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Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1993 Index to Articles Indexed by Subject and Author Volume 25, Numbers 1-6 SUBJECT INDEX ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY Brain Apscess—DRuG THERAPY BRAIN NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS SYNDROME Using a ventricular reservoir to instill Stereotactic localization and resection AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the amphotericin B (LePage E) case of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) health care worker (Wicher CP et al) study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) 14-21 (10 ref) ADAPTATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL Brain CoNCUSSION—COMPLICATIONS BRAIN NEOPLASMS—EPIDEMIOLOGY— Adaptation six months after multiple The year after: post-concussion syn- CANADA trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et drome (Bader MK et al) anecdote, Nursing concerns associated with al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; forms 1993 Aug; 25(4): 249-53 (6 ref) radical skull base surgery: a case 25(1): S0-7 (25 ref) study (Borozny M et al) case study, Brain CONCUSSION—PSYCHOSOCIAL pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 ADAPTATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ref) Adaptation six months after multiple The year after: post-concussion syn- trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et drome (Bader MK et al) anecdote, BRAIN NEOPLASMS—SURGERY al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; forms 1993 Aug; 25(4): 249-53 (6 ref) Stereotactic localization and resection 25(1): 30-7 (25 ref) of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) BRAIN INJURIES case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS Needs of family members of critically 14-21 (10 ref) Pulmonary management of the ALS ill patients with and without acute patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- brain injury (Engli M et al) research, Nursing concerns associated with bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 78-85 radical skull base surgery: a case (26 ref) (47 ref) study (Borozny M et al) case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 AMPHOTERICIN B—ADMINISTRATION AND Glasgow scale relationships in pedi- ref) DOosAGE atric and adult patients (Hofer T) re- Using a ventricular reservoir to instill search, tables/charts 1993 Aug; Carpiac DySRHYTHMIA amphotericin B (LePage E) case 25(4): 218-27 (43 ref) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 central nervous system dysfunction Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) The relationship of selected nursing (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS— ing CJ) case study, research, review, THERAPY tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):302-12 CAREGIVER BURDEN Endovascular therapy of neurovascu- (13 ref) Investing in the comeback: parent’s lar malformations (Gold DJ et al) care experience following traumatic brain plan, case study, tables/charts, teach- Cognitive screening in mild brain in- injury (Carson P) research 1993 Jun; ing materials 1993 Feb; 25(1): 38-44 jury (Veltman RH et al) research, ta- 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) (10 ref) bles 1993 Dec; 25(6): 367-71 (22 ref) CAREGIVERS BACLOFEN—ADMINISTRATION AND BRAIN INJURIES—PSYCHOSOCIAL Multiple sclerosis: health-promoting DOosAGE FACTORS behaviors of spousal caregivers Intrathecal baclofen for spinal spastic- Investing in the comeback: parent’s (O’Brien MT) research, tables/charts ity: implications for nursing practice experience following traumatic brain 1993 Apr; 25(2): 105-12 (29 ref) (Gianino J) tables/charts, teaching injury (Carson P) research 1993 Jun; materials 1993 Aug; 25(4): 254-64 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) CATHETER-RELATED INFECTIONS— (37 ref) EPIDEMIOLOGY Sport for the disabled: a viable option Bacterial ventriculitis and duration of BLADDER for patients with neurologic injury ventriculostomy catheter insertion Noninvasive bladder volume mea- (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; Schultz M et al) research, tables/ surement (Chan H) research, tables 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 158-64 (16 /charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):309-12 (7 ref) ref) Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1993 Index to Articles Indexed by Subject and Author Volume 25, Numbers 1-6 SUBJECT INDEX ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY Brain Apscess—DRuG THERAPY BRAIN NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS SYNDROME Using a ventricular reservoir to instill Stereotactic localization and resection AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the amphotericin B (LePage E) case of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) health care worker (Wicher CP et al) study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) 14-21 (10 ref) ADAPTATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL Brain CoNCUSSION—COMPLICATIONS BRAIN NEOPLASMS—EPIDEMIOLOGY— Adaptation six months after multiple The year after: post-concussion syn- CANADA trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et drome (Bader MK et al) anecdote, Nursing concerns associated with al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; forms 1993 Aug; 25(4): 249-53 (6 ref) radical skull base surgery: a case 25(1): S0-7 (25 ref) study (Borozny M et al) case study, Brain CONCUSSION—PSYCHOSOCIAL pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 ADAPTATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ref) Adaptation six months after multiple The year after: post-concussion syn- trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et drome (Bader MK et al) anecdote, BRAIN NEOPLASMS—SURGERY al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; forms 1993 Aug; 25(4): 249-53 (6 ref) Stereotactic localization and resection 25(1): 30-7 (25 ref) of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) BRAIN INJURIES case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS Needs of family members of critically 14-21 (10 ref) Pulmonary management of the ALS ill patients with and without acute patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- brain injury (Engli M et al) research, Nursing concerns