Description:In this heartfelt and hilarious middle grade standalone from Greg Howard, an enterprising boy starts his own junior talent agency and signs a twelve-year-old aspiring drag queen as his first client.
Mikey is a true entrepreneur. Running his businesses from his family's carport/storage/laundry room isn't easy—but hey, the business world is a tough nut to crack! After his first venture—a cardboard general store—was swept off his front lawn in a baby tornado, and his second business—a croquet training camp—lost all its students, Mikey is looking for his next big thing. So when an older boy from school walks into Mikey's office looking for a talent agent to represent his drag queen act and introduces himself as Coco Caliente, Mistress of Madness and Mayhem, Mikey immediately draws up a contract on his notepad.
With such a fabulous client on his roster, Mikey reimagines himself as a rising talent manager with an eye for greatness and places an...