3&KM m K m I '•-i'J-^'-'Jr.. AW** w^m & 6 em &wmm® sa&s c&a d© sas£&» o© %*& imm mm wkm mm *®m book l_ l_ , IB^erfJLi As Harpeth Hall celebrates 50 years of education and tradition, the Milestones stafffound itonly appropriate to go against the grain and BREAK TRADITION. Were you a Triad? Ariston? Eccowasin? or perhaps an Angkor? What part did you play in the annual George Washington celebration? Let's not forget white dresses, plaid skirts (ofvarying lengths), and the tucked in/rolled upwhite blouse. How many years have you worn your one pair of saddle oxfords? When asked your mascot what do you say? am a Bear or am a I I Honeybear. Above:Whenthesaddle Right:SeniorSuperlativefrom oxfordswereremovedfrom 1963...LefttoRight: Nickye themandatoryuniform Yokley,BestDressed; Pam HarpethHalllostit's"sole." Polk,BestAllAround;andJane Hambrick,MostResponsible. dK&OAJLM>/^ Souby Hall, standing to greet a speaker, Senior House, step singing, outside graduation, class songs and Senior Recogni- tion Day all stand out as favor- ite traditions. Sometimes tradi- tions change. Once, every se- nior class received the "Beanie" on Senior Recognition Day. Once, saddle oxfords were a part of the every day uniform. Once, students actuallywore plaid skirts more than fingertip ilength. Once, the school didn't rjhave any computers. Just this jyear 8th graders are the pio- neers ofour new laptop pro- gram. By the time school starts in 2001 all students, excpetSe- niors will have a laptop. Remem- ber the old, celebrate the new! Left:TheannualGeorge Above:Thetraditionof Washingtoncelebration was thebeaniehatforthe originallyperformedbythe Seniorswasreplaced Upperclassmen,butnowit withtheSeniorsbeing isatraditionoftheseventh abletochoosetheirtype grade. Photodated1947. ofhatnow. Magnificent Martha Welookuptoyou Forwisdomofthegame. Tohelpusfindourpassions Andtohelpusfindourhearts. Yourdreamsforusareinyourfightingstrength. Andbuiltwithinyourpresence, Liesaragingtemperrarelyheard- Withasoftheartofendlessencouragement Evenontheworstofdays, Youhelpusseethefinishline- Thejoythatemanatesfrominsideyou Thatblindmencouldundoubtedlysee. Youmustbethegreatestsisterwithyourfunlaugheveryday ThegreatestVandyfantoevercomefromUK. WeknowBinkley,Thomas,andSlamloveyou,too Andweclosebysaying-Ms.MarthaGrace, -theMiddleSchooldedicatesthisbooktoyou. -KaraHuffstutter