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New data on the benthic Opisthobranch Molluscs from the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), with description of a new species of Aegires Loven, 1844 PDF

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Preview New data on the benthic Opisthobranch Molluscs from the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), with description of a new species of Aegires Loven, 1844

©SociedadEspañola deMalacologia Iberus, 20 (2): 45-56, 2002 New data on the benthic Opisthobranch MoUuscs from the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), with des- cription ofa new species o£Aegires Lovén, 1844 Nuevos datos sobre los moluscos opistobranquios bentónicos del Archipiélago de Fernando de Noronha, con descripción de una nueva especie áeAegires Lovén, 1844 FranciscoJ. GARCÍA\ Jesús S. TRONCOSO^and Marta DOMÍNGUEZ^ Recibidoel20-XI-2001.Aceptadoel22-V-2002 ABSTRACT New data on the opisthobranch fauna from the Archipelago Fernando de Noronha are presented in this paper, 1 1 1 specimens distributed among 12 species were studied and 1 1 of them are a new record for the archipelago. A new species of genus Aeglres is des- cribed. The external anatomy and radula of this specimen are compared with other spe- cies ofthe genus. RESUMEN En este trabajo se presentan nuevos datos sobre la fauna de moluscos opistobranquios del Archipiélago Fernando de Noronha, se estudian un total de 1 1 1 ejemplares repartidas en 12 especies, siendo que 1 1 de ellas son nuevas citas para el archipiélago. Se describe una nueva especie de Nudibranchia perteneciente al género Aegires Lovén, 1844. Se compara la anatomía externa y rádula de este espécimen con otras especies del género. KEYWORDS: Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, FernandodeNoronha,Aegires, newspecies. PALABRASCLAVE: Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, FernandodeNoronha,Aegires, nuevaespecie. INTRODUCTION The Archipelago Fernando de thenorthbranch oftheSouth equatorial Noronha(Brazil)liesoffCapeSaoRoque, oceanic current, with high temperature, State ofRio Grande do Norte, about 195 salinity and transparency. Theintertidal nautical miles offshore (03° 51' S, 32° 25' bottoms are mostly of hard substrate W). Besides the island of Fernando de with a few sandy beaches, having a Noronha, several smaller islands, all of dominant community ofseaweeds (cal- volcanicorigin,composetheArchipelago careousalgae,Sargassumsp.andfilamen- ofthesameñame.ThearchipelagoUesin tousgreenalgae)andVermetidae. 'Depto. FisiologíayZoología; Facultad Biología; UniversidadSevilla;Avda. ReinaMercedes, 6;Apdo. 1095, 41080Sevilla,Spain.e-mail: [email protected] ^DepartamentodeEcologíayBiologíaAnimal;FacultadCienciasdelMar;UniversidadVigo;CampusLagoas- Marcosende;36200Vigo;Spain.e-mail: [email protected] 45 Iberus, 20 (2), 2002 Table I. Opisthobranchs from Fernando de NoronhaArchipelago recorded by Matthews AND Kempf (1970); R]OSand Barcellos (1979) and presentpapen 000: abundant (20 or morespe- cimens); 00: modérate (20>n>2); 0: rare (n<2). Tabla I. Opistobranquios delArchipielado de Fernando deNoronha citadosporMatthewsAND Kempf (1970); Ríosand Barcellos (1979)y en elpresente trabajo. 000: abundante (20 o más ejemplares);00:moderado(20>n>2); 0:raro (n<2). Specíes MatthewsandKempf(1970) RiosandBarcellos(1979) Presentpaper Cephaiaspídea Micromeloundafa 00 Hydafinavesicaria >l/yssp. Atysmandrewü Refusacanalkulafa Cylichnanoronhensis Anaspídea Aplysiasp. Stylocheiluslongicauda 000 Ascogiossa Caliphyllamediterránea 00 Elysiaornato 000 Elysiaflava o Notaspidea Pleurobranchusareolatus o Bertheliniacaribbea Berthellastellata o Doridacea Dor/ssp. Aegiresabsalaoi o Chromodorisneona 00 Platydorisangustipes o Dendrodorissenegalensis 00 Aeolidacea Phidianasp. 