2012-13 K I T C H E N A P P L I A N C E S 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 3 0 0 R B O/ G 4/ 20 K 1 K- I H T C H E N A d P e mit P Li o. L C h I ec A pt To N Model numbers and specifications are for reference only and subject to change without prior notice. Gorenje continuously seeks improvements in specification, design and production 2 1 of products and thus, alternations take place periodically. All descriptions and installation diagrams are intended as a guide only. Due to variation in photographic and printing processes, 20 C colours of actual products may vary from illustrations. © E S Toptech Gallery 3/F, Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Gorenje Group is one of the five largest household appliances manufacturers in Europe. It has been supplying technologically perfected, superiorly designed, energy-efficient home appliances to users in seventy countries around the globe, improving the quality of their living for more than 60 years. Gorenje is constantly raising the bar of quality standards and consumer expectations. Being one of the leading manufacturers, Gorenje’s quality and reputation are witnessed by numerous prestigious international awards including the Red Dot Design Award, Plus X AwardTM, Grüner Stecker Prize, Get Connected Product of the Year Award, Product Innovation Award, Trusted Brand, Superbrands, to name but a few. www.gorenje.com Turn The pages of This brochure and discover for yourself. 1 eXperience froM The pasT For the past 60 years, Gorenje has been a brand of excellence that consistently produces domestic appliances of the highest quality. Followed by the first patent awarded in 1956, Gorenje has over 150 patents and numerous innovation awards to this day, a fully successful 60 years later. soluTions of Today a vision for The fuTure 2 a vision for The fuTure 3 creaTive soluTions of Today Intelligent use of modern technology Innovation pushes the limits. But its true value goes further than that: it lies in balancing the expectations of the users and the possibilities of modern technology. Excellence is witnessed by advanced, solidly built and reliable products whose i efficiency will convince even n those with the strictest standards. n Innovation is a way of our thinking and the fundamental guideline in o development of high-quality and durable products. v a T i o n Appealing form and ergonomics for individual lifestyles The essence of good design is total understanding of the form, which design ennobles the products fundamental use value. We devote particular attention to comfort and safety while paying due respect to the aesthetic sense of each individual. Superior quality of genuine materials, ergonomics, and aesthetic harmony reach beyond anything known in the past as they are fused into original design solutions of today. 4 siMpliciTy Comfort of use for better quality of life Understanding of the users’ needs for a quality way of living is the central guiding principle of development. Convenient solutions exceed the basic expectations with remarkably simple choice of the best suited programmes and settings. The shortest possible route to desired result is guaranteed, without constraining the possibilities of choice or requiring any effort. Ours is a quest for affordable convenient solutions that make life simpler. e cology Respect the Nature Quality of living goes hand-in-hand with environmental care. This compels our use of environmentally friendly technology and manufacturing processes. The production process includes increasing the use of more recyclable materials and components. Products excel with functions that provide considerable savings in power or water throughout their useful life. Together, we are preserving the environment for the generations to come. 5 The Red Line The coMforT of beauTy The beauTy of Technology design is boTh 6 We believe that quality and functionality can afford to be noticed, and that design should attract, it should stand out and inspire. In collaboration with international designers, we have managed to combine what was once incompatible: pleasant to behold, easy to use and affordable in price. Open to new ideas, we use the latest technology to transform everyday household items into desirable objects of beauty that are also environmentally efficient. Dedicated to being user-friendly, we understand people needs. Committed to superb, yet accessible design, we aim to create new perspectives in the art of living. Our state of