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308 Pages·2018·2.203 MB·English
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KANT AND HIS GERMAN CONTEMPORARIES  Volume Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics Thiscollectionofnewessays,thefirstofitskindinEnglish,considers the ways in which the philosophy of Immanuel Kant engages with the views of lesser-known eighteenth-century German thinkers. Each chapter casts new light on aspects of Kant’s complex relation- ship with these figures, particularly with respect to key aspects of his logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theory of science and ethics. The portrait of Kant that emerges is of a major thinker thoroughly engaged with his contemporaries – drawing on their ideas and approaches, targeting their arguments for criticism and responding to their concerns, and seeking to secure the legacy of his thought amongthem.Thisvolumewillopenthedoorforfurtherresearchon Kant and his methods of philosophical inquiry, while introducing readers to the distinctive and influential philosophical contributions ofseveral previously neglected figures.  .  isAssociateProfessorofPhilosophyattheUniver- sity of Western Ontario in Canada. He is the author of Kant and RationalPsychology ().   is Lecturer in Philosophy at Martin Luther UniversityofHalle-WittenberginHalle,Germany.Hispublications includeKantunddieBewußtseinstheoriendes.Jahrhunderts(). KANT AND HIS GERMAN CONTEMPORARIES Volume 1 Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics   COREY W. DYCK UniversityofWesternOntario FALK WUNDERLICH MartinLutherUniversityofHalle-Wittenberg UniversityPrintingHouse,Cambridge,UnitedKingdom OneLibertyPlaza,thFloor,NewYork,,USA WilliamstownRoad,PortMelbourne,,Australia –,rdFloor,Plot,SplendorForum,JasolaDistrictCentre,NewDelhi–,India AnsonRoad,#–/,Singapore CambridgeUniversityPressispartoftheUniversityofCambridge. ItfurtherstheUniversity’smissionbydisseminatingknowledgeinthepursuitof education,learning,andresearchatthehighestinternationallevelsofexcellence. www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/ :./ ©CambridgeUniversityPress Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithoutthewritten permissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished PrintedintheUnitedKingdombyClays,StIvesplc AcataloguerecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData :Dyck,Corey,editor. :KantandhisGermancontemporaries/editedbyCoreyDyck,UniversityofWestern Ontario,FalkWunderlich,MartinLutherUniversityofHalle-Wittenberg. :First[edition].|NewYork:CambridgeUniversityPress,-| Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex.Contents:Volume.Logic,Mind, Epistemology,ScienceandEthics. :|(volume:Hardback:alk.paper) ::Kant,Immanuel,-.|Philosophy,German–thcentury.| Philosophy,German–thcentury. :.|–dcLCrecord availableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/ ----Hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceoraccuracy ofURLsforexternalorthird-partyinternetwebsitesreferredtointhispublication anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuchwebsitesis,orwillremain, accurateorappropriate. Contents List of Contributors page vii Acknowledgements x List of Abbreviations and Citations xi Introduction  Corey W.Dyckand Falk Wunderlich         Wolff’s Empirical Psychology and the Structure of the Transcendental Logic  Brian A.Chance  From Logical Calculus to Logical Formality: What Kant Did with Euler’s Circles  Huaping Lu-Adler         Kant and Tetens on the Unity of the Self  Udo Thiel  G. F. Meier and Kant on the Belief in the Immortality of the Soul  Corey W. Dyck  Maimon and Kant on the Nature of the Mind  Brandon C. Look v vi Contents   ,      Lambert and Kant on Truth  ThomasSturm  Mendelssohn, Kant and the Refutation of Idealism  Paul Guyer  Platner on Kant: From Scepticism to Dogmatic Critique  Falk Wunderlich          Lambert and Kant on Cognition (Erkenntnis) and Science (Wissenschaft)  Eric Watkins  Kant and the Skull Collectors: German Anthropology from Blumenbach to Kant  Jennifer Mensch   ,      Kant and Crusius on the Role of Immortality in Morality  PaolaRumore  Kant and Feder on the Will, Happiness and the Aim of Moral Philosophy  Stefano Bacin  The Antithetic between Freedom and Natural Necessity: Garve’s Problem and Kant’s Solution  HeinerF. Klemme Bibliography  Index  Contributors   is Assistant Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Milan in Milan, Italy. He is the author of Il senso dell’etica. Kant e la costruzione di una teoria morale () and Fichte in Schulpforta (–) (), and co-editor, with Marcus Willaschek, Georg Mohr and Jürgen Stolzenberg, of the Kant-Lexikon ().  .  is Professor of Humanities at the Oklahoma School ofScienceandMathematicsandanaffiliatefacultymemberintheDepart- mentofPhilosophyattheUniversityofOklahoma,UnitedStates.Hehas writtenwidelyonKantandhisrelationtootherfiguresintheGermanand British traditions, and his work has appeared in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, European Journal of Philosophy, Kantian Review, Kant-Studien, Kant Yearbook and in several edited volumes.  .  is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Western Univer- sity,Canada.HeistheauthorofKantandRationalPsychology(),has published numerous articles on Kant’s philosophy and its history, is the translator of the collection Early Modern German Philosophy (–) and co-translator of Moses Mendelssohn’s Morning Hours: Lectures on God’s Existence (, with Daniel O. Dahlstrom).   