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Preview la all 211 «f ait^cologloal bouse mrm oolloetod frosi 4lttermt parta Of 171 M4plM AT9 troa th«

C^APtim XI M i f c f H a D O L O o y la a ll 211 «f ait^co lo g lo al bouse mrm oolloetod frosi 4lttermt parta Of 171 M4plM AT9 troa th« Holocea« p*ri9d which incltade tfi« boii«t from th« iUatttrlOt ^i«SAUthlo* OM loolithlOt »«olittilc •i««olithic pailods f r ^ 41ff«r«at g*ogr«phi«al and clis» tie myHrommt»$ iihile flO f9«a.iXa ara tmm tha ^Xmlato^m* daposita trosi dliffarant rivor brains. A faw fsaM Ia fm a farU ary parlod iMir® aiao aimlyaad* A lis t of tha arohaao* U ^ c « i aitaa frt^ ir\ara tha twnaa «r@ra oollaetad la flvan la table 7 iritii tdrta nu»bar of aaijplaa obtalaad a t aaoh alta* 1) 2*1 C^ilaotioii of aa^laa tha praaent work ia tha fira t of ita kind $and@r%iilcofi ajit«ialvaly in India, lor p%tfi>oaa ttia Caaico 4 taio Xaangaon aituatad aaar ama ii^ish ia tmdar exoavaUcm waa aalaotod for t&t%9 aoala aa pling* fba «a ^ia a mrm e o li^ta d fi>oa tr^a fressbly a8c^^O£»a>ct a ^ti< ^a in tha tr4»ionaa out 52 100 P Ipo . 300 . , 600 KM FIG. 1 . ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN INDIA during «3teavttUi»ii«« fiMiatt w«r# <^btaia«d tr^m th« oolmmt^ or pmitlmm ot tittt mtmimitim tron< ^» m4 from tn« ouXtuml l«v«Xa «ic^s94 In hftsl«m tal «oio<iiratioiia m n o 0r» th« Hoitft««t bfnttnk pita fttc« 3009 «<»r« oolI^t«<t by vi»itiiii th« «it«» Kkiisal»ad« Oufki^l «te« whleh nttr« u»&«r cxOttvaitioiMi X«iae 7 of eitoa I’io* stat9 I AfiUTiglini iS0«50* t 93^36* &) Oriiisa 1 2 (1 5 *a * ». 79*06* Andhn .'^radsfldli 11 3 aurmoagiuit (13*02* 79*02* «) 2 h aurc«iuui », 74*33* J«*aBot ft K«gtifiir 8 5 i^maOmr (15*15» K. 7^*03* w) Cioa 1 6 CH«A<Sdll (19*05* »• 7it*oa» d> H«har ihtrft 1 7 iPidaabeil (1^*31» », 74*4t* &) Pharaoh t n 8 S 4»ftViik«ciii«r (a3*oo« »t 79*07* 3 9 iJiMleglKIII 41I**36* M# 76*10* IS) Mal»ara«htftt 1 fO itm ra^puri i22*08* », 73*20* is) t1«<3hyft ?rad*ali 3 11 (a4»05* H, 70*00* &) t^^adhyai rEtd«th 1 12 visA^ur C18*35* S. 7b*24» ii) 1 13 lul^Lra (3«»*10* !l* 73*10* s) 13 5 4 fio* of aon» Ho* o n ^'n «^ 14 mmuit il6*29» », 76*36* S) 1 fj> i10«j»* If, 74*50* 67 16 (25*52* l«t 71*27* «) 5 17 JocUHmra (27*5I» «• 76*a7* 1 18 liiiXdoywiluilIS. «» 7S*B* S) 1 19 jMa^iaon C19*45* 75*00» 1> 1 20 «4ipi Ci6*a4* Kf 76*29* ») iMinwitak 1 21 i«otnal Caffi*55* »» 72*17* «> O n^rftt 1 aa (21*14* «♦ n*m * 17 29 ilrwBt^wr (5&*54* «» 76*44* &) Hisnelua 1 24 (21* to* »♦ 79*10* Q 2» iavdAtoU (22*15* 75*56* s) 1 26 (ia *2a* »f 7»*55* S> 1 27 ^drsuMuiOal (52*42* 