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Lajna Ima’illah UK AAAnnn--- NNNuuusssrrraaattt Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan 1434 HQ Hijrat, Ehsan, Wafa HS May, June, July 2013 Celebrating 100 years 1913 - 2013 “...God will raise the Promised Messiah and create a third people for whom He will show great signs until all good people gather under the banner of Islam. They will respond to the call of the Promised Messiah and will run towards him; then there will be only one shepherd and one flock. Those days will be hard and God will reveal His countenance with awe-striking signs.”‘ ( (Essence of Islam, Vol.3 p.301 – Barahin e Ahmadiyya part 5 , Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 21, p. 126) The Holy Qur’an                                                                                                                                                                                                         89- 84 something accomplish ‘Ancedr ttahieny wasaky thee about Dhu’l Qarnain. Say, ‘I will certainly recite to you of his story.’ We established him in the earth and gave him the means to everything. Then he followed a Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a pool of murky water, and near it he found a people. We said, ‘O Dhu’l Qarnain, either punish them, or treat them with kindness.’ He said, ‘As for him who does wrong, we shall certainly punishe ahsiym; then shall he be brought back to his Lord, Who will punish him with a dreadful punishment.’ But as for him who believes and acts righteously, he will have a good reward, and We shall speak to him words of Our command.’ (Surah Al-Kahf 84-89) Hadith                                                                                                              It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: ‘The Hour shall not come to pass until the sun rises from the place of its setting. And when it rises from the place of its setting, all people together will affirm faith. At that time, faith will not be of any avail to a soul that did not affirm faith previously nor did it4 acquire any good in the course of its faith.’ Writings of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) ‘This submission of felicitations is from the person who has appeared in the name of Jesus, the Messiah, to rid the world of diverse innovations in faith. His purpose is to establish truth in the world with peace and tenderness, teach people the way of true love and obeisance to their Creator, and make them understand the ways to render true obedience to their ruler, Her Majesty the Queen, whose subjects they are. He is also to instruct mankind in true mutual sympathy and to remove selfish malice and passions among them, and establish pure harmony - unadulterated by hypocrisy - among the good natured servants of God… …I realize that I am more obliged than everyone else, as Allah chose for me to take refuge in the peaceful government of Her Majesty, the Queen, to carry out my heavenly activities. God raised me at such a time and in such a land where the reign of Her Majesty has the effect of a steel castle for the protection of human life and honour. It is my obligation more than anyone else to be grateful for the environment of peace in which I have lived in this land and have spread the truth.’ (‘A Gift For The Queen’, pages 1 & 3) Editorial An-Nusrat presents this edition to mark the one hundred year anniversary of Jama’at e Ahmadiyya UK. The articles chosen are cursory reflections of the journey that has brought us where we stand today as a Jama’at. It has been a spiritual journey borne of and steeped in the beneficence and grace of Khilafat e Ahmadiyya, its blessings underpinning the progress we have made in this country over the last century. We hope you will find that the articles impart this very basic fact. May Allah the Exalted continue to bless us with His grace and may we, Jama’at Ahmadiyya UK, move onwards and upwards in serving the mission of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) which is to take the message of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to the ends of the Earth. Ameen. We are also privileged to present text of the historic address given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper) at the Peace Symposium 2013. Indeed, this Symposium has now become a highlight of UK Jama’at calendar and for the past decade Allah the Exalted has enabled the Jama’at to invite people from all walks of life to Baitul Futuh to share our vision of peace and reconciliation. This vision is of course elucidated most eloquently each year by Huzoor (may Allah be his Helper) in his keynote address. May the world pay heed to Huzoor’s profound words of wisdom. Ameen. 5 IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE GRACIOUS AND EVER MERCIFUL LAJNA IMAILLAH UK AHMADIYYA MUSLIM WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Dear Readers, All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The year 2013 marks 100 years of Ahmadiyyat in the UK. Alhamdulillah, the blessings to the UK Jamaat have been countless. This centenary is another sign supporting the claim of the Promised Messiah (as), the Jama’at has multiplied from a handful of members to thousands. The sa crifices made by men, women and children have shown their love and dedication towards their f aith; sacrificing their time, money and property to ensure the progress and propagation of Ahmad iyyat, the true Islam. Alham dulillah Lajna Imaillah has played a vital role in bringing our community and the broader comm unity around us closer with fortitude and dignity. I would like to share some of my childhood memo ries; I have seen women who have travelled to the UK from various parts of the world and overco me the challenges of