations of the Noise Abatement Working Group in an appropriate format. On behalf of the organizations and individuals participating in the activities of the Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee, we thank you for the assistance and support of your staff and the opportunity to be a part of this advisory process. Sincerely, )1- w~~u- ('~A- william W. Edmunds, Jr., Chairman Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee WWE: jeg cc: Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee Acknowledgement Letter SEP 27 1991 Mr. William W. Edmunds, Jr. Chairman, Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee Air Line Pilots Association Herndon, VA 22070 Dear Mr. Edmunds: This is in reference to your August 12 letter in which you transmitted the report of the Noise Abatement Takeoff Profiles Working Group--a part cf the Air Carrier Operations Subcommittee of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee. The subcommittee made five recommendations, four of which the Federal Aviatio Administration (F'AA) accepts provided there are no legal or other reasons why we cannot adopt them. However, because some of the recommended actions canno take place until others are completed, we cannot give you a definite time frame for completion of action on the recommendations. Following are the actions that we will take: 1. An Airport Noise Assessment Working Group has been established (Recommendation 4). The working group will determine noise footprints generated by noise abatement departure profiles for use by airports and air carriers and perform tests at John Wayne Airport. 2. The minimum performance criteria will be incorporated into an advisory circular (Recommendation 1). While the Airport Noise Assessment Working Group is evaluating the profiles, the FAA will begin to draft the advisory circular but will not publish the draft for public comment unti there is at least a preliminary assessment from the working group. Afte the comment period closes, the comments will be considered and, where appropriate, incorporated into the advisory circular. 3. Once the Airport Noise Assessment Working Group has completed its assessment, the air carriers, in conjunction with the airport operators, will be requested to select those that they plan to follow. The individual carriers will formalize the selected takeoff noise abatem~nt profiles in their aircraft operating manuals. Takeoff noise abatement profiles will be implemented through air carrier operations specifications (Recommendation 3). 4. The FAA will formalize the guidelines for selection of standard noise abatement departure profiles either in the advisory circular, in FAA inspector's handbook material, or in other types of guidance materi~l (Recommendation 2). FAA Form 1360-14 (6-81) OFFICIAL FILE COPY u U.S. GOVER'IMENT PRINT!'< 2 In reference to Recommendation 5, the FAA intends to require the use of an automatic thrust recovery system for cutbacks greater than the engine inoperative climb gradients in § 25.111(c) {3) for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we do not plan to take any action on this recommendation. We at the FAA will move as quickly as possible to implement the four recommendations. However, we urge the Airport Noise Assessment Working Group to move at the fastest possible pace through their evaluations and testing so that we can complete the rest of the actions. I would like to thank your subcommittee, and particularly the Noise Abatement Takeoff Profil·es Working Group, for its prompt action on the task that the FAA imposed at the subcommittee's initial meeting on May 24. Sincerely, Anthony J. Broderick Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification Recommendation