the art technology is effortless and sets no limits, it inspires a new open-minded approach to home living. Gorenje fridge for iPod 7 TThhee eennvviirroonnmmeennTT iiss TThhee ffoouunnddaaTTiioonn ooff oouurr ffuuTTuurree.. WWee pprreesseerrvvee iiTT.. TTooddaayy,, aabboouutt 4400 ppeerrcceenntt ooff CCOO22 eemmiissssiioonnss aarree ggeenneerraatteedd bbyy hhoouusseehhoollddss.. AAnn oolldd aapppplliiaannccee ccaann ccoonnssuummee ttwwoo oorr tthhrreeee ttiimmeess mmoorree rreessoouurrcceess tthhaann tthhee llaatteesstt mmooddeellss.. TThhee ppuurrcchhaassee ooff tthhee bbeesstt eenneerrggyy rraatteedd aapppplliiaannccee iiss aa wwoorrtthhyy lloonngg--tteerrmm iinnvveessttmmeenntt tthhaatt wwiillll ssaavvee yyoouurr mmoonneeyy aanndd tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt.. BByy cchhaannggiinngg tthhee wwaayy wwee lliivvee,, ttaakkiinngg aann iinntteerreesstt iinn ssuussttaaiinnaabbllee lliivviinngg aanndd iinnttrroodduucciinngg nneeww eenneerrggyy aanndd wwaatteerr eeffifficciieenntt aapppplliiaanncceess iinnttoo oouurr hhoommeess,, wwoouulldd nnoott oonnllyy pprroovviiddee ssuubbssttaannttiiaall hhoouusseehhoolldd ssaavviinnggss,, bbuutt wwoouulldd ccoonnttrriibbuuttee ttoo rreedduuccee tthhee pprreessssuurree oonn oouurr ppllaanneett’’ss rreessoouurrcceess.. TTooddaayy,, oouurr qquuaalliittyy ooff lliivviinngg iiss cclloosseellyy rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee ccaarree ooff tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt.. WWhhiillee ccoommppllyyiinngg wwiitthh tthhee mmoosstt ssttrriinnggeenntt eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall pprrootteeccttiioonn ssttaannddaarrddss ((IISSOO1144000011 aanndd EEMMAASS)),, GGoorreennjjee iiss ddeevveellooppiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt--ffrriieennddllyy tteecchhnnoollooggiieess aanndd pprroocceesssseess tthhaatt hhaavvee tthhee lleeaasstt iimmppaacctt ttoo tthhee ppllaanneett.. BByy ooffffeerriinngg pprroodduuccttss mmaaddee ooff eennvviirroonnmmeenntt--ffrriieennddllyy mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd bbyy iinncclluuddiinngg ooff ffuunnccttiioonnss tthhaatt ddeelliivveerr ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllee ppoowweerr aanndd wwaatteerr ssaavviinnggss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhaatt aapppplliiaannccee’’ss uusseeffuull lliiffee,, wwee jjooiinn yyoouu iinn ccoommmmoonn eeffffoorrttss ttoo pprreesseerrvvee tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt ffoorr tthhee ggeenneerraattiioonn ttoo ccoommee.. our hoMe The planeT is 8 our fuTure depends on The environMenT Investing in environment-friendly technologies – even more than required by the legislation – is a token of responsibility both to our environment and to the generations to come. With regard to environment protection, Gorenje is at the top of European industry in terms of both appliances development and technological procedure management. We are a parT of The soluTion We are a Member to Save the Earth President of Gorenje, Mr. Franjo Bobinac is the Steering Committee of the European Committee of the Domestic Equipment Manufacturers (Conseil Européen de la Construction d’appareils Domestiques - CECED). The Steering Committee acts as supreme body of the CECED as it draws up guidelines for CECED’s activities. CECED represents the household appliance manufacturing industry in Europe. Its main objective is to strive for improvement of performance of household appliances with reduced environmental impact. The Association acts as a partner in dialogue with the EU’s political and regulatory institutions that prepare and pass acts which are binding for EU members. Gorenje is a member of CECED since 1998. Clean Approaches, Environmentally Friendly Production The approach of introducing clean, environmentally friendly technologies has been growing together with Gorenje since the beginning. Particularly since 1985 it has not been possible to apply any technology without consent by the department of environmental protection. Gorenje abolished dangerous and polluting procedures substantially earlier than required. We have our own plastics and polystyrene plants where all waste material is returned to production processes. All technological enameling procedures and surface treatment of metals are ecologically the best. At certain points we even exceed statutory and environmental requirements and achieve significant results in reducing negative impacts on the environment. 9