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Preview New records for stink bugs in Virginia (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae)

12 BANISTERIA No. 19, 2002 expressed to Dr. Roble, and to Joseph C. and Wendy H. Phymatidae, Miridae). Banisteria 14: 24-28. Mitchell, David R. Smith, Barbara J. Abraham, and Michael W. Donahue for the gift of specimens generated Howell, J. O., & R. Pienkowski. 1971. Spider populations during their personal collecting activities. in alfalfa, with notes on spider prey and effect of harvest. Journal of Economic Entomology 64: 163-168. LITERATURE CITED Platnick, N. I. 1974. The spider family Anyphaenidae in Brescovit, A.D. 1991. Hibana, novo genero de aranhas America north of Mexico. Bulletin of the Museum of da famflia Anyphaenidae (Arachnida, Araneae). Re vista Comparative Zoology 146: 205-266. Brasileira de Entomologia 35: 729-744. Platnick, N. I. 1997. Advances In Spider Taxonomy Hoffman, R. L. 1999. Six species of bugs new to the 1992-1995. New York Entomological Society. 976 pp. Virginia list (Heteroptera: Coreidae, Lygaeidae, Banisteria, Number 19, 2002 © 2002 by the Virginia Natural History Society New Records for Stink Bugs in Virginia (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae) Richard L. Hoffman Virginia Museum of Natural History Martinsville, Virginia 24112 Three decades have passed since publication of my - through the interest of Steven M. Roble - of valuable survey (1971) of the pentatomoid Heteroptera in “The material obtained during its inventory activities around Insects of Virginia” series, during which time our the state. The classification and nomenclature follows that knowledge of these insects has been substantially of Froeschner (1988), except as specifically noted. increased. Six species were added to the state list, and a number of recent name changes noted some years ago FAMILY SCUTELLERIDAE (Hoffman, 1994); it is now desirable to present a sequel that adds still another pentatomid to our fauna and Camirus porosus (Germar) provides significant distributional records for several others. Although this northern member of a mostly The occasion is taken to offer a key to the Virginia Neotropical genus is virtually continent-wide in North genera of the subfamily Asopinae, not recognized in my America, actual capture records are rare and only a few 1971 treatment, and another to our species of Podisus states can claim C. porosus as a native resident. A which accommodates the additional member of this genus collection from beach drift at Virginia Beach (Jones, here documented as native to the state. 1935) provided the northernmost locality in eastern Unless otherwise specified, the material mentioned United States, and this tenuous evidence has to my herein is located in the Virginia Museum of Natural knowledge never subsequently been verified. There is History (VMNH), which is under ongoing obligation to always some ambiguity about the origin of any beach drift the staff of the Division of Natural Heritage, Virginia finds, there being usually no way to know from what Department of Conservation and Recreation, for donation locality a specimen actually entered the water. HOFFMAN: STINK BUGS 13 It is now possible to document an unequivocal I am unaware of any illustration of the forewing for Virginia locality for this very rare species: Nottoway Co.: this species and provide a sketch (Fig. 1C) that shows the Fort Pickett Military Reservation, 1.6 mi. E jet. Wilcox reduced venation and distribution of color. The striking and Range roads, 7 July 1999, Anne C. Chazal and Amber white costal region is not mentioned in descriptions K. Foster, VDNH survey (1). In addition to providing the available to me, and in fact is invisible when the wings new northernmost known locality for C. porosus, this site are withdrawn beneath the scutellum. is of interest for its inland position on the Virginia As in related scutellerid genera, Camirus has Piedmont rather than in the Coastal Plain as might have subquadrate paramedian stridulatory areas on ventral been expected. segments 4 and 5, but they are almost invisible unless the At first glance, C. porosus bears a considerable specimen is turned into the correct inclination vis-a-vis a resemblance in size, shape, and coloration to species of light