different culture and language. Not once did they compromise their beliefs. With their good conduct and kindness they established that Islam is truly a peaceful and compassionate religion, a religion to be admired and not feared. Now is a time to celebrate and I hope everyone has been enjoying the exhibitions, picnics, mushaira, sports and Tabligh events. Use this time to share history of UK with your families and give thanks to Allah Almighty for His Kindness and Mercy. We must always remember our beloved Huzoor (May Allah be his Helper) in our special prayers. May Allah forgive our shortcomings and that when the history of the coming century is being compiled, we are seen in a positive light, Ameen. Wassalam Nasira Rehman Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK 2013 6 THE CRITICAL STATE OF WORLD PEACE Keynote Address delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on 23rd March 2013 at the 10th Peace Symposium UK, at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London. Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Bismillah, After reciting aba what it‘ Lporveea cfhoers Aalnl, dH tahtarte dw hfoart eNveorn ew.’e say and Hazrat Khalifatul AMsassaihla Vmos aAidla:ikum do is based on true Islamic teachings – which Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barkatohu are of However, “All distinguished guests – as I have said, we also have some new friends in -peace attendance today and it is quite possible that they and blessings of Allah be upon you all. may harbour some doubts or suspicions about us or about Islam, and so I would like to reassure I would firstly like to thank all of you, our respected them from the outset. The truth is they will hardly guests, for accepting our invitation to attend find anyone or any group who is more opposed today’s Peace Symposium. All of you, whether to cruelty, extremism and injustice as we Ahmadi attending for the first time or if you are our old Muslims are. To establish the highest standards of friends, are very welcome. We are truly grateful love, affection and brotherhood are our objectives. that you have enlightened this event with your presence. The majority of you are non-Muslims With these words of introduction I now turn and so I particularly appreciate your gesture in towards the main theme of tonight’s event. Each coming, considering that you are all aware that year, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in the United the Ahmadiyya Community is an Islamic sect. Kingdom organises this function as a means to Generally speaking, attending the function of express and show the people of the world that we another group irrespective of religious differences desire and strive for a world filled with peace. In is not rare or all that significant. order to attain this wonderful objective we also require your help and support. Thus today, we We often find people who despite differences of have joined together to remind ourselves about belief are able to develop very close friendships the importance of this aim. with one another, due to their open hearts and broad-mindedness. Nonetheless, there are a To strive for peace is a noble ambition and is number of reasons why your attendance is something that the world has always stood in particularly praise-worthy and significant. Firstly, great need of. If we look at the situation of the the very fact that you have accepted the invitation world today, we realise that now, more than ever, it of a Muslim group is significant. Secondly, the is a pressing and urgent need of the time for us to fact that you are willingly attending a function seek and pursue peace and harmony in the world. taking place within the complex of a mosque is During the past four or five years, the various noteworthy and thirdly, the acts of certain so- disasters and forms of unrest that have occurred called Muslims have led to fears or reservations or are occurring, have led directly to an increase in developing in the hearts of many non-Muslims. restlessness and disorder. There is no doubt that with each day that passes the peace of the world is Bearing all of this in mind, we extremely appreciate ebbing away. We cannot attribute the world’s lack that you have taken this kind and considerate of peace on just one or two factors. In fact there step. Our old non-Ahmadi friends are well aware are multiple factors which are all contributing to 8 that the Ahmadiyya Community practices exactly the increasing disorder. I shall name just a few. The world’s economic crisis has contributed It is quite possible, and even likely, that the path hugely to global unrest and increased frustrations the world is treading will culminate in a terrifying amongst the masses. Another major cause of world war. More than 65 years have passed since division is internal power struggles within the last world war and I fear that people have countries. Then, in many nations, the rights due forgotten the unparalleled levels of devastation to members of the public are being unjustly and destruction that it caused. In that global war, usurped. Another factor is that some parties seek more than 70 million people were killed - the to demonstrate their power and might by treating majority of whom were innocent people, who others extremely cruelly. Further, a root cause were dragged into the war unwillingly. of division is a lack of justice in the world. This is leading directly to a complete lack of mutual Just a few months after last year’s Peace confidence and trust. Another cause of unrest is Symposium, I travelled to the United States and the fact that people or governments look at the was invited to address members of Congress at wealth and resources of others with a sense of envy Capitol Hill. Apart from the politicians, a number and greed. In