associated with bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 78-85 radical skull base surgery: a case (26 ref) (47 ref) study (Borozny M et al) case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 AMPHOTERICIN B—ADMINISTRATION AND Glasgow scale relationships in pedi- ref) DOosAGE atric and adult patients (Hofer T) re- Using a ventricular reservoir to instill search, tables/charts 1993 Aug; Carpiac DySRHYTHMIA amphotericin B (LePage E) case 25(4): 218-27 (43 ref) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 central nervous system dysfunction Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) The relationship of selected nursing (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS— ing CJ) case study, research, review, THERAPY tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):302-12 CAREGIVER BURDEN Endovascular therapy of neurovascu- (13 ref) Investing in the comeback: parent’s lar malformations (Gold DJ et al) care experience following traumatic brain plan, case study, tables/charts, teach- Cognitive screening in mild brain in- injury (Carson P) research 1993 Jun; ing materials 1993 Feb; 25(1): 38-44 jury (Veltman RH et al) research, ta- 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) (10 ref) bles 1993 Dec; 25(6): 367-71 (22 ref) CAREGIVERS BACLOFEN—ADMINISTRATION AND BRAIN INJURIES—PSYCHOSOCIAL Multiple sclerosis: health-promoting DOosAGE FACTORS behaviors of spousal caregivers Intrathecal baclofen for spinal spastic- Investing in the comeback: parent’s (O’Brien MT) research, tables/charts ity: implications for nursing practice experience following traumatic brain 1993 Apr; 25(2): 105-12 (29 ref) (Gianino J) tables/charts, teaching injury (Carson P) research 1993 Jun; materials 1993 Aug; 25(4): 254-64 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) CATHETER-RELATED INFECTIONS— (37 ref) EPIDEMIOLOGY Sport for the disabled: a viable option Bacterial ventriculitis and duration of BLADDER for patients with neurologic injury ventriculostomy catheter insertion Noninvasive bladder volume mea- (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; Schultz M et al) research, tables/ surement (Chan H) research, tables 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 158-64 (16 /charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):309-12 (7 ref) ref) JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 CENTRAL Nervous System-CARDIAC Coccipioipomycosis—DruG THERAPY DISABILITY INTERACTION Using a ventricular reservoir to instill Sport for the disabled: a viable option Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with amphotericin B (LePage E) case for patients with neurologic injury central nervous system dysfunction study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) Coenition DisonDERS—DIAGNOSIS DISCHARGE PLANNING CEREBRAL VASCULAR AccIDENT—Car- Cognitive screening in mild brain in- Ventilator-assisted youth: appraisal DIAC RHYTHM jury (Veltman RH et al) research, ta- and nursing care (Miller MD et al) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with bles 1993 Dec; 25(6): 367-71 (22 ref) nursing diagnoses, tables/charts central nervous system dysfunction 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-95 (27 ref) (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 In OLD AGE Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) The MMSE to assess the cognitive DruG ADMINISTRATION state of elders (Dellasega C et al) Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) CEREBRAL VASCULAR ACCIDENT— forms 1993 Jun; 25(3): 147-52 (38 continuing education, tables/charts DrRuG THERAPY ref) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273-85 (48 ref) tPA in acute stroke—trisk or reprieve? (Gwynn M) tables/charts 1993 Jun; ComPLICATIONS—CARDIOVASCULAR Continuous duodenal infusion of lev- 25(3): 180-6 (34 ref) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with odopa (Fowler SB et al) case study, central nervous system dysfunction protocol, tables/charts 1993 Oct; CEREBRAL VASCULAR ACCIDENT— (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 25(5): 317-20 (6 ref) NURSING Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) tPA in acute stroke—risk or reprieve? Implementation of an epidural pain (Gwynn M) tables/charts 1993 Jun; COomPLICATIONS—PULMONARY management program (Nowakowski 25(3): 180-6 (34 ref) Pulmonary management of the ALS P) tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 313- patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- 6 (10 ref) CEREBRAL VENTRICLES bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 Bacterial ventriculitis and duration of (26 ref) Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- ventriculostomy catheter insertion plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; (Schultz M et al) research, tables/ CONSENT 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 158-64 (16 Issues related to the protection of ref) human research participants (Harri- DruG ADMINISTRATION—EVALUATION son L) tables/charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): A case study of two methods of ad- Using a ventricular reservoir to instill 187-93 (18 ref) ministering phenytoin enterally and amphotericin B (LePage E) case the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 CoPING els in head-injured patients (Bader Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) Trajectory and empowerment theory Mk) abstract, research 1993 Feb; applied to care of patients with multi- 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) CEREBROSPINAL FLUID SHUNTS— ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, AbveERSE EFFECTS review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 DruG ADMINISTRATION—METHODS Bacterial ventriculitis and duration of (8 ref) A case study of two methods of ad- ventriculostomy catheter insertion ministering phenytoin enterally and (Schultz M et al) research, tables/ CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 158-64 (16 Head-injured adults: recommenda- els in head-injured patients (Bader ref) tions for endotracheal suctioning MK) abstract, research 1993 Feb; (Kerr ME et al) review tables/charts 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) CHILDREN 1993 Apr; 25(2): 86-91 (41 ref) Ventilator-assisted youth: appraisal DYSRHYTHMIA—CARDIAC and nursing care (Miller MD et al) Pulmonary management of the