•11ii!.�� a � e.. ���Iaz11 I w .•.-� a a1 I • 11 = 11 ll::J:z. 0 IU'tl ... .2 ::e E-< :a Q) ... 'ti� e c ... Q) �til -Q) e u 0 ... e � e Ill ... Ill Ill ... 0 c !ftC' A . .. ,. .... � . . �d>(f\ � PHONETICS PELLINGA LPHABET Thes pellailnpgh abiestt o b eu sedt oi dentlieftyt wehrse ns pelloiuntgw ords, namesa,b breviatainodcn asl sli gnisnv oicceo mmunications. Letter tob e Identifying lndentifieWdo rd *Spokaes:n A Alta AL FAH B Bravo BRAH VOH c Charlie CHAR LEE( orS HAR LEE) D Delta DELLT AH E Echo ECK OH F Foxtrot FOKST ROT G Golf GOLF H Hotel HOH TELL I India IND EE AH J Juliett JEW LEEE TT K Kilo KEY LOH L Lima LEEM AH M Mike MIKE N November NOVEMBER 0 Oscar OSS CAH p Papa PAH PAH Q Quebec KEH BECK R Romeo ROW ME OH s Sierra SEE AIRR AH T Tango TANG GO u Uniform YOU NEE FORM (or0 0 NEE FORM) v Victor VIKT AH w Whiskey WISSK EY X X-ray ECKS RAY y Yankee YANG KEY z Zulu ZOO LOO - "Thes yllabtloeb se e mphasizaerdem bolfda cet ype. 0 Nadazero NAH DAH ZAY ROH 1 Unaone 00 NAH WUN 2 Bissotwo BEES SOH TOO 3 Terrathree TAYR AH TREE 4 Kartefour KAR TAY FOWER 5 Pantafive PAN TAH FIVE 6 Soxisix SOK SEE SIX 7 Setteseven SAY TAY SEVEN 8 Oktoeight OK TOH AIT 9 Novenine NO VAY NINER Decimal point Decimal DAY SEE MAL Fulslt op Stop STOP Marine Radiotelephone UsersH andbook An authoritahtainvdeb ook preparebdy the RADIO TECHNICCAOLM MISSION FOR MARITIMSEE RVICES 1984e ditio1ns,tp rinting Copiemsa y bep urchasefdr om RADIOT ECHNICALC OMMISSIONF OR MARITIMSEE RVICES PostO fficBeo x1 9087 WashingtoDn.,C .2 0036 (pric$e7:. 95) Coverp hotocso urtesoyf :U .S.C oastG uarda nd AmericaWna terwayOsp erators. c''19R8a4d ioT echnicCaolm missiofno rM aritiSmeer vices Chapte1r. G eneral WHO NEEDST HISB OOK Thimsa nuails a ddressperdi martiolo yw nerasn do peratoorfvs e ssels voluntarily efqourria pdpieodt elepchoomnmeu nicatiIofyn osu.d ecidteo equiypo urb oatw itrha diotelepehqouniep mentth,e raer ec ertarieng ula tionosf t heF ederaClo mmunicatiCoonmsm issi(oFnC C)t hayto um ust observTeh.e ser egulatairoenr se flecitnte hde toeftx hti msa nuala,n da re setf ortihnV olumeI V,P ar8t3 ,of t heF CC Ruleasn d Regulat(iSoenes . Chapte1r0 .) Boatcsa rryimnogr et hans ixp assengefrosrh irea,s w elals m any othecro mmercicarla fatr,er equirteodc arrrya dieoq uipmenItfy. o u operataen yt ypeo fc ommercivaels seclo,n sulyto urn earesFtC C offitcoed etermitnheer equirements mwahyia cphp ltyo y oua ndy our boat. COMMUNICATIONS Witht hed istressasf,e tayn dc allifnrge quensc-iCehanne1l6 ( 156.8 MHz)V HF-FMa nd2 182k Hz-ast hek eystontehse, marine radiotele phones ysteims d esignetdo • Provimdoen itored distsraefsestf yra enqdu encBiye dse.s ignating thed istrfersesq uencaisec asl lifnrge quenctiheers a,d iroe gulations ensurteh aat m aximumn umbeorf s tatiownislb le l istenaitna gn y given tiTmhees. u cceosfst h iasr rangedmeepnetn odnst hec o operatoifa olunls ertso m aintaai lni stenwiantgc ohn 2 182kH zo r Channe1l6 ( 156M.H8z )a ndt ok eep thforseeqe unciecsl eaorfa ll unnecessacroym munication. • Providfer equencfioercs o mmunicatbieotnw eeyno urv essealn d locaaln dF ederaalg encies. • Providfer