00 Matthews and Kempf (1970) provi- In this papernewspecies ofopistho- ded a checklist of the molluscan fauna branchs found in the Archipelago of from the Archipelago of Fernando de Fernando de Noronha are cited, based Noronha and Atol das Rocas. Although on material obtained by the authors more than 160 species ofMolluscs were duringtwovisitsin 1999and2000. listed, however only seven species of opisthobranch gastropods were cited. Besides four species were referred by MATERIALANDMETHODS LopesandAlvarenga (1957) this mate- rialwasnotfoundbytheseauthors,and The species studied in this paper finally two species was referred by Ríos were coUected by diving down to 20 m ANDBarcellos(1979) (TableI). along the littoral, during two trips to 46 GarcíaETal.-. Opisthobranchs from Fernando de Noronha, and a newAegiresspecies Figure 1. Samplinglocalities. 1 Praiado Cachorro, 2 Porto, 3 PraiadaConce¡9áo, 4Air France Is. Rasa, 5 Rasa Is., 6 Buraco do Inferno Rata Is., 7 Lage Dois Irmáos between Rataand Meio Is., 8 RessurrettaRataIs. Figura 1. Localidadesde muestreo. 1 Praiado Cachorro, 2Porto, 3 Praiada Conceigáo, 4AirFrance Is. Rasa, 5RasaIs., 6Buraco doInferno RataIs., 7LageDoisIrmáosentreRatayMeio Is., 8Ressu- rrettaRataIs. Archipelago de Fernando de Noronha Department of Physiology and Zoology in 1999 and 2000. The sampling stations of the University ofSeville and Depart- are represented in Figure 1. For each ment of Ecology and Animal Biology of species the dates and depth of coUec- the University of Vigo (Spain) and the tion, stations, and lengths of the speci- holotype ofAegires was deposited in the mens alive are recorded. Besides this, Museu Oceanógrafico "Prof. Eliézer de the distributions in Brazil and in other Carvalho Rios" from the Foundation geographicaláreasareincluded. University of Rio Grande, in Rio The specimens collected have been Grande, Brazil, with code number deposited in the coUections of the 42.011. RESULTS Class GastropodaCuvier, 1797 Subclass OpisthobranchiaMilne-Edwards, 1848 OrderCephalaspideaFischer, P. 1883 Family Hydatinidae Pilsbry, 1895 GenusMicromelo Pilsbry, 1895 Micromelo undata (Bruguiére, 1792) (Fig. 2A) Materialcollected:06/07/1999;station:PraiadoCachorro(FemandodeNoronhaIs.);depth:inter- tidal; 1 specimen;length: 17mm.08/07/1999;station:PraiadoCachorro(FemandodeNoronha 47 Iberus, 20 (2), 2002 Is.);depth:intertidal;1specimen;length:30mm.07/07/1999;station:Porto(FernandodeNoronha Is.);depth: 1 m;5specimens;lengthinmm; 15.5to22mm. 15/06/2000;station: Porto(Fernando deNoronha Is.);depth: 1 m;1 specimen;length: 15mm. 19/06/2000;station:Porto(Fernandode NoronhaIs.);depth: 1 m;1 specimen;length: 17mm. Habitat: On rocks with algae and in Othergeographicaláreasdistribution:Cir- tidalpoolswithCystoseira. cumtropicalspecies,CaribbeanSea,Atlan- Brazilian distribution: NE Brazil, from ticOcean,Macaronesia,AscensiónIs,Sout- Pernambuco to Bahia (Marcus and hernÁfricaandIndo-PacificOcean(Gos- Marcus, 1967; Ríos, 1994). Fernando de LiNER, 1987; Malaquias, 2001; Marcus Noronha Is. (Marcus and Marcus, AND Marcus, 1967; Marcus, 1977; Mik- 1967; MatthewsandKempf, 1970; Ríos, KELSEN, 1995;Ortea,Moro,Bacallado 1994). ANDHerrera,2000;Ríos, 1994). OrderAnáspideAFischerR, 1883 Family Dolabriferidae Pilsbry, 1895 Genus Stylocheilus Gould, 1852 Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) (Fig. 2B) Materialcollected:07/07/1999;station:Porto(FernandodeNoronhaIs.);depth:intertidal;1 spe- cimen;length:22mm.08/07/1999;station:PraiadaConceigáo(FernandodeNoronhaIs.);depth: intertidal;7specimens;length:15to33mm.10/07/1999;station:AirFrance(RasaIs.);depth:inter- tidal;3specimens; length: 18 to20mm. 16/06/2000;station: Rasa Is.;depth: intertidal; 17speci- mens;length: 12to36mm. 17/06/2000;station:BuracodoInferno(RataIs.);depth: 12m;4speci- mens;length: 19to29mm. 19/06/2000;station:BuracodoInferno(RataIs.);depth: 14m;6speci- mens;length:6to28. Habitat: Onandunderrocks,associa- Other geographical áreas distribution: tedwithmassesofredalgae. Circumtropical (Farmer, 1967; Marcus, Brazilian distribution: Pernambuco, 1977; Marshall and Willan, 1999; Recife (MarcusandMarcus, 1970). Ríos, 1994). OrderSacoglossa VonIhering, 1876 Family HermaeidaeAdams H. andA. Genus Caliphylla Costa,A. 1869 Caliphylla mediterráneaA. Costa, 1867 (Figs. 2C, D) Materialcollected:15/06/2000;station:Porto(FernandodeNoronhaIs.);depth:5m;1specimen; length: 16mm. 19/06/2000;station: Porto (FernandodeNoronhaIs.);depth: 5m; 10specimens; length:8to19mm. Habitat: Associated with filamentous Spain to Senegal, Canary Is. and Carib- greenalgae. bean Sea (Cervera, Templado, García- Brazilian distribution: South Brazil in Gómez, Ballesteros, Ortea, García, Sao Paulo State (Santos, Sao Sebastiáo RosandLuque, 1988; Gascoigne, 1979; Is., Cananeia) (Marcus, 1977; Ríos, Jensen and Clark, 1983; Marcus and 1994). Marcus, 1970; Marcus, 1977; Ortea et Othergeographical áreas distribution: AL., 2000; Pruvot-Fol, 1954; Schmekel Mediterranean Sea;Atlantic Ocean from ANDPORTMANN, 1982). 48 García ETal.-. Opisthobranchs from Fernando de Noronha, and a newAegiresspecies Figure 2. A: Micromelo undata; B: Stylocheilus longicauda; C, D: Caliphylla mediterránea; E, F: Elysia ornata; G: Elysiaflava; H: Pleurobranchusareolatus; I:Aegiresabsalaoin. sp.; J: Chromodoris neona; K:Platydorisangustipes; L: Dendrodorissenegalensis; M:Phidianasp. Figura2. A: Micromelo undata; B: Stylocheilus longicauda; C, D: Caliphylla mediterránea; E, F: Elysiaornata; G:Elysiaflava;H: Pleurobranchusareolatus;/;Aegiresabsalaoi n. sp.;J:Chromodo- risneona;K:Platydorisangustipes;L:Dendrodorissenegalensis;M:Phidianasp. 49 Iberus, 20 (2), 2002 Family Elysiidae Forbes and Hanley, 1851 Genus Elysia Risso, 1818 Elysia ornata (Swainson, 1840) (Figs. 2E, F) MaterialcoUected:08/07/1999;station:LagedoisIrmáos,betweenMeioIs.andRataIs.(Fernando deNoronhaIs.);depth:18m;1 specimen;length:22mm.15/06/2000;station:Porto(Fernandode NoronhaIs.);depth:5m;22specimens;length:22to36mm.17/06/2000;station:BuracodoInferno (Rata Is.); depth: 12 m; 1 specimen; length: 12.5 mm. 19/06/2000; station: Porto (Fernando de NoronhaIs.);depth:5m;12specimens;length: 15to36mm. Habitat: Associated with filamentous beanSeatoCanaryIs. andAzoresArchi- greenalgae. pelago; Indo-Pacific Ocean in Hawaii, Brazilian distribution: Present paper, VietnamandAustralia(Malaquias,2001; firstrecordtoBraziliancoast. Marcus and Marcus, 1970; Marcus, Othergeographicaláreasdistribution:Cir- 1980; Marshall and Willan, 1999; cumtropical,AtlanticOcean fromCarib- Orteaetal.,2000;Thompson, 1977). Elysiaflava Verrill, 1901 (Fig. 2G) Material coUected: 08/07/1999; station: Praia da Conceigáo (Fernando deNoronha Is.); depth: intertidal;1 specimen;length:6mm. Habitat: Associated with filamentous Madeira Archipelago to Caribbean Sea greenalgae. (Clark, 1984; Malaquias, Cervera, Brazilian distribution: Present paper, Abreu and López-González, 2001; firstrecordtoBraziliancoast. Marcus, 1980; Ortea, 1981; Ortea et Other geographical áreas distribution: AL., 2000; Thompson, 1977, 1983; FromMediterraneanSea,CanaryIs. and ThompsonandJaklin, 1988) OrderNotaspidea FischerP. 