ALS Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with nursing diagnoses, tables/charts patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- central nervous system dysfunction 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-95 (27 ref) bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 (26 ref) Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) CHRONIC ILLNESS Trajectory and empowerment theory CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS— EDUCATION—CONTINUING CREDIT applied to care of patients with multi- PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, Needs of family members of critically continuing education, tables/charts, review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 ill patients with and without acute test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- (8 ref) brain injury (Engli M et al) research 85 (48 ref) tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 78-85 CLINICAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS— (47 ref) ELDERLY Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) UTILIZATION—IN OLD AGE The MMSE to assess the cognitive DaTA ANALYSIS continuing education, tables/charts, state of elders (Dellasega C et al) Issues in data management and stor- test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- forms 1993 Jun; 25(3): 147-52 (38 age (Thomas SP) 1993 Aug; 25(4): x85 (48 ref) ref) 243-5 (7 ref) JO G, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 EMBOLIZATION, THERAPEUTIC ETHICS GABAPENTIN Endovascular therapy of neurovascu- AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- lar malformations (Gold DJ et al) care health care worker (Wicher CP et al) plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; plan, case study, tables/charts, 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) teaching materials 1993 Feb; 25(1): 38-44 (10 ref) Issues related to the protection of GAUCHER’S DISEASE human research participants (Harri- Gaucher's disease: a pilot study of EMPLOYMENT son L) tables/charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): the symptomatic responses to en- AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the 187-93 (18 ref) zyme replacement (Verderese C et health care worker (Wicher CP et al) al) case study, research, tables/ 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) Scientific integrity in nursing research charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 296-301 (8 (Morrison RS) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 321-5 ref) EMPOWERMENT (27 ref) Trajectory and empowerment theory GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT applied to care of patients with multi- The ethics of role conflict in research The MMSE to assess the cognitive ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, (Namei SK et al) tables/charts 1993 state of elders (Dellasega C et al) review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 Oct; 25(5): 326-30 (25 ref) forms 1993 Jun; 25(3): 147-52 (38 (8 ref) ref) FaciaL Nerve DisEASES—IN OLD AGE ENTERAL FEEDING Oral and facial movements in the GLasGcow Coma SCALE A case study of two methods of ad- aged (Paulson GW et al) tables/ Glasgow scale relationships in pedi- ministering phenytoin enterally and charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 245-8 (14 ref) atric and adult patients (Hofer T) re- the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- search, tables/charts 1993 Aug; FAMILY els in head-injured patients (Bader 25(4): 218-27 (43 ref) Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- MK) abstract, research 1993 Feb; 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) port network called “HeadWay” HEAD INJURIES (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb, 25(1): 4 Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- ENZYME THERAPY port network called “HeadWay” Family ASSESSMENT Gaucher's disease: a pilot study of (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 Needs of family members of critically the symptomatic responses to en- zyme replacement (Verderese C et ill patients with and without acute The relationship of selected nursing al) case study, research, tables/ brain injury (Engli M et al) research, activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 296-301 (27 tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 78-85 ing CJ) case study, research, review, ref) (47 ref) tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 302-8 (13 ref) Trajectory and empowerment theory EPIDURAL ROUTE Implementation of an epidural pain applied to care of patients with multi- HEAD INJURIES—IN ADULTHOOD management program (Nowakowski ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, Head-injured adults: recommenda- P) tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 313- review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 tions for endotracheal suctioning 6 (10 ref) (8 ref) (Kerr ME et al) review, tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 86-91 (41 ref) FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS EPILEPSY Revised epilepsy stressor inventory Congruence in uncertainty between HEAD INJURIES—PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS (Snyder M) research, tables/charts individuals with multiple sclerosis and Connections and meanings... 1993 Feb; 25(1): 9-13 (20 ref) their spouses (Wineman NM et al) re- “bringing patients back” following search, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 356- head injury (Ogg P et al) anecdote Learning needs of persons with 61 (20 ref) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 59-61 (2 ref) epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions of persons with epilepsy, nurses and Rewarding connections in neuro- Sport for the disabled: a viable option physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- science nursing (Osburn J et al) for patients with neurologic injury naire, research, tables/charts 1993 anecdote 1993 Dec; 25(6): 380-1 (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) FEEDING TUBES In OLD AGE Case study of two methods for en- HEALTH BEHAVIOR Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) teral phenytoin administration (Bader Multiple sclerosis: health-promoting continuing education, tables/charts, MK) research, tables/charts 1993 behaviors of spousal caregivers