fact, they do not limit themselves to of important think-tanks and academics were also envious glances, but actually seek to seize what is in attendance. In my address to them, I said that not rightfully theirs. as the world’s biggest superpower, the United States had to consider its responsibilities to the As I said, there is a long list of reasons why the wider world. I said that if they failed to fulfil world is being consumed by hatred and disorder their obligations and if they failed to observe the and I have only mentioned a few. These issues are proper standards of justice, then they would lead of grave concern and we must reflect over how the world towards a terrifying destruction. I said to solve them, so we can seek to establish global that the coming generations would lay the blame peace. Enmities and differences are increasing at our feet and in particular the major powers of daily and are rapidly spiralling out of control. this time. Our children or grandchildren would The state of the world is going from bad to worse. not forgive us because they would know that we Something which has been said in the past, which could have prevented the harrowing legacy that is very true, is that whilst it is extremely difficult we left behind for them. Similarly, last December, to make a good friend, it is very easy to make at the European Parliament in Brussels, our good an enemy. If we look at the world today, we find friend who has just spoken as well, Dr Charles that from the very smallest scale of society, to a Tannock MEP, organised an event in which I national and international level, these are the was able to address members of the European circumstances that are prevalent. Not only do Parliament. Also in attendance were MPs from people espouse hatred and carry out evil acts but various national parliaments and a range of other they are also inciting others towards such cruelties dignitaries and influential people. I took the and oppression. On the one hand, the numbers of opportunity to remind the European countries of those who are causing conflicts is ever-increasing, their responsibilities as member nations of the whilst on the other hand the numbers of people European Union. who are actually acting with justice, good morals and trying to bring about reconciliation, is ever- I have delivered the same message calling for decreasing. With this backdrop, I say again, that peace and justice. On many occasions in different the Ahmadiyya Community remains constantly parts of the world I do the same. I do not know how engaged in striving for a better society and so much impact my views have had on those who today’s event is also being conducted in an effort have listened to me and I am not aware to what to promote true and long-lasting peace. extent they are working towards developing peace within their own circles of influence. Nevertheless, For the past five or six years, I have warned all of I will, God Willing, always continue to carry out my those within my reach, about the deteriorating task and my responsibilities of promoting peace, state of the world. I have repeatedly said that the tolerance, justice and compassion to the corners worsening financial and political climate is leading of the world. I will continue to tell all people that 9 the world towards the most horrific destruction. in order to be relieved of the pain and suffering that we face today, we must adopt true justice This is because it is extremely likely that if a world and equality. What is actually meant by justice war takes place, nuclear weapons will be used. and what does it require? I shall now answer this The effects of atomic warfare are beyond our question based entirely on the teachings of the imaginations and will last for generations to come. Holy Qur’an. Therefore, the standard of justice I have described needs to be implemented across the board, not The Qur’an teaches us that all people must display just by Muslims, but also by non-Muslims and absolute justice and bear witness in the name all nations. No one will be spared the effects of a of Allah, even if they are forced to give evidence nuclear war, which will be devastating, because its against themselves, their parents or their loved path of destruction will be impossible to contain. ones (Chapter 4, Verse 136). Further, the Qur’an The people of the East, and the people of the West, teaches that a person must not let the enmity or will be affected. hatred of any nation incite them to act unjustly, rather they should always act in a fair and Whilst it is true that current indications suggest equitable manner, because that is the standard that a world war is likely to ignite from Asia, the required by our Loving God (Chapter 5, Verse 9). truth is that the West will not be able to stay away In order to develop peace, it is necessary that we from it. To illustrate this point, we should look at first establish these standards of justice. However, the escalating conflict between North and South when we analyse today’s world, we find that such Korea. Their relations are fast deteriorating, but moral standards are not being implemented at even though it lies thousands of miles away, the any level. United States has become directly involved. North Korea has threatened not just South Korea, but also Indeed, it is with regret that I have to admit such America. North Korea is known to have nuclear standards of fairness have been long forgotten weapons and has not been shy in threatening to even by the vast majority of Muslims to whom use them. It appears that North Korea does not these teachings were given. We neither find this really care about or understand the consequences standard of justice between people in society, nor of its actions and is trigger-happy. This is why in terms of the relationship