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Preview NOBLE DREW ALI! - FBI — The Vault

---1 -&#3..9~;- 92.,92 - (cid:25),--"(cid:20)- (cid:28).-»-"-,&#39;.:A...v (cid:24),¢_~;g.:.¢. 1-:,,>&-#-&39#;3_;9- _; ._ _-V -H4 &#39;(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:20)-*1-=§~ - "&#39; (cid:20)~ "- U &"#39;-»»¢(cid:24):-.12;:,;1:.i.:;:;L:l:I=........_J_._...¢-""*(cid:24)-(cid:28)--&#39;. 92 FEDERAEBUEAU OINF VE-STIGATION ""5" MOORISH S TCEIMENPCLEE OF AMERICA NOBLE DREWA LI! P ART 1 OF 8 BUFILE: 62-25889 . ...__@ __,, A(cid:24) m__l_-(cid:24) wt / ~ 92 } % / I//Q9!"/55 %;/@2Z4(cid:29)5/6/9/E2 W e //»¢¢c/"/cv<- 92 (cid:4) /1/oi;D /erew/ 4 w -.92 / / (cid:24)/ 7am/ (cid:24)/&o #f 3/ (cid:24)9//;OAFTE F 92 1 L _ - _-1-Q (cid:24) . - H. i (cid:2) y(cid:25)_ (cid:24),&#3(cid:24) 9-;.;.,4.,.._~;4.& ..¢w .#-..3:n:19m.-.;¢..-..1.*4._._.,;.__.~...-:....;,.;__;-&#39;.-_.r92_,..>~;_-z.;;. ¢_n-. _ |._.._.L....&,,M#. ;3__9_._ ;_,.;,.._.-_,(cid:24),(cid:24)._a.._;.,:(cid:24)-._;.,;,,..-.¢._ ; =;._....,,..¢..._.-._..,;-_.1.,;V .-:.,__.-_&(cid:25),._#.3;_9_;_..&..#._3.9..;.¢.L...;...__. _ I - I(cid:24)~a_ P (cid:25); 2 I . &l4 -#39; 1 -9. 1I2A(cid:24)- . M I Q i " 92../1 7&#39;3@¢"(cid:28) I -(cid:24)EA-&A#IZ3T9;EDIZ 9S2>u @ z-(cid:20)256589 S ecnou ] &#3(cid:24) 1 9-; -r - v - (cid:20) _ _ . _.___. _/&#39; - .. (cid:20) . -N-i . " v " (cid:28). -_ (cid:24) _ _L -_ - _- " L] g;_;. _ A (cid:28)(cid:24) --I2=&#39(cid:28) ;- &IU #39;& -£#13(cid:24)----9*.;--*&(cid:24)(cid:24)#39;HT".i-i. j _ __ _ _ __ i H . " .»!.5-F &#3" 9i ; (cid:24) . I &#39; 1? - w 4 - . m omT ueH OLP _YR OP:-n"-;&a #t_ 349.;-1:1&,(cid:24)#39;~&#39; , ,_;_ (cid:24)__. _ _ __,_i ___ __.__ __,_(cid:24) Am , . _ S , (cid:24) _ . 1 (cid:24)1 -; -I 7 2 1.A t housp aneodps laewthe rewalkonthewavmandaaw(cid:2)setnV . .4 I 1 J.(cid:25) 1 (cid:24)(cid:24). t eacht hel and,a ndt heyw erea lla mazed. _ (cid:24) 2 2 A n3 dJ esuss a" i(cid:28)d. Y ou m eno fllome, Iamtheresurreetioo -elk a ndtheliteTheyt.hataredeadshalllid vem ,aannythatshalllrve E- w ill n ever die." -u 23 (cid:28) Bym outho fg odsa nddetm&#go 3d9s;l kllahapoku entoyonrfathe(cid:2) I ona éob ;un toI w-ls epet aoy kost uhroh ur (cid:1)feeet sm t ahhn"peed . d 6 3 8 24" "1s -IeenH ttss onJ e, sui nsh,uman t o s ave w o . a n as I l iftedf romt hew aterg yravea ndsavet dheses ervantso f Tiberius. 2 5. " SoJ esusW & 1&#1#l 31i3f9t9;;t hes onsa ndd angh tyerso f t helluman1:141. e ae veryo neo ft hemf ,romd arknea snsdf romg orfa ves c arnatlhmgs Y t ol ighta nde verlastinlgife. & #3o 9;iil eosvter aisedf romt _hed eadh ; ehold_m. y- 2 6. (cid:28) I a m t he man: h andsm , yf eet,m ys idew hichc arnalm mh avepierced. 2 7. (cid:28) Claudasa ndJ uliet,w I hom h aves avedf romd eath,a rem y . I a mbassadot rRosome. . 2 8. (cid:28) Andt heyw illp oint thew aya ndt eact hheG ospdo ft heHoly B reatha ndt her oefs urrection t hed ead." *5 2 9. A nd t hatw asa ll H e m id,b ut R omea nda ll o f I taly heard. 