test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) (O’Brien MT) research, tables/charts 85 (48 ref) 1993 Apr; 25(2): 105-12 (29 ref) FELBAMATE TREATMENT Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- HEALTH CARE DELIVERY—TRENDS— Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; UNITED STATES continuing education, tables/charts, 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) The changing health care system: test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- neuroscience nursing practice in the 85 (48 ref) 1990s (Hickey JV) 1993 Apr; 25(2): 73-7 (20 ref) JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 HEALTH PERSONNEL INSTRUMENT VALIDATION MONITORING, PRESSURE AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the Revised epilepsy stressor inventory The relationship of selected nursing health care worker (Wicher CP et al) (Snyder M) research, tables/charts activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 9-13 (20 ref) ing CJ) case study, research, review, tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 302-8 HIV INFECTIONS—TRANSMISSION INTERPROFESSIONAL RELATIONS (13 ref) AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the Creating mutual respect (Stewart- health care worker (Wicher CP et al) Amidei C) editorial 1993 Apr; 25(2): MoRPHINE 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) 71 Implementation of an epidural pain management program (Nowakowski HosPiTAL PROGRAMS INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE P) tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 313- Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- The relationship of selected nursing 6 (10 ref) port network called “HeadWay” activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 ing CJ) case study, research, review, Movement DisoRDERS—IN OLD AGE tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 302-8 Oral and facial movements in the HYPONATREMIA—ETIOLOGY (13 ref) aged (Paulson GW et al) tables/ Hyponatremia after aneurysmal sub- charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 246-8 (14 ref) arachnoid hemorrhage (Segatore M) INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE AND CARDIAC tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 92-9 RHYTHMS MuLTIPLE SCLEROSIS (78 ref) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with Multiple sclerosis: health-promoting central nervous system dysfunction behaviors of spousal caregivers HyYPONATREMIA— THERAPY (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 (O’Brien MT) research, tables/charts Hyponatremia after aneurysmal sub- Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) 1993 Apr; 25(2): 105-12 (29 ref) arachnoid hemorrhage (Segatore M) tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2):92-9 LAMOTRIGINE Multiple sclerosis: a literature review (78 ref) Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- (Miller CM et al) review 1993 Jun; plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; 25(3): 174-9 (38 ref) INFORMATION NEEDS 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) Learning needs of persons with Trajectory and empowerment theory epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions LEARNING applied to care of patients with multi- of persons with epilepsy, nurses and Learning needs of persons with ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 naire, research, tables/charts 1993 of persons with epilepsy, nurses and (8 ref) Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- naire, research, tables/charts 1993 Congruence in uncertainty between INFORMATION STORAGE Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) individuals with multiple sclerosis and Issues in data management and stor- their spouses (Wineman NM et al) re- age (Thomas SP) 1993 Aug; 25(4): LEVODOPA search, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 356- 243-5 (7 ref) Continuous duodenal infusion of lev- 61 (20 ref) odopa (Fowler SB et al) case study, INFUSIONS, INTRASPINAL protocol, tables/charts 1993 Oct; MULTIPLE TRAUMA—PSYCHOSOCIAL Intrathecal baclofen for spinal spastic- 25(5): 317-20 (6 ref) FACTORS ity: implications for nursing practice Adaptation six months after multiple (Gianino J) tables/charts, teaching MECHANICAL VENTILATION trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et materials 1993 Aug; 25(4): 254-64 Ventilator assisted youth: appraisal al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; (37 ref) and nursing care (Miller MD et al) 25(1): 30-7 (25 ref) nursing diagnoses, tables/charts INFUSIONS, INTRASPINAL—EQUIPMENT 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-95 (27 ref) Musct e Spasticiry—DruG THERAPY AND SUPPLIES Intrathecal baclofen for spinal spastic- Using a ventricular reservoir to instill Pulmonary management of the ALS ity: implications for nursing practice amphotericin B (LePage E) case patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- (Gianino J) tables/charts, teaching study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 materials 1993 Aug; 25(4): 254-64 Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) (26 ref) (37 ref) INFUSIONS, INTRASPINAL—METHODS MonitorinG, Direct PRESSURE—AD- NEEDS ASSESSMENT Using a ventricular reservoir to instill VERSE EFFECTS Needs of family members of critically amphotericin B (LePage E) case Bacterial ventriculitis and duration of ill patients with and without acute study, pictorial, tables/charts 1993 ventriculostomy catheter insertion brain injury (Engli M et al) research, Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) (Schultz M et al) research, tables/ tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 78-85 charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 158-64 (16 (47 ref) INSTILLATION, DRUG ref) Case study of two methods for en- NEOPLASMS teral phenytoin administration (Bader Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a MK) research, tables/charts 1993 case study (Fowler SB et al) case Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) study, pictorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 208- 11 (5 ref) 386 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 NEOPLASMS—COMPLICATIONS Endovascular therapy of neurovascu- Trajectory and empowerment theory Paraneoplastic syndromes: a chal- lar malformations (Gold DJ et al) care applied to care of patients with multi- lenge for neuroscience