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Matthew: The Journey Toward Hope PDF

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The Journey Toward Hope By Elena Bosetti BOOKS & MEDIA Boston Libary of Ccmg,us Cawogiog-in-Pnblicuion Data Boseni, Elena. [Marreo, English] Matthew : the journey toward hope I Elena Rosetti - 1st English ed. p.cm. ISBN 0-8198-4848-4 (pbk.) L Bible. N. T. Ma_tu!C\\-Criticism, interpreration, etc. I.T idt. BS2575.52.B67 2006 226.2'06-;:!c22 2006014i62 The Saiprurc quomtions talcen from the Old Tesumeor and contained herein arc from the Nevi Rtvisd $/Jzndard VmionB ihl.: CatM& Edition, copyright@ 1989, 1993, Division of Christi2n Education of the N:uiorul Council of the Churches of Christ in the United Sates of A.metia. Used by ~o. All rights reserved. Tees of the NcwTeswncnt used in this worlr. are taken from TIN Ntw Tt11a~1: Sr. Paul CllthofuE dili1111, translated by l\,b,k A.. \Vauck, copyrig!u"C 2000 by the Society of St. Paul, Staten Island, New York, and are used by permission. All rights reserved, Cover design by Rosana Us:selmann Cover Cover ..n: Saint ~larthew:G ospels of the Cisoing Abbey, mid-twelfth cen art ru.ry. France, Bridgeman--Ginudon I An Reseeree, NY. All rights reserved, No part of this book may be rq,roducccl or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mecbanic,il, including photocopying, recording, or by any information sronge and rettiCY21 system without permission in writing from the publisher. •p• and PAULINE are registered tradcmarlcs of the Daughters of St. Paul. English language edition arranged through the mediaeion of Eu.bma Literary Agency Original edition published in Italian under the ride Mufi#. Un ,llrlfmiM di sptmnuz Translated by Julia Mary Da=nb.mp, FSP Copyright~ 1997 Centro Editoriale Dehcoisno, Bologna F mt English edition, 2006 Published by Pauline Books & Medi2, 50 Saint Paul's Avenue, Boston, MA 02130- 3491. www.paulinc.org. Printed in the U.5.A. Pauline Books &. Mecfu is the publishing house of the Daughters of SL Paul, an international congrcvrion of women religious suving the Church with the commu nications media. 123456789 111009080706 To Tino .Formigoni, a wisef timd who built bis house on rock Contents I ntroduaion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xlll CHAPT£R0N£ "Things new and old" A Gospel to live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Like a splendid basilica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tenjidfill~tcitarwns 2 Thej ive discourses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Swen narrative sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tuiop arallel summaries 6 The scribe who becomes disciple 11 The face of Christ U of of Son David and son Abrahmn 13 of Son the living God 15 The only Master and Shepherd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The face of the Church 17 A fraternal community 18 Between Israel and the nations 19 Ethical importance 20 • Two CHAPTER "Emmanuel" The beginnings of Jesus, the Messiah 23 The book of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah 23 An intricate genealogical tree 26 Foreigners and transgressors, but chosen beforehand by God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 The most longed-for maternity 31 14 x 3: matb or symbolism? 32 Joseph: the dreams and the obedient listener 33 The son of Jacob 35 The spouse of Mary 36 An unforgettahkt riptych 37 The Magi, Herod, and the star 42 The massacre of the children and Rachel's tears 46 The play of names 47 He who saves. from sin 49 Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Christ? 50 Nazarene or Na~an? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 54 DIA.LOGUING \VITA 1'RE WoRD ••.•••.•.•••....••.•• THREE CHAPTER "In those days• John and Jesus 55 John, Preacher in the Desert 56 A consistent 'iJoice 59 A baptism of conuersion 60 John baptizes Jesus 64 The didogue between the Precursor and the Messiah 64 The descent of the Spirit 67 of The voice the Father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 71 DtALOGUlNG WlTH THE WORD •.