Latin American P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Book Store Tel: 800-645-4276Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Peru Catalogue, November 2018 Literature 1. Adán, Martín . ARQUITECTURA. SONETOS INÉDITOS. Ilustraciones de Gerardo Chávez, Julio Camino Sánchez, Carlos Gutiérrez, Alfredo Ruiz Rosas, David Herskovitz, Alberto Dávila, Venancio Shinki, Sabino Springett, Jesús Ruiz Durand. Jorge Valverde Oliveros -- Editor. Perú: Sociedad de Beneficencia de Lima Metropolitana, 2017. 67p., illus., bibl., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124754906. "Arquitectura" is a collection of eighteen sonnets by Martín Adán, which first appeared forty years ago. They are accompanied by illustrations by great Peruvian artists, including Gerardo Chávez, Julio Camino Sánchez, Carlos Gutiérrez, Alfredo Ruiz Rosas, David Herskovitz, Alberto Dávila, Venancio Shinki, Sabino Springett, and Jesús Ruiz Durand. (67287) $28.90 2. Adán, Martín. ESCRITO A CIEGAS Edición ampliada. Dos poemas Martín Adán y reacción y cartas de Celia Paschero. Jorge Valverde Oliveros, Editor. Peru: Sociedad de Beneficencia de Lima Metropolitana. , 2017. 85p., photos, facsimiles, bibl., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124754913. "Escritoaciegas"containspoemsandlettersbyMartínAdán,particularlytoCeliaPaschero.Althoughhewasknown for his elusive misogynistic character, she motivated not only one, but two or maybe three poems by Adán. The work also contains photos and an introductory analysis of the texts by Jorge Valverde. (67288) $24.90 3. Adaui,Katya.AQUÍHAYICEBERGS.Lima:PenguinRandomHouseGrupoEditorial,2017.124p.,wrps.New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124271212. "Aquí hay icebergs" is a collection of stories that chronicle broken emotions and the moments in which they begin to fracture, detailing a walk to the beach after Christmas, the remembering of places or moments gone by, the tension between a mother and daughterat a cafe, and more. In each story, an emotion is put to the test until it crumbles and there remains only a truth, or rather, the autopsy of a truth. Through this work, author Katya Adaui reveals her singular ability to find the poetry and beauty that surrounds the sadness and cold realities of life. (64397) $29.90 4. Agüero, Jose Carlos. LOS RENDIDOS: SOBRE EL DON DE PERDONAR. Lima: IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, (Lecturas contemporaneas, 20), 2016. 160p., bibl., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9789972514975. "Los rendidos: Sobre el don de perdonar" is a compilation of Jose Carlos Agüero's essays andbiographical noteson the internal armed conflict in Peru, most of which were previously published on his blog. (58722) $22.90 1 5. Águila, Irma del . MÍNIMA SEÑAL. Lima : Fondo de Cultura Economica del Perú , 2017. 71p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9789972663932. "Mínima señal" is a collection of stories that chronicle fragments of daily life and routines. In these stories, each individualisamystery,portrayingasensitivitythatmanifestsasdiscontinuity.Thesituationsinwhichthey'reinvolved reveal aversions to light, fascination for innocence, and desires contained in furtive gestures. Written by Irma del Águila,whois alsothe authorof"Primera travesía","Elhombreque hablabadelcielo","Elúltimocapítulo", "Moby Dick en Cabo Blanco" and "La isla de Fushía". (64402) $22.90 6. Aguilar Rojas, Gonzalo . SANGRE DE PATRIOTA. Lima : Editorial Eureka, El Portal Celeste , 2016. 610p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124700400. In"Sangredepatriota",theChileanArmyhasoccupiedthecapitalofPeruafterwinningthewar.However,aseriesof murders of Chilean soldiers have made the military commandersuneasy. In the occupied city, stories unfold: A judge cannotreturn tohis job, a Chilean soldier fallsinlove and fights for acountrythat isnothis, andacharming Italian policeman goes about his daily life. Together, their dramas immerse readers in a story of crime, love and death. Written by Gonzalo Aguilar Rojas, who is also the author of "Borrando fronteras" and "El Cristal con que te miro". (64403) $44.90 7. Aguirre,Carlos.LACIUDADYLOSPERROS:BIOGRAFÍADEUNANOVELA.Lima: FondoEditorialdela Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015. 