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Letter to Shaykh Abu Muhammad 17 August 2007 PDF

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Preview Letter to Shaykh Abu Muhammad 17 August 2007

Page 1 To the kind Shaykh Abu Muhammad, Allah protect him, Peace be upon you, and mercy of Allah, and his blessings. I hope that this message will reach you, and that you, the family, and all the brothers are in health and prosperity from Allah almighty. Please inform me of your condition and the brothers, in-laws, and offspring. I apologize for the delay in sending messages to you, due to security issues seen by the brothers accompanying me and which may last, whereby there will be a message every several months, so please excuse me in that regard, knowing that all of us, praise Allah, are in good condition and health, and hopefully things will ease up and I will be able to meet you and benefit from your opinions. I was following up with the brothers your kind words in supporting people of the right, and confronting people of the evil, which an observer would find as a positive development, Allah reward you and make that in your good deeds balance, due to performing that great duty. Please inform me about the conditions on your side and your future programs, and provide me with your opinions and counsel. - I present to you a very important subject that needs great effort to remove ambiguity around the subject of the Islamic state of Iraq (ISI), since there is easier contact between you, the media, and the information network, so you have to plug that Page 2 gap, whereby the main axis for your work plan in the coming stage would be the continued support for the truthful Mujahidin in Iraq headed by our brothers in ISI, and defending them should be the core issue and should take the lion’s share and the top priority in your speeches and statements, and mobilizing people, and uncovering the opponents’ conspiracies in an open and clear manner, in other words, your support for ISI must be overt and obvious. One point must be stressed and hammered in repeatedly, which is that the truth of the matter is that there is struggle and push and pull between two ideologies. One of them wants a country where the upper word is for Allah alone, and another that wants the upper word in future Iraq to the kings and presidents, and not to Allah almighty, as the mujahidin have conducted jihad and continue to do so to reestablish the doctrine of the first group (Jama’ah), which was the prophet (PBUH) and his companions, Allah be pleased with them all, and they do not care about discrimination against persons or groups, but what they care about is that they are led by Al-Jama’ah and its Emir, to establish the religion of Allah. The Islamic groups in general, and the Mujahid group in particular, have divided into two main parts: one part sees that it is not possible to establish the Muslim nation and opposes the international and domestic Page 3 apostasy, except by cooperating with the puppet governments in the area, and that part has obviously lost its way. And another part which is the truthful mujahidin, who want to establish the religion where the word of Allah is the highest, and the necessity to set aside the tyrants and puppet governments, and because of that, conflict arises even if it is covered in different shapes and secondary excuses, so the truth of the struggle is between two groups - the international and domestic apostates and those who run in their orbit, including many of the groups that bear an Islamic name on one side and the truthful mujahidin, of whom is Al-Qa’ida, on the other side. This is the truth of the struggle, but the countries cunningly involved some of the Islamic groups on the front, so it appeared that the struggle in Iraq was between the mujahidin in ISI and mujahidin in other groups. The case is not about killing one or three – otherwise, why did they say so and so, as these issues are easy to resolve, and the government is flexible, it will get the right of the oppressed from the oppressor regardless of the organizational belonging, which is the truth as governments are hostile to us, and see that we are their archrivals, and that we will strive to remove them after Iraq; that is a settled matter and is known to all. In addition to that, the brotherhood and Sururi think that they are the pioneers and the reason for the establishment of the contemporary Islamic revival, so accordingly they think that Page 4 they have priority to lead and nurture it, and that others have imposed on them and took that leadership away from them unjustly, which is their mode in every Islamic work, as they also consider that the leader of Al-Qa’ida organization was one of their students and a member of their group who disobeyed their orders a quarter century ago and needs to be returned to the obedience of the group. Also, a quiet response is a must to any that calls for dissolving the state (ISI) or creating doubts about it, regardless of whom that may be. For example, responding to the letter of Hamid Al-‘Ali, which was issued in Rabi’ Al-`Awal (a copy is enclosed); unless he has corrected himself and recanted, and there are those who responded to him and defended the state and mentioned important points, but I want you to delve into the other points which are, in short: - That the international apostasy with all its media establishments and with help from the domestic apostasy establishment are fighting the Islamic groups and spending billions to