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New cultivars: Sarracenia ‘Seurat’, Sarracenia ‘Gorey’, Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’, Sarracenia ‘Deep Throat’, Sarracenia ‘Red and White’, Dionaea ‘JA1’ PDF

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Preview New cultivars: Sarracenia ‘Seurat’, Sarracenia ‘Gorey’, Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’, Sarracenia ‘Deep Throat’, Sarracenia ‘Red and White’, Dionaea ‘JA1’

New cultivars Keywords: cultivar: Sarracenia ‘Seurat’, Sarracenia ‘Gorey’, Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’, Sarracenia ‘DeepThroat’, Sarracenia ‘Red andWhite’, Dionaea ‘JA1’ Sarracenia ‘Seurat’ Submitted: 5 September 2011 This plant was discovered in the personal collection ofJames Northrop Sr. in May 1996, which was being sold offby one ofhis daughters a few months after his death. It is an introgressive Sar- raceniaxformosa, i.e. ((S. minorx S.psittacina) x S. minor). After observing this plant in my collection formany years, Idecided that it was worthy ofculti- var status and have nominated the proposedcultivarname for the plant. Sarracenia xformosa is a commonly-occurring hybrid ofS. psittacina and S. minor. Most fre- quently seen east of the Okefenokee Swamp in Charleton County, Georgia, examples are also known from the far-western edge of the range of S. minor, in Liberty and Lranklin counties, Llorida. Sarracenia ‘Seurat’ is notable primarily for its areoles, splashing the hood ofthe plant with bright pinkpolka dots on abackground ofbrick red, which suffuses the upper portions of each upright, stout pitcher (see Lig. 1). Lower por- tions of each pitcher narrow as they approach the crown, and the red fades into green. Llower petals are a deep rose in color, and sepals are green dusted with red. Sarracenia ‘Seurat’ is named for the Lrench Post-Impressionist painter Georges Seurat (1859-1891). The distinctive pink areoles of this cultivar are reminiscent ofthe artistic tech- nique ofpointillismhe introducedin 1886. Sarracenia ‘Seurat’ must be propagated by Figure 1 : Sarracenia 'Seurat' pitchers and veSetative retain the characteristics of flower. Photo by Jay Lechtman. 1116 culf'val- — Jay Lechtman • 1609 Chathams Lord Place •Vienna,VA 22182 •[email protected] Sarracenia ‘Gorey’ Submitted: 5 September 2011 This plant is a naturally-occurring Sarracenia x gilpinii hybrid (S. psittacina x S. rubra subsp. gulfensis discovered in Okaloosa County, Llorida. ) 136 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 1 After observing this plant in my collection for many years, I decided that it was worthy of cultivar status andhave nominated the proposed cultivarname for the plant. Sarracenia x gilpinii is occasionally found in areas where S. rubra subspecies and S. psit- tacina overlap. In my own observations, I have seen it most commonly with S. rubra subsp. wherryiin Baldwin County, Alabama; less fre- quently with S. rubra subsp. gulfensis (as in this case). I have never observed S. x gilpinii hybrids with S. rubra subsp. rubra as the par- ent, although the ranges of the two species do overlap. Sarracenia ‘Gorey’ bears large, blood red, wickedly hooked closed pitchers. Small areoles can be white or tinged with pink (see Fig. 2). Sarracenia ‘Gorey’ honors American illus- tratorand authorEdward St. John Gorey (1925— 2000), known forhis macabre humorand gothic Figure 2: Sarracenia ‘Gorey’ pitchers. style - adjectives that describe this cultivar ad- Photo by Jay Lechtman. mirably. I’m also enamored of the equally ap- propriate play on words. Sarracenia ‘Gorey’ must be propagated by vegetative means to retain the characteristics ofthe cultivar. — Jay Lechtman • 1609 Chathams Ford Place •Vienna,VA 22182 •[email protected] Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’ Submitted: 31 August 2011 Another creation of Leo Song’s during the years he ran the greenhouses at California State University in Fullerton, this is a hybrid between Sarracenia pupurea subsp. venosa and S. oreophila. Of compact growth, the pitchers, never more than 20 cm in length, are strongly curved at thebase, swelling to no more than 3 cmwide below the pitcher lip. The lip and throat are nearly blackish red in color, while the pitcher tube is a purplish red in full sun, with darker veins, and is finely hirsute (see Fig. 3). The ala Figure 3: Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’. Photo by is never more than 0.5 cm at its widest, along Damon Collingsworth. the pitcher seam. Volume 40 December 201 137 Figure 4: Clump of Sarracenia ‘Leo Song’. Photo by Damon Collingsworth. Most striking in