75*05* iS) A KaaHMir 1 aa «^lnJor (5&*40* 76*55* &) 1 29 (14*05* »# 79*21* ii) Aciaiira 5 30 nattftpimHi (15*05* 7® *^* 1) S*ra4eirti 15 51 (25*10* 75*15* &) «adh|m 4 32 •i«itiiaii (55*49* **# 75*06* Jattsai S lia«halr 5 55 ^^oabiir (55*5»* 74*56» &) Jeftstaia & t^jd alr 1 54 fiMftaii (ia*:»* «# 7 6*a * a> 1 55 faraaitii; (22*56* 75*» * ») ‘Hi^arat 8 56 Jraii (16*50* 7 f5 1 * £> %harri9littinei 1 57 (22*19* »• 71*51* I) d 36 (1®^55* 76*25* 8) n^imrmahtm 1 59 ^ItTR i’i r Tftlfto itmniiff } iki^ar^t (<^utQli) 4 c c o 0 Haoy MiapXott taad tomtlXa w#r« tmm tli« cxoavAtora trofli th«ir at ^iti^nmt p>X(acmmm th««« \mv Iff tha memvmtom since «sttav«Udns 2«id ftlroadf ooi^letcd and tmiiehM mrm mt for •ftaplifig* At Xa^i^oii a^ttt ^ 9i eoIX«otd<S a t tt)« sit# «»d Ulsok soil uad«rlyiii|E tbs hdbitAUQfial ttouQd «fts eollsotsd to tsst the fluoiins eontsnt of the sail* :ioam of i^e rssul.ts of tiie oiiiaadojil snalyais of deposlta curs 4sJlir<3tt in cAMptwt V to se«t mtfmt of tlis chsalo^I snvironaiecit on the fossiliKStion s»roesss of ths arolissoxoi^oal b<ms^« 2*2 Prspam tistt of Hie lMa» si^aiAss oollaotsd »t tile arotuieoio^eitl si toe wore treats^ io ttie Xet»oimtonr b<.}fors Vs^wf were subjaotsd to ohstttoel tests* soil «tteolt«<t to bone froift outaKts MIS fssoved o sref^ly * % or^irtr possHAey tiises tfsrs s s ^ a o d tojr ^ e s o o l^ is t or palad^tolog ist for the purpoos of tdentifiii«ition of the aniaal or itisBsn s^soios* Very sbsII fnii»ontary boos^t of ooitrss c^uld mt be ic^sntified* ^inoe Idie li^X«aKKitetioii of the ohefsiosl listhods is possible only s fts r orustilne the ss^plef ia mo^t of the o^sesi the fm §»m ts of the bones oouXa be obt^tinsa for the analysis* the mmpXm %fsre a ir dried» crushsdt snd psssod t^rotii^ 72 siev^* After tliia i^ey n5r6 c wur* takon for oi}«»ioaX ^ «iialy»iA m* 6am in ^ 9 mmlAtwy l^tKir»t9nr of ^ Arehato* l^gy d^rtflMBit of t!i« Dooomi CoXl«f« t^iieh is ISiirly v»Xl «quipp«il for tito nonMl enottieal A f«v snu^loa #«r« studied in otIiQj* laliorm1^ri#@ ^ italic a* 5 JUo«a of ind o t^ n le mttmt mi ^ ^agmmm trm 4ltt9rmt •lt«» of 4iti«rmt pmto4& %mm tmtwd i&r tlm io«s of M tor and orgmilo inittor* for tliio I §» of po^i^or wa» flro t h«atod to KK>* C to fiad out the loas of v»tor ocmtont mad thm to 600*C in fum&0£> to find out t^o let^ of orgasiie mtt&r* £«4 i^teiiofii Xt will he smm frm the dotaiXod ehmlmX oo^ }0» eitim or t^o htum or fooM i tl^^^^t ^ a iio t t^o ofiam o i t omt&im flti0rifi0,0£il«iiittt o^ffxmatos iiitli ooato tr ^ « @lmm%B» in tlio pvmmt « ^ 7» tlio hoo booD laid cm am <3otoraiiioti<iao