contain and dissolve them, such as Hamas, which has been contained by Iran. Also, the Saudi regime was able to extract from them respect for the international laws regarding Palestine, meaning recognition of the Zionist entity. Before that was the Muslim brotherhood and the Sururi, when their predominant leadership were contained and after them were the Page 5 leaders of the revival, who became the leaders of the foot dragging; and Hassan Nasrallah’s party, which was contained and which agreed to sign the 1701 resolution; and there is the Muslim scholars establishment that went to the tyrants and was openly contained across the media; and the Islamic party in Iraq, Sayaf; and the Rabbani parties in Afghanistan; and the examples are many and are obvious, and in the shadow of the police state system that is controlling the world. It has become difficult to find a group, party, or a dignitary that is out of control of the governments and their establishments, and from a point of view of mentioning a blessing and not bragging or warning Muslims about the conspiracies that are spun against the mujahidin. I say, as ‘Uthman Allah be pleased with him said, when he was besieged in his home in Medina, as it was said that he said after he mentioned a Hadith for the prophet (PBUH), a Muslim blood is only to be shed by one of three offenses: soul for a soul, infidelity of the elder, etc. and of what he said, “I have not committed infidelity in Islam or before Islam ever.” - Al-Qa’ida, with the grace of Allah, has been steadfast during two decades, and no one was able to dissolve it in the political acids of the international or domestic apostasy countries, which you are aware of, and you are aware of the government’s attempts Page 6 to contain us during the days of Sudan, and they spent the money and revoked the identification card and the passport and the freedom of return to the country or stay where I wanted. In exchange for that I testify that the king is a devout Muslim, and Allah protected me from apostasy and infidelity, so to him is praise and thanks. The leaders of the Islamic groups in general and the mujahidin groups in particular were truthful brothers in supporting Islam when they started the work, but after the group grew and became important, it got exposed to many pressures that changed its path; it has been seen except for whom Allah has mercy on them. Then it may be suitable that you talk to the people and tell them that Abu Mus’ab Al-Zarqawi, Allah have mercy on his soul, joined Al-Qa’ida to conduct the duty of unification and steadfastness after he trusted the organization. Al-Qa’ida has become international, praise Allah, and its circle has widened and people entered it in droves, tribes and groups, so in Iraq it had to establish a government, have an Emir to rule them, ease their needs and protect the religious goals, so Shaykh Hamid Al-‘Ali should have mentioned in his statement the unanimity of the scholars on the necessity of appointing the imam and establishing the government to rule people with Allah’s laws, so it was strange that he asked to dissolve and annul ISI, and he spoke of the hiding of the Emir of the state, and used some statements of the scholars, Allah have mercy on their souls, as example. I do not object to his example of their Page 7 sayings, but I object to him ignoring the reality that we live in, so who can show up in public and consult with his brothers on the matter? The trusted mujahidin in Iraq nominated people, established the state, and agreed on an Emir for them, who is Abu ‘Umar Al-Baghdadi, as for the Emir of war in Iraq, we know him, and we publicly vouched for him in sight and hearing of the whole world, and he knew Abu ‘Umar Al-Baghdadi and swore allegiance to him. Accordingly, we have to read the statements that are suspicious of the state wisely and refute them, like the talk of Shaykh Hamid Al-‘Ali in his call to dissolve the state, and what he used of supporting evidence, and what is means is not to dispute the proper statements of the Imams, which was correct in applicability to their circumstances that shadowed the earth during centuries past, while our circumstances are in this era that we live in is an imposed condition whereby the international and domestic apostasy have oppressed all of the earth, and it is difficult on us to show up in public and conduct oaths of allegiance publicly, so our current condition is the exception as we mentioned, but we dispute the talk and statements of Hamid Al-‘Ali that used examples of Imams’ statements improperly, to respond to his statement that the State is not strong and that the Emir is in hiding and so on. Also, a response has to be made against the Islamic army, and I have read many responses to them, one of which is the response of Shaykh ‘Atiyah, which is a decent response but it looked like it was done in a hurry, and the matter required several Page 8 responses that were detailed, objective, and frank, without accusations on the intentions; but discussing what they presented, but there are important points which are on high degrees of importance that must be addressed, which is that the charter of the Islamic army considers the tyrant governments as infidels and calls for fighting them, and the reader of the Islamic army statement, the charter and doctrine of the army will see a distinct difference between the statement and the charter, and such clear discrepancy should not be committed by the leaders of the Islamic army, for example: Their charter