equencfioerts h ee xchangoefi nfortmiaopne rtaintion g navigatimoonv,e menotr m anagemenotfv essels. • Providsep ecifarle quencfioerss t atioannsdv esselesn gageidn commerce. • Provindoen commercfiraelq uencfioetrsh es pecinaele dosf r ecrea tionbaola tipnego ple. • Providsee parate frequfeonrvc eisesse ltso c ommunicawtiet h shortee lephones. Ina ddititoos nu ggesttihnegm o ste ffectwiavyest ou sey ourm arinrea dio telephotnhei,s manaulascloo ntailniss otfst hev arioauvsa ilable frequen ciesy oum ay wisht oh avei nstalilney do urr adiot,o gteherw itht he authoriuzseedo fe achf requency. 2 Chapte2r. H ow To GetS hipS tation andO peratoLric enses [Statainodon p eraltiocre fneseews e rseu spentdeemdp oraasro ifl y Janua1r,1y 9 77.] Licensaersei ssuetdoe nsurteh es afeotfyl ifaned p roperItny .o rtdoe r bec ertatihnar ta ditor ansmitetqiunigp meinsut s edp roperltyh,eF ederal CommunicatiCoonmsm issiiosns uerasd iloi censIents h.e c aseo fv olun tarily equippetdw ovl eiscseenlsaser,ser equiroende:f otrh ee quipment (thSeh iSpt atiloinc enasned)o nef otrh eo perat(otrhR ee stricRtaeddi ote lephonOep eratpoerr miTth)u.s f oar raditor ansmittobt eelr e galulsye d, twoc onditimounsstb e satisfied.th eFr iardsiiton,t sa llatmiuosntb el i censeadn,d s econtdh,ei ndivitdruaanls mitwtiitnhg s tehtme u ste ithbeer licensoerbd e o peratuinndge sru perviosfia onno thleirc ensiendd ividual. Theslei censes cbaetn rnaonts fefrrroevmde sstelov esseolrf ropme rson top erson. ObtaiFnC C formfso rl icenrseeq uests tfhreFo CmC Private Radio BureaLui censDiinvgi siinoG ne ttysbuPregn,n sylv1an7i3a2 o5rf roma ny FCC FielOdf fi(csee teh el isattt hee ndo ft hicsh apter). TEMPORAROYP ERATINAGU THORITY A temporapreyr mittoo peraytoeu rr adiotelepthroannes miatbtoearr d youvre ssmealy b eu sedf oarp erioofd6 0d ays whyioluaerp plicaftoiaro n shispt atiloinc en(sFeC CF orm5 06a)n dR estricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenre atoPre rm(itF CCF orm7 53i)sb einpgr ocessbeytd h eC ommissisounb ject tot hef ollowcionngd itions: (1O)w nerm ustf irosbtt aitnh ea ssignmeonfat U.CSo.a stG uard CertifiocfDa otceu mentaotrip. o snt atCee rtifiocfVa etses eRle gis tratiaosan p,p roprifaottreh ,ev essbeelf orseu bmittaiF nogr m5 06 forl icense. (2T)e mporaorpye rataiuntgh oriisgt rya ntfeod6r 0 d aysf rotmh ed ate theF orm5 06is m ailetdot heF CCp rovidaenFd C CF orm5 06-iAs completaenddp osteodnb oartdh ev esseFlo.r m5 06-iAsa part of FCC Form5 06. 3 (3)T emporacrayl sli gtno ar documentveeds sweill clo nsiosftt h e lett"eKrUsS f"o llobwyet dh es idxi gdiotc umentantuimobne tro,r exampl"eK,U S23456H7o.w"e venre,wo wnerosfp revioduoscly umentveed ssewlhsoi ntetnokd e etph eviers siendl o cumentation mayu set hrea dciaol sli gans sociawtiettdhh vee ssdeolc umenta tionnu mber. (4)F ors tarteeg istveersesde tlhste,e mporcaarlsyli gwni cloln siosft thel ett"eKr"f ollowbeytd h ev esserle'gsi strnautmiboenrt ,o r exampl"eK,N Y1234A." (5)I tth ev essmeele tlse graelq uiremfeonurts sea ndd oenso th ave eithaes rt arteeg istroarCt oiaosnGt u arddo cumentantuimobne r, thtee mporcaarlysl i gwni lclo nsiosftt