316p., illus., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 978-612-317-086-8. In 1963, Peruvian Nobel Prize-winner Mario Vargas Llosa published his first novel, "La ciudad y los perros." His work drew the attentionof critics and the public alike, turning him into anovernight success. However, his fame also camewithcontroversyandscandal."Laciudadylosperros:biografíadeunanovela"recountsthevicissitudeshisfirst novel passed through. Throughout this reconstruction, biographicaldetails about Llosa are also revealed, and larger cultural movements and political events -- such as the Latin American boom, censorship and the Cuban revolution -- are illuminated. Reconstrucción de las peripecias por las que pasó la primera novela del esceritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa (Arequipa, 1936), ganadora del premio Biblioteca Breve en 1962, y el Premio Nobel peruano. (54996) $39.90 8. Aguirre, Leonardo. ASOCIACIÓN ILÍCITA. Lima: Edición La Cultura, Animal de Invierno, 2016. 308p.,wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124698620. "Asociaciónilícita"isacomprehensivestudydetailingthedarksideoftheillustriousPeruvianwritersinthetwentieth and twenty-first centuries. El autor revela el lado oscuro de los ilustres y escritores peruanos del siglo XX y XXI. (58045) $39.90 9. Allemant, Melissa (Lima 1981). SIEMBRA. Lima: Magreb Productions, Lustra Editores, (serie calibán, 2), 2015. 52p. . 51p. wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124701009. "Siembra" is a collection of Peruvian poetry by Melissa Allemant, author of ''La noche abundante'' (2011). (58379) $16.40 2 10. Álvarez, Rolando. ADENTRO DE LA NOCHE. UNA LECTURA DE LAS NOVELAS. EL TUNGSTENO DECÉSARVALLEJOYELSEXTODEJOSÉMARÍAARGUEDASDESDELAESTÉTICA, LAHISTORIA Y LA CRÍTICA. Guanajuato: Ediciones Eón (Colección Estudios Filosóficos y Literarios), 2016. 285p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786079426613. "Adentro de la noche. Una lectura de las novelas" offers a hermeneutic analysis on "El tungsteno" by Peruvian poet, writer, playwright, and journalist César Vallejo, and "El sexto" by Peruvian novelist, poet, and anthropologist José María Arguedas, both of which provide reflections on the human condition as well as the history of Peru. Contents include: "Elementosdefinitorios parauna literatura delAndeCentral","Espaciosheterotópicos","Larepublicadelo feo", "El universo trágico", and "El retablo grotesco". (64724) $34.90 11. Álvaro JoyoH.,David. OLVIDADO PORMILAÑOS. Lima :GrupoEditorialCajaNegra ,2018.179p.,wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124342462. "Olvidado por mil años" centers around Virgilio, a blind man who is thrown into a strange world where everyone seemstoconspireagainsthim.Hetriestodiscoverwhattheirmotiveis,andinhissearchhebeginstodistrustevenhis parents and his partner, and discovers how the world is twisting. He then meets a child, Hugo, who shows him everything he can not see. (67276) $29.90 12. Ampuero, Fernando . LOBOS SOLITARIOS Y OTROS CUENTOS. Lima: Grupo Editorial Peisa (Serie: Del Río Hablador), 2018. 90p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786123051228. "Lobos solitarios" is a portrait of two writers, Edmundo and Xavier, who yearn to write a masterpiece. Both are journalistsandworkforthesamejournal,yettheyhardlyknoweachother.Throughreflectiveprose,authorFernando Ampuero addresses the dreams and vicissitudes of writing. Ampuero is also the author of: "Malos modales", "Bicho raro" and "Mujeres difíciles, hombres benditos", among other titles. (64370) $24.90 13. Ampuero, Fernando (Peru, 1949-). SUCEDIÓ ENTRE DOS PÁRPADOS. Lima: Editorial Planeta Perú, 2015. 