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Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek PDF

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.'-.· .- ... ' .�. .· \ ·... ..,. ,[' .:· bi .�y · . B � rucMe �M e ger. iAnnt roductory studoyf t heN ew Testamefnotr; _ _ theb eginning studenwtr,i ttbeyn o ne ands ummaroyf o urs ourcoefsk nowl­ ·oAf mericaou'tssta nding New Testa­ edgeo ft hel ifaen dt eachoifn gs ments cholaDrrs..M etzgerd ividtehse jesus ChrisCth,r ibsotatihan.ndn o n­ subjemcatt teirn ttoh remea ins ec­ Christicaann,o nicaanld n on-canonical; tions(;:1 t)h eb ackgrouonfdt h e New and( 3) hitshteoory f t hea postolic Testamepnertio d_:a summaroyf t he age-an excellpeonrttray alo fp rirpitive politicsaolc,i aclu;l turraelii,g ious, ChristiabnoitthJy e,w isahn dG entile. andp hilosophfiaccatloa rs sC.h ristianIintc lyea r, straightfostrylwea trhdes tudent developaendd t heN ew .Testament recevies a comprehensainvd'e l ucid writinwgesre produc(e2dt)h; e l ife viewo fp resent-Ndeawy T estament andt eachinogfCs h rits- an evaluatiosnc holarship. whato thersa res aying: ."Teh reactiooftn h irse view.e..r mayb es ummedu p int hew isht hahte hadh ada th idsi sposalj ussutc ha texwth enh ew asf irssetr iouisnltyr oduced .tot heN ew Testament." -!JrincetSoenm inaBryu lletin " ..P.r ofesMseotrz gehra sw rittae nl ucicdo,n cisaen,de xcitivnogl um. e . , i.sa bIoto ko fb asibca ckgrouinndf ormatsihoonw inbga lancjeudgd e­ menatn·d c arefauclc,u raetxeeg esi.s" -ChristTiodaanyi ty " ...n o mbeya nsd isregarredcse nstch olarsIhnifpo.r mation petrot aining thet imeasn dm essagoef t heN ew Testameinstp r esented iric leadri,r ect, andp recilsaen guage. -The WestminsTtheero logiJcoaulr nal ". .s ub.s tanatnidas lt imulatvionlgu meI.ti sa n impressaicvceo mplish­ ment." -TheologTyo day "Thiwso·r ki ss cholayreltyre 'a dable. Ith asm uch too ffery oungp eople anda dulwtsh o wantt ok nowm orea boutth em essagoef t heN ew Testa­ · ment." -PresbyterJioaunr nal " ... tah orougihm,a ginathiivgeh,l rye adabwloer k..". . -.C hoice " ..w.r ittweint hc lariatnydf reshnaensdsr efletchtseb alancetdh,o rough, cautiosucsh olarsfhoirwp h ichM etzgeri sw ellk nown.O ne .iism pressed bothb yi tcso mpactneasnsd ciomtsp rehensiveness..-.I"n terpretation ABINGDON PBESS aty ourl ocablo okstore -,- r' ..;.r, FOR STUDENT-SO F­ NEW TESTAMENT GREEK BrucMe. M etzger ALSO BY BRUCE M. METZGER Gospel The Saturdaanyd SundayLes s ons fromL uke in theG reek Lectionary A Guidteo th e Preparatioofan Thesis Indexo fArti cles on theN ew Testament andt heE arlCyh urch published in Festschriften Annotated Bibliograpohfy t heT extualC ritiocfit shmeN ew Testament TheT ext,C anona,n dP rinciVpearsli onso ft heB ible( wiE.th E. Flack) An Introductitoont heA pocrypha Index tPoe riodiLcailt eratounrt eh eA postlPea ul Listso fW ords Occurring Frequenitnlt yh eC optiNce w Testament TheO xfordC onciseC oncordanc e tot heR evised StandarVde rsion oft heH oly Bibl(ewi thI sobMel. Metzger) Chapteinrs theH istooryf N ew TestamenTtex tualC riticism TheT ext oft heN ew Tesatment,i tsT ransmissioCno,r ruptiaonnd. Restorati(oanl sionG ermanJ,a panesaen,d M andarin) Indext oP eriodicalL iteratounrC eh risatn dt heG ospels TheN ew Testament,i tBsa ckgrounGdr,o wtha,n dC onetnt Historailca ndL iterarSyt udiPaesg:a nJ,e wisha,n d Christian A TextuaClo mmentary ont heG reeNke w Testament TheE arly Verosfit ohneNs e w Testamentth,e iOrr igiTnr,a nsmis­ siona,nd L imitations Editor of: New TestamentT oosla nd Stud(i9es ovls.) TwentieCethnt uryE ncyclopedoifaR elgiiousKn owledge (New TestamentE ditor) TheOx fordA nnotatBedi bl(ew itHhe rberGt. M ay) TheOxf ord AnnotatedA pocryp ha The:tJ niteBdi blSeo cieti'Ees dition oft heG reekN ew Testament {With K.A landM,. BlackC,. MM.a rtinain,d A .W ikgre)n LEXICALA IDSF OR STUDENTOSF NEW TESTAMENT GREEK BRUCE M. METZGER Profusqr of Gearg• L. Collard N•w utamTm t lAngug• and Lif4rMin ThMJIDgietd &miliary Prinuttm NEW EDITION PUBLISHEDB Y THE AUTHOR Distribubytt ehde T heological Book Agency Jersey