nursing plan, case study, tables/charts, teach- ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, (Alexander J et al) case study, ta- ing materials 1993 Feb; 25(1):38-44 review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 bles/charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 228-32 (10 ref) (8 ref) (7 ref) Nursing concerns associated with Vagus nerve stimulation for in- Nervous SYSTEM ABNORMALITIES— radical skull base surgery: a case tractable seizures: one year follow-up THERAPY study (Borozny M et al) case study, (Michael JE et al) research, pictorial, Endovascular therapy of neurovascu- pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 tables/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 lar malformations (Gold DJ et al) care ref) (12 ref) pian, case study, tables/charts, teach- ing materials 1993 Feb; 25(1): 38-44 Connections and meanings .. . Cognitive screening in mild brain in- (10 ref) “bringing patients back” following jury (Veltman RH et al) research, ta- head injury (Ogg P et al) anecdote bles 1993 Dec; 25(6): 367-71 (22 ref) NEUMAN Systems MopeEL 1993 Feb; 25(1): 59-61 (2 ref) Using conceptual frameworks or Sport for the disabled: a viable option models to guide nursing research Impaired mobility: Guillain-Barré syn- for patients with neurologic injury (Grant JS et al) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 52-6 drome (Murray DP) pictorial, tables/ (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; (11 ref) charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 100-4 (29 ref) 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) NEUROBEHAVIORAL COGNITIVE STATUS Development of printed teaching ma- Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- EXAMINATION terials for neuroscience patients (Hin- plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; Cognitive screening in mild brain in- kle JL et al) tables/charts, teaching 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) jury (Veltman RH et al) research, ta- materials 1993 Apr; 25(2): 125-9 (14 bles 1993 Dec; 25(6): 367-71 (22 ref) ref) Rewarding connections in neuro- science nursing (Osburn J et al) NEUROCYBERNETIC PROSTHESIS Enhancing recovery via neuro-rehab anecdote 1993 Dec; 25(6): 380-1 Vagus nerve stimulation for in- rounds (Kajs-Wyllie M et al) forms tractable seizures: one year follow-up 1993 Jun; 25(3): 153-7 (8 ref) NEUROSCIENCE NURSING—HISTORY Historical development and correla- (Michael JE et al) research, pictorial, tPA in acute stroke—trisk or reprieve? tion of neuroscience literature and tables/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 (Gwynn M) tables/charts 1993 Jun; nursing practice: 1887-1992 (Strength (12 ref) 25(3): 180-6 (34 ref) D) review 1993 Jun; 25(3): 141-6 (37 NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME ref) Things | won’t miss (Stewart-Amidei Neuroleptic malignait syndrome: a C) editorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 203 Down memory lane (Bell M) editorial dangerous complication of neurolep- 1993 Dec; 25(6): 335 tic therapy (Byrd C) case study 1993 Paraneoplastic syndromes: a chal- Feb; 25(1): 62-5 (26 ref) lenge for neuroscience nursing NEUROSCIENCE NURSING—TRENDS (Alexander J et al) case study, ta- The changing health care system: NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME— bles/charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 228-32 neuroscience nursing practice in the THERAPY (7 ref) 1990s (Hickey JV) 1993 Apr; 25(2): Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a 73-7 (20 ref) dangerous complication of neurolep- Case study of two methods for en- tic therapy (Byrd C) case study 1993 teral phenytoin administration (Bader NosE Feb; 25(1): 62-5 (26 ref) MK) research, tables/charts 1993 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) case study (Fowler SB et al) case NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS study pictorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 208- Paraneoplastic syndromes: a chal- Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) 11 (5 ref) lenge for neuroscience nursing continuing education, tables/charts, (Alexander J et al) case study, ta- test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- Nose NEOPLASMS bles/chart 1993 Aug; 25(4): 228-32(7 85 (48 ref) Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a ref) case study (Fowler SB et al) case Ventilator assisted youth: appraisal study pictorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 208- NEUROSCIENCE NURSING and nursing care (Miller MD et al) 11 (5 ref) Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- nursing diagnoses, tables/charts port network called “HeadWay” 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-295 (27 ref) NurRSE-PATIENT RELATIONS (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 Connections and meanings .. . Pulmonary management of the ALS “bringing patients back” following Stereotactic localization and resection patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- head injury (Ogg P et al) anecdote of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 1993 Feb; 25(1): 59-61 (2 ref) case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): (26 ref) 14-21 (10 ref) Rewarding connections in neuro- science nursing (Osburn J et al) anecdote 1993 Dec; 25(6): 380-1 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 Nurses PARKINSON’S DISEASE PHYSICIANS Learning needs of persons with TREATMENT Learning needs of persons with epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions Continuous duodenal infusion of lev- epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions of persons with epilepsy, nurses and odopa (Fowler SB et a!) case study, of persons with epilepsy, nurses and physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- protocol, tables/charts 1993 Oct; physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- naire, research, tables/charts 1993 25(5): 317-20 (6 ref) naire, research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) PATIENT EDUCATION NuRSEs AS PATIENTS Development of printed teaching ma- PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATORS— The year after: post-concussion syn- terials for neuroscience patients (Hin- THERAPEUTIC USE drome (Bader MK et al) anecdote, kle JL et al) tables/charts, teaching tPA in acute stroke—risk or reprieve? forms 