3 0. T hep riesto si H eliopoliw serei nt heirt emplem ett ocelebrate t her esurrectioo nf t heirb rotherN azarite;t heyk newt hath eh ad . . - -f(cid:24)-_ i rom t he d ead. , 31 T heN azaritea ppearea dnds toodu pona s acredpedeaalno w hich h om ah nae dves rtood. _,, &#39; b eenr eservedf or h imw hoy(cid:1)rst(cid:24) » .3 2. T his w as a hnonor t hat had w ould d emonstratet he r esurrection o f t he d ead. . _ 33. W henJ esuss toodu pont hes acredp edestat hlem astersstood(cid:24)- a nds aid:(cid:28) Allh aili"T heg reab tellso ft het emplr eanga nda llthe t em l e w asa blazew ith hght. P3 4. A ndj esuss a& id#.3A 9l;l-"h ono- rt ot hemasetrsoithisTen:pleo£__ t he Sun. (cid:24)Hr 35. I n (cid:2) oefs h m an t here i & s#t 3h9e; essenceo i t he r oefs urrection t (cid:24)he 92 d ead.T hise ssencq enickeneb dyt heH olyB reathw , ill r aiset heaub- _.-&#39;_- s otfa nce t heB odyt oh ighet rone.- &#39; 3 6. A nd m akei t l ike t hes ouf bstance t heb odieso f t heplanes a bove,w hichh umane yesc annotbehold. 3 7. T herei sa h olym inistri ynd eath.T hee sseno ceft hebody c annob teq uickeneb dyt heH olyB reathu ntilt he(cid:1) xedi ss olved1;5¢ " d thisisdeath. _ &#3H9; b odym ustd isintegrate,an 3 8. A ndt henu pont hesp elians tubstancA elslahb reatheg su, sa ts e b reatheu dpont hec haoo sft hed eepw hent hew orldsu iereformed. y 3 9.A ndl ifes pringf osrthf romd ath;t hec arnai olrmi schanged 921 t o f orm d &iv#i3n9e;. " ~..&& -#&#33#993;;9-&;1#_39; 4 0. T hew illo fm anm akesp ossibt lheea ctiono ft heH olyBreath. W henw ill o f m ana ndw ill o i A llaha reo ne,t her esurrectioni s: a fact. .. 4 1. I n t hisw eh avet hec hemistro yf m ortal life,t he(cid:24) miniltroyf d eath,t hem ysteryo f d ei(cid:1)cl ife. _ &#39;-1, _ _ _ 4 2M yh umf oanrw maw shog lilvyt e on w ilt lotune . $"thed ew iiiiew ll;ht ehnw isad sob nye e(cid:20)a (cid:28) r th t asks w ere done. t 4 3. A nd y ou,m y b rothers,knowf ull w ellt hetoeslhadtomeet y ouk nowa boum t yv ictoriei nsG ethsemam neyt ;rialsi nt heo ourtoaf m en;m yd eathu pont hec ross. " - I E(cid:24) I(cid:24)(cid:25) :T I-(cid:24)Til(cid:25) - ., . " (cid:28)H F ROM" ms H OLYP j ROP}-IE&#39;[_ seq Q @- 1 6. Andinthermlmofsoulsunmaniiesethelnrdwmtuld taught. . Heopeneduptheprisondootsandlettheprisonerfree. 17 1 8. H e b roket hec haino f c aptives oulsa ,ndl edt hec aptivetso t helight. 1 Hesatinmuncilwiththepatriarthsuldprophetsnitheolden 19. times. 20. T hew as o ia llt imesa ndd imesH emeta,ndin(cid:2)xegreat A a ssenibliesH e s toodf ortha ndtoldtheltoryofl-iisli£eoneI.rth,endoi h diesath i n s acri(cid:1)ce f or mm. (cid:24) (cid:24) set aod otheh imself _ ing usho f(cid:2)esh 2 1 A nd o f h asp t&#39;I.1.I;ru_-_ a ndw -inw <ithH isd isciplew& s#e,3t 9o;p rovet hep ossltnhueo sf man. i 2 2. T ogw&#e3t9h; emthek eyofi iie ,o i_deathandoftherenu-reetioo . o i t dheead. 