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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20080005203: OMCat: Catalogue of Serendipitous Sources Detected with the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor

OMCat: Catalogue of Serendipitous Sources Detected with the XMM-NewtonO ptical Monitor K. D. Kuntzl)" Ilana Harr~sl7T~h, omas A. McGlynn2, Richard F. Mushotzky" & Steven L Snowden2 Source of Acquisition NASA Goddard Space Right Center ABSTRACT The Optical Monitor Catalogue of serendipitous sources (OMCat) contains entries for every source detected in the publically available XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (OM) images taken in either the imaging or "fast" modes. Since the OM records data simulta- neously with the X-ray telescopes on XMM-Newton, it typically produces images in one or more near-UVloptical bands for every poiliting of the observatory. -4s of the beginning of 2006, the public archive had covered roughly 0.5% of the sky in 2950 fields. The OMCat is not dominated by sources previously undetected at other wavelengtlis: the bulk of objects have optical counterparts. However, the OMCat can be used to extend optical or X-ray spectral energy distributions for known objects into the ultraviolet, to study at higher angular resolution objects detected with GALEX, or to find high-Galactic- latitude objects of interest for UV spectroscopy. Subject headings: catalogues 1. Overview The Optical Monitor Catalogue (OMCat) contains entries for every point-like source dcteeczed in imaging or fast mode OM data. The OMCat was constructed from a conlplete reprocessing of tlie Optical Monitor (OM) data using the standard omichazn/omfchazn pipelilies in SAS 6.5 0 For each observation (ObsID) the reprocessing created a source list; the OMCat is a concateaa~iol: of these source lists. Thus. if the same region of sky was observed by multiple ObsIDs hen scme sources will be listed multiple times. Each listing should have the same coordinates (to tile 111111~o f the astroinetric accuracy) and thus it should be reasonably obvious which listings refer to the same source. We have opted to retain multiple listings (rather than to combine them into a "mean" entry) to retain any useful information of temporal variability in an easily accessible manner -411 over?-;ew of the catalogue statistics is given in Table 1. I11 the following document $2 provides a brief description of the OM and its primary olsservat~on modes, $3 describes the standard pipeline processing, the further processing dolie to prod~zcet he lThe Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy The Johns Hopkiiis University. 3701 San liartiin Drive, Baltimore MD, 21218 2ilstrophysics Science Division Code 662, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 source lists, and the output products that are unique to our processing. $4 contains some useful statistics describing the catalogue. In $5 we demonstrate the extent to which the OM filter set allows photometric classification of point-like sources, and in $6 we explore some of the scientific uses of the 014-specific bands. 2. Brief Description of the OM The telescope and detector: The OM (Mason et al. 2001) is a 30 cm fl12.7 Ritcliey Chretien telescope coaligned with the X-ray telescopes and operating simultaneously with them. The detector is a micro-channel plate intensified charge-coupled device (CCD). Photons striking a photocathode produce electrons that are amplified by two successive micro-channel plates. The electron clouds then strike a phosphor, and the resulting photon splashes are recorded by a CCD; the location of the photon splash is centroided on board. The centroids are stored in units of 118 of a CCD pixel. Since it is these photon splashes that are recorded by the CCD, rather than individual photons, the CCD is read out very rapidly (every llps), and the centroids of the photon splashes determined and stored. Thus, the CCD is used more like a photon-counting device than an accumulator, although it is a11 image, rather than an event list, that is produced. The photocathode is optimized for the blue and ultraviolet. The "native" pixel size is 0'.'476513 and the point spread function (PSF) FWHM is 11.'4-2li0 depending upon filter. The filters are listed in Table 2. The largest possible field of view (FOV)i s roughly 17' x 17'. The Oh4 has a smaller FOV than GALEX (a 1.2" circle) but better angular resolution (Morrissey A, et a1 2005 GALEX has a 4'.'5 FWHM PSF in its FUV filter (1350-1750 and a 6!0' FWHM PSF in A)). ~ tXsl rV filter (17.50-2800 The effective areas of the OM and GALEXfilters are shown in Figure 1 -\i;lllie ;lie OM filter particulars are given in Table 2. Thus, the OMCat data in the UVTV2 and UVh42 filters p:o\-ide an