1993 Aug; 25(4): 249-53 (6 ref) materials 1993 Apr; 25(2): 125-9 (14 (Gwynn M) tables/charts 1993 Jun; ref) 25(3): 180-6 (34 ref) NURSING AS A PROFESSION Headlines (Stewart-Amidei C) editor- Vagus nerve stimulation for in- POLYRADICULONEURITIS—NURSING ial 1993 Oct; 25(5): 271 tractable seizures: one year follow-up Impaired mobility: Guillain-Barré syn- (Michael JE et al) research, pictorial, drome (Murray DP) pictorial tables/ On nursing (Freeman JW) 1993 Oct; tables/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 100-4 (29 ref) 25(5): 331 (12 ref) Power, POWERLESSNESS NursING LITERATURE—HISTORY PaTiENT RouNnDs Trajectory and empowerment theory Historical development and correla- Enhancing recovery via neuro-rehab applied to care of patients with multi- tion of neuroscience literature and rounds (Kajs-Wyllie M et al) forms ple scierosis (Miller CM) case study, nursing practice: 1887-1992 (Strength 1993 Jun; 25(3):153-7 (8 ref) review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 D) review 1993 Jun; 25(3): 141-6 (37 (8 ref) ref) PATIENTS Learning needs of persons with PRACTICE GUIDELINES NURSING PRACTICE epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions AIDS & HIV: the dilemma of the Things | won’t miss (Stewart-Amidei of persons with epilepsy, nurses and health care worker (Wicher CP et al) C) editorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 203 physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- 1993 Apr; 25(2): 118-24 (49 ref) naire, research, tables/charts 1993 NURSING PRACTICE, RESEARCH-BASED Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) PROBLEM PATIENTS Head-injured adults: recommenda- Connections and meanings... tions for endotracheal suctioning PERCEPTION—EVALUATION “bringing patients back” following (Kerr ME et al) review, tables/charts Learning needs of persons with head injury (Ogg P et al) anecdote 1993 Apr; 25(2): 86-91 (41 ref) epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions 1993 Feb; 25(1): 59-61 (2 ref) of persons with epilepsy, nurses and NURSING ROLE PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS physicians (Dilorio C et al) question- The ethics of role conflict in research Pulmonary management of the ALS naire, research, tables/charts 1993 (Namei SK et al) tables/charts 1993 Feb; 25(1): 22-9 (14 ref) patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- Oct; 25(5): 326-330 (25 ref) bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 PERIOPERATIVE NURSING (26 ref) Outcomes (HEALTH CARE) Nursing concerns associated with Glasgow scale relationships in pedi- radical skull base surgery: a case QUADRIPLEGIA atric and adult patients (Hofer T) re- Ventilator-assisted youth: appraisal study (Borozny M et al) case study, search, tables/charts 1993 Aug; and nursing care (Miller MD et al) pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 25(4): 218-27 (43 ref) nursing diagnoses, tables/charts ref) 1993 Oct; 25(5):287-95 (27 ref) Pain PHARYNX Implementation of an epidural pain Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a REHABILITATION NURSING management program (Nowakowski case study (Fowler SB et al) case Enhancing recovery via neuro-rehab P) tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 313- study, pictorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 208- rounds (Kajs-Wyllie M et al) forms 6 (10 ref) 11 (5 ref) 1993 Jun; 25(3): 153-7 (8 ref) PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES— PHENYTOIN—ADMINISTRATION AND RESEARCH NURSING DosAGE Gaucher’s disease: a pilot study of Paraneoplastic syndromes: a chal- A case study of two methods of ad- the symptomatic responses to en- lenge for neuroscience nursing ministering phenytoin enterally and zyme replacement (Verderese C et (Alexander J et al) case study, ta- the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- al) case study, research, tables/ bles/charts 1993 Aug; 25(4): 228-32 els in head-injured patients (Bader charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 296-301 (8 (7 ref) Mk) abstract, research 1993 Feb; ref) 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) PARENTS—PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS The relationship of selected nursing Investing in the comeback: parent’s Case study of two methods for en- activities to intracranial pressure (Ris- experience following traumatic brain teral phenytoin administration(Bader ing CJ) case study, research, review, injury (Carson P) research 1993 Jun; MK) research, tables/charts 1993 tables/charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 302-8 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) (13 ref) 388 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 Scientific integrity in nursing research SEIZURES—DRUG THERAPY SPousE-IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (Morrison RS) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 321-5 A case study of two methods of ad- Congruence in uncertainty between (27 ref) ministering phenytoin enterally and individuals with multiple sclerosis and the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- their spouses (Wineman NM et al) re- The ethics of role conflict in research els in head-injured patients (Bader search, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 356- (Namei SK et al) tables/charts 1993 MK) abstract, research 1993 Feb; 61 (20 ref) Oct; 25(5):326-30 (25 ref) 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) STEREOTAXIC TECHNIQUES RESEARCH, NURSING Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- Stereotactic localization and resection Using conceptual frameworks or plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; of intracranial tumors (Arbour RB) models to guide nursing research 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) case study, pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): (Grant JS et al) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 52-6 14-21 (10 ref) (11 ref) SEIZURES—PREVENTION AND CONTROL A case study of two methods of ad- STRESS Issues in data management and stor- ministering phenytoin enterally and Revised epilepsy stressor inventory age (Thomas SP) 1993 Aug; 25(4): the subsequent serum phenytoin lev- (Snyder M) research, tables/charts 243-5 (7 ref) els in head-injured patients (Bader 1993 Feb; 25(1): 9-13 (20 ref) MK) abstract, research 1993 Feb; RESEARCH, NURSING—EVALUATION