2 3 Inomtne&z#l3a9(cid:2); thentasterssata nd t alked a bout t he revelations oi(cid:1)eeomiog-age. 2 4 W hens he,t heH oly B reat h, s hall(cid:1) ll t he e artha ndsir with h o! b reatha ndo penu pt hew ayo f m ant o per feetion a nd e ndlesshie. y 2ST .heg ardo efnS aloaw massilent o n t he S abbathc lay. The (cid:24) shs oldierw satchea dndn oo nee lsea pproacht ehdet omb;b uton Jew": !"(cid:24)_Q * (cid:24) & #(cid:28) &3#93;9;* * (cid:25)"htt hescene-waset(cid:24).a&#39;oge<(cid:24).. ,1.2. t nc I ouowmg mg 2 6. A t m idnighe tveryj ewzshs oldxeh rearda voteeI hldl Ind: " AdonM ashiehC umi,"w hichm eant:(cid:28) LordJ esusarise.(cid:29) we 2 7. A ndt heys upposa egdaint hef riendso fj esusw erel.lert,_were_ 1 c 0minu _pgt ot aket heb odo yft heiL rordaway(cid:25). 2 5. T hes oiciiew rseree ie(cid:1) s worda snsheatha enddd raw-&ze#d39;::, n t hent heyb eardt hew ordsa gain. . I " " 2 9. I t s eemea dst hougt hhev oicew ase verywhera en,dy ett heylaw (cid:24)>1 n o m3 an0.. T hes oldierb slanchew dithf ear,a nds tillt o(cid:2) eem eantdeath 3 f orc owardica en,ds ot heys tooda ndw atched. _ _~ ; &#39; ¬ &#3 319.;A gaina ,llt hisw asb efort ehes una rost eh,eh eaveb nlsazewdith l ight;a d istant htundes reemet odh eraldf ortha c omins gtorm.(cid:24) , &#39; 3 2. Andthentheearthbegautoqualteandintheraysoilightthey s awa f ormd escenf rdomh eaven.T heys aid:(cid:28) Beholda .na ngec!omes(cid:29) 3 3. A ndt hent heyh earda gain(cid:28) : Aden C _ami.(cid:29) 3 4 A nd t hent he w hite-robedf orm t rumpedo n t he R omanseal. I < 1t henh et orei ta m.s hredsh ;et ookt hemightys tone i n h is h and as t 1,11oughitvs&#39;efelpeh& #bt 3o9l;t ehefrs -idoe.:rlthebrook,andcasttt 3 5. A ndJ esuo speneH d&l s#e3j9e;sandsaid:"A1lhaI1therisingnm; t hc eomo init hgd eao gfr ighteoIu"sness 3 6. A ndt hen e f oldedu pH isb urialg ownH , isb eadb endsand t 92 H isc overinga sndh idt hema lla side. _ " -&#39; 1 3 7. H ea rosea ,ndf ora m omens ttoodb esidet hew hite-robefdorm. 3 .3T bw ; mjs tgorldf ieeg lrlsot hechga néh tdiiudt hnedf iarciens m =s=&#39t l;aneZsmtmen.;g;s etrooda n W &I#!39; __ 3 9 T heys awt l-Q-b odyo f t he N azarenet ransmute. T hey saw"it_ i " 1 fh : ange-frm omortat oli mmortao lnna .ndt heni t d. s..$sapptm-ed. __ L 4 0._ s oldih eersas rdv oicf reomeve:h -eyrew;y et, f rom e very- - ~v- & #39;"= 77&1#&3#9p 3;e9Za;ic;_o ee.n.;ee ea,rthg ,oodw illt om en." - _ -- . 3(cid:24) - e 1_ to(cid:24)- E(cid:24) |lLl_|&#39;n(cid:24)_(cid:24)li"-(cid:28)ll - a . - . _ FR9§&#33 9°;1ij<HYE,P§°PH£? 4 Then(cid:1)earoseandpressedtbehandofeverymanmdoithe 16. r oyalh ost,a ndsaid: 1 7. (cid:28) BeholdI , a mn otm ythm adeo f t he(cid:2) eetingw inds,f or I ml (cid:2) esha bnodne a ndb rawn,b utI c anc rosst heb orderlana dtwill." 