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Preview Metro Winnipeg - January 8, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015 metronews.ca | twitter.com/metrowinnipeg | facebook.com/metrowinnipeg WINNIPEG NEWS WORTH SHARING. 0 1 ‘What we saw today was an attack on the values of our republic’ — Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, addresses a city undaunted after terrorist attack on newspaper (cid:580)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:86)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:83)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:39)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:56)(cid:83)(cid:39)(cid:34)(cid:39)(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:5)(cid:83)(cid:39)(cid:74)(cid:39)(cid:78)(cid:83)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:34)(cid:39)(cid:35)(cid:38)(cid:83)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:5)(cid:17)(cid:48)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:56)(cid:5)(cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:83)(cid:5)(cid:56)(cid:21)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:96)(cid:39)(cid:83)(cid:38)(cid:3)(cid:34)(cid:74)(cid:5)(cid:56)(cid:17)(cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:578)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:5)(cid:35)(cid:25)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:676)(cid:3)(cid:604)(cid:3)(cid:677) THIBAULT CAMUS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS iDesign® THE MOST ADVANCED DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT PLANNING TOOL FOR LASIK. NEW & ONLY at Image Plus Downy Fabric Softener has 30% more softening power than Fleecy* G & P 5 01 2 © *Visual represents softening ingredients per load Fleecy is a registered trademark of Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc. metronews.ca WINNIPEG 3 Thursday, January 8, 2015 City can’t keep building budgets this way: Mayor ‘Very, very diffi cult.’ Audits N Bowman seeking new revenue model and Bowman wants to know system for public input what changes the city has made to its procedures fol- lowing a series of scathing E audits in the past two years. COLIN FAST (cid:580)(cid:3) He put forward a motion [email protected] at Wednesday’s executive policy committee meet- W After spending days hunkered ing requiring the city aud- down with city officials going itor to provide a progress over budget documents, May- report this month. or Brian Bowman had one key message for taxpayers and other levels of government: to have the money to pay for “Something’s gotta give.” things like water treatment Speaking to reporters on plants, snow removal and all S Wednesday, Bowman warned the services Winnipeggers ex- “it’s going to be a very, very pect,” he said. difficult budget,” with re- “I’d welcome input from quests for funding far out- the (NDP) leadership contend- pacing what’s in the city’s ers on how the city could be piggy bank. best funded to meet the de- While he wouldn’t tip his mands and needs,” he added. hand as to what services, if In addition to looking at a any, might be on the chop- new revenue model, Bowman ping block, Bowman did promised the budget process make it clear he’s serious itself would change in future about a campaign pledge to years, with more opportun- get a bigger share of provin- ities for public input. cial sales-tax revenue. “There’s some very in- “Right now we’re relying novative cities out there that on a very antiquated form of are doing budgets in a differ- taxation in property taxes, ent way than Winnipeg, and and something’s gotta give we’re going to make improve- at some point if we’re going ments,” he said. Mayor Brian Bowman says the city is facing a diffi cult budget this year. BERNICE PONTANILLA/METRO Maverick MP will not seek re-election Winnipeg South MP Rod Brui- Alcock by just over 100 votes. work, particularly as parlia- sioner is currently probing nooge says he will not seek Bruinooge was chairman mentary secretary for Indian Bruinooge over allegations he re-election this fall, saying of a parliamentary caucus that Affairs from 2006 to 2008. violated conflict-of-interest he wants to spend more time sought to rekindle the abor- “I am proud of the accom- rules to support a political with his young family. tion debate and bring what plishments in my career and app he is developing. The Métis MP says in a he called “more value” to the especially thankful to have The allegations say Brui- statement that the loss of a lives of unborn children. been involved in extending nooge and Saskatchewan MP close family member over the He spoke out shortly after the Canadian Human Rights Rob Clarke violated ethics Christmas holidays led to his abortion provider Henry Mor- Act to First Nations people rules when they voted for decision to spend more time gentaler was awarded the Or- on reserve and the historic the Fair Elections Act, which at home. der of Canada in 2008, calling apology by Canada to the would make the app more en- Bruinooge has held the it “reprehensible.” survivors of the residential ticing to other political cam- Rod Bruinooge with his family. riding since 2006 when he In his statement, Brui- schools,” he said. paigns. ELISHA DACEY/METRO, WITH CONTRIBUTED defeated Liberal stalwart Reg nooge said he is proud of his The federal ethics commis- FILES FROM THE CANADIAN PRESS Elmwood Transcona shotgun was found with a after midnight when the disobeyed a number of traffic rifle scope and ammunition driver of a Chevrolet Upland- signals before being stopped Loaded sawed-off Police say driver while officers raided a home er was stopped near Nairn and arrested near Gables shotgun found in the 400 block of Nairn led them on chase Avenue and