source, when they are seen to consist of prominent the genus Galgupha, except that the integument is matte long parallel striae. I could detect no corresponding instead of shiny. A good dorsal habitus illustration was plectral surfaces on the inner side of the metafemora aside published by Froeschner (1988), but it does not indicate from a few random subapical vertical striae which do not the coarse, dense punctation of the entire body. As seen seem correctly placed to rub against the stridulatral with magnification, the bug has an unprepossessing facies surface. with its dull black coloration, small eyes, and large, declivous head which is retracted up to the eyes in the FAMIFY PENTATOMIDAE prothorax (Figs. 1A, IB). An interesting feature is the Subfamily Pentatominae accommodation of the long antennae in the deep, narrow, prothoracic rostral groove from which, in the preserved Proxys punctulatus (Palisot de Beauvois) specimen, they had to be extracted with a fine needle. This groove, formed by the laminate expansion of the At the time of preparing my 1971 treatment, I had seen front edge of the propleura (Fig. IB, ppf), becomes so material of this striking black and yellow species only constricted between the procoxae that the corresponding from a few specimens taken in the cities of Richmond, segment of the rostrum is notably narrowed in order to fit Suffolk, Chesapeake, and Norfolk. From these localities into the narrow sinus. I concluded the species observed the classical “Tower Fig. 1. Camirus porosus. A. Outline of body in dorsal aspect; B. Anterolateral aspect of forebody, showing deep insertion of the head into the prothorax and concealment of antennal socket under propleural flange (ppf); C. Feft forewing. Heavily stippled area is dull black, lightly stippled area is ivory-white, unstippled areas are clear membrane, the veins are indicated somewhat more evidently than in actuality. 14 BANISTERIA No. 19, 2002 Fig. 2. Distribution of Proxys punctulatus in Virginia. Previously published records indicated by the plus symbols, new records by dots. Dashed line approximates the eastern edge of the Fall Line; solid line the eastern edge of the Blue Ridge. Austral” distribution and was probably confined to the and introduced a considerable number of nomenclatorial Coastal Plain in Virginia. Material subsequently acquired changes which I now review in order to update the names by VMNH demonstrates a distinctly greater range: used in my 1971 accounts. essentially everywhere east of the Blue Ridge. New Blatchley (1926: 93) distinguished the Asopinae from localities are in Essex, Greene, Greensville, Halifax, nominate Pentatominae by structure of the bucculae, long Henry, Isle of Wight, Nelson, Nottoway, and Roanoke and parallel in the latter, almost entirely enveloping the counties and justify preparation of a new state range map slender basal segment of the rostrum, against short and (Fig. 2) for this species. convergent, enclosing only the basal half of the short, The westernmost capture sites correspond closely to a thick basal rostral segment in asopines. Thomas (1992: line drawn along the base of the Blue Ridge: Greene Co.: 8) was unable to define tribal groups among the 27 New Conway River at Va. 230, 23 August 1980, RLH (1). World genera that he recognized despite a diversity of Nelson Co.: Afton, 21 July 1973, J. Gainer (1). Roanoke structural features. Five of these genera are represented in Co.: Roanoke River at crossing of Blue Ridge Parkway, the Virginia fauna and can be distinguished as follows: 29 June 1975, S. W. Bullington (1). Although the species is attracted to UV light, KEY TO THE VIRGINIA specimens appear singly or in very small numbers, e.g., GENERA OF ASOPINAE two from Greensville County on 15 July 1994. We have three specimens from Essex County taken in extensive 1. Scutellum broad and ovoid, covering inner angles of Malaise trapping over a period of several seasons, an hemelytral coria and base of membrane, the apex extremely low return considering the total trap effort of broadly rounded.Stiretrus hundreds of hours. - Scutellum subtriangular. distally acuminate, not covering hemelytra.2 Subfamily Asopinae 2. Rostrum very long, extending back to 2nd abdominal segment; pronotal humeri produced into blunt My 1971 treatment of Virginia pentatomoids did not digitiform projection; color bluish-black with admit this taxon at either the tribal or subfamilial level pronotum and scutellum variously ornamented despite its treatment as a subfamily by Blatchley (1926) with red markings.Euthyrhynchus and other authorities. I herewith atone for that neglect by - Rostrum shorter, not extending beyond posterior recognizing the Asopinae in the sense of Thomas (1992), coxae; humeri, if produced, acute or spinose; who revised the asopine fauna of the Western Hemisphere color not dark blue and red 3 HOFFMAN: STINK BUGS 15 3. 