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Preview Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae)

Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf LARVAE OF EIGHT EASTERN NORTH AMERICAN SWELTSA (PLECOPTERA: CHLOROPERLIDAE) Bill P. Stark1, Boris C. Kondratieff2, Ralph F. Kirchner3 and Kenneth W. Stewart4 1 Department of Biology, Box 4045, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi 39058, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Ridgeview Apartment 1, 5960 East Pea Ridge, Huntington, West Virginia 25705, U.S.A. 4 University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Larval descriptions are provided for eight eastern Nearctic species of Sweltsa. Larvae of Sweltsa hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner, S. lateralis (Banks), S. mediana (Banks), S. naica (Provancher), S. palearata Surdick, S. pocahontas Kirchner & Kondratieff and S. urticae (Ricker) are described for the first time and compared with S. onkos (Ricker). A provisional key is presented for larvae of these eastern Nearctic species. Keywords: Sweltsa, Plecoptera, Larval descriptions, Eastern Nearctic INTRODUCTION adults are well illustrated and diagnosed by Surdick The chloroperlid genus Sweltsa currently includes (2004) except for S. hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner, 34 Nearctic species, 10 of which occur in eastern subsequently described by Kondratieff & Kirchner North America. Their larvae are distinct in having a (2009). As a result of the close relationship among patch of thick, depressed, dark clothing hairs species in this complex, the morphological laterally on all thoracic sterna (Stewart & Stark 2002). distinctions between their larvae are small and larval Only Sweltsa onkos (Ricker) of the eastern species has determination may at times require use of been described in the larval stage (Fiance 1977). As geographic proximity. part of an ongoing effort to comparatively study and provide species level keys for stonefly larvae in MATERIALS AND METHODS genera where few species are known (Stark & Pharate larvae and larval skins of reared and field Stewart 2005; Stark & Kondratieff 2010) we present associated Sweltsa specimens were examined with herein, the results of our study of eight eastern light microscopy. Drawings were prepared using an Sweltsa species. Surdick (2004) indicated “The eight Olympus SZH10 or Wild M5 dissecting microscope eastern Nearctic species of Sweltsa exclusive of S. with drawing tube. Setal patterns were documented naica (Provancher) appear closely related…” and all on single specimens and compared with other except Sweltsa naica are included in the Sweltsa onkos specimens in the sample to check for variation. complex by Kondratieff & Kirchner (2009). The However, all samples are small and limited in Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 51 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf geographic distribution. Specimens are deposited in occur on segments 8-10. the C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity, Comments. Surdick (2004) recognized S. mediana Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (Banks) and S. onkos as sister species lacking dark (CSU), the S.A. Grubbs Collection, Western Kentucky pigment on the adult pronotal margins and University, Bowling Green, Kentucky (WKU), the Kondratieff & Kirchner (2009) recently recognized S. R.F. Kirchner Collection, Huntington, West Virginia hoffmani as a third species sharing this feature. The (RFK), the Stark Collection, Mississippi College, three species appear to be allopatric, at least in the Clinton, Mississippi (BPS) and the K.W. Stewart southern part of their ranges. Sweltsa hoffmani is not Collection, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas currently known to geographically overlap the range (KWS). of S. mediana and does so uncommonly with S. onkos in the northeastern portion of their ranges. Sweltsa RESULTS AND DISCUSSION mediana is known from the