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Preview Macworld January 1997

*Actually, we can't blame it all on the poor guy in forecasting. We never expected our growth to exceed Dell, Compaq and Gateway's first years' sales combined. "THE POWERTOWER PRO SERIES SOARS ABOVE All MAC RIVALS•••.MAC POWERUSERS Will SOON BECOME POWER COMPUTING USERS IN DROVES"-MACWEEK MAGAZINE 7.22.96 We knew we made great products, but when we started getting the best reviews of any Mat os system in the industry and offered our systems at the lowest prices, our sales went through the roof. We've had our share of growing pains, but APower(enter 604/1 SO starting at we've worked hard to iron them out. And you'll see around two grand is an awesome buy. continued steady improvement over the next couple Especially when you start comparing features and of months. For example, if you order a price points to the other 150MHz Mac OS ­ cnCI ~ PowerCentet 150MHz or Powerlower™ Pro 225MHz systems on the market. {While you're at llllSmSD 111 ' Tof SllO\\' direct from Power Computing you can expect to get it, why not compare it to machines in the PC market your system custom configured and exactly "IF YOU REQUIRE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE, NO the way you want it in a couple of weeks. CURRENT APPU SYSTEM CAN TOUCH THE POWERTOWERS." - MAcWEEK MAG&tlNI •••• ESOME PRICES, KILLER SYSTEMS, ONEHEAD IN FORECASTING.* The PowerTower Pro 225 is simply the best computer investment you can make. It's the fastest, most expandable and highest-overall performing Mac OS system you can buy. That's probably upoWER COMPUTING HAS THE CLEAR AND UNDISPUTED EDGE OVER APPU IN BOTH PRICE & PERFORMANCE. YOU WANT APOWERTOWER PRO." - MacUSER MAGAZINE SEPT '96 why it received "Best of Show" at MacWorld Expo and tt-tt was the first machine in over three years to receive the coveted Five Mice from L A e s MacUser magazine. (FYI: Our PowerBast line was the second). and get a glimpse of why the Mac is making a come­ Give Power Computing a call and let one of back). Our Power(enter has everything you need in a our sales consultants help you IMWtt.m mid-range system, including the upgradeability you custom configure your next system. +++++ need to ensure that it won't be sitting in a In the meantime, everyone at Power closet next to a llCX acting as a print server Computing sincerely thanks you for your continued MacWeek a year from now. patience and the overwhelming support. And whatever you do, never stop fighting back for the Mac. "POWER COMPUTING HAS FIELDED SOME KIWR MACHINES. APPLE Will BE HARD PRESSED TO CATCH·UP.'' - M.acUsu M&Glll•I Juu, 1996 !~~ @ PowerComputing Mac-OS POWER COMPUTING APPLE POWERCENTER™ 150 POWERMACTM 8500/150 POWERPC™604 PROCESSOR POWERPC 604 PROCESSOR l50MHZ l50MHZ 5l 2K LEVEL 2CACHE 512K LEVEL 2CACHE 2MB VRAM ON BOARD VIDEO {UPGRADEABLE TO 4MB) 2MB PCI VIDEO CARD 2GB HARD DRIVE 1.2 GB HARD DRIVE 24MB RAM 16 MB RAM BX CD-ROM DRIVE BX CD-ROM DRIVE s2999 15" POWER COMPUTING MUlJIMEDIA MONITOR W/SPEAKERS GLOBAL VILLAGE 28.B PlATINUM MODEM MICROSOFT OFFICE 4.2. l APPLE INTERNET CONNECTION KIT EXTENDED KEYBOARD &MOUSE 51200 IN ADDmONAL BUNDLED SORWARE 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE s2995 @ PowerComputing POWERTOWER PRO: THE FASTEST, MOST EXPANDABLE MAC OS SYSTEM PowerTower Pro 225e Starter PowerTower Pro 200e Starter PowerTower Pro 1BOe Starter 225MHz