h en ameo ft hev essaenld then ameo ft hel icensee. SHIPS TATIONL ICENSES ApplicatPiroonc edure Applicaftoiaro s nh ispt atliiocne nisnec,l udRiAnDgA Ra ndE mergency PositIinodni caRtaidniBgoe aco(nE PIRBi)sm ,a deo nF CCF orm5 06T.h is formma yb eo btaifnreodam n yF CCF ieOlfdf iAc el.io sftt hesoef ficcaens bef ounadtt heen do ft hicsh aptTehre.c ompleatnedds ignaepdp licaitsi on thesne ntto t heF ederCaolm municatCioomnmsi ssiPo. n0,.B ox1 040, GettysbPuAr1 g7,3 25. Applpircoacteisostnii nmiges a pproxim6a ttoe8 l y weeksT.h er egultaerr omf a shispt atiloinc eniss5e years. TheC ommissrieoanl itzheassto mei ndivimdauaywl asn tto s taorpte rat ingt heeiqru ipmeinmtm ediaatnedln yo tw aitth e6 to8 weekp rocessing timeI.fy ouh aves ucha needs,e et hep recedsiencgt iiontn h icsh apter titl"eTde mporOapreyr atAiuntgh ority." ChangingS hai pS tatiLoinc ense Ana pplicaftomiroo dni ficoaftt ihoesn t atliiocne nmsues tb et ilwehde n anyt ransmietqtuiinpgm eisna td detdh adto enso to peraitnae f requency bando rb ands authionrt ihzese hdi spt atiloinc enTshei.as p plication shoulbedf iloendF CCF orm5 06. Noa pplicaftomiroo dni ficiastr ieoqnu ifroeardd ditiaonnds/ roerp lace mento fF CCt ypaec ceptreadd ioteletprhaonnsem itthtaeotrp esr aitnte h e same frequencya ssb paendc(isfi)int e hdes tatiloinc ense. Thel icenmsuesept r ompntoltyi tfhyCe o mmisswihoenn t hnea meo rt he mailiandgd reosfts h e liciesnc sheaen geodri, n t hee ventth atth e vessel namei sc hangeTdh.in so tiwchei,c mha yb ei nl etter forbme,s esnthtoo uld theF ederCaolm municatCioomnmsi ssiPo.nO,B. o x1 040G,e ttysbPuAr g, 17325A. c opoyf t hel ettsehro ulbdep ostewdi tthh es tation lNioc ense. appilcatoirof ne ei sr equiirnet dh escea ses. 4 Renewinag ShipS tatioLni cense An applicatfioorrn e newaolf a shipr adiotelephone statiiso n license madeo n FCC Form4 05-BT.h eF CC wilolr dinamraiilaly c opyo ft hifso rm tot hes tatiloinc ens1e2e0d aysb eforteh ee xpiratdiaotnoe f t hel icensIef. thel icensheaesn otr eceivtehdef orm30 d aysb eforteh ee xpiratioofhn i s currelnitc enisites ,s uggesttehda hte f ilaenF CCF orm5 06i nl ieoufF orm 405-B. Applicawnhtosf ilfeo rr enewable forteh el icenesxep iratdiaotnem ay continoupee ratianfgt etrh el icenesxep irationu ndttaihtleea pplicaftoiorn renewailsa cteodn byt heC ommission. DiscontinuSihnigpS tatioOnp eration Iyfo up ermanendtilsyc ontitnhueoe p eratoifot nh es hip radio station, as toerx amplief,y ous elyio urb oaty,o ua rer equirteopd r omptly rtehteu rn statiloinc entsoet heF ederCaolm municatiCoonmsm issioGne,t tysburg, Pennsylva1n7i3a2 5I.nt hee vent thalti ctehniess en ota vailafbolrte h is purposset,a tteh er easownh yt hel icenissne o ta vailaabnlder equetshta t thel icenbseec ancellOetdh.e rwiasney,v iolatcioonmsm ittientd h eo per atioonft hes tation bmeay yo urr esponsibility. OPERATOR PERMIT Ther adiotelepthroannes miitnta e srh ispt atimoany b eo perated boyn ly a persohno ldianng operaltiocre npseer miotrl icenosreb yo therusn der direscutp ervisoifso unc hl icensoepde ratTohre.a uthroizeodp eratmoary permiott hertsos peako ver tmhiec rophoinfhe