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Preview Journal of Engineering Mechanics 1998: Vol 124 Index

ABSORBERS 1998 ANNUAL INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Absorbers Analytical techniques Bearings Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of Antiplane Interaction of a Crack with a Circular Inclusion Influence of Material Stiffening on Stability of Elasto- Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- in an Elastic Half-Plane, Ching-Kong Chao and meric Bearings at Large Displacements, Maura Imbim- oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM Ching-Wen Young, EM Feb. 98, p167-175 bo and James M. Kelly, EM Sept. 98, p1045-1049 Apr. 98, p476-479 Anisotropic materials Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge Accelerograms Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for TBaesasroiunlgass,, OEsMam aF eb.H am98z,e hp,2 40E-ri2c4 2 B. Becker and John L Synthesizing Ensembles of Spatially Correlated Ac- Plane Crack Prior to Kinking, Jui-Hung Chang and celerograms, Manish Shrikhande and Vinay K. Gupta, Chih-Bin Chen, EM Mar. 98, p268-276 Bending EM Nov. 98, p1185-1192 Anisotropy Behavior and Strength of Laminated Glass, H. Scott Nor- Accelerometers Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect 9vi8l,l e,p 46K-i5m3 W. King and Jason L. Swofford, EM Jan Optically Powered Electrical Accelerometer and Its Field Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar Testing, Maria Q. Feng, EM May 98, p513-516 98, p311-318 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- torovich Method, Si. Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W Accuracy Arches Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- Deflections, Vibrations, and Stability of Pair of Leaning Bending Energy Dissipation of Simplified Single-Layer torovich Method, Si Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W Arches, Raymond H. Plaut and Aili Hou, EM July 98, Stranded Cable, Sylvain Goudreau, Francois Charette, Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 p748-753 Claude Hardy and Louis Cloutier, EM Aug. 98, p811- Acoustic waves In-Plane Transient Responses of Arch with Variable Cur- 817 Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated vature Using Dynamic Stiffness Method, Chiung- Bending Solution for Thick Plates with Quadrangular by Particle Sy a. Zhengzhi Li and Zdenék P. BaZant, Shiann Huang, Yi-Ping Tseng and Chia-Jung Lin, EM Boundary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- EM Jan. 98, p69-7 Aug. 98, p826-835 17 Active control Asphaltic concrete CorProeicntte dL oaSdo,l utSi. onB oeodf o Claandm peV.d C.R iPnrga ntiPll,a te EwM itJhu neE d9g8e, Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphait Concrete p696-697 Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- Under Cyclic Loading, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard 727 Kim, EM Jan. 98, p32-40 Ductility of Steel Short Cylinders in Compression and Bending, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin LQG/LTR Control Methodology in Active Structural Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model of Asphalt Con- Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 Control, Li-Teh Lu, Wei-Ling Chiang and Jhy-Pyng crete with Healing, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard Tang, EM Apr. 98, p446-454 Kim, EM Nov. 98, p1224-1232 Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on Elastic Mod- uli of Thin Ice Plates, Alex A. Elvin, Jerome J. Connor Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- Asymptotic series and Dong H. Choi, EM Jan. 98, p54-60 form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- 740 Rheological Equations in Asymptotic Regimes of Granu- Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, iar Flow, Cheng-lung Chen and Chi-Hai Ling, EM Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Semiactive Control Algorithms for Structures with Varia- Mar. 98, p301-310 p818-825 ble Dampers, Fahim Sadek and Bijan Mohraz, EM Sept. 98, p981-990 Axial compression Biaxial loads Time-Delay Compensation in Active Control of Struc- Leipholz Column with Shear and Compressibility, L. J Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns by tures, Jun-Ping Pu, EM Sept. 98, p1018-1028 Cveticanin and T. M. Atanackovic, EM Feb. 98, Cubic-Spline Function, Gary Gang Wang and Cheng- p!46-151 Tzu Thomas Hsu, EM July 98, p803-810 Water Wave Control by Submerged Pitching Porous Plate, T. L. Yip and Allen T. Chwang, EM Apr. 98, Axisymmetry Bifurcations p428-434 Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Determination of Bifurcation and Limit Points, Alberto Aerodynamics clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, Chonghou Zhang and Ki- Franchi, Francesco Genna and Leone Corradi, EM yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-1257 Aug. 98, p866-874 Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- Base isolation Experimental Calibration of Bifurcation Superstructure of 727 Nonlinear System, H. Lin and S. C. S. Yim, EM Apr Time-Delay Compensation in Active Control of Struc- 98, p471-475 Aging tures, Jun-Ping Pu, EM Sept. 98, p1018-1028 Biomechanics TriSaxainadle eCpo mpBoaswietjae, MGoedeolr gef or J. BaDsvioc raCkr eeapn d of ZdCoenncérke te,P Bayesian analysis Geometrical, Mechanical, and Structural Adaptation of BaZant, EM Sept. 98, p959-965 Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. Part I: Baye- Mouse Femora Exposed to Different Loadings, C sian Statistical Framework, J. L. Beck and L. S. Ka- t M. Perl and K. R. Gordon, EM Feb. 98, p217- Air flow tafygiotis, EM Apr. 98, p455-461 2. Coupled Heat-Moisture-Air Transfer in Deformable Un- Beam columns Biomedical engineering saturated Media, Y. Zhou, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse and J. Graham, EM Oct. 98, p1090-1099 Stress-Resultant Plasticity for Frame Structures, Sherif Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Helical El-Tawil and Gregory G. Deierlein, EM Dec. 98, Cardiac Leads, Wei Jiang and Ton-Lo Wang, EM Jan Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- p1360-1370 98, p80-86 mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D. Q. Yang, H Rahardjo, E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, Beams Blast loads p1331-1338 Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: The Missing Factor Algorithms Structures, K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98, Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 p152-157 Comparing Two Algorithms to Add Large Strains to Effect of Panel Stiffness on Resistance of Cladding Small-Strain FE Code, Antonio Rodriguez-Ferran and Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of Panels to Blast Loading, Youguang Pan and Alan Wat- Antonio Huerta, EM Sept. 98, p939-948 Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- son, EM Apr. 98, p414-421 oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- Apr. 98, p476-479 Blocks form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- Dynamics of Rigid Block Due to Horizontal Ground Mo- 740 Dynamics of Multicell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular tion, A. Pompei, A. Scalia and M. A. Sumbatyan, EM Semiactive Control Algorithms for Structures with Varia- CJuutnoeu t9s8,, pD6. 22C-a6p2u9an i, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM July 98, p713-717 ble Dampers, Fahim Sadek and Bijan Mohraz, EM Sept. 98, p981-990 Exact Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams, H. J. Al-Gahtani Bonding and M. S. Khan, EM Nov. 98, p1290-1293 Circular Inclusion in Half-Plane: Effect of Boundary Allocations Conditions, A. Al-Ostaz, I. Jasiuk and M. Lee, EM Process Noise and Optimum Observation in Conditional Generalized Warping Torsion Formulation, Mauro Mar. 98, p293-300 Schulz and Filip C. Filippou, EM Mar. 98, p339-347 Stochastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya and Ikumasa Mechanics of Bond and Interface Shear Transfer in Opti- Yoshhida, EM Dec. 98, p1325-1330 Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, cal Fiber Sensors, Farhad Ansari and Yuan Libo, EM Alloys Mp8a1r8k- 82S.5 . Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Apr. 98, p385-394 SmaMratj i Parneds trIehsossivnag nyw itNhe grSeth,a pEeM- MeOcmto. ry9 8, Apl1lo1y2,1 -A1r1u2p8 K SmaMratj i Parnedst rIehsossivnga nyw iNteh grSeth,a pEeM- MeOcmto. ry9 8, Apl1l o1y,2 1-A1r1u2p8 K BBeonudnidnagr y Soclountdiiotni onfsor Thick Plates with Quadrangular Amplitude Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation by DQEM, B1o7 undary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- Investigation of Tuned Liquid Dampers under Large Am- Chang-New Chen, EM Dec. 98, p1381-1384 plitude Excitation, Dorothy Reed, Jinkyu Yu, Harry Circular Inclusion in Half-Plane: Effect of Boundary Yeh and Sigurdur Gardarsson, EM Apr. 98, p405-413 Bearing capacity Conditions, A. Al-Ostaz, I. Jasiuk and M. Lee, EM Geometrical, Mechanical, and Structural Adaptation of Mar. 98, p293-300 Analysis Mouse Femora Exposed to Different Loadings, C Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Supereliptical Plates, K Exact Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams, H. J. Al-Gahtani Levy, M. Perl and K. R. Gordon, EM Feb. 98, p217- M. Liew, S. Kitipornchai and C. W. Lim, EM Feb. 98, and M. S. Khan, EM Nov. 98, p1290-1293. 999 p137-145 1392 ABSORBERS 1998 ANNUAL INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Absorbers Analytical techniques Bearings Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of Antiplane Interaction of a Crack with a Circular Inclusion Influence of Material Stiffening on Stability of Elasto- Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- in an Elastic Half-Plane, Ching-Kong Chao and meric Bearings at Large Displacements, Maura Imbim- oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM Ching-Wen Young, EM Feb. 98, p167-175 bo and James M. Kelly, EM Sept. 98, p1045-1049 Apr. 98, p476-479 Anisotropic materials Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge Accelerograms Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for TBaesasroiunlgass,, OEsMam aF eb.H am98z,e hp,2 40E-ri2c4 2 B. Becker and John L Synthesizing Ensembles of Spatially Correlated Ac- Plane Crack Prior to Kinking, Jui-Hung Chang and celerograms, Manish Shrikhande and Vinay K. Gupta, Chih-Bin Chen, EM Mar. 98, p268-276 Bending EM Nov. 98, p1185-1192 Anisotropy Behavior and Strength of Laminated Glass, H. Scott Nor- Accelerometers Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect 9vi8l,l e,p 46K-i5m3 W. King and Jason L. Swofford, EM Jan Optically Powered Electrical Accelerometer and Its Field Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar Testing, Maria Q. Feng, EM May 98, p513-516 98, p311-318 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- torovich Method, Si. Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W Accuracy Arches Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- Deflections, Vibrations, and Stability of Pair of Leaning Bending Energy Dissipation of Simplified Single-Layer torovich Method, Si Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W Arches, Raymond H. Plaut and Aili Hou, EM July 98, Stranded Cable, Sylvain Goudreau, Francois Charette, Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 p748-753 Claude Hardy and Louis Cloutier, EM Aug. 98, p811- Acoustic waves In-Plane Transient Responses of Arch with Variable Cur- 817 Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated vature Using Dynamic Stiffness Method, Chiung- Bending Solution for Thick Plates with Quadrangular by Particle Sy a. Zhengzhi Li and Zdenék P. BaZant, Shiann Huang, Yi-Ping Tseng and Chia-Jung Lin, EM Boundary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- EM Jan. 98, p69-7 Aug. 98, p826-835 17 Active control Asphaltic concrete CorProeicntte dL oaSdo,l utSi. onB oeodf o Claandm peV.d C.R iPnrga ntiPll,a te EwM itJhu neE d9g8e, Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphait Concrete p696-697 Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- Under Cyclic Loading, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard 727 Kim, EM Jan. 98, p32-40 Ductility of Steel Short Cylinders in Compression and Bending, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin LQG/LTR Control Methodology in Active Structural Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model of Asphalt Con- Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 Control, Li-Teh Lu, Wei-Ling Chiang and Jhy-Pyng crete with Healing, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard Tang, EM Apr. 98, p446-454 Kim, EM Nov. 98, p1224-1232 Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on Elastic Mod- uli of Thin Ice Plates, Alex A. Elvin, Jerome J. Connor Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- Asymptotic series and Dong H. Choi, EM Jan. 98, p54-60 form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- 740 Rheological Equations in Asymptotic Regimes of Granu- Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, iar Flow, Cheng-lung Chen and Chi-Hai Ling, EM Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Semiactive Control Algorithms for Structures with Varia- Mar. 98, p301-310 p818-825 ble Dampers, Fahim Sadek and Bijan Mohraz, EM Sept. 98, p981-990 Axial compression Biaxial loads Time-Delay Compensation in Active Control of Struc- Leipholz Column with Shear and Compressibility, L. J Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns by tures, Jun-Ping Pu, EM Sept. 98, p1018-1028 Cveticanin and T. M. Atanackovic, EM Feb. 98, Cubic-Spline Function, Gary Gang Wang and Cheng- p!46-151 Tzu Thomas Hsu, EM July 98, p803-810 Water Wave Control by Submerged Pitching Porous Plate, T. L. Yip and Allen T. Chwang, EM Apr. 98, Axisymmetry Bifurcations p428-434 Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Determination of Bifurcation and Limit Points, Alberto Aerodynamics clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, Chonghou Zhang and Ki- Franchi, Francesco Genna and Leone Corradi, EM yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-1257 Aug. 98, p866-874 Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- Base isolation Experimental Calibration of Bifurcation Superstructure of 727 Nonlinear System, H. Lin and S. C. S. Yim, EM Apr Time-Delay Compensation in Active Control of Struc- 98, p471-475 Aging tures, Jun-Ping Pu, EM Sept. 98, p1018-1028 Biomechanics TriSaxainadle eCpo mpBoaswietjae, MGoedeolr gef or J. BaDsvioc raCkr eeapn d of ZdCoenncérke te,P Bayesian analysis Geometrical, Mechanical, and Structural Adaptation of BaZant, EM Sept. 98, p959-965 Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. Part I: Baye- Mouse Femora Exposed to Different Loadings, C sian Statistical Framework, J. L. Beck and L. S. Ka- t M. Perl and K. R. Gordon, EM Feb. 98, p217- Air flow tafygiotis, EM Apr. 98, p455-461 2. Coupled Heat-Moisture-Air Transfer in Deformable Un- Beam columns Biomedical engineering saturated Media, Y. Zhou, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse and J. Graham, EM Oct. 98, p1090-1099 Stress-Resultant Plasticity for Frame Structures, Sherif Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Helical El-Tawil and Gregory G. Deierlein, EM Dec. 98, Cardiac Leads, Wei Jiang and Ton-Lo Wang, EM Jan Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- p1360-1370 98, p80-86 mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D. Q. Yang, H Rahardjo, E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, Beams Blast loads p1331-1338 Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: The Missing Factor Algorithms Structures, K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98, Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 p152-157 Comparing Two Algorithms to Add Large Strains to Effect of Panel Stiffness on Resistance of Cladding Small-Strain FE Code, Antonio Rodriguez-Ferran and Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of Panels to Blast Loading, Youguang Pan and Alan Wat- Antonio Huerta, EM Sept. 98, p939-948 Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- son, EM Apr. 98, p414-421 oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- Apr. 98, p476-479 Blocks form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- Dynamics of Rigid Block Due to Horizontal Ground Mo- 740 Dynamics of Multicell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular tion, A. Pompei, A. Scalia and M. A. Sumbatyan, EM Semiactive Control Algorithms for Structures with Varia- CJuutnoeu t9s8,, pD6. 22C-a6p2u9an i, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM July 98, p713-717 ble Dampers, Fahim Sadek and Bijan Mohraz, EM Sept. 98, p981-990 Exact Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams, H. J. Al-Gahtani Bonding and M. S. Khan, EM Nov. 98, p1290-1293 Circular Inclusion in Half-Plane: Effect of Boundary Allocations Conditions, A. Al-Ostaz, I. Jasiuk and M. Lee, EM Process Noise and Optimum Observation in Conditional Generalized Warping Torsion Formulation, Mauro Mar. 98, p293-300 Schulz and Filip C. Filippou, EM Mar. 98, p339-347 Stochastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya and Ikumasa Mechanics of Bond and Interface Shear Transfer in Opti- Yoshhida, EM Dec. 98, p1325-1330 Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, cal Fiber Sensors, Farhad Ansari and Yuan Libo, EM Alloys Mp8a1r8k- 82S.5 . Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Apr. 98, p385-394 SmaMratj i Parneds trIehsossivnag nyw itNhe grSeth,a pEeM- MeOcmto. ry9 8, Apl1lo1y2,1 -A1r1u2p8 K SmaMratj i Parnedst rIehsossivnga nyw iNteh grSeth,a pEeM- MeOcmto. ry9 8, Apl1l o1y,2 1-A1r1u2p8 K BBeonudnidnagr y Soclountdiiotni onfsor Thick Plates with Quadrangular Amplitude Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation by DQEM, B1o7 undary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- Investigation of Tuned Liquid Dampers under Large Am- Chang-New Chen, EM Dec. 98, p1381-1384 plitude Excitation, Dorothy Reed, Jinkyu Yu, Harry Circular Inclusion in Half-Plane: Effect of Boundary Yeh and Sigurdur Gardarsson, EM Apr. 98, p405-413 Bearing capacity Conditions, A. Al-Ostaz, I. Jasiuk and M. Lee, EM Geometrical, Mechanical, and Structural Adaptation of Mar. 98, p293-300 Analysis Mouse Femora Exposed to Different Loadings, C Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Supereliptical Plates, K Exact Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams, H. J. Al-Gahtani Levy, M. Perl and K. R. Gordon, EM Feb. 98, p217- M. Liew, S. Kitipornchai and C. W. Lim, EM Feb. 98, and M. S. Khan, EM Nov. 98, p1290-1293. 999 p137-145 1392 SUBJECT INDEX CONCRETE Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Buildings Piecewise Linear Warping Theory for Multilayered Elas- clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, Chonghou Zhang and Ki- Active Attenuation of Building Structural Response tic Beams, Q. H. Zuo and K. D. Hjelmstad, EM Apr yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-1257 Using Robust Control, Anthony J. Calise and Gregory 98, p377-384 Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Viscous Wavefields D. Sweriduk, EM May 98, p520-528 Composite materials Generated by Piston-Type Wavemaker, Ching-Jer Huang, En-Cheng Zhang and Jaw-Fang Lee, EM Oct Cables Interface Behavior in Steel Fiber/Cement Composites 98, p1110-1120 Bending Energy Dissipation of Simplified Single-Layer under Tension, Yixin Shao, Spore at and Stranded Cable, Sylvain Goudreau, Francois Charette, Surendra P. Shah, EM Sept. 98, p1037-1044 UpspHti4rr6eo8ay-um4k 7i0 B oWuantdaanrayb e of anRde seZrveonigry anin DCayon,a miEcM AAnparl.y si9s8,, C8l17a ude Hardy and Louis Cloutier, EM Aug. 98, p811- TriaSxainadle eCpo mpBoaswietjae, MGodeeolr gef orJ . BaDsvioc raCkr eeapn d of ZdCoenncérke te,P Experimental Determination of Frequencies and Tension Bazant, EM Sept. 98, p959-965 Vibration of Plates Having Orthogonal Straight Edges tor Elastic Cables, J. C. Russell and T. J. Lardner, EM with Clamped Boundaries, K. M. Liew and Y. K. Sum, Oct. 98, p1067-1072 Composite structures EM Feb. 98, p184-192 Applications of FEM on Free and Forced Vibration of Boundary element method Calibration Laminated Shells, Dipankar Chakravorty, P. K. Sinha Simulation of Stationary Non-Gaussian Translation Proc- and J. N. Bandyopadhyay, EM Jan. 98, p1-8 CraBcEkM , GroA.w thL. SAanlaelhy siasn d inM . ReHi. nfAolricaebda di,C onEcMre teS eptU. si9n8g, esses, Mircea Grigonu, EM Feb. 98, p121-226 Confined Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Monotonic p949-958 Cavities Loading, Thomas G. Harmon, Seetharaman Ramak- rishnan and Edward H. Wang, EM Dec. 98, p1303- Exact Analysis of Nonprismatic Beams, H. J. Al-Gahtani Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: The Missing Factor 1309 and M. S. Khan, EM Nov. 98, p1290-1293 Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 Dynamic Instability of Laminates Subjected to Tempera- Bounding surface Cements ture Field, M. Ganapathi and M. Touratier, EM Oct. Bounding Surface Models Applied to Fatigue of Plain Fracture Mechanism in Cement-Based Materials Subject- 98, p1 166-1168 Concrete, Anna Pandolfi and Alberto Taliericio, EM ed to Compression, Sokhwan Choi and Surendra P Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect May 98, p556-564 Shah, EM Jan. 98, p94-102 Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar. Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part I Interface Behavior in Steel Fiber/Cement Composites 98, p311-318 Theory, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Cichof, EM under Tension, Yixin Shao, Chengsheng Ouyang and Tire Contact Using Two-Dimensional Finite Elements, June 98, p591-602 Surendra P. Shah, EM Sept. 98, p1037-1044 James M. Greer, Jr. and Anthony N. Palazotto, EM Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part II Plastic-Damage Model for Interfaces in Cementitious Mar. 98, p348-357 Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Materials, Anthony D. Jefferson, EM July 98, p775- Cichon, EM June 98, p603-613 782 Compressibility Leipholz Column with Shear and Compressibility, L. J Stress-Resultant Plasticity for Frame Structures, Sherif Channel flow Cveticanin and T. M. Atanackovic, EM Feb. 98, El-Tawil and Gregory G. Deierlein, EM Dec. 98, Finite-Element Analysis of Transverse Lift on Circular p146-151 p1360-1370 Cylinder in Channel Flow, Yu Zhao, M. Keith Sharp Bracing and Ken James, EM Oct. 98, p1 151-1164 Compression Statcliicc aDnids plDaycneammenitc, BWeheanvsihouri oGf anSt eealn d BJroachens F.U nHdalelr, CEyM- CLahgaroasn gian/Eulerian Description of Dynamic System, DucGBteie,lni dtiEyn Mg ,o fF eSbS.ht eeen9lg8 ,b iSpnh1 o7rG6ta -o1,C8 y3l Tisnduetrosm u in UsCaommip reasnsdi oHna nbainnd BriJcank. m9a8,s opn8r7y- 93 pF9r0an1c-o9 11 Bontempi and Lucia Faravelli, EM Aug. 98, Fraecdt urteo MCeomcphraensissimo n,i n CSeomkehnwta-nB asCehdo i Maatnedr iaSlusr eSnudbrjae ctP- Size Dependence of Strength and Fracture Properties of Chemical damage Shah, EM Jan. 98, p94-102 Brick Masonry Walls, Alberto Carpinteri, Bernardino Mechanical Behavior of Concrete under Physical- Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under Chiaia and Pietro Bocca, EM Aug. 97, p816-822 Chemical Attacks, Anna Saetta, Roberto Scotta and Dynamic Loads, Marwan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek, Bridges Renato Vitaliani, EM Oct. 98, p1 100-1109 EM June 98, p648-657 Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge Cladding Compression tests Bearings, Osama Hamzeh, Eric B. Becker and John L Effect of Panel Stiffness on Resistance of Cladding Confined Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Monotonic Tassoulas, EM Feb. 98, p240-242 Panels to Blast Loading, Youguang Pan and Alan Wat- Loading, Thomas G. Harmon, Seetharaman Ramak- Bridges, cable-stayed sonEM, Ap r. 98, p414-421 rishnan and Edward H. Wang, EM Dec. 98, p1303- 1309 Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Under Mov- Clamps iJnugl y L9o8a,d sp,7 4F1u-h7e4n7g Yang and Ghislain A. Fonder, EM Vibwriatthi oCn laomfp ePdl atBeos undHaarviiensg, OK.r thM.o goLniaelw aSntdr aiYg.h t K. ESdugme,s Youwnitgh' s EndM odFruilcutsio n, InKt.e rTp.r eCtheda u, frEoMm JCaon.m pr97e,s spi1o-n7 Tests Bridges, concrete EM Feb. 98, p184-192 Compressive strength Dynamics of Seismic Pounding at Expansion Joints of Closed form solutions Reliability Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Col- Cpo7n9c4r-e8t0e2 Bridges, Praveen K. Malhotra, EM July 98, Anatliyotnsi,c alH onMgo deHlaion ga ndo f ThTireanf fiCch-eIonndgu ceAdn g,G roEuMn d AugV.i br9a8-, uMmanys , 98,S ofpi5a2 9M-.5 36C . Diniz and Dan M. Frangopol, EM Bridges, piers p921-928 Computation Ductility Evaluation of Steel Bridge Piers with Pipe Sec- Closed-Form Solutions for the Response of Linear Sys- Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: ~ Missing Factor, tions, Shengvin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Ge, tems to Nonstationary Earthquake Excitation, B.