Panet Road for Court and Kildare Avenue Avenue on Monday. Investi- having suspended insurance East. during home raid after traffi c stop gators believe the weapon documentation. Marc Allen Sweet, 35, is was stolen from a Winnipeg Police say the minivan facing a long list of charges, A man is facing charges home in January 2014. Police are saying a Winnipeg sped off as an officer ap- including driving while after police found a loaded Kyle Joseph Kostiuk, man led them on a chase proached the driver’s side ability impaired, flight while shotgun during a raid at an 25, of Winnipeg, faces a through Transcona early window. being pursued by a peace Elmwood home. number of weapons-related Wednesday. The driver allegedly officer, and driving while The sawed-off 12-gauge charges. METRO The chase began shortly hit excessive speeds and disqualified. METRO 4 WINNIPEG metronews.ca Thursday, January 8, 2015 What’s in a name? Council mulls numbers for wards Should the city’s alphabet Name game soup of ward names be re- placed by numbers instead? That was one of the ideas A complete overhaul of suggested Wednesday as ward names and borders executive policy committee isn’t required until 2019, considered a request by Coun. but council has the option Scott Gillingham to add “Wes- of forming a Ward Bound- ton” to the name of his St. aries Commission at any James-Brooklands ward. time if it sees the need. But with 236 different neighbourhoods throughout the city, and multiple coun- cillors wanting to make name whose North Kildonan ward changes, EPC decided to would be retitled “Kilcona refer the matter to council’s Park–Springfield North– governance committee for a Springfield South–McLeod In- more thorough review dustrial–Rossmere–Kildonan The number system — Drive–Valhalla” if all its indi- which is used in many other vidual neighbourhoods were cities — was floated by Coun. recognized. Jeff Browaty, who said having In addition to Gilling- ward names that don’t match ham’s request, Coun. Marty neighbourhoods is confusing Morantz wants to tack “Why- some residents. te Ridge” on to the Charles- “I’ve knocked on doors wood–Tuxedo ward, and saying I’m the councillor Coun. Janice Lukes pointed for North Kildonan and had out her St. Norbert district Winnipeg folk band The Duhks is back with Beyond the Blue, its first album in six years. HANDOUT people tell me they don’t live contains large sections of St. The mighty Duhks there, so it’s a bit of a prob- Vital and Waverley West. lem,” explained Browaty, COLIN FAST/FOR METRO Journey to Churchill. Inuit art goes on display return to Winnipeg The world’s largest public Arctic spotlight collection of contemporary art can now be seen along- “With this magnificent side Hudson, Aurora, Storm Semi-hiatus over. Local Blue, its first album in six Show details citing to bring the new band and Kaska at the Journey to exhibition of Inuit art years. to Winnipeg for the first Churchill exhibit. and the Journey to folk band’s hometown Beyond the Blue, released time,” Podolak said. “I grew Starting this week, an Churchill exhibit, the Arc- celebration to showcase in June on Compass Records, The Duhks play Thursday at up in this city. I’ve played at oscnuglopitnugr,e s rfortoamtin tgh e dWispinlanyi peogf tic is at the forefront of new album and lineup, aglisnoa lm Darukhsk tsh ev orceatulirsnt oJef soserie- ttrhee. WTicekset tEsn adr eC u$2lt2u raatl tCheen - tfohre 2W0e yset aErns.d” Cultural Centre Art Gallery’s more than 13,000 conversation now more including original Havey, who left the band in WECC, Music Trader, Win- One song from Beyond pieces of Inuit art is on display than ever in Winnipeg.” vocalist Jessee Havey 2007 and hasn’t appeared on nipeg Folk Festival Music the Blue that Podolak is par- in the exhibit’s Arctic building a Duhks album since 2006’s Store and Ticketmaster ticularly excited to show off at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. WAG director and CEO Dr. Stephen Borys Migrations. Former Duhk (plus fees) or $27 at the is Black Mountain Lullaby, “The WAG is proud to part- Sarah Dugas sang on 2008’s door. Showtime is 8 p.m. a protest song written by ner with the Assiniboine Park JARED Fast Paced World. American folk singer Caro- Conservancy to highlight carv- The WAG said plans are also STORY Coming off a long tour, line Herring. The song tells ings from our world-renowned underway to create an Inuit [email protected] The Duhks will hold a home- the true story of a three- collection,” said WAG director Art Centre next to its existing town celebration of Beyond addition to Havey, includes year-old boy who in 2004 and CEO Dr. Stephen Borys in gallery on Memorial Boulevard It’s the middle of the winter, the Blue Thursday at the West percussionist Kevin Garcia, was killed in bed in Virginia a release. at St. Mary Avenue. METRO but The Duhks are back. End Cultural Centre. Duhks guitarist Colin Savoie-Levac when a 1,000-pound boulder, After a semi-hiatus and a founder and clawhammer and fiddler Anna Lindblad, dislodged by a bulldozer at Impaired driving multitude of lineup changes, banjo player Leonard Podo- who hail from Detroit, Que- a strip mining operation, suspended for 24 hours. the Winnipeg folk band has lak said he’s stoked to show bec and Sweden, respectively. crashed through his family’s Police said the highest returned with Beyond the off his new band, which, in “It’s going to be really ex- trailer. Checkstop program blood alcohol concentration numbers released they saw was 310 mg and the lowest was 60 mg. The Second life for city’s furlough program More than 40 Winnipeggers average came in at 143 mg. are facing a court date after Of those facing impaired earning impaired driving charges 39 were men and six charges during the police were women, and the age of As quietly as it was killed, a duced in 1997. don’t have the staff to be able have access to it again,” he Festive Season Checkstop those charged ranged from popular program that gives A report to the finance to offer that type of practice said. ”So in terms of morale, Program. 