1883 Family Pleurobranchidae Férussac, 1822 Genus Pleurobranchus Cuvier, 1804 Pleurobranchusareolatus Mórch, 1863 (Fig. 2H) Material coUected: 19/06/2000; station: Buraco do Inferno (Rata Is.); depth: 14 m; 1 specimen; length: 15mm. Habitat: Under rocks with ascidians, Panamá and Galápagos Islands. sponges,andotherinvertebrates. Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Canary Braziliandistribution:CaboFrió(Riode Islands and Ghana (Bertsch and laneiroState) (Marcus, 1977;Ríos, 1994). Smith, 1973; Edmunds 1968; Marcus Other geographical áreas distribution: and Marcus, 1967; Ortea etal., 2000; East Pacific in Gulf of California, Ríos, 1994). Genus Berthella de Blainville, 1824 Berthella stellata (Risso, 1826) MaterialcoUected:10/07/1999;station:AirFrance(RasaIs.);depth:intertidal;1specimen;length: 7mm. 50 García ETal.-. Opisthobranchs from Fernando de Noronha, and a r\fwÁegiresspecies mm 1 Figure3.Aegiresabsalaoin. sp., external morphology. Figurad. Aegiresabsalaoin. sp., morfologíaexterna. Habitat: On rocks with ascidians, species, found from the Mediterra- spongesandbriozoans. nean Sea and the Canary Islands to Brazilian distribution: Cabo Frío (Rio the Atlantic coast of Panamá. On the de Janeiro State), Ubatuba, Ilhabela Pacific coast, Gulf of California, (Sao Paulo State) (Ríos, 1994, cited as Bahia Tortugas, Baja California (Cer- B. túpala; Marcus, 1957). vera et al., 1988; gosliner and Other geographical áreas distribu- Bertsch, 1988; Ortea et al., 2000; tion: B. stellata is a circumtropical Pruvot-Fol, 1954). OrderNudibranchia de Blainville, 1814 SuborderDoridina Odhner, 1934 FamilyAegiretidae FischerR, 1883 GenusAegires Lovén, 1844 Aegires absalaoi n. sp. (Fig. 21, 3, 4) Material coUected: 19/06/2000; station: Buraco do Inferno (Rata Is.); depth: 14 m; 1 specimen; length:5mm.TheholotypewasdepositedintheMuseuOceanógrafico"Prof EliézerdeCarvalho . Ríos" from the FoundationUniversity ofRio Grande, in Rio Grande, Brazil, with codenumber 42.011 Etymology: ThespecieshasbeennamedAegiresabsalaoiinhonourofDr. RicardoSilvaAbsaláo, Brazilianmalacologistandfriend. Habitat: Under stones with sponges, dant spicules in the tegument. Dorsum andcalcareousdetritus. with blunt tubercles, arranged in two Description: The unique specimen marginal and one medial longitudinal has a firm limaciform body, with abun- rows in front of the gills, and one row 51 Iberus, 20 (2), 2002 on the tail. There are two tubercles in evis (Templado, Luque and Ortea, front the rhinophores and other two 1987); the presence of rhinophoral mid-lateraltuberclesbetweenthemargi- sheaths having three large tubercles on nal and central rows. There are three the side distal to the rhinophores and a gills protected by three large anterior dark brown spot on the top of each tubercles. The rhinophores are smooth tubercle of A. ortizi (Templado et al., and the rhinophoral sheaths haveonlya 1987), the presence of prominent prominent lobe on the external side oblique ridges of A. goynezi (Ortea, (Figure3). Luque and Templado, 1990), and the The colour pattern alive is creamy color pattern, the presence of four white with some brown spots on the series of two tubercles each joined by dorsum. At the apex of some tubercles heavy ridges and rhinophoral sheath there is a minute brown