••••••....••..•.•.. Jesus defeats the tempter 72 Thed esert's compelling scene '74 for Fasting and a hunger God ...•................. 75 A dud wing Scripture 77 81 DIALOGUING WITH TRE WoRD •..•••..•.•.••••..•.• In Galilee of the Gentiles 81 A decisive transfer 82 of The call thef irst disciples 84 87 D1ALOcu1 NG WITH THE Woan .•.•.•..•.••...•.•..• Announcing the Good 87 Ne\YS .•.•..•.••••.•••.•••• 91 DIALOGUING WITH THE WoRD •••.....••........... Foua ;HAPTER Blessed are the poor" esus dreams of his community 92 He went up the mountain 92 The Beatirudes: subversive joy 95 You are salt, you are light 99 100 DJ.ALOC.u1NG >A'ITH THE WoRD •.•.••••..•.••...... Not to abolish but fi,1611 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 to The most Jewish verse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 "Until the heavms and the earth pass away" 105 A greater justice 106 of Jesus stirs the conscience the community ..........• 107 "Gof irst and be reconciled!" • : .. 109 No to adultuy and its desires 111 Not rejection but fiddity 113 Simply yes or no 115 Do not resist the evildoer 117 UXJe alsof ar one~ enemies 120 123 DIALOGUJNG \VlTH THE WoRD ...•••••••.•••••••.. Religion without ostentation 124 Do not sound a trun1pet before you when you giw alms 125 Pray to y()Ur Father in secret 126 Do not multiply words 128 Do not let others s« that you an fasting . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Freedom. from worry 130 "Do not judge!" 133 The Golden Rule 135 The house on a rock 136 For whom is the Sermon on the Mount intended? 137 140 DIALOGUlNG WITH THE WORD •••••••••••••••••••• CHAf'TER FTVE "Heh as carried our infirmities" Descending in order to heal 142 The ten miracles of the Good Shepherd 144 The unclean leper, the Gentile, and the woman 145 if Lord, you wish to, you can mah me clean 146 But only say the word 149 And he touched her hand 153 And he cured all who were ill 154 157 DIALOGOJNG\ 'IIITFI Tri£ WORD •.••••••.•.••••••••• "Courage, my son, your sins are forgiven" 158 J.\1atthe"W'svocarion 160 At the table of sinners: "It is mercy I desire" 162 The compassion of Jesus 166 He went around all the cities and 'Villages 168 He was 11W'Ued wth pity 169 Compassion and prayer 172 17 4 DIALOGUING WITH THE WORD ••.••.••.•.••••••.•. Srx CHAPTER of "Come to me, all you" Attraction and mission 175 The twelve apostles 176 The missionary discourse 177 A priority: the lost sheep ofI srael 179 And as you go, prodaim ....................•... 181 Freelyy ttu have received, freely give ...........•... 182 Do not keep gold or silver; neither a bag fttr the road two tunics! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 nttr Like sheep in the midst of wolws 185 Prudent as serpents, simple as dwes 186 It is enough fttr the disciple to becom.e lih the master ....................•... 188 189 DIALOGUING WITH THE WoRD ••••••.•••..••••..•• A mission that is opposed 189 "Are you he who is to ctt~?" 190 Naughty children who spoil the game 192 Come to me, all of you! 196 • Three imperatives and other promises 197 The master of the meek heart 198 WoRD 205 DtALOGUING WlTH THE CRAPTER SEVEN "From then on, Jesus. .. • Way of the cross and of the Church 206 Revelations and temptarions 207 Jesus' answer ............................•.... 208 Tog o to Jerusalem and suffer much ...........•.... 210 WoRD 213 D1ALOGU1Nc WITH TR.: for To save one~ lift eternity 214 Jesus and Peter again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 The discourse on the Church 218 Three questions and three parabks 219 Who is the greatest? 221 Be careful that you do not despise these little ones 225 What do you think? 227 Two complementary perspeclives .•..........•..... 230 Fraternal correction and prayer 231 Don'ts kip the fint step! 232 Seventy times seven 235 WoRD 235 D1AL0GU1NG WITH THE A Church that loves 236 EPILOGUE '7 am with you" From the mountain to all peoples 240 The journey of the eleven .....•................. 243 The words of the Risen One 246

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