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Lectora Online Administator Information Center PDF

63 Pages·2017·0.31 MB·English
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Lectora Online Administrator Information Center -1 - Contents Welcome to the Lectora Online AdministratorInformation Center 4 Managing yourorganizations 5 Adding an organization 5 Specifying diskusage 13 Specifying the userlimit 13 Viewing and editing organization settings 14 Deleting an organization 21 Managing yourusers 22 Roles 22 Viewing yourusergroup 25 Adding a user 25 Viewing and editing userinformation 27 Importing userswith a CSV file 29 Exporting usersto a CSV file 30 Deleting a user 31 Managing properties 33 Viewing the listofproperties 40 Adding a property 40 Editing a property 40 Deleting a property 41 Viewing the listoflogged-in users 42 Setting the log level 43 Viewing systeminformation 44 Managing disk usage 46 Generating an auditreport 47 Viewing the Log Viewer 48 Generating a UserActivity Report 49 Generating an Organization Report 50 Sending a SystemAlert 51 Sending systemand organization email 52 Forcing the News tab to the front 53 -2 - Viewing repository information 54 Backing up repository data 55 Restoring data 56 Viewing servercommands information 57 Completing a serverthread dump 58 Completing a XPath cache query 59 Obtaining an Activation Code 60 Configuring log-in password settings 61 Managing skins 62 Creating customskins 62 Trademarks 63 -3 - Welcome to the Lectora Online AdministratorInformation Center Welcome to the Lectora Online Admin- istrator Information Center Topicsin thisInformation Centerdescribe the tasksyou can use to administerLectora Online™. Administratorresponsibilitiesinclude managing organizations,managing userswithin organizations,and managing the Lectora Online solution. See these topicsformore information: Managing yourorganizations l Managing yourusers l Managing properties l Managing skins l Viewing the listoflogged-in users l Setting the log level l Viewing systeminformation l Sending a systemalert l Sending systemand organization email l Generating a UserActivityReport l Generating an Organization Report l Generating an auditreport l Managing diskusage l Viewing the Log Viewer l Forcing the Newstab to the front l Backing up repositorydata l Restoring data l Obtaining an activation code l Viewing repositoryinformation l Viewing servercommandsinformation l Completing a ServerThread Dump l Completing a XPath cache query l Configuring Log-In password settings l -4 - Managing yourorganizations Managing your organizations An organization isthe top-level classification in yourcompanyorgroup'shierarchy.A typ- ical companyorgroup consistsofone ormore organizations.The largerthe companyor group,the more organizationsitwill normallyhave.You can add,edit,and delete organ- izationsand specifyyourorganization'sdiskusage. You mustbe defined asa superadministratorto have accessto the Managing Organ- izations task. See Rolesformore information aboutthe userclassificationswithin Lectora Online and the available tasksthateach role can complete. Superadministratorscan complete the following tasks: Adding an organization l Specifying diskusage l Specifying the userlimit l Viewing and editing organization settings l Deleting an organization l Adding an organization Administratorswith superadministratoraccesscan add an organization.Thisincludes specifying the appropriate publishing targetsand setting the maximumhistorysize for shared titles. You can quicklyadd an organization and define and configure itsadministratorthe using the Add Org bannerlinkoryou can add an organization when you are viewing organ- ization detailsfromthe Manage Organizationswindow. To add an organization and itsadministratorusing the Add Org bannerlink: 1. ClickAdd Org. 2. Complete the fieldsin the New Organization boxasfollows: Organization Name Name ofthe organization. Company Name Name ofthe company. UserLimit Limitsthe numberofusersallowed in the organization. Disk Quota Diskquotastrackand control diskstorage usage foreach organization. Disk Usage Threshold Diskusage thresholdsallow you to specifywhen warn- ingsare displayed to userswhen theyexceed theirdisk quota limit. Expires Date when useraccessto the organization expires. -5 - Managing yourorganizations 3. Complete the fieldsin the New Administratorboxasfollows: Role Specifiesthe user'srole. UserID Specifythe userID forthe administrator. FirstName Specifythe firstname ofthe administrator. LastName Specifythe lastname ofthe administrator. Description Specifya shortdescription ofthe administrator'srole. EmailAddress Specifythe email addressassociated with thisadmin- istratoruserID. Send Notification Email Enable thischeckboxto send a message to the admin- istrator. Password/Re-enter Specifythe password forthe administratoruserID. Password Force Password Enable thischeckboxto require the new userto create a Change on NextLogin password the nexttime he orshe logsin. Locale Preference Specifythe preferred location forthisorganization. 4. To create the new organization,clickCreate Org and Admin. The organization isadded. To add an organization fromthe Manage Organizationswindow: 1. Clickthe Manage Organizations linkon the Home Page.The Manage Organ- izationswindow opens. 2. ClickAdd.The Create Organization window opens. 