spot (Figure with six lobes of A. palensis (Ortea et 21). AL., 1990). The labial armature lacks differentia- Internally, our specimen differs of ted elements (Figure 4A). The radula the rest of species by the presence of has a formula of 15 x 10-0-10. The teeth radular teeth with a denticle in their are hook-shaped being the inner teeth inner middle part in the radula of A. slightly smaller than the outer (Figure ortizi (Templado et al., 1987); labial 4B). armature with rods in A. punctilucens Disciission: Five species of the andA.gomezi(Orteaetal., 1990). genus Aegires are known in Atlantic Finally, our species is externally Ocean, A. punctilucens (Orbigny, 1837), quite similar to A. albopunctatus Mac- A. sublaevis Odhner, 1932, A. ortizi Farland 1905, from the Pacific Ocean, Templado, Luque and Ortea, 1987, A. by the colour pattern, white with irre- gomezi Ortea, Luque and Templado gularly scattered small dark-brown 1990 and A. palensis Ortea, Luque and spots and external anatomy, having the Templado 1990. Externally, our dorsum with short blunt tubercles, specimen differs from these species by cylindrical or with slightly expanded the presence of the rhinophoral sheath ápices and tubercles, and tegument with five lobes and iridiscent blue withnumerous spicules. However,both spots scattered over the back of A. species differbythepresenceofrhinop- punctilucens; the body oflemon-yellow horal sheaths with five or six high, colour, and presence of two longitu- rounded tubercles in the Pacific species dinal crest on the dorsum that join at (MacFarland, 1966) and onlyoneinA. the level ofthe rhinophores ofA. subla- absalaoi. FamilyChromodorididae Bergh, 1891 Genus Chromodoris Alder and Hancock, 1855 Chromodoris neona (Marcus, 1955) (Fig. 2J) Material coUected: 07/07/1999; station: Buracodo Inferno (Rata Is.); depth: 10 m; 2specimens; length:19,21mm.09/07/1999;station:BuracodoInferno(RataIs.);depth:7m;1specimen;length: 23mm. Habitat: On big rocks with sponges, Janeiro State), Ubatuba, Sao Sebastiao ascidians, hydrozoans, briozoans and (SaoPauloState) (Ríos, 1994). otherinvertebrates. Other geographical áreas distribution: Brazilian distribution: Sao Paulo Caribbean Sea in Florida, east of Pa- (Marcus, 1955); Cabo Frió (Marcus namá,Colombia (MarcusandMarcus, AND Marcus, 1967); Cabo Frió (Rio de 1967;Marcus, 1977;Ríos, 1994). 52 García ETal.-. Opisthobranchs from Fernando de Noronha, and a ncwAegiresspecies Figure 4. Aegires absalaoi n. sp. A: Scanning electrón micrographs ofjaw; B: detail ofthe radular teeth. Figura 4. Aegires absalaoi n. sp. A: Fotosalmicroscopio electrónico dela mandíbula; B: detallede los dientesradulares. Family Platydorididae Bergh, 1891 Genus Platydoris Bergh, 1877 Platydorisangustipes (Mórch, 1863) (Fig. 2K) MaterialcoUected:07/07/1999;station:Porto(FernandodeNoronhaIs.);depth:1m;1specimen; length:72mm. 17/06/2000;station:BuracodoIrvferno(RataIs.);depth: 12m;1 specimen;length: 20mm. Habitat: Under stones associated Othergeographicaí áreas distribution: withspongesandascidians. Caribbean Sea in Florida, Dry Tortugas, Braziliandistribution:Mciranháo,Recife, Jamaica, Virgin Islands (Marcus and PE,offAlagoasand Bahía (Ríos, 1994) Marcus, 1967). Family Dendrodorididae O'Donoghue, 1924 Genus Dendrodoris Ehrenberg, 1831 Dendrodoris senegalensis Bouchet, 1975 (Fig. 2L) Materialcollected:07/07/1999;station:Porto(FernandodeNoronhaIs);depth:intertidal;1 spe- cimen;length:21 mm.19/06/2000;station:BuracodoInferno(RataIs.);depth:14m;2specimens; length:9,20mm. Habitat: Under stones associated and