between the general just last week, the United States announced it public and their governments. Similarly, such high was strengthening its missile defence system on standards are not visible in international relations. its West Coast. All major parties, including Russia It would prove extremely difficult to find even one and China, have recently condemned North person who is willing to give evidence against Korea, although the long term views of these two himself or his loved ones, in order to uphold the countries are not entirely clear. true requirements of truth and justice. In the same way, it would be almost impossible to find Another example of conflict is visible if we look at a country that acts entirely fairly with another the relations between China and Japan. Over the nation with whom it is in dispute or considers past few months a dispute over who owns a series to be an enemy. Keeping all of this in mind, if we of islands in the East China Sea has intensified. want true peace and if we want to save the world Again we cannot say that this dispute will be from destruction then we must act with justice, limited to the two countries, rather it is quite integrity and be ever faithful to the truth. If we possible that America will become involved in want our children and future generations to look this conflict as well. Whilst the United States has back at us fondly, rather than with anger that we publicly called on both countries to show patience left them disabled and handicapped, we must and restraint, its real sympathies lie with Japan. act in accordance with the standards of equity The America-Japan alliance is such that if a war I have spoken of. If we fail to do so then there between China and Japan were to take place, the will be nowhere left to hide and no escape from United States would actively side with Japan. destruction. Today, a major tactic used to try and harm enemy I purposely used the word ‘disabled’ in terms of nations is to target their trade and business 10 the legacy we leave to our future generations. interests. The world today is not the same world it was 50 or 60 years ago. Even back then, the able to form a government then the situation in acts of one nation affected others, however today Syria will suddenly stabilise. They believe that the it is at a completely different level, as the world conditions of the Syrians and the relations between has become extremely closely knit and inter- the Syrian Government and the international dependent. China is emerging as an ever-growing, community would improve. However, if we look progressive, economic might and is expected at the recent examples of Libya and Egypt after to become the world’s largest (economy) in the their so-called ‘revolutions’ we should realise that coming years. Its economic might is so strong that the situation will not necessarily improve. A sign commentators have said that its power is causing of this was witnessed already earlier this month great concern to the United States. Indeed, it has when a group of Filipinos who were posted as been rightly said that the United States will seek United Nations peacekeepers were taken hostage to halt China’s economic progress and will leave by a Syrian rebel group. Further, the rebels say no stone unturned in this effort. Given this, it is they do not need peacekeepers or food aid, rather possible that China will be somewhat cautious they want weaponry such as anti-tank and anti- and show restraint in its dispute with Japan but aircraft missiles. Such acts and statements do not there are no guarantees to this. Sometimes when inspire confidence that long-lasting peace is their weaker parties are threatened or cornered, there objective. often comes a time when they see no route of escape other than through aggression and so they So what should be done in Syria? If the world sees become even more dangerous. Perhaps because that cruelty and oppression is continuing to take of foreseeing, and considering America’s attitude place and the desperate Syrian people are crying and policy and its ultimate possible effect on other out for help, then the neighbouring countries Western countries, China has started exploring should unite together in order to stop the cruelty new markets. As in recent years, we see that China and establish peace. They should not seek to has invested a great deal in Africa and developing fulfil personal or vested interests but their goal countries and so its economic interests in that should only be the peace and prosperity of the part of the world are widespread and deeply local people. The Holy Qur’an teaches that when ingrained. As a side note, I should also say that cruelty has been successfully stopped and the if African countries realise their importance, it aggressor pledges and adopts peace, then undue is quite possible then that in the event of a war restrictions should not be enforced as a means between Western and Asian countries, Africa to express power and might. Although this key could become a place of safety and refuge. principle particularly applies where one country attacks another, it can actually be applied to all In short, the dangers faced by today’s world are situations in order to establish peace. extremely alarming. We must always remember that a tense state of affairs has the potential to very Recently, a wise suggestion was made by the Israeli suddenly explode or inflame. Small and seemingly President, Shimon Peres, about how to deal with insignificant matters, if not handled delicately, the situation in Syria. He suggested that rather ultimately prove to be the basis for extremely than Western countries intervening to remove dangerous results. History bears witness to this the Government, the United Nations should and certainly this is what