113p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786123190255. "Sucedióentredospárpados"isavividnovelonthe1970earthquakeinAncash,Peru.Writtenbyplawright,journalist and short story writer Fernando Ampero, who has also published "Paren el mundo que acá me bajo" (1972), "Malos modales" (1994), "Bicho raro" (1996), "Mujeres difíciles, hombres benditos" (2005) and "Cuentos" (2013). (59694) $24.90 14. Ángeles, Francisco.AUSTIN, TEXAS 1979. Lima: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial,2015.133p.,wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124271045. Feeling helpless after seperating from his wife, a man seeks therapeutic treatment, only to end up sexually involved withamanipulativeyoungwomanhemeetsinhispsychiatrist'swaitingroom."Austin,Texas1979"iswrittenbycritic, journalist and blogger Francisco Ángeles. He is also the author of "La línea en medio del cielo" (2008). (59682) $34.90 3 15. Arámbulo, Carlos . QUIÉN ES D'ANCOURT. Lima : Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Alfaguara (Colección: Narrativa Hispánica), 2017. 289p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124349256. In "Quién es D'Ancourt", a teacher is given the task of deciphering the work of a young poet called D'Anourt, who disappearedinLimaattheendofthetwentiethcentury.Testimoniesanddocumentsshowayouthshakenbythefrenzy of music, literature, drugs and political violence. The course of this investigative narrative reveals echoes of Pound, EliotandMozart,andthelegacyofBorges,NabokovandBolaño.Written byCarlosArámbulo,whoisalsotheauthor of "Lustra", "Fifteen" and "Una lugar como este". (64349) $39.90 16. Ayala, José Luis (ed.). INNATA VOCACIÓN DEL ESCRITOR GAMALIEL CHURATA. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2017. 424p., photos, wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124297199. "InnatavocacióndelescritorGamalielChurata"isananalysisonthelifeandworksofPeruvianwriterandsupporter of the Peruvian indigenous movement Arturo Peralta Miranda, better known by his pen name Gamaliel Churata. Includes biographical notes, testimonies, documents, correspondence, and more. (64485) $64.90 17. Ayala, José Luis. LOS ABISMOS DE MARIO VARGAS LLOSA. Lima: Fondo Editorial Cultura Peruana, 2017. 427p., photos, illus., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124182143. "Los abismos de Mario Varas Llosa" is an analysis of the life and works of award-winning Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa,delvinginto how Communismaffected bothhis lifeand works.Written bthe authorof "Wancho Lima", "El Cholo Vallejo", "Carlos Oquendo de Amat", "El poeta en Tlatleco", and "Morir en llave", among others. (64467) $39.90 18. Bedoya, Jaime. EN APARENTE ESTADO DE EBRIEDAD. Lima: Literatura Random House (Lima : Metrocolor), 2016. 504p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124271175. "En aparente estado de ebriedad" is the most complete collection of works by Peruvian writer and journalist Jaime Beodya, spanning 3 decades of work. Features the works "Ay qué rico" (1991), "Kilómetro cero" (1995), and "Mal menor" (2004), and compiles a selection of various published columns throughout his carreer. (64526) $49.90 19. Belevan,Harry.ESCUCHANDOTRASLAPUERTA.Lima: EstaciónLaCultura,Animal deInvierno(cuento), 2015. 183p., bibl., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124675263. "Escuchando tras la puerta" is a special edition of short stories by critically-acclaimed author Harry Belevan, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of this collection's original printing. Augmented to include the Nobel Prize-winning critical study on José Güich Rodríguez. (58373) $34.90 20. Belli,CarlosGermán(Lima, 1927).MORARENLASUPERFICIE.Lima: FCE, (ColecciónLengua yEstudios Literarios), 2015. 651p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9789972663857. "Morar en la superficie" is a selection of essays, articles, lyrical prose, notes, book reviews and travel chronicles by Carlos Germán Belli, one of the most renowned Peruvian writers in the 1950s. Presentaunaseleccióndeensayos,artículos,prosaslíricas,notas,reseñasliterariasycrónicasdeviaje,publicadasen periódicos y revistas por uno de los poetas más reconocidos de la generación literaria de los años cincuenta en Perú. (56387) $42.40 4 21. Belli,Carlos Germán.MISCELÁNEA ÍNTIMA.Lima: CajaNegra Editora,2015.244p.,wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 978-612-46998-5-6. "Misceláneaíntima"isacollectionofworkbyPeruvianwriterandpoetCarlosGermánBelli(Lima,1927),nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2007. Obra del poeta peruano, Carlos Germán Belli (Lima, 1927), nominado al Premio Nobel en el año 2007. (55008) $42.90 22. BenaVides,Miluska.NATURALEZA DELAPROSADEJOSÉMARÍAEGUREN.Lima:AcademiaPeruana de la Lengua, (Folio de Investigación ; 1), 2017. 