analpapillaarebothuniformwhite; withspongesandascidians. ventrally the notal margin and foot are Brazilian distribution: Presentpaper whitewithsmallredspots. Other geographicaí áreas distribution: Internally, our specimens coincide Only known from Cabo Verde Is. and with the descriptions of D. senegalensis Senegal. by Bouchet (1975) and Valdés, Ortea, Remarks: The dorsal surface and Ávilaand Ballesteros (1996). A com- notal margin are uniform red or red plete description and distribution brownwith irregularáreas; therinopho- remarks of this species are provide in res are red with the tip white; the gills GarcíaandTroncoso(inpress). 53 Iberus, 20 (2), 2002 SuborderAeolidiina Odhner, 1934 Family Facelinidae Berghin Carus, 1889 GenusPhidiana Gray, 1850 Phidiana sp. (Fig. 2M) MaterialcoUected:17/06/2000;station:Ressurretta(RataIs.);depth:14m;3specimens;length:11 to17mm. 18/06/2000;station:Ressurretta(RataIs.);depth: 12m;2specimens;length:16-18mm. Habitat: On and under stones asso- and theapical third is hyalinewhite; the ciatedwithhydrozoans. footisreddish;therhinophoresareorange Remarks:Thegroundcolourisreddish withwhitetip;theapicalsurfaceofcerata withnumerouswhitespotsonthedorsal are orange, the subapical área are white andlateralsurfacesofthebody;thebasal andthebasalpartaretranslucent.Acom- third oftheoraltentadasisreddishwith plete description ofthis species is provi- white spots, the middle third is orange dedinGarcíaandTroncoso(inpress). CONCLUSIONS We found a total of 111 specimens of species ofopisthobranchs as expected in opisthobranchs belonging to 12 species, tropicaláreas.Abigeffortisnecessaryto 1 Cephalaspidea, 1 Anaspidea, 3 Asco- findspecies,theyaremainlyherbivorous glossa, 2 Notaspidea, 4 Doridacea and 1 and are associated to seaweeds (Micro- Aeolidacea. In Table I the species of melo undata, Stylocheilus longicauda, Elysia Opisthobranchia found up to date in the ornata,E.flava,Caliphyllamediterránea). Archipelago Fernando de Noronha are listed. Among them, onlyfourspecies were ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS recorded by Matthews and Kempf (1970): Micromelo undata (Bruguiére, This research has been included in 1792),Hydatinavesicaña (Solander, 1786), the project "Moluscos do Parque Retusa canaliculata (Say, 1827) and Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Cylichna noronhensis Watson, 1883. Ríos Noronha" with an official permission to and Barcellos (1979) mentioned the collect specimens in the National Park occurrenceofAtys mandreioiiand Berthe- Fernando de Noronha by IBAMA, liniacaribbea. licence070/99. This paperhasbeenpar- The occurrence of Elysia ornata, and tiallysupportedbytheprojectPHB2002- E.flavaarethefirstrecordsforBrazil. 0045-PC of the Dirección General de The Archipelago de Fernando de Universidades del Ministerio de Educa- Noronhadoesnotappeartobeasrichin ción,CulturayDeportesofSpain. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bertsch,H.andSmith,A.A.,1973.Observa- Cervera,J. L.,Templado,J.,García-Gómez, tions on three opisthobranchs (Mollusca: J.C.,Ballesteros,M.,Ortea,J.A.,García, Gastropoda) of the La Paz área. Baja CaU- F.J.,Ros,J.ANDLuQUE,A.A.,1988.Catálogo fornia, México. Southwestern Naturalist, 18 actualizado y comentado de los Opisto- (2): 165-176. branquios(Mollusca,Gastropoda)delaPe- BouCHET,Ph., 1975. Nudibranchesnouveaiix nínsulaIbérica,BalearesyCanarias,conal- descotesduSenegal.VieMilieu,25(1A):119- gunasreferenciasaCeutaylaisladeAlbo- 132. rán.Iberus,Suppl. 1: 1-84. 54

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