-F Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 EM Mar. 98, p260-267 Peng and J. P. Conte, EM June 98, p684-694 On Stability of Multitime Step nantes Procedures, Bridges, spans Closed loop systems Marek Klisinski and Annika Mostrém, EM July 98, Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- p783-793 Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- Concentrated loads 727 740 Corrected Solution of Clamped Ring Plate with Edge Bridges, suspension Coefficients Point Load, S. Boedo and V. C. Prantil, EM June 98, Application of Fractional Calculus for Analysis of Non- Present Status of Second Order Closure Turbulence Mod- p696-697 linear Damped Vibrations of Suspension Bridges, Yu- els. Il: Applications, S. Y. Jaw andC . J. Chen, EM Concrete riy A. Rossikhin and Marina V. Shitikova, EM Sept May 98, p502-512 Analysis of Penetration Resistance of Concrete, Vladimir 98, p1029-1036 Collapse M. Gold and George C. Vradis, EM Mar. 98, p328- Buckling Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending 338 Buckling of Unilaterally Constrained Infinite Plates, Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Analysis of Rotating Crack Model, Milan Jirasek and Khaled W. Shahwan and Anthony M. Waas, EM Feb p818-825 Thomas Zimmermann, EM Aug. 98, p842-851 98, p127-136 Columns Bounding Surface Models Applied to Fatigue of Plain Deflections, Vibrations, and Stability of Pair of Leaning Leipholz Column with Shear and Compressibility, L. J Concrete, Anna Pandolfi and Alberto Taliericio, EM Arches, Raymond H. Plaut and Aili Hou, EM July 98, Cveticanin and T. M. Atanackovic, EM Feb. 98, May 98, p556-564 p748-753 p146-151 Confined Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Monotonic Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Post-Local Buckled Fi- Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns by Loading, Thomas G. Harmon, Seetharaman Ramak- brous Composite Beams, Mohammad Z. Kabir and Ar- Cubic-Spline Function, Gary Gang Wang and Cheng- rishnan and Edward H. Wang, EM Dec. 98, p1303- chibald N. Sherbourne, EM July 98, p754-764 Tzu Thomas Hsu, EM July 98, p803-810 1309 Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Endochronic Theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics, clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, Chonghou Zhang and Ki- Comparative studies Han C. Wu and C. Komarakulnanakorn, EM Feb. 98, yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-1257 Comparing Two Algorithms to Add Large Strains to p200-208 Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under SAmnatloln-iSot raHiuner taF,E ECMod e,Se ptA.n t9o8n,i op 93R9o-d9r4i8g uez-Ferran and One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement in Con- Dynamic Loads, Marwan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek, crete, J. S.P opovics, W. Song, J. K. Achenback, J. H. EM June 98, p648-657 Composite beams Lee and R. F. Andre, EM Dec. 98, p1346-1353 Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Post-Local Buckled Fi- Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part I: Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, brous Composite Beams, Mohammad Z. Kabir and Ar- Theory, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesllaw Cichoh, EM p818-825 chibald N. Sherbourne, EM July 98, p754-764 June 98, p591-602 1393 CONCRETE 1998 ANNUAL INDEX Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part Il Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part Il Core Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czeslitaw Dynamics of Multicell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular Cichofi, EM June 98, p603-613 Cichof, EM June 98, p603-613 Cutouts, D. Capuani, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Plastic-Damage Model for Interfaces in Cementitious June 98, p622-629 SAturgu.c tu9r8e,s ,p 89J2e-c9h0o0 Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM a82 Anthony D. Jefferson, EM July 98, p775- Coupled systems RotMaitlianng JCirraécske k Maondde lT hwoimtahs TrZanismimteiornm anton ,S calEaMr DMaarm.a ge98,, PhMialsane JCirraacske k Maondde !T hwoimtahs TrZainsmimteironm anton ,S calEaMr DMaarm.a ge98,, UpspHti4rr6eo8ya-um4k 7i0 B oWuantdaanrayb e of aRnde seZrveonigry anin CDayon,a miEcM AAnparl.y si9s8,, p277-284 p277-284 Smart Prestressing with Shape-Memory Alloy, Arup K Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphalt Concrete Covariance Maji and Ihosvany Negret, EM Oct. 98, p1121-1128 Under Cyclic Loading, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard Reliability-Based Approach to Linear Covariance Control Solutions of Multilayer Inclusion Problems Under Uni- Kim, EM Jan. 98, p32-40 Design, Richard V. Field, Jr. and Lawrence A. Berg- form Field, Xing-Hua Zhao and W. F. Chen, EM Feb man, EM Feb. 98, p193-199 98, p209-216 Visccroeetle astwiict h CoHneatliinnugu,m HDyaunm-aJgoen g ModLeeel aofn d AspY.h alRti cChoanr-d Crack propagation Testing Concrete in Torsion: Instability Analysis and Ex- Kim, EM Nov. 98, p1224-1232 Crack Growth Analysis in Reinforced Concrete Using periments, Kolluru V. Subramaniam, John S. Popovics BEM, A. L. Saleh and M. H. Aliabadi, EM Sept. 98 and Surendra P. Shah, EM Nov. 98, p1258-1268 Constitutive relations p949-958 Viscous Hardening Plasticity for Concrete in High-Rate Rheological Equations in Asymptotic Regimes of Granu- Fracture Mechanism in Cement-Based Materials Subject- Dynamics, Jéréme Sercombe, Franz-Josef Ulm and lar Flow, Cheng-lung Chen and Chi-Hai Ling, EM ed to Compression, Sokhwan Choi and Surendra P Francois Toutlemonde, EM Sept. 98, p1050-1057 Mar. 98, p301-310 Shah, EM Jan. 98, p94-102 Concrete deterioration Constraints Testing Concrete in Torsion: Instability Analysis and Ex- Mechanical Behavior of Concrete under Physical- Buckling of Unilaterally Constrained Infinite Pilates, periments, Kolluru V. Subramaniam, John S. Popovics Chemical Attacks, Anna Saetta, Roberto Scotta and Khaled W. Shahwan and Anthony M. Waas, EM Feb and Surendra P. Shah, EM Nov. 98, p1258-1268. , Renato Vitaliani, EM Oct. 98, p1 100-1109 98, p127-136 Cracking Concrete, reinforced Contact pressure Analysis of Rotating Crack Model, Milan Jirasek and Crack Growth Analysis in Reinforced Concrete Using Interference Assemblies, R. R. Little, G. R. Frederick and Thomas Zimmermann, EM Aug. 98, p842-851 BEM, A. L. Saleh and M. H. Aliabadi, EM Sept. 98, B. K. Park, EM Jan. 98, p41-45 Rotating Crack Model with Transition to Scalar Damage, p949-958 Milan Jirasek and Thomas Zimmermann, EM Mar. 98, Local and Modal Damage Indicators for RC Frames Sub- Contacts p277-284 ject to Earthquakes, H. Ugur Koyliglu, Soren R. K Analytic Solutions for Diametral Point Load Strength Shrinkage Cracking of Restrained Concrete Slabs, W. Ja- Nielsen, Jamison Abbott and Ahmet §. Cahmak, EM Tests, K. T.C hau, EM Aug. 98, p875-883 son Weiss, Wei Yang and Surendra P. Shah, EM Jul: Dec. 98, p1371-1379 Rolling Resistance at Contacts in Simulation of Shear 98, p765-774 MecChhaenmiiccaall ABtethaackvsi,o r Annofa CSaoentctrae, te Robeurntdeor ScoPthtyas icaaln-d BMaansda noDbeuv elOodpa,m enEtM bMya r.D E9M8,, pK2a8z6u-y2o9s2h i Iwashita and Cracks Renato Vitaliani, EM Oct. 98, p! 100-1109 Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated NonCTluzibuni ecTa-rhS opmlAainnsae l yHsFsiuusn, c toEfi oMnR ,e JiunGlfyao rr9yc8 e, dG pa8nC0go3 n-cW8r1ae0tn eg Caonldu mCnhse ngb-y StrC9e8os,sn tpac9It9n t1e-an9sn9idt9 y C raFcakc toPrrso blaenmds , DVi.s pIl.a Fcaebmreinktanst , inE M ElaSsetpitc AntbEiyMp l PaaJnraetn .i cIln9e8t ,e Sryapcs6tt9ie-om7n, 9 oZf hae nCgrzahcik Lwii tahn da ZCdirecnuélka r P.I nBcalZuasnito,n Reliability Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Col- Tire Contact Using Two-Dimensional Finite Elements, in an Elastic Half-Plane, Ching-Kong Chao and umns, Sofia M. C. Diniz and Dan M. Frangopol, EM James M. Greer, Jr. and Anthony N. Palazotto, EM Ching-Wen Young, EM Feb. 98, p167-175 May 98, p529-536 Mar. 98, p348-357 Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Stress-Resultant Plasticity for Frame Structures, Sherif Contaminants Structures, K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98 El-Tawil and Gregory G. Deierlein, EM Dec. 98, Steady, Diffusive-Reactive Transport in Shallow Trian- p1S2-157 p1360-1370 gular Domain, Georgios M. Horsch, EM Oct. 98, Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for Concrete slabs pl 134-1141 CPlhainhe- BiCnr acCkh en,P riEorM tMo ar.K in9k8i,n gp,2 68J-u2i7-6H ung Chang and Shr9si8on,n k apWg7ee6i 5s-sC7,r 7a4cW keiin g Yaofn gR esatnrda iSneudr enCdornac reP.t eS hSalha,b s,E MW . JuJlay- CDoynntaimniucosu so f bMeualtmisc ell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular SizTeh rEofufgehct Cirna ckPse.n etraIt ion eoorfy , SeaZ deIncéek PlaP.t e Bawziatnh t Paarntd- Cutouts, D. Capuani, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1310-1315 Concretes June 98, p622-629 Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part- TriSaxainadle eCpo mpBoaswiejtae, MGodeeolr gef or J. BaDsvico raCkr eeapn d of ZdCoenncérke te,P Continuum mechanics JTahnrgo uJgahy HC.r acKkism., EIMI: DReecs.u lt9s8,, pZ1d3e1n6é-k1 32P4. BazZant and BaZant, EM Sept. 98, p959-965 Continuum Damage Mechanics-Based Model of Stochas- Stress Intensity Factors and Displacements in Elastic Conditional probability tEilc liDnagmwaogode, GErMow tShe,p t. Ba9i8d, urpy1a0 00B-h1at0t0a9c harya and Bruce C98o,n tpac9t9 1-a9n9d9 Crack Problems, V. I. Fabrikant, EM Sept Estimation of Conditional Non-Gaussian Translation Sto- Endochronic Theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics, chastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya, a Noda and Han C. Wu and C. Komarakulnanakorn, EM Feb. 98, Creep Hiroshi Inada, EM Apr. 98, p435-44 p200-208 Bounding Surface Models Applied to Fatigue of Plain Confinement Mechanical Behavior of Concrete under Physical- CMoanyc re9t8e,, p5A5n6n-a5 64P andolfi and Alberto Taliericio, EM Confined Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Monotonic Chemical Attacks, Anna Saetta, Roberto Scotta and Loading, Thomas G. Harmon, Seetharaman Ramak- Renato Vitaliani, EM Oct. 98, p1100-1109 Continuum Damage Mechanics-Based Model of Stochas- rishnan and Edward H. Wang, EM Dec. 98, p1303- tic Damage Growth, Baidurya Bhattacharya and Bruce 1309 Control equipment Ellingwood, EM Sept. 98, p1000-1009 Conical bodies ConBtrooulnldeerd DeAcstiugantso rsf,o r T.S eiNsgmuiyce-nE,x ciFt. edJ abbBauriil dianngds S.w itdhe ExpPeoruilm eVn.t aLla deSt uadnyd oCf hiD-rTasienendg CLrieu,e p EMB ehaAvugi.o r 98,o f pS9a1n2d-, Sleeved Cone-Cylinder Intersection Under Internal PRes- Miguel, EM Aug. 98, p857-865 920 sure, J. G. Teng and B. Gabriel, EM Sept. 98, p971- 980 : Control systems Four-Stage Model for Predicting Creep Behavior, Robert Geist, EM Jan. 98, p1 18-120 Consolidation ConBtrooulnldeerd DeAcstiugantso rsf,o r T.S eiNsgmuiyce-nE,x ciFt. edJ abbBauriil dianngds S.w itdhe Triaxial Composite Medel for Basic Creep of Concrete Self-Weight Subsidence of Saturated Soft Porous Media, Miguel, EM Aug. 98, p857-865 Sandeep Baweja, George J. Dvorak and Zdenék P Kagan Tuncay, Kiran K. R. Kambham and M. Yavuz Bazant, EM Sept. 98, p959-965 Corapcioglu, EM June 98, p630-638 LQG/LTR Control Methodology in Active Structural Control, Li-Teh Lu, Wei-Ling Chiang and Jhy-Pyng Curvature Consolidation, soils Tang, EM Apr. 98, p446-454 Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Use