excellent higher resolution complement to the GALEX NUV data, while UVWl data is somesvhat redder than the G-ALEX band. The Swz,U VOT is, essentially, an improved OM. ivlv.lr;ii nearly the same filters, so comparison of data in this catalogue with UVOT data sliould be straiglitforward. The observation modes: Due to the onboard centroiding, memory limitations, and telemetry limitations. setting the OM observation mode has to be a balance of temporal resolution and spatial coveage: the higher the temporal resolution the lower the spatial coverage. As a result, the Oh4 allows a large number of observing modes that place different emphases on temporal and spatial optimization. These modes define different "science windows" covering only portions of the entire FOV: events falling outside of those windows are discarded. There are two primary observation modes at the extremes: the default "imaging" mode and the default "fast" mode. The default imaging mode consists of five consecutive sub-exposures, each of which employs two science windows; one high-resolution window and one low-resolution window. (Note that resolution, in this case. refers to the degree to which the image is sampled, not to an intrinsic change in the PSF size.) The high-resolution window (roughly 5' x 5') is always located at the center of the FOV. The fi~1eo i~--resolutiown indows cumulatively cover the entire FOV (roughly 17' x 17') with a center square surrounded by five rectangular regions. For any number of reasons, not all of the sub-exposures of a default image may actually be taken, but, for the default imaging mode, there will always be a high-resolution sub-exposure for each low-resolution sub-exposure. It should also be noted that if multiple filters are used during a single observation, that the area covered by each filter inay be different, depending upon the observation mode. The use of five different science windom-s to cover the FOV, with some overlap between the windows, means that the exposure is not uniform across tlie FOV. There are two other common full-field low-resolution modes, "ENG-2" and "ENG-4". which are also included in our processing. The default fast mode uses the same windows as the default imaging mode with the addition of a third science window (roughly 1U.'5 x 10!'5) at an observer defined location (typically the celiter of the FOV) . The default modes: If the observer did not specify an OM mode, and there was no bright source in the FOV, the OM took exposures in the default imaging mode. For the first two years of the mission the default filters were B, UVW2, U, and UVWI, in order of priority. The filter priority was then changed to UVM2, UVW1, and U, in order to optimize the use of the unique capabilities of the OM. 3. Processing Image mode processing: For the most part, we have used the standard ornichain processiiig with the default settings; exceptions are detailed below. The standard omichain processing (process- ing for images) handles the images produced by each science window separately. For each science window image omichain applies a flatfield. The photon splash centroiding algoritliin calculates the centroid to 1/8 of a pixel, but due to the algorithm, not all values are equally likely. This problem results in "modulo-8" fixed pattern noise. The omichain processing applies a redistrihution to correct for this effect. For every science window image omichain runs a source detection algorithm, nieasures the courit rates for the sources, and applies a calibration to convert to instrumental magnitudes. Once all of the science windosvs are processed, omichain produces a "master" source list by combining the source list for each science window, matching sources in common between the lists, and determining the mean (a,6 ) for each source. The standard processing has the option to use an exteri~aic a,talogue to correct the coordinates of the master source list; we have used this option with the USXO-B1 catalogue (Monet et al. 2003). It should be noted that the coordinate correction using t,he USYO-B1 catalogue will fail if there are too few matching sources, in which case no significalit solution can be found. The omichain algorithm requires at least ten matches in order to produce a sig 'fic arit ~11 coordinate correction. If there are too many sources in the field, coordinate correction will also fail, presumably because some fraction of matches are spurious and the solution will not converge. We have found that the coordinate correction can fail for almost any density of sources, though ?n7e did not determine the cause of that failure. In addition to coinbining the source lists for all the filters, omichain mosaics xhe low-resolurion science window images (but not the high-resolution science window images) for