is the Jonathan Nelson Professor of Humanities and Phil- osophy at Brown University in Rhode Island, United States. He is author of ten books, including Kant and the Claims of Knowledge (), Kant (),Knowledge,Reason,andTaste:Kant’sResponsetoHume()and most recently A History of Modern Aesthetics in three volumes (), and heisco-translatoroftheCritiqueofPureReason(,withAllenWood), the Critique of the Power of Judgment (, with Eric Matthews) and Kant’s Notes and Fragments (, with Curtis Bowman and Frederick Rauscher),allintheCambridgeEditionoftheWorksofImmanuelKant. vii viii List of Contributors  .  is Professor for the History of Philosophy at Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg in Halle, Germany. In addition to numerous articles, he has published several monographs, including Kants Philosophie des Subjekts () and Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten:EinsystematischerKommentar(),aswellasanumberofantholo- giesandreferenceworks,includingTheBloomsburyDictionaryofEighteenth CenturyGermanPhilosophers(,co-editedwithManfredKuehn).  .  is University Research Professor and Chair of the DepartmentofPhilosophyattheUniversityofKentucky,UnitedStates.He haspublishednumerousarticlesontopicsinthehistoryofmodernphilosophy, and he is the author of Leibniz and the ‘Vinculum Substantiale’ (), co-editor/translator of The Leibniz-Des Bosses Correspondence (, with Donald Rutherford) and editor of The Continuum Companion to Leibniz (,).  - is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, United States. She has articles published or forthcoming in Kantian Review, Journal of the History of Philosophy and European Journal of Philosophy.   is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Western Sydney University,Australia.SheistheauthorofKant’sOrganicism:Epigenesisand the Development of Critical Philosophy (), and has published widely on the intellectual history of the Enlightenment, including articles in European Journal of Philosophy, Kantian Review and The Southern Journal of Philosophy.   is Associate Professor for History of Philosophy in the Philosophy Department of the University of Turin, Italy. In addition to numerous articles, she is the author of Materia cogitans: L’Aufklärung di frontealmaterialismo(),andhasrecentlyeditedavolumeofQuaestio entitled Another th-Century German Philosophy? Rethinking German Enlightenment ().   is Research Professor at the Catalan Institution for ResearchandAdvancedStudies(ICREA)andtheDepartmentofPhiloso- phy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in Spain. Among hispublicationsaretwobooks,includingKantunddieWissenschaftenvom Menschen (), and articles in Kant-Studien, Kantian Review, Kant List of Contributors ix Yearbook, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Synthese, Erkennt- nis, Inquiry and Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences.   isProfessoroftheHistoryofPhilosophyintheDepartmentof PhilosophyattheUniversityofGraz,Austria.Hehaspublishednumerous articles and edited collections, and is the author of three monographs, includingTheEarlyModernSubject:Self-ConsciousnessandPersonalIdentity from Descartes to Hume ().   is Professor of Philosophy at the University of California in SanDiego, United States.Heis theauthor of KantandtheMetaphysics of Causality (), the editor of Kant and the Sciences (), Immanuel Kant:NaturalScience()andTheDivineOrder,theHumanOrder,and theOrderofNature(),andtheeditorandtranslatorofKant’s‘Critique of Pure Reason’: Background Source Materials ().   is Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy at Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg in Halle, Germany. He is theauthorofKantunddieBewußtseinstheoriendes.Jahrhunderts() andco-editormostrecentlyofMichaelHißmann:Briefwechsel(,with Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Udo Roth and Gideon Stiening) and of a special issue of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy on “Varieties of Early Modern Materialism” (, with Patricia Springborg). Acknowledgements Many of the contributions to this volume derive from presentations given in connection with the ‘Kant and His German Contemporaries’ confer- ence held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, from  to  October . Accordingly, the editors of the present volume (who were also the co-organizers of the original confer- ence)remaingratefultothemanysponsorsofthathighlysuccessfulevent: the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, as well as Research Western, the Dean’s Office for the Faculty of Arts and the Philosophy Department of the University of Western Ontario. We are also grateful to Hilary Gaskin of Cambridge University Press for her enthusiasm for this project from start to finish. In preparing this volume, we have benefitted enormously from the help of a number of graduate student assistants. We would like to extend our thanks to Richard Creek and Nick Nash for their diligent assistance in proofreading the chapters and compiling the bibliography, and to Brian Ohlman for his work in preparing the index. Special thanks areowedtoSeanCoughlinfortakingthephotothatgracesthefrontcover. x

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