of Porosity in Models of Consolidation, Mariusz Reliability-Based Approach to Linear Covariance Control tions. I, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Kaczmarek and Tomasz Hueckel, EM Feb. 98, p237- Design, Richard V. Field, Jr. and Lawrence A. Berg- 98, p537-546 239 man, EM Feb. 98, p193-199 Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Constitutive equations Semiactive Control Algorithms for Structures with Varia- 9ti8o,n s.p 54II7,- 5M5a5r k T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Endochronic Theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics, ble Dampers, Fahim Sadek and Bijan Mohraz, EM Han C. Wu and C. Komarakulnanakorn, EM Feb. 98, Sept. 98, p981-990 In-Plane Transient Responses of Arch with Variable Cur- p200-208 Time-Delay Compensation in Active Control of Struc- vSahtiuarnen HUusainngg, DYiy-nPaimnigc TseSntigf fnaensds ChMieat-hJoudn, g LCihn,i unEgM- Constitutive models tures, Jun-Ping Pu, EM Sept. 98, p1018-1028 Aug. 98, p826-835 AnaTlhyosmisa s ofZ iRmomteartminagn n,C racEkM MAuogd.e l,9 8, Mpi8l4a2n- 85Ji1r ések and Cooling towers Curve fitting Conbsltei tuMtaitveer ialMso,d elOi. ngC ouosfs yU,n saRt.u raEtyemda rdD ryianndg TD.e fLoarsmsaa-- Hyp9Ne8. r, bGopol1di b2co6 l9eC-,o1 o2l7Mi9.n g N.T oVwielrasd kawri tha ndB ulAg. e TaInmkphearf,e ctEiMo nsN,o vP FouGre-isStt,a geE M MoJdane.l 98f,o r p1P r1e8d-i1c2ti0n g Creep Behavior, Robert batere, EM June 98, p658-667 Cyclic loads Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part I: Coordinates Ductility Evaluation of Steel Bridge Piers with Pipe Sec- Theory, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Cichofi, EM Generalized Warping Torsion Formulation, Mauro tions, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Ge June 98, p591-602 Schulz and Filip C. Filippou, EM Mar. 98, p339-347 EM Mar. 98, p260-267 1394 SUBJECT INDEX DISCRETE ELEMENTS Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Structural Damage Detection from Incomplete and Noisy Deformation clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, Chonghou Zhang and Ki- Modal Test Data, S. S. Law, Z. Y. Shi and L. M Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Drying Deforma- yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-1257 Zhang, EM Nov. 98, p1280-1288 ble Materials, O. Coussy, R. Eymard and T. Lassa- Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Damping batere, EM June 98, p658-667 SAturgu.c tu9r8e,s , p89J2e-e9h0o0 Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM Applliinceaart ioDna mopfe dF racVtiibornaatli onCsa lcofu luSsu spfeorn siAonna lyBsriisd geosf , NoYnu-- Contitc inDuaumma geD amGargoewt h,M ecBhaaindiucrsy-aB aBsheadt taMcohdaerly a ofa nSdt oBcrhuacs-e Static and Dynamic Behavior of Steel Braces Under Cy- ny A. Rossikhin and Marina V. Shitikova, EM Sept Ellingwood, EM Sept. 98, p1000-1009 clic Displacement, Wenshui Gan and John F. Hall, EM 98, p1029-1036 Coupled Heat-Moisture-Air Transfer in Deformable Un- Jan. 98, p87-93 Bending Energy Dissipation of Simplified Single-Layer saturated Media, Y. Zhou, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse and Cyclic tests Stranded Cable Sylvain Goudreau, Francois Charette J. Graham, EM Oct. 98, p1090-1099 Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphalt Concrete Claude Hardy and Louis Cloutier, EM Aug. 98, p811 Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- Under Cyclic Loading, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard 817 mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D.Q . Yang, H Kim, EM Jan. 98, p32-40 Earthquake-Induced Sloshing in Vertical Container of pRa1h3a3r1d-jo1,3 38 E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, Cylinders RAyrub,i trEarMy FSebe.c ti9o8n,, p1M i5c8h-a1e6l6 Isaacson and Chung-Son Hyperbolic Cooling Towers with Bulge Imperfections, P Analytic Solutions for Diametral Point Load Strength N. Godbole, M. N. Viladkar and A. Tankha, EM Nov Tests, K. T.C hau, EM Aug. 98, p875-883 Efficient Solution Method of Eigenproblems for Damped 98, p1269-1279 DucBtielnidtiyn g, of SShteenelg biSnh orGta o,C yliTnsduetrosm u in UsCaommip reasnsdi oHna nbainnd SRTtoerbcuihcnntsiuorqanul,e , ESyMIs nt-eMWmaosyn 9U8Ls,ei en,p g5 7M6Ma-on5d-9iC0fh ieeodl NeKwitmo na-nRda phA.s onR RolBlainngd DReesviesltoapncmee nta t bCyo ntDaEcMt,s Kina zuSyiomuslhait ioInw ashofi taS heaanrd Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 Masanobu Oda, EM Mar. 98, p286-292 Finite-Element Analysis of Transverse Lift on Circular Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Helical Cylinder in Channel Flow, Yu Zhao, M. Keith Sharp Using Wavelets, Yoshihiro Kitada, EM Oct. 98 Cardiac Leads, Wei Jiang and Ton-Lo Wang, EM Jan and Ken James, EM Oct. 98, p1 151-1164 p1059-1066 98 p80-86 Sleseurvee, d JC. onG.e -CTyelnign dearn d IBn.t erGsaebcrtiieoln, UEnMde r SeIptn.t ern9a8l, PpR9e7s1-- Sembilae ctDivaem peCrosnt,r ol]F ahAligmo riStahdmesk foarn d StrBuicjtaunr esM ohwirtahz , VarEiaM Deformation analysis 980 Sept. 98, p981-990 Ductility Evaluation of Steel Bridge Piers with Pipe Sec- tions, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Ge, Testing Concrete in Torsion: Instability Analysis and Ex- Two-Step Identification Approach for Damped Finite El EM Mar. 98, p260-267 periments, Kolluru V. Subramaniam, John S. Popovics ement Models, T. Herrmann and H. J. Pradlwarter, EM and Surendra P. Shah, EM Nov. 98, p1258-1268 June 98, p639-647 DucBtielnidtiyn g,o f SShteeenlg biSnh orGt ao,C ylTisnduetrosm u in UsCaommip reasnsdi oHna nbainnd Young's Modulus Interpreted from Compression Tests Viscous Heating of Fluid Dampers. I: Small-Amplitude Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 with End Friction, K. T. Chau, EM Jan. 97, p1-7 Motions, Nicos Makris, EM Nov. 98, p1210-1216 Degradation Cylindrical shells VisMcootuiso ns,H eatNiincgo s of MaFklruiisd, DaYmipaenrnsi.s RIoI:u sLsaors,g e-AAmnpdlriteuwde S Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Free Vibrations of Fluid-Filled Orthotropic Cylindrical Whittaker and James M. Kelly, EM Nov. 98, p1217 Structures, Jeeho Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM Shells, C. Weidiu, H. J. Ding, Y. M. Guo andQ . D 1223 Aug. 98, p892-900 Yang, EE Nov. 97, p1 130-1133 Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- Dams Degrees of freedom cyloihc isLao adOinngo,, EYMo shNiova.k i 98G,o top,1 24(9 t-h o1n2g5h7o u Zhang and Ki- UpsHtirreoyaumk i BoWuantdaanray be of aRnde serZveonigry anin CDayon,a miEcM AAnparl.y si9s8 NewE duSaeridsom icK ausTeels,t inEg M MeMtahyod .9 8, I:p 5F6u5n-d5a7m0e ntal Concepts, Three-Dimensional Vibrations of Layered Piezoelectric p468-470 New Seismic Testing Method. II: Proof for MDOF Sys- C98y,l inpd1e2r9s,4 -1M2a9n8a r Hussein and Paul Heyliger, EM Nov Dams, concrete Seitsemmsi,c ERdeusaprodnos e Kaoufs eSlD, OFE M SyMsatye m9s8 , bpy5 7W1a-v5e7l5e t Model- Experimental Study of Small Scale Dam Models, A ing of Nonstationary Processes, Biswajit Basu and Cylindrical tanks Ghobarah and M. Ghaemian, EM Nov. 98, p1241- Vinay K. Gupta, EM Oct. 98, p1 142-1150 Earthquake-Induced Sloshing in Vertical Container of 1248 Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. Part Il: Model ARrybui,t raErMy FeSbe.c tio9n8,, p1M5i8c-h1a6el6 Isaacson and Chung-Son Dams, gravity IAdpern.t if9i8a,b ilpi4ty6,3 -46L.7 S. Katafygiotis and J. L. Beck, EM Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under ExpGehroibmaernatha l anSdt udyM. ofG haSemmailaln , ScaEleM DNaovm. M9o8,d elsp,1 241-A Delaminating EDyMn aJmuince 98L,o adps6,4 8-6M5a7r wan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek 1248 Buckling of Unilaterally Constrained Infinite Plates, Damage Data processing 9K8h, alpe1d2 7-W.1 36S hahwan and Anthony M. Waas, EM Feb AnaTlyhsoimsa s ofZ imRomteartmiangn n,C rackE M MAougd.e l,9 8, Mpi8l4a2n- 85Ji1r aések and ProScteoscsh asNtoiics e Fainedl dsO, ptiMmausmar u ObseHrovsahtiiyoan ian ndC ondIiktuimoansaal Density functions Yoshhida, EM Dec. 98, p1325-1330 Estimation of Conditional Non-Gaussian Translation Sto- Damage Identification Through Regularization Method | chastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya, Shigeru Noda and Theory, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, p103-108 Dead loads Hiroshi Inada, EM Apr. 98, p435-445 Damage Identification Through Regularization Method Stochastic Analysis of Load Combination, Claudio II: Applications, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98 Floris, EM Sept. 98, p929-938 Desiccation pl09-116 Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Drying Deforma- EndHoacnh roCn. icW u Thaenodr yC . ofK oCmoanrtaikunlunuamn akDoarmna,g e EMM ecFheabn. ic9s8 DFereepq uewnacteyr- Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in bblaet ereM,a teEriMa lsJ, une O. 98,C opu6s5s8y-,6 67R. Eymard and T. Lassa- p200-208 Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and Design M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 Local and Modal Damage Indicators for RC Frames Sub- A Primer on Design of Semiactive Vibration Absorbers ject to Earthquakes, H. Ugur KGyliiglu, Soren R. K Defects (SAVA), W. N. Patten, C. Mo, J. Kuehn andJ . Lee, Nielsen, Jamison Abbott and Ahmet §. Cahmak, EM Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect EM Jan. 98, p61-68 Dec. 98, p1371-1379 Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar Design criteria Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete 98, p311-318 Structures, Jeeho Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM Reliability Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Col- Aug. 98, p892-900 Deflection uMmanys , 98,S ofpi5a2 9M-.5 36C . Diniz and Dan M. Frangopol, EM Plastic-Damage Model for Interfaces in Cementitious Analysis of Floating Roofs by ODE-Solver Method, Si Materials, Anthony D. Jefferson, EM July 98, p775- Yuan, Jianlin Wang and Hongzhi Zhong, EM Oct. 98 Design wind speed 782 pl129-1134 Estimation of Long Return Period Design Values for Rotating Crack Model with Transition to Scalar Damage, Corrected Solution of Clamped Ring Plate with Edge Wind Speeds, A. Naess, EM Mar. 98, p252-259 Mpi2l7a7n- 28J4ir asek and Thomas Zimmermann, EM Mar. 98 pPo6i9n6t- 697Lo ad, S. Boedo and V. C. Prantil, EM June 98 Differential equations Analysis of Floating Roofs by ODE-Solver Method, Si Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphalt Concrete Cyclic Elastoplastic Large Deflection Analysis of Thin Yuan, Jianlin Wang and Hongzhi Zhong, EM Oct. 98, Under Cyclic Loading, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard Steel Plates, Shigeru Banno, Iraj H. P. Mamaghani pl129-1134 Kim, EM Jan. 98, p32-40 Tsutomu Usami and Eiji Mizuno, EM Apr. 98, p363- 370 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model of Asphalt Con- torovich Method, Si Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W crete with Healing, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard Deflections, Vibrations, and Stability of Pair of Leaning Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 Kim, EM Nov. 98, p1224-1232 pAr7c4h8e-s,7 53 Raymond H. Plaut and Aili Hou, EM July 98, Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation by DQEM, Damage accumulation Chang-New Chen, EM Dec. 98, p1381-1384 Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on Elastic Mod- Continuum Damage Mechanics-Based Model of Stochas- uli of Thin Ice Plates, Alex A. Elvin, Jerome J.C onnor Diffusion tic Damage Growth, Baidurya Bhattacharya and Bruce and Dong H. Choi, EM Jan. 98, p54-60 Steady, Diffusive-Reactive Transport in Shallow Trian- Ellingwood, EM Sept. 98, p!000-1009 Large Deflection of Reissner-Mindlin Plates on Elastic gular Domain, Georgios M. Horsch, EM Oct. 98, Safety Estimation Method for Structures with Cumulative Foundations, Hui-Shen Shen, EM Oct. 98, p1080- p1134-1141 Damage, Vittorio Gusella, EM Nov. 98, p1 200-1209 1089 Discrete elements Damage assessment Sleeved Cone-Cylinder Intersection Under Internal PRes- Determination of Bifurcation and Limit Points, Alberto Damage Identification Through Regularization Method I sure, J. G. Teng and B. Gabriel, EM Sept. 98, p971- Franchi, Francesco