185p., bibl., wrps. New. Paperback. "Naturaleza de la prosa de José María Eguren" provides literary analysis of Peruvian writer josé María Eguren Rodríguez' prose. Eguren was known for his poetic symbolism, exoticism, and teh adoption of free verse. (64377) $29.90 23. Benavides Parra, Julio. TOQUE CORTO: ANTOLOGÍA DE MICROCUENTOS. Lima: Ediciones Vicio Perfecto, (Colección Bicentenario), 2015. 79p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124289033. "Toquecorto: Antologíademicrocuentos"isananthologyofshortstoriesbyJulioBenavidesParra.BenavidesParra is also the author of "Narciso y sus musas" and "Todas las voces. Muestra de poesía mundial". (57796) $12.40 24. Benavides, Jorge Eduardo (Perú, 1964). EL ASESINATO DE LAURA OLIVO. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, (Literaria), 2018. 323p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9788491810520. "El asesinato de Laura Olivo" is a novel authored by Peruvian writer Jorge Eduardo Benavides which received the XIX Premio Unicaja de Novela Fernando Quiñones. Other publications by Jorge Eduardo Benavides include "La nochedeMorgana","Losañosinútiles","Unmillóndesoles","Lapazdelosvencidos","Unasuntosentimental",and "El enigma del convento". (66747) $44.90 25. Bendezú Velarde, Mario.ETIQUETA NEGRA.Lima: Plectro Editores, 2015. 62p., wrps. new. Paperback. "Etiquetanegra"isacollectionofpoetrythataddressessomeofthemostuniversalaspectsofhumanity:love,timeand death. (57819) $14.90 26. Bendezú Velarde, Mario. LA EVOLUCIÓN DEL SACERDOTE OPRESOR Análisis del nacimiento y la construcción religiosa. Lima: PLECTRO Editores, 2015. 39p., wrps. new. Paperback. (57813) $14.90 27. BendezúVelarde,Mario.FRAGMENTOSDELDIARIODEUNOBSERVADOR Análisisdeunpoéticodela irrealidad. Lima: Editores Plectro, 2015. 50p., wrps. new. Paperback. "Fragmentos del diario de un observador" contains a series of poetic observations by Mario Bendezú Velarde. (57809) $14.90 5 28. Bendezú Velarde, Mario. POEMAS PROFANOS Análisis poético del mal. Lima: PLECTRO Editores, 2015. 37p., wrps. new. Paperback. "Poemas profanos" is a collection of poetry centering around a tortured soul without rest, who carries a guilt of all men. Written by Mario Bendezú Velarde. (57812) $14.90 29. Benza González, Alberto (Lima, 1972). ENTRE VIVOS Y MUERTOS Antología personal. Lima: Estación La Cultura, 2015. 83p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124669910. "Entrevivosymuertos"isacollectionofshorttextsinwhichwriterAlbertoBenzaexplorespolitics,bewilderment,and the fantastic, all while expressing disappointment with the present. Benza is the founder and director of ''Grupo Literario Micrópolis, Minificción'', and also maintains a web page dedicated to short fiction. (58341) $19.90 30. Bernardoni, Rodja. EL DEMONIO ANDINO : ARGUEDAS EN LA OBRA DE VARGAS LLOSA. Lima: Editorial Horizonte, (Crítica Literaria ; 10), 2016. 163p., bibl., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124715457. "Eldemonioandino:ArguedasenlaobradeVargasLlosa"isaliteraryanalysiswhichexploresconnectionsbetween the works of Peruvian writers Mario Vargas Llosa and Jose María Arugedas. Authored by Peruvian writer Rodja Bernardoni, who has previously published "Violencia y literatura en el Perú del siglo XX". (64477) $24.90 31. Beteta, Juan José (Zorritos, Tumbes 1957). TANTAS VECES, YA ENTONCES, EN EL OTOÑO. Lima: Paracaídas Editores, 2015. 63p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124192661. "Tantas veces, ya entonces, en el otoño" is a collection of poetry by Peruvian journalist and film critic Juan José Betata. Betata is also the author of "Abraxas" (1991), "El canto Fue Ave" (2002), "Réquiem" (2006) and "La Consagración de la Casa" (2012). Obra del escritor peruano periodista y critico del ciné Juan José Beteta autor "Abraxas" (1991), El canto Fue Ave" (2002), "Réquiem" (2006), y "La Consagración de la Casa" (2012). (58319) $18.20 32. Beteta, Juan José. LEJOS DEL DÍA. Lima :ParacaídasSoluciones Editorales, Ediciones Catavento, 2018. 