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INDEX Journal of Transcultural Nursing Volume 15 Number 1 (January 2004) 1-92 Number 2 (April 2004) 93-176 Number 3 (July 2004) 177-264 Number 4 (October 2004) 265-360 Authors: CHAMBERS, TRACEY L., see Majumdar, B. B. CHOI, MYUNGHAN, and JAKE HARWOOD, “A Hypothe- AILINGER, RITA L., SUZANNE MOLLOY, LYDIA sized Model of Korean Women’s Responses to Abuse,” ZAMORA, and CARMEN BENAVIDES, “Herbal Reme- 207. dies in a Nicaraguan Barrio,” 278. CLARK, LAUREN, see Kao, H.-F. S. AL-ALI, NAHLA, and LINDA G. HADDAD, “The Effect of DALY, JOHN, see Lambert, V. A. the Health Belief Model in Explaining Exercise Participa- DANCY, BARBARA L., see Talashek, M. L. tion Among Jordanian Myocardial Infarction Patients,” DAVIDSON, PATRICIA M., see Lambert, V. A. 114. DiCICCO-BLOOM, BARBARA, “The Racial and Gendered AMEN, MAISHA M., and DULA F. PACQUIAO, “Contrast- Experiences of Immigrant Nurses from Kerala, India,” 26. ing Experiences With Child Health Care Services by Moth- EDWARDS, M. JO, see Smith, M. A. ers and Professional Caregivers in Transitional Housing,” ELLIOTT, DOUG, see Kim, J. R. 2nf: ESPOSITO, NOREEN, “Letter to the Editor,” 5. ANDREWS, MARGARET, JENNIFER BURR, and FAJARDO, VIVIAN P., see Morgan, B. S. DEBORAH H. JANETOS, “Searching Electronically for FARRAN, CAROL J., see Lee, E. E. Information on Transcultural Nursing and Health Sub- FLOREA, FELECIA A., see Ridley, R. T. jects,” 242. GARBHARRAN, HARI, see Smith, M. A. ANUFORO, PRISCA O., LOLA OYEDELE, and DULA F. GLITTENBERG, JODY, “A Transdisciplinary, Transcultural PACQUIAO, “Comparative Study of Meanings, Beliefs, Model for Health Care,” 6. and Practices of Female Circumcision Among Three Nige- GRAHN, KRISTINA, see Sandin, I. rian Tribes in the United States and Nigeria,” 103. GUMINSKI, DANIELLE, see Ridley, R. T. BAKER, R. RANDALL, see Boyle, J. S. HADDAD, LINDA G., see Al-Ali, N BARRON, FLORENCIA, ANITA HUNTER, RACHEL HALEY, JANICE, and ROSANNE C. HARRIGAN, “Voic- MAYO, and DEBORAH WILLOUGHBY, “Acculturation ing the Strengths of Pacific Island Parent Caregivers of and Adherence: Issues for Health Care Providers Working Children Who Are Medically Fragile,” 184. With Clients of Mexican Origin,” 331. HARDIE, THOMAS, see Wheeler, E. C. BENAVIDES, CARMEN, see Ailinger, R. L. HARRIGAN, ROSANNE C., see Haley, J. BIRNEY, MARGARET, see Wheeler, E. C. HARWOCD, JAKE, see Choi, M. BOND, MARY LOU, see Jones, M. E. HOROWITZ, JUNE ANDREWS, see Posmontier, B. BOYLE, JOYCEEN S., R. RANDALL BAKER, and VIR- HSU, MIN-TAO, see Kao, H.-F. S. GINIA H. KEMP, “School-Based Asthma: A Study in an HUBBERT, ANN O., see Jeffreys, M. R. African American Elementary School,” 195. HUNTER, ANITA, see Barron, F. BOYLE, JOYCEEN S., see Shambley-Ebron, D. Z. HYDE, CHERYL, see Kim, J. R. BURR, JENNIFER, see Andrews, M. JANETOS, DEBORAH H., see Andrews, M. BUSCEMI, CHARLES P., see Morgan, B. S. JEFFREYS, MARIANNE R., and ANN O. HUBBERT, CASON, CAROLYN L., see Jones, M. E. “2003 Leininger Awardees’ Responses.” 158. © 2004 Sage Publications 353 354 Journal of Transcultural Nursing / October 2004 4 JONES, MARY ELAINE, CAROLYN L. CASON, and PACQUIAO, DULA F., see Anuforo, P. O. MARY LOU BOND, “Cultural Attitudes, Knowledge, and PACQUIAO, DULA F., “President’s Message: Building Col- Skills ofa Health Workforce,” 283. laborative Influence,” 155. KABIR, ZARINA NAHAR, see Nilsson, J. PACQUIAO, DULA F., “President’s Message: CLAS Stan- KAO, HSUEH-FEN S., MIN-TAO HSU, and LAUREN dards, 338. CLARK, “Conceptualizing and Critiquing Culture in PACQUIAO, DULA F., “President’s Message: Establishing Health Research,” 269. the Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars,” 74. KEMP, VIRGINIA H., see Boyle, J. S. PACQUIAO, DULA F., “President’s Message: Revisiting KIM, JUNG RAN, DOUG ELLIOTT, and CHERYL HYDE, Cultural Competence,” 248. “The Influence of Sociocultural Factors on Organ Dona- PARKER, MARTI