each filter. The world coordiliate system (WCS) of the first science window for a given filter sets the coordinate system of the entire image mosaic. Note that the standard omichain processing can correct the master source list. but not the images. Further, the correction using an external catalogue will be applied only if there are at least ten sources. One does have the option of doing the same correction to the individual science windows, but there are often not enough sources in a single science window to perform such a correction. We have applied the correction derived from the external catalogue to the low-resolution mosaics. Since the mosaic images use the WCS from the first science window in the mosaic, we compared the (a,6 ) in the source list for the first science window to the (a,6 ) in the USNO corrected master list. We then determined the (La,L 6) which must be added to the (a,6 ) of the first source list in order to obtain the (a, 6) in the USNO corrected master list. We then applied that correction to the header keywords of the mosaicked image. Two points must be noted. 1) Since the telescope can drift by 1-2 arcseconds between exposures, this correction is done separately for each filter. 2) There are often not enough sources in a single science window to attempt to determine the offset and rotation that would best align the first source list with the master list. Therefore, we have assumed that the rotation between the master list and the external catalogue can be applied to all of the science windows. Tlie standard omichain3 processing does not combine the images from the high-resolution science ~iiindows. However, we have done so, though not with ommosaic, the standard SAS tool. The ornmosazc program uses the WCS keywords to determine the offsets needed to align the WCS frames of tlie individual science windows before summing. We allow the WCS of the summed image to be set by the first science window. For each successive high resolution image, we compare the source list to the source list from the first image, determine the (A@,A 6) required to match the source lists, and apply Illat offset to the image before adding it to the mosaic. Not all sources are used for determining the offsets, only sources appearing in at least half of the images; this selection removes sources with poorly determined positions. The offsets are rounded to the nearest integer pixel; subpixelization did not seem to produce a sigificant improvement in the resultant PSF, and so was not used for this processing. Compared to the direct sum of the images made by ommosaic, our processing does improve the PSF of the summed image, sometimes improving the FWHM by as much as a pixel (see Figure 2). V' Ve compare the source list from the first image with the master source list to correct the sumnied image in the same manner used for the low-resolution mosaics. firtl-ner coordinate correction: After our initial processing of the public archive we found t-h at the pipeline coordinate correction (done by omichain) using the USNO catalogue failed for 33% of the fields. Further, the failure was not limited to extremely high or extremely low source densities (see Figure 3)4. We thus found it worthwhile to create our own coordinate correction routine (the "post-pipeline" correction) using the USNO catalogue. Although the bulk of fields need only a small correction, some fields need substantial corrections (N 2"). Thus, although we attempt to find 3SAS routines are documented at http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/sas/6.5.0/doc/pes.All.htm1 "TTe have not had the opportunity to trace the root of this problem. However, we note that a disproportionate number of ObsIDs lacking pipeline corrections seemed to have a single science window that was strongly discrepent from the others. high precision corrections for all fields, it is still worthwhile to find lower accuracy correctiolis for those fields that do not have a large enough number of matches with the USNO catalog~iet o attempt a high precision solution. We used a fairly simple and robust algorithm for matching the OM sources to the USNO sources. If there were > 10 matches we iteratively solved for the offset in (a.6) that minimized rlie offset between the OM source list with the USNO source list. By iterating the solution m-e could elminate some portion of the false matches. We have not solved for a rotation for two reasons: I) addlng a rotation to the fit did not significantly improve the solution, and 2) given that there are systsematic offsets from one science window to another, the rotation could be strongly biased by tlie offset of a single science window. If there were 3 < n < 10 matches we merely calculated the riieaii offset between the OM and USNO