Genna and Leone Corradi, EM Theory, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, p103-108 980 Aug. 98, p866-874 DISPLACEMENT 1998 ANNUAL INDEX Displacement Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation by DQEM, Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge Plane Crack Prior to Kinking, Jui-Hung Chang and Chang-New Chen, EM Dec. 98, p1381-1384 Bearings, Osama Hamzeh, Eric B. Becker and John L Chih-Bin Chen, EM Mar. 98, p268-276 Elastic media Tassoulas, EM Feb. 98, p240-242 Dynamic Instability of Laminates Subjected to Tempera- Stactliicc aDnids plDaycneammeinct , BWeehanvsihouri oGf anSt eealn d BrJaochens F.U nHdalelr, CEyM- 9tu8r,e p1F i1el6d6,- 11M.6 8 Ganapathi and M. Touratier, EM Oct CalCPclhuailnhae-t iBoiCnnr acCokhf e n,P ErilEoarMs t otModa yrn.Ka imn9ik8ci, n gp,2 E6n8eJ-ru2gi7y-6 H unPga raCmheatnegr afnodr Jan. 98, p87-93 Dynamics of Rigid Block Due to Horizontal Ground Mo- tion, A. Pompei, A. Scalia and M. A. Sumbatyan, EM Elastic moduli TraMnosrftoerzmaa tiA.o n M. MaTtorrikcaems anfio,r FEiMni teM ara.n d 98S,m apl3l5 9R-o3t6a2t.i ons, July 98, p713-717 Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on Elastic Mod- Gravitational Fall Velocity of Sphere in Viscous Fluid, uli of Thin Ice Plates, Alex A. Elvin, Jerome J.C onnor Displacements Tsang-Jung Chang and Ben Chie Yen, EM Nov. 98, and Dong H. Choi, EM Jan. 98, p54-60 Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: The Missing Factor, p1193-1199 Piecewise Linear Warping Theory for Multilayered Elas- Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 Lagrangian/Eulerian Description of Dynamic System, tic Beams, Q. H. Zuo and K. D. Hjelmstad, EM Apr Influence of Material Stiffening on Stability of Elasto- Franco Bontempi and Lucia Faravelli, EM Aug. 98, 98, p377-384 meric Bearings at Large Displacements, Maura Imbim- p901-911 Elastic properties bo and James M. Kelly, EM Sept. 98, p1045-1049 Viscous Hardening Plasticity for Concrete in High-Rate StrCeossn tacItn teannsidt yC raFcakc toPrrso blaenmds , DVi.s p|l.a Fcaebmreinktanst , inE M ElSasetpitc DFryannacmoiicss ,T ouJtélre6mmoen deS,e rEcoMm beSe,p t. F9r8a,n zp-1J0os5e0f- 10U5l7m and Youwnitgh' s EndM odFruilctuiso n, InKt.e rTp.r eCthead u, frEoMm JCaon.m pr97e, sspi1o-n7 Tests 98, p991-999 Earthquake engineering Elasticity Distribution NewE duSaeridsom icK auTseeslt,i nEg M MeMtahoyd .9 8, I: pF5u6n5d-a5m7e0n tal Concepts, AnaTleysttis,c K.S oluTt.iC ohnasu , fEorM DAiuagm.e tr9a8l, p8P7oi5n-t8 83L oad Strength Interference Assemblies, R. R. Little,G . R. Frederick and B. K. Park, EM Jan. 98, p41-45 New Seismic Testing Method. Il: Proof for MDOF Sys- Corrected Solution of Clamped Ring Plate with Edge tems, Eduardo Kausel, EM May 98, p571-575 Point Load, S. Boedo and V. C. Prantil, EM June 98, Disturbances Reliability of Nonlinear Structural Frame Under Seismic p696-697 Random Response to Periodic Excitation with Correlated Excitation, G. Q. Cai and Y. K. Lin, EM Aug. 98, Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Disturbances, Zhikun Hou, Yunshen Zhou, Mikhail F p852-856 tions. I, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Dimentberg and Mohammad Noori, EM Nov. 96, 98, p537-546 p!101-1108 Earthquake excitation Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Drag Clotseemsd -Ftoor m NonSosltuattiioonnsa ryf or Etahret hRqeusapkoen seE xcoift atLiionne,a r BS.y-sF- t9i8o,n s.p 54I]7,- 5M5a5r k T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Vis- Peng andJ . P. Conte, EM June 98, p684-694 cMoauys 9L8o,a dps5,8 2K-u5r8t6is R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem, EM ConBtoroulnldeerd DeAcstiugantso rsf,o r T.S eiNsgmuiyce-nE,x ciFt. edJ abbBauriil dianngds S.w itdhe ExpOfecotrr. i Emle9an8s,tt aipcl 1 0CD6aeb7lt-ee1sr0,m 7i2nJ a. tCi.o nR usosfe lFlr eaqnude ncTi. esJ. Laanrdd neTre,n siEoMn Ductility Miguel, EM Aug. 98, p857-865 Layerwise Composite Plate Analysis Using an Element Ductility Evaluation of Steel Bridge Piers with Pipe Sec- Dynamics of Seismic Pounding at Expansion Joints of Template Methodology, Weimin Xiao and George E tions, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Ge, Concrete Bridges, Praveen K. Malhotra, EM July 98, Blandford, EM May 98, p587-590 DucGEBteeiM,ln idtiEMynaM gr .,o fF e9Sb8S.h,t e ene9plg82 ,b6 i0Spn-h1 o27r6G6t7a - o1,C8 y3l Tisnduetrosm u in UsCaommip reasnsdi oHna nbainnd IRdeelppUni17staib0i9fi5n4il9g-ci- 8at t0yi 12Wo0 aon6fv 6elNo efo tnslN,io nnelaiYrno esaShrti rhuiScrttoru urcatlu KriaFtlar daamD,e y naUEmnMdi ecr OcSSty.es itsem9mi8sc, SSoollRLiuteotaosirneoyinn sda uW,o afvS EelMMesup lytSaienipl,nta .y eFr9lV 8e,ix aiIcbpnlhc9eel6,su6 sl-ia9ovAn7 r 0b iPtKrrraoyrbyll oevm sE lasaUtnniddc er HPehUlinilixi-,p Dynamic analysis Excitation, G. Q. Cai and Y. K. Lin, EM Aug. 98, form Field, Xing-Hua Zhao and W. F. Chen, EM Feb Dynamics of Multicell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular p852-856 98, p209-216 Cutouts, D. Capuani, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM Synthesizing Ensembles of Spatially Correlated Ac- Elastomer June 98, p622-629 celerograms, Manish Shrikhande and Vinay K. Gupta, Elastomeric Materials Used for Vibration Isolation of Upstream Boundary of Reservoir in Dynamic Analysis, EM Nov. 98, p1 185-1192. Railway Lines, A. Castellani, G. Kajon, P. Panzeri and Hiroyuki Watanabe and Zengyan Cao, EM Apr. 98, Earthquake loads ; P. Pezzoli, EM June 98, p614-621 p468-470 Experimental Study of Small Scale Dam Models, A Influence of Material Stiffening on Stability of Elasto- Dynamic characteristics Ghobarah and M. Ghaemian, EM Nov. 98, p1241- meric Bearings at Large Displacements, Maura Imbim- Adaptive H. Filter: Its Application to Structural Iden- 1248 bo and James M. Kelly, EM Sept. 98, p1045-1049 tpi1f2ic3a3ti-o1n2, 40T adanobu Sato and Kai Qi, EM Nov. 98, Earthquakes ModBeelar infgosr, VOissacmouas Ha“mWzaelhk,i ngE”r ic ofB . EBleacskteorm eraincd JBorhin dgLe Closed-Form Solutions for the Response of Linear Sys- Tassoulas, EM Feb. 98, p240-242 Dynamic loads tems to Nonstationary Earthquake Excitation, B.-F Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under Peng andJ . P. Conte, EM June 98, p684-694 Elastoplasticity Dynamic Loads, Marwan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek, Ductility of Steel Short Cylinders in Compression and Cyclic Elastoplastic Large Deflection Analysis of Thin EM June 98, p648-657 Bending, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Steel Plates, Shigeru Banno, Iraj H. P. Mamaghani, Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 Tsutomu Usami and Eiji Mizuno, EM Apr. 98, p363- Dynamic response Earthquake-Induced Sloshing in Vertical Container of 370 Analysis and Experiments on Stress Waves in Planar Arbitrary Section, Michael Isaacson and Chung-Son Determination of Bifurcation and Limit Points, Alberto Trusses, Samuel M. Howard and Yih-Hsing Pao, EM Ryu, EM Feb. 98, p158-166. Franchi, Francesco Genna and Leone Corradi, EM Aug. 98, p884-891 Local and Modal Damage Indicators for RC Frames Sub- Aug. 98, p866-874 Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Under Mov- ject to Earthquakes, H. Ugur Kéyliiglu, Soren R. K Electrical equipment Jiungl y L9o8a,d sp,7 4F1u-h7e4n7 g Yang and Ghislain A. Fonder, EM NDieecl.s e9n8,, pJ1a3mi7s1o-n1 37A9b bott and Ahmet §. Cahmak, EM OptTiecsatlilnyg , PoMwareirae d Q. ElFeecntrgi,c alE M AcMcaeyle r9o8m,e tpe5r1 3-a5n1d6 Its Field Moving Loads on a Plate on Elastic Foundation, Seong- Eccentric loading Min Kim and Jose M. Roesset, EM Sept. 98, p1010- Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Energy 1017 tions. I, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for Static and Dynamic Behavior of Steel Braces Under Cy- 98, p537-546 Plane Crack Prior to Kinking, Jui-Hung Chang and clic Displacement, Wenshui Gan and John F. Hall, EM Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Chih-Bin Chen, EM Mar. 98, p268-276 Jan. 98, p87-93 tions. II, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Engelund’s Analysis of Turbulent Energy and Suspended Stochastic Response of Offshore Platforms by Statistical 98, p547-555 Load, Yarko Nifio and Marcelo Garcia, EM Apr. 98, CCuhbainc-izGahteieo n,K oh,X iaEoM- MOicnt.g 95L,i ,p 10S5e6r--1T0o6n8g Quek and Eigenvalues Plaps4t8i0c--4D8a3m age Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Updsaiatni ngS tatMiosdtieclasl Farnda meTwhoeirrk , UncJ.e rtLa. inBtieecsk. anPdar t L.I : S.B ayKea-- EffTSietcriceuhncntti uqrSuaolel ,u tSiyIosnnt -eWMmoesnt hoULdsei en,og f MEMaiongd-eiCfnhipeerodo lb lNeemKwsi tmo fnoar- nRdDa apmhA.ps oendR ASturgu.c tu9r8e,s ,p 89J2e-e9h0o0 Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM tafygiotis, EM Apr. 98, p455-461 Robinson, EM May 98, p576-590 Energy dissipation Dynamic tests Eigenvectors BenSdtirnagnd edE neCragbyl e, DiSsyslivpaaitni onG ouofd reSaium,pl ifFireadn coSiis ngClhea-rLeatyteer, Damage Identification Through Regularization Method Efficient Solution Method of Eigenproblems for Damped Claude Hardy and Louis Cloutier, EM Aug. 98, p811- Il: Applications, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, Structural Systems Using Modified Newton-Raphson 817 pl09-116 Technique, In-Won Lee, Man-Cheol Kim and A. R Dynamics Robinson, EM May 98, p576-590. Sembilae ctDiavme peCrosn,t rolF ahAilgmo riStahdmesk faorn dS trBuicjtaunr esM owhirtahz ,V arEiaM- Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Elastic foundations Sept. 98, p981-990 Structures, K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98, Large Deflection of Reissner-Mindlin Plates on Elastic Viscous Heating of Fluid Dampers. I: Small-Amplitude p152-157 Foundations, Hui-Shen Shen, EM Oct. 98, p1080- Motions, Nicos Makris, EM Nov. 98, p1210-1216 Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of 1089 Viscous Heating of Fluid Dampers. II: Large-Amplitude Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- Moving Loads on a Plate on Elastic Foundation, Seong- Motions, Nicos Makris, Yiannis Roussos, Andrew S oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM Min Kim and Jose M. Roesset, EM Sept. 98, p1010- Whittaker and James M. Kelly, EM Nov. 98, p1217- Apr. 98, p476-479 1017 1223 1396 SUBJECT INDEX FREQUENCY RESPONSE Energy methods Filters Fluid flow An Energy Approach to Rock Slope Stability Analysis, Differentiation of Noisy Experimental Data for Interpre- Onset of Transition for Cohesive and Viscous Granular Matthew Mauldon, Scott Arwood and Christopher D tation of Nonlinear Stress-Strain Behavior, Xiang- Flows, Hayley Shen and Jan-Olov Aidanpaii, EM Oct Pionke, EM Apr. 98, p395-404 Song Li, Jun Yang and Hanlong Liu, EM July 98 98, p1073-1079 p705-712 Error analysis Flutter Corrected Solution of Clamped Ring Plate with Edge Finite element method Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active Point Load, S. Boedo and V. C. Prantil, EM June 98, Applications of FEM on Free and Forced Vibration of Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- p696-697 Laminated Shells, Dipankar Chakravorty, P. K. Sinha and J. N. Bandyopadhyay, EM Jan. 98, p1-8 Estimating Force Kriagnidn g Masofa ru LoHgonsohrimyaal, StEoMc hNaosvt.i c 98,F iepl1d,1 75S-h1i1g8e4r u Noda CouJs.pa ltGuerrdaa theaHdme ,a Mte-dMEioMa i,sO tctuY.r. e-9ZA8h,i oru p,1 0Tr9R.a0 n-sK1f.0e r9 N9. in D.D eRfaojrampaabklsee Uann-d NewE duSaeridsom icK ausTeels,t inEg M MeMtahoyd . 98, I:p 5F6u5n-d5a7m0e ntal Concepts, Estimation Cyclic Elastoplastic Large Deflection Analysis of Thin New Seismic Testing Method. Il: Proof for MDOF Sys- Estimation of Conditional Non-Gaussian Translation Sto- Steel Plates, Shigeru Banno, Iraj H. P. Mamaghani, tems, Eduardo Kausel, EM May 98, p571-575 chastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya, Shigeru Noda and Tsutomu Usami and Eiji Mizuno, EM Apr. 98, p363- Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Helical Hiroshi Inada, EM Apr. 98, p435-445 370 Cardiac Leads, Wei Jiang and Ton-Lo Wang, EM Jan Safety Estimation Method for Structures with Cumulative Deflections, Vibrations, and Stability of Pair of Leaning 98, p80-86 StrDucatmuargale , DaVmitatgorei o DGeutseecltliao, n EfMro m NovI.n co9m8,p lept1e2 00an-d1 20N9oi sy pAr7c4h8e-s,7 53 Raymond H. Plaut and Aili Hou, EM July 98, Foundations ZMhoadnagl, ETMes t NoDva.t a, 98, S. p1S2. 