G., see Nilsson, J. tion and Transplantation in Korea: Findings From Key In- PERAGALLO, NILDA, see Talashek, M. L. formant Interviews,” 147. PLOWFIELD, LISA, see Wheeler, E. C. KLEMM, PAULA, see Wheeler, E. C. POLEK, CAROLEE, see Wheeler, E. C. KRONVALL, EWA, see Sandin, I. POSMONTIER, BARBARA, and JUNE ANDREWS KUNAVIKTIKUL, WIPADA, see Lambert, V. A. HOROWITZ, “Postpartum Practices and Depression LAMBERT, CLINTON E., see Lambert, V. A. Prevalences: Technocentric and Ethnokinship Cultural LAMBERT, VICKIE A., CLINTON E. LAMBERT, JOHN Perspectives,” 34. DALY, PATRICIA M. DAVIDSON, WIPADA RIDLEY, RENEE T., JESSICA LEIGH NABER, FELECIA KUNAVIKTIKUL, and KYUNG RIM SHIN, “Nursing A. FLOREA, and DANIELLE GUMINSKI, “Develop- Education on Women’s Health Care in Australia, Japan, ment of a Multilingual Resource Manual,” 231. South Korea, and Thailand,” 44. ROBERTS, JACQUELINE, see Majumdar, B. B. LEE, EUNICE E., and CAROL J. FARRAN, “Depression SANDIN, INGRID, KRISTINA GRAHN, and EWA Among Korean, Korean American, and Caucasian Ameri- KRONVALL, “Outcomes of Swedish Nursing Students’ can Family Caregivers,” 18. Field Experiences in a Hospital in Tanzania,” 225. LEININGER, MADELEINE, “Founder’s Focus: Honoree’s SHAMBLEY-EBRON, DONNA Z., and JOYCEEN S. Thanks for the Wonderful Celebration, October 16, 2003,” BOYLE, “New Paradigms for Transcultural Nursing: 156. Frameworks for Studying African American Women,” 11. LINDGREN, TERI, and JULIENE G. LIPSON, “Finding a SHELLMAN, JULIETTE, “‘Nobody Ever Asked Me Be- Way: Afghan Women’s Experience in Community Partici- fore’: Understanding Life Experiences of African Ameri- pation,” 122. can Elders,” 308. LIPSON, JULIENE G., see Lindgren, T. SHEN, ZUWANG, “Cultural Competence Models in Nurs- LYNCH, KEVIN G., see Wheeler, E. C. ing: A Selected Annotated Bibliography,” 317. MAJUMDAR, BASANTI B., TRACEY L. CHAMBERS, SHIN, KYUNG RIM, see Lambert, V. A. and JACQUELINE ROBERTS, “Community-Based, Cul- SMITH, MARIA A., HARI GARBHARRAN, M. JO ED- turally Sensitive HIV/AIDS Education for Aboriginal Ad- WARDS, and PEGGY O’HARA-MURDOCK, “Health olescents: Implications for Nursing Practice,” 69. Promotion and Disease Prevention Through Sanitation Ed- MAYO, RACHEL, see Barron, F. ucation in South African Zulu and Xhosa Women,” 62. MOFFITT, PERTICE M., “Colonialization: A Health Deter- SUH, EUNYOUNG EUNICE, “The Model of Cultural Com- minant for Pregnant Dogrib Women,” 323. MOLLOY, SUZANNE, see Ailinger, R. L. petence Through an Evolutionary Concept Analysis,” 93. MORGAN, BARBARA S., CHARLES P. BUSCEMI, and TALASHEK, MARIE L., NILDA PERAGALLO, VIVIAN P. FAJARDO, “Assessing Instruments in a Cuban KATHLEEN NORR, and BARBARA L. DANCY, “The American Population With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,” 139. Context of Risky Behaviors for Latino Youth,” 131. NABER, JESSICA LEIGH, see Ridley, R. T. WHEELER, ERLINDA C., PAULA KLEMM, THOMAS NICHOLS, LEE ANNE, “Native American Nurse Leader- HARDIE, LISA PLOWFIELD, MARGARET BIRNEY, ship,” 177. CAROLEE POLEK, and KEVIN G. LYNCH, “Racial Dis- NILSSON, JAN, MARTI G. PARKER, and ZARINA parities in Hospitalized Elderly Patients With Chronic NAHAR KABIR, “Assessing Health-Related Quality of Heart Failure,” 291. Life Among Older People in Rural Bangladesh,” 298. WILLOUGHBY, DEBORAH, see Barron, F. NORR, KATHLEEN, see Talashek, M. L. WITTIG, DEBORAH R.., “Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes O’ HARA-MURDOCK, PEGGY, see Smith, M. A. of Nursing Students Regarding Culturally Congruent Care OYEDELE, LOLA, see Anuforo, P. O. of Native Americans,” 54. PACQUIAO, DULA F., see Amen, M. M. ZAMORA, LYDIA, see Ailinger, R. L. INDEX 355 Articles: “The Influence of Sociocultural Factors on Organ Donation and Transplantation in Korea: Findings From Key Infor- “Acculturation and Adherence: Issues for Health Care Pro- mant Interviews,” Kim et al., 147. viders Working With