87p., photos, wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124726989. "Lejosdeldía"isacollectionofpoetrybyJuanJoséBetetabasedontwopillars:thedynamicsofwordsinmovement, and a conception of love that supposes an understanding of subjectivity before the other. Beteta is also the author of "Abraxas", "El canto fue ave", "Réquiem", "La consagración de la casa", and "Tantas veces, ya entonces, en el otoño". (67289) $24.90 33. Bowen,Sally.PERIODISTAALFINYALCABO 20añosdeinvestigación:sendero,narcotráficoypolíticaen el Perú (1988-2008). Lima: PEISA, (Serie crónicas contemporáneas), 2015. 349p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 978-612-305-070-2. "Periodista al fin y al cabo" is a comprehensive study on drug trafficking and politics in Peru from 1988 to 2008. Based on 20 years of research by journalist Sally Bowen. Translation by Martha Muñoz Ordóñez. Traducción de Martha Muñoz Ordóñez. Best seller de Sally Bowen (Inglaterra, 1945.) (55011) $44.90 6 34. Briceño Miller, Jorge . PASAJE RONALD. ÓPERA CHALANCA. Lima : Grupo Editorial Caja Negra , 2018. 329p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124342486. "PasajeRonald.ÓperaChalanca"portraysthelifeofaportleaderwho,shortlybeforetheunionelections,disappears. This causes chaos, and provokes an investigation that involves the police, court, and political authorities of Callao. Circumstances and conflicts between the characters will lead to an end that shows that culture and art, in a cynical and perverted society, will survive despite the cost of disappointments. (67225) $35.00 35. Bryce Echenique, Alfredo. RETRATO DE ESCRITOR CON GATO NEGRO Y OTROS CUENTOS. Lima: Ediciones PEISA , 2015. 86p., illus., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786123050733. "Retratodeescritorcongatonegroyotroscuentos"containsthreestoriesabouttheliberatingroleoftheimagination by Alfredo Bryce Echenique. Also features illustrations by Carlos Castellanos Casanova and Mario Molina. Ilustraciones de Carlos Castellanos Casanova y Mario Molina. Este volumen incluye tres cuentos sobre el papel liberador de de la imaginacion. (58076) $19.90 36. Bueno, Raúl (Peru, 1944). ENSAYO GENERAL (POESIA REUNIDA 1964-2014). Lima: Hipocampo, 2015. 263p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9876124082351. "EnsayoGeneral"isacollectionofpoetrywrittenbyRaúlBuenobetween1964and2014.Buenoobtainedadoctorate inlanguageandliterature andhasservedasthedirectorof''RevistadeCríticaLiterariaLatinoamericana''.He'salso the author of various publications, including ''Promesa y descontento de la modernidad: Estudios literarios y culturales en Ameríca Latina'' and is currently the head of the Spanish and Portugeuse Department at Dartmouth. (58340) $32.40 37. Bustamante Petit,Armando .CONSTELACIÓN.Lima :Estación LaCultura, Animal deinvierno (ColecciónLa Jauría), 2017. 226p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124723346. Alejandro,ÁngelaandRafaelformafamily,aconstellationtrappedinfearfulnessofthepastandtheuncertaintyofthe future. What does a family provide? How does each of us face these issues? In "Constelación", Peruvian author Armando Bustamante Petit addresses these questions by exploring the voice of each character, and the relationships they hold with each other that seem harmless, safe and familiar, but could also be subtle traps and pose unexpected dilemmas. (64392) $38.60 38. Bustinza, José E. PAPALOTE. Lima : Grupo Editorial Caja Negra , 2018. 76p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124342479. "Papalote" is a collection of poetry by José E. Bustinza that focuses on love: that of other people, family, a partner, and oneself. (67286) $19.90 7 39. Cabrejo, Jose Carlos. METAFICCION DE DON QUIJOTE AL CINE CONTEMPORANEO. Lima: Universidad de Lima, 2015. 