3. Complete the fieldson the Create Organization window asfollows: Organization Name Name ofthe organization. Company Name Name ofthe company. Disk Quota Diskquotastrackand control diskstorage usage foreach organization. Disk Usage Threshold Diskusage thresholdsallow you to specifywhen warn- ingsare displayed to userswhen theyexceed theirdisk quota limit. UserLimit Limitsthe numberofusersallowed in the organization. UserCount Displaysthe currentnumberofusers. Active Disable thischeckboxto deactivate the organization. Usersare unable to log-in to a deactivated organization. Trial Enable thischeckboxto specifythatthisisa trial organ- ization. Expires Date when useraccessto the organization expires. Properties Use thistable to enable orspecifythe following publishing -6 - Managing yourorganizations targetsand organizational properties: Property Description Disable exporting When enabled,thisrestrictsmem- titles bersofthe organization fromexport- ing titleswith the exception ofthe organization administrators.This includesrestricting exporting oflib- raryobjectsaswell. Disable the cre- When enabled,thisrestrictsmem- ation ofprivate bersofthe organization fromcre- titles ating private titles,with the exception ofthe organization admin- istrators. Publish to AICC The Aviation IndustryCBT Com- mittee (AICC)wasestablished in 1988 to define standardson how ComputerManaged Instruction (CMI)systemsshould operate in presenting course materialsto stu- dents.Forthe latestspecifications, documents,and explanationsof terms,see the official AICC website (http://www.aicc.org). Publish to CourseMill Wave isan online learn- CourseMillWave ing managementtool developed by Trivantis.CourseMill Wave allows you to recommend and assign con- tentto online viewers.Publishers can enable ratings,guestbookset- tings,run reports,and postcontent to social networking sites.Formore information aboutCourseMill Wave, visithttp://trivantis.com. Publish to CourseMill isa powerful course CourseMill managementsystemdeveloped by Trivantisand designed especially foreasyintegration ofLectora titles. The CourseMill learning man- agementsystemmakesthe deliv- ery,management,and tracking of online learning acrossyourorgan- -7 - Managing yourorganizations ization easierand more affordable. Formore information about CourseMill,visithttp://trivantis.com. Publish to Docebo Selectthisoption to allow usersto posttitlesto the Docebo learning managementsystem..Formore information aboutthe Docebo LMS, visithttp://docebo.com. Publish to Docebo: ForDocebo publishing,specifythe ServerURL URL foraccessing the appropriate server. Publish to Docebo: ForDocebo publishing,specifythe Username username foraccessing the appro- priate server. Publish to Docebo: ForDocebo publishing,specifythe Password password foraccessing the appro- priate server. Publish to HTML Selectthisoption to allow usersto posttitlesto the Internetorto their Intranet. Publish to iContent iContentisa contentmanagement systemdeveloped bySuc- cessFactors.Forthe latestspe- cifications,documents,and explanationsofterms,see theiroffi- cial website (http://www.suc- cessfactors.com/). Publish to iCon- ForiContentpublishing,specifythe tent:course URL URL foraccessing the iContent course contenton the iContent server. Publish to iCon- ForiContentpublishing,specifythe tent:password password foraccessing the iCon- tentserver. Publish to iCon- ForiContentpublishing,specifythe tent:path path to the iContentserver. Publish to iCon- ForiContentpublishing,specifythe tent:server addressofthe iContentserver. Publish to iCon- ForiContentpublishing,specifythe tent:username username foraccessing the iCon- tentserver. -8 - Managing yourorganizations Publish to PWC PWC allowspublishing content fromthe PricewaterhouseCoopers eLearning solution.Forthe latest specifications,documents,and explanationsofterms,see theiroffi- cial website (http://www.pwc.com/). Publish to ReviewLinkisan online review tool ReviewLink developed byTrivantis.ReviewLink allowsyou to share titleswith online reviewersand capture theirfeed- back.Reviewerscan add com- mentsand attach filesto reviewed pagesto provide feedback.Com- mentsand attachmentsare tab- ulated and presented to both publishersand reviewersso they can manage the statusofthe com- mentsand complete the review cycle.Formore information about ReviewLink,visithttp://trivantis.com. Publish to Saba Saba SCORM2004 isa setofinter- SCORM 2004 related technical specificationsbuilt upon the workofthe AICC,IMS, and IEEE to create a unified content model forWeb-based learning con- tent.Forthe latestspecifications, documents,and explanationsof terms,see the official Saba website (http://www.saba.com). Publish to SCORM The Shareable ContentObject Reference Model (SCORM)isa set ofinter-related technical spe- cificationsbuiltupon the workofthe AICC,IMS,and IEEE to create a uni- fied contentmodel forWeb-based learning content.Forthe latestspe- cifications,documents,and explan- ationsofterms,see the official SCORMwebsite (http://www.adlnet.gov/). -9 - Managing yourorganizations Publish to SumTotal allowspublishing content SumTotal fromSumTotal eLearning systems. Forthe latestspecifications,doc- uments,and explanationsofterms, see the official SumTotal website ( http://www.sumtotalssystems.com/). Publish to xAPI The Experience API(xAPI)ispartof an evolving standard thatenables userson learning managementsys- temsto download the nextgen- eration ofSCORM-compliant materials.Forthe latestspe- cifications,documents,and explan- ationsofterms,see the official xAPI website (http://experienceapi.com). Shared Title Max- Use the drop-down listto specify imumHistory Size the setting forthe maximumhistory size forshared titles. When versionsare trimmed froma title'shistorytheyare taken fromthe "back-end" or oldestend.The version num- berswill alwaysrise as changesare checked in.So forexample ifyou have a title with 10 versions(1 through 10)and you setthe Maximum History Size to 3 then ver- sions1 through 7 will be removed fromthe title history (the oldest7)leaving versions 8,9 and 10.When the next check-in occurs,thatwill become version 11 and ver- sion 8 would be removed; leaving versions9,10 and 11. You keep the latestthree ver- sionsbasically. Note thatthe version trimming -10 -

eLearning solution. For the latest specifications, documents, and explanations of terms, see their offi- cial website (http://www.pwc.com/). Publish to. ReviewLink. ReviewLink is an online review tool developed by Trivantis. ReviewLink allows you to share titles with online reviewers and capture th
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