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Preview MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT- Dr. Anita Raghavendra

Report of UGC Minor Research Project On English Teaching Through Latest Technology Multiple Media A Study Of Bangalore Urban Students MRP (H)-0665/13-14/KABA023UGC-SWRO Principle investigator Dr. Anita Raghavendra Assistant Professor Dept of English KLE Society`s S Nijalingappa College, Bangalore. Submitted to UGC South western Regional Office, Bangalore. i DECLARATION I Dr. Anita Raghavendra, hereby declare that this report on “English Teaching Through Latest Technology Multiple Media- A Study Of Bangalore Urban Students” prepared under Minor Research Project MRP (H)-0665/13-14/KABA023UGC-SWRO, dated 22nd January 2016, submitted to UGC is based on my research with Bangalore urban students. The work embodied in this report in part or full has not been submitted previously. Dr. Smt. Anita Raghavendra Principle investigator Assistant Professor in English KLE Society`s S Nijalingappa College, Bangalore- 560010 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express thanks to God Almighty for his blessings. I express my sincere and deep hearted thanks to a lot of people who have extended their unreserved support during the course of my research. Foremost among them to be thanked is Dy. Secretary, UGC SWRO Bangalore for the financial support in initiating this Minor Research Project titled “English Teaching Through Latest Technology Multiple Media A Study Of Bangalore Urban Students”. I thank the Principals and Lecturers of various colleges for their support in data collection. I also take this opportunity to thank our Principal Prof. Dr. SadanandaHaligeri KLE`s S Nijalingappa College, Dr M Prema, HOD, faculty members of Department of English and administrative and managerial staff of KLE`s S Nijalingappa College for their encouragement and support in the completion of this project. I thank my family, friends and colleagues for their constant support and motivation. I also thank all the students who were involved in the research as samples, without whom, the work wouldn’t have been possible. Dr. Anita Raghavendra iii ABSTRACT • Introduction:As colleges focus on preparing students to be career ready, the achievement of English learners is a critical issue. It is widely acknowledged that English as a second language programs alone cannot adequately serve the large and growing numbers of English learners. These students also benefit from content area teachers using strategies and techniques that make subject matter understandable while at the same time developing students’ English language proficiency. The education in the use of instructional material in the field of education can be traced back to the three stages of development in the history of educational technology namely, stone age, machine age, paper age. • Stone Age: The concept of Stone Age dates back to the period when basic educational instructional material consisted of the use of stone and rock. During this stage, sticks, shells, seeds and cowries noticeable among others formed the counters. The rock surfaces formed the board, sharp edged pebbles, stones and sticks were used as pens to make scratches that left important messages for future generations, roots, herbs, leaves and fruits produced some indelible liquid used as ink for messages. • Paper Age: This stage started before the first century A.D by this period hand act, wooden Block were in Asia as a printing process, the first printed book was produced in 800 AD. Furthermore with the development of printing machine by John Guttenberg of German in 1445, came a wider horizon in the history of this stage. • Machine Age: Dfoefuna and Eya (1999) stated that this was the period of development in science and technology. This period can be called communication period because of the development in information generated retriever and transition that transmitted at lightning speed, this marks the period of introduction of satellites and computer into education system, radio, television and optic communication system became important in the classroom as a medium of instruction or instructional materialfor Research on the Educational Achievement and Teaching of English Language Learners. • Origin of the research problem Interdisciplinary relevance: As a lecturer I have always noticed that use of multiple media in teaching generates curiosity and interest in students and also make them involved in the class. Today’s students are fast and technologically updated. Hence, to involve and keep students interested in the learningthis research originated. • Review of Research and Development in the Subject: iv It will anentity by itself, a never before touched area in the field of multiple media usage in English teaching. This will guide the students and enhance the variegated skills as a person or professional. • International status: It goes without saying that it is aimed at International status and technological expectations with care and comfort. „ • National Status: This will enable to bring all cadres of students cope with learning as audio visual teaching can be grasped and retained better than chalk and talk method of teaching. Significance:Need of the hour and requirement for our stakeholders to face the emerging challenges in the competitive world. It enables the both slow and advanced learners to be benefited. „ (iii) Objectives: To strengthen and enhance student’s overall performance in learning in general and learning English in particular. (iv) Methodology: • Collection of primary sources/material • Secondary source • Surfing and documenting