PrincetonN,e w 1978 N•wEdition COPYJUOHTI g 6g BY BRUCEM . METZOJ!.R parts_ All rigreshtlsf vetlTh.is booor k thMof•� Y. notb er .protlizu:anen dy wfitormh wontuttpee nrm tmon from thl author. TYPE COMPOSED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD PHOTOLITHOPRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY CUSHING-MALLIONYC,. A,N N ARBOR,M ICHIGAN ov ?To..U' llid. 1r'nooMtq uantyi btutq ualyi't (literallyt,hin gs'b numotut ch ') many p.EAlTTJ 'TO 1r'iipvr actimakcese perfect' (liter'aprlalyc,[t iievsceryth]ei ng') PREFACE AccoRDINtGo t hep sycolhogimsatn, l earns by assocaiting then ew withth e oldt,h es tranwgiet ht hef amiialr.I n studyian fgo reign languagthee,r feore, theb eginner wildlo w ellto observe whatever similarmiatyi eexiss tb etweehni sow n andt heot herl anguage. PartI oft hefo llwoing Lexicalm aAkeisds u seo ft hipsr niciple of associalteirnavien g bysu ppliyng, aftert heE nglish definitioofns Greewk ords, such English derivataisvm easy beo fa ssistainnrc ee­ membergi nthem eaning oft heG reevko cabulary. TheG reewko rds int he lisftur,th ermore, haveb eens electanedd a rranged ina ccord witht heifrreq uency ofo ccurrence int heN ew Testament. PartI Im akes a differaepnpltic ation oft hes amep sycholgoical principle. Herea ree xhibittehdef amilrye lationasmhoinpgws o rdosf frequent andl esfrseq uento ccurrenMctee.r a student hasb ecome acqunatiedw itah m inimum workinvogc abualry ofw ordtsh aotc cur many tiemsi nt heN ewT estamehnect a nm akem ore rappriodg ress ina cquirnig a larvgoecra bulbayrl yea rnings ucha dditiownoardls a s resembilneg e nrealm eaning andf ormt hoswehi chh ea lerady knows. Whatp roportoin ofa tetntion shoulbde devotteodP arIt ( 'Words ClassiAficecdo rditnoTg h eiFrr equencbye'f)o breeg innintgo employ ( att hes ameti meP arItI 'WordsC lassiAficecdo rditnoTg h eiRro ot') canb ed eterminoend t heb asiosf e conomoyf t imea nd effort. A judiciousa ndf aithufsuelo fb oth Pawirltslsp eetdh ed ayw hent he beginner canr eadt heG reeTke stamewnitt h apsulree and profit. Octorb, e1r9 46 Vll PREFACE TO THEE NLARGED EDITION ATt hetim e ofthe sixth printing oft his littblooek ,i tis appro pria te to accedet ot her equesots fs omweh oha veus edi ti nt hec lasrosom that futurep rintings includae l isto fth ep rincippaarlts o fv erbwshi ch occurm osftr equeinntt lhyeN ewT estamentA.c cordingAplyp,e ndix IV hasb een addetdo t hise nlargeedd itioFnu.r thermorine o,r detro providases istainnca en othearr eoa fNe w Testamenlte xicography, alis ti sgi venin AppendixV ofa ltlh en ouns ofthe s econdd eclensni o thate ndi n- o�a nda ref eminine ing ender. Perhaiptsma y bec onesfsedh eret hatth eG reekc olophotnh at standosn t hel astp ageis doublapyp ropre-i-antol essf or cotmhpeil er thafno rt heus ero ft hibsoo klet.T his cuople, twith whichma ny a wearsyc ribien t heB yzantinep eriobdr oughhtis manuscript toa closmaey, ber endere'dAs, traveslr eerjoitcose e et heinra tilvea nd, soalso ist hee ndo fa bo ok toth osew hol abor!' December r6, 1954 viii PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION THISne w editidoinff ersfro m thep revioounse sm orei nf orm than w ns inc ontenTth.e t o earlieedirto i, whichw entt hrougfho urtene printitnogtsa lli6nog, oocoo piewse,r er eproducfreodm thetyp escript to­ copy preparbeyd t hea uthort;h ep resenetd itihoasn beenp ho lithoprinfrtoemd typ e sebt yt hes killedc raftsmoeftn h eU niversity r Pessa tO xford. Att hes amet imet,he a doption ofa new format has madei tp ossible ns toi ncorporaa ntuem bero fm odificatio in thec ontenMitsn. or ad­ justmenhtasv eb eenm ade in severoaflt he definitions,a ndt he numbero fE nglidsehr ivatihvase bse eni ncreaseTdh.e b ibligoraphy r ofG eek lexicons( sepep .5 -6h) as been revisiendt heli ghto fr ecent rpons sv the publicatiIonns e.s e tor equesmtasd eb y eeralt eachers, present ehdiast bieoenns uppliewidt h ana lphabetinidcealx o ft he rq Greewko rdths ata rei ncludiendt hef e uency wordl ists. BRUCE M. METZGER 1g69 Februaryg , IX

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