38 to 69. city staff unpaid days off has committee said the decision anymore,” he said at the time. it’s a very good news story.” In all, 2,229 vehicles Nine other arrests were been revived. was made because “the public But Metro has learned the The program allows staff to were stopped during the made and 200 other prov- In November, councillors service was finding it increas- program has been offered apply for up to 10 extra days off month-long push to nab incial offence notices were were surprised to learn the ingly difficult to deliver their again for 2015, thanks to a re- per year without pay. The city drunk drivers and 233 tests doled out over the month. civic administration had can- services to citizens while sup- quest from finance chairman is still compiling data on how were given. Forty-five drivers Police expect to release celled the voluntary furlough porting employee requests for Marty Morantz. many days were requested and were charged with impaired the full list of those caught program, which had saved additional days off work.” “I’m very pleased they approved, but Morantz said he driving or refusing the test once all charges are formally the city between $180,000 Mike Davidson, president brought it back, and from my expects savings will be close to and 33 had their licences laid. METRO and $650,000 in annual labour of CUPE Local 500, agreed understanding people work- $180,000. COLIN FAST/FOR METRO, costs since it was first intro- with that assessment. “We ing at the city are happy they WITH FILES FROM BERNICE PONTANILLA metronews.ca CANADA 5 Thursday, January 8, 2015 Natural gas to export terminals and where plans to build one via TransCanada’s network. refineries in Quebec and export terminal have been It also stated that shale Energy East pipeline New Brunswick through the put on hold. gas in Quebec and natural only reliable option, pipeline. There are also concerns gas from Anticosti Island For about two-thirds of about the impact of the pipe “cannot be considered says Quebec board the way, an existing seg- conversion on gas consum- reliable supply options ... ment of natural-gas pipe ers in Central Canada. notably because of issues re- Quebec’s energy regula- would be converted to oil The Regie de l’energie lated to economic viability, tor came out in favour of service, with new pipe to be estimates the demand for the environment and social the Energy East pipeline built through Quebec and natural gas in Quebec will acceptability.” on Wednesday, calling the New Brunswick. grow by about two per cent The energy regulator did TransCanada Corp. project Reaction against the pro- annually between now not look into the route of “desirable.” ject has emerged on various and 2030 and that the only the pipeline or study the The company is aiming issues, including the need to reliable option is to buy gas potential environmental to link up to 1.1-million bar- protect a beluga habitat in from outside Quebec and consequences of the project. rels a day of Alberta crude Quebec’s St. Lawrence River, bring it into the province THE CANADIAN PRESS You could Dr. Perry Kendall is disappointed by calls from B.C. Nurses’ Union president Gayle Duteil for the province to revise a health-care worker flu-shot policy WIN because the vaccine is less effective this year. MATT KIELTYKA/METRO FILE B.C. top doc defends flu a 2-night stay at Lakeview shot policy Resorts Gimli or Hecla, MB Effectiveness. Chief or wear a mask to help protect patients. Similar policies are in medical officer calls place in more than a dozen hos- argument of nurses pitals in Ontario and a health authority in New Brunswick. union chief ‘illogical’ Duteil’s comments come as influenza is hitting Canada hard this year due to a virus THANDI that has “genetically drifted” FLETCHER from the H3N2 strain covered Metro in Vancouver by this year’s vaccine. As a re- sult, this year’s flu shot offers British Columbia’s top doctor is an estimated 40 per cent pro- speaking out against calls from tection instead of the typical 80 the B.C. Nurses’ Union to revise per cent. the province’s mandatory flu- While the union supports shot or mask policy for health- immunization, Duteil said Visit care workers. health-care workers should be Chief medical officer Dr. able to rely on frequent hand clubmetro.com Perry Kendall says he is “dis- washing to prevent the spread appointed” by calls from union of illness. to enter president Gayle Duteil for the “It’s about choice, and now government to change the that we know that vaccination policy, especially when the cir- is even less effective in pre- culating H3N2 strain is hitting venting flu, forcing nurses to seniors so hard. get one doesn’t make sense,” “It makes no sense to me,” she said. Kendall told Metro. “We should Kendall called Duteil’s state- be doing everything in our ment “illogical.” power as health-care workers “I would rather have 40 per to protect those vulnerable cent protection than zero pro- people.” tection,” he said. “Ideally, we The policy was launched would have a vaccine that pro- by the B.C. government in vided really high levels ... (but) 2012, making it mandatory for we don’t have one of those yet. health-care workers at publicly The one we’ve got now is still funded facilities to get a flu shot the best we can use.” For full contest details and conditions, visit clubmetro.com. No purchase necessary. Terms & conditions apply. 