80-L1aw2, 88 Z. Y. Shi and L. M FinCiytlei-nEdleerm enitn ChAananlnyesli s Floofw ,T raYnus veZrhasoe, LMi.f t Koeni thC irSchulaarrp ElasotitRoi ncs .p 5S3uI ,b sM-ua5rr4f6ka ceT . SHtarnessso n Anaanldy siIsg ustfio r W.C irPcuujlaa,r EFMo unMdaa-y Excitation and Ken James, EM Oct. 98, p1151-1164 Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- Exact Stationary Response Solutions of Six Classes of Interference Assemblies, R. R. Little, G. R. Frederick and tions. IT, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Nonlinear Stochastic Systems under Stochastic Para- B. K. Park, EM Jan. 98, p41-45 98, p547-555 metric and External Excitations, Rubin Wang and Zhi- Mechanical Behavior of Concrete under Physical- kang Zhang, EM Jan. 98, p18-23 Chemical Attacks, Anna Saetta, Roberto Scotta and Fourier series Investigation of Tuned Liquid Dampers under Large Am- Renato Vitaliani, EM Oct. 98, p1 100-1109 Interference Assemblies, R. R. Little, G. R. Frederick and plitude Excitation, Dorothy Reed, Jinkyu Yu, Harry Threshold Between Smooth and Wavy Laminar Sheet B. K. Park, EM Jan. 98, p41-45 Yeh and Sigurdur Gardarsson, EM Apr. 98, p405-413 Flow, Jin Hu and Hans J. Leutheusser, EM Apr. 98, Fourier transform LQG/LTR Control Methodology in Active Structural p371-376 Moving Loads on a Plate on Elastic Foundation, Seong- Control, Li-Teh Lu, Wei-Ling Chiang and Jhy-Pyng Two-Step Identification Approach for Damped Finite El- Min Kim and Jose M. Roesset, EM Sept. 98, p1010- Tang, EM Apr. 98, p446-454 ement Models, T. Herrmann and H. J. Pradlwarter, EM 1017 Reliability-Based Approach to Linear Covariance Control June 98, p639-647 Design, Richard V. Field, Jr. and Lawrence A. Berg- Finite elements Fractal analysis man, EM Feb. 98, p193-199 Size Dependence of Strength and Fracture Properties of SpeBc.t raZ.l ZeIlddeinnt ifaincdat iPo.n D. of SpNaononsl,i neaErM SJturlyu ct9u8r, alp 72S8y-s7t3e3m s ComSApmnaatlrolni-inSogt raHiuTne rwtoaF ,E AElCgMood re,iSe tphtAm. nst 9o8n,ti oo p 9A3Rd9od-d 9r4iL8ga uregze- FeSrtrraainn s antdo CBhriicaki a Maansdo nPriyet roW aBlolcsc,a , AlEbeMr toA ugC.a rp9i7n,t epr8i1, 6-B8e2r2n ardino Expansion joints Layerwise Composite Plate Analysis Using an Element Fracture mechanics Dynamics of Seismic Pounding at Expansion Joints of Template Methodology, Weimin Xiao and George E Analysis of Rotating Crack Model, Milan Jiraések and Concrete Bridges, Praveen K. Malhotra, EM July 98 Blandford, EM May 98, p587-590 Thomas Zimmermann, EM Aug. 98, p842-851. p794-802 On Stability of Multitime Step Integration Procedures, Crack Growth Analysis in Reinforced Concrete Using Experimental data pM7a8r3e-k7 93K lisinski and Annika Mostrém, EM July 98 pB9E4M9, -95A8. L. Saleh and M. H. Aliabadi, EM Sept. 98, Differentiation of Noisy Experimental Data for Interpre- tation of Nonlinear Stress-Strain Behavior, Xiang- Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending, Fracture Mechanism in Cement-Based Materials Subject- Song Li, Jun Yang and Hanlong Liu, EM July 98 Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, ed to Compression, Sokhwan Choi and Surendra P p705-712 p818-825 Shah, EM Jan. 98, p94-102 Failures RotMaitlianng JCirraacske k Maondde l Thwoimtah s TrZainmsimteiromn anton ,S calEaMr DMaarm.a g9e8 , RotMaitlianng CJirraacske k Maondde l Thwoimtah s TrZanismimteiornm atnon ,S calEaMr DMaarm.a ge98,, Ductility of Steel Short Cylinders in Compression and p277-284 p277-284 Bending, Shengbin Gao, Tsutomu Usami and Hanbin Ge, EM Feb. 98, p176-183 Tire Contact Using Two-Dimensional Finite Elements, Fracture strength James M. Greer, Jr. and Anthony N. Palazotto, EM Falling bodies Mar. 98, p348-357 Behavior and Strength of Laminated Glass, H. Scott Nor- ville, Kim W. King and Jason L. Swofford, EM Jan Gravitational Fall Velocity of Sphere in Viscous Fluid Flexure 98, p46-53 Tsang-Jung Chang and Ben Chie Yen, EM Nov. 98, pl193-1199 Generalized Warping Torsion Formulation, Mauro Size Dependence of Strength and Fracture Properties of Schulz and Filip C. Filippou, EM Mar. 98, p339-347 Brick Masonry Walls, Alberto Carpinteri, Bernardino Fatigue Chiaia and Pietro Bocca, EM Aug. 97, p816-822 Floating ice Bounding Surface Models Applied to Fatigue of Plain Concrete, Anna Pandolfi and Alberto Taliericio, EM Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part- Fractures May 98, p556-564 Through Cracks. I: Theory, Zdenék P. BaZant and Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1310-1315 by Particle System, Zhengzhi Li and Zdenék P. BaZant, Contitc inDuaumma geD amGargowet h,M ecBhaaindiucrsy-aB aBsheadt taMcohdaerly a ofa nSdt oBchrausc-e Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part EM Jan. 98 p69-79 Ellingwood, EM Sept. 98, p1000-1009 Through Cracks. Il: Results, Zdenék P. BazZant and Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1316-1324 Structures, Jeeho Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM Fatigue life Aug. 98, p892-900 Floating structures Efficient Algorithm for Fatigue Life Calculations Under Broad Band Loading Based on Peak Approximation, Analysis of Floating Roofs by ODE-Solver Method, Si Fracturing Pengmin Li, Banghua Zhao and Junmao Yan, EM Yuan, Jianlin Wang and Hongzhi Zhong, EM Oct. 98 Size Dependence of Strength and Fracture Properties of Feb. 98, p233-236 p1129-1134 Brick Masonry Walls, Alberto Carpinteri, Bernardino Fiber composites Floes Chiaia and Pietro Bocca, EM Aug. 97, p816-822 Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Post-Local Buckled Fi- Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated Frames cbhriobuasl dC oNm.p oSshietrebo urBneea,m s, EMM oJhulaym m98a,d p7Z5.4 -K7a6b4i r and Ar- bEMy PaJratn.i cl9e8 , Syps6t9e-m7,9 Zhengzhi Li and Zdenék P. Bazant Locjaeclt atnod EMaordtahlq uaDkaesm,a geH . InUdgiucra torKso ylfioirg lRu,C FSorraemne s RS ub- Fiber reinforced materials Flow NDeice.l se9n8,, pJ1a3mi7s1o-n1 379A bbott and Ahmet §. Cahmak, EM Reliability of Linear Viscoelastic Systems Excited by a Rheological Equations in Asymptotic Regimes of Granu- Gaussian Process, G.A maniampong and S. T. Ariarat- lar Flow, Cheng-lung Chen and Chi-Hai Ling, EM Free surfaces nam, EM Mar. 98, p245-251 Mar. 98, p301-310 Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Viscous Wavefields Fibers Flow rates GHeuannegr,a tedE n-Cbhye ngP isZthoann-gT ypaen d JWaawv-eFmaankge r,L ee, ChEiMn g-OJcetr Confined Concrete Subjected to Uniaxial Monotonic Onset of Transition for Cohesive and Viscous Granular 98, pl 110-1120 Loading, Thomas G. Harmon, Seetharaman Ramak- Flows, Hayley Shen and Jan-Olov Aidanpaa, EM Oct rishnan and Edward H. Wang, EM Dec. 98, p1303- 98, p1073-1079 Frequencies 1309 Fluid dynamics On Stability of Multitime Step Integration Procedures, SoliLteaornyi d WavSleesp yani,n FlVeixaibclhee,s lavA rbitKrraryyl ov Elasatnidc HPehliilxi,p FreSeh elVlsi,b raCt.i onWse idiouf , FlHu.i d-JF. ilDliendg , OrY.t hoMt.r opGiuc o Caynldi ndQr.i caDl pM7a8r3e-k7 93K lisinski and Annika Mostrém, EM July 98, Rosenau, EM Sept. 98, p966-970 Yang, EE Nov. 97, p1130-1133 Frequency response Field tests A Primer on Design of Semiactive Vibration Absorbers Experimental Calibration of Bifurcation Superstructure of Optically Powered Electrical Accelerometer and Its Field (SAVA), W. N. Patten, C. Mo, J. Kuehn andJ . Lee, Nonlinear System, H. Lin and S. C. S. Yim, EM Apr Testing, MariaQ . Feng, EM May 98, p513-516 EM Jan. 98, p61-68 98 p47 1-475 FRICTION 1998 ANNUAL INDEX Friction Heating Impulsive loads Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge Viscous Heating of Fluid Dampers. I: Small- — Effect of Panel Stiffness on Resistance of Cladding Bearings, Osama Hamzeh, Eric B. Becker and John L Motions, Nicos Makris, EM Nov. 98, p1210-12 Panels to Blast Loading, Youguang Pan and Alan Wat- Tassoulas, EM Feb. 98, p240-242 Viscous Heating of Fluid Dampers. Il: Large-Amplitude son, EM Apr. 98, p414-421 Young’s Modulus Interpreted from Compression Tests Motions, Nicos Makris, Yiannis Roussos, Andrew S Inclusions with End Friction, K. T.C hau, EM Jan. 97, p1-7 Whittaker and James M. Kelly, EM Nov. 98, p1217- Antiplane Interaction of a Crack with a Circular Inclusion Friction coefficient, hydraulic 1223 in an Elastic Half-Plane, Ching-Kong Chao and Threshold Between Smooth and Wavy Laminar Sheet Helixes Ching-Wen Young, EM Feb. 98, p167-175 Flow, Jin Hu and Hans J. Leutheusser, EM Apr. 98, Solitary Waves in Flexible, Arbitrary Elastic Helix, Circular Inclusion in Half-Plane: Effect of Boundary p371-376 Leonid Slepyan, Viacheslav Krylov and Philip Conditions, A. Al-Ostaz, I. Jasiuk and M. Lee, EM Gaussian process Rosenau, EM Sept. 98, p966-970 SolMuatri.o ns9 8, ofp 2M9u3l-t3i0l0a yer Inclusion Problems Under Uni- Frequency-Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Helical form Field, Xing-Hua Zhao and W. F. Chen, EM Feb Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and Cardiac Leads, Wei Jiang and Ton-L » Wang, EM Jan 98, p209-216 M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 98, p80-86 Inelastic action Random Response to Periodic Excitation with Correlated High strength concretes pDDiilsm1te0un1rt-bb1ae1nrc0eg8s , anZdh ikuMno hHaomum, adY unsNhoeonr i, ZhoEuM, MiNokvh.a il 96F, ReluMimaabnyis l,i 9t8y,S ofpAi5sa2s 9eM-s.5s 3m6eC .n t Dinofi z Hiangdh -SDtarne ngMt.h FCroanncgroeptoel , CEolM- Exp9Peo2ru0il meVn.t aLla deSt uadnyd oCf hiD-rTasienendg CLriue,e p EMB ehaAvugi.o r 98,o f pS9a1n2d-, Reliability of Linear Viscoelastic Systems Excited by a Inertia Gnaamu,s siEaMn PMraro.c es9s8,, pG2.4A5 -m2a5n1i ampong and S. T. Ariarat- Shrs9i8on,n kapWg7ee6i 5s-sC,7r 7a4cW keiin g Yaofn gR esatnrda iSnuerd enCdornac reP.t e ShSalha,b s,E MW . JuJlay- Statcilicc aDnids plDaycneammeintc, BWeheanvsihouri oGf anS teealn d BrJaochens F. HUanldle,r CEyM- Simulation of Stationary Non-Gaussian Translation Proc- Jan. 98, p87-93 esses, Mircea Grigoriu, EM Feb. 98, p121-226 Hinges Interactions Geology DynCaonmcircest e ofB riSdegiessm,i c PrPaovuenedni nKg. at MaElhxoptaran,s ioEnM JJoiunltys 98o,f Antiplane Interaction of a Crack with a Circular Inclusion High-Gradient Modeling for Love Wave Propagation in p794-802 in an Elastic Half-Plane, Ching-Ke ong Chao and Geological Materials, Ching S. Chang, Jian Gao and Ching-Wen Young, EM Feb. 98 pl67- Xiaoxiong Zhong, EM Dec. 98, p1354-1359 Humidity Interface shear Geometry Mechanical Behavior of Concrete under Physical- Mechanics of Bond and Interface Shear Transfer in Opti- FreMe. ViLbireawt,i oSn. AKniatliypsoirsnc hoafi Thaincdk C.S upWe.r elLiipmt,i caElM PlFaetbe.s , 98K, CRheneamtioc alV itaAltitanaic,k s,E M AnOncta. 