sources • Print electronic media CD • External links • Websites quotations • Interviews/Conversations • Photographs,Awards v vi CONTENTS SL NO PERTICULARAS PAGE NO 1. DECLARATION ii 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii 3. ABSTRACT iv 4. CONTENTS v 5. CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION 1 - 13 6. CHAPTER -2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 14 - 22 7. CHAPTER -3 METHODOLOGY 23 – 35 8. CHAPTER -4 RESULT ANALYSIS 36 - 47 9. CHAPTER- 5 DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTIONS 48 – 51 10. CHAPTER- 6 CONCLUSIONS 52 - 60 11. REFERENCES 61 - 66 vii INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter -I Introduction One of the reasons for the declining standards of teaching English is the inability of teachers tounderstand the difference between the teaching of literature and the teaching of language skills. Everybody knows that the study of a language is not an end in itself, it is a means to develop one's power of expression and comprehension can be achieved by mastering stylistic elements of the language. According to A. K. Sharma: “English language teaching in India, you will agree with me, has suffered a lot so much that our students who pass intermediate or degree examinations with English either as a compulsory or as an elective subject can neither speak nor write correct English, may be because the emphasis in our schools and colleges has always been on the conceptual content and the stylistic content has been neglected so far.” English holds a place of status in our country, even after more than six decades since British left India. No indigenous language however has come up to replace English, either as a medium of communication or as an official language in India under the influence of nationalistic feeling and emotional hostility; English began to reassert its position. Now a day it is still urgent to discuss, what to teach and how to teach a foreign language taking into account the objective, social and professional needs of future specialists in our country. Besides businessmen, tradesmen, engineers, scientists and scholars all over the world must know English because it is the international means of exchange of information and experience. The students have to learn foreign language because students of any subject, any discipline must learn a foreign language.Teaching it is necessary to formulate its actual and realistic aims and tasks. Whenever we come across any result we see the crucial role of English in decreasing the result. The way English is taught in our colleges today is to a great extent responsible for the failure. Theaims of English education and teaching are certainly very lofty and there are inadequate means to realizethem. The policy makers have forgotten that English is not the mother-tongue of Indians. We must accept that the standard of its teaching has fallen vastly and that is why it is essential to know the problems of teaching English in India at undergraduate level in the colleges. 2 Problems of Teaching English as a Second Language  Psychological Problems: - It is a widespread misunderstanding amongst students that English the most difficult of all subjects. The results and the failure candidates act as evidence to prove this fact. Hence most of the students look at this subject with a prejudiced vision and bear the fear through the year. The psychological depression results in poor performance at the end of the year.  Learning Methods: - The primary aim of teaching English at this stage should be to concentrate on the fundamental skills of the language ability of the student namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is of paramount importance that the teacher should know what his task is and what he is trying to achieve by teaching English. They go on with their job of teaching without knowing the difficulties of the learner. The teacher should be fully aware of the fact that his student's proficiency in English is not up to mark owing to the deteriorating standard of teaching in schools. Their objective of teaching English should be practical and in keeping with the standard of proficiency achieved by our students. They should emphasize on the main aims of teaching English to develop the ability of students to read and understand. It is an overall practice to use Artificial or Indirect Method instead of Natural or Direct Method of teaching English. We all learn our mother tongue very easily because we use Natural or Direct Method of learning. We follow this sequence 1.Listening. 2. Speaking. 3. Reading. 4. Writing. i.e. from the easiest skill to a difficult one. But in learning English as a foreign language we follow this sequence. 1. Writing. 2. Reading. 3. Speaking. 4. Listening. i.e.from the difficult skill to an easy one. When we start anything with difficulty obviously there are greaterchances of failure.  Problem of Concretizing the Abstract Idea: - The teacher faces a serious problem of concretizing the abstractness of the novel, poem, passage, words etc. They face difficulty in creating live pictures. The students find it difficult to understand the abstract idea and so they are unable to comprehend the lectures given by their teachers in English. If a poem on sadness is going on in the class the teacher should teach it so effectively that the students get tears in their eyes. This type of experience is hardly found in classroom teaching at present. In fact the teacher is always in a hurry to complete the portion and feels that it is waste of time to arouse emotions and interact with the students. 3

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