6 CANADA metronews.ca Thursday, January 8, 2015 Oilsands use inconsistent with Halifax. Major house fire leaves 2 dead, 1 missing global warming battle: Report Two people are dead and an- chance to go through the other person is unaccounted house in its entirety,” he for as Halifax firefighters and said. “Because of the safety to limit global warming. Study’s conclusion. police investigate a major and security of the building, It adds one-quarter of Can- blaze outside the city. they are still putting out hot A third of world’s oil ada’s natural gas reserves and Halifax regional fire per- spots.” reserves, half of gas four-fifths of its coal would sonnel were called to the RCMP spokeswoman Cpl. also have to be left in the home in the 5,000 block of Karine Bernier says a third reserves and 80 per ground. Guysborough Road — near person remains unaccounted cent of coal reserves The report concludes that what is known locally as for. no country’s Arctic energy Wyses Corner — around Elliott said they were should remain unused resources can be developed if 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday. As called about the fire by some- global temperature increases of 9:45 p.m., 10 fire trucks one driving by the home. are to be kept manageable. and 30 firefighters were still He said the home has a British researchers have con- Report author Christophe on scene battling the blaze, metal roof which has made cluded that most of Canada’s McGlade of University Col- which is located about an it a difficult one for them to oilsands will have to be left lege London says the research hour outside of Halifax. tackle. in the ground if the world was undertaken in response Fire spokesman Brendan “We were still in a defen- gets serious about climate to agreement from politicians Elliott confirmed that at least sive mode an hour and a half change. around the world that global two people have died. into the fire,” he said. The report, in the journal warming should be limited “We just haven’t had a METRO/THE CANADIAN PRESS Nature, says three-quarters of to within 2 C of historic aver- Canada’s oil reserves and 85 ages. At the same time, said Syrian refugees per cent of its oilsands can’t McGlade, most are enthusi- to get them here, refugee be burned if the world wants astic boosters of their own groups and opposition polit- country’s fossil fuels. 10,000 promised icians said Wednesday. “What this analysis shows asylum in Canada The Conservative Quoted is that those two positions are government made the new inconsistent,” he said. “Every country can’t ex- A promise to 10,000 Syrian commitment after months The study is the latest into refugees that they will be of pleading from refugee ploit all of their domes- the implications of the total able to find safe haven in groups and Syrian Can- tic reserves and keep to amount of carbon emissions Canada in the next three adians for a drastic increase that can be released and still years needs to be backed up in the number of spaces. An oilsands facility seen near Fort McMurray, Alta. A new study says most of two degrees.” stay below a two-degree tem- by a better asylum program THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada’s oilsands will have to be left in the ground if the world gets serious Report author Christophe McGlade of perature increase. about climate change. THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE University College London. THE CANADIAN PRESS Cosby cheered at Kitchener show, amid protests Bill Cosby was greeted with Ontario shows amid brewing ahead of his first time on The Square, walking past a main doors into the venue accused the 77-year-old Cosby cheering and applause as he tensions and mounting alleg- stage since November, but handful of protesters hoist- while one woman heckled of sexually assaulting them, walked on stage Wednesday ations of sexual assault. a number of ticket holders ing signs that read “rape is ticket holders, saying they with some allegations dating night in Kitchener, Ont., wear- “First of all, thank you,” announced plans to skip the not a joke” and “I support the should be “ashamed” of going back decades. ing a grey sweatshirt with the he said emphatically, before performance, while others victims.” Police officers were to see Cosby. Cosby is also scheduled to phrase “hello friend.” launching into jokes about sought to sell their tickets. also present, as were a swarm In recent weeks, at least perform in London on Thurs- Cosby was set to stare the cold Canadian weather. Nonetheless, a steady flow of journalists. 18 women — including three day and Hamilton on Friday, down local opposition as he The comedian promised of ticket holders streamed At one point three protest- who came forward in Los An- and protests are planned in kicked off the first of three fans “the show of their life” into Kitchener’s Centre In ers temporarily blocked the geles on Wednesday — have both cities. THE CANADIAN PRESS Meet faculty and students, explore labs and work spaces, and learn more about all that RRC has to offer! Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12pm - 3pm | 5pm - 8pm 9am - 2pm Notre Dame Campus | Exchange District Campus | Stevenson Campus metronews.ca WORLD 7 Thursday, January 8, 2015 Explosive-laden bus Texas FBI identifies driven into academy veterans’ hospital gunman A man who fatally shot a Yemen. Minibus was Escalating violence police academy, which is lo- doctor at a Texas veterans’ cated in a residential area. hospital before turning directed by driver into The bomber struck as ca- the gun on himself was a gathering of recruits Violence has soared in dets were lined up outside former clerk at the clinic outside police academy, Yemen since the Houthis — the academy, preparing to en- who had threatened the a group of Shiite rebels — rol, witnesses said. victim in 2013, the FBI said killing at least 37 captured Sanaa and other “It went off among all of Wednesday. nearby cities. them, and they flew through The FBI identified the the air,” said eyewitness Jamil gunman in Tuesday’s (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:17)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:268)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:302)(cid:317)(cid:553) al-Khaleedi. shooting as Jerry Serrato. A suicide bomber rammed a The group is demanding Police Brig. Gen. Abdu- Officials did not provide a minibus carrying explosives a greater share of power laziz al-Qudsi said at least motive for the shooting. into a gathering of recruits from President Abed 37 people were killed and 66 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS outside a police academy in Rabbo Mansour Hadi. wounded. Another official, the heart of Yemen’s capital speaking on condition of ano- South Carolina on Wednesday, killing at least (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:5)(cid:268)(cid:575)(cid:73)(cid:209)(cid:255)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:553) The Houthis nymity because he was not 37 people in the latest attack on occasion have clashed authorized to talk to media, Police chief must to hit Sanaa. with the terror organiza- said at least three civilians No one immediately tion, leaving scores of were among the dead. be convicted: claimed responsibility for people dead. Both the United Nations Prosecutor the attack, but Yemen’s local and the United States con- al-Qaida branch has carried demned the attack and ex- out similar assaults in the At the scene of the blast, pressed condolences to the The trial for the 2011 killing past against the army and the dead and wounded lay on victims and their families. of an unarmed black man police in this impoverished a sidewalk against a wall. On Tribal leaders and Yemeni Thousands seeking shelter began Wednesday. Arabian Peninsula country, the pavement, water sprayed officials have said the rising Prosecutor David Pas- viewing them as U.S. proxies. by firefighters to extinguish power of Shiite rebels known A man overlooks the high waves of the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv, coe said Eutawville police The U.S. provides counter- the blaze from the explosion as Houthis, their advance into Israel, on Wednesday as a heavy winter storm sweeps through the chief Richard Combs terrorism training and assist- of the minibus mixed with Sunni areas and the backlash Middle East. The storm killed two Syrian refugees in Lebanon and must be convicted in the ance to Yemeni forces, and pools of blood. A charred taxi over drone strikes has caused forced thousands who have fled their country’s civil war to huddle for shooting death of Bernard frequently carries out drone cab smouldered near what al-Qaida to surge in strength warmth in tents in refugee camps. ODED BALILTY/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bailey. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS strikes targeting al-Qaida mil- remained of the minibus, and find new recruits. itants in Yemen. metres from the gate of the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Driver loses control of bus, killing at least 16 in India A passenger bus veered off a road and fell into a gorge in southeastern India on Wednes- day, and at least 13 of the 16 people killed were college and middle school students, police said. More than 50 other people were injured in the crash near the town of Penukonda in An- dhra Pradesh state, said Police Inspector G.R. Yadav. The state-run public trans- port bus was carrying 68 people when the driver lost control of the vehicle, which then plunged into the gorge, he said. Police and rescue workers climbed into the 12-metre- deep gorge and used ropes to pull out the mangled bus. At least 13 college and middle school students were among those killed, said Po- lice Superintendent S.V. Rajas- People stand behind a police cordon near the wreckage of a bus that fell ekhar Babu. Their bags and into a gorge in Penukonda, about 145 kilometres north of Bangalore, India, books lay scattered at the ac- on Wednesday. The bus veered off a road, killing at least 16 people, most of cident site. whom were college and middle school students, police said. Bodies of the dead have AIJAZ RAHI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS been handed over to their fam- ilies after autopsies were con- the edge. The driver died in 110,000 people killed annu- ducted, he said. the accident. ally. Most crashes are blamed Police said the road was Penukonda is about 2,000 on reckless driving, poorly under repair and part of it kilometres south of New Delhi. maintained roads and aging was dug up, which may have India has the world’s dead- vehicles. forced the driver to move to liest roads, with more than THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 8 CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK metronews.ca Thursday, January 8, 2015 1The reaction, in pictures French officials ID suspects in deadly newspaper attack Paris, France. Twelve Paper’s evocative style people killed in attack Charlie on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo Hebdo has a long history of 2 Two heavily armed men in provocation black, their faces hidden by ski masks, take down a police offi- cer on a Paris sidewalk with a The French newspaper spray of bullets. One walks up Charlie Hebdo’s staple is to the victim, who is sprawled provocation — and it pokes on the ground, and delivers a fun at popes, presidents final shot to the officer’s head as well as the Prophet despite the arm raised in a final Muhammad. plea for mercy. The satirical weekly The cold-blooded