9S8a,e ttpa1, 10R0o-b1e1r0t9o Scotta and cAaplr . Fi9b8e,r p3Se8n5s-o3rs9,4 Farhad Ansari and Yuan Libo, EM p137-145 Hydrodynamic pressure Piecewise Linear Warping Theory for Multilayered Elas- Geometrical, Mechanical, and Structural Adaptation of Experimental Study of Small Scale Dam Models, A tic Beams, Q. H. Zuo and K. D. Hjelmstad, EM Apr Mouse Femora Exposed to Different Loadings, C Ghobarah and M. Ghaemian, EM Nov. 98, pi241- 98, p377-384 Le”ee)v y, M. Perl and K. R. Gordon, EM Feb. 98, p217- 1248 Interfaces Hydrodynamics Interface Behavior in Steel Fiber/Cement Composites Glass under Tension, Yixin Shao, Chengsheng Ouyang and Behavior and Strength of Laminated Glass, H. Scott Nor- EarAtrhbiqturaakrey- InSdecutcieodn , SMliocshhaienlg iIns aaVcesrotni cala ndC onCthauinnge-rS onof Surendra P. Shah, EM Sept. 98, p1037-1044 ville, Kim W. King and Jason L. Swofford, EM Jan Ryu, EM Feb. 98, p158-166 Model for Viscous “Walking” of Elastomeric Bridge 98, p46-53 Bearings, Osama Hamzeh, Eric B. Becker and John L Frequency-Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in Tassoulas, EM Feb. 98, p240-242 Granular materials Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and Experimental Study of Drained Creep Behavior of Sand, M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 PlaMsatteirci-aDlasm, ageA nthMoondye l D. forJ effIenrtseornf,a cesE M in JulCye me9n8,t itpi7o7u5s- 9Po2u0l V. Lade and Chi-Tseng Liu, EM Aug. 98, p912- Hydrostatic pressure 782 Ons9Fe8lt,o wpso1,f 0 7TH3raa-yn1ls0ei7yt9 i oSnh enfo r anCdo heJsainv-eO lova nd AiVdiasncpoauas, GErMa nuOlcatr ExpG1eh2ro4i8bm aernatha l anSdt udMy. oGf haSemmailaln , ScaElMe DNaovm. M9o8d, elps1,2 41A- Sol9fu8ot,ri mop n2sF0 i9e-olfd2 ,1 6Mu Xlitnigl-aHyeura IZnhcalou siaonnd PW.r obFl. emCsh en,U nderE M UFneib- Granular media Ice sheets Interferometry RhelMoaarlr o. gFil9co8aw,l, p3ECq0hu1ea-nt3gi1-o0nl su ngin ACshyemnp toatnidc CRheig-iHmaeis Loifn gG,r anEuM- AcobEuyMs t PiacJra tn.iE cml9ei8 s,sS iypos6nt9se- m7,9i n ZFhreancgtzurhiin g LiS eaan d IcZed ePnléatke SP.i mBualzaatnetd, IntuSenrudfraecere n dTreBanesP hia.ov nSi,hoa rh ,Y ixiEni Mn StSSeehepalto ., F98iC,b heeprn1/g0Cs3ehm7ee-nn1gt0 44O Cuoymapnogs itaensd Gravity Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on Elastic Mod- Internal pressure uli of Thin Ice Plates, Alex A. Elvin, Jerome J. Connor Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under Gravitational Fall Velocity of Sphere in Viscous Fluid, and Dong H. Choi, EM Jan. 98, p54-60 Dynamic Loads, Marwan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek, Tsang-Jung Chang and Ben Chie Yen, EM Nov. 98, EM June 98, p648-657 pl193-1199 Identification Sleeved Cone-Cylinder Intersection Under Internal PRes- Ground motion Adaptive H. Filter: Its Application to Structural Iden- sure, J. G. Teng and B. Gabriel, EM Sept. 98, p971- Closed-Form Solutions for the Response of Linear Sys- tpi1f2ic3a3ti-o1n2, 40T adanobu Sato and Kai Qi, EM Nov. 98, 980 tems to Nonstationary Earthquake Excitation, B.-F Interpolation Peng and J. P. Conte, EM June 98, p684-694 Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Dyntiaomn,i cAs. oPfo mRpiegii,d BAl. ocSkc alDiuae antod HMo.r izAo.n tSaul mbGartoyuannd, MEoM- pSt1r5u2c-t1ur5e7s , K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98, Kriagnidn gM asofa ruL ogHnooshrimyaal, ESMto chNaosvt. ic 98, Fiepl!d,1 75-Sh1i1g8e4r u Noda July 98, p713-717 Damage Identification Through Regularization Method I Intersections GExupyfeo rr iwiEmlreaensstt aicl CDaebtleesr,m inJa. tiCo.n R usosfe lFlr eaqnude ncT.i esJ. Laanrdd neTre,n siEoMn DaTmIlha:e goaer y, IdLe.n tGief icaatniLdo.n T .GeTT . h raSoonuogdnhgT ,. RTE.e Mgu SloJaoarnni.g z,a9 t8i,Eo Mnp 10JM3aen-.t1 h0o898d , Sle9se8uv0re ed , CJo.nG .e -CTyelnign dearn d InB.t erGsaebcrtiieol,n UEnMde r SepItn.t ern9a8,l PpR9e7s1-- Oct. 98, p1067-1072 p109-1 Isolators Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems Elastomeric Materials Used for Vibration Isolation of Half space Using Wavelets, Yoshihiro Kitada, EM Oct. 98, Railway Lines, A. Castellani, G. Kajon, P. Panzeri and Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- p1059-1066 P. Pezzoli, EM June 98, p614-621 tions. I, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May 98, p537-546 Spectral Identification of Nonlinear Structural Systems, Isotropic material Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- B. Z. Zeldin and P. D. Spanos, EM July 98, p728-733 Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Founda- tions. I], Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May Two-Step Identification Approach for Damped Finite El- tions. Il, Mark T. Hanson and Igusti W. Puja, EM May 98, p547-555 ement Models, T. Herrmann and H. J. Pradlwarter, EM 98, p547-555 June 98, p639-647. Hardness Iteration VisDFcryoanunascm oiicHssa ,rT doeunJtiélnregém moenP dlaesS,te ircEictoMym bfSeeo,pr t .C For9n8ac,nr zep-t1Jeo0 s5e0ifn- 1H0Ui5gl7hm - Raatned UpdAIapdtern.it nig9f i8a,Mb iopld4iet6yl3,s- 4L6a.7 n dS . ThKeaitra fyUgnicoetrtiasi ntaiensd. J.P La.r t BIelc: k,M odEeMl Latbcerhroaiulbs- aTloCrdoNsm i.po onSsahilet reb oBuuBrcenkael,mi sn,g E MM ooJfhu layPm osm9t8a,- dLo pc7aZ5l.4 -K7aB6bu4ic rk laendd AFri-- Heat transfer Impact Joints CouJs.pa ltGuerrdaa theaHdme ,a tMe-EdMMioai ,sO tcutY.r. e -9ZA8hi,o ru p,1 T0rR9a.0n -sK1f.e0 r9 N9. in D.D eRfaojrampaabklsee Uann-d DynCpao7nm9ci4r-ce8st0 e2 ofB riSdegiessm,i c PrPaovuenedni nKg. aMta lEhoxtpraan,s ioEnM JJoiunltys 98o,f PlaM7sa8tt2ei rci-aDlasm, ageA nthMoondye l D. forJ effIenrtseornf,a cesE M in JulCye me9n8,t itpi7o7u5s- Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- Imperfections Kalman filter mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D. Q. Yang, H. Hyperbolic Cooling Towers with Bulge Imperfections, P Two-Step Identification Approach for Damped Finite El- Rahardjo, E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, N. Godbole, M. N. Viladkar and A. Tankha, EM Nov ement Models, T. Herrmann and H. J. Pradlwarter, EM p1331-1338 98, p1269-1279 June 98, p639-647 SUBJECT INDEX NOISE Kinematics Stochastic Analysis of Load Combination, Claudio Present Status of Second-Order Closure Turbulence Frequency-Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in Floris, EM Sept. 98, p929-938 Models. I: Overview, S. Y. Jaw andC . J. Chen, EM Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and Load combinations May 98, p485-501 M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 Large Deflection of Reissner-Mindlin Plates on Elastic Model analysis Kriging Foundations, Hui-Shen Shen, EM Oct. 98, p1080- Present Status of Second-Order Closure Turbulence Kriging of Lognormal Stochastic Field, Shigeru Noda 1089 Models. I: Overview, S. Y. Jaw and C. J. Chen, EM and Masaru Hoshiya, EM Nov. 98, p1175-1184 Stochastic Analysis of Load Combination, Claudio May 98, p485-501 Laboratory tests Floris, EM Sept. 98, p929-938 Model verification Investigation of Tuned Liquid Dampers under Large Am- Loading Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part II: plitude Excitation, Dorothy Reed, Jinkyu Yu, Harry Efficient Algorithm for Fatigue Life Calculations Under Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Yeh and Sigurdur Gardarsson, EM Apr 98, p405-413 Broad Band Loading Based on Peak Approximation, Cichon, EM June 98, p603-613 Laminar flow FPeebn. gm9i8,n p2L3i3, -2B3a6n ghua Zhao and Junmao Yan, EM Modeling Threshold Between Smooth and Wavy Laminar Sheet Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Under Mov- Flow, Jin Hu and Hans J. Leutheusser, EM Apr. 98, Loading rate ing Loads, Fuheng Yang and Ghislain A. Fonder, EM p371-376 Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model of Asphalt Con- July 98, p741-747 crete with Healing, Hyun-Jong Lee and Y. Richard High-Gradient Modeling for Love Wave Propagation in Laminates Kim, EM Nov. 98, p1224-1232 Geological Materials, Ching S. Chang, Jian Gao and AppLlaimciantaiotnesd oSfh elFlsE,M Diopn anFkraere Cahnadk raFvoorrcteyd, VPi.b rKa.t ioSni nhoaf Loads Xiaoxiong Zhong, EM Dec. 98, p1354-1359 and J. N. Bandyopadhyay, EM Jan. 98, p1-8 Moving Loads on a Plate on Elastic Foundation, Seong- Seismic Response of SDOF Systems by Wavelet Model- Min Kim and Jose M. Roesset, EM Sept. 98, p1010- ing of Nonstationary Processes, Biswajit Basu and Behavior and Strength of Laminated Glass, H. Scott Nor- 1017 Vinay K. Gupta, EM Oct. 98, p1142-1150. ville, Kim W. King and Jason L. Swofford, EM Jan 98, p46-53 Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part I Structural Damage Detection from Incomplete and Noisy Theory, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Cichoi, EM Modal Test Data, S. S. Law, Z. Y. Shi and L. M Blast Loads Versus Point Loads: The Missing Factor, June 98, p591-602 Zhang, EM Nov. 98, p1280-1288 Eduardo Kausel, EM Feb. 98, p243-244 Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part II Use of Porosity in Models of Consolidation, Mariusz Dynamic Instability of Laminates Subjected to Tempera- Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Kaczmarek and Tomasz Hueckel, EM Feb. 98, p237- ture Field, M. Ganapathi and M. Touratier, EM Oct Cichof, EM June 98, p603-613 239 98, p1 166-1168 Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Vis- Modeis Laplace transform cous Loads, Kurtis R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem, EM Present Status of Second Order Closure Turbulence Mod- In-Plane Transient Responses of Arch with Variable Cur- May 98, p582-586 els. Il: Applications, S. Y. Jaw and C. J. Chen, EM vature Using Dynamic Stiffness Method, Chiung- Sleeved Cone-Cylinder Intersection Under Internal PRes- May 98, p502-512 Shiann Huang, Yi-Ping Tseng and Chia-Jung Lin, EM sure, J. G. Teng and B. Gabriel, EM Sept. 98, p971- Present Status of Second-Order Closure Turbulence Aug. 98, p826-835 980 Models. I: Overview, S. Y. Jaw and C. J. Chen, EM Lateral forces Localization May 98, p485-501 Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Post-Local Buckled Fi- Localization of Buckling Patterns in Cylinders under Cy- A Primer on Design of Semiactive Vibration Absorbers brous Composite Beams, Mohammad Z. Kabir and Ar- clic Loading, Yoshiaki Goto, C honghou Zhang and Ki- (SAVA), W. N. Patten, C. Mo, J. Kuehn andJ . Lee, chibald N. Sherbourne, EM July 98, p754-764 yohisa Ono, EM Nov. 98, p1249-12 EM Jan. 98, p61-68 Layered soils Rolling Resistance at Contacts in Sientetion of Shear Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. Part Il: Model Band Development by DEM, Kazuyoshi Iwashita and Identifiability, L. S. Katafygiotis and J. L. Beck, EM High-Gradient Modeling for Love Wave Propagation in Masanobu Oda, EM Mar. 98, p286-292 Apr. 98, p463-467 Geological Materials, Ching S. Chang, Jian Gao and Xiaoxiong Zhong, EM Dec. 98, p1354-1359 Structural Damage Detection from —— and Noisy Moisture Modal Test Data, S. S. Law, Z. Y. Shi and L. M Layered systems Zhang, EM Nov. 98, p1280-1288 Coupled Heat-Moisture-Air Transfer in Deformable Un- saturated Media, Y. Zhou, R. K. N. D. Rajapakse and Analysis of a Layered Viscoelastic System with Tran- Machine foundations J. Graham, EM Oct. 98, p1090-1099 sient Temperatures, Sun Woo Park and Y. Richard Kim, EM Feb. 98, p Vibration Isolation of Machine Foundations by Periodic Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- Trenches, Muhammad A. Hawwa, EM Apr. 98, p422- mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D. Q. Yang, H. Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect 427 Rahardjo, E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar p1331-1338 98, p311-318 Markov chains Piecewise Linear Warping Theory for Multilayered Elas- Safety Estimation Method for Structures with Cumulative Moisture content tic Beams, Q. H. Zuo and K. D. Hjelmstad, EM Apr Damage, Vittorio Gusella, EM Nov. 98, p1200-1209 One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement in Con- 98, p377-384 Markov process cLreee tea,n dJ .RS .. PF.o pAonvdirces,, EW.M SDeocn. g,98 J,. Kp.1 3A4c6h-e1n3b5a3c k, J. H Three-Dimensional Vibrations of Layered Piezoelectric Reliability of Nonlinear Structural Frame Under Seismic Cylinders, Manar Hussein and Paul Heyliger, EM Nov Excitation, G. Q. Cai and Y. K. Lin, EM Aug. 98, Monte Carlo method 98, p1294-1298 p852-856 Simulation of Stationary Non-Gaussian Translation Proc- Least squares method Materials testing esses, Mircea Grigoriu, EM Feb. 98, p121-226 Two-Step Identification Approach for Damped Finite El- Four-Stage Model for Predicting Creep Behavior, Robert Moorings ement Models, T. Herrmann and H. J. Pradlwarter, EM Geist, EM Jan. 98, p1 18-120 Experimental Calibration of Bifurcation Superstructure of LifJtu ne 98, p639-647 Mathematical models 9N8o,n lpi4n7e1a-r 47S5y stem, H. Lin and S. C. S. Yim, EM Apr Application of Wavelet Theory for Crack Identification in Finite-Element Analysis of Transverse Lift on Circular Structures, K. M. Liew and Q. Wang, EM Feb. 98, Multistory buildings Cylinder in Channel Flow, Yu Zhao, M. Keith Sharp p152-157 Nonlinear Structural Control Using Neural Networks, and Ken James, EM Oct. 98, p! 151-1164 Coupled Model for Heat, Moisture, Air Flow, and Defor- Khaldoon Bani-Hani and Jamshid Ghaboussi, EM Limit analysis mation Problems in Unsaturated Soils, D.Q . Yang, H Mar. 98, p319-327 Sleeved Cone-Cylinder Intersection Under Internal PRes- Rahardjo, E. C. Leong and V. Choa, EM Dec. 98, Natural frequency sure, J. G. Teng and B. Gabriel, EM Sept. 98, p971- p1331-1338 Experimental Determination of Frequencies and Tension 