STROKE 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) Evaluating research findings for clini- Noninvasive bladder volume mea- cal applicability (Sayner NC) 1993 Vagus nerve stimulation for in- surement (Chan H) research, tables/ Jun; 25(3): 194-7 (10 ref) tractable seizures: one year follow-up charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):309-12 (7 ref) (Michael JE et al) research, pictorial, Rewarding connections in neuro- RESEARCH, NURSING—UTILIZATION Evaluating research findings for clini- tables/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 science nursing (Osburn J et al) (12 ref) anecdote 1993 Dec; 25(6): 380-1 cal applicability (Sayner NC) 1993 Jun; 25(3): 194-7 (10 ref) SERIAL PUBLICATIONS—HISTORY STROKE AND CARDIAC RHYTHMS A silver celebration (Stewart-Amidei Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS C) editorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 3 central nervous system dysfunction Issues related to the protection of (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 human research participants (Harri- Down memory lane (Bell M) editorial Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) son L) tables/charts 1993 Jun; 25(3): 1993 Dec; 25(6): 335 187-93 (18 ref) SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE—COMPLI- SKULL—SuRGERY CATIONS RESPIRATORY FAILURE Nursing concerns associated with Hyponatremia after aneurysmal sub- Pulmonary management of the ALS radical skull base surgery: a case arachnoid hemorrhage (Segatore M) patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- study (Borozny M et al) case study, tables/charts 1993 Apr; 25(2): 92-9 bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 pictorial 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 (78 ref) (26 ref) ref) Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with SAFETY SPINAL Corp INJURIES central nervous system dysfunction Let’s be careful out there (Stewart- IN INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 Amidei C) editorial 1993 Jun; 25(3): Ventilator assisted youth: appraisal Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) 139 and nursing care (Miller MD et al) SUCTIONING, ENDOTRACHEAL— nursing diagnoses, tables/charts SCIENTIFIC MisconDUCT 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-95 (27 ref) MetHops—In ADULTHOOD Responsible dissemination of schol- Head-injured adults: recommenda- arly work (Clark AJ) 1993 Apr; 25(2): SPINAL CORD INJURIES—PREVENTION tions for endotracheal suctioning 113-7 (32 ref) AND CONTROL (Kerr ME et al) review tables/charts Let’s be careful out there (Stewart- 1993 Apr; 25(2): 86-91(41 ref) SEIZURES Amidei C) editorial 1993 Jun; 25(3): Epilepsy in the elderly (Lannon SL) SuPPORT, PSYCHOSOCIAL 139 continuing education, tables/charts, Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- test questions 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- SPINAL Corb INJURIES— port network called “HeadWay” 282 (48 ref) REHABILITATION (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 Enhancing recovery via neuro-rehab SEIZURES AND CARDIAC RHYTHMS Trajectory and empowerment theory rounds (Kajs-Wyllie M et al) forms Cardiac dysrhythmias associated with applied to care of patients with multi- 1993 Jun; 25(3): 153-7 (8 ref) central nervous system dysfunction ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, (Keller C et al) tables/charts 1993 Sport for the disabled: a viable option review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 ref) for patients with neurologic injury (8 ref) (Mushett CA et al) pictorial 1993 Dec; Congruence in uncertainty between 25(6): 372-4 (5 ref) individuals with multiple sclerosis and their spouses (Wineman NM et al) re- search, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 356- 61 (20 ref) JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 Rewarding connections in neuro- URINARY RETENTION AUTHOR INDEX science nursing (Osburn J et al) Noninvasive bladder volume mea- anecdote 1993 Dec; 25(6): 380-1 surement (Chan H) research, tables/ Albanese M: See: Hinkle JL charts 1993 Oct; 25(5): 309-12 (7 ref) SuRVIVORS—PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS Alexander J, Foltz A, Parylovich K: Adaptation six months after multiple VaGus NERVE STIMULATION Paraneoplastic syndromes: a chal- trauma: a pilot study (Strohmyer LL et Vagus nerve stimulation for in- lenge for neuroscience nursing (case al) research, tables/charts 1993 Feb; tractable seizures: one year follow-up study, tables/charts) 1993 Aug; 25(4): 25(1): 30-7 (25 ref) (Michael JE et al) research, pictorial, 228-32 (7 ref) tables/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 SUSPENSIONS—ADMINISTRATION AND (12 ref) Arbour RB: Stereotactic localization DosaGE and resection of intracranial tumors Case study of two methods for en- VASCULAR DISEASES (case study, pictorial) 1993 Feb; 25 teral phenytoin administration (Bader Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a (1): 14-21 (10 ref) MK) research, tables/charts 1993 case study (Fowler SB et al) case Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) study, pictorial 1993 Aug; 25(4): 208- Bader MK: A case study of two meth- 11 (5 ref) ods of administering phenytoin enter- THEORY—APPLICATION ally and the subsequent serum Trajectory and empowerment theory VENTILATION—MECHANICAL phenytoin levels in head-injured pa- applied to care of patients with multi- Ventilator assisted youth: appraisal tients (abstract, research) 1993 Feb; ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, and nursing care (Miller MD et al) 25(1): 57-8 (8 ref) review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 nursing diagnoses, tables/charts Bader MK: Case study of two meth- (8 ref) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-295 (27 ref) ods for enteral phenytoin administra- TRAJECTORY THEORY Pulmonary management of the ALS tion (research, tables/charts) 1993 Trajectory and empowerment theory patient (Tidwell J) case study, ta- Aug; 25(4): 233-42 (21 ref) applied to care of patients with multi- bles/charts 1993 Dec; 25(6): 337-42 Bader MK, Thompson D: The year ple sclerosis (Miller CM) case study, (26 ref) after: post-concussion syndrome review, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 343-8 (anecdote, forms) 1993 Aug; 25(4): (8 ref) VIGABATRIN 249-53 (6 ref) Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing im- ULTRASOUND plications (Byers VL) table 1993 Dec; Barnes DW: See: Michael JE Noninvasive bladder volume mea- 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) surement (Chan H) research, tables/ Barton NW: See: Verderese C charts 1993 Oct; 25(5):309-12 (7 ref) VOLUNTEER WORKERS Letter to the editor . . . a family sup- Bell M: Down memory lane (editorial) UNCERTAINTY port network called “HeadWay” 1993 Dec; 25(6): 335 Congruence in uncertainty between (Froehlich H) letter 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 individuals with multiple sclerosis and Bergen M: See: Fowler SB their spouses (Wineman NM et al) re- WRITING FOR PUBLICATION search, tables 1993 Dec; 25(6): 356- Responsible dissemination of schol- Blostein P: See: Veitman RH 61 (20 ref) arly work (Clark AJ) 1993 Apr; 25(2): 113-7 (32 ref) Borozny M, Gray E, Ratel M: Nurs- ing concerns associated with radical skull base surgery: a case study (case study, pictorial) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 45-51 (24 ref) Brucia J: See: Kerr ME Buechlier CM: See: Veltman RH Byers VL: Novel antiepileptic drugs: nursing implications (table) 1993 Dec; 25(6): 375-9 (19 ref) Byrd C: Neuroleptic malignant syn- drome: a dangerous complication of neuroleptic therapy (case study) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 62-5 (26 ref) Byrne M: See: Namei SK Carson P: Investing in the come- back: parent’s experience following traumatic brain injury (research) 1993 Jun; 25(3): 165-73 (17 ref) 390 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING, DECEMBER, 1993, VOL 25, NO 6 Chan H: Noninvasive bladder volume Graham OC: See: Verderese C Kinney MR: See: Grant JS measurement (research, tables/ charts) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 309-12 (7 Grant JS, Kinney MR, Davis LL: Kirsivali-Farmer K: See: Engli M ref) Using conceptual frameworks or Lannon SL: Epilepsy in the elderly models to guide nursing research Clark AJ: Responsible dissemination 1993 Feb; 25(1): 52-6 (11 ref) (continuing education, tables/charts, test questions) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 273- of scholarly work 1993 Apr; 25(2): 113-7 (32 ref) Gray E: See: Borozny M 86 (48 ref) Davis LL: See: Grant JS Gwynn M: tPA in acute stroke — risk LePage E: Using a ventricular reser- or reprieve? (tables/charts) 1993 Jun; voir to instill amphotericin B (case Dellasega C, Morris D: The MMSE 25(3): 180-6 (34 ref) study, pictorial, tables/charts) 1993 to assess the cognitive state of elders Aug; 25(4): 212-7 (22 ref) (forms) 1993 Jun; 25(3): 147-52 (38 Harrison L: Issues related to the pro- ref) tection of human research partici- Mahre M: See: Gold DJ pants (tables/charts) 1993 Jun; 25(3): Manteuffel B: See: Dilorio C Dilorio C, Faherty B, Manteuffel B: 187-93 (18 ref) Learning needs of persons with McGinty L: See: Hinkle JL epilepsy: a comparison of perceptions Hartnett NE: See: Verderese C of persons with epilepsy, nurses and Michael JE, Wegener K, Barnes physicians (questionnaire, research, Hens M: See: Miller CM DW: Vagus nerve stimulation for in- tables/charts) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 22-9 tractable seizures: one year follow-up Hickey JV: The changing health care (14 ref) (research, pictorial, tables/charts) system: neuroscience nursing prac- 1993 Dec; 25(6): 362-6 (12 ref) Engli M, Kirsivali-Farmer K: Needs tice in the 1990s 1993 Apr; 25(2): 73- of family members of critically ill pa- 7 (20 ref) Miller CM, Hens M: Multiple sclero- tients with and without acute brain in- sis: a literature review (review) 1993 Hinkle JL, Albanese M, McGinty L: jury (research, tables/charts) 1993 Jun; 25(3): 174-9 (38 ref) Development of printed teaching ma- Apr; 25(2): 78-85 (47 ref) terials for neuroscience patients (ta- Miller CM: Trajectory and empower- Faherty B: See: Dilorio C bles/charts, teaching materials) 1993 ment theory applied to care of pa- Apr; 25(2): 125-9 (14 ref) tients with multiple sclerosis (case Foltz A: Alexander J study, review, tables) 1993 Dec; Hofer T: Glasgow scale relationships 25(6): 343-8 (8 ref) Foote AW: Schultz M in pediatric and adult patients (re- Fowler SB, Bergen M: Continuous s25e(a4r)c: h,2 18t-a2b7l e(s4/3c hraefr)t s) 1993 Aug; Miller MD, Steele NF, Nadell JM, Tilton AH, Gates AJ: Ventilator-as- duodenal infusion of levodopa (case sisted youth: appraisal and nursing study, protocol, tables/charts) 1993 Holder-McShane CA: See: Oct; 25(5): 317-20 (6 ref) Verderese C care (tables/charts, nursing diag- noses) 1993 Oct; 25(5): 287-95 (27 Fowler SB, Keller IA: Nasopharyri- Holman V: See: Kajs-Wyllie M ref) geal angiofibroma: a case study (case study, pictorial) 1993 Aug; Jones S: See: Veltman RH Moore K: See: Schultz M 25(4): 208-11 (5 ref) Morris D: See: Dellasega C Kajs-Wyllie M, Holman V, Trager R Freeman JW: On nursing 1993 Oct; Jr: Enhancing recovery via neuro- Morrison RS: Scientific integrity in 25(5): 331 rehab rounds (forms) 1993 Jun; nursing research 1993 Oct; 25(5) 25(3): 153-7 (8 ref) 321-5 (27 ref) Froehlich H: Letter to the editor... a family support network called “Head- Kaskel B: See: Wineman NM Murray DP: Impaired mobility: Guil- Way” (letter) 1993 Feb; 25(1): 4 Keller C, Williams A: Cardiac dys- lain-Barré syndrome (pictorial tables/ charts) 1993 Apr; 25(2): 100-4 (29 Gates AJ: See: Miller MD rhythmias associated with central ner- vous system dysfunction (tables/ ref) Gianino J: Intrathecal baclofen for charts) 1993 Dec; 25(6): 349-55 (37 spinal spasticity: implications for nurs- ref) Mushett CA, Richter KJ, Parliament ing practice (tables/charts, teaching CF: Sport for the disabled: a viable option for patients with neurologic in- materials) 1993 Aug; 25(4): 254-64 Keller 1A: See: Fowler SB (37 ref) jury (pictorial) 1993 Dec; 25(6): 372-4 Kerr ME, Rudy EB, Brucia J et al: (5 ref) Gill WM: See: Paulson GW Head-injured adults: recommenda- tions for endotracheal suctioning (re- Nadell JM: See: Miller MD Gold DJ, Mahre M: Endovascular view, tables/charts) 1993 Apr; 25(2): therapy of neurovascular malforma- 86-91 (41 ref) Namei SK, King MO, Byrne M, Prof- tions (care plan, case study, tables/ fitt C: The ethics of role conflict in re- charts, teaching materials) 1993 Feb; King MO: See: Namei SK search (tables/charts) 1993 Oct; 25(1): S8-44 (10 ref) 25(5): 326-30 (25 ref)

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