1 8. A ndt heyt alkedt ogethet hrerea l ong,l ongt ime (cid:24) ThenIeaus i (cid:2)id: &#39; (cid:24) 1 9. (cid:28) I g om yw ay,b uty ous hallg ot oa llt hew orlda ndt eam(cid:24)the $ 05c 1a3o t5m1nipo oftm enat nche.p eowo eft rrutt hh,er esurroefction t he e a ." 2 0. " Hew hob elievet shisg ospeo lft hes ono f m ans halln everthe t hed eads halll ive again." T henJ esud sisappearb edutH eh ads ownt hes eedT .hewords 2 1. , o f l ifew eres pokeni n O rissaa ,nda llI ndiab urd. 2 2. T he M ag&ia#n39p;r iestsw ere i n t he s ilenceo f P ersepolis,and K aspera ndt heM agianm astersw ,how ere(cid:1) rstt o greett he c hild of p romisi en t hes hepherdh &o#m3e9i n;sB ethlehemw e,rew itht hepriests 2 3. A ndJ esusc amea nds atw itht hem;a c rowno f l ightw ascm H is h ead. - 2 4. A nd w hent hes ilencee ndedK aspers aid:(cid:28) A m asterf rom the R oyalC ounco ilft heS ilentB rotherhoi osdh ere;l etu sg ivepraise. 2 5. A nd a ll t he p riestsa ndm asterss tooda nds aid: (cid:28) All hail! W hatm essagf reormtheR oyalC ouncd iloy oub ring?(cid:25) . , 2 2 6. A ndj eanss :a id(cid:28) Myb rothero sft heS ilentB rotherhoopde,ace mi. o ne arth,g oodw ill t om &e#n3.9; 1 7 (cid:25) T he r obleo mft hea geh asb eens olvet dh;es onc l(cid:24)m anhas * ~- - p7. . 11. ..hetransformed f romt dhaed; h ass hot-.&t h#a3t9h ;:u1man(cid:1) es. can t ;h is(cid:1)eshinwhi cMhleometoyouwas i nto (cid:2) esh d ivine. j - 2 8. B eforet hee yeso f men é c hangew diths peeo dfl ightf romh uma(cid:2) nesh.A nds Io a mt hemessage t Ih at b ri t oy &o#u3.9; 2 9.a lgy aouI c omt eh,e(cid:1) rso tfa llt her act eoh et ransrnt &uot#e3d9; * &#39;~. t hei mageo fA llah. _ e (cid:24) . 3 0 W I hath avd eona el,lm enw ild l oa ;ndw haI ta ma ,llm en l ? (cid:24) s hall b e." . 3 1. B utJ esus saidn om ore.I no nes horb treathH et oldt hes tory -0_ o f H ism issiont ot imes onso f m en,a ndi llé(cid:1)H e c (cid:24)risa;:peara&~ #39;l. -*. 3 2. T heM agis aid:" Somet imea gow er eadt his n ow p A f ul(cid:1)lledu ,pont hed ialp lateo fh &e#a3v9e;n . - J _ - 3* 3 3. A ndt henw es awt hism artw hoh asj ustd emonstrateu dntou &s#39; V t l(cid:1):p oweo rfm ant or aisf eront dama(cid:2) lesa hndb loot do(cid:2) esho fA - llah, - r<,;% a babe i n B ethlehem. 1 1 - 3 4. A nda fterm anyy ee arsH c am(cid:25)e a nd s at w ith u s i n t hesesome g roves. _ 3 5 H e t oldt hes toryo f H ish umanl ife,o f t rials,s oret ern - é _ _ i - 3 & ! #39; i t ion,b u(cid:1)etinga ndw oes. _ _ _ _ 3 6. H fpressedi l-& o#r3igt 9h;et yhornyw e o fl ifet:illHeha.srisenanr1_ (cid:24)Z . i I(cid:24) o verthrownt hes trongesf toeso f A llaha nd i na n.(cid:24)a ndH e i sn owjhe I o f t heh umanr acew hose(cid:2) eshh asb eent ransmittem dto (cid:24)», o nly master (cid:2) esh divine. 3 7. H e i st heG od-(cid:20) t odayb , ute veryono efe arths hallover- c omea bned l ike H im, a Allah." &#39(cid:24) ; . ,(cid:24) WW. , - . I . 1 . av(cid:24), 1 - . 1-I . . -t 13 . 5" _.