PowerPC 604e Processor 200MHz PowerPC 604e Processor 180MHz PowerPC 604e Processor •16 MB RAM (1 GB Mox) •16 MB RAM (1 GB Mox) •16 MB RAM (1 GB Maxi ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hord Drive ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hord Drive ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hard Drive ·BX CD-ROM Drive ·BX CD-ROM Drive ·BX CD-ROM Drive •1MB level 2Cache •1MB level 2Cache · 1M B level 2Cache ·IMS Twin Turbo 12BM graphics accelerator ·IMS Twin Turbo 12BM graphics accelerator ·IMS Twin Turbo 12BM graphics occelerotor with BMB VRAM with BMB VRAM with BMB VRAM ·6 PCI Expansion Slots •6 PCI Expansion Slots •6PCI Expansion Slots ·Interleaved Memory ·Interleaved Memory ·Interleaved Memory •9 Drive Bays •9Drive Bays •9Drive Bays ·Ouol (Fast 10 MB/ Sec) SCSI ·Dual (Fast 10 MB/ Sec) SCSI ·Dual (fast 10 MB/Seel SCSI •Connectix Speed Doubler ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Extended Keyboard ond Mouse ·Add Miro Motion JPEG Video ·Add Miro Motion JPEG Video ·Add Sony 20· Trinitron 20sfll $1795 1/0 Cord for 1495 1/0 Card for 1495 $4995 $4495 $4195 POWERTOWER: AFFORDABLE HIGH·PERFORMANCE MAC OS SYSTEMS PowerTower 200e Starler PowerTower 1BOe Hol Pick PowerTower 1BOe Starter 200MHz PowerPC 604e Processor 1BOMHz PowerPC 604e Processor 1BOMHz PowerPC 604e Processor •16 MB RAM (512 MB Mox) •32 MB RAM (512 MB Mox) •16 MB RAM (512 MB Max) ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hard Drive ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hard Drive ·2 GB 7200 RPM AV Capable Hard Drive ·Bx CD-ROM Drive ·Bx CO-ROM Drive ·Bx CD-ROM Drive •lMB level 2Cache •lMB Level 2Cache •lMB Level 2Cache ·2 MB VRAM On-Boord (4 MB Max) ·2 MB VRAM On-Board (4 MB Max) ·2 MB VRAM On-Board (4 MB Max) •3 PCI Expansion Slots •3PCI Expansion Slots •3PCI Expansion Slots •Cannectix Speed Doubler ·Power 15" Muhimedia Display ·Conneclix Speed Doubler ·Mini-Tower Enclosure ·Iomega Zip lOOMB Drive ·Mini-Tower Enclosure ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Connectix Speed Doubler ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Add Power 17" Display for 1695 ·Minnower Enclosure ·Add Power Jr Display for 1695 ·Add Iomega Joz 1GB Drive 1395 ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Add Iomega Zip lOOMB Drive for 1145 $3595 $3955 $3295 N~~~W N~~~W POWERCENTER: THE MOST AFFORDABLE 604s YOU CAN BUY Power(enter 166 Starter Power(enter 150 Starter Power(enter 132 Starter 166 MHz PowerPC 604 Processor 150 MHz PowerPC 604 Processor 132MHz PowerPC 604 Processor •16 MB RAM (512 MB Max) •16 MB RAM (512 MB Mox) •16 MB RAM (512 MB Mox) ·2 GB Hard Drive •1GB Hard Drive •1GB Hard Drive ·Bx CD-ROM Drive ·Bx CO-ROM Drive ·Bx CO-ROM Drive •512K Level 2Cache •512K Level 2Cache •512K Level 2Cache ·1 MB VRAM On-Board (4 MB Mox) ·1 MB VRAM On-Board (4 MB Max) ·I MB VRAM On-Board (4 MB Max) •3 PCI Expansion Slats •3PCI Expansion Slots •3PCI Expansion Slots ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Extended Keyboard and Mouse ·Mini-tower Enclosure ·low.Profile Enclosure ·Low-Profile Enclosure ·Add Iomega Zip lOOMB Drive for 1145 ·For Mini-tower Enclosure Add 1100 ·For Min~tower Enclosure Add 1100 ·Add Power 17" Display for 1695 ·Add labtec Speakers Starting At 129 ·Add 2B.BM odem &Internet Kit 1159 ·Add Miro Mfotti5on JPEG Video Cord for 1495 ·Add 2B.BM odem & Internet Kit 1159 ·Add Power W Display for 1379 $23 $2095 $1895 UPGRADE TO 180MHZ N~~yw N~~yw '7i FOR S400 MORE. Circle 151 on reader service card 1, Ma<inro1h and Moc aro ro1i11orod lrademarh and rho MacOS 1010 i1 a lrodemork of Apple Computer, Inc. Poworlcwor ond PowerCenrer ore re1l1111ed 1rodemork1 of Power Compulin1 11o!ion. All orher brand ond/or producr names ore rhe properly of 1heir mperlin holder\. Price\ end 1prclflcalion1 ore valid in lhe U.S. only and aro 1ubjoc1ro chonge withour notice. These days, it seems as if a monitor, is a monitor, is a monitor. So to set the record straight, we proudly unve il a different kind of monitor. Introducing CROMACLEAR"' from NEC. A patented, new CRT technology that is specifically designed to maximize sharpness, contrast and dimension·. The result of this revolutionary technology? You'll find graphics will be more detailed, smaller type will be easier to read, even video will have unparalleled definition . As the leader in monitor technology, we can simply say CROMACLEAR CRT offers unprecedented sharpness and image clarity. Something you can easily see if not feel. HEC MULTISYHC• MOHITORS WITH CROMAClEAR I MOOEL P750 M700 I M500 CRT/VIS' 17'/!5.6' !7'/15.6' 15'/13.8" MAX . RES . 1600X1200@75HZ l l 5m70@75 HZ 1024X768@86HZ REC . RES. 1024X768@55 ·I l 7HZ !024X768@55-86HZ 832Xm@55-86HZ MASK PITCH 0.25MM 0.2 5w.I 0.25MM WARRAH TY I3 YEAR LTD . 3 YEARLTD. 3 YEAR LTD . For more information, please call 1-800-NEC-INFO. If you'd prefer a fax, try FastFacts"' at 1-800-366-0476 and request catalog #1. Or, visit our Web site at http://www.nec.com. SEE, HEAR AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE.™ NEC Circle 16 on reader service card JANUARY 1 9 9 7 Features News 112 The Illustration Challenge 34 A New Memory Standard Are floppies coming BY DEKE M c CLELLAND What's Debuts to a screeching halt? In the best drawing program for Why today's DL\1Ms won't work News, page 40. toda}''S illustrator? We examine on next year's machines. the four top contenders and pick the winner. 35 CPU Speed Burst Opinion PowerPC rakes the speed lead 125 Displays for the Big Picture over Intel with an innovative BY D EAN ANDREW S W hich chip. 19 Letters two-page monitors have the big­ gest, boldest color? Macworld 37 Systems Watch 27 State of the Mac Lab tests 16 displays to detem1ine v\'hy Motorola clones-and B Y A o R 1 A N M E L L o The the best options for top quality. some systems from Apple-won't Macintosh proliferation: what's run System 7.5.5. real, what's hype. 130 1997 Macintosh Game Hall of Fame Special Report 266 The Desktop Critic BY STEVEN L EVY Strap on 38 Apple's Newest Newtons By DA v ID p 0 Gu E How the your wrist rest and power up the Two new products revolutionize world would be if Apple really joystick- it's the top ten games Apple's PDA line. promoted itself. of 1996. 47 New Products 14 How to Contact Macworld Internet Essentials 138 Future Web BY LON POO LE How Apple plans to use the Internet to invig­ orate itself-a Mncworld technol­ ogy analysis. Internet Essentials Get going 146 Face-to-Face Online with QuickTime BY J 1 M H E 1 D Macwodd pre­ VR, In Media, views the next wave ofinteractive page 173. online technologies. Internet Essentials 152 Send In the Robot By GE 0 FF Du N c AN A hands­ Borg alert-or Is on evaluation of Internet search It Logicode's new 33.6­ tools, plus practical advice on Kbps modem? Find how to make them work for you. out In News, page 36. 