sources, and used that offset as the coodinate correc;ion If there mere < 3 sources we did not attempt a correction. We applied the same correction to the liidlvldual ~liiages that we applied to the source lists. For each OM source in the source list with a significance in any filter > 3, the matcliing algori~lirn finds the closest USNO source. It then creates the distribution of the distances between the OM sources and their closest USNO counterparts. If all of the OM sources had USNO couiiterpaul;s, then this distribution would be a Gaussian whose width is the coordinate uncertainties of the two catalogues and whose peak is the offset between the two catalogues. If there were no true l~atcbes between the OM sources and the USNO catalogue, then the distribution would be given rouglily by the probability distribution for the minimum distance between a given point and a uniform distribution of sources: P(r) = ei-pri~21 [(r+ 6 ~- )T 2 1~e [--p ri[(T+6T)2-T"] (1) where p is the surface density of sources and 67- is the binsize of one's histograni of distances For " this distribution both the peak of the distribution and the width of the distribution scale as p-o We expect that some fraction of the OM sources have true USNO matches and tliat tlie remamder will not. As a result, the observed distribution of sources has a sharp peak with a urld.;li of 0 3" ?i due to matches and a low, broad distribution for the spurious matches. This algorithiii lias proljlems with high density regions; for source densities of 5000 sources/image (0.005 sources arcsee-" the distribution of spurious matches peaks at 6.3" with the lower half-maximum at 2" Altliougli the 5 peak of the illatching sources typically has r 3"; the true match rate is likely to be sliiall co~iipared to the spurious match rate, and so it is difficult, if not impossible, to find the true match peak 111 this distribution. However, at these source densities, source confusion is a serious problcm as viell, so even if the matching algorithm worked, the coordinate solution would remain problematic For the matching algorithm, we simply fit the distribution with a Gaussian. If the width of tlie Gaussian is smaller than @.'7,t hen the algorithm takes all of the sources within 3a of tlie peak of the distribution as real matches. An initial solution is determined from those matches and a fit is made in the image coordinate frame to find the (a6,) offset that minimizes the distance between the 011 sources and their USNO matches. The source matching is redone with the new offset, and the process is iterated until it converges. After application of our coordinate correction rotltilies. only -- 14% of the fields remained without any coordilzate correction. Besides fields with very fen- objects lie fields without coordinate corrections were characterized by very broad distribution of lie matches suggessilig a combination of large pointing error and large source density, and thus a large number of spurious identifications. Fhr fields where the pipeline processing found a good coordinate solution using the USNO cat- alogue our coordinate correction was not significantly different. However, our coordinate correction did improve the mean distance between OM and USNO sources for 44% of fields, and provided the only coordinate corrections for 23% of fields. The RMS residual between the OM sources and the matching USNO sources was calculated for every field. A value of zero indicates that there was no coordinate solution. Coordinate solutions with RMS residuals > 0'16 should be considered to be poor. Fast mode processing: The bulk of the fast mode processing is concerned with the production of light-curves of the source. The fast mode images consist of 10'.'5 x 10!'5 regions containing, typically, a single source. We combine all of the images for each filter using the same method applied to the higli-resolution images. Further processing: Further processing is required to provide a more useful source list to be incorpora,ted into the OMCat. To the standard image catalogue (a binary fits table) we add images of each source from each filter. Each "postage stamp" image is 19 x 19 pixels in size, extracted from the low-resolution image mosaics (the pixel size is 0'.'95 and the image is 18!'1 x 18'.'1 in size). Since the sources were derived from all of the science windows, some sources can fall in high-resolution science windows without low-resolution counterparts. In that case the postage stamp is extracted froni the high-resolution image and binned to the same resolution and size as the other postage stamps. Sources that appear only in "fast" science windows are treated similarly. Note that postage stamps are extracted from all of the available filters, not just the filters for which the