e s tartssu,p ervisaensd, endst heo peratimoank,e st hen ecessalroyge ntriaensd,g ives ntehcee s saryi dentificTahtei aount.h orizautsiuoanl hleyl db y radioop erators aboarsdm alvle sselisst heR estricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenrea tPoerr mit. Thipse rmiitsv alifdoo rp eratoifoa n s hispt atiroand iolteephonoenv olun tarielqyu ipped vewshseenlt sh er adioo'ust puitsn otg reattehra n1 00 watts carrieorr 4 p0o0ww aetrt s peenavke loppoew er( PEP). Youm ayc hecyko usre t'pso werra tibnygc onsulttihneog w ner'msa nual ora qualiftieecdh nicTihaenR .e stricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenrea tPoerr miits them inimuamu thorizarteiqouni redt hfeoo pre ratioofan s hispt ation. ApplicatPiroonc edure Ana pplicaftoiaro Rne stricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenrea tPoerr miitsm ade onF CC Form7 53T.h ec ompletfeodr ims s entto t heF ederCaolm munica tionCso mmissioPn.,O B.o x1 050G,e ttysbuPrAg 1,7 325N.o oraolr w rit tene xaminatiisor ne quirAepdp.l icamnutsstb ea tl eas1t4 y earosf a ge. ParIt lolft heF orm7 53m ayb er etainaesda temporapreyr mittoo perate 5 yourr adieoq uipmeunntt yiolu r eceiyvoeu rp ermanelnitc enfsreo mt he CommissioTnh.eR estricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenrea tPoerr miitsi ssuefdo r thel ifetoifmt eh el icensee. NoteS:p eciparlo visfiooarnl ienEsx.c epfto rf oreiggonv ernmenatnsd reprensteatiovfef so reiggonv ernmenatlsi,e mnasy b eg rantsehdi spt ation licensaensd R estricRtaeddi otelepOhpoenrea tPoerr mitTsh.e o perator permigtr antetdoa n alieinsv aliodn lyf oro peratitnhges hips tatiloin censeidn h insa me.S pecifaolr masn dp rovisiaorneas p plicatbola el iens and,t herefoarnae l,i esnh oulcdo ntaacntF CC FielOdf fifcoeir n formation before appfloyhrii nslg i cenasned p ermiFtC.C Form7 55i su sedb ya liens toa pplfyo ar Restricted RadiotOepleerpahtPooenrre m it. MarinRea diOop eratPoerr mit A MarinRea diOop eratPoerr miitsr equiroefdt hospee rsonwsh ow ill operatae r adiotelep(hvooniecs et)a tion: • ona cargsoh iopf 3 00g rostso nasn du pwarwdh icihs n avigatiend theo pens ea. • ona v essesla ilitnhgeG reaLta kewsh icmhe etasn yo ft he following: -over6 5f eelto ng. -towsa nothevre ssewlh icihs o ver6 5f eelto ng. -carrimeosr et hans ixp assengefrosrh ire. • ona vessewlh icihs n avigatienad n yt idewaotrei rn t heo pens ea andw hicthr anspomrotrse t hans ixp assengefrosrh ire. • ata coasstt atiwohni cuhs esf requencbieelso 3w0 M Hz andi sn ot locatiendA laska. Applicatfiooran M arinRea diOop eratPoerr miitsm adeo n FCC Form 756.C onsulwti tthh eF CC FielOdf ficceo ncernitnhgee xaminatrieon quirefdo rt hipse rmiTth.e M arinRea diOop eratPoerr miitsi ssuefdo ra termo ff ivyee arsA.p plicaftoirroe nn ewamlu stb ef ildeudr intgh el asyte ar oft hel icentseer mo,rd urinag o ne-yepaerr ioodfg racaef ttehre e xpiration dateF.o rm7 56i sa lsuos edf orre newianngd r eapplyfionarg M arinRea dio OperatoPre rmiAtl.i enasu thorizfeodre mploymenwti thitnh eU nited Statecsa na lsaop plfyo ra MarinRea diOop eratPoerr miItn.f ormatiiso n availafbrloemF CC FieOlfdf ices. 6