Carolinas to Tennessee and southwestern Virginia (Grubbs 2010; Kondratieff Sweltsa hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner & Kirchner 2009; Surdick 2004), S. onkos from north (Figs. 1-5) of the Mt. Rogers area of Virginia into Atlantic Canada (Kondratieff & Kirchner 2009) and S. hoffmani Sweltsa hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner, 2009:297. is reportedly found from the unglaciated region of Holotype ♂ (United States National Museum), West New York west through the Interior Plateau region Virginia, Logan Co., Frogtown Hollow of Copperas in Indiana, and south to northwestern Alabama Mine Fork (Grubbs 2011; DeWalt & Grubbs 2011); the species is also reported from Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Material examined. WEST VIRGINIA: Cabell Co.: West Virginia (Kondratieff & Kirchner 2009). Lusher Hollow of Mud River, 24 April 1977, R.F. Larvae of these three species can be distinguished Kirchner, 3♂, 1♀ (reared), 6 pharate larvae (RFK). by length of the longest dorsal setae on mid-apical Mature larva. Body length 7.0-8.0 mm. General color cercal segments. Those on S. onkos are about two pale brown without distinctive pigment pattern segments in length, whereas those on S. hoffmani and except underlying adult pattern in pharate S. mediana are generally less than 1.5 segments in individuals. Pronotal grooves slightly darker than length. Sweltsa hoffmani larvae are distinct from S. background pigment (Fig. 1). Pronotum bearing ca. mediana and S. onkos in having the fore tibial fringe 10 anterolateral setae, ca. 18 posterolateral setae, and composed of short, sparse setae (Fig. 4) and from all ca. 2 widely spaced lateral setae near margin; longest eastern Sweltsa examined on the basis of the lack of anterolateral and posterolateral setae subequal in intercalary setae on the metanotal wingpads (Fig. 2). length. Mesonotum with ca. 7 moderately long outer marginal setae (Fig. 2); mesonotum and metanotum Sweltsa lateralis (Banks) without conspicuous intercalary setae on wingpads. (Figs. 6-10) Fore femora with a few (ca. 7 long dorsal setae near margin and ca. 10 ventral setae; femoral fringe setae Alloperla lateralis Banks, 1911:337. Holotype ♀ (Museum obscure but usually 2-3 present. Fore tibiae bearing a of Comparative Zoology), North Carolina, Black sparse outer fringe of short setae, inner margin with Mountains ca. 6 thick setae (Fig. 3). Posterior fringe of abdominal terga 8-9 typically bearing 4 long setae Material examined. NORTH CAROLINA: Avery and interspersed shorter setae; median field with thin Co.: Gragg Prong Lost Cove Creek, Rosenborough setae and usually a grouping of 3-4 short thick setae Road, 19 April 2007, B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, between thin median setae and innermost long seta D. Lenat, 2♂, 3 larvae (CSU). Macon Co.: Berties (Fig. 4); lateral intercalary setae include 1-2 thick, Falls, Wayah Bald, 23 May 1984, B. Stark, 3♂ (1 long setae in each cluster. Cerci broken but basal 12 reared), 2♀, 3 pharate larvae (BPS). Rattlesnake segments shown in Fig.5; longest dorsal setae in Spring, Wayah Bald, 18 May 1983, B. Stark, 2♂, 1 segmental whorls exceed segments in length and pharate larva (BPS). Same site, 18 April 1981, J.S. Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 52 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf 1 2 5 3 4 Figs. 1-5. Sweltsa hoffmani larval structures. 1. Head and pronotum. 2. Mesonotum and metanotum. 3. Right foreleg (m = median outer tibial seta). 4. Abdominal terga 8-10. 5. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. Weaver, R.W. Holzenthal, 6 larvae (BPS). Robin individuals. Head with a slightly paler area forward Branch, Wayah Bald, 19 May 1983, B. Stark, 1♂, 1 of median ocellus and pronotum with slightly darker larva (BPS). Yancey Co.: Mt. Mitchell State Park, 25 submarginal grooves. Pronotum bearing ca. 15 May 1994, B. Stark, S.W. Szczytko, J. Sandberg, 1♂, 1 anterolateral setae and ca. 15 posterolateral setae near larva (BPS). WEST VIRGINIA: Pocahontas Co.: margin (Fig. 6); setal length variable but longest Right Fork Tea Creek, 9 May 1986, K.W. Stewart, R.F. occur on posterolateral angles. Mesonotum bearing Kirchner, 2♂, 4♀ (reared) (KWS). prominent setae scattered along outer margins from Mature larva. Body length 7.0-8.0 mm. General color base to apex, and a few inner marginal setae are pale brown without distinctive pigment pattern present above notch (Fig. 7). Metanotum with several except underlying adult pattern in pharate thin intercalary setae on wingpad and outer and Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 53 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf 6 7 10 8 9 Figs. 6-10. Sweltsa lateralis larval structures. 6. Head and pronotum. 7. Mesonotum and metanotum. 8. Right foreleg. 9. Abdominal terga 8-10. 10. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. inner margins scattered around wingpad; apex of Cerci with 15-16 segments (Fig. 10); each segmental wingpad with long and interspersed short setae. Fore whorl beyond segment 7 with 1 or 2 dorsal setae femora without fringe setae, tibiae sparsely fringed about two segments in length. on outer margin (Fig. 8). Thick setae present along Comments. Sweltsa lateralis is widely distributed much of dorsal and ventral margins of femora and throughout much of eastern North America (Surdick scattered on surface; tibiae bearing long thin setae 2004). It is a common species of headwater seeps, interspersed within fringe setae on outer margin. rheocrenes and smaller streams of the higher Posterior abdominal fringe on tergum 8 with very Appalachians where it is often sympatric with all thin setae between innermost long setae (Fig. 9); other eastern Nearctic Sweltsa. The male epiproct is intercalary setae clustered in lateral group of ca. 10. generally similar to S. onkos, S. pocahontas Kirchner & Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 54 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf Kondratieff and several other species, particularly in about 1.5 times as long as the midapical segments. dorsal aspect (Surdick 2004), however the presence of The combination of short tibial fine fringe setae (Fig. a pair of basolateral lobes on the epiproct are unique 9), few or no intercalary metanotal wingpad setae to this species. Larvae of S. lateralis are similar to S. (Fig. 7), and the long dorsal cercal setae (Fig. 10) naica and S. onkos in having the longest dorsal cercal usually is sufficient to distinguish larvae. These setae subequal to two segments in length, but differs characters, however, should be used with caution if from both in having the fore tibial fringe setae sparse larvae are immature or missing numerous cercal and about half as long as the median outer marginal segments. Caution is also needed because larvae of seta. The larvae of S. lateralis share more features two sympatric species, S. holstonensis Kondratieff & with S. pocahontas than with other species examined, Kirchner and S. voshelli Kondratieff & Kirchner, are but the longest dorsal cercal setae for that species are unknown. 11 12 15 13 14 Figs. 11-15. Sweltsa mediana larval structures. 11. Head and pronotum. 12. Mesonotum and metanotum. 13. Right foreleg. 14. Abdominal terga 8-10. 15. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 55 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf Sweltsa mediana (Banks) than S. lateralis, but they are known to be sympatric (Figs. 11-15) at numerous sites. Mature larvae of S. mediana are the only southern Appalachian Sweltsa species with a Alloperla mediana Banks, 1911:336. Holotype ♀ (Museum long tibial fine setal fringe (Fig. 14). See additional of Comparative Zoology), North Carolina, Black Mountain, comments above for S. hoffmani. North Fork of Swannanoa River Sweltsa naica (Provancher) Material examined. NORTH CAROLINA: Haywood (Figs. 16-20) Co.: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cataloochee River, 4 May 1985, K.W. Stewart, B.C. Perla naica Provancher, 1876:214. Holotype ♂ (Quebec Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, 7♂, 4♀, 7 larvae (KWS). Provincial Museum), vicinity of Quebec City TENNESSEE: Sevier Co.: Great Smoky Mountains Alloperla novascotiana Needham & Claassen, 1925:113. National Park, 2 mi below Newfound Gap Summit, Holotype ♂ (Cornell University), Nova Scotia, Truro, 18 May 1993, B. Stark, B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. synonymy by Ricker, 1952 Kirchner, 1 pharate larva. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Greenbriar Cove, 3 mi above Ranger Material examined. NEWFOUNDLAND: Bowed Station, 17 May 1983, B. Stark, B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Brook, Hwy 430, Bellburns, 5 June 1998, B.C. Kirchner, 3♂, 3♀, 1 larva (BPS). Kondratieff, R.W. Baumann, 13♂, 1 pharate larva Mature larva. Body length 7.0-8.0 mm. General color (CSU). PENNSYLVANIA: Westmoreland Co., pale brown without distinctive pigment pattern Powdermill Run, Powdermill Nature Reserve, 15 except underlying adult pattern in pharate May 1993, S.A. Grubbs, 6♂, 2♀, 7 larval skins (WKU). individuals. Pronotum bearing ca. 14 anterolateral Same site, 16 May 1993, S.A. Grubbs, 21♂, 13♀, 5 setae and ca. 16 posterolateral setae near margin; larval skins (WKU). posterolateral setal row extends to median suture Mature larva. Body length 10 mm. General color (Fig. 11).Mesonotum bearing prominent setae brown, head darker over frons (Fig. 16). Pronotum scattered along outer margin from base to apex (Fig. bearing ca. 14 anterolateral setae and ca. 19 12), and a few inner marginal setae near notch. posterolateral setae near margin; posterolateral row Metanotum with several outer marginal setae and a extends to median suture. Mesonotum bearing ca. 13 large grouping of intercalary setae on wingpad prominent outer marginal setae and metanotum surface; apex of wingpads with interspersed long bearing ca. 17 prominent outer marginal setae (Fig. and short setae. Fore femora with a few fringe setae, 17); intercalary surface of metanotal wingpad with tibiae sparsely fringed on outer surface (Fig. 13). numerous setae. Fore femora with numerous thick Thick setae present on dorsal and ventral margins setae in basal half and along dorsal margin (Fig. 18); and a few scattered on femoral surface; tibiae bearing dorsal margin with a few fringe setae. Tibiae with long thin setae and a row of short thick setae along outer fringe setae and inner row of thick setae. outer margin. Posterior abdominal fringe on tergum Posterior abdominal fringe on tergum 8 with median 8 with a mixture of thin and thick setae between field occupied by a small group of thin setae, tergum innermost long setae (Fig. 14); intercalary setae 9 fringe with thick setae in median field (Fig. 19). clustered in lateral group of ca. 7. Cerci with ca.15 Cerci with ca. 15 segments; long dorsal setae in segments; long dorsal setae in segmental whorls segmental whorls about as long as 2 segments (Fig. about as long as 1.5 segments (Fig. 15). 20); most apical segments with several long setae Comments. This southern Appalachian species is visible in profile. found in the upper Tennessee River drainage Comments. The distinctive shoehorn shaped male southward in the mountainous regions of North epiproct for S. naica suggests it is not closely related Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia to other eastern Nearctic members of the genus, (Surdick 2004) and earlier records from Alabama however Surdick (2004) presents evidence which were recently assigned to S. hoffmani by Grubbs support the species being more closely related to (2010). Generally S. mediana occurs in larger streams members of the S. onkos complex than to S. Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 56 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf 16 17 20 18 19 Figs. 16-20. Sweltsa naica larval structures. 16. Head and pronotum. 17. Mesonotum and metanotum. 18. Right foreleg. 19. Abdominal terga 8-10. 20. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. oregonensis (Frison) or other western species with patterns. Sweltsa naica larvae are the only eastern similar epiproct structure. Geographically, S. naica is Nearctic Sweltsa species known to have a dark frons known from West Virginia and Virginia, north and a relatively pale occipital area. through Atlantic Canada (Surdick 2004), where it is often sympatric with S. onkos and sometimes with S. Sweltsa onkos (Ricker) lateralis. Larvae of S. naica are generally similar to (Figs. 21-25) those of S. onkos, particularly in sharing long dorsal cercal setae (Fig. 20) and long tibial fringe (Fig. 19), Alloperla onkos Ricker, 1935:256. Holotype ♂ (Royal but pre-emergent larvae of the two are distinguished Ontario Museum), Ontario, Dufferin Co., Horning’s on the basis of abdominal and occipital pigment Mills, headwaters of Pine River Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 57 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf Material examined. QUEBEC PROVINCE: Diable 21). Mesonotum bearing ca. 13 outer marginal setae Parc, Mont-Tremblant, Lac Monroe, 8 June 1997, B.C. and a few inner marginal setae (Fig. 22). Foreleg with Kondratieff, R.W. Baumann, 20♂, 1 pharate larva sparse femoral and more extensive tibial fringe setae; (CSU). River Rems, north of Baie St. Paul, 9 June femora with ca. 5 long thick setae on dorsal margin 1997, B.C. Kondratieff, R.W. Baumann, 13♂, 2 larval and ca. 9 on ventral margin (Fig. 23); tibiae bearing 3- skins (CSU). 4 long thin outer marginal setae and ca. 5 inner Mature larva. Body length 7.5-8.5 mm. General color marginal thick setae. Abdominal tergum 8 with brown, abdomen chestnut brown; body without posterior fringe complete; mesally fringe includes distinctive pattern except underlying adult features mixed thin and thick setae (Fig. 24); lateral in pharate individuals. Thorax and abdomen covered intercalary setal cluster includes ca. 14 thick setae. with abundant dark clothing hairs. Pronotum bearing Cerci with ca.14-15 segments; long dorsal setae in ca. 20 anterolateral setae, and ca. 19 posterolateral apical segmental whorls about as long as two setae; both rows extend to near median suture (Fig. segments (Fig. 25). 21 22 25 23 24 Figs. 21-25. Sweltsa onkos larval structures. 21. Head and pronotum. 22. Mesonotum and metanotum. 23. Right foreleg. 24. Abdominal terga 8-10. 25. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 58 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf Comments. Sweltsa onkos is a common species that intercalary setae on terga 8-9, tergum 10 without occurs from Atlantic Canada, Newfoundland, intercalary setae (Fig. 29). Cerci with ca. 17 segments Ontario and Quebec south to Virginia (Kondratieff & (Fig. 30); each segmental whorl beyond ca. segment Kirchner 2009). Fiance (1977) provides a habitus 10 with 1 or 2 dorsal setae about 1.5 segments in drawing of larvae of this species and several figures length. showing setal arrangements for several larval body Comments. The known distribution of S. palearata parts, based on material from Bear Brook, New currently includes sites in Maryland, Virginia and Hampshire. These figures are in general agreement West Virginia, primarily in the drainages of the with our data derived from Quebec specimens, upper Potomac and North and South Forks of the except the length of cercal setae appear shorter, the Shenandoah (Surdick 2004). Adult characters place lateral pronotal setae much more extensive, and this species as a close relative of S. pocahontas but dorsal femoral fringe setae more numerous in larvae are more similar to S. hoffmani in having few, Fiance’s (1977) illustrations. Larvae appear most usually less than five intercalary setae on the similar to the sympatric S. naica but the meso and metanotal wingpad. Among available specimens metanotum are densely covered with long clothing these species appear to differ in numbers of hairs (Fig. 22). See additional comments above