980. Membrane reinforcement for Elastic Cables, J. C. Russell and T. J. Lardner, EM Linear systems Hyperbolic Cooling Towers with Bulge Imperfections, P Oct. 98, p1067-1072 Clotseemsd -Fotor m NonSsoltuattiioonnsa ryf or Etahre thRqeusapkoen seE xcoift atLiionne,a r BS.y-sF- 9N.8 , Gpo1d2b6o9l-e,1 27M9. N. Viladkar and A. Tankha, EM Nov NNuamveireirc-aSlt okSeism uleaqtuiaotni onosf Nonlinear Viscous Wavefields Peng and J. P. Conte, EM June 98, p684-694 Microstructure Generated by Piston-Type Wavemaker, Ching-Jer Reliability of Linear Viscoelastic Systems Excited by a Rolling Resistance at Contacts in Simulation of Shear Huang, En-Cheng Zhang and Jaw-Fang Lee, EM Oct. Gaussian Process, G.A maniampong and S. T. Ariarat- Band Development by DEM, Kazuyoshi Iwashita and 98, p1110-1120 nam, EM Mar. 98, p245-251 Masanobu Oda, EM Mar. 98, p286-292 Neural networks SeiiVsnimgni acy o fR Ke.N sopGnousnptstaaet, i oonEf aMrS yD OOctF.P ro9Sc8ey,ss stpees1m,1s 4 2-bBiy1s 1w5Waa0jv ietl etB asMuo dealn-d Sol9fu8ot,ri mop n2sF 0i9eo-lfd2 ,1 M6u Xlitnigl-aHyeura IZnhcalou siaonnd PWr. obFl.e mCsh enU,n dEerM UFneib- NonMKlahiran.le da9ro8 o,n Spt3r1uB9cat-nu3ir2-a7Hl a niC ontarnodl JUasmisnhgi d NeuGrhaalb ousNseit,w orkEsM, Liquids Modal analysis Noise EarAtrhbiqturaakrey- InSdecutcieodn , SMliocshhaienlg iIns aaVcesrotni cala ndC oCnthauinnge-rS onof Twoe-mSentte p MoIddeelntsi,f icTa.t iHoen rrAmpapnrno acahn d fHo.r JD. aPmrpaedldw arFtienri,t e EEMl- Differentiation of Noisy Experimental Data for Interpre- Ryu, EM Feb. 98, p158-166 June 98, p639-647 tation of Nonlinear Stress-Strain Behavior, Xiang- Song Li, Jun Yang and Hanlong Liu, EM July 98, Live loads Model accuracy p705-712 Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Under Mov- Present Status of Second Order Closure Turbulence Mod- Process Noise and Optimum Observation in Conditional ing Loads, Fuheng Yang and Ghislain A. Fonder, EM els. Il: Applications, S. Y. Jaw and C. J. Chen, EM Stochastic Fields, Masaru Hoshiya and Ikumasa July 98, p741-747 May 98, p502-512 Yoshhida, EM Dec. 98, p1325-1330. 1399 NOISE MEASUREMENT 1998 ANNUAL INDEX Noise measurement Nonlinear Structural Control Using Neural Networks, Penetration resistance Damage Identification Through Regularization Method I Khaldoon Bani-Hani and Jamshid Ghaboussi, EM Analysis of Penetration Resistance of Concrete, Vladimir Theory, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, p103-108 Mar. 98, p319-327 M. Gold and George C. Vradis, EM Mar. 98, p328- Damage Identification Through Regularization Method Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Viscous Wavefields 338 Il: Applications, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, Generated by Piston-Type Wavemaker, Ching-Jer Periodic functions pl09-116 Huang, En-Cheng Zhang and Jaw-Fang Lee, EM Oct 98, p1110-1120 Exact Method for Static and Natural Vibration Analyses Nondestructive measurement of Bi-Periodic Structures, C. W. Cai, H. C. Chan and Mechanics of Bond and Interface Shear Transfer in Opti- Offshore platforms Y. K. Cheung, EM Aug. 98, p836-841 cal Fiber Sensors, Farhad Ansari and Yuan Libo, EM Frequency-Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in Perturbation Apr. 98, p385-394 Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 Large Deflection of Reissner-Mindlin Plates on Elastic Nondestructive tests Foundations, Hui-Shen Shen, EM Oct. 98, p1080- Acoustic Emissions in Fracturing Sea Ice Plate Simulated Stochastic Response of Offshore Platforms by Statistical 1089 bEyM PaJratn.i cl9e8 ,S yps6t9e-m7,9 Zhengzhi Li and Zdenék P. BaZant, CCuhbainc-izGahteieo n,K oh,X iaEoM- MOicntg. 95L,i ,p 10S5e6r--1T0o6n8g. Quek and Piezoelectricity Three-Dimensional Vibrations of Layered Piezoelectric Fracture Mechanism in Cement-Based Materials Subject- Offshore structures Cylinders, Manar Hussein and Paul Heyliger, EM Nov ed to Compression, Sokhwan Choi and Surendra P Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Vis- 98, p1294-1298 Shah, EM Jan. 98, p94-102 cous Loads, Kurtis R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem, EM Guided Waves in Multilayered Plates for Internal Defect May 98, p582-586 Pitch Detection, Wei Yang and Tribikram Kundu, EM Mar Simulation of Ringing in Offshore Systems under Vis- 98, p311-318 Open channel flow cous Loads, Kurtis R. Gurley and Ahsan Kareem, EM One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement in Con- Engelund’s Analysis of Turbulent Energy and Suspended May 98, p582-586 crete, J. S. Popovics, W. Song, J. K. Achenback, J. H Load, Yarko Nifio and Marcelo Garcia, EM Apr. 98, Water Wave Control by Submerged Pitching Porous Lee and R. F. Andre, EM Dec. 98, p1346-1353 p480-483 Plate, T. L. Yip and Allen T. Chwang, EM Apr. 98, Nonlinear analysis Open loop control systems p428-434 Four-Stage Model for Predicting Creep Behavior, Robert Open-Close Loop Active Control of Articulated Leg Plat- Planform Geist, EM Jan. 98, p1 18-120 form, B. P. Suneja and T. K. Datta, EM July 98, p734- Bending Solution for Thick Plates with Quadrangular Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns by 740 Boundary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- Cubic-Spline Function, Gary Gang Wang and Cheng- Openings 17 Tzu Thomas Hsu, EM July 98, p803-810 Dynamics of Multicell, Thin-Walled Beams with Regular Plastic deformation Nonlinear response Cutouts, D. Capuani, F. Laudiero and M. Savoia, EM Endochronic Theory of Continuum Damage Mechanics, Application of Fractional Calculus for Analysis of Non- June 98, p622-629 Han C. Wu and C. Komarakulnanakorn, EM Feb. 98, linear Damped Vibrations of Suspension Bridges, Yu- Optical fibers p200-208 riy A. Rossikhin and Marina V. Shitikova, EM Sept 98, p1029-1036 Optically Powered Electrical Accelerometer and Its Field Plastic theory Testing, Maria Q. Feng, EM May 98, p513-516 Plastic-Damage Model for Interfaces in Cementitious Nonlinear systems Materials, Anthony D. Jefferson, EM July 98, p775- Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Under Mov- Optimal control methods 782 ing Loads, Fuheng Yang and Ghislain A. Fonder, EM Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Deck Flutter by Active July 98, p741-747 Surfaces, K. Wilde and Y. Fujino, EM July 98, p718- Plasticity Exact Stationary Response Solutions of Six Classes of 727 Bounding Surface Models Applied to Fatigue of Plain Nmeotnrliicn eaarn d SEtxotcehransatli c ExSciytsatteimonss , unRduebri n StWoachnags tiacn d PaZrhai-- Optimization CMoanyc re9t8e, , p5A5n6n-a5 64P andolfi and Alberto Taliericio, EM kang Zhang, EM Jan. 98, p18-23 Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. Part I: Baye- Plastic Buckling of Unanchored Roofed Tanks Under ExpNeornilmiennetaarl SCyasltiebmr,a tiHo.n Loifn Biafnudr cSa.t iCo.n SS. upYeirms,t ruEcMtu reA prof stiaafny gioSttaitsi,s tiEcMal AFprr.a m9e8w,o rpk4,5 5-J4.6 1L . Beck and L. S. Ka- DEyMn aJmuince 98L,o apds6,4 8-6M5a7r wan El-Bkaily and Ralf Peek, 98, p471-475 Orthotropic Plastic Collapse Analysis of T-Beams Under Bending Frequency-Domain Analysis of Offshore Platform in Free Vibrations of Fluid-Filled Orthotropic Cylindrical Mark S. Ellison and Edmundo Corona, EM Aug. 98, Non-Gaussian Seas, Ahsan Kareem, C. C. Hsieh and Shells, C. Weidiu, H. J. Ding, Y. M. Guo and Q. D p818-825 M. A. Tognarelli, EM June 98, p668-683 Yang, EE Nov. 97, p1130-1133 Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part I Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems Layerwise Composite Plate Analysis Using an Element Theory, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesllaw Cichofi, EM Using Wavelets, Yoshihiro Kitada, EM Oct. 98, Template Methodology, Weimin Xiao and George E June 98, p591-602 p1059- 1066 Blandford, EM May 98, p587-590 Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part Il Nonlinear Structural Control Using Neural Networks, Numerical Validation, Andrzej Winnicki and Czesltaw Khaldoon Bani-Hani and Jamshid Ghaboussi, EM Panels Cichofi, EM June 98, p603-613 Mar. 98, p319-327 Effect of Panel Stiffness on Resistance of Cladding Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Reliability of Nonlinear Structural Frame Under Seismic Panels to Blast Loading, Youguang Pan and Alan Wat- Structures, Jeeho Lee and Gregory L. Fenves, EM Excitation, G. Q. Cai and Y. K. Lin, EM Aug. 98, son, EM Apr. 98, p414-421 Aug. 98, p892-900 p852-856 Parameters Stress-Resultant Plasticity for Frame Structures, Sherif Spectral Identification of Nonlinear Structural Systems, Calculation of Elastodynamic Energy Parameter for El-Tawil and Gregory G. Deierlein, EM Dec. 98 B. Z. Zeldin and P. D. Spanos, EM July 98, p728-733 Plane Crack Prior to Kinking, Jui-Hung Chang and p1360-1370 Stochastic Response of Offshore Platforms by Statistical Chih-Bin Chen, EM Mar. 98, p268-276 Viscous Hardening Plasticity for Concrete in High-Rate Cubicization, Xiao-Ming Li, Ser-Tong Quek and Dynamics, Jér6me Sercombe, Franz-Josef Ulm and Chan-Ghee Koh, EM Oct. 95, p1056-1068 Particle motion Francois Toutlemonde, EM Sept. 98, p1050-1057 Numerical analysis GraTvsiatantgi-oJnuanlg FaClhla nVge loacnidt y Beonf SCphhieer e Yeinn, ViEsMc ousNo v.F lui98d, Plates Analysis of Penetration Resistance of Concrete, Vladimir p1193-1199 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- M. Gold and George C. Vradis, EM Mar. 98, p328- torovich Method, Si Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W 338 Passive control Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 Bending Analysis of Mindlin Plates by Extended Kan- Beam-Type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Comprised of Bending Solution for Thick Plates with Quadrangular torovich Method, Si Yuan, Yan Jin and Fred W Free-Free Beam, Keizi Kawazoe, Iwao Kono, Taday- Boundary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- Williams, EM Dec. 98, p1339-1345 oshi Aida, Toshihiko Aso and Kazushi Ebisuda, EM 17 Bending Solution for Thick Plates with Quadrangular Apr. 98, p476-479 Buckling of Unilaterally Constrained Infinite Plates, Boundary, K. M. Liew and J.-B. Han, EM Jan. 98, p9- Pavement condition Khaled W. Shahwan and Anthony M. Waas, EM Feb 17 One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement in Con- 98, p127-136 Lagrangian/Eulerian Description of Dynamic System, crete, J.S . Popovics, W. Song, J. K. Achenback, J. H Corrected Solution of Clamped Ring Plate with Edge Franco Bontempi and Lucia Faravelli, EM Aug. 98, Lee and R. F. Andre, EM Dec. 98, p1346-1353 Point Load, S. Boedo and V. C. Prantil, EM June 98, p901-911 p696-697 Plastic Model for Concrete in Plane Stress State. Part II: Peak values Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Supereliptical Plates, K CNiucmheorfi,c alE M VaJluindea ti9o8n,, p6A0n3d-r6z1ej3 Winnicki and Czesliaw EffBicrioeandt ABlagnodr itLhoma difnogr FBaatsiegdue oLni feP eaCakl cuAlpaptriooxnism atUinodne,r pM.1 37L-i1e4w5, S. Kitipornchai and C. W. Lim, EM Feb 98, Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation by DQEM, Pengmin Li, Banghua Zhao and Junmao Yan, EM Chang-New Chen, EM Dec. 98, p1381-1384 Feb. 98, p233-236 Large Deflection of Reissner-Mindlin Plates on Elastic Foundations, Hui-Shen Shen, EM Oct. 98, p1080- Numerical models Penetration 1089 Damage Identification Through Regularization Method Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part- Layerwise Composite Plate Analysis Using an Element Il: Applications, L. Ge and T. T. Soong, EM Jan. 98, Through Cracks. I: Theory, Zdenék P. Bazant and Template Methodology, Weimin Xiao and George E pl09-116 Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1310-1315 Blandford, EM May 98, p587-590 Investigation of Tuned Liquid Dampers under Large Am- Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part- Size Effect in Penetration of Sea Ice Plate with Part- plitude Excitation, Dorothy Reed, Jinkyu Yu, Harry Through Cracks. II: Results, Zdenék P. Bazant and Through Cracks. I: Theory, Zdenék P. Bazant and Yeh and Sigurdur Gardarsson, EM Apr. 98, p405-413 Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1316-1324 Jang Jay H. Kim, EM Dec. 98, p1310-1315 1400

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