source was detected; many postage stamps may thus appea,r to be empty. Processing summary: For each ObsID our processing produces a coordinate corrected source list, a coordinate corrected low-resolution mosaicked image for each filter, a coordinate corrected high-resolution mosaicked image for each filter (if possible), or a summed fast mode image. Caveats: 1) Individual science windows may be significantly offset (1-2") from the remainder of the mosaic. In this case the correction by use of the USNO-B1 catalogue will not be wholly satisfactory. and sources will appear to be offset in the postage stamps. The extent of this problem for any individual source can determined by looking at the "RMS-RESID" column which contains the RMS residual from the fit of source list to the USNO-B1 catalogue. 2) The source lists will contain spurious sources; sources due to ghost images, diffraction spikes, readout streaks, saturation around bright sources, and other effects. Some of these sources can be removed by consulting the Q-FLAG parameter Similarly, confused sources are flagged by the C-FLAG parameter. However, we have found that filtering out sources with significances less than three was a more efficient means of removing spurious sources than reference to the quality flags. 3) Although we provide the mosaicked low-resolution and mosaicked high-resolution images through the archive, these images, according to the SAS documentation, should not be used for photometry. There are a number of corrections in the photometric reduction which can not be made from the mosaicked images. However, since coincidence-loss and dead-time corrections should be small for faint extended emission, photometry of such sources, which is not trivial in SAS. sliou!d. in principle, be possible from the mosaics. 4) Although there may be substantial exposure for a given mosaic, the detection liniit im the current catalogue is not substantially better than for a lower exposure mosaic since the source de- tection is done on the individual science windows rather than on the niosaicked images. Since the individual science windows have a mean exposure of 2200 s, and the bulk of the individual scieiice N windows have exposures of 1000 s, the detection limit of the OMCat is more uniform brat soinemibat lower than one would expect from the mosaic exposure times. Availability: The bulk of the data in the OMCat can be accessed either through the Browse facility at the High Energy Astrophysics Archive (HEASARC) or through the L4ultimission Archive at STScI (MAST). Slightly more information for each source (shape, confusion flags, and quality flags, as a function of filter) are retained in the source lists for individual ObsIDs, and can be clownloaded from the HEASARC with the rest of the OM data. 4. ONICat Statistics Observation Statistics: Of the 4373 observations that were public by 1 September 2006, 2950 observations had OM imaging mode data and 202 had 014 fast mode data. About 25% of the fields imaged were observed more than once, allowing some measure of temporal variability. E-lox~~revetrh. e number of fields with multiple observations is a very strongly declining function of the numxber of repetitions (see Figure 4). The Galactic plane has a high density of observations (particularly towards the Gala.ctic center), the region with /bl < 30' lias a lower density of observations, and the region with jbl > 30" is relatively uniform, though Coma and the Magellanic clouds have visible concentrations of obser~rations (Figure 5). The imaging mode observations cover a cumulative 0.5% of the sky. N Figure G shows the distribution of total exposure time per field and the exposure time per science window as a function of filter. h/Iost science windows have exposures of a kilosecond, ~vliilet he total exposure per field is significantly higher. Thus, since the point source detection is done in the indi- vidual science windows, the OMCat could be made significantly deeper were point source detection to be executed on mosaicked images. However, since the bulk of individual science windosv exposures are 1000 seconds, the catalogue depth is relatively uniform. Figure 7 shows the distributiol: of N magnitudes for each filter. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the residuals between the corrected source catalogues and the USNO-B1 catalogue for those fields for which a coordinate correction was successful. The residuals before the post-pipeline correction are peaked around U.'4 with a secondary peak around 01.'7. After correction, the distribution is more symmetrically distributed around U.'4. It should be noted that a portion of the residual for any given image can be due to the offset of individual science windosvs within the mosaic. Tile distribution of the calculated offsets between coordinates before and after the post-pipeline correction by the USNO catalogue is shown in Figure 9. The distribution is a broad skewed Gaussian 2 peaking at 1!7' with a significant tail extending to 5". Note that this distribution does not reflect N the pointing ability of the telescope, but rather the performance of the tracking corrections in the Oh4 pipeline. Source Statistics The OMCat contains roughly 3 . 