for S. intercalary setae on tergum 10 with S. hoffmani hoffmani, S. lateralis and S. naica. usually having two and S. palearata usually with none. Sweltsa palearata Surdick (Figs. 26-30) Sweltsa pocahontas Kirchner & Kondratieff (Figs. 31-35) Sweltsa palearata Surdick, 2004:29. Holotype ♂ (United States National Museum), West Virginia, Hardy Co., Sweltsa pocahontas Kirchner & Kondratieff, 1988:233. Lost River State Park Holotype ♂ (United States National Museum), West Virginia, Pocahontas Co., Monongahela National Material examined. MARYLAND: Allegany Co.: Forest, Right Fork of Tea Creek Tributary Fifteenmile Creek, Fifteenmile Creek Rd, 13 May 1995, S.A. Grubbs, 2♂, 5 pharate larvae Material examined. MARYLAND: Garrett Co., (WKU). Tributary Fifteenmile Creek, Treasure Rd, 13 Spring to Elk Lick Run, Westernport Rd, 1.7 mi May 1996, S.A. Grubbs, 16♂, 11♀, 3 pharate larvae. upstream Savage River confluence, 17 May 1995, S.A. Spring, Sidling Hill Creek drainage, Swain Hollow Grubbs, 2♀, 3 larvae (WKU). WEST VIRGINIA: Rd, 5 May 1996, S.A. Grubbs, 8♂, 4♀, 3 larvae Pocahontas Co.: North Fork Cherry River, Hwy (WKU). Tributary Maple River, Twigg Rd, 4 May 39/53, 17 May 1993, B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, 1996, S.A. Grubbs, 1♂, 4♀, 8 pharate larvae (WKU). 8♂, 1♀, 2 pharate larvae (BCK). Mature larva. Body length 8.0-9.5 mm. General color Mature larva. Body length 8.5-9.0 mm. General color pale brown without distinctive pigment pattern brown, without distinctive pigment pattern except except underlying adult pattern in pharate underlying adult features in pharate individuals. individuals. Pronotum bearing ca. 12 anterolateral Pronotum bearing ca. 16 anterolateral setae near setae and ca. 20 posterolateral setae along margins margin and ca. 17 posterolateral setae (Fig. 31); both (Fig. 26); setal length variable but longest set near setal rows extend near median suture. Mesonotum anterolateral and posterolateral angles. Mesonotum bearing ca. 10 long outer marginal setae and an and metanotum with sparse row of long marginal irregular submarginal row of ca. 6 setae beyond basal setae; metanotum with ca. 3-5 erect intercalary setae grouping (Fig. 32). Metanotum with numerous beyond mesonotal apex (Fig. 27). Fore femora and intercalary setae on wingpad and an outer marginal tibiae with few fine fringe setae; tibiae bearing three row of mostly short thick setae extending to apex of long thin setae on outer margin (Fig. 28). Abdominal wingpad; a few inner marginal setae on meso and terga with ca. 6 long thin setae interspersed in metanota. Fore femora with a sparse grouping of posterior fringe and with few, mainly lateral several fringe setae and a few long thick setae along Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 59 Stark, B.P., B.C. Kondratieff, R.F. Kirchner, & K.W. Stewart 2011. Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia, 7(04):51-64. Available online: http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf 26 27 30 28 29 Figs. 26-30. Sweltsa palearata larval structures. 26. Head and pronotum. 27. Mesonotum and metanotum. 28. Right foreleg. 29. Abdominal terga 8-10. 30. Lateral aspect of cercus, dorsum left. dorsal margin (Fig. 33); additional thick setae on apical segmental whorls about as long as 1.75 femoral surface and along ventral margin; fore tibiae segments (Fig. 35). fringed along outer margin and bearing three long Comments. As Surdick (2004) noted, this species is outer setae and ca. 9 thick inner setae. Abdominal restricted to the Ridge and Valley Province and tergum 8 with posterior fringe incomplete mesally; Allegheny Plateau of West Virginia and Maryland. lateral intercalary cluster includes ca. 12 setae (Fig. It is sympatric with S. lateralis and may also be 34). Cerci with ca. 18 segments; long dorsal setae in sympatric with S. palearata. Larvae of S. lateralis and Illiesia – http://www2.pms-lj.si/illiesia/ Volume 7 – Number 4 – Page 60

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