* . -sq (cid:24) "(cid:25) 32 THE (cid:1)i(cid:24)v(cid:25)iN&#39;::(cid:25). I-NSTRU¬.&#39;TIONS & &##3399;; 77" &#39; H i T 7 7 &#39; ifi T77 7 7 7_7(cid:25)j if . 7 - Then event:o ccurred beforH es:o u thirty year: of age,a nd the . events afteHr: had risen fromth e deadH, e approveb da ckl o[dig Europe andA frica in thel oofa d Egypt, andm ade HinuelLf -no-ms tulle tlé e;»orge&v#e3n9t;t:_h a.ebr eke Tighyheetea.reresn wonh iacbhiu nyt so! ur 0 I &#39;¥ohfe J uoshthene _Baptist. john taugb thhyte sage. _ _ " (cid:25) The meaninogf Baptisma nd howt o baptizeh imself. _ And after he was bapfz1 e d h,ewastaken attheageof twelveyears into Africa, the land of Egypt, and therer emained int he Egyptian schools eighteen years. And thereh e learnedh is dutya s (cid:28)Fore-runneor f Jesus.(cid:29) _ 92 CHAPTER JGC &#39; r HOLY INSTRUCTION AND wsnmxas FOR ALL YOUNG mas: _ 1 l Beware, younmg en, bewaro eaf ll the allurementosf wanton- ncss, alnedt notth e harlioetp pt thetoe exceisns h edr elights. 2 T.he madness odf esire shadll efeat itso wn pursuitsf;r om the blindnesso itfs rage, thous halt rushu pon destruction. 3. Thereforeg ive nou tt hpy heart toh _e_r sweenetitc ements, neither suffer thys oul tob e enslaveb hdye r enchanting delusions~ ._ , 4 T.he foundation oih ealth whichm ust supplyt he st:-mmo f pleas- ure, shaqlul icklb ye d urpie,d and evesrpyr ing ojpf y shab elle xhausted. 5. In the primeo thfy life old age shalol vertake theet;h e sun shall declinein the morning o thfy days.(cid:28) _ _ _ . 6 But when virtuea nd modesetyn lighten hecrh arms, thleu stre oi e beantiful woman isb righter thanth e starso f heavens od thei n(cid:2)uence o hfer power it is in vain to resist. 7 T.he whitenesso hfer b troasnosmeendeth the lily; her smile is more deliciousth an a garden of roses. 8 T.he innocence ohi er eyesi s Iikethat of a turtle; simplicity and truth dwell in her heart. i ". 9 T.he kisses ofh er mouth are sweetert han honey; the perfumes o Afrabia breathe from her lips. . 10 Shut not thyb too somthe tenderno elosfvse ; "thep urity of_its (cid:1)ame shalel nnoble thhye art, andso iten itt o receive1 ....(cid:25)-e 5.-m.5:-1... pressrons. & ~#..3.-9.-;-¢"&#39;-&#39; CHAPTERXIIG . MARRIAGE INSTRUCTFIOONRS M ANm o WIFE FROM 31- - T NI-OIEBLE PROPHET , &#39; , ,l.-H e-a1r,?, (cid:24)fair daugohi l toteovr e,the instrucotfi opnrsu dence gnd lefthper eceptst rouf th sindke ep itnh y hearst;o shathll e elnmu th (cid:24)mind odd lustret o the elegance otih y iorm; and thy beauty. o lyi éé(cid:28) ttio.t .s -s, e.it (cid:24)r(cid:1)emshhelellt hre,i tt.s- .s2w:-e. xwtehees_nsb itlos oIm . &#3&9;# 39;_ J , with(cid:1)cd-I(cid:24) v- Ia(cid:24) (cid:25) F a _;. . -92;(cid:24)¢., - -__ &#39; _(cid:25)_,,(cid:25).§(cid:24). &#39; " ~"&#39; 7:0".--&#39; ~ .. =: & "#39; _ Q -is _ l$KJ&#39;?(cid:24)Pl&#39_; _-(cid:24).1_n_&#39;n|-uu-mn.-

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