7 ~ 1 0en~tr ies, of which 82% have detection significance greater than three (as determined by maximum likelihood calculations in the pipeline processing) in at least one band and 72% have S/N greater than three in at least one band. Roughly 71% of all entries have had successful coordinate corrections. Only 3.7% of sources are classified N as extended; the rest are considered point-like. Approximately 60% of the sources are flagged for data quality in at least one band, and approximately 74% of the sources are flagged for confusion in at least one band. However, these flags are applied rather conservatively, so the true number of so-i~rces/rneasurementsa ffected are significantly lower. Due to the interests of observers and the changing default filter priorities, the distribution of exposures among the various filters is uneven. When measured in terms of the number of sources with 30 detections in each filter, the U-UVW1, V-B, and B-U colors have the best statistics. Table 3 shows the number of sources with 30 detections for each filter and filter combination. As one might expect, the distribution for X-ray selected sources (that is, X-ray point sources in the field with OMCat counterparts rather than just sources observed because of their X-ray properties) is somewhat different, with U-UVW1, B-U, B-UVW~a,n d UVW1-UVM2 having the best statistics. 5. Properties of the OM Filters The OM unique filters are UW 1, UVM2, and UVW2, in order of decreasing throughput (see Figure 1). In order to explore the abilities of the OM filters, we created U-UVW1 us. UVMT1-UVM2 and U-UVW1 us. UVW1-UVTV2 color-color diagrams of the sources in the OA4Cat (Figure 10). On those diagrams we have plotted the expected locus for dwarf stars (solar metallicity stars from the 1993 Kurucz atlas", as well as points representative of galaxies (taken from the Kinney & Calzetti atlas at STSc16 see Kinney et al. (1996) ) and AGN (taken from STScI AGN atlas collection of spectra7 see Francis et al. (1991) ). The conversion from spectra to photometric colors was made using the OM spectral response matrices available from the XMM-Newton SOC8. It is immediately apparent that the OM colors are a good match to those expected from the Kwucz atlas, except for the stars later than about G5. This problem appears most clearly in the U-UVwl us. UVW1-UVW2 diagram, but appears as well in the V-B us. B-U diagram. The problem region is off the bottom of the U-UVW1 us. UVW1-UVM2 diagram. The true nature of the pro'isiem is not yet clear. For much of the stellar tracks the reddening vectors are roughly parallel to the stellar track. There is a strong overlap between the early dwarf stars (down to A5) and AGK. as well as somewhat later dwarf stars (A5 to F5) and typical galaxies. There is no way to dlstlnguish early stars from AGN using the UV colors alone, and the UV colors of QSO do not change mucli mlth redshift. The AGN seem to be more offset from the early-type stars in the optical color-color dragrarn Given the extinction in the UV, it would be unreasonable to expect to find AGY in reglolls mlth early type stars, though the converse is not necessarily true, and indeed, finding high latltude 0 and B stars would be interesting. Division of sources into low (lbj < 30") and high (lbl > 60") Galactic latitude samples shows that in the UV color-color diagram the early type star region 1s populaxed somewhat more strongly at higher Galactic latitudes while the later type star region is populated somewhat more strongly at lower Galactic latitudes. We have cross-correlated the OLICat wltii die Veron QSO catalogue and the SDSS QSO catalogue and found that the objects in cornmoll l!e ?lie 111 expected locations in the color-color diagram (Figure 11). As can be seen in Figure 12, the cross-correlation of the CfA redshift survey witli tile 0%4"iliCat suggests that the sources falling within the matching radius will be strongly contaminated by false- matches (at the 20% level), meaning that many OMCat stellar sources will be falsely matched to the CfA survey. This high false-matching rate is presumably due to the fact that the Cf-4 redsllift survey has a very high density of objects that are much fainter than those detected in the Ol1Cat. However, the matching sources from the CfA redsliift survey fall at the expected locarion ;lie 111 color-color diagrams, though their scatter may be a bit larger than the other surveys. 