killing has a history of drawing Wednesday came just after a outrage across the Muslim massacre minutes earlier in the world with crude cartoons offices of the satirical French of Islam’s holiest figure. weekly Charlie Hebdo. The magazine’s offices Eight journalists, two po- were firebombed in Novem- lice, a maintenance worker ber 2011 after it published and a visitor People hug each other on Wednesday outside the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris, France. a spoof issue that “invited” were killed, REMY DE LA MAUVINIERE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Muhammad to be its guest said prosecu- editor and put his carica- tor François those killed. ture on the cover. Values threatened Molins. He The killers were heard cry- A year later, the said 11 others ing “Allahu akbar!” — Arabic magazine published more “Canada and its allies will not be intimidated and were wound- for “God is great!” — and saying Muhammad drawings amid Suspect Cherif ed — four they were avenging the Proph- will continue to stand firmly together against an uproar over an anti- Kouachi of them ser- et of Islam, a video shows. terrorists who would threaten the peace, freedom Muslim film. The cartoons iously. Two officials identified the depicted Muhammad naked and democracy our countries so dearly value.” The news- suspects as French brothers and in demeaning or porno- paper’s editor Said and Cherif Kouachi, in Prime Minister Stephen Harper graphic poses. 3 and cartoon- their early 30s, and 18-year-old As passions raged, ist Stéphane Hamyd Mourad, whose nation- pleaded with his compatriots although thousands jammed the French government Charbonnier, ality wasn’t clear. to come together in a time of Republique Square near the defended free speech even widely known In a sombre address to the insecurity and suspicion. site of the shooting, waving as it rebuked Charlie Hebdo Suspect Said by his pen nation Wednesday, President “Let us unite, and we will pens and papers reading “Je for fanning tensions. Kouachi name Charb, François Hollande pledged to win,” he said. “Vive la France!” suis Charlie,” meaning “I am THE ASSOCIATED PRESS POLICE HANDOUT was among hunt down the killers, and Schools closed across Paris, Charlie.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 Je Suis Charlie. Charlie Hebdo. Cartoonists ‘We won’t be fazed’ by A man wears a “Je Suis commend evocative style Charlie” sticker on his back attack: French Embassy in Trafalgar Square in Lon- don to show their respect “I thought, ‘Oh jeez, it’s finally a naked Prophet Muhammad for the 12 people killed in happened.’” is bending over with a star Paris on Wednesday. Wes Tyrell had gotten a late over his anus and the text, in 2AFP/GETTY IMAGES start in his studio when he French, reads “A star is born.” The French Embassy in Can- Somber day “I am angered and sad- Not afraid. began receiving messages and The cartoonists have been ada says the gunmen who dened to hear of the terrorist calls from friends in the car- “equal opportunity offend- stormed the office of a satiric- attack today in the offices of A woman holds up her toonist community about the ers” who lampooned not only al newspaper in Paris attacked Flags at the French Embassy the Parisian news magazine hands bearing the words massacre at the French satirical Islam, but other religions as freedom of speech, and staged were at half-mast Wed- Charlie Hebdo, which has “Not afraid” in French dur- magazine Charlie Hebdo. well along with French political an assault on French democ- nesday and the mood was killed at least 12 individuals, ing a gathering Wednesday Tyrell, a cartoonist for Ya- figures, Tyrell said. racy as a whole. somber inside as embassy including two police officers,” in solidarity with the hoo News and head of the As- “They were very, very eager But embassy spokesman staff discussed the emer- Harper’s statement read. victims of a terror attack sociation of Canadian Editorial to go after just about anybody, Stephane Schorderet told Met- ging details of the mass Official opposition leader against French satirical Cartoonists, has long been a fan but the difference being, not ro that although the terrorist shooting. Thomas Mulcair held a press newspaper Charlie Hebdo of Charlie Hebdo. Not neces- everybody out there is trying to attack has rocked France, it conference in which he con- 3in Paris. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sarily a fan of every cartoon, he kill them,” he said. won’t change the way people demned the attack. Liberal Mighty pen. makes sure to say, but of its pro- Michael de Adder, a Can- live and will only make the right of expression.” leader Justin Trudeau and vocative style and, especially, adian political cartoonist, ques- country stronger. Canada’s Ambassador to Green Party leader Elizabeth A person holds a pen, the courage of its staff to stand tions if anyone will be willing “We are touched in our France, Lawrence Cannon re- May also issued statements a symbol of liberty of press, up to violence and threats. to continue in Charlie Hebdo’s hearts, but we won’t be fazed acted on Twitter saying he was decrying what happened and as crowds gather at Place Charlie Hebdo’s cartoonists footsteps. by this attack,” said Schord- horrified by the attack and his offering their sympathy. de la Republique during a have always been as provoca- “If they did, they’d certainly eret during a sit down at the thoughts were with the vic- Schorderet said the out- vigil following the terrorist tive as they could be, as pro- have a big target on them- French Embassy Wednesday. tims and their families. pouring of support from Can- attack on Wednesday. vocative as cartoonists ever get, selves,” he said. “It would be “I think this kind of