this clone is the sizable flared collar or lid, reminding one ofan outraged frilled lizard. It can be 10 cm across at its widest point. The interior ofthe collar is olive green with an ex- tensivenetworkofpurple-red veiningradiating outward fromthe mouth. The lidinterioralso inherits the spiny, silvery hairs ofits S. purpurea parent. The collar edge is slightly kinked and undulating. The lower exterior ofthe collarhas an unusual curling edge at eitherendreminiscent ofthe eyes ofa primitive aboriginalritual mask. Flower petals are pinkish red and intermediate in length between the two parents. All the curved pitchers faceinwardtowardthegrowpointandcommonoff-shootscandevelopintoextensiveclumps overtime (seeFig. 4).Thanks toits S. oreophilaparent, S. ‘Leo Song’ is also very cold hardy. — Peter D'Amato • California Carnivores • 2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy • Sebastopol, CA 95472 USA • • [email protected] Sarracenia ‘DeepThroat’ Submitted: 31 August 2011 In the early 1990s, I crossed Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Red and White’ (see page 139) with S. minor var. okefenokeensis. Nearly all of the progeny were very large and colorful intermediates between the parents, handsome forms ofS. x excellens. There were a few notable exceptions and S. ‘DeepThroat’ is one ofthem. 138 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 1 The tallest pitchers can reach 53 cm in height. From a tapered-red base, the body grad- ually expands and then rapidly inflates in its up- per portion to a sideway diameter ofup to 8 cm (see Fig. 5). The pitcher tube is green to olive green with very fine longitudinal red veins, and the narrow ala along the pitcher seam is edged inred (see Back Cover). The upper portion of the pitcher invariably turns brick red mottled with greenish yellow spots, heavily concentrated on the upperbackor neck ofthe pitcher. Looking within the pitcher, thesevaguely approachtheaureoles ofits parent S. minor, but are diffuse and opaque as opposed to nearly transparent. The yawning mouth, its mostprominentfea- ture, has a curvaceous red lip that dips abruptly to meet the ala, forming a broad, v-shaped spout. The wide lid is broader than long, over- hanging the sides ofthe mouth. The lid can be horizontal to the lip or held in a more upright gaping fashion. Figure 5: Sarracenia ‘Deep Throat’. Photo — by Damon Collingsworth. Peter D'Amato • California Carnivores • 2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy • Sebastopol, CA 95472 • USA • [email protected] Sarracenia ‘Red andWhite’ Submitted: 31 August 2011 The description of this cultivar was pub- lished previously (D’Amato 1998, page 82). This form of S. leucophylla is typical in all re- spectsexceptthe veininginthe upperpartofthe pitcheriscoloredin deepredinsteadofamix of red and green veins (see Fig. 6). References D’Amato, P 1998. The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants. Ten Speed Press, Berke- ley, California, USA. — Peter D'Amato • California Carnivores Figure 6: Sarracenia ‘Red and White’, • 2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy • Sebastopol, standard picture (Photo by P. D’Amato). CA 95472 • USA • [email protected] Volume 40 December 201 139 Figure 7: Dionaea ‘JA1’ plants in July. Photo Figure 8: Dionaea ‘JAT open flower. Photo by J.A.Gonzalez Dominguez. by J.A.Gonzalez Dominguez. Dionaea ‘JA1’ Submitted: 15 September 2011 I discovered this plant in a garden center on 20 September 2005. After 6 years in cultivation I can assure that the special characteristics of this plant are stable. This clone has these special characteristics: • Its growth behavior is like any other typical Dionaea (see Figs. 7 & 8). Summer’s leaves are shortandhorizontal. Figure 9: Dionaea ‘JA1’ trap showing fused teeth in September. Photo by J.A.Gonzalez • The haps don’t get too much color, almost Dominguez. green, but undervery strong light they can get averylightpinkcolor. • Eachrow ofteethhas, only in the middle zone ofeachrow, afew fusedteeth (seeFig. 9). • The fusedteeth only appearin summer. Originally the epithet was a code thatI gave to the plant (JA = JulioAlberto and 1 = first) inApril 2006. Since the plant has been distributed with this name, Iprefernot to change itin orderto prevent confusion. I have seen this clone under the names “Julio’s fused tooth”, and “Julio Alberto’s fused tooth”, meaning thattheplantscame fromme. — Julio Alberto Gonzalez Dominguez • Estrada vella de Madrid, 103 • CP:36214 • Vigo (Pontevedra) • Spain • [email protected] 140 Carnivorous Plant Newsletter

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