6. Uses of the OMCat The uses of the OMCat detailed here involve the cross-correlation of the OXCat n-ltli other catalogues. All the catalogues were extracted from the HEASARC Catalogue Resources usrrig die HEASARC Browse toolg. The cross-correlation for a given catalogue was done by determlnlllg :he closest entry to each OMCat source. We then plotted the distribution of the distances between tlie OMCat source and the closest catalogue source. Cross-correlation of the OMCat with catalogrles w-i th a high density of sources typically produced a distribution of distances with a strong peak at 0.2 - 0.3 arcseconds and a FTIVHM of ~ 0 .a3rc seconds, and a tail due to serendipitous l~iatcbesr he liigher the density of catalogue sources, the higher the serendipitous match rate at iarge dlsrances -4n OMCat source was generally considered to be matched if the distance between it and tlie catalogue source was less than the peak of the distribution $20. The catalogues and match critel-la used are shown in Table 4 while tlie distributions are shown in Figure 12. 'The USXO-B1.O and 2MASS catalogues are maintained by the VizieR service of the Centre de Dorin6es A<- tronomiques de Strasbourg and were accessed through the HEASARC Browse interface. 6.1. USNO Counterparts \lost of the sources in the OMCat have USNO counterparts. This suggests that the OMCat is sliailower in the UV than the USNO is in the B and R bands. The OMCat is therefore not dominated by sources previously undetected at other wavelengths. 6.2. FUSE Counterparts Of interest to studies of the halo of the Galaxy are UV-bright stars and AGN that can be used as background sources for measuring the column density, velocity, and metallicity of halo gas. Stars are of use in determining the distance to high and intermediate velocity gas (e.g., Danly et al. 1993), while AGN provide measures of the column density through the entire halo. Targets are usually found by combing catalogues of sources for objects with optical colors suggesting high UV fluxes. Since the fields in the OMCat were (usually) chosen for their X-ray sources, rather than the UV sources in the same field, comparing the UV sources in the OMCat with the types of catalogues that have been used in the past to find UV-bright objects provides an indication of how many UV-bright sources may have been missed. have cross-correlated the OMCat with several UV catalogues; the GALEX catalogue, the Far Ultraviolet Explorer (FUSE) observation log (not technically a catalogue), and the TD1 catalogue; the offset distributions are shown in Figure 12. We also cross-correlated with the Far-UV Space Telescope (Faust) Far-UV Point Source Catalogue, but did not find any matches, likely due to the small liumber of sources in that catalogue. There are a number of other EUV catalogues from EUVE > and the ROSAT WFC, but the position uncertainties are l', so they are not useful for this study. -4. slslgnificant interest with UV catalogues is the FUSE observation log, given that FUSE is still o;?erational. The top panels of Figure 13 show the OM color-color diagram with the FUSE matches inarkred in red and coded by source type. AGi3 from a number of other catalogues have also been plotted. Tlie bulk of the matching FUSE observations with matching OM sources are AGN. The di-Fbculty is that the AGN, early type stars; extragalactic star-forming regions, and some galaxies overlap in these color-color plots. We can define a long rectangular region along the early type star track as being dominated by stars. Below and to the right is a large irregular region that has a significant population of AGN. From the available data we can not estimate the contamination of the "AGY''re gion by stars, or the "stellar" region by AGN. The extragalactic star formation regions and a handful of small galaxies can be easily removed by visual inspection of the images. The lower panels of Figure 13 show the OM UVWl and UVM2(UVW2) magnitudes of the sources. Again, the 031 sources matching FUSE observations have been marked in red and coded by FUSE type. > Tlie OM source matching FUSE observations have U and UVWl magnitudes 18.5, which suggests sources that are well detected by the OM should be observable by FUSE. !n the region with /b/ > 46" where Galactic absorption is generally small, we have identified 52 potential AGN accessible to FUSE (i.e., in the selection region with instrumental magnitudes < 18.5 in the U and UVWl bands and not previously observed with FUSE), two lie in the direction of Higbllntermediate Velocity Clouds, and another four lie sufficiently close to clouds to be of interest.

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