included calling the tyrant governments and their armies apostates… and especially on that point, it is obvious that the majority of the Mujahid groups and their leadership knows that calling the tyrants apostates is a corner post of the faith, while the preparer of the statement is criticizing the state. When the state said that the country is an infidel country, the statement preparer is indirectly defending the tyrant rulers, while the rule with the scholars is that they judge the country by the doctrine ruling it and that does not necessitate that the people living there be infidels. Also, the objection of the statement’s author on the brothers in the state saying that Jihad is a compulsory duty since the fall of Andalusia, as the reader of the statement can smell the same Sururi that had been contained by the Saudi regime, so that is an issue that warrants disagreement and exposure, despite the Page 9 unanimity of the scholars’ opinions that the optional becomes compulsory if the country falls in the hands of the infidel. Finally, the article should show the picture of the struggle between Al-Qa’ida and international and domestic infidelity, and that idea must be stressed and concentrated on in the introduction, body, and conclusion of the article and in every subject written on that issue, while signaling that the cause of conflict between us and the groups stems from the convergence of their interest with the interest of the rulers in failing and confronting ISI, so they went ahead with a faulty and unsavory interpretation. If someone is convinced of what I mentioned above, then please incorporate that in their writings and statements, while coordinating with the brothers who will write on the subject, Allah willing, I will issue a speech to the nation warning them of the fatal mistakes of Hamas leadership, as confirmation of what you spoke of on that important subject. Attachment 1 - a copy of statement of faith and I am keen on you reading it and giving me your feedback before I publish it, and I thank you in advance, knowing that one of the brothers read the statement and thinks that it is somewhat harsh, and my conviction is that you have to say the whole truth, even if it angers or surprises the people, as that was the case with our prophet (PBUH) in the beginning of the message. Page 10 It is logical that talking to people should be gradual in what their minds comprehend, except that talking about the peak of the matter and understanding of the Shahada, saying that there is no god but god, and talking about what spoils it is a matter that cannot tolerate graduation. As there are millions of people including many of whom belong to the Muslim groups who have fallen into infidelity works due to the elections of the legislative councils, so it is imperative to do the duty even if it angers them. It is also obvious that with passage of time, a generation of the Muslim brotherhood started to believe that the rulers and his apostate regimes is a Muslim, as long as he wrote in his constitution that Islam is the main source of legislation. I have heard ‘Isam Al-‘Iryan say that, and even worse, I heard their Shaykh Al-Qaradawi say that openly. As far as the people of Al-Khayr and your proposal of solving their crisis, that is a good matter, and please task Karim with that issue. - As far as the work in the location where Abu Humam Al-Sa’idi, the in-law of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Misri, was taken from, Shaykh Sa’id was instructed to task Karim to do something specific there. Shaykh Sa’id was instructed to task someone with the issue of the brothers, the Baluch and the Kurds. Page 11 The subject of Shaykh Abu Al-Layth and his brothers: regarding Shaykh Abu Al-Layth and his brothers, their final opinion to join Al-Qa’ida as a whole group is a good opinion, despite what is mentioned against it of negatives, because the brothers who are in the prison in Libya are not qualified, also the brothers who live in the West; they live in a condition of fear from these regimes and personal instinctive fear for self, family, and children, is having a great effect on making the right decision, and the subject should not be pending on either of the two groups, Allah affect theirs and all of our release. And I see that the brothers who are free from the pressures of the infidel like Abu Al-Layth and his brothers, they should swear allegiance to an Emir for them to replace their imprisoned Emir, Allah secure his release, if they have not already done that, and if they have done, then they should declare it to the public, and the conflict that will come to them from their brothers in the West; because the new Emir will be much less than what will happen due to their joining Al-Qa’ida, because the Western governments will force them to disavow their groups joining Al-Qa’ida, or they will face accusations of being members of Al-Qa’ida. While the subject of choosing a new Emir is much less sensitive, so if the matter is done, announced, settled, and declared over the media more than once, then after that they join Al-Qa’ida; that will ease responding to the objections of the brothers in Libya or in the West in an easy, quiet, and soft manner in an objective way and that the brothers are under pressure from the governments that they live under, and the prophet (PBUH) said that a judge should never rule between two when he is angry. And that we invite them to join Al-Qa’ida, with a delay in announcing that for two or three months, until things