4th segment of rostrum about twice as long as 3rd; Podisus placidus Uhler color black and orange.Perillus New state record, new southernmost locality - 4th segment of rostrum about equal to 3rd; color yellowish to brownish.4 A boreal species stated by Blatchley to have been 4. Jugae slightly longer than tylus; body length greater “ . .not recorded south of New Jersey.” Localities cited than 12 mm.Apoecilus by Froeschner (1988: 556) define a range from Quebec to - Jugae and tylus equal in length; body less than Alberta and Utah, again with nothing south of New Jersey 12 mm long.Podisus and Ohio. VMNH has a single female collected by Malaise trap in Clarke Co.: Blandy Experimental Farm, 3 mi. S Boyce (D. R. Smith, 2 July 1991), which adds the species to to the state list of insects, and constitutes a Euthyrhynchus floridanus (Linnaeus) considerable southward extension of the known range. Whether this specimen derived from a native population, In 1971 I cited material from Appomattox, or was introduced via shrubbery (Blandy Farm hosts a Gloucester, and Southampton counties, and the cities of variety of exotic cultivars) remains to be determined by Suffolk, Norfolk, and Newport News. Specimens at future collections in Virginia and neighboring states. VMNH add Isle of Wight County and the cities of The combination of straight pronotal margins, Hampton, Richmond, and Virginia Beach. A specimen immaculate legs and membrane, and extensive random from Kiptopeke State Park, at the southern end of brown blotching of the dorsum readily distinguish this Northampton County (S.M. Roble, 6 October 1996) species from other local members of the genus. establishes the species on the “Eastern Shore” and one from Grey’s Point, Middlesex County (J. Carnes, 29 Podisus neglectus (Westwood) October 1955) extends the Virginia range slightly northward to the Rappahannock River. Based on a single female without indication of origin, this species fell into an obscurity that was a credit to its Apoecilus cynicus (Say) name. The type specimen was apparently not restudied by a pentatomid specialist until Thomas found it in the Thomas (1992: 25) elevated Apoecilus from British Museum collection and recognized the species as subgeneric to generic rank, in the process incidentally that described much later as P. fretus (Olsen, 1916) from removing the generic name Apateticus from the local specimens taken in Massachusetts. Ranging from Maine fauna. As Apateticus cynicus I reported this large and to Florida along the seacoast, with disjunct populations in conspicuous species from Burkes Garden, Tazewell the Great Lakes region; the species appears to be County, its only then-known Virginia locality. uncommon in Virginia as no specimens have been taken Recently collected VMNH specimens now represent here since I reported two specimens (USNM) from the counties of Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Craig, Virginia Beach. Since there has been no dearth of and Dickenson, from sites on or west of the Blue Ridge. collecting activities in the two “Eastern Shore” counties Robert Vigneault obtained eight specimens, mostly at and extreme southeastern Virginia by staff of the Division lights, at Breaks Interstate Park, Dickenson County, of Natural Heritage, perhaps some special collecting during the first two weeks of July 2000. techniques are required to obtain specimens of P. neglectus. That an actual hiatus in the range may occur, Podisus brevispinus Thomas however, is suggested by the apparently analogous case of another coastal pentatomid, Thyanta custator (Fabricius), The specific name modestus, by which this insect was of which no specimens have been taken between New known for many decades, was determined by