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Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History PDF

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Longing for the Lost Caliphate Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 frontispiece. The last Abbasid caliph of Baghdad al-Mustaʾṣim (bottom left) brought on his knees as a captive before the Mongol commander Hülegü (top right) sitting on a throne. © The British Library Board. Or. 2780, folio 89b. Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 LONGI NG • for lhe LOS T CA L I PHAT E A Tr ansr egional History MONA HASSAN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS Princeton and Oxford Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 Copyright © 2016 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TR press.princeton.edu Jacket image: “The last Abbasid caliph of Baghdad al- Mustaʾṣim brought on his knees before the Mongol commander Hülegü.” Copyright © The British Library Board, All Rights Reserved, Or. 2780, folio 89v. All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-i n-P ublication Data Names: Hassan, Mona, author. Title: Longing for the lost caliphate : a transregional history / Mona Hassan. Description: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016016011 | ISBN 9780691166780 (hardcover : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Caliphate—H istory. | Islam and state. Classification: LCC BP166.9 .H37 2017 | DDC 297.6/1— dc23 British Library Cataloging-i n- Publication Data is available This book has been composed in Adobe Text Pro and Poetica Printed on acid-f ree paper. ∞ Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 For my mother with infinite gratitude and my children with deepest love Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:44 Contents List of Illustrations and Maps ix Acknowledgments xi Note on Transliteration and Dates xv Introduction 1 Early History of the Caliphate 5 The Abbasid Caliphate 6 The Ottoman Caliphate 9 Diachronic Reflections on Symbolic Loss, Destruction, and Renegotiation 13 • Chapter 1 Visions of a Lost Caliphal Capital: Baghdad, 1258 CE 20 Mapping an Islamic Cultural Discourse 22 al- Subkī’s Living History: An Enduring Sense of Loss 27 Channeling Muslim Memory through History 30 Loss of the Abbasids 33 Bodily Desecration 37 Literary Dimensions of Religious Rites 44 An Altered Landscape 46 Eschatological Endings 57 The Consolation of Prophetic Transmissions 64 • Chapter 2 Recapturing Lost Glory and Legitimacy 66 Remembering and Recreating a Glorious Past 67 Going Beyond Baghdad 69 Commemorating the Caliphate 71 Contesting Caliphs 75 Embracing Communal Continuity 83 Enduring Salience 88 • Chapter 3 Conceptualizing the Caliphate, 632– 1517 CE 98 Classical Articulation of the Islamic Caliphate as a Legal Necessity and Communal Obligation 99 al- Juwaynī’s Seminal Fifth/Eleventh- Century Resolution 103 Post-6 56/1258 Theorists of the Caliphate 108 vii Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:45 Contents Ghalabah, the Sultanate, and the Caliphate in Ibn Jamāʾah’s Taḥrīr al- Aḥkām (1241–1333) 108 Ibn Taymiyyah’s Views on the Caliphate (1262–1328) 111 Shams al- Dīn al-D hahabī’s Polemical Treatise on the Grand Imamate (1274–1348) 115 Tāj al- Dīn al- Subkī and the Restoration of Blessings (1327–70) 118 The Inter- School Polemics of Najm al- Dīn al- Ṭarsūsī (1310–57) 120 Ibn Khaldūn’s Political Entanglements and Ideals (1332–1406) 123 The Mamluk Chancery Contributions of al- Qalqashandī (1355–1418) 126 al- Shīrāzī’s Metaphysical Exaltation of the Abbasid Caliph in Cairo (1386–1457) 131 Jalāl al- Dīn al- Suyūṭī’s Devotional Love of the Prophet’s Family (1445–1505) 136 • Chapter 4 Manifold Meanings of Loss: Ottoman Defeat, Early 1920s 142 Notions from Afar 145 The Turkish Republic 155 The Levant 171 • Chapter 5 In International Pursuit of a Caliphate 184 An Internationalist Era 186 Promoting an International Conference 188 Imagining the Global Community and Its Leadership 192 A Spiritual Body 194 A Caliphal Council 199 A Traditional Caliph 202 A Global Electorate 204 Dampening Hopes 205 Unexpected Continuities 212 • Chapter 6 Debating a Modern Caliphate 218 İsmail Şükrü (1876– 1950) 218 Mehmed Seyyid Çelebizade (1873–1 925) 220 ʾAlī ʾAbd al- Rāziq (1888– 1966) 225 Muḥammad al- Khiḍr Ḥusayn (1876– 1958) 233 Mustafa Sabri (1869– 1954) 236 Said Nursi (1876– 1960) 244 • Epilogue The Swirl of Religious Hopes and Aspirations 253 Notes 261 Bibliography 341 Index 373 viii Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:45 Illustrations and Maps Illustrations The last Abbasid caliph of Baghdad al-Mustaʾṣim brought on his knees as a captive before the Mongol commander Hülegü sitting on a throne ii 1. An autograph manuscript of Ibn Shākir al- Kutubī’s historical chronicle “ʾUyūn al- Tawārīkh” preserving the memory of 656/1258 in poetry and prose 32 2. The last Abbasid caliph of Baghdad al-M ustaʾṣim brought before the Mongol commander Hülegü 34 3. Siege of Baghdad by the Mongol army 40 4. Siege of Baghdad by the Mongol army 48 5. Various musical definitions of Maqām Mukhālif 51 6. The calligrapher Yāqūt al- Mustaʾṣimī writing while hiding in a minaret during the Mongol siege 53 7. Aerial photograph of the historic lava flows in Ḥarrat Rāḥat 59 8. The city of Baghdad in flood 62 9. Silver and gold coins from the Mamluk Sultanate 78 10. Mausoleum of the Abbasid caliphs in Cairo next to the mosque of Sayyidah Nafīsah 82 11. Silver and gold coins from the Delhi Sultanate 96 12. A copy of al- Shīrāzī’s ninth/fifteenth- century manuscript “Tuḥfat al- Mulūk” portraying the Mamluk sultan’s obedience to the Abbasid caliph as the key to every success 132 13. Mustafa Kemal greeting Shaykh Aḥmad al- Sanūsī during the War of Independence in Anatolia 156 14. Newspaper announcement of the Ottoman Caliphate’s abolition in Tevhid- i Efkar (Istanbul), March 1924 162 15. Newsreel stills of Sharīf Ḥusayn’s proclamation as caliph in Transjordan, March 1924 172 16. Endorsement of Sharīf Ḥusayn’s caliphate in Jamīl al- Baḥrī’s literary magazine al- Zahrah (Haifa), March 1924 176 17. The last Ottoman caliph Abdülmecid II, 1922– 24 185 18. Indian and Chinese appeals to the Cairene Caliphate Congress 198 19. Members of Sarekat Islam in Java 201 ix Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:45 List of Illustrations and Maps 20. The caliphate congress in Cairo, 1926 210 21. Some twentieth- century portraits 213 22. Said Nursi’s handwritten letter to Mustafa Kemal, November 23, 1922 247 Maps 1. Distribution of premodern authors and poets 24 2. Mamluk Sultanate and ceremonial processional route 71 3. Afro- Eurasia, 1920s 146 4. Public protests and tensions over the caliphate’s abolition in the Turkish Republic (1924) and the Shaykh Said Rebellion (1925) 168 x Bereitgestellt von | New York University Angemeldet Heruntergeladen am | 01.02.17 11:45

In the United States and Europe, the word “caliphate” has conjured historically romantic and increasingly pernicious associations. Yet the caliphate’s significance in Islamic history and Muslim culture remains poorly understood. This book explores the myriad meanings of the caliphate for Musli
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