settle down and stabilize, Allah willing. Page 12 As far as the conditions, they are bigger for us than to restrict their efforts only in Libya alone, while they have in you, Shaykh Abu Mus’ab Allah have mercy on his soul, and our brother Abu Mus’ab ‘Abd Al-Wadud; a role model, that is my opinion on the matter, so please remind them that unity is a duty and it should not be postponed. And praise Allah, Al-Qa’ida does not have discrimination of any ethnicity against others or entities against others. - In your message, you mentioned that you attached a file titled “urgent” and that you were still had opinions on that subject, and I did not find the file in the attachments. Accordingly, I do not know what was meant, but I stress to you that moving to other distant locations is very dangerous and that you should avoid it. - As far as the brothers in Yemen, they said that they had a choice between working or getting captured. Accordingly, there has been a choice to work on limited targets. - And I have asked Hajji ‘Uthman to send you a copy of these aforementioned statements because the chip is too small to accommodate them. Please review them and give me your opinion: They are statements about: - To the American people. - To Muslims in Pakistan. - To the brothers in Iraq. Page 13 - Comment on the last will of Al-Shihri (Allah have mercy on his soul). - To the European people. - A statement that belongs to the Islamic Emirate in Iraq, to consult with the brothers there, and if they approve it then it can be published in the name of the jurisprudence; please review these statements and inform me of your opinion and comments. - In closing, I am waiting for your messages to calm down my worries about your condition and benefit from them, and I ask Allah to protect us and you from all creatures, and our last claim is praise be to Allah the God of the here and thereafter, and peace and prayers be on prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and all his companions. Attachment: Statement of Faith In the name of Allah, the most gracious the most merciful, we thank him, ask for his help, and repent to him, and ask him to save us from ourselves, and the evil of our deeds, as who Allah guides him cannot be lost, and I testify that there is no god but god, who has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is his slave and prophet “O ye who believe! Fear God as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. “O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered like seeds countless men and women; - reverence God, through whom ye demand your mutual rights, and reverence the wombs That bore you: for God ever watches over you.” “O ye who Page 14 believe! Fear God, and always say a word directed to the Right: That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys God and His Apostle, has already attained the highest achievement.” The most truthful of things is the book of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (PBUH), and the worst of things are the improvised, as each improvisation is a trend and each trend is a loss and each loss is in hell. My beloved Islamic nation, Peace be upon you, and mercy of Allah, and his blessings. Allah almighty said “But teach (thy Message) for teaching benefits the Believers.” (51:55) and the prophet says, “Religion is advice for Allah’s book, his prophet, the imams of Muslims and the common people,” and prophet Had said to his people after they accused him of lying and craziness, which is the same way the prophet followers are being accused today. He said: "O my people! I am no imbecile, but I am an apostle from the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds! I but fulfill towards you the duties of my Lord's mission: I am to you a sincere and Trustworthy adviser.”(7:67-68) So it is incumbent on Muslims to advise each other, and on that I say, Allah knows that I am an advisor to you, caring for you, wishing you the best of the here and thereafter, as you are my brothers in religion, and the religious brotherhood is the link between faithful, it has duties and rights, of which the most Page 15 important is advising and recommending the right thing, and to advise patience. Advice is important; the religion revolves around it and we cannot stay on the righteous path without saying the truth, and the person doing that should not be afraid of anyone reprimanding him, and that kind of advisor is becoming a rarity these days, due to negligence of many of the scholars and tyranny of all the rulers, and it has become a rarity to have scholars sticking to the truth, and who will say their word to the people without fearing their anger, which is where the nation is hit, and got what it is suffering from of indignity, humiliation, oppression, injustice, loss, breakdown, conflict, and even more dangerously, their being ruled by king’s decrees and chief’s laws, and being distanced from the laws of their God almighty. Abu Zar, Allah be pleased with him, told us about the last will of the prophet (PBUH) of which was: “And he ordered me to tell the truth even if it is bitter, and not to fear anyone in saying the truth...” And in the confirmed Hadith which was narrated by Imam Ahmad, from Abu Sa’id Al-Khadri, Allah be pleased with him, he said that the prophet said, “Let no one of you be prevented

To the kind Shaykh Abu Muhammad, Allah protect him,. Peace be upon you, and mercy of Allah, and his blessings. I hope that this message will reach
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