attack is Prime minister Stephen adians has touched the em- MARC PIASECKI/GETTY IMAGES Tyrell said. courageous to restart it.” going to reinforce the will to Harper issued a statement con- bassy deeply. In one cartoon, for example, JESSICA SMITH CROSS/METRO IN TORONTO stay a free country with a free demning the attack. TREVOR GREENWAY/METRO IN OTTAWA metronews.ca CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK 9 Thursday, January 8, 2015 VOICES THE WAR AGAINST FREE PRESS A dozen people lost their lives in Paris Wednesday over cartoons. Metro grieves with the rest of the world and reaffirms the importance of freedom of expression FERNANDO CARNEIRO stimulate minds through their craft. Then Of Wednesday’s editorial cartoons, I was Don’t call attack there’s the attempt at intimidation — the most affected by the one drawn by Carlos [email protected] killers’ effort to silence people who ask Latuff. It shows the gunmen firing at the of- ‘barbaric’: Prof questions. fices of Charlie Hebdo, a trail of blood, and I’m a lifelong fan of editorial cartoons. They Asking questions is how we learn and the bullets eventually going through the have made me laugh, made me question my evolve. This freedom must be defended. walls and hitting a mosque behind it. viewpoints and moved me deeply. I’m not just a fan of editorial cartoons, I hope it doesn’t happen, but I imagine JOE I have been sad and angry since seeing I’m a believer in what they represent. innocent Muslims will now face a backlash. LOFARO Twitter headlines about 12 people, mostly Editorial cartoons aren’t necessarily If violence breeds violence, I’m certain [email protected] journalists, shot dead by extremists in meant to be funny, although they can be; that editorial cartoonists will continue to France. they are commentary. The cartoons being raise their pencils and take aim at that, too. A Carleton University professor says world There’s the horrific loss of life — the distributed around the world today are Fernando Carneiro is the National Deputy leaders such as Prime Minister Stephen killing of people who worked every day to good examples. Editor of Metro English Canada. Harper should not describe the deadly attack on a Paris news magazine that killed 12 people Wednesday morning as a Cartoonists around the world respond to shooting “barbaric” act. Karim H. Karim, a professor at the university’s School of Journalism and Communication, said when the word is used to condemn religiously motivated acts of violence, some religious groups interpret it to mean that they as a whole are barbaric. Video footage of the attack ap- peared online showing a man wearing a hood carrying an assault rifle shoot and kill a police officer on a Paris sidewalk at point-blank range. Three attackers killed Charlie Hebdo’s veteran cartoonists, editor and others at the magazine’s office after recent publications of cartoons depicting Islamic figures in controversial ways. Harper and French president François Hollande called the Paris attack “barbaric” in statements Thursday. “I don’t think it’s being helpful to basically cast these words out. When lead- ers do this a lot of people are listening,” said Karim in an interview with Metro. “When ‘barbaric’ gets attached to them, these are the kind of stereotypes and images that are being built up. What is achieved by using rhetoric like that?” Although the attack received praise by supporters of the militant Islamic State group, no specific group has immediately claimed responsibility for it. Karim, a former journalist who teaches communications studies, denounced the attacks, calling them “heinous.” But he argued that using words such Clockwise from top left: Michael as “violent” and “cruel,” would be more De Adder, for Metro News Canada; appropriate than “barbaric,” which has a Rafael Mantesso, Brazil; Loïc Sécher- “moralistic tone which pits one civiliza- esse, France; Ruben L. Oppenheimer, tion against another.” The Netherlands; Carlos Latuff, Brazil. Karim did not say the media should outright ban the publication of the cartoons, but he said there needs to be a context justifying why they should be reproduced. “I would not say never do this,” he said. “I think if we have very strong convic- tions and we are justified in what we feel we should be doing, then we should do it.” — with files from The Associated Press Star Media Group President(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:279)(cid:254)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:17)(cid:292)(cid:305)(cid:255)(cid:221)(cid:266)(cid:296)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:266)(cid:580)(cid:3)Vice-President & Group Publisher, Metro Western Canada(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:254)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Vice-President & Editor-in-Chief, Metro English Canada(cid:3)(cid:17)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:225)(cid:220)(cid:305)(cid:292)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)National Deputy Editor Fernando Carneiro (cid:580)(cid:3)National Deputy Editor, Digital(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:305)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:266)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Managing Editor, Winnipeg(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:209)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Managing Editor, Features(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:273)(cid:220)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:302)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Managing Editor, Canada, World, Business (cid:55)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:209)(cid:34)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:251)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Managing