of flt^riiaot plioiM>oru«» earbonatof of^jr ao tlmao ^r» tlio ^ o f oioansiito ar« itsttful in ttiQ study of r«i tivo Hatiii«i oiwl ttio ^miSmiX tfm #» fofm tioo of l^roi^ lato f^ s a ilia ^ form* Hi« ««tlK>«l& of ehoiftiool ooaiyoio itsod ii» tiio i^r^sont •tutffiy a^ro tito## ^osorlbod by ifadkaoti (19^2)# Fip«r (19S6) aai 5 7 SXaok ^ aoafii nm«mmff* Uktimrmt m»tlMa ot ebMdoal atialyolA luiv« hmm given in d«tail m* th« »btai»«<l in ttk* H^v« used tor vnri^us a»i»«et« of t^o aroh&Qolof^Oj»l bon<»s 9)»tfti2i«Ki a t varloiia sit«ft* la thia« firs t d iffertn t 39«i9ds of dstor^ining tlm H m aro r^taivwt and tte« detaiia of t^o ttothocl tQllmod for tlio pre&ont study ara givan* tharaafto; aathoda for dotar^ainint^ nitro@ «tt oartoon» eaX ol^ car^M»n^^ta» phosphorua ato* ara 2*4«1 l^laH^boda 40taf*»iiiJUig fiiaarina th» oonvantiooQl sMithod of fluorioa dat^iaiAttiOtt ia ia1»*icat«f tadijMXSf diffiouX t tiaa oonauaine* Biii, i t oouXd ^ ai^ioyad in aaalX la ^ra to ria a «aieh do not h^vo aophiati« oatad ooatly aodam «rqiuipaMnt« ikht do fiava anoiigh l^mda to aaat thaaa ra^[Uir«aMRita« tha prooadura eo iscmly aa^Xoyad today and iinad by OsAiley^a ohasiats aaa orisinaXiy daeeribad by D illard m& ^intar (1939) • Currant i>raetio« InoliiiSaa digaation airi diatilX ation of tHa aai^la ai»d mjbaaqiMnt titra tio n of th* d lstiU ata against ooXoun»u inciioistor* oan« «»ttiod ia oanvani^mtiy aa^ley ^ ia tlia pr«'a«%t HioXogioal sft^Iaa afkfl organio i ^ 8 |! ^ t i e satariale lik a bonaa ^ io h ^ro anaXyaad for fltiorina oontant aro umially aabad* For a^tlu^tiim of snail, tmamta of fluorin# proper fixative Ilk a otJLciuai o ^d a or ni^gnaaitHi aoatata ia uaad* 5 8 i t ia is lo st in sshiiig aad i t i& not i» dl«till«di (Fujraany 1962). p re li^n a ry oshlns t» cMmio^i out to d««»tro^ iioet of th» arganlo ^ tto r . ^>«aftpio ia «ix«tf th« fimitivoy ttoiatoiio^ with U ttio mtmr am! hoated to 2*5 hour» a t 600*C . Th« 4M^ i« jmibJ«oti»dl to d istiila tio a to s«p»roto nuori<t« it« hfilroflttoatUoio !)ol<i fro«i tho int9rtarrin& mifyat4tnc»» th t fXtiorlno in 4istlII«t<« in iimialiy Odtorsiiio^ ^oatrd|>)Mtoe»«trlo«lly m th diJTforoat r ^ o a te or hf titffttion ^ith thorimi n itra te . As fiuorl»« doo» aot tom ^olouroil eo^l«9c«a only im lireot d^GO rophotOAOtrie flotarmin tion has boon pro|iMi»«a to dot«, mtm on noai»itrins fS%Q t^loaiching of nomm eotouroai aotol eo^ii^x by torm\tton of the coaplmif botno«ii th0 oot^l Ion oad tiEio fluoridot ta tlio lact fov yoorsg fOr ^ cm^i<i aotorsinatioa of fli»orint3!» Aoortae ion di«fOtro^o