we have seen in the First send a peacekeeping force to Syria, consisting of and Second World Wars. only Arab soldiers - so it does not appear to be a Western invasion or imperialism. He further said In the same way today, the desperate state of that as the Arab League is a local organisation that affairs in Syria also seems to be leading us down a already exists, it should use its influence to try and path towards something far wider and even more establish a just and fair government in Syria. The sa devastating. It apparently remains a war between Holy Prophet Muhammad said that wherever a government forces and opposition rebels, yet we person finds words of wisdom or good advice they are fast approaching a death toll of 100,000 people. should adopt them and should not look to see who A number of powerful countries think that if the has given the wise counsel. Therefore, regardless 11 opposition rebels prove to be victorious and were of the fact that it is the suggestion of the President of Israel, the Muslim countries should pay close war is the biggest threat to today’s civilisation. It attention to this proposal. is a real threat and to prevent such an outcome we will have to think in a fair and just way, so that we Unfortunately, Syria is not just a single issue in can save the world from ruin. itself to solve, but a major obstacle in the pursuit of peace is that within Arab nations there is little It is noteworthy that one of the biggest causes or no justice. When they do not treat their own of today’s lack of peace is the current financial citizens fairly, how can they seek to bring justice circumstances of the world, which have become in other countries? This leads to the conclusion extremely strained over the past few years. In that the entire world is confronted by division a very recent interview, the Prime Minister of and stands on the brink of disaster. No parties Luxembourg said that today’s economic climate will be spared if the situation gets any worse. was the same as was faced by the world prior to Eastern countries that have Western support, or the First World War. He added that the desperate Western Governments themselves, will have to financial circumstances at that time were a major bear the effects of the increasingly destructive cause of the war. Whether others agree with him state of the world. The end result is likely to be a or not, in my view, his analysis is correct. Indeed, I horrific and destructive war. I say once again that would go further to say that today’s world situation such a war will more than likely include the use is also very similar to that which prevailed in the of non-conventional weapons – meaning nuclear years preceding the Second World War. The words weapons. Amongst all of this there is only one of warning given by Luxembourg’s Prime Minister hope and one guarantee of peace and that is for are something that we should consider very justice to prevail in the same spirit that the Holy seriously and pay urgent attention to. The Prime sa Prophet has taught, that you prefer for others Minister said: what you prefer for yourself. If such justice can develop, where each country and each great “Anyone who believes that the eternal issue of war power prefers for others what it prefers for itself, and peace in Europe has been permanently laid to then we can still find peace. It requires all parties rest could be making a monumental error.” to give truthful and fair testimony and rather than veto power for a select few, there should Thus, we should not sit here and only be concerned be true democracy and justice across the board. at the prospect of becoming involved in wars If these steps are taken then we will find peace that are taking place in Asia, but we should also between nations and we will find that terrorist be extremely concerned about the problems on organisations will die away and lose all support. our own doorsteps. If we look at Europe’s own financial crisis and its long term effects we see Until recently, the main terrorist groups were that it is causing restlessness to spread within based in Afghanistan or Pakistan, but in the Europe’s population and this anxiety is increasing past few years we have seen that they have also at great speed. If not handled properly, the results emerged in some African countries and elsewhere. of such frustrations and desperation will prove to However, if true peace through justice prevails, be catastrophic. Thus, it is the duty of all powers then certainly the members of the general public to fulfil the requirements of justice and to unite will stand up and forcibly reject extremism and so together. All parties need to increase dialogue terrorist organisations will die away. It is a tragic and open the lines of communication so that they irony that so-called Muslim terrorist groups are can peacefully discuss the best means to solve the defaming Islam, by justifying their hate-filled problems of the world. These steps are necessary activities in the name of the religion. The truth is so that global peace can be established. It is my that theirIslam has nothing to do with real Islam. prayer that Allah grants the people of the world The true Islam is a religion of peace that has the ability to do this. enlightened the world with its beauty and purity. As I said before, there are multiple causes of why Before concluding, I would like to take this the world stands on the brink of disaster and the opportunity to offer my heartfelt congratulations 12 rise of terrorism is one cause. The threat of a world to Dr Boachie-Adjei, the winner of this year’s

((Essence of Islam, Vol.3 p.301 – Barahin e Ahmadiyya . His purpose is to establish truth in the .. absolute justice and bear witness in the name.
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