150p., graphics, bibl., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9789972452963. "Metaficcion de Don Quijote al cine contemporaneo" studies the impact of Cervantes' quintessential work, Don Quijote, on contemporary film. Features analysis on films such as "El camino de los sueños" (2001), "Scream: la máscara de la muerte" (1996), and "Grizzly man" (2005). (56674) $32.90 40. Calatayud Espínoza, Adán. CRÓNICAS DEL DESENCUENTRO (02-13). Lima: Paracaídas Editores, 2015. 76p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124192630. "Crónicas del desencuentro (02-13)" is an adventure novel told through six stories. (57818) $19.80 41. Calderón Fajardo, Carlos (Juliaca, 1946 - Lima, 2015). PLAYAS. Lima: Borrador, 2015. 152p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124114199. Centering around subjects such as failure, death and the fantasies of a reader with an infinite personal library, "Playas"breaksnewgroundinPeruvianliterature.Writtenbynationally-recognizedauthorCarlosCalderónFajardo, finalist in the Tusquets prize in Spain and writer of the critically acclaimed novels ''La conciencia del limite último'', ''La segunda visita de William Burroughs'' and ''El huevo de la iguana''. (58354) $24.90 42. Calvo,MaríaMartha.CIUDAD MADRE:CARNAL, CUNA DELACIVILIZACIÓN ENAMÉRICA.Lima: Argos, 2015. 244p., photos, illus., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124647635. "Ciudad Madre: Carnal, cuna de la civilización en América" features characters who straddle a line between historical authenticity and fantasy, revealing pre-Hispanic eras through their journeys. Written by María Martha Calvo, who is also the author of "Abismos", "El regalo" and "El parque de los sueños". (58361) $29.80 43. Campuzano Arteta, Álvaro . LA MODERNIDAD IMAGINADA: ARTE Y LITERATURA EN EL PENSAMIENTO DE JOSÉ CARLOS MARIÁTEGUI (1911-1930). Madrid: Iberoamericana, Vervuert (Colección Nexos y Diferencias. Estudios de la Cultura de América Latina 46), 2017. 329p., graphics, bibl., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9788484899891. "La modernidad imaginada" examines Peruvian author José Carlos Mariátegui's multifaceted approach to art and literature duringthefirstdecadesofthe20thcentury,revealinghis criticismandresistance tothedominantcourseof history and politics at the time. Contents include: "La política de una prosa impresionista", "Poética de las profanaciones", "El desencanto del progreso", "Hacia afuera de la literatura", "La modernidad en el espíritu", "El arte y las multitudes", "El nuevo realismo narrativo" and "La tradición en movimiento". (62940) $39.90 44. Carlín, Ernesto. MANUAL DE YOGA. Lima: Caja Negra, 2015. 111p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124699832. "Manual de yoga" is a novel that centers around a group of journalists who travel to Asia to begin an inward search. (57805) $22.90 8 45. Carlos Cortázar, Juan . CUANDO LOS HIJOS DUERMEN. Lima: Estación La Cultura, Animal de invierno (Colección: Novela), 2016. 166p., wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786124723308. Meet someone, fall in love, have children, organize your life based on that. This sequence is predictable and Adrián chose to break it. He returns to Lima to stay for awhile and meets Cesar. Both are parents,but have chosen different ways of being. Open to unconventional ways, they begin to explore the possibility of love between men. "Cuando los hijos duermen" transcends labels to reveal a literary style that's dry, powerful and sincere. (64394) $29.90 46. Castañeda, Carlos.VOZDEHIELO.Lima: Vivirsinenterarse, (ColeccióndePoesíaSistole&Diástole;5),2015. 37p., wrps. New. Pamphlet. ISBN: 9786124694202. "Vozdehielo"isacollectionofpoetrybyPeruvianwriterCarlosCastañeda.Castañeda'spoemsandessayshavebeen published in diverse publications. (59703) $14.90 47. Castañeda, Luis Hernán . MI MADRE SOÑABA EN FRANCÉS. Lima : Alfaguara, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (Narrativa hispánica) , 2018. 