i« us«d* ^in^^or aoul Ara»trona i196d) have given aothod of aotortiiniik^ fluorine in tKNM «^itti fXuoritio «ioQtm»ao« In ^ o aothod* the hono ii» iti diXut* ftoi^ ^ «t pH 4«7 fluorino ia ^Htorminoa froo ttan lira eunroo obtointa froa a illiv 0i« t«30 r<ta4in§» ibgoinot tho tmown oonoontrition« of fluoride. Bolcor it97S) Ha» dlao ^vtm tho mm asotiio i of 59 t->r fluorine d«t«nsin ition in vtt^otation tiw n^yarid*# ftnd atG»i»pli«r«i oo >talniQg fiuorlfni o > :pouo4« dai8ai& to w«l In ca»e« <i«3tnic«* of ,5l.-mts ^3Titd. ^lant t;-»*«»»• ’ic l*dll and -um«y i197?) 4a«ertJNHl ?% va/L- fjaion and 3-->8olfie ioa ^ieeftr-jc'e t0c'vai«|u9 th# <1«t«r-* ajRiutioii of t.jtrtl fli(*0ria» 'ssdtn stoiX ami -^m* r«3t-fitly tho ton »l©otrt»"«* 1& uasd andl th« «t<EH» ®f dliSktination in flxmrtm <S«t«rainatl?m Is aat«4 In ««#•»# »©3iration of fIuorin« by •nd I t by ti^irsttlaa or »p«c trophy to- «i?'tjods 13 c-inv ^ritlonrit, th® ap«>tro?h?»^'>^«?tic ^alviU e iW 5^ i«» ltt «t to u tllltie th« thortias a ita rln a Bed a r#a.§®ut X t<sXf IcH«n mm Slissck <t^53) asi^ (1993) publis?2h€KS pr;e«e<iur0« o-t th is r a dfit* Loth® li«« «lv«n tlia di ferw ittal ^»<K3tropht>t9»#trlc ^letemin^ tlaw of t3iuorliio <irtth thorium - tlisa rin a iH«d a i p.i P*s3t Jdaii«^ r: , •^lovik aad ^Ibfi-rt (1957) H«v# th« »n;ae rm s^t istr 3i6r>(i«tii}r'^ndtioii ot flitorin** fo^ -^ivi J okson (1999) hav« gl.v«a titftitl»« »etf»o.l tor nuorln« with thorltna ?iltr»t« Alijearlnci* ('<»d > ss ^ifi Indioatar tat pH 5« 6 0 «arri@^ mskt m pM ii^tosMrtrio A^tmmim^tim <»f fltieif^A# <&irQi»iiur4 • «:.ri9atir9w» 0ymU,o0 a mM B^mef H«ve cHlormnSlito «• tt spootropiiotoa^tno rm&mtt, 4teic« the prm&m i» mid Um& eimmjmiag., th« Qt4iei( of bon^ mmlm lill^ aUt^li wm ttl9^ to pr^mBm tlia d!#t^],« of for rook !8«torist*, ilouit and J^wis Ct9^7) J t to tXmrlUQ \Athmit 4iBtllXm ^m W into iodim dux for dcjOo«i!»oiiiUon| tli«f ito«a 8j»®otm;»l»ot«^e%ri« mth&d it^in^; «i4no^ro^i^fsttiiio ai4reoiiii^ fmnmt* Hu tMft procooa* Itxm «tid piioM>onts r^sMin «ntir«ly rssi* du« «ft«r uqmmm mttraotiois* 4«i4i.iiia ciiti^o flux tm« tn«d 8ific«» 8odia'3 o^’«r))oiir»tie» a vmey lian! e»He In oaoo of mmi$m Im t'^io oi^oo# of t^o g’ ^tv»9$^t9 rmmiMB $i%# rsoiter ^tiout 0«f %>» 0*5^ pltoit^hQms boao pmmm tato tfi© o-ii -t.n &on«s l« vary hl^ (1^ « 15#) ©fid i#liic?i lntorfor®a in tlio fi«toraiii«tiim of fluoriii#* to r«oir« tsjio rwi.^fiiiig phosplionui tlfso oorban^^io mm ^ofi tlio soltttiaifi m» t«ot^ for fluorine if* »ofi« CSiai^siaa ttimvtiX&m and ^bi?oalbrt«fe

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