4 January 1997 MACWORLD Reviews Apple expands its mobile line with the eMate 300, in News, page 38. ***16.4 PowerBook 1400c; ***16.4 PowerBook 1400cs Mac notebooks ****17.3 PowerBase 180; Showdown at the ****17.3 PowerBase 200; Illustration ****17.6 PowerBase 240 corral, page 11 ::Z. Three new tower Macs 62 ****/8.1 Claris Organizer 2.0 Personal information manager Buyers' Tools 64 ****17.9 Big Business 2.0 All-in-one sales, marketing, ordering, and accounting package 54 Holiday Gift Guide 66 ****17.0 NetCloak 2.1; Ideas for fun and unusual gifts for ***16.5 Netforms 2.0 the Mac enthusiast on your list. Web graphics accelerators compared Secrets 97 Star Ratings 68 ***16.8 DlglPhone 1.0; l\1acworid's ratings for hundreds ****17.3 Internet Phone 3.0.1 of hardware and software prod­ Cross-platform Internet telephony 159 Good-bye, Chooser ucts at a glance. solutions compared BY JOSEPH SCHORR Print 69 ****17.2 Timbuktu Pro 3.0 • from the desktop, not the Choos­ 106 Mac Superguide Network access tool er. Mac-u;odd's guide to every Mac 70 ****17.9 lnfinl-D 3.5 system and clone on the market, 3-D renderer 163 Quick Tips lab-tested and Star-Rated. 72 ***16.5 Stencil It B Y L o N P o o L E Tips, tricks, Point-and-cliok graphics for the and shortcuts. artistically challenged Media 74 ****18.2 PowerCADD 3.0 169 NetSmart Pro-level drafting program BY JAMES A . MARTIN T ips for 76 ****17.5 Boris Effects 2.0 overcoming the ·world Wide 173 QuickTime VR Realities Digital-video-effects software Wait. BY JIM HEID Tools and advice for easier QuickTimc VR 78 ***16.7 Digital Chisel:! / HTML 2.1 panoramics. Multimedia authoring tool 81 ****n.4 Movie Cleaner Pro 1.2; 178 Publishing Workshop ****!7.2 Web-Motion 1.0 By DA vID BL AT NE R The ins Quicklime compression utilities CU11rr lnrage: ULTR.·IJlAS TIG'rl © l 996 and outs ofcreating drop shadows. compared Tmb11raya ProJ11nions • .\IBS 83 ****17.7 Inter Mapper 180 Graphics Workshop Network ma-pping and monitoring BY c ATHY ABE s Create real­ tool istic-looking metallic textures. 84 ****/8.3 Kai's Power Goo Imaging-editing software 86 ****!7.1 Tlmesllps 4.0 Billing software Take a virtual 88 ***15.1 Take Note jaunt to Pittsfield, Note taking, outlining, bibliographic Massachusetts, for this year's Game referencing Hall of Fame, 90 ****17.0 Supra Slmple page 130. Internet 33.6 33.6-Kbps modem and Internet starter kit 92 ****17.2 Movleflo' 2.0 Image-editing software 94 ****18.1 QUED/M 3.0 Programming editor ~IDG J&nu.uy 1'97. Volu""' U , Numbef 1 Mo.C"<l'Orid USSN 0741-86"7) ~ ~<dmontl>ly 1>y M.ID<"O<td Commun!· 95 ***16.1 Virtual Pool ,..;n.vi.:.-••.u....uou.r c:.lltionJ, Inc.. [~lori.aJ and~'offtets ' 501 Stcond SL. S-ln FranoKO. CA 94107. 415/24)·~. ~ulna1phoo ordM and hiqujri~ ihould bf' d1r~ta 8001288~6848 0t 301/604·1465. Subs.c.np:Jon till~ a.rt! S30 fOf 12 1\\u~\. SGO !0t 14 k\tH"'t, Billiari:ls simulation garne artd S90 for 36 k.suM !=ore-{gn Of'det1 mu~t bf: prtp:Ald 111 U.S fund~ with additional PQS~,ge, Add S18 per yea/ fot pc>~t.oge for C~d.n. and MexK'.::> subla~n.. Add S69 per yc:u f01 pert.lg~ to a" otlit-r count~. P~odicals pos.tage p.1td .it S..in f-1.il.ncr~o. C1111fomt.l. ;lnd ;tt additional nt.1.lflngoff~. PotlmastOt": St-nd 11.dd'rC'U ch.inges lo M.aCW'Orld, P.O. BoA S4S2'9. Boul.der. CO 8032'a•i529. Printrd In the U.S A www.macworld.com January 1997 5

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