361p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124349492. "Mi madre soñaba en francés" is a novel centering around Juan, who is driven to learn languages as an emotional escapethat allows him todealwitheverything thatexplodesinhis face: his complex relationshipwith his mother;his obsession with the sentimental entanglements of his cousin; and the absence of his father, a black hole that dyes the landscape with darkness. This narrative is built under the noblestartistic ideal:the faith that languagecan transform reality. (67224) $44.90 48. Castañeda,Marilyn,ónderelatosdeterror ycienciaficción.Lima :BibliotecaNacionaldelPerú(DeBoleto),2018.113p.,photos,wrps.New. Paperback.ISBN: 9786124780103. "Paranoleerdenochenienestemundo"isacollectionoftenhorrorandsciencefictionstoriesbytenyoungPeruvian authors.Thesestoriesfeaturetimetravelersfromthecolonialera,peoplelostinaquantumreality,mirrorsthatreflect hysteria, kidnapped souls, characters immersed in sects, demons that govern satanic dreams and rituals, and much more. (67310) $24.90 49. Castillo Anselmi, Humberto. LA PALABRA DEL CHIVO : CRÓNICAS MEMORABLES. Lima: G7 Consultores , 2015. 137p., photos, wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124685637. "La palabra del Chivo" is an anthology of the most notable chronicles published by Humberto "Chivo" Castillo Anselmi,oneofthemostprominentPeruvianjournalistsofthepastfivedecades.Thisworkspansreportsonmunicipal crimes, and interviews with athletes and public figures. (59684) $24.90 50. Castro Sandoval,Pierre.ORIENTACIÓN VOCACIONAL.Lima: ParacaídasEditores,2015.91p.,illus., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124192654. "Orientación vocacional" is a series of short stories by Pierre Castro Sandoval, inspired by his everyday life as a school boy. (57800) $14.90 9 51. Castro Urioste, José. HECHIZO. Lima: Hipocampo Editores, 2015. 125p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124082323. "Hechizo" is a collection of fiction by playwright and literary critic José Castro Urioste. He has also written "A la orilla del mundo" (1989), "Aún viven las manos de Santiago Berríos" (1991), "Dramaturgia peruana" (1999), "¿Y tú qué has hecho?" (2001) and "De Doñá Bárbara al neoliberalismo" (2006). (59699) $22.90 52. Cavalier, Jossimar. DISEÑO DE INTERIORES. Lima: Vivirsinenterarse, (Colección de Poesía Sistole & Diástole; 3), 2015. 52p., wrps. New. Pamphlet. ISBN: 9786124509797. "Diseño de interiores" is a collection of poetry by Peruvian columnist Jossimar Cavalier Gonzales, characterized by nostalgia and intimacy. Part of the "Colección de Poesía Sistole & Diástole", which also includes "Naufragios" by Danny Barrenechea and "Cárcel de palabras" by Oscar Perlado. (59702) $14.90 53. Cebrecos, Fermín. LITUMA EN LOS ANDES Y LA ÉTICA KANTIANA Los idearios ético-políticos de Mario Vargas Llosa y Sendero Luminoso. Lima: Universidad de Lima, Fondo Editorial (Colección Ensayos) , 2017. 478p., bibl., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9789972453847. "Lituma en los Andes y la ética kantiana" is a literary analysis of award-winning Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa's novel "Lituma en los Andes", addressing Kantian themes and ethics in the novel as well as how the novel relates to the communist party in Peru known as Sendero Luminoso. (64466) $44.90 54. Cervera Salinas, Vicente.PANÓPTICA. Lima: EditorialVicio Perfecto,(Poesía,Colección Martín Adán),2015. 101p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124680168. "Panóptica" is a collection of poetry by Vicente Cervera Salinas. Cervera Salinas is also the author of "De aurigas inmortales" (1993), "La partitura" (2001), "El alma oblicua" (2003) and "Escalada y otros poemas" (2011). (57798) $22.90 55. Chanove, Oswaldo. EL MOTOR DE COMBUSTIÓN INTERNA. Lima : FCE, Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa (Colección poesía) , 2018. 66p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124395000. "El motor de combustión interna" is a collection of poems by Oswaldo Chanove that display a digressive and pessimistic mood. (67272) $24.90 56. Chapilliquén, Josué. SEROSIDADES. Lima: Vivir sin Enterarse, (Colección de Poesía Sístole & Diástole, 9), 2015. 55p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786124694257. "Serosidades" is a collection of poetry by Josué Chapilliquén. (57810) $14.90 10