Editor, Life & Entertainment (cid:21)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:266)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Distribution Manager: (cid:74)(cid:279)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:17)(cid:254)(cid:255)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Vice President, Content & Sales Solutions (cid:83)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:221)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:209)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Vice-President, Sales (cid:55)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:266)(cid:3)(cid:34)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Vice-President, Finance Phil Jameson METRO WINNIPEG(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:633)(cid:628)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:302)(cid:209)(cid:251)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:305)(cid:255)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:627)(cid:627)(cid:3)(cid:96)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:74)(cid:630)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:50)(cid:633)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3) Telephone:(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:627)(cid:631)(cid:575)(cid:636)(cid:631)(cid:630)(cid:575)(cid:636)(cid:630)(cid:627)(cid:627)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Fax:(cid:3)(cid:635)(cid:635)(cid:635)(cid:575)(cid:635)(cid:631)(cid:633)(cid:575)(cid:627)(cid:635)(cid:636)(cid:631)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Advertising:(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:627)(cid:631)(cid:575)(cid:636)(cid:631)(cid:630)(cid:575)(cid:636)(cid:630)(cid:627)(cid:627)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:225)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:238)(cid:279)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:251)(cid:605)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:315)(cid:296)(cid:553)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Distribution:(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:251)(cid:579)(cid:225)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:220)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:605)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:315)(cid:296)(cid:553)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)News tips:(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:251)(cid:605)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:315)(cid:296)(cid:553)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:3)(cid:580)(cid:3)Letters to the Editor:(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:251)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:605)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:315)(cid:296)(cid:553)(cid:221)(cid:209) 10 GOSSIP metronews.ca Thursday, January 8, 2015 Gossip Aniston awash with fears aft er her near-fatal NED EHRBAR tricycle accident: Honest! METRO’S TAKE ON THE WORLD OF Jennifer Aniston is finally CELEBRITIES speaking out about a debili- tating fear that has kept her from enjoying the thrill and adventure of scuba diving. “I basically have a real E fear of going underwater,” she admitted during a recent post-screening Q&A for her film, Cake, according to E! News. N “I was a kid, and I was riding this tricycle around a swimming pool, and I drove my tricycle into the swim- ming pool, and I didn’t let go Jennifer Aniston and my brother tried to (help me). So I can’t go underwater E and no one will believe me. I worn to raise awareness honestly can’t.” and support for this terrible We’re still deciding what condition, but we’ll keep you colour ribbon should be posted. C Church convinces Cruise to dig himself a giant hole S I thought it had been a while The site got hold of since we’d had a good “Tom permit documents filed with Cruise does something crazy” the City of Beverly Hills that story. Good news, there’s a show a massive amount of new one. work excavating the bedrock Phylicia Rashad ALL PHOTOS GETTY IMAGES The Edge of Tomorrow under Cruise’s tennis court to star reportedly spent mil- built a structure that includes Cosby’s TV wife defends him lions on an underground a gym, laundry facilities and bunker beneath his Beverly two bedrooms. Hills mansion, “When something goes thought to down, they know they’re and raises conspiracy theory be a dooms- going to need a place to hide day hideout out,” explains encour- former aged by the Scientolo- Phylicia Rashad, Bill Cosby’s Of course, it’s not enough termined to keep Bill Cosby Church of gist Marc TV wife, has kept mum on for Rashad to just dismiss the off TV. And it’s worked. All Scientology, Headley. the allegations of years of accusations from the numer- his contracts have been according But until sexual assault plaguing the ous women claiming Cosby cancelled.” to Radar then, how comedian. abused them over the past As for her old gig on The Online. about some But at the prodding of few decades, she also has to Cosby Show, Rashad says, bunker par- Showbiz 411’s Roger Fried- suggest some sort of greater “This show represented ties, Tom? man, she’s reconsidering her conspiracy going on. America to the outside previous position about not “Forget these women. world. This was the Amer- wanting “to become part of What you’re seeing is the ican family. And now you’re the public debate.” destruction of a legacy. And seeing it being destroyed. So where does she stand? I think it’s orchestrated,” Why?” Tom Cruise Firmly in Camp Cosby. Rashad says. “Someone is de- Maybe it’s the Illuminati? IT’S SHOWTIME! 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