Thomas Jersey and North Carolina. (1992: 93) to have been based upon a specimen of P. maculiventris (Say), thus requiring the proposal of the Podisus serieventris Uhler new name brevispinus for the present species. As Podisus modestus I recorded it (1971: 58) from only a few Known states of record for this species clearly reflect specimens captured in Montgomery and Grayson a northern, subboreal distribution from Newfoundland to counties. Recently acquired material originated in British Columbia, and southward to North Carolina and Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Dickenson, Floyd, Giles, Utah. Curiously, the only Virginia records I could cite in Highland, Nelson, Rockingham, Smyth, Tazewell, and 1971 were for Arlington and Fairfax counties, in the Washington counties, from sites on or west of the Blue Piedmont rather than the mountains, an anomaly Ridge and nearly all above 3000 ft. elevation. paralleled by the localities then known for North Carolina. 16 BANISTERIA No. 19, 2002 Since 1971, a few captures have been made in the Scutelleridae 8 Virginia mountains: Dickenson Co.: Breaks Interstate Cydnidae 14 Park, 1-14 July 2000, Robert Vigneault (6), and Highland Corimelaenidae 11 Co.: Locust Spring Recreation Area, George Washington Pentatomidae 51 National Forest, 29 April 1972, R. L. and L. S. Hoffman (1). Collectively, these do not add up to a very adequate The proximity of capture sites for other species in picture of the in-state distribution. adjoining states suggests that this total may increase to The addition of P. placidus to the state fauna and the about 90 through continued collecting efforts. several name changes mentioned above require revision of the key that I prepared in 1971. LITERATURE CITED KEY TO THE VIRGINIA SPECIES OF PODISUS Blatchley, W. S. 1926. Heteroptera or True Bugs of Eastern North America, with Especial Reference to the 1. Dorsolateral margin of pronotum straight; legs Faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Publishing Co., and membrane immaculate; dorsum mostly Indianapolis. 1116 pp. pale beige mottled with irregular brown blotches.P. placidus Froeschner, R. C. 1988. Families Pentatomidae (pp. 544- - Dorsolateral margin of pronotum concave or 597) and Scutelleridae (pp. 684-693) In T. J. Henry & indented near midlength; membrane with R. C. Froeschner. Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True median stripe; dorsum colored otherwise.2 Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. 2. Legs immaculate yellow; median projection of E. J. Brill, Leiden and New York. 958 pp. 2nd ventral segment short, not extending between metacoxae; body length less than Hoffman, R. L. 1971. Shield bugs (Hemiptera: 10 mm.P. brevispinus Scutelleroidea: Scutelleridae, Corimelaenidae, Cydnidae, - Legs variously marked with spots or annulations; Pentatomidae). The Insects of Virginia, No. 4. Research median projection of 2nd ventral segment longer, Division Bulletin 67, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and usually extending between bases of metacoxae; State University, Blacksburg. 61 pp. length greater than 10 mm.3 3. Femora of all legs with two black subapical spots Hoffman, R. L. 1994. Additions and corrections to the .P. maculiventris Virginia fauna of “True Bugs” (Heteroptera: Cydnidae, - Femora variously marked but never with two Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Alydidae). Banisteria3:15- subapical dark spots.4 19. 4. Antennae uniformly light reddish-brown; midventral abdominal spots large (size of an Jones, M. P. 1935. A peculiar insect situation along a eye, or larger) and poorly-defined.P. neglectus seashore. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of - 3rd and 4th antennomeres distinctly darker than basal; Washington 37: 150-151. midventral abdominal spots small and sharply defined.P. serieventris Olsen, C. E. 1916. A new pentatomid. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 11: 82-83. SUMMARY Thomas, D. B. 1992. Taxonomic synopsis of the asopine The 84 species of Pentatomoidea now known to Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) of the Western Hemisphere. occur in Virginia are distributed among four families as Thomas Say Foundation Monographs 16: 1-156. follows:

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