Clients of Mexican Origin,” Barron et “Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Nursing Students Re- al., 331. garding Culturally Congruent Care of Native Americans,” “Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life Among Older Wittig, 54. People in Rural Bangladesh,” Nilsson et al., 298. “Letter to the Editor,” Esposito, 5. “Assessing Instruments in a Cuban American Population “The Model of Cultural Competence Through an Evolution- With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,” Morgan et al., 139. ary Concept Analysis,” Suh, 93. “Colonialization: A Health Determinant for Pregnant Dogrib “Native American Nurse Leadership,” Nichols, 177. Women,” Moffitt, 323. ‘New Paradigms for Transcultural Nursing: Frameworks for “Community-Based, Culturally Sensitive HIV/AIDS Educa- Studying African American Women,” Shambley-Ebron tion for Aboriginal Adolescents: Implications for Nursing and Boyle, 11. Practice,” Majumdar et al., 69. “Nobody Ever Asked Me Before’: Understanding Life Ex- “Comparative Study of Meanings, Beliefs, and Practices of periences of African American Elders,” Shellman, 308. Female Circumcision Among Three Nigerian Tribes in the “Nursing Education on Women’s Health Care in Australia, United States and Nigeria,’ Anuforo et al., 103. Japan, South Korea, and Thailand,” Lambert et al., 44. “Conceptualizing and Critiquing Culture in Health Re- “Outcomes of Swedish Nursing Students’ Field Experiences search,” Kao et al., 269. in a Hospital in Tanzania,” Sandin et al., 225. “The Context of Risky Behaviors for Latino Youth,” Talashek “Postpartum Practices and Depression Prevalences: et al., 131. Technocentric and Ethnokinship Cultural Perspectives,” “Contrasting Experiences With Child Health Care Services Posmontier and Horowitz, 34. by Mothers and Professional Caregivers in Transitional “President’s Message: Building Collaborative Influence,” Housing,” Amen and Pacquiao, 217. Pacquiao, 155. “Cultural Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills of a Health “President’s Message: CLAS Standards,” Pacquiao, 338. Workforce,” Jones et al., 283. “President’s Message: Establishing the Transcultural Nurs- “Cultural Competence Models in Nursing: A Selected Anno- ing Society Scholars,” Pacquiao, 74. tated Bibliography,” Shen, 317. “President’s Message: Revisiting Cultural Competence,” “Depression Among Korean, Korean American, and Cauca- Pacquiao, 248. sian American Family Caregivers,” Lee and Farran, 18. “Racial Disparities in Hospitalized Elderly Patients With “Development ofa Multilingual Resource Manual,” Ridley et Chronic Heart Failure,’ Wheeler et al., 291. al., 231. “The Racial and Gendered Experiences of Immigrant Nurses “The Effect of the Health Belief Model in Explaining Exer- from Kerala, India,” DiCicco-Bloom, 26. cise Participation Among Jordanian Myocardial Infarction “School-Based Asthma: A Study in an African American El- Patients,” Al-Ali and Haddad, 114. ementary School,” Boyle et al., 195. “Finding a Way: Afghan Women’s Experience in Commu- “Searching Electronically for Information on Transcultural nity Participation,” Lindgren and Lipson, 122. Nursing and Health Subjects,” Andrews et al., 242. “Founder’s Focus: Honoree’s Thanks for the Wonderful Cel- “2003 Leininger Awardees’ Responses,” Jeffreys and ebration, October 16, 2003,” Leininger, 156. Hubbert, 158. “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Through Sanita- “A Transdisciplinary, Transcultural Model for Health Care,” tion Education in South African Zulu and Xhosa Women,” Glittenberg, 6. Smith et al., 62. “Voicing the Strengths of Pacific Island Parent Caregivers of “Herbal Remedies in a Nicaraguan Barrio,” Ailinger et al., Children Who Are